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; Mr ami 31 rs. Julian Foster < WellingS • ton), who are visiting Cbristchurch. ! intend returning north on Monday J evening- • Misses l.'etu iind Margarci Cliia- • holm (Now South Walesi, who have | beon visiting the tourist resorts in the ! Dominion, arrived from _ tho Franz : Josef Glacier last evening, and will ' ! spend a month with their aunt, Mrs 1 H. 0. lh: .enish-Meares, Fendalton. Miss Belle .Renaut (Papanui) ro- ; turned yesterday from Blenheim, where sbe was the guest of .Mrs JJell (Piax- : mere,i. ■ .Mr and .Mr*, Marmaduke .Ret hell , (Pahan Pastures', who have been stay- ' ing with Mrs Charles Rcid, Mori vale lane, art: returning to North Canterbury to-day. Coimnairier and 31 rs George Deuviistoun. who have been visiting Mrs All- - Deans,-have returned to Peel For- : est. : 'Airs Notnian Wardell f.Montalto, ; Mayfield) and Mr and Mrs J. | McK'cowii (Timani) are the guests of ! Mr and 31 rs Cecil Quano, Papanui. ■ Mr and Mrs .Redmond Neill C'Bar- ' ossa :: ). who were in Christcliurch for : the Grand National, hare returned : llOXli'?. Mrs Arthur Grijrjr (Surrey Hills) ts | visiting, iter mother. 31 rs J. Cracroft i Wilson. Cashmere. ! Mr and Mrs J. W. Fair (Timam.t are j tho guests of 31 r and Sirs J. Norman ) Greenland, Fendalton. Misses Cecil and Elizabeth Ehvorthy ; (Claremont. Timaru). who have been | visiting (■hristchureh for the Grand ; National festivities, returned home I yesterday. , • Mrs Jj. 'Dwan . Wellington ■ is the guest of 3.1 rs 31. Prendergasi. Manchcs- : ver street. Mr and Mrs \. Forman. (Wairarapa,' and 31 r and Mrs Atkinson (Lowry .Bay, Wellington) are the guests of Mrs 0. L. Dearsley, Tlelmore's road, Fendalton. Nurse Maude acknowledges with thanks clothing trout Iriends at ■-> Hackthorne road ; £- from ''A.M.L."; clothing •" !'om "Anon\mous'' ; knitted sox from '"A Well wisher'" : clothing from Cust-W est Fyretou branch ul the i D.F.I'. The monthly oi tin; linear ton branch ol' the Piunket Society was • l.eld in St. Niniau's School room on i Wednesday. August .lUlh. The nurso i reported 'the Ugures for the month ' were: Adults 147, babies 1-11, older children 26. Nurse. Borrows will interview , pro-school children in tho first or sec- ! onil week iit October. The bridge j party held last month resulted in tho i funds being augmented by the sum oi j JJ 1:. OS. ' Tho Canterbury Repertory Theatre t Society intends staging A. A. Milne's I three-act comedy, "The Romantic; Age." i in the third week oi' September. The j cast includes Misses onto Bnriglit, j Rose Reynolds, Edna Gill, Messrs W. ; Hunter, Wight, and Harrison. i KNIT BABY A BREECITETTE SfcT. Save money by knitting baby's dainty winter outfit yourself. L r so "HALVCONV , the new non-shrink wool. Soi't and cosy, with the warmth of woo! and the sheen of silk. Samples freo on request. The latest smart broechette patterns in booklet 24n. Send od in stamps to Pa tons and Baldwins, Ltd., Box 14411?, Wellington. ' j A PLEASANT SLIU'IUSL.. 1 'lhe night air is keen with Iro.-.t- • j tho bedroom is chilly—undressing makes you shiver—cold sheets aro nnI inviting—Ah 1 What's this! A hot water bottle! "Oh, boj', ain't life grand I" Supply your family or guests with a British-mado Unique Hot Wafer Bottle. All sizes—with new colourful covers. All good dealers stock Uniques.

'.The Lady .Editor will be pleased to receive for publication in the "Women's Corner" items of social or personal news. Such items should bo fully a uthenticated, and engagement notices must bear the signatures oi 1 both parties. Correspondence is invited on any matters affecting, or of interest to, women.

Mr and Mrs M&Laglan arrived in Christchurch from England yesterday, and are staying with Mr and Mrs p! W. Reeves, Naseby street, Merivale.' Miss Lesley Payton (Masterton), who is the guest of 11. Morrow' (Fen-dalt-on) is going to-morrow to spend a few days at Arthur's Pass. Miss Betty Herbert, who bas been visiting friends in Christchurch, returned to Wellington last night. Mrs J'. 'W. Young and Miss V. Smith (Dune-din), who have been in Christchurch for the Grand National, left for the South last night. Mr and Mrs H. Shaw, (Laiisdowne, Halswell) arc the guests of Mr S. E. Shaw, Rossall street, Fendalton. The Dominion executive of the Presbyterian Women's Missionary Union, met at afternoon tea to say farewell and God speed to Nurse E. IJ. Elliott of the Mission Hospital staff, Jagadhri. Punjab, India, who is returning after furlough. The tea tables were prettily dec-orated with stylosis, wattle, and other spring flowers, and after afternoon tea had been served, Miss C. Henderson, Dominion president, in conveying tho good wishes of the women of the Union, said she had met Nurse Elliott in 1924, while on a visit to her sister in Jagadhri, and she had seen the wonderful work she was doing there. Nurse Elliott, the speaker said, inspired love in all with whom she came in contact. Miss Henderson assured Nurse Elliott that she would carry with her the interest and sympathy of all Presbyterian Women's Missionary Union members who bad heard her message, and asked her acceptance of a bouquet of spring flowers. Mrs M. McLeod expressed tho good wishes of the Presbyterial Association and -Mrs J. Fitzgerald spoke fur the juniors, the "Busv-Boes." Nurso Elliott, in reply, said it was a great inspiration to a missionary to meet with the workers at home. She would she said, go back with refreshing memory of the sympathy of the women in the churches throughout New Zealand, iXurso Elliott leaves Wellington to-day for Melbourne were she will spend a month's refresher course in hospital before returning to .lndiii.

: MUSICAL PARTY. | BovrJs «r wattle and i>ussy willow | and crystal vases of stylosis and japocica formed the decorations at the Canj torbury Women's Club when a pleasant musical party was held on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs A. A. Sandford acted as hostess and the enjoyable programme was provided by Mrs H. S. Robinson and Mrs W. J. Watson, who played pianoforte solos and Mrs E. R. Caygill, Mrs P. j Boocoek. and Mrs P. 1c Brun, who sang I pleasingly. There was a large gathering of members present, many of whom entertained small parties of (heir friends at ten in the reception room. i t , . I SKATING party. Mis.-; iilciiii Holmore (Tinnu'u) and her cousin, Miss Chrystobel Bowen, arranged a. very enjoyable skating party, at which friends from the country and (Jity spent a pleasant time last night at the Oiynipia. Skating Rink, Dundas street. Those present were Mrs E. J. Cordnor, Mrs Gordon Rich, Mrs N. Rattray, Mrs J. F. Cracroft Wilson, ilisscs Elena Ilelmore, Chrystobel Bowen, Janet Studholme, Anne Cooper, Agatha Upham, Catherine Johnstone. Dirina Orboll, Patricia Ronalds, Cara t mckney, Nona, Pinckney, Orbol!, Patricia Powrie, Phyllis Acton-tij-m?l6' Adine Acton-Adams, Peggy Wiiliams, Joyce Jones, Helen Rich, ■Hetty Guthno, Prue Wynn-Williams, pfnev Gard'ner, Peggy Brewer, Nance Bluuden, Quitu Cordner, Catherine V> ostenra, Joan Gardner, Airini Hrower, Dcnderah Rhodes, Mary Weld, Dorothy Day, Marjorie Studholme, J Gcndie Malmg, Cynthia Wilson, Rosa I -Iripp, Paulme Kitto, Afaudo Kitto, Messrs J. I. Cracroft Wilson, George ' hofmo' 8, ~ lum P hre y Welrl , M. StudHaH t' t l , y ' Colin Acland, P. Sail V>■ J , ohnsto X - G-ard'ner, W " Westenra, R. Courage, Richard Ned- : -Joh" Rollefiton, R. J g T} ein r'' 'ltl^" d F I> w r Baling/Heath! ! 'rj,' fl \ - p eres, Hamish 1-11. Derek Orbell. and B. Pcnlton. SURPRISE PARTY. Last ''"S'"- a P»rty ci' friends paid a surprise visit to Mr and Mrs E. 1-T. J. C'amm, at their home in Heaton street, where a rery enjoyable evening was spent. Those present included Mr and Mrs Camm, Mr and Mrs C. Quane, Mr and Mrs J Redpath, Mr and Mrs Inneß Jones, Mr and Mrs Shirley Wright Mr ■and Mrs Norman Tingcy, Mr and' Mrs Gerntt van Ascli, Mrs D. Skinner, Mrs A. WardelJ, Misses Nancye le Cren, Hogan, Betty Beadel, Messrs Christianson, Owen Johnston, William C'owlishaw L. Mulligan. John Donnelly, Horace fr. Miller, Jack Atkinson, and Merrill Johnston. i | DANCE AT WOOLSTON. j A most, successful and enjoyable j aancc, which was well attended, was j held in the schoolroom on Monj day, in aid of the funds of St. j John's Girls' Club, Woolston. Music was « supplied by Messrs Mitchell and Mej Donald, Mr It. H. Beaumont playing extras. Mr J. E. Douglass was M.C. | The Monte Carlo was won by Mr J. Gennct and Miss E. Robinson, and the lucky spot by Mr 0. Lingard and .Miss P. Woodhani.



