Mies Kose (Kugby street) and \hss Alma McCallum (Timaru) are earing on Saturday i'or a holiday visit 0 the Hermitage, Alt. Cook. Mrs Alice Forrester, assisted by Mrs Hobs Brodio and Mr V. H. Dixon, have arranged the programme i'or a musicalo '•? be held at the Canterbury Women's 1 !'jij to-morrow night, \r iL'« meeting ot.' the Rome EcoMvniH'6 Association to be held in tho >.?J.C.A. Concert Hall to-morrow night, '•Jis.-, N". Grand will give a denionstratiou v.k-ker tray-making. -Sybil Jlutlivr/orc; <H.aydoj; !ii is tite jjuciT, oi Mi;:; Mary \itxa! i dor. Lincoln. Mi* William Alhrj (neo Blacklor.), o; 1 \y (Jrou'i, liciullr. u'jth her hiiiban:*., - i isitii-g Kitfrlaiiii. Mr auil Mrs Allan ••;«ve fakoji ; hoiiio in Scotland, where ii.t<■>)><.! to : ; pei\ti some months Be- • r<.-fcur.iii»;4 to Ceylon, they hope to ■ "sii »-..• Zt-nh'nd, where Mrs Allan's "sne IWoro her marriage. A aiirpriji.- party visited the home of .'JkE,Pratt. Gloucester street, on Mo-.i- ---• iay etXaing in honour of her niece, Miss Katherine Thornton, who is shortly to married. The party took the for:n jl! a "kitchen evening," during which :he guest of honour received many usc"ul girts. Among those present were: Uiascs Pratt, O. Dale, X. Stewart, P. Varbev. J. Thomas, 0. Hawkins, D. Hig.M. Knight, Z. Heard, and i'J. Kwing. St. Mary's Bull, to be held at the Winter Garden to-night, promises to bo ■i splendid success. Tickets have bee:i •elling rauidly and the demand for al.oves and tables has been unusually brisk. The Bailey-Marston Orchestra will supply the music, many attractive novelty items will be introduced and tho • iouble tickets are moderately priced at r 'l's 6d, which includes supper and light •ei'reshments served during the oven•ug. Tickets tor tho Cabaret Comique, ••'hieh is being held in the Winter Garden to-morrow night, may be obtained t'rom anv member of the comaiitteeMesdames Frank Graham, J. G. Collins. Misses Margaret Anderson, and Mildred Cock. Messrs Frank Graham, Heatheot« Helmoro, Ross Las•.elles, R. H. Livingstone, F. G. Brisjr. G. D. Ward, or F. Nicholls. Each previous plunket carbaret has proved such an enjoyable feature ol' race week, that the committee is sparing no effort to ensure the success of ihe Cabaret Comique. A very successful social afternoon was held on Tuesday for the mothers of pupils attending the Selwyn Kindergarten. There were competitions, ■*ames. and exhibitions of tho children's work, which interested those present very much. Miss Hull spoke regarding the handwork done by the children, and pointed out what could be made by them from waste materials ->ueh us match-boxes and cotton reels. The serving of afternoon t-ea by several willing helpers Brought the afternoon to & close. KNir WITH ROSE FINGERING. . ' ROSE FINGERING" for economy, i orefort, good wear, and washing. Prov'.irable in all latest shades and mixtures. Sample fringes free on request. For booklet 211 giving instructions for i-hiidron'o knitted. outfits, send 9d in !»".?mps to Patons and Baldwin?, Ltd.. 144111, Wellington. --4 .NATIONAL WEEK ATTRACTIONS. Smart footwear selling at low eost at tho James Shoe Store sale. Lovely combinations in reptile, suedes, and kid. Also all types of evening shoes. Inapeei ion invited —148 Armagh street, nest Dominion Motors. —6 HEALTHY, WARM SLEEP. X let of people aro sleeping very snugly these cold frosty nights. But they haven't an unhealthy fire in their toom, or a radiator burning. No, the •window is wide open. Fresh air fills the room. You see, they have a Unique Hot Water Bottle at their feet. Unique Hot Water Bottles will not leak nor tear, and retain heat much longer than other makes. All Dealers. —2
The Lady Editor will be pleased to receive for publication in the "Women's Corner" items of social or personal news. Such items should be i'ully authenticated, and engagement notices must bear tho signatures) of both parties. Correspondence is iavited on any matters affecting, or of interest to, women.
