PORT OF LYTTELTON. ARRIVALS. Wc,in-day. March 1.",. from Tir.iar'i. A. 11. 'J'limb nil and Co., l-lil., agents. Wal.ine. vs. , i;.i:» n.m.i. i-t:;r, t0,,-. I v.. in, from Wellington. I'liion Si earn Ship 1.'0., agents. tluliii'liili', »>. t S.U :i.nv ). tii'l tons. Cupl„iul.. from Timaru. k'ni-ey and Co., Lid., ' 'winj,'a'ui. 5..«. ((I.M a.m..1. '-':■!7B Inn', Low.;, from Timaru. I nion Steam Ship Co., agent?. Pakuia. 5... MJ.'.;i, p.m.). 70 1 tons Clark.,, from Tokr.niaru Cj; . Kinsev nml <'».. Ltd., a?enl«. S.orin. *.- IT.:!.", p.m. I, 711 t,,„«. Willinrns. from Wellington. A. 11. Tornlmll aml (',,.. Ltd., nimiN. DEPARTURES. \\ . <lti"-.Ja.v. March ).".. Halo. *.v. i I :.'.■)."» p.m.). •*.("> 7 ton'". liavies, fov Wellin-lon. ."V. H. Turn bill I nnil Co., 1.1 d.. «:reiit«. W'olmdale. x.x. C.U"> p.m.). (iSI tons, i,u|iland, for Wellington. Kinney and Co., Lid., njfr>nl«. Tee-,, ».<. f:i..",0 p.m.), S-I'j tnu«, Anderson, for Chatham Islands. Wahirio. ». CV-.'tl p.m.). 4 itfK ions. Irwm, for Wellington- I'nion Steam Ship f'» , adonis. VESSELS IN PORT. Ship. Berth. From. To. Pal, lira -Cattle J. Toknma ru M eikokopti Wiri-atui - No. <> W. Timaru A'i'4. Slnrm — So. G Y.itut \\?Ar\. ''Pit, EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Fox-ton. Knsiiin, this day (.No. Last). Canadian Victor, Wellington, tln.-> day (.7 West). Wellington, (his day '-' West), (lambi -ids,.', I'oi't Clialrocra, this day (:! West)'. I'oolla, 'l'lmam, this day ( 7 I'.iiM). Kapiti,' Wellington, this afternoon (not allotted). Wahiiir, Wellington. March 1,. Uyoka Muni, -CoK Chalmers, 17. John, Timaru, March 17. Wakaknra, H.M.rf., Akarou, Mai.h 17. KaiKiim. Wellington, -March IK. Opihi, 'i'imaru, March IS. \laui Pornare. Nine, March 1!). Waimiuino. Wellington, Maid, 21. Waiptiila. Timaru. March -I. Wniiuii, lOjne.din. March -'-'■ Taimii. Auckland, March ~ ; b I>p,mede. 11..M.5., Uanudin, Mai'li ".'I. Port Dunodin. lJu.ued.ii), -March -'■'•. Waikouaiti. Timaru, March 2-i. Vuetioiirii . IJunedin. -March "C. -\c,v Zealand. Wellington. March Jfl. Mi-iuari, Timaru. April ::. f Raiisi trine. Napier. A |j-i 1 -. Port l.Hinediii. Bluff. April -1. Port I'romauUe, Wellington, April J. Somerset, Tiniaru, April •" Wniiiemo, Wellington. April "• Canadian Leader. "Wellington. April '"• Kia (Ira. Wellington. April I'--0.-ari. Wellington. April in. Wirral. Vi'elliJiston, April. Canadian Corifiueroi.'. Wellington. May 7. Port. Hunter. Wellington, May 7. Ili'.ahine, Port Chalmers. May 1". PROJECTED DEPARTURES. faVtira. Wai';okopu. this day. W'in-at.i'. Wellington, this day. Kaniatira. Wcllinston. this day. I'oolla, Wellington, this clay. Storm. Kin ft". I his day. Canad ; a-i Victor. Drnedin. .March 17. Kapiti. Wansanui, Jlnrtli 17. Wsiliinfl. Wpllington. March 17. Dnihi, We 11 in','ton. Marcli I*. ,loli,i. Wolliu2t'»i. .March 17. Wakahura. 11."M.5.. Akaroa. Mar.h 1.1. Cambridge, Xaider. March 1,-j. Maui Poiuarc. Widlinaton. .Ma red I'n. Waimai-ino. IHiiiedin. .March 'J I . Kaiai'.-o Auckland. March ■_' l. AVainoitn. Wellington. 'J 1. 1.-.wika Macii. Wellinstoi). Marcli -JJ. \', ; aiiisi i . Wcllinston. .March -'l. Waiknuairi. "Bluff. .March 'JS. 'l'ainiti. Titnai-n. March 'J 4. Port huncdin. Tiniant. .March -i. Si>:v Zeahii.d. Jluneilir.. March -JO. Uan-itane. V.'elliiV-'ton. Ap-il o. M"amar:. Port Chalmers. April r,. Port l:'rcm;nt!e. Xev. Plymouth. Apr 1 1 «. Somerset. \Vt>U ! nsion. April 7. Waih'.-mo. liunedin. April .-. Canadian l-eader, Ditnedin. A.pril \". lirari. Diinodin. April 'JO. Wirral. Ituncdhi. April. Canadian Conquoror, ipinedin. Mac (*. Port Hunter. Timnru. May 9. CAMBRIDGE DLE TO-DAV. 'J'he l-'ederai Liiiß sttanier (lainPridge ia due at. l.yttclton to-day from I'ort Chaimeis fur further loading to the agency of the Mev. Zealand Shipping Company. The Cambridge nill complete at Xapinr and Wellington, and i=i to sail finally from Wellington on March '-.'l for Halifax. Southampton, Had London, via .Panama "and Curacao,
: The T'.M.lia is Li arriv liere tins m..ri,n.S from Timarn. Alter loadinz for Napier and liisborne she "ill s.iil via Weiline.troi. Thfi Wiiißßtui arrived hern ycswdaj "'"'"■ '»in; from iHincdin and T'msni, She i< lomtinir for Auckland, and is K. today via Wellington. The ltynka Main is an p\ pert,.,! arrival here to morion lj-om I'ni-l Chainlets She will commence loading lifr« a mtiMsnnieii! .if -Jimfi lons of *crap-ii'on for .laiiiin. and i< 1o *ml next, ueek :'or Wellington to rompl"io. The John is to arrive here tu-inorrou from I lie uoiilli. and will tnke in carxn for Wellington, New Plymouth, and WtiikaU'. Tin! I'u Uit r«i arrived ai l.itle'.inn yeairr- ■ lav from Tokomarn Kay vitl: sheep. She in to'sail today with ..ntu for Wpiknkopu and other Ka-t Co»i-t bay*, of the North lilanct. Tile Kaiinin) is lo commence loading hero at the end of the neck for A m-klnml direct. The. Waipiata i« .-.peeled ai l,ylt<"linn on Tuesdav from «onthoi'n polls m load lor Auckland. 'l'he Storm arrivei! here i.iM <-vcnin<; ima Wellington, and m to sail today for Bluff, Dtmerlin. Oain.vru, and Tiirm-u. The Matakanii van to lr-w, A-.leljanrt ye.-;-r«i-dnv for \\ ati-.-anui. She. in due at Welljnj;lon on March L'l'. anil sails on Thursday, March ■_■::, for Uliiff. VHSSKI.S WITH IX WIRELESS RANGE OF N.Z. The vessels Hie wnlun ramjc of I he. iinflsrint'itiorcl wircli'Pu s>ta ; ions : • • Auckland—Hninsi'.-iik, City of Conntli, Voi-llibank, (JuHit, Mariposa, Malai, Maui Pomaie, Melbourne Mam, New Zealand, I'ort Ihincdin, Vacuolir.e. AVellington -Akaica, Aoralr.'i, Bcninohr, Ka lingo, .Viamari, Middlesex. Monterey, Pit!i<n, I'ojl (jis .'oriie, fori M.arcly, J'ort Napier, llangatira, llam;itaf a, Rotorua, 'J'ltinui, Tamaiiine., Waliine. Aivaina A'd«.rnohi, Ymerie, Canadian. Victor, Kll it Opawa, rami. Port, .Pirie, U'.oka Mam, Waikouaiti, Wainni. THE WAIHEMO. j The l.'niiin Compimv's Waihemo. which left l.ov Angeles on \rarch 5, is due at Auckland on irm'rli .in. She will discharge lit Auckland. Napier. Wellington, l.vtiellon, Dune.lin, and Australian ports. THE CITY OF CAMBRIDGE. The Oily of, which lefl New York on February 'J". is due at. Auckland on April ft. She will discharge nt AriclcItirrl, Wellington, Lyttellon, am] J.hinedin. RANGITANE AT WELLINGTON. The New Zealand Shipping Company's inijfor liner Uangitane, from London, berthed ai, Wellington at '■> o'clock yesterday niorninr. SonHi I (lurid passengers will arrive at l.yile.lton by the ferry steamer this morning. SHI ITING TELEGRAMS. WELLINGTON, March 1m Arrive,], 'iiaiijjalii'*. (.7 it.tit.), from Lylteltmi; Tel-oa (IO.Mf) a.m.), from Nelson; Kiiiiiii i o f.j.00 p.m.), from Grcyinoutli; Jlolmglen (D.DO from LyttelioJi. Saiied, Catudiiui Victor (6.50 a.m.), for L.UleUon: Waipalii (1-.25 p.m.), lor Aueklaitd; Jtala p.m.l, for NVfislporfc;.' Taiiuti (1.1.j p.m.), foi- Auokiand; lianga'tii'a iT.uf) p.m.),' for tjMlelton. • "DUNKpIN, Marcb 15. Arrived, Op.nva (T. 15 a.m.),. from Lytinllun; "Waivdatii i'T.'