I HOSPITAL BOARD MEETS. B The South Canterbury Hospital Board, ■pat' the monthly meeting yesterday, reR ; <etTed advice from the Unemployment gftCßßuniissioner that its application for a |||paet equal to three years' interest and ■making fund on the proposed new patiblock at the Timaru Hospital had HpHa considered by the newly-consti-HmM Unemployment Boar£. Hppjt riew of the present economic conMpm of the country, the Board conHKwnl it'would not be justified in asHtthf the expenditure of further loan BBfMfcera for' additional hospital buildIspfHa at the present time, tho letter ■ :*" Sir A. Goodall asked if there was any latitat' avenue by which the Board could Ljfiyfeu on authorities the need for HpßMMdißg with the work now. ■BpNi chairman, Mr E. Macdonald, ■flttted that the reason behind the ■Mtard'a refusal to make the grant was ■Hp of fund*. It appeared that aetivBm in the building line were to be Hntil, and although he hoped that the ■Bfcui could look forward soon to better improvement was not yet «B||' ' Purchase of Kadium. JHHffilflltitnt money is now available for SHp«apital Board to upply immcdi9Hr to the Central Council of the New Iffljpwi branch of the British Empire 'JhBNMI' Campaign Society for the VfSMttei £2 for £1 subsidy up to BHpMfl for the purchase of radium for HHPtmro Hospital. Board recently received a beBaßßit of £3OO for tho purchase of IJMwuil for the hospital, and required glgei sd to increase the total, so that ■|H» the subsidy money the sum of .. BBP* would be available for this pur'■Mi ' a result of public appeals, jfflßp-.Of £25 and £1 were forwarded r Sß[lMiily, and when these gifts were to the Board yesterday, a sponElection was started and ended necessary £7 Cs 8d being subin a few minutes. "*■ JwwiPttSring gratification at the gencr- ■ <#»•( members, Mr Goodall asked how elapse before tho radium ■ 3? k® procured. KgjanJ® chairman, Mr E. Macdonald, "WHW that the Board had first to ob■HßlMt.eonsent of the Health DepartWp*tlie expenditure on radium. c. Mackenzie expressed the the Board should make of the consultant com"MF Christchurch both in using i radium, that body havto assist in any way that as soon us it to secure permission from Department, the Board jMMßjflfewe a small supply of radium i° ca ' u lß .*' 1 * noiflHHiili P reß c»t two cases were bo--Iwith radium, and although s2MF lrt h authorities had met reducing the fees, the HHHHStiII much higher than the,
interest on the outlay for the hospital's own supply of radium would be. Tho Board passed a resolution instructing the secretary to write to the Director-General of Health stating the reasons for which the Board desired to purchase radium and applying for permission to incur the expenditure. Administration Block. -In handing over the finished administration block at the Public Hos-, pital, the architects, Messrs Turnbull and Rule, in a letter to the Board yesterday, expressed satisfaction with the work of the contractor and the subcontractors. They had all combined to turn out an excellent job. The building was completed at no extra cost over the original contract price* In a statement on the cost of the building, the secretary (Mr H. G. Naylor) said that the amount of loan, money raised was £IO.OOO at 5J per cent., with sinking fund at 3 per cent, and a currency of 20 years. The cost of raising the loan was £29 3s 6d. Interest earned on loan moneys placed on fixed deposit pending application to purpose for which raised amounted to £37 15s. The contract for the job was placed in September, 1930, with Mr A. Kennedy, for £8195, and subcontracts brought the total contract price up to £9190 2s. The work was completed and formally handed over to the Board by the architects, Messrs Turnbull and Rule, in July, 1931, and the final progress payment made this month (September). The completed r-cost of the work is as follows: —Contract payments, £9197 13s Gd; architect fees, £469 7s 6d; clerk of works, £147 14s 7d; covered way between block and ward 1, £SO; additional shelving, £39 13s; telephone cables, £10; meters for electric light, £3 ss; bank charges, 10s; total, £9918 3s 7d. This left a balanco in the loan account of £Bl 16s sd, which was being used towards the cost of furnishings. The extras over and above tho contract price amounted to only £7 lis 6d. The chairman referred appreciatively to the work of the architects and the builders, who had carried out the work iii a manner that reflected the greatest credit upon themselves. Tho small amount for extras was particularly noteworthy. The Board decided to forward a letter of appreciation to the architects. Waipiata Sanatorium. The Waipiata Sanatorium Committee advised that the Wallace and Fiord Hospital Board had requested that five patients from its district receiving treatment at the sanatorium should bo returned to their homes, because of the tiepleted state of the Board's finances and the difficulty of collecting fees from the patients. The committee did not approve of the suggestion, as it felt that acting for tho Associated Boards it owed a duty to the patients to see that their treatment was carried to a state, at least, to enable thorn .to resume their respective places in the C °The sanatorium medical superintendent, Dr. A. Kidd, in a report, stated that he considered the d.scbarge of natieuts before the completion ot their treatment would be both economically and ethically wrong.