yesterday was a day ot pleasant surprises. The rain that fell in the early hours of the morning and the heavy clouds that hung about, depressingly until nearly noon, made feminine racegoers prepare for the worst in the matter of clothes. Indeed, many country people left home lor Riccarton in a light rain, and were careful to provide themselves with coats, umbrellas, and goloshes, which, however, were later left in their cars. The racecourse looked its loveliest. The grass and shrubs were refreshed bj the rain, the leaden clouds changed to grey, and then to fleecy white, with the sun shining softly through, and the spirits of the crowd rose accordingly. Then coats and wraps were discarded, and tailored suits and attractive ensembles were to be seen on the lawns and in the stands. Miss Barbara Gould, daughter of the chairman, wore a smart ensemblo o£ brown and beigo tweed flecked with green and orange, and a Bmall brown folt hat. Mrs H. A. Knight woro a suit of brown, blue and green nobbly tweed, soft blue jumper, and brown felt hat with swathed upturned brim and small bow oi brown velvet ribbon. Mrs J. W. TVoodhouße, bracken brown tweed suit flecked with red, wino red felt hat. jttrs G. G. Aitken, black tailored costume and black felt hat. Mrs C. Leslio Orbell. brar.ken brown tweed suit, Beal coat, dark brown felt hat with downturned brim. Miss Nancarrow, bracken brown tweed suit, fur coat, brown felt hat. Mrs John Montgomery, fawn and brown boldly checked tweed frock, broadtail coat, black beret. Lady Stewavt, sapphire biae frock, squirrel coat, blue hat. Mrs AV. H. Montgomery, pretty frock of pervencho blue crepe satin with pleated elrirt and inset bands ot the reverse side of the material, short coat of badger fur, Binall pervenche bluo veloar felt hat. Mies iris Montgomery, black satin frock, bluck coat, ermine stole, and very smart black hat with touches of white. Mrs Deni3 Chapman, red and black check tweed costume, aniull red hat. Mrs Ansua Macdonald, uncommon suit of tomato red mailed Kasha, felt hat to match. Mrs C. J. Sloman, navy frock under fur coat, wine red hat. Mrs Trevor Foster, black cloth coat, black, r.iid whito flecked frock and black hat with brim caught up in front with brilliant buckle. ifrs Krik Rutherford, sandalwood brown Ci.Ecmble, wide biskra hat banded with brown. Mrs AT. 11. . Clark, chocolate brown and cream flocked tweed frock, molo capo and brown felt hat. Mrs C. C. Davis, sandalwood brown tailored suit and brown hat. Miss D. Humphreys, smart bott'o green suit, wide green felt hat. Mrs Marmaduke Bethell, smart frock of loaf green wool friska, with raised nelfcoloured spots, moleskin coat, tiny black hat. Mrs Charles Keid, green and grey flecked tweed ensemble banded with green, squirrel stole, green felt hat. Mrs Vernon, mastic tweed tailored suit, red felt hat. Mrs Macdonald Moore (England), red and brown flocked tweed suit, ruby red folt hat. Mr 3 T. Y. Wardrop, finely checked brown frock, caramel velour cloth coat, small brown hat. Mrs George Mcllraiih, very attractive wineberry red enßemblo, small red felt hat to match. Mrs F G. Gibson, 1 TJdo blue suit, black astrakhan coat, Lido blue felt hat. Mrs Kndell "Wanklyn, smart Buit o£ blue and yellow Boucla tweed, yellow jumper, navy hat stitched with yellow. Mrs Harold Barker, black frock, squirrel coat, black hat. Mrs h. Wilson, bright nary bluo suit, velour felt hat to match. Mrs J. Mowbray Tripp, ma3tic tweed otisomble with short cape, fitting masti c and brown tweed hat. \Mis3 Phylliß Boyle, red, beige, and brown flecked tweed coat over a suit to tone, ruby rod felt hat. Mrs Godfrey Hall, navy and iris blue lightly patterned frock under a black cloth coat with astrakhan coat, black felt and plush hat. Miss M. Osley, malachite green coat with grey fur collar, small felt hat to match, with bow and felt across the front. Mrs Colin Deans, brown biskra and orange flecked tweed ensemble, bat of samo material, with downturned brim. Mrs Bernard Murray, brown and beige finely checked tailored suit, brown fur coat, small brown felt hat. Mrs Mawson Stewart, black crepe de chine frock, black cloth coat and small black hat. Mrs Rossmore Cracroft Wilson, betel-nut brown tailored suit, brown and yellow spotted scarf, small brown hat. Mrs Costerton, grey and black costume under brown fur coat, black velvet hat with light underlining. Mrs Shirreff-llilton, tweed suit, Itussian pony skin coat and brown felt hat. Mrs Victor Mulligan, smartly tailored black, suit with whito blouse, small black hat. Mrs Kenneth Macdonald, mastic light-weight tweed frock, with kowhai-yellow vest, mastic and brown tweed coat, with fur collar, small brown felt hat. Mrs 0 M. Ollivier, smart black tailored suit, ivory jumper, with wool embroidery in daphne shades, black felt hat. Mrs 30. J. Cordner, black tailored suit, palo pink satin blouse, v.'ido black hat. Mrs A. K. Firth, black Persian lamb coat over grey frock, small black hat with outstanding feather mount at the side. Mrs Malcolm Powrie, brown and mastic furtrimmed coat over mastie felt, hat banded with brown ribbon. Mrs B. W. Morrow, black tailored suit, white blouse, wide black folt hat with brilliant ornament. Mrs It. Mulligan, black frock with white collar, black felt hat. Mrs J. N. Greenland, patterned crepo de chine frock in amber shades, smartly tailored black cloth fur-trimmed coat, small black felt hat. Mrs J. W fair (Timaru), brown crepe de chine frock, fur coat, brown velour felt hat. Miss Cynthia "Wilson (Bulls), nigger-brown cloth coat over frock to tone, wide niggerbrown felt hat. , Mrs Clifford Thomson (Dannevirke), black and green patterned crepe de chine frock with black fur-trimmed cloth coat, wide black felt Mrs Arthur Thomson, _ snuff-brown cloth coat over frock to tone, wide brown felt hat. Mrs 11.. St. A. Murray, navy frock, navy cloth coat, and navy felt hat. Mrs J. McL. Keid, acorn-brown tweed coat over brown suit, brown felt hat. Mrs Gordon Rich, black and grey check suit, fur coat, small black hat with eye veil. Mrs Maurice Louisson. very smart suit of pale grey and black nobbly tweed, small black hat. Miss Barbara Pinckney. mastic wool georgette frock, fur coat and brown felt hat. Miss Hilda Montgomery, granite tweed suit, brown fur coat, green velour folt hat banded in two tones of green. Mrs 3 "W. K. Lawrence, Sahara-brown frock, with pleated skirt and cafe au lait vestee, carnation-rod hat. Mrs V. J. Somerset Thomas, brown frock with lioney-coloured vestee, blue leather coat, wide dark brown felt hat. Mrs J. L. Findlay, red leathsr coat over brown suit, brown hat. Mrs Julian Foster (Wellington), brown crepe marocain patterned in lime-green, and trimmed with tiny fluted frills, pony-skin coat, small black velvet hat. Miss Kathleen Cracroft Wilson, caramelbrown coat with fur collar, green hat. Mies Janet Storry, brown diagonal tweed fur-trimmed coat, brown hat. Miss Gladys Acton-Adams, harebell blue and grey broken cheek, tucked felt hat to I match. Mrs Keith Davidson, caramel frock, brown fur coat, caramel velour hat. I Miss I. Rutherford, Bapphire bluo suit, j liandisome fur coat and bluo felt hat. Miss Catherine Johnstone, black and white Uvocd suit with delft blue blouse, black coat and black hat. Mrs lan Men2ie3, lobelia blue marocain frock, blue and green tweed coat, small lobelia blue hat. Miss Cathie Macdonald, pretty sapphire blue ensemble, small sapphire velvet hat. Miss Dorothy Robinson, blue and gray largely checked coat 'with fur collar, over t'roi-Ic i" tone, blue hat bordered with grey. .M.i&a J. Donnelly, navy wool georgette frock, fur coat and navy hat. Miss Prue Wynu-Williame, very smart grey and bluo check suit with pleated skirt, small hat of the same material. Miss Betty Rutherford, suit ot striped dark brown and beige tweed, pretty yellow searf, light brown cloth coat and hat of Bame material. Miss Anne Cooper, log-wood brown tweed* gait, small tweed hs'.

J Miss Marjorig McKellar, finely I brown and beigo suit, email hat of , material. „vnter Miss Katbleou Hoare, green and °£®; er chock tweed ensemble. moB3 green lei ; Miss Norah Newton, log-wood __ » I -T 1 tailored suit, hmall chenille hat _ to with. touch of rose-beige at one ® ,dc - . . _ Miss Betty Webb, black tailored suit, iu necklet, black felt hat- . ... „n«* Miss Diana Allen, black frock Y', th ,. C ",t of ivory broderio anglaise. smart blac . with grey fur collar and cuffs, blaci Miss K\ Ormoud, larkßpur blue frock wtih , white collar and tiny rovors, fur coat ! larkspur blue felt hat. . j \ Miss Peggy Brewer (Dunedin), 1,1 ' grey flecked tweed frock, wino red fla . | Miss .Ethel le Ciren, ash grey ro f tr ■ brown fur coat, omall brown hat w j upturned i» front. . u„!.r.\ Miss Barbara Rutherford (Blenheim), brown and beige tweed suit, yellow j 1 * brown hat. . t Miss Peggy Williams, brown, cardigan sun with yellow jumper, brown fur coat, sma brown felt hat with touch of yellow. Jliss Elena Helm ore, Lido blue tweed semble, small hat of same material. Miss Lulu Dyer (Wellington), brown tweed tailored costume, email brown hat. Mies Ohrystall Bowen, smart suit of fawn and green, nobbly tweed green felt hat wun brim rolled up in front and band of green and grey in crown. . Miss Janet Studbolme, myrtle green tweea onsemblo, green felt hat with downturned brim, t Mies Shona Dampier-Crossloy, bottle S ree ' l suit v/tih pale green vest, bottle green beret. Mias Phyllis Francis, smart ensemble ot brown end biskra tweed, antl email h&fc ot tho same material. . Mian Neroli Smithson, black auit, beige fur stole, small black felt hat. Miss Margaret Todhunter, oak-app.o brown tweed ensemble and felt hat to match. Miss Diana Orbell, brown marled tweed suit, tangerine jumper. Miss Sylvia Orbell, Mack suit, pink satin blouse, wide black liat. Miss Aroha Clifford, taupe crepe do cuine frock, Itussian pony skin coat, small blue hat. Mies Quita Cordner, very firysly checked caramel and beige wool crepe frock, largely chocked tweed coat, repeating the colouring, caramel brown felt hat. Miss Yalerie Tennent, red, black, and beigo flecked tweed frock, wide red felt hat. Hiss Cushla Hyan, gaily patterned crepe do chine frock, brown otriped tweed coat, brown felt hat. Miss M. Weld, brown and maßtio tweed coat with fur collar and cuffs, frock to tone, and dark brown felt hat. Miss Sybil Rutherford, ta'oao brown tailored liuit and brown felt hat. Miss Janice Overton, cigar brown tailored suit and small brown hat. Miss Patricia Ronalds, smart Mack and mastic check coat over brown frock, ayiall brown felt hat. Miss Helen Buchanan, fawn tweed coat over green frock, green felt bat. Miss Mary Alexander, uncommon Irish tweed suit in blue and grey colouring, ureal! blue tweed and felt hat to match. I i ST. MARY'S BALL. f ! j AN OUTSTANDING SUCCESS. | St. Mary's Ball, the annual social gathering organised by the Catholic parishioners of St. Mary's, Manchester street, wa3 held in the Winter Garden last night, and in common with all the dances held this week, was particularly well attended, and very enjoyable. Musie was supplied by the BaileyMarston Orchestra, and cabaret items, given by Mr and Mrs Leo Bowden, Mr Dave McGill, and the Misses Fowler (3), were greatly appreciated. Balloons, gay paper hats, and novelties of all kinds t were distributed amongst the dancers. The members of the committee were: I —Mrs E. Wall, Mrs E. Kennedy, Miss Mary Enright, Mrs Nan Wallace, Messrs I. O'Boyle and L. Lascelles, and to them, and particularly to the Rev. Father Keane, S.M., who was responsible for the preliminary work of organisation, and to the undefatigable secretary, Mr Harold Shaw, the success j of the ball was due. i Mrs Kennedy wore a black taffeta j frock with net hem and spray of red | flowers on the shoulder. | Mrs E. Wall, wine red crepe de chine | frock, lightly braided on corsage. I Miss Enright, garnet red satin with coatee of faconne to match, finished with collar and cuffs of beige fur. Miss Wallace, black net spotted with gold and trimmed with black taffeta. The guests of honour were the Rev. Father Alex McDonald, S.M., Parish Priest of St. Mary's; the Rev. Father A. Burger, S.M., Rector of St. Bede's College; t'h<e Rev. Father Yibaud, S.M. (Timaru), and the Rev. Father J. Cul- | len, S.M., Vice-Rector of St. Bede's College. There were seven debutantes, eaeh of whom was presented with a posy by the committee. They were; — Miss Eileen Tennent, who wore a frock and coatee of white marquisette, with blue necklace and shoes. Miss Patricia Lynskey (Rangiora), rose pink georgette frock, the bodice slightly rucked at the waistline and the skirt trimmed with two shaped frills. Miss Mary Hill, dainty white georgette frock, the waistband finished with a brilliant buckle and the skirt trimmed with shaped frills at the sides. Miss Constance Weir, frock of white crepe de chine with two little frills outlining the basque line and the tiny sleeves. Miss Madge Keogh, pale pink the full skirt being of pink net with frills of taffeta. Miss Nancy Malley, crayon blue georgette with shoulder spray of self flowers, and skirt peplum edged with ruchiug. Miss Kathleen Ainger, pale yellow taffeta patterned with tangerine leaves and a lovely panne velvet coat to tone. Other ladies present were Lady Ward, Mesdames Colin Macdonald, Pat , Ward (Heretaunga), R. G. Petre, J. H. .Fahey, Hugh Bell, W. H. Walton (Timaru), P. Keogh, A. J. Dunn, J. W. | Rogers, P. Burke, A. B. Williams, I. | N. O'Boyle, Frank Smyth, P. Clarkson, W. M. Wills (Invercargill), B. J. Montague, A. J. Malley, G. V. Hill, 1.. J. Hensley, Alton Taylor, J. McCormack, Fred Ellis, J. Toner (Dunedin), T. Vickery, Frank Taylor, J. A. Ilogntski, N. Wilton, M. Prendergass, J. Prendergast. L. Dsvan (Wellington), E. Ward, David McGill, J. Sullivan, T. G. Warren, S. A. Elliott (Otaki), J. H. Richards, Fowler, Misses P. Sweeney, B. Perkins, Eileen Ividd, Doris Carr, M. Morrell, Mary Menzies, Molly Maxwell, N. Enright, Doreen Might, Brenda Henderson, Inger McLennan, Eunice James, Norma Brown. Amy Prestney (Rangiora), Ena Prestney, Edna Gee, Yvonne Coard (Rangiora), Maureen Cathorwood (Rangiora), Catherine Flvnn, Betty Cottcrill, Halmai Loughnan, Diana Allen, Eana Itcdpatb, K. Ormond (Hawke's Bay), Eileen Burke, Doris Webb, Betty Madden, Veronica O'Boyle, Betty O'Boyle, Eileen Rose, B. Boyd (Rangiora), Bunty Weir, Doris Shir--ley, Edna McCann, Doris Haworth, W. Ellwood (Wellington), Doris Swanstou, Francis Ainsworth, Nellie Lynskey (Rangiora), Agatha Upliam, Gertrude Lattimore, Dorothy Walton (Timaru), Lily Lattimore, M. Whelan, Belle McMillan, Bernadette Hollcy, Wilmot Macbeth, Yvonne Baxter, Agnes Barrett, Janet Archer, Ula McLennan, Dorothy Leslie, Dorothy Barron, Lesley Hay, Eileen Ford, Molly Fitzsimmons, Ilene Deal, Emily Munro, Lorna de la Cour, Doveen Delany, E. Cook, Irene Brown, Veo Jones, Aileen Bastion, Mina Ward, Dora Bust, Bernadine "Wall, Elsie Ward, Lillian Ward, Lillian Haughey, May Ward, Veronica Sloane, M. O'Malley, Molly Fowler, Edna Dickson, M. D'Ath (Otaki), Ursula Flynn (Morven), Rita Burke, Angela Moore, Torry Stewart, May Threlkeld, Ella Galletly, Mae Heaphy, Joan Daly, Kathleen Cunneen, Evelyn O 'Carroll, Betty Orsborn, Thelma Cusack, Doreen Amyes, >

Gfretta Biordan, Myra Moore, Gabriel McEvedy, Margaret McTeague, Eileen Boyland, Patricia Wall, Ivy Fowler, Betty Deighton, Mary Wall, Valmai Falloon, Irene O'Malley, and Minnie Dunn.

WEDDINGS. MATTHEWS—BOYD. A wedding which aroused much interest in Christchurch and Southland uas celebrated at St. Barnabas s Church, Fendalton, on Wednesday afternoon, when Rosa Hartnell, second daughter of Mr and Mrs J. Boyd, Kahautara, Kaikoura, was married to John Robert Charles Matthews, younger son of Mrs and the lato Rev. Mr Matthews, Hampshire, England. The llev. F. Ji. Redgrave performed the ceremony, and the bride's uncle, Mr W. Stone (Hororata), in the unavoidable absence of her father, escorted her to the altar while the Wedding March was being played. On leaving the church the brido was presented with a silver decorated horseshoe by her small cousin, Miss Enid Stone, of Hororata. The bride wore a heavy ivory satin marocaiu frock, with a sleeveless fitting bodice and stitched bands of material knotted in front and forming a bolero at the back. The skirt from a hipvoko flared'to the ankles and was iiuisht'd with a short pcplum. Her whit«j georgette coatee was beaded in crystal an 1 pearl beads. From the close-fit-ting cap, caught at each side with orange blossom, fell the embroidered veil, which uas mounted over a train of soft tulle and finished with lovers' knots of orange blossom. She carried a sheath of freesias and lilies. Her attendant bridesmaids were Miss Molly Pearo (Southland), Miss Essy Thacker (Okain's Bay), and Miss Dorothy J udd (Darfield). They wore attractive frocks of primrose georgette, made with close-fitting bodices and long, full skirts, over which they wore short coatees of the same shade and large fu, felt hats to match. They wore amber necklaces, gifts of the bridegroom, and carried F-heaves of shaded mauve irises tied with primrose streamers. The bridegroom was attended by Mr Walter Harris (Christchurch), Mr Noel McGregor (Mt. Linton, Southland), and Mr M. Acton-Adams (Clarence Reserve, Kaikoura). Airs Boyd entertained her guests at the Winter Garden, where the reception was held. Sh© wore a model frock of navy satin georgette, under a navy wool georgette coat, with grey fur collar and cuffs and a smart navy baku hat with crown embroidered in flat motifs. She carried a bouquet of abutis, freesias, and maidenhair fern. Mrs J. M. Pears (Southland), sister of the bride, wore a smart green tweed costume, small green felt hat, and fur necklet. When Mr and Mrs Matthews left for the wedding tour the bride was wearing a smart brown and daffodil fleck costume with jumpur to tone, and a close-fitting daffodil fur felt hat with a bow of felt at the right side. She wore a brown fur necklet, and she carried a coat of leaf-green barathea witli large collar and cuffs of skunk fur. COMING-OF-AGE PARTY.

At tlie invitation of Mr and Mrs T. J. Milton relatives and friends gathered at tho Jellicoe Hall to celebrate tlie coming-of-age of their younger daughter, Winifred, whose engagement to Mr C. Dempsey has recently been announced. • Mrs T. J. Milton received tho guests wearing a model frock of black georgette and lace, caught at the waist with a diamente buckle. Tho guest of honour wore a delphinium blue georgetto frock with ankle-length skjrt falling from a Y-shaped hip-line outlined with diamente trimming. The bridge coat to match was patterned on front and sleeves with diamento. JNliss E. Milton wore a dainty frock of pale rose georgette, the long skirt falling from a bodice of floral georgette in rose and blue embossed with gold. Tho bridge coat was of plain georgetto with floral collar, the sleeves plain to the elbow, falling over the wrist in a wide flare of floral georgette. Miss It. Dempsey wore wine-red crepe do chine . embroidered with gold leaves, and bridge coat of lace with stand-up collar to match. Miss M. Woodward, white satin and georgette, the skirt of georgette being banded with narrow satin strips, red shoulder posy and bridge coat of black velvet and white fox. Miss F. Haworth, white georgette and lace, with red shoulder posy, and bridge coat of white georgette heavily trimmed with white fox. Mr and Mrs Leo Bowden gave a graceful exhibition of the modern waltz, Mrs Bowden wearing a frock of shell-mnk georgette, the long skirt being entirely composed of tiny frills. Further items were given by Mrs Alex. Thompson (songs) and by Messrs E. Woodward and G. Jackson (recitations). At supper the usual toasts were honoured, the guest of tho evening being presented with the customary key by Mr R. B. Woodward. Miss D. Moore's Orchestra supplied the music, and squeakers, carnival hats, streamer and snowball dances added to the gaiety of the occasion. The guest of honour received many beautiful presents. Among those present were Mr and Mrs T. J. Milton, Mr and Mrs E. B. Woodward, Mr and Mrs E. A. Gasson, Mr and Mrs S. V. Besley, Mr and Mrs A. Besley, Mr and Mrs 8. M: Button, Mr and Mrs J. Lester, Mr and Mrs J. Armstrong, Mr and Mrs E. Barber, Mr and Mrs Leo Bowden, Mr and Mrs J. Fearon, Mr and Mrs Newman Hall, Mr and Mrs Mcintosh, Mr and. Mrs Beckett, Mesdames E. Evans, C. B. Cogan, F. Boddington, 11. G. Cogan, N. Perry, J. Bryce, K. Howie, A. Thomson, J. Carr, J. Sewell, H. Woodward, L. Able, Misses F. Haworth, W. Milton, V. Muirson, L. Todd, S. Howman, M. Woodward, E. Milton, E. Dempsey, P. Milne, V. Meckleson, Vera Barber, Halo Scott, Crystal O'Connor, E. Enright, Doris O'Connor, Crosbie, W. Madden, O. Evans, G. Sherlock, V. Gasson, I. Piper, E. Cummings, H. Button, Eovina Douding, D. Gasson, M. Thorne, C. llobinson, E. Cother, B. James, Gibson, L. Innes, Messrs A. Campbell, E. V. Glanville, F. Monlsman, C. Dtinpsey, A. McKeon, C. Smart, F. J. Ansell, W. Thomson, J. Ainger, J. Coil, E. Ehodes, L. Besley, S. Large, C. Williams, G. Innes, Mitchell, J. Alexander, E. Freeman, L. Walsh, A. Treneary, E. Hall, W. H. Piper, J. Pearson, J. Howman, L. Large, H. Todd, F. Muirson, W. Kelly, N. Stokes, G. Jackson, E. Woodward, G. Beaumont, F. Smith, E. Dennis, H. Phillips, T. Greene, L. Evans, F. Teear, E. Ball, S. Muirson, N. Cother, E. Hall, Master Willie Woodward, ■ and many others. BIRTHDAY PARTY. A surprise party visited the home of Mr and Mrs Archie McNae, Office road, Merivale, to celebrate' Mr McNae's 82nd birthday. An enjoyable time was spent playing cards and games. . Those present included Mesdames G. T. Robertson, G. A. Bedford, and H. McNae (Courtenay), A. McKay (Halkett), Messrs H. and F. McNae (Courtenay), and Andrew McNae, A shilling advertisement in v the classified section of The Peess will sell your goods. Try it. 12 words Is, three insertions 2s. 6d. . —6


Miss Hilda Jones, youngest daughter of Mr David Jones, M.P., and Mrs Jones, Bryndwr, has arrived in New York on her return to New Zealand after completing a post graduate course at the London Day Training College, She will spend only a short period in New York before travelling to San Jj'rancisco to join the Makura, which will arrive iu Wellington on September i! Ist. She is accompanied by Miss Gladys Seaforth, of Palmerston North. Miss Scaforth, Miss Jones, and Dr. Pauline Witherow, of Auckland, have liad a flat in London for the past yea*r, and they were later joined by Miss Kate Johnston v (Cashmerc Hills), and Dr. Helen Dougall (Fendalton). Before Miss Jones left for Ireland to pay A farewell visit to relatives, this littld community of New Zealanders, together with Miss Bona Wheeler (Christchurch), who is now on the staff of St. Thomas*3 Hospital massage department, as a lecturer, spent a week walking in tho Lake district, and climbing Helvellyer, Dr. Dougall then left for Scotland to join the staff of the Greenock Hospital and Miss AVheeler to join a party of the N.U.S. to climb in the Dolomites.

MOTHERCRAFT TRAINING SOCIETY. TRUBY KING PRINCIPLES. SPREADING KNOWLEDGE. (raou OUB own cobkebpondent.) LONDON, July 10. The report of the Mothercraft Training Society for the year ending March 31st, 1931, has been published and will bo presented at the annual meeting on July 16th. Special reference i 3 made in the report to the opening of the Princess Elizabeth of 'York Host-el by the president, H.R.H. the Duchess of York, on November 26th. The liostel, it will bo remembered, was opened free of debt. The estimate of cost had been £32,000, whereas the actual oost has proved to be £IOOO less. Dr. R. C. Jewesbury mentions that the hostel has been fully tested, and the new building was proved quite admirable for tho work for which it was intended. Tho largo 'lecture hall, which it provides, has been particularly useful. Through the generosity of the lato Lord Melchett and of Violet, Lady Melchett, an enlarged scheme for infant welfare is being developed in Chelsea. One of the three distinct wings in the new building, which was opened in March by Her Majesty the Queen, is the Mothercraft Training Home, and this is affiliated with tho Mothercraft Training Society. There is accommodation for 15 resident students, and at tho end of the year's training tho students will be examined, in their theoretical and practical know- . ledge from tho Mothercraft Trahiing Society. How tho Work is Spreading. There are now 420 fully-trained nurses, midwives, and mothercraft nurses who hold the M.T.S. certificate, and tho Society can truly be said to have its representatives all over the globe. There are no fewer than five in 1 Kenya, two of whom are on the staff of the Lady Grigg Nursing Association, two are workhig at the Memorial Hospital in Ludhiana in tho Punjab, two are on the staff of a Government Hospital in Southern India, one has a Rockefeller Scholarship to-study Public Health in the y.S.A. for a year, one has gone to Medical Missionary work in China, one is nursing in Mongolia, two ore carrying on Public Health work in Canada, two are matron' of hospitals in Northern and Southern Rhodesia respectively, .one is a Rural Child Welfare Nurse in South Africa, one is matron of a hospital in the Sudan, one is at Jerusalem, and is hoping to cooperate with a lady doctor in translating "Tho Mothercraft Manual" into Arabic, while another has returned to her home in Japan to carry on her nursing work there. Other certificate holders are doing equally useful work, in the British Isles. Matrons' posts are held by them at St. Thomas's Hostel, at All Saints' Nursery Training College, Harrogate, at St. Ann's Nursery Training College, Cheltenham, and at the Violet Melchett Mothercraft Training Home in Chelsea- Other's hold staff posts at St. Thomas's Hospital, at the Bradford Hospital .(maternity wards), at the G.L.I. Hospital, York Road, at the Children's Hospital, Tite. Street, while Public Health posts are filled by them at Bristol, Edinburgh, Chester, St. Andrews, Bethnal Green, Shoreditch, Chelsea, Allerton, Bywater, and Manchester. Some of the nurses have started nursing homes of their own. All are helping : n some degree in the great work of "conserving the health and strength of the rising generation and rendering both mother and offspring hardy, healthy, and resistive to disease." Statistics show that the attendances at Cromwell House during the year were 11,341; new cases. 1927; inpatients (mothers) 72 (babies) 195; deaths 6. Of the six babies who died, only two were realiv cases, the others suffering from definite diseases. Dr. Fairbairn (in his report) draws attention to'the numbers and varied character of the individuals and bodies, visiting the school, as evidence_ of tho spreading knowledge of and increasing interest in its work and teaching. A distinct feature of the fast year or two Has been tho accumulation or further.evidence to tho same effect by the foundation, of daughter-schools in London and in the country, together with the growing and ever widening demand ior the services of nurses with the additional training and certificate of the Society. The Walton Street Branch is an integral part of the Mother-School, set down there for the convenience ot Southern London, but the Babies Hos- : tel, Kennington, administered by St. Thomas's Hospital, is a true daughter institution, as also are the others the Violet Melchett Home at Chelsea, and the JNursery Training Colleges at Harrogate and Cheltenham, all ot them helping to fulfil her aims and objects. Iheir matrons and permanent staff have been trained by the society, and the wcrk they do is on the saqie lines as those of the parent school. ■ PARTY AT HALKETT. An enjoyable time was spent at & social held in the Halkett School on Tuesday, The music for dancing was supplied by Mrs R. Henderson, and Misses L. Thompson and L.; Watson. Competitions were won by Miss Turner and Mrs R. J. Watson, and Misses J;. Turner, and 0. S. McKay. Mr L. G. Davis wasM.C:

PROTECTION OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN. - At the monthly meeting of the New Zealand Society for the Protection of Women and Children (Christchurch Branch), the following members were present:—The president, the Rev. C. A. Fraer, Mesdames J. Blackaby, and T. Tomlinson, the Revs. W. Baumber, and C. Perry, Messrs C. R. N. Mackie, and P. G. Grant (hon. treasurer), and the secretary .(Miss Cardale). Reports were received from the treasurer and collector, and the secretary reported 184 visits, 302 miscellaneous, and that 269 callers had been attended to during the month. Reports from, the National Council of Women and the Women's Unemployment Committee were received. It was reported that the City Council had granted Friday, _ November 6th, for the street collection. After the important _ cases were heard, the committee adjourned. WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION. The usual fortnightly meeting of the Christchurch branch of the W.C.T.U. was held on Wednesday, Miss Henderson presiding. A vote of sympathy was passed to the members of the World-wide W.C.T.U. Executive Council in the death of their president, Miss Anna Gordon, U.S.A., also to the relatives of Mrs Williams, late of Llnwood, an untiring worker for temper-

ance, a regular attendant at the meetings, and a generous giver. ' . The president welcomed Miss Blackwell and visiting members from the Ashburton Union." To celebrate the birthday of the senior members Mesdames Israelsen . and Pedler, the president offered hearty congratulations, and paid a fine tribute to their long years of faithful service. The president, on behalf of the Unions, presented posies of violets and freesias to Mesdames Israelsen and Pedler. Afternoon tea was then served, a special feature being an iced birthday cake. A pianoforte solo was played by Miss M. M. Stephens, and songs were sung by Mesdames Gallop and Harjper. Miss Stephens acted as accompanist. The meeting closed with the Benediction. DANCE XT HEATHCOTE VALLEY. Those "who attended the Heathcote Club's long-night dance on Wednesday evening had a very enjoyable time. A lucky spot waltz was won by Mrs Burberry and Mr W. Read. Music for the dancing was supplied by Wells' Dance Band, and the duties of M.C. were carried out by Messrs A. Nicholl and S. Perkins. There were present Mr and Mrs Atkinson, Mesdames Cogle, Ashworth, Evans, Read, Burberry, Raymond, and Lowe, Misses V. Small, N. Atkinson, R. Robertson, P. Smith, 13. Read, J. Evans, D. Newton, P. Read, D. Barnes, J. Smith, J. Read, J. Truscott, E. Linton, A. Cogle, F. Renfield, N. Burberry, E. Thomas, B. Reeves, J. Jolinstone, ' G. Read, E. Sargison, F. Ramon, Z, Carew,

E. Eliot-Cotton, P. Cameron, J. Carte*, T. Hemsley, M. Truscott, M. Veeeh, T. Harvey, I. Stanton, Messrs "W. Bead, H. Ashwortli, A. Nicholl, V. Patton, IL Atkinson, S. Perkins, L. Cogle, G. Gamblin, P. Niclioll, A. Cogle," G. la GrOßse, J. Williams, K. Wyman, W. Wilson, L. Wareing, J. Newton, M. Collier, T. Burberry, C. Deavoll, H. M. Thompson, A. Clark, J. Davis, T. McFarlane, L. Gough, C. Ellis, P. Harris, E. Ellis, R. Eantin, H. Pedder, S. Cameron, G. Warren, and M. Todd.

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Press, Volume LXVII, Issue 20315, 14 August 1931, Page 2

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WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LXVII, Issue 20315, 14 August 1931, Page 2

WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LXVII, Issue 20315, 14 August 1931, Page 2