MRS M. J. RICH. The death is announced of Mrs Mary Jane Bieh, an old and respected resident of Canterbury, who died at her residence, Clothier's road, Clarkville. Mrs Bich, who was born in Christchurch In 1854, was the eldest daughter of she late Mr and Mrs Samuel Clothier, who came to New Zealand in one of the First Pour Ships, the Sir George Seymour, in 1850. After residing in Chrißtcliureh for some time, they went to live at Kaiapoi Island on a farm situated u n what was afterwards known as Clothier's road. She was later married to .Mr James Bich, of Devonshire, England, and settled on the farm adjoining her old home. Mrs Bich was a staunch supporter of the Church of England, always willing to do her share in organising bazaars or any undertaking connected with the Church. She was an energetic member of St. Augustine's Guild and will be greatly missed for her amiable and cheery nature. In times of trouble and sickness she was always willing to give any help she could, and also to the needy in distress. Of a kindly and loving disposition she was esteemed by a large circle of friends. The funeral, which was largely attended by residents of the surrounding districts took place on Tuesday afternoon at St. Augustine's churchyard. The Bev. L. Sparrow officiated at the graveside. The pall-bearers were Messrs A. and Ij. Burgess (grandsons), H. Clothier, and V. Wilson (nephews). Mrs Bich's husband predeceased her fiv® years ago. She leaves one son, four daughters, and thirteen grandchildren. Many beautiful tributes were seat from the family, the grandchildren, Brother Henry and Amy, Uncle Harry, Daisy and Alice, Mr and Mrs H. Clothier and family, Mr and Mrs V. Wilson and Horton, Mr and Mrs A. Wilson and family, Mr and Mrs J. Northam and Betty, Mrs T. Hassall, Mrs J. Wright and family, Mrs A. Holland and family, Mr and Mrs G. H. Hassall, Mr and Mrs G. Brown, Mr and Mrs Lea Giles, Mr and Mrs J. Madeley, F. and L. Burgess, Mr and Mrs E. Hassall, Mr and Mrs 8. Marshall Mr and Mrs F. Bollington, Mr and Mrs A. Wyatt uud Mrs Wiltlerspin, Mr and Mrs J, Elli.iero and family, Mr and Mrs P. MeXab and Miss Elder, Mrs M. Morris, j jjrnie and family, St. Augustine's Ladies' Guild.
j WARM WRAPS AT ADDINGTON. The Metropolitan Trotting Oiui), so louts Fortune's favourite in the all-im-portant matter of weather, has been frowned upon during the present Meeting, and yesterday forenoon, whan race-goers were preparing to go to Addington, the frown had deepened to a scowl. For the wind, having sprung up from its sleep on Tuesday, was out for a "mad cap galloping chase," and certainly caused a commotion, both in the City and at Addington, where, bofore the first race, it interfered witu tho operation of the totalisator. Later in the day the wind dropped, the threatening rain-clouds dispersed, and the afternoon was pleasant and brig]it. Warm coats and snugly fitting hats were wisely the choice of most of the ladies present, who diligently sought sheltered spots on the stands. Mrs J. H. Williams, wir'o of the president, wore a blue and wliito wool crepe frock with tenches of white pique, black coat, nu vy velour felt hat with brilliant ornament. Mrs C. M. Ollivier, black crepe de chine frock, smart black and white scarf, mink cost, bl»ck velour felt hat with brilliant ornament. Mrs J. i\ Buchanan, brown ensombl-3 with beige and brown finely patterned frock and ')i-ov,-n coat, fur coat, and brown hat. Mrs Y. w . Trolove, navy suit, black straw hat. Mrs Colbcck (Auckland), black frock, pinnpotted with white, under fur coat; black felt hat. Mrs G. Colbeck, green frock under fur coat: green felt hat. Mrs William Ilayward, black cloth coat with fur collar, over black frock; black velvet V.ttt trimmed with velvet leaves. Mjrs Jeffreys, black frock with touches of whitfe, fur coot, black hat. * Mrs F. A. Nixon, black worsted tailored suit, black felt hat with downturned brim and brilliant orna-ment. Mrs J. S. Hawkea, mastic and brown furtrimmed tweed coat, over tweed frock; brown velour hat with orange motif at the side. Mrs Herbert P. Lawry, fawn tweed suit, yellow jumper, fawn felt hat. Misa Meta Nixon, brown and biskra checked tweed ensemble, with upstanding fur collar; small dark brown felt hat. Miss McClatchie, brown and beige conventionally patterned crepe de chine frock, smart striped coat with fur collar to tone, small brown hat. Mrs E. G. McCullough, black and yellow patterned marocain frock, squirrel coat, dark green velour felt hat. Mrs J. S. Eurns, black tailored suit with blouse of apricot crepe do chine, ermino stole, black cloth coat. Mrs Macintyro, black frock, black cloth coat, and black hat with satin crown. Mrs O. C. Cot, blue frock under squirrel coat; blue hat to match. Mrs A. C. Nottingham, navy tailored suit, navy felt hat. Mrs A. Mercer, green and tangerine patterned crepe frock, brown fur coat, brov.