.'o a.m.), fjom Lyttelton; Canadian Scotti-di (8.1.5 a.m.), from. L.vtiellon; A.ide'l-.-obr ffi.oO p.m.). from''LyfrteHon.■ Sailed, Waipiala, (V2AS p.m.), for Bluff; Cainbi id:;e 1-1 p.m.), tor LyUehoii; Calm (7, for T'lniai'u. BLUJTF, JUrch IS. Sailed, Pima flu a.m.), for Wellington.; N;;ah;ui f-..'!(.' p.m.), for LytleHoii. PASSENGERS BY ESPERANCE KAY. The fnilotvins' i.< a list of pass.enser= ivho left New Zealand lo join the Aberdeen and Common'.ealtU liner K?perance. Bay, y.iiicli left Sydney cm Saturday for "Luglaiul. .via'Ihe <nc/ Canal: -t'roiii Auuklanci: Mr . J-, Allan. Mrs K. Allan, Ali°s i:, .1. Campion, Miss A. Campion. Mr A. [■:. Heath. Mr V. E. Mrs S. K. Joincs. Mis.s >J. Joines, Master V. J. Joiner. Alv.s D. Kirkwood, Mr s. W. Mnsrrip. Miss B. Rapson. Miss J3.. Warm. M>- A. K. Campion. From Welling-' ton: M"r If. TL Laurcnson. C. Lauren-. son, Mr K. L. Lloyd. >h- K. W. Lumley. Mrs S. A. Murphy, Mr A. Skerrett, Mr A. fl. Stone. Mrs 10. Vouns'-r. From Christcinirrh: Mr T. V. IsbHter, 'Mis:-; M. S. A. Wilks.
THE ROTORIA REPORTS. The NViv Zealand Shipping Company's Kotorua, which sailed from Wellington on Friday last for London, via Panama, radios I hat sin>-<* lea-ins fire weather lias hi'.mi rough, v.-itli a southerly Mind. All mi hoard are well. MAMA AT LONDON. 'Die Miiliin. which sailed from Napier on January :j'j, arrived at. London on .Saturday. CANADIAN LEADER LEAVES PANAMA. Tim Canadian Leader, on route from Halifax, arrived at Panama on March 8, and left ajtain the same day. She is due at Auckland on April 6. and al Wellington on April .10. AKAROA REPORTS ALL WELL. The Akarua, which left Wellington »u March 8 for .Southampton, reports favour-' ahle weather gim-n her departure and that all on hoard are well. PASSENGERS BY STRATHNAVER. Advice line been received that the following passengers for New Zealand are travelling bv th« P. and O. liner Strathuavev, which 'arrived at Svthiey from London last Kridiir:—Mr Young. Mr, Miss London, 'Sliys Wvmar, Miss Bcckinjrsale. Mr «»«■ •Xvt Millisran, Mr (lafey, .Miss Marriott, Mrs .Shaw. Mrs Sutherland and child, Mr O'Reilly. ■■■:[' C. AND D. MOVEMENTS. The Port ■■D.unudiu. en ionic from London, arrived at Suva, on Sunday. She was ,to pail yesterday for Dunedin, where she is due on Murfi'h- 20. ■ The Port iVemaut.le.' en route from London, left Panama on Sunday. .Slio is due at Wellington'on April. 2., The Port Fairy, yvhi.-h left Wellington on February 6 for London, via Capo Morn and Dakar..' arrived at■ Loudon on Monday after a good passage of ".'• days. THE WEIR LINE. ANOTHER MOTOR-SHIP BOUGHT. ..'■■Tie f«in-sciew 'motor-vessel Mindore ' (formerly Sajtam.i and '• Seciindiis), one deck- and open .-belter deck, 4532 tons jtross. "-TSJ tons net, carry- | in,g about TLSu'i tons dead-weight on a draft :of 24ft IJii). built by Messrs Blohm and Voss, Hamburg, in 1914. S.S. No. 3 in 19:27. with, oil engines (12 cy.t 21Sin by 35 7-16 in. stroke, new in 1927. by (he Deutsche Werke, A.G., speed about 10J to 11 knots', and. owned by the Phoenix Navigation Companv., Ltd.. London. been purchiifed by ( M>=Vr* Andrew Weir and Company, London, I and renamed I'ongella.
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Press, Volume LXIX, Issue 20806, 16 March 1933, Page 13
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1,519SHIPPING. Press, Volume LXIX, Issue 20806, 16 March 1933, Page 13
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