On the motion of the chairman tho Board approved of the action of tho Sanatorium Committee and the report of Dr. Kidd.
Dental Department. The Director-General of Health, Dr. M. H. Watt, wrote stating that he agreed if there was no possibility of sub-leasing the Board's town office, there was nothing to bo gained by transferring to the administration block'at the hospital. He suggested, however, that the advisability of subleasing would not be lost sight of, as it was considered that there would be no great difficulty in arranging suitable office accommodation at the hospital. The Director-General further . asked for an explanation how the Board would probably lose £7OO a year in the dental department by giving effect to the recommendations of Dr. Shore. Tho enquiry into the. circumstances of patients referred to by Dr. Shore was the preliminary one that was undertaken by other hospital dental departments to guard against the abuse of services by persons who were well able to pay for private dental attention. The secretary, Mr H. G. Naylor, has replied stating that the probable loss of £7OO a year on the dental department, if Dr. Shore's recommendations were given effect to, was based on the financial position of the department at the time of the Board meeting. The total number of patients treated during August was 222, of whom 92 remained from July, and 130 were admitted last month. The out-patients treated numbered 418. In the massage department 190 treatments were given. The master of tho Old People's Home stated that the inmates numbered 59. A letter was received from the Waimate Hospital Committee enquiring the Board's attitude towards * the recommendation of the Nurses' and Midwives' Registration Board, that pupil nurses bo signed on for one year, at the end of which period they could be dismissed if unsatisfactory, or if they proved satisfactory they could be signed uo for the full period of training. Accounts amounting to £3645 13s lid general, and £(I2G Is lid loan, were passed for payment. Tho reports were adopted. Motor-cycle Dealer Bobbed. The premises of Mr R. G. Sladc, motor-cycle and cycle dealer, were broken into some time during Monday night, the thief boring a hole with a brace and bit in the back door near the lock, and then putting in his hand and unlatching the lock. The visitor helped himself to a motoring outfit in preparation for a journey, selected a motor-cycle, filled it with petrol and oil, and then decamped. Silver to the value of £4 Is 3d was taken from the till, also a dark leather motor helmet, a pair of gent's leather motoring gloves, a pair of glass goggles, a khaki canvas motoring coat, and a pair of motoring trousers of the same material. The police' are pursuing enquiries. Tennis Clubs. Tho' fourth animal meeting of Woodland Street Church Tennis Club was largely attended. Tho following officers were elected:— President, the Rev. 11. L. Fie big; vicepresidents, leaders of senior Bible Classes (Mrs Osborne and Mr E. C. J. Foot), Messrs W. Roseveare, Fenwick, F. Matthews, F. Metson; hon. treasurer Mr W. J. Roseveare; hon. secretary, St'an. Blanchard; flub cap.tain, Mr J. T. Tutty; vice-captain, Mrs Hurst;
committee, Misses B. Boys and M Nelson, Messrs G. Shortus and N, Rose.
Opening day was fixed for October 3rd.
The annual meeting of the Baptist Tennis Club was attended by a large number of members and intending members. Mrs D. Newlands, in her report, indicated that the past season had been a most successful one, particularly from a social point of view.
The financial statement showed a small debit balance, which, in view of heavy expenditure for top-dressing of courts, was regarded as most satisfactory. Since the close of play some improvement to the playing area had been effected. The courts were in good condition for the opening day, on the 19th. The election of officers resulted in the re-election of last year's officers, with the exception that Miss Jean Thompson was appointed treasurer, in the place of Miss L. Gatchell (resigned). A strong Social Committee was elected. Ladles' Bowling Club. The first annual meeting of the Ashbury Ladies' Bowling Club was held in the pavilion, the president (Mrs C. 11. Manning) presiding over a good attendance of members. The andual report was read by the hon. secretary (Mrs H. Kebby). - Tho following were elected to office: President, Mrs W. Morgan; vice-presi-dents, Mesdames A. Stewart and C. Johnson; hon. secretary and treasurer, Mrs H. Kebby; General Committee, Mesdames C. H. Manning, K. Davie, N. Parker, T. Wilson, W. Harte; selector, Mrs P. O'Hagan; Match Committee, Mesdames O'Hagan, Macphcrson, and Bowen. Technical College Board. The amicable spirit that had prevailed among members of the Board was referred to by Mr A, Stead, in vacating the chair at the annual meeting of 'tlio Timaru Technical College Board of Managers on Tuesday evening. Ho was glad to see that Mr Washer had recovered from his illness, and that he had been reappointed to tho Board and lie also wished to congratulate Mr Selbie on his reappointment. Mr Palliser was a new member of the Board, and the speaker was certain 4;hat he would be a useful one; his experience of the building trade would be of great assistance. « The chairman also thanked Mr Tuck and the staff, and also the caretaker, for their splendid work. Also present at the meeting were: Messrs J. G. Gow, E. W. Jones, J. Palliser, A. Washer, W. I. Tait, J. G. Preen, \V. E. Tubb, and G. D. Selbie. The chairman was re-elected unopposed. The following committees were appointed:—Finance, Messrs Tait, Preen, and Palliser; works, Messrs Washer, Jones, Tubb, and Palliser; appointments. Messrs Washer, Gow, and Tait. The Director of Education (Mr T. B. Strong) wrote, in reply to an application for a grant towards the cost of various works, amounting to £713 12s 3d, stating that a "grant in aid" of £2OO had been approved. The Principal's report stated that the full-time roll at the College was 216, and the average attendance 198, while the part-time roll numbered 16 pupils. The winter term closed on August 21st. Towards the end of the term final preparations were made for a concert hold in the Scottish Hall. The programme presented served to give some idea of the aesthetic side train iog.
As a result of a repeat performance they had been able to hand over the
sum of £lO 9s 6d for unemployed relief. The enrolments for the evening classes totalled 303, including 197 paying students. The report was adopted. The secretary of the Technical Educational Association of New Zealand (Mr C. A. Stewart) advised that since the middle of the first school term of this year the executive had had under consideration the advisability of postponing this year's conference on account of the financial position of Boards and of the Dominion in general. In view of all the facts it was decided not to hold the conference. It was decided that the Principal should write. to Hamilton for details of the school amalgamation proposals, and on receipt of these that ho should call a special meeting of the Board. It was decided to open the shearing class on October 27th for three weeks if sufficient enrolments came to hand. Fifteen are required to form a class, and so far 11 enquiries have been received.
The Board expressed itself as heartily in agreement with something being done for unemployed boys, and endorsed the Principal's suggestion that the Education Department be approached with a view to a temporary extension of the free place system during the present depression, in order that the facilities of Technical Colleges might be placed more freely at the disposal of boys who are at present out of work. The Board also endorsed the general action of the Principal in the matter of co-operation with the local movement to provide for boys who are out of work, and agreed to leave future developments in the hands of Mr Tuck. Highfield Croquet Club. j The annual meeting of the Highfleld Croquet Club was presided over by the llev. Adam Begg. The president, Mrs Curr, in her report, spoke of a successful season, and of the enthusiasm which prevailed throughout the year in club matches, and of the enjoyment the players got from entering into flag matches. The club had hold some social gatherings during the winter, which proved successful, both socially and financially. The election of officers resulted:— President, Mrs G. Taylor; vice-presi-dents, Mrs Dawson and Mrs Macfarlane; secretary, Mrs Cunningham; treasurer, Mrs Robertson; club captain, Mrs Shirtcliff;' "deputy-captain, Mrs Turnbull; committee, Mrs Hamilton and Mrs McCort, Miss McAuley, Mrs McLeod, and Mr Curr; Match Committee, Mesdames Shirtcliff, Turnbull, and Curr; Tea Committee, Mesdames McCort, Hogue, and Herron; Ground Committee, Messrs Robertson and Macfarlane. A vote of thanks was passed to the chairman and the past committee. ORARI BRIDGE. At the monthly meeting of the Orari Bridge branch of the Women's Division of the Farmers' Union, Mrs Morris presided over a good attendance. A letter was received from the Timaru branch of the division requesting that three delegates be sent" to the meeting in Timaru on September 18th. Mesdames Morris and Waller and Miss Pratt were elected to attend.
The following were elected members of the division: —Mesdames Boa, i!\ Pratt, E. Thatcher, Linehan, and Miss Ford.
Mrs Morns thanked , Mrs A. Lyisaght, Mrs J. South, Mrs Waller, and Miss Ladbrooko, who had given prizes for the competitions at the last meeting, and all others who had helped so well to make the evening a success. It was decided that the concert and dance be held on October 16th and
that all articles on the sales table that night be sold for tho division funds. The following committees were elected : —Programme Committee: Mesdames McKenzie, Morris, Waller, and Misses Kennedy, Ashby, P. Pratt, and B. Lysaght; refreshment committee: Mesdames F. C. South, J. South, Cullen, Whiting, Pratt, Boa, Burke, and Coulter. . . j A splendid demonstration 'ot dressmaking was given by Miss Cummings. Miss Cummings showed how to take measurements and cut patterns anc * also gave many valuable hints. Members were allowed to cut patterns from those cut by Miss Cummings. A very hearty vote of thanks to Miss Cummings was carried by acclamation. Mrs F. South and Mrs Morris were the hostesses. Good business was done at the sales table, which was under, the charge or Mesdames F. E. South, F. Johnston, and Miss P. Pratt. . At the annual meeting ot the Urari Bridge Library, held in the hall, there was a very small attendance. Mrs Morris was voted to the chair. The secretary, Miss Ford, read the report,, which was confirmed. A small credit balance was shown. • The following officers were elected for the ensuing year:—Secretary, Mrs F. E. South; treasurer, Mr C. Stonyer; librarians, Mrs Morris and Miss Ford. Duing the year a number of new books were procured. It was decided to open the library fortnightly, as was done during the winter months. WAIMATE. Tli,e* wind-up of the 1931 season of the Ikawai Social Club was clebrated with a dance, when there was a large attendance of members and visitors. The music for the dancing was provided by i Mr T. Hamilton, extras being played ; by Miss Hamilton. Mr F.'Brown made a very efficient M.C. A bountiful supper was provided by the lady members. During an interval the prizes won during the season were presented by Mr T. Hamilton (the president) «as follows: Grand aggregate —Ladies: Mrs W. Bartlett 1, Miss M. Wilson 2. Gentlemen: Mr C. Wall 1, Mr 11. Turnbull 2. Fortnightly prizes—Mesdames W. Bartlett and Rolfe, Misses Hamilton (2), E. Wilson, C. Pollard, M. and A. Wilson; Messrs C. Wall, E. McDonald, A. Baikie, M. Cochrane, G. Mcßae, A. Cochrane, and E. Wilson (2). A presentation was made to the secretary (Mr 35. Turnbull) by the president for the conscientious manner in which he had carried out his duties. Mr Turnbull suitably replied. Mr Hamilton announced that the balance'to the credit was £11« which was to be handed to the School Committee for the Jubilee Fund, and he referred to the help rendered by Mrs Bartlett and other members. Bro. C. Dennison, N.G., presided at a meeting of the Loyal Waimate Lodge, 1.0.0. F., there being a good attendance of members. Four brothers were reported to be on the sick list. Routine business was transacted, after which nominations were received for officers for the ensuing' term. The installation is to be held on October 12th. There was a good attendance at the annual meeting of the Waimate Girl Guides' Association. Reports and bal-ance-sheets were received from the various companies. No. 1 Company under Captain Jones and Lieut. Akliurst, numbers 33, No. , 1 Company, under Captain rlertslet and Lieut. Judge, and the Brownies number 20. No. 1 Rauger Company numbers 11. and No. 1 Post Guides numbers 1-1. The following- committee were "elected i'or the ensuing year:—Mrs McLean (Coniuiis-
sioner), Mesdames Holmes, Adams, Manchester, Nash, W. Black, Price, W. B. Scott, D. Macdonald, Sinclair, d'Au-; vergne, A. Scott, and Watters. The annual meeting of St. Patrick's Tennis Club was presided over by -the retiring president (Mr J. F. Foley). There was a good attendance of members. '
The balance-sheet disclosed a very satisfactory credit balance, though the year had begun with a debit of £4l Is lOd. . The report and balance-sheet were adopted. The election of ■ officers resulted:— Patron, Bev. Father J. O'Connor; president, Mr D. Keyes;; vice-presidents, Mrs A. Jones, _Messrs M. J. Corrigan. and' J. fv Foley; secretary, Mr G. Shewan; treas-: urer, Miss J. Tavendale; club captain, Mr A. Harris; committee, Misse'r K. and E. Jones, M. Hannifin, R andall,. Messrs T. Burns, K. Murphy, F. Hickey, and E. Leonard. :n ,. „ The opening day was fixed for Thurs proposing that Mr J. P. N°lan be elected a life-member of the club, Mr Foley stated that Mr Nolanhad been the inaugural president, iand the difficult position had been filled. It was due in large measure to Mr Nolan's efforts that the club's estab lishment was so successful. The proposition was unanimously ap-. proved. TEMUKA. General arrangements for the entertainment of trains competing in the demonstration on Labour Day at Temuka were made at a meeting ot the Temuka Volunteer Fire Brigade held on Monday evening. The Temuka Tennis' and Croquet Club held its annual meeting on Monday evening in the Fire Brigade rooms, Mr'W. Pearse presiding. The balancesheet showed a credit of £8 Os 4d, the income from subscriptions showing ap increase of £1 10s 9d. Officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows:—Patroness, Mrs W. P. ltoutledge; president, Mr \V. I'earse; vice-presidents, Miss G. Brown, and Mr J. T. Smart; hon. secretary, Miss N. Poultney; treasurer, Miss G. Taylor; assistant secretary,. Mr WSmart; croauet secretary, Mrs W. Shand; croquet captain, Mrs T. &■ Shi els • committee, Mesdames C. L. Fraser, McLeod, Dick, and. Laurenson, Miss F. Pearse, and Mr H. Hitchcock; croquet match committee, Mesdames Shields, Shand, and Fraser; tennis captain,. Mr W. Pearse; tennis match committee, Misses F. Pearse and N. Poultney and Mr J. G. Smart ; auditor, Mr C. L. Fraser; delegates to South Canterbury Centre, Messrs J. G. Walker and W. Pearse; croquet tea committee, Mesdames R. H. Taylor, L. G. Scrimshaw, A. S. Mclnnes, McLeod, W. H. McMillan, and F. V. Foxon; teuuis tea committee, Mesdames Dick, and Laurenson, Misses Pearse (2), Hancox, Scrimshaw, Pufflitt, Hannifin, and P. Dunn; delegates to South Canterbury Croquet Association, Mrs Shiels and Miss Brown. . - The annual meeting of the Temuka Howling Club was held in the Coronation Tearooms on Monday evening, Mr F. A. Joynt presiding. The annual report stated tliat the excellent condition of tho green during the year had cK-ated a great deai of favourable comment. Tho financial position of the club had shown a slight improvement, the overdraft at .the bank being now £l9 Id, a reduction of £2 10s over Uie previous year. It w&s-decided to instruct the" club's delegate to tho
Centre to request a reduction in th« annual levy on qlubs. , . . The election of office-bearers resulted as follows: —Patron,' -Mr C.- E. Bremner; - president, Mr Geo. ; >Hancox; senior vice-president, Mr W. H. McMillan; junior vice-president, Mr -A. Meek; secretary, Mr R. H. Taylor; treasurer, Mr W. H. McMillan; green supervisor, Dr. A. S. Mclnnes; 'auditor, Mr W. F. Evans; seliectpr, Mr T. Edwards; delegate to the Centre,' Mr It. H. Taylor; delegates to the Domain Hoard, Messrs Fraser, Joynt and L, G. Scrimshaw; committee, Messrs W. McCallum, G. Collins, L. Hunt, Scrimshaw, Edwards; J. Davis, W. S; Harbrow, G. Connolly, and Di*. Mclnnes; competitions supervisor, Mr W- McCallum; transport committee, Messrs Taylor, Fraser, ' and," ;McMillaif; Press steward, Mr Furneaux Smith. GERALDINE. Good progress is being made with top-dressing and planting for the coming season in. the Geraldine Domain. In the small park the roses have been planted, and there should bio a choice display of blossom later in the year. In the Domain a: number of newbeds have- been laid out, and about GQOO seedlings of all descriptions -have, been planted. There is at present a choice display of blue, red, ' and _ white anemone's, which''will reach 1 their best • in the next week or two. Owing to the heavyfroststhat have been experienced -in. Geraldine this winter l the grass has been very slow . in coming away, and it has not yet been possible to commence operations in preparation for the bowling season. A spell of warm; sunny weather would do much to encourage the growth of the grass, and a start could, then be made in preparing the bowling and croquet greens for the coining play. * " ' ' At the Geraldine County Miniature Rifle Association's championships, held last Thursday, the-Mcllroyi challenge cup was shot for. It resulted in a win for the Woodbury Club, who put up a very creditable score. Mr Hector Mackenzie, who was nc- = cidentally shot ,in the right_ forearm at the Geraldine County Miniature Rifle" Association's championship meeting on Thursday night, is reported to be progressing as favourably as could be expected considering the 6erious nature of the injury.
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Press, Volume LXVII, Issue 20343, 16 September 1931, Page 9
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3,941TIMARU AND SOUTH CANTERBURY NEWS Press, Volume LXVII, Issue 20343, 16 September 1931, Page 9
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