-n folt hat with tangerine brim. Mra Hudson (Dunedin), block seal coat trimmod with sable, over dark frock; email black velvet hat. Mrß Leicester Mataon, smart ensemble of mastic boucle tweed, with tweed hat and cloven to tone. Mrs Allan Matson, black and white check tailored suit, brown felt hat. Mrs W. Joynt, navy costume, black furtrimmed coat, and black liat. Mra Garth Galloway (Eunedin), smart brown tailored suit, fur stole, brown folt hat lined with flame colour. Mrs Cyril White, rosewood tweed costume and felt hat to match. Mrs J. R. McKenaie. golden brown marocain frock, mink coat, brown velvet hat. Mrs P. Toit, black suit, brown fur coat, and wide green felt hat. Mrs G. A. Pascoo, brown frock under navy cloth coat, wine felt bat. . Mrs Morgan O'Brien, biack satin frocic, squirrel coat, Bmall black cire straw hat. Mrs F. W. Johnston, very smart black and ■white tailored suit and small hat to matcli. Miss Molly Darby, brown frock under fur coat; small brown felt hat. , Mrs R. J. Murphy (Wellington}, frock of navy crepe de chine, with pale P'nk vesteo, black seal coat with sable collar and cuffs, small black hat uncommonly trimmed with ba MiBS O RHa P Burke. S black patterned crope do chine frock, brown fur coat, brown lelt hat inset with beige. ... Mrs Peter Wilson, brown cloth coat, witn upstanding for collar, wide brown felt hat. Mrs 0. E. Cross, navy suit, imperial blue hat, Mrs Harry Harley, brown fawn and red checked tweed suit, red felt hat. Miss Agnes Darbjr, dark green frock, brown far coat, dark green felt hat. Mrs Shirley Wright, pretty frock of navy crepe de chine, with touches of Chinese red, ■wide navy felt hat. , Miss Jean Gurney, stone-grey tweed coat, rose-pink hat. , v„„™ Mrs W. E. Stickinga, ensemble of brown and beige xiobbly tweed, small black hat. Miss M. Davis, brown frock, musquash coat, wide black felt hat. Mra H. Nickolls, brown frock, fur coat, orango felt and velvet hat. ..... , Mrs P. Dearden, black tailored suit, seal coat, black and white tweed hat. MiBB Peggy Norton, red and white flecked frock, fur coat, red straw hat. Miss Loiß Ollivier, blue patterned frock with 'whit© georgette collar and tie, brown tweed coat ond brown beret. Miss Ailsa Nelson (Wellington), brown tweed coat, with fur collar, over toning froab, brown felt hat with downturned brim. Miss Millicent GrOBO (Wellington), light lawn tweed ensembte, dark green felt hat. Miss Dorothy Poison, black and wliito largely-checked tweed coat, with black fur collar, over grey tweed frock, black «nd white tweed and felt hat. Mrs Muirson, log-wood tailored suit, orango and beige scarf, brown velour liat. Mrs G. Fleetwood, smart brown and beige tweed ensemble, with upstanding fur collar, brown felt hat. Miss Dnlcie Fleetwood, green leather coat over fawn tweed frock, green felt hat. Miss G. McEvedy, blue and mauve check frock, brown fur coat, small brown velvet hat. Miss Lslievre, brown patterned tweed frock, squirrel coat, Bmall brown hat.' Miss Nancye le Cren, black suit, with black and white vest, brown fur coat, black and white tweed hat. Mrs Harold Goggin, biskra and brown tailored suit, small felt and tweed hat. Miss Nickolls, ruby-red velvet frock, red cloth coat, ruby felt hat. Miss Muriel Kerr, moss-green satin frock, brown fur coat, daffodil-yellow felt hat, raised on a bandeau in front. VISITORS TO CHRISTCHURCH. "United Service Iiotol: Mr and Mrs 3'". W. Shallcrass (Greymouth). , New City Hotel: Mr ond Mrs Geo. Graham (Auckland), Mr and Mrs L. Simpson (Dannevirke), Mr and Mrs A. H. Smithson (Wellington), and Mr and Mrs John R» 0. Motthews (Sefton). Hotel Federal: Mr and lvlr3 W. Scott (Oamaru), Mr and Mrs Patterson (Oamaru), Mr Xi. Johnston (Ashburton), Mr J. McIvfeekin (Timaru), Mr T. Doyle (Timaru), and Mr W. Kerr fßangiora). Stonehurst Private Hotel—Dr. Steenson (Solomon Islands), Mrs and Miss Steenson (Oamaru), Mr Eric Clarkson (Wellington), Mr and Mrs Hunter (Wanganui), Mr Brierly (Auckland). Mra McKerrow (Dunedin), Mr and Mrs Preston (Ranfurly), Mr Randell (Auckland). Mr Topliss (Greymouth), Mr Randal (Wellington), Mr and Mrs Boucher (Greymouth), Mr and Mrs Bruce Midlano (Sydney), Mr Tasey (Melbourne), Mr Gray (Wellington), and Mr Angus (Dunedin). VISITORS TO HOLIDAY RESORTS. Reeont guests to the Franz Joaef Glacier Hptel, Waiho Gorge, include Mr J. Middleton (Christchurch), Mr A. O. Wilkinson (Christchurch), Dr. A'Court (Christchurch), Mrs Bower Black (Ohristchurch), 3liss B. Bliinden (Christchurch), Mr J. Charters (Nelson), Mr Johnston (Greymouth), Mr Renyard (Christchurch), Messrs Marshall and Crawford (Christchurch), Mr W. E. Williams (Hokitika), "Dr. Hay (Hoktika), Mr Darby (Hokitika), Mr Bignell (Greymouth), Mr H. Melvillo (Greymouth), Mr Hill (Greymouth), Mr B. Graham (Greymouth), Miss Shoedy (Greymouth), Mr Johns (Greymouth), Mr Hughes (Chrlatchurch), and Mie3cs M. •nd J. Chisholta (Sydney). j
A SPLENDID SUCCESS. .Ko Grand National Week would be complete without a ball, arranged by those doyens in the art of entertaining—the members of the Canterbury Officers' Club. Visitors to the City as well as Christchurch dance-lovers, look forward to enjoying each year the club's generous hospitality, and they are never disappointed. The Caledonian Hall .looked its brightest and best last night when the Club's ball was held. Tho officers wore uniforms and medals, the officers of the Air Force were present in their smart blue uniforms, and further interest was added by the attendance of tho officers of the Boyal Naval Volunteer Reserve. The decorations were appropriate and particularly effective. On the stage and the front of the gallery were arranged the Union Jack, tho Eed and Blue Ensigns, and various signalling flags; the ceiling and walls were festooned with twisted streamers of red, white, and blue, while baskets of greenery and red flowers adorned the walls. One end of the ball-room was furnished as a lounge, and here and on the stage wero arranged pelargoniums in pots, while a new note was introduced in tho set of military pictures placed in the deep window-embrasures. In the supper room the small tables were decorated with Iceland poppies, narcissi, and red-birch foliage. The members of the committee who were most zealous for the comfort and enjoyment of their guests, were Colonel H. C. Hurst (chairman), LieutenantColonel E. C. Wickens, LieutenaritColonel G. J. Beattie, Captain C. Bell, Captain J. M. Mitchell, Captain H. Blake, Lieutenant L. .A. Morison, Lieutenant A. 11. Cavell, Lieutenant C. IV. Hamann, with Lieutenant G. S. Salter as the efficient, honorary secretary. Music was supplied by the BailcyMarston Orchestra. There was one debutante, Miss tfena Bates, who wore an attractive frock of shell pink ring velvet, simply made with deep pointed hip-yoke and flared skirt. She carried a posy of pink and cream flowers. Mr:: G. . Smith, pHVchinerit georgetto hemmed v.ith fish net and finished with a upray of pale pink flowers on the uhouMor. lira S. C. P. Nicholia, black gcorgotto and lace. ITra IX il. Bteraner, almond-green spotted taffeta. Mr 3 Hamilton Simpson, blaclc lace frouk and costeo to match with collar of fur. Mr 3 11. C. Hurst, daffodil-yellow georgette, lightly tucked and finished with a beaded band at tho neck-line. Mrs 11. 0. Wickens, cherry-red lacc with uncommon biskra tracory and gold girdle clasped with red bucklo. Mrs Jj. A. Morison, Mack panne fe'.yet, lightly embroidered with rhinestones. Mrs Oharles Bell, roac-beigo lace mounted on [roorsette of a deeper tone. Mrs A. H. Cavell, red lace and georgette. lira J. li. Findlav, lovely frock of aqua-marine-blue and silver brocade. Mrs Somerset Thomas, elegant frock oJ parchment taffeta. Mrs H. H. Hanna, pink and gold shot taffeta and satin coateo edged v.ith gold brocade. Mrs T. Hilliken, blue Batin with, floral tissue coatee. Mrs Frank Egan, patterned ninon in lone 3 of green and pink. Mrs 11. S. Fox, uncommon frock with corsage o£ beige georgette with floral appliques ,nnd ukirt of black georgette embroidered in crystal beads. Mrs K, Douglas Pullon, graceful geraniumred gcorj-ette frock. Miss Pullon, pink floral ninon. Mrs A. B. Williams, turquoiae-blue satin. Mrs M. A. Stedman, black laco and georgette, embroidered with rhineatones on the shoulders. Mrs H. G. Livingstone, beautiful frock of black panne velvet with coatee to match and tiny veatee of flesh-tint Batin. Misa Doreeu Highf, geranium-red georgetto with tