Ca'ptain and Mrs Neil! Paittray (Wiumate), who have been the guests-or. - Mrs George - llelmore, Tendatton; Cor J. the -racts, arc returning home to-jnof- . roiv. . v ,'; ■ /rr,.:, ..' f' Mis? -"ililiitvut Grose' ellington). : who lias lieen spending..,.ji . week with Mrs C. -M. Ollivier. Mun-ay-Aynsle.y Hill, is returning 'to Wellington tonight. Mrs M. Prendergast (Manchester siruct north) and her guest, Mrs L. Dwan, are leaving on Tuesday for tho North, island, .via. Kaikoura and Blenheim. Mr and Mrs Alee.. Gillanders ("North Canterbury), w ho. have been in Christchurch for race week, are returning home to-day-. Mrs J. C Holmes has received £4 Os lod on behalf of tho Children's Fresh Air Home. This was made up. of £3 10s 8d from the 'Christehurch Gas Company's collecting box, and 10s 2d from the 'Clarendon llotol collecting box. -' ■ - The engagement is announced of Helen, third daughter of Mr and Mrs R. S. Pearson,.. New Brighton, :to_ Maurice," youngest son of Mr and M- I ' 3 A. C. Wells, of Orawia, Southland. I A skating party in aid of St. fc>a v "- iour's Orphanage will be held at the Olympia Skating Kink on Monday. The committee includes Mrs i'. H. Chester, Misses Betty Pritchetfi, Nan eye le Cren, Dorothy , Berggreiv, Molly Black, and Stella Edwards, Messrs L. le Cren, T. Harnian, C. Reeves, and L. Annand. Mrs Crust will judge the costumes, lbe> wearing of masks and fancy dress -.'S optional. An enjoyable "cabin party-' was given at the residence of Mrs P. Shernack in honour of Mrs MeCullocb. The evening was spent in games/ competitions, and musical items. Among those present were Mesdames McCullqch, P. , Shernack, V. Ritchie, V. C. Kitchio, Ash by, J. Beeves, N. Hawker, W. Gerrity, Downs, G. Scott, M. I>. Joseph, Misses'.J. Dempsey, E. Fowler, E I-lawker, A. Thompson, Messrs McCulloch, P. Shernack, If. Ashby, V. Ritchie, V. C. Kitchie, D. Joseph, S. Hawker, G. Scott, Gerrity, Vv. Osborne, A. Downes, Masters B. Gerrity and li. Scott. THE BEST KNITTING GUIDE,. You do not neod ii teacher. Just get a.copy of "VVoolcraft." Read the iu-struct-ions, study the illustrations. Everything clearly, explained from the first stage.. Patterns for working over 'BO garments. All illustrated. .Send 9d in stamps to Patons and Baldwins, Ltd., Box 144111, Wellington. -6 HEALTHY, WARM SLEEP. A lot of people are sleeping vor7 snugly these cold frosty nights. Ifut they haven't an unhealthy fire in their room, or a radiator burning. No, the window is.wide openj Fresh air. fills the room. You see, tlifey have a Unique Hot Water Bottle t at .their feet. | Unique Hoc Water -Bottlis will not j leak nor. tear, and retain heat much 1 longer than'other makes. All Dealers. -- 2 .WE WW AY TO TAKE YEAST. , It has been found .that the pressurerequired to crush the fine powder 'oft-Pure-Yeast into tablet form destroyed". the Yeast cells. Live Yeast is -nOW« obtainable in soluble gelatine capsules:! Ask for 'Ultima Capsules of. Pure;; Yeast, 2s 3d packet E. Cameron*. Smith, The Big Pharmacy, Regent;. Theatre Building, Cathedral square. - , x YOL'R • rUES—Should they need renovating, repairing; or remodelling to, modern design, bring 1 them to MacGib-' bon's, the: Fur Specialists, where expert workmanship will assure your complete satisfaction. *7ote address: 154: Armagh-street/- 'Phoned 34-026. —6 Superfluous , . hair; •. destroyed. : .b?'. "Rusma'> (Regd ). Signed, stamped, guaranteed cure. £5 12s 6d Florence Hullen C.M D 7 Courtenay: place, Wellington Send stamped addressed envelope for particulars. —6 WOMEN'S DIVISION OF THE N.Z. FARMERS' UNION. i HORORATA BRANCH., I The Ilororata branch of th<3 Women's Division of the ..Farmers' XJnjon held its monthly lheetihjg pn Thursday, in the/parish room. Mrs T. Pearson was in' the chair.- . There was an excellent attendance, several;m-einbers 'having joined lately* Tho branch no-w." has a total; nieuibership". of. nearly ■■ ."After the businessthe';month,had been disposed Jiliss'SMt I). Hall, the delegate. appointed%> thtiteild /the Dominion: Conference in Wellington, gave a ■ short' talk; on"" tlie,/conference, em-phasising--the: wonderful work that is being-done in the North Island with the liush, nuitc and housekeeper Kcheme, ■■■■'... A. "box on. cliildibn's dressmaking from the Home Ecuziomicn in Dunedin was then discussed, .members availing themselves of some of the patterns. It was decided to get some more of these boxes from the Home Economics Association at a later; date. Afternoon tea was tjien dipensed. HOME ECONOMICS ASSOCIATION. A. meeting of the Home Economics Association was held at the Y.M.C.A. Concert Hall last night and was attended by a large number of members. Miss J. M. Shaw presided, and introduced Miss Grand, who gave an instructive talk 011 the art of wicker tray making. In her demonstration, she was assisted by Mrs Morgan and Miss Kedpathy . At the conclusion of the meeting a hearty vote of thanks was accorded to Miss Grand and "her associates.
The Lady Editor will be pleased to receive for publication in the "Women's Corner" items of social or personal news. Such items should be fully authenticated, and engagement notices must bear the signatures of both Correspondence is invited on any matters affecting, or oi interest to, women.
CABARET COMIQUEj A GREAT SUCCESS. j The 'Plunket; society wore fortunate in enlisting the practical sympathy of such competent organisers as Mr and Mrs Frank Graham, Mrs J. G. Colling Miss Mildred Cooke, Miss Margaret • Anderson, Messrs F. G. Bristed, Heathcote Helmore, R. H. Livingstone, W. .R. Lascelles. and J. G. U. Ward (honorary secretary), - who formed the comittee for the Cabaret Comique, held last night in tlic Winter Garden, for each of them has had experience in arranging successful money-making entertainments, and all of them are enthusiasts at the work. It is how live years since tho lirsfc cabaret of the kind was held in the Ait Gallery in aid of the funds of the Plunket Society, and tho dance has grown each year in size and' importance, ana the'net profits have; been correspondingly gratifying. The ballroom last night presented a novel appearance. Striped red and white awning protected tho fronts ot the various cafes where ices and cool drinlis and oysters wcro sold. From the ceiling were suspended big clusters of. balloons of varying shapes and sizes and the stage and the "Theatre Bebe," where, the enjoyable divertissements were staged, were specially decorated in effective design, tho clever work of Sir Paul Pasooe. The following were the novelty items that were much enjoyedDanco comique, Mr Basil Ilobson; Pa? do Deux, Miss Iris Edmonds and Mr Desmond Day; Garcons, Joyeux, Messrs Lawrence and Moran; Lo Gai Titchejier. . . " The Bailey-Marsdon Orchestra, the members of which appeared as piervots, supplied the music. The guests were invited to wear "'anything but evening-dress." They did. Fancy costumes of many designs, from many climes, added to the. colourful effect of the gay scene, and -some of the dancers wore masks and wigs and n-ere <-<uite disappointed " when their .mannerisms immediately established their identify. Amongst the : ladies present were Mesdames Frank Gralutm, Robert Livingstone, Allan Matsou, Jack Matscn, , W. Williamson, G. Taylor, \\ . R. Lascelles,- F. G. Bristed, J. G. Collins, L. G. Pocbck, Sinclair Murchi'son, W. H. Clark, Leonard Clark. Guy Nicoll, E. J. le Cren, W- J. le Creu, 11. J. Ballih, McLaglan, A. Leslie Macfarlane, S. N. Perry, J. G. I'. Vernon, C. M. (Jllivicr, Hallows Wood, Fitzgerald. 11. St. A. Murrav, Peter Ilall, 11. J. Beck, 0. | Frankel, Philip Hollander, Guy O.Aterill, J. MeL. Reid, Kenneth Robinson, Milner-Harridj Arch. McMaster, VS. Eldou Coates, Bernard Murray, Neill Rattray, Rossmore Craeroft Wilson, E. J. Cor drier, Ivan Wood, R. 11. J. Cannn, Gordon Ricli, Shirley right, S. P. Godfrey, Robinson Ilall, M. 11. Godby, Geoffrey Wood, Gordon Coull, B. McKeeman (Kailtoura), J. P. MeQuilkiu (Eiffelton), Lynn Lawrence, George Reid, Geoffrey Smith. Arthur Thomson, •Victor Mulligan, 'L'esli'c Averill, .1. Mulligan, IT. A. Reese', R. W. Morrow, ■Gerrit van Asch, R. 13. Smith, H. JLast, '•'j. *S. Guthrie, .11. 11. Wauchop, Erie Di.elil, W. H. Cowpor;;....Keith ,Q»ver, George Aitken, Keppel Archer, C. I. .Agjar, G. D. Greenwood, Cecil Wood, NdJrman Tingey, 'Jack Redpath, jun., .Doyothy' Skinner, IV J. Savil, J. F. Craeroft Wilson, Douglas Anderson, Maxwell Ramsay, D. E. Bremner, T. Jolm'aon, Colin Macdonald, F. W. Freeman, Godfrey Rutherford, L. M. King (Rangiora), V. May, Artliut Nicoll, C. Quaue, Bentley Davison, Maurice Louisson, Alister McQueen, Bryan Todd, Alan Misses Mildred Cooke, Barbara Bloxam, Mabel Bigg-Wither, Eileen Tingey, Dorothy Raymond, Phoebe Martin (Martinborough), Margaret Clark, Sheila Atkinson, Magdalene Hall, Gendic Mary I\uttiug, Cusliht Mitchell, Dorothy Walton (Timaru), _ Glaoys Acton Adams, Katheriue \\ estenra, Millicent Grose (Wcllington) Dorothv Poison (Stratford), Dorothy Robinson, Diana ©rbell, Sally Newton, Jean Nekton (Ashburton) Elena Helnioit (Timaru). ' Chrystobel Brnven, -■ LUa Macgibbon, . Joyce Macgibbon Ruth. Taylor, Shona Elizabeth: Morris, Peggy ■ Orbelj (\Va£ kouaiti), Cara and Nona Southland), Agatha Upham, kg'dm Menzies, Linda Taylor, Ivonnc Baxte... Sybil Rutherford. Bfttty ltutlier ord, Mary Alexander, Norah Newton, Betty "ftiver, Patricia Powne, Maugo Moilttnd, Marjorie Milsorn. Dawn Last, Gretchei. Sargent, Barbara B.Alley, Marguerite Mmson, Noreen Craddock (Jwen Baxter, Dora Warren Dulcie Fleetwood, Betty Holmes, Margaiet Anderson. Cyntlna Wilson Diana Allen, Betty Macdonald, Julie Snow Vida Manning, Joan Simpson, Lou Camm, Margaret Talbot Bilhe Allen Kura Smith. Julia Searvell, Betty Cotterill, Ruth V7ynu-\\ illiaiiis, Lois Ollivicr,, Nancy llarpei, rsoiali Haggitt, Phyllis Acton-Adams Adine Acton-Adams (Dunedin), Hiatt. Elisabeth Phjlhs Francis Norah Hoare, Margaiet Stevenson, Dorothy Wauchop, Noleen Sov Molly Evans Lesley Pay ton (Masterton), Margaret Livingston, Denderah Rhodes _ (South Cante - burv). Quita Cordner, Janice Overton, Nancye le Cren, Jean Mitchell "Dorothy Camm _ (Dunedin), Lorna Ruslibrook (Wellington;, Marua Seahrook, ißona Hoban, Peggy lake 'Nancy Williams (Masterton),. May ' Thacker, Hazel Evans, Barbara Rutherford, Doris Price, Cynthia Wood, Eleanor West-Watson, Muriel Swanston, Kathleen Hoa,re, Leah Wilson (Wellington), Pauline Richards, Joyce Blunden, Betty Evans, Hilda Lewis, Monica Templeman, Alice Hewlett, Maisie' Harris, Edith and Betty Wisliart, Betty Kimbell (Lower Hutt), Ailsa Nelson ( Welliugton), Peggy Williams, Peggy Norton, Thelnia Haydon, Claire Perry, Joan Gard'ner, - Mary Searvell, Betty Harper, Rae Wauchop. Margaret Lance, Meta Nixon, Mollio McGregor (Southland), Marjorie Gambicr (Auckland), Mary Weld (Marlborough), Rana Redpath, ,Rosa Tripp, Alison Iluie, Melva Watson, Dorothy Mayo, Kathleen McQuil- - kin (Ashburton), Molly Pears, Meudail Smith, Ethel le Cren (Timaru), Joy Machin, Wilmot Macbeth, Margaret Ogilvie, Tui Bowman (Dunedin), Edna Greenslade (Dunedin), Lenore Minsou, '.Joan Nicoll, Dorothy Napier (Wai~ . "mate), Betty Beadel, Marjorie-.Prostick. ! DANCE ARRANGED. j /.The Rosemary Assembly dance will take place as usual to-night at the Ferry Road Hall, and the programme will include n special exhibition _.qf novelty numbers bv the "Radio Tap Dancer," Mr E. Hegan. L. Gruminitt's orchestra will be in attendance.
TROTTING MEETING VISITORS TO ADDINGTON. 'With utidiniinibheJ zest, crowds of eager racegoers were present at Addington again yesterday, when tho Metropolitan Trotting Club concluded its August Meeting. The weather was line, with sunshine and blue sky, but the east wind was keen and searching enough to make warm coat.} a great comfort. Amongst the guests oi' honour at the president's table at luncheon were Mr George Gould, chairman oi the Canterbury Jockey Club, and Admiral 13, D. Sydenham, JI.N., of Westport, who arrived in New Zealand from Melbourne a few months ago. The ladies present included Mrs J. H. Willi urns, wife ot' the president ol the club, Mrs J. F. Buchanan, Mrs M. 0. Devemsh Meares, Misses CliLsliolm (2), (New South Wales), Airs J. P. Andrews, Mrs Euan Macfarlane, Mrs W. Joynfc. Mrs Walter Parkinson, Mrs Leonard Coop, Mrs R. W. Morgan, Mrs T. Hawkes, Mrs 11. L. Widdowson, Mrs Cyril White, Mrs Gartli Galloway (Dunedin), Mrs E. J. Cordner, | Miss Quita Cordner. Miss DenderaJi j lthodes, Mrs J. Maeintyre, Mrs G. W C. Smithson. Miss N. Williams, Mrs William liayward, Mrs Colbeck (Auckland), Mrs G. Colbeck, Miss Peggy Norton,. Mrs FI. Ilarley, Mrs W. G. [ves, Sirs A. H. Rothenberg, Mrs A. E Young. Mrs C. L. Hart, Mrs G. Fleetwood, Miss Dulcie Fleetwood, Miss Mary Menzies, Mrs E. G. McCiillott"h, Miss Nance McCullough, Mrs 0. P. Agar, Miss Eileen Bonnington, Mrs J. 11. McKenzie, Mrs D F. Glanvilie, Mrs W Toomey, Mrs George Pascoe Mrs C. L. Dearsley, Mrs Charles Forbes. Mrs J. S. Burns, Mrs J Sfcyche, Mrs Charles Tavlor, Mrs 1. Lord Mrs 0. H. Hums. Mrs M. Prendergast. Mrs L. Dv.an (Wellington), Mrs Mawson Stewart, Miss Jane Douuellv, Miss Gabriel McEvedy, _ Miss Molly Darhy, Miss Ethel Bonniiigton, Mrs' II V. Widdowson, Mrs 11. 1 Lawry. Mrs A. Steeds, Mr* Claude Piper. Mrs Niekolls. Mrs MeiUle, Mrs J. Kinlay (Rangiora), Mrs Norman Batchelor, Miss Agnes Darby. Mrs fj. Sheedv Miss Olive Taylor, blisses J • aiul M. Davis, Mrs Harold Goggni. Miss Mary Meiizies. Mrs Joseph Cathei'wood, Mrs E. March, Mrs C. E Cross. Mix Hudson (Dunediu). Mrs J Lowrie, Miss Margaret Livingston (Dunecliu)' Miss Rita Burke Mrs William Anderson, Mrs L'.J. Murray. Mrs W A lCrasnmson, Mrs J Sullivan. Mrs T.. J. Lewis, Mrs G. • Currv Mrs Hampton, Mrs JJ' Mrs Thornhill Cooper. Mrs I . UHume Miss Edridgc. Misses Newman (»"• Miss Le-flev Poxton (Mastertou). Mrs Mark Armstrong, Mrs J. Powell (OharlestonV Miss Sweeney. Miss Nidd. FORESTERS' BALL. The ar.imal ball <>i the I'apanui Foresters >vr.s held in the Papauui Memorial llall on Thursday evening. There was a larue attendance, including representatives l'rom Court Star oi Belfast. Court Thistle oi the Forest, Court Queen pi Canterbury, Court Slur oi' Canterbury, Courts Y ictori a and Woodford (Kaiapoi), Court, tetur of Greeudale. Court Queen of the Isles (Lyttelton), the district officers, Orange Lodge, I'apanui, and tiie 1.0.0. F., M.U., Papanui. The decorations were carried out in native flora, with streamers and balloons. bung Irom the ceiling, w 'Ol were lowered among the dancers. Bradford's orchestra provided tie music, and extras were played y Messrs A. V. Baker and 1. The M.C.'s were Messrs D. Donald and C. H. Holden. A lucky spot waltz was won by Miss M. lullett and Mr K. McDonald, and a Monte Carlo valctta by Miss Lynch and Mr HamilAniong those present were Mesdames L. J. Gillespie, S. G. Jackson, O. Jixcobsen, N. Jacobsen, G. LThomas (Nelson), W. H. rh^ia^ l E. Roberts, J. Munro L. Cluridge, J Tvudnll, Norrie (kaikoura), J. VV • Lange. C. Burrows L. Sneddon D. Candv. AV. 'Sisson J. Pcarce, J, W athew, J. Neilson. C. W F. Higgott, Chas. Smith, L. Gopperth, and A. \ • Baker, Sister Rathgen, Misses!Blair, T. Lehrs, E. Mayne, M MacDonald, D. Jones M. Tullett D. Philips, Agnes Burke, Irene Molly Molncee, Alice Feilding Isabel Munro, Gladys Stanley, Pearl Hockcj, Doris McKay, Rita Roberts, Beatrice llcid, Bradley Mitchell (Balclutha), Noleeu Bradley Sey, D<>rotliv Nancv Alexander (Omihi), Geraldme Smith R. Unwin, R. Aldridge, Tlielma Foster (Oxford), E Summerfield (West Melton). Mary Williamson, G. Dalley, J. Williamson G. Cilmore, M Norrie,' (.Kaikoura), A. McDowell, liessie Lange, Dorothy Galbraith (Geraldine), Mona Cameron,; Lily Philip, Irene Bell, Phyllis Costel o. Lea Lavender, Alice BennetV Stella Hay ton, Hobaii Withell, G. W. Locke, Nonie Lynch, Irnia SOI V Jean Ellen, Ethel Austin Hilda St others, Mary Clianey. G. Hambridge, E. MBurns Rita Peach. Alma Liglitfoot, Mariovie Sey, Bella MeFarlane Leila Hill May Hendreii. Daphne Hedges, Kathleen Hedges, Monica Ormandy, R El lory (Palmerston North), M Pearce, Mario Murpliy. Nancy Hedges. Lulu Barrett, Eileen Lydster (Kaiapoi), Ara ToureJl (Kaiapoi), V. Hooper, J. Neilson. Marjory Miller, J. Morell, D. O'Roarke. Alma Gimore, A. Robinson. C. S. Cockbuin, Eileen Ryan, Marcell Rildwm. "• Brown, and Dorothy Paul. CANTERBURY WOMEN TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION. At the monthly meeting ot! the Canterbury Women Teachers' Association, held in the Chamber of Commerce room. Miss M. E. Harvey presided over u, good attendance of members. Brief reports of the work of the Teachers' Conferences which were held "in" Wellington, in May,_ were given by two of the delegates, Miss A. C. Einlayson and Miss M. V. Kennedy. Miss Harvey then introduced the speaker for tho evening, Professor J. Shelley, who gave an address on "Poetry." Professor Shelley pointed out that success in teaching such a subject as poetry could not be measured by examination results, for appreciation of the arts could not be tested. It was for the teacher to present a poem in such a way that the child caught the spirit of it. The child might bo taught to examine verses from an intellectual point of view, but if he were not imbued with the spirit of the poem, lie could not apj predate the' emotional forces in life • which inspired poetry. Professor Shelley brictly outlined a method of presenting a poem, and then delighted his listeners by reading several poems by Masefield, one by. O'Shaughnessy, and an extract from Browning. On the motion of Miss I. Mckenzie, a vote of thanks was accorded -Professor Shelley for his interesting and ini structive address.
j A MUSICAL PARTY. j The mu&ie-loviug members of the Canterbury Women's Club who attended in largo numbers at the club-rooms last night were particularly fortunate in having provided for them such delightful entertainment. The fino programme was arranged by Mrs McKay, better known as Mrs Alice Forrester (Mue. Bac.l, who wore a becoming dress of black faconne and georgette, with a small yoke of pale pink georgette and shoulder spray of pink flowers. The iirst part of A he programme, to which several encore numbers were added, was as follows:—Song, "Prologue" (Pagliacci), Mr R. J. Laurenson (Ashburton);. song, "Caro Mio Ben,'' Mrs Ross Brodie (Rangilata); pianoforte solo, "The Two Larks" (Leschetsky), Mrs Alice !'--rester; song, "Speak, Music" (Elgar), Mr W. H. Dixon; song, (from "Merrie England"), Miss Hilda Hutt; song, "Gape Horn Gospel" (F. Keel), Mr Laurenson; song, "Softly Awakes My Heart," Mrs Ross Brodie; duet, "Come to Arcady" (from "Merrie England"), Miss Hilda Hutt and Mr W. H. Dixon. The second part consisted of songs, the words by various writers and the music composed by Airs Forrester. They were: Song, "Durrisdeer" (Lady John Scott), Mr W. 11. Dixon; song, "Te Whenua Kura" (Jessie Mackay), Mrs Ross Brodie; song, "Haka" (Jessie Mackay), Mr Laurenson; s<Mig, "The Moonling" (Jessie Mackay), Miss Hilda Hutt; songs, (a) "A Hero Song" (Heine), Mr \V. H. Dixon, (b) "Denny's Daughter" (Moira O'Neill); songs, (a) "My Heart's Oppress'd" (Goethe), (b) "Search Me, O God" (Scriptures), Mrs Ross Brodie; songs, (a) "Highland Boat Song" (Jessie Mackay), (b) "Deep Water Song" (John Reed), Mr Laurenson. Accompaniments were played by Mr? R. Storie and Mr Noel Newson, and they were included in the hearty vote of thanks proposed by Mrs R. T. Tosswill.
I LADIES' HOCKEY CLUB I BALL. i j The South bridge Town Hall was the i scene of gaiety on Thursday evening when the Southbridgci Ladies' Hockey Club held its annual ball. The hall was tastefully decorated with blue and white streamers, the club colours. There was a large attendance of dancing enthusiasts from all parts of the district, and many from neighbouring counties. The Ilialto Orchestra was in attendance. A large number of spectators occupied the dress circle. Messrs J'. Howatson and C. Free were M.C.'s. The success of the ball was largely due to the joint secretaries, Miss T. Lilley and Z. Chapman, who had the loyal support of the other members of the club. Representatives were present from Brookside, Dunsandel, Leeston, Irwell, High School, and Lincoln Clubs. The supper was pleasingly served ; members of the club waiting on the ' guests. ' The lucky spot and Monte Carlo comj petitions were both won by Miss Woodard and Mr Ford. Players for extras I \Vere Mrs Ford, Miss Alexander, and Mr Tom I raw] or. Altogether a very enjoyable evening was spent by everyone, and the members of the club can congratulate themselves On having staged a successful ball in spite of the bad times prevailing. Among those present were: Mrs Ballagh (club president), green georgette ; M.fcses Trixio Miller (Leeston). pale green celanese silk; Jance Fravill, floral ninon relieved with spots of crimv;on; D. Inwood, pale green crepo marocain; Muriel Campbell, blue floral tuffetta; A. 1. Thompson, blaeli satin sunray, pleated; Winnie Pilgrim (Leeston), black beaded georgette; Cathrine Cox (Leeston), floral crepe de chine; Betsy pink merv taffeta; J. Lilley, pale green crepe do ehitie; Marjorie iiintz, scarlet georgette; Betty Eggloton, lido blue silk taffetas and net; Mildred Neill (Greenpnrk), Gladys Kidd (Asliburton), J. Beumsley, pink silk taffeta; Eileen Maw, C. Maw, Bessie Shearer, Nile green ninon; Maisie Shearer, floral ninon; Clarice Hickman, lemon celanese satin; Kathleen Slattery, blue crepe do chine; Cherry Moriarty, crepe satin and faconne; M. Gwatkin (Leeston), salmon pink ninon: Nonie Tully, C. Greenall, G. Lilley, Zeta Chapman, model frock of cerise net and satin; Alice Foster (Dunsandel); L. W. Prosser, blue patterned crepe de chine; Gertie Carroll, lemon georgette and net; G. McCartin, black end orange satin and bridge coat; Amy Hall, hyacinth blue georgette frock and figured ring velvet bridge coat; Margaret Patterson, pink celanese: Lily Marshall, figured chenille velvet; Jessie Free, white satin: Doris Lilley, white georgette and red bridge coat; Ruby Greenwood, green floral taffetas-and bridge coat; Violet Wylio, blue floral satin; F. S. Dickson, tomatored taffetas with over-dress of black lace;' Kaimai Greenall, geranium pink erepe de chine and lace; Marion Woodard, green floral taffetas; Thelma Lilley, shell pink georgette; Sylvia Bennett, geranium red georgetto;. E. Smith periwinkle blue crepe de chine and silver lace; N. Beamsley (Doyleston), powder-blue georgette; E. Horn (Leeston - ), mauve crepe satin; Milly Kaill, blue crepe de chine; Elsie Patterson, black satin; Winnie Home, biuo crepe do chine; J. Searle, green satin; Rose E. Bowden, apricot erepe de chine; Gwen Parkin, green satin; Alma Alexander, green crepe de chine; Elsie Maw, ijrceii georgette; Alice Stone (Christchurch), blue crepe de chine; Ruby Styles, green georgette and lace; Bdna Burt, scarlet georgette; Bena Winchester (Irwell), lace and bridge I coat; Ethel Hannah, Veronica Brown, Marian McEvedy; Frances Hickman, lime-green satin, gold lace bridge coat; Sadie Hickman, lime-green celanese taffetas,, figured chenille velvet bridge | coat; Mesdames A. J. Beamsley, black lace; Chapman, black lace; T. 11. Bennett, green frock and silver lace; M. Eade, satin black crepe do chine; W. \ Patterson, pink floral taffetas and net; C. H. Cooper, Wedgwood-blue crepe de chine; Reg. Ford, primrose taffetas; F Turnbull (Bankside), green floral ninon; Mr and Mrs W. Jordan (Lincoln), Mrs J. D. McClure, and many j others. ! MARTY AT OPAWA. A pleasant evening was spent in St. Mark's Hall, Opawa, when the Opawa .Girls' Club held a "gift" evening in honour of a club member, Miss Eleanor Wheeler, who is to be married next week to Mr Albert Bamford. The ovenint; was pleasantly spent in games and dancing. Miss Wheeler was the recipient of many useful gifts. Amongst those present were the Rev. and Mr"Smith, Mr and Mrs Wheeler, My and Mrs Bamford. Mr and Mrs Water-j, Mr and Mrs E. Ambrose, Mr and Mrs Ltissman, Mesdames Parnhill, Owens, and Banner, and Misses D. Beattie. P. Clapshaw, J. Evans. C. Hnddrell, P. Clapshaw, E- Wheeler, M' Rawlings, J. Rawlings, R. Cromptou M. Cos, R. Newton, L. Bamford, E ' Reed. N. Reed, E. Bailey, F. Brookes. J. Owen, M. Oppenheim, E. and I. Morton, and many others.
ST. MARGARET'S COLLEGE. Some of the attractions planned for St. Margaret's College bazaar on August 20th, include donkey rides, which should prove v6ry popular with the ; children; a doll show, a dog gymkhana, to be held on the school lawn, which will, comprise the following entries:—Smallest dog, largest dog, most :cpmical dog, quaintest puppy under-six months, most distinguished dog (pedigree dogs onlj'Jj ball catching, and best dressed dog;," In addition to the above the'rc ; "will be various sideshows, stalls,. competitions, and refreshments. A short -eir tertainment will "be given in the evening, followed by a hot novelty supper.; RICHMOND FREE KINDERGARTEN. The committee of the Richmond Frc'o Kindergarten met at the school-roomy members present being Miss Tabart (hi the chair), Mesdames Peverill, Marshall, Forsythe, Suckling, Dixon, McCausland, Hitchcock, Miss Mclllraith, Mrs Geary. , The school report for the month showed a roll number of ±±, with an average attendance of 27, and parents' subscriptions £1 0s 7d. The attendance for the month was disappointing, owing chiefly 7 to the prevalence of coughs and colds. At a very successful gathering of parents, friends, and committee, Miss Hull appealed for material suitable for kindergarten work, and the teachers reported a good response, several sample books, odd wools, and matchboxes having been sent in. Miss Jones, a lady r dentist, visited the school on Thursday, August 6th, to examine the children's teeth. The little ones were very good and interested, many of the mouths being in perfect condition, and some others had only small defects. Miss Jones very kindly offered free treatment at her surgery in any case where such was necessary. Final arrangements were made for a dance to be held in the Linwood Bowling Club's Hall next week, and a fancy dress party for children was proposed for the next month. PHILLIPSTOWN KINDERGARTEN. The usual monthly meeting of the Phillipstown Kindergarten Committee was held it the school this week. There were present Mesdames Stuart (in the chair), Richards, Francis, Dunbier, Drayton, Sheate. Manchester, and Misses Thomas and Ryan. Tt was reported that a very successful parents' social had been held in July, at which Mrs T E. Taylor gave an address. The school report showed the number on the roll to' be 55, the highest attendance to be SI. the lowest 15, and the average 48. Subscriptions had totalled £1 14s 7d. v The committee tendered their sincere thanks to Mrs L. B. Thompson and Mr Saunders for gilts of apples. Mrs Thaeker and Mrs Ilannan, of Dunedin, bad visited the school during the month. Miss Rjan was appointed school visitor for August. A SURPRISE PARTY. An enjoyable surprise party, organised by the "Merrymakers," visited the home of Mrs Mahoney, Winton street, St. Albans, where the evening was spent in competitions and daneing. Competitions were won by Mrs Scoullar, Mrs Perriton, and Don Archer. The Monte Carlo dance was won by Norecn Scoullar and Jim Weir. Among those present were Mr and Mrs Mahoney, Mr and Mrs J. Scoullar, Mr and Mrs D. Falls, Mr and Mre L Roden, Mrs Perriton, Mrs Grigsby, Misses Norecn Scoullar, May Percy, •Jean Brown, Joyce Roden, Messrs Jim. Weir, Don Archer, Harry Perriton, Bill Hansen, W. Clark, and others.
TIMARTJ NEWS. ! SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Miss M. Hancox (Temuka) is at present on holiday in Christehurch. Miss Mary Grandi, Rathmore street, is on a visit to Christehurch. Mrs A. J. Ensor, Hart street, lias returned from a visit,to Djinedin. Colonel and' Mrs Redmond Neill ("Jiarrossa") have returned home after spending race week in Christehurch. Mis, Loo Cartwright, Qrbeil street, w'fio has been staying in Christehurch for the races, has returned to her home. Mr and Mrs Eric liillstone, Ash bury avenue, left yesterday to spend the week-end with Mrs J. Haggett (Dunodin). The Misses Cecil and Elizabeth Elworthy ;("Craigmore"), who have beenstaying, in Christehurch, have returned home. Mrs J. Mills (Cass street, Temuka), who has been spending a short holiday in Christehurch, returned home on Wednesday. Mrs W. A. Moore, "Venard," Waiiti road, left yesterday to spend the week-end with her parents, Sir Joseph and Lady Kinsey (Christehurch). Mrs G. H. It. Ulrich, Wai-iti road,, who is the guest of Mrs R. HunterWeston ("Mount John"), will return to her home on Sunday or Monday. Miss Mary Bond ("Dunrobin"),-who is the guest of Mrs Arthur Elworthy (Holme Station), will return to stay with Mrs Elworthy ("Pareora Cottage"). Commander and Mrs George Dennis-, toun (Peel Forest), who have been staying with Mrs Alihter .'Deans. (Christ-, cliurcn) for the races, havo returned home. , ' Mr and Mrs Leonard Tripp (Wellington) will arrive to-day to be the guests of Miss Tripp (Orari Gorge) for the Tripp-Orbell wedding, which will take place on Tuesday. _ . ' ' Mr and Mrs J. .W. Fair. Douglas street, who are the guests of Mr and Mrs Norman Greenland (Christehurch), will return home at the end of the week. Recent arrivals , at the Grosvenor Hotel are Mr L. Adams, Mr A. HosMr B. A. Murphy (all Auckland), 7iv t 0 ,'i nn » an d Mr A. Rotting vDunedm) Mr" C. M. Smith (Christchurch), Colonel J. W. Clark (Wellington). VISITORS TO CHRISTCHURCH. Hotel SWab. ■' Hx;.. itfgington . (Uacol-j Mr W J. Allan (Rotherham), My ' (W T el " ngton )- M r D- Golightly (Dunedm) Miss J. Duncan (Edinburgh), Mr vercareuf). Mi6E B " Warneke (In- 1
TBMPLETON NOXS^K A . party ia honour of 4be»|i» daughter's birthday was givens}^ and Jtrs H. Drayton, Gloucest&lM Templeton. The dining-room ffli corated in mauve and the "afternoon""games" and dancift* enjoyed. Among the guests preeen"® Pat Rasmusson, Eileen By&n, Wfl Drayton, Mary Milditf Jjfo Minette Drayton, Vera McLHjMr*?' een-Drayton, Eua , Knight, musson, Roger Drayton, -Mesdtt® Ryan, and H. Dragon. ' In Paris there is a shdp in tlie CW Elysees which disappears every By day it is a shoe shop wtt fP steel and glass windows, diwss "y door like any other shop. At »Pj and during week-ends, the swing inwards from the street,.tM carpet and furniture are ~v and in a few moments the P«jj| transformed into an arcade wirings than twenty yards 'of wtoaGW through which Parisians may "
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Press, Volume LXVII, Issue 20316, 15 August 1931, Page 2
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4,809WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LXVII, Issue 20316, 15 August 1931, Page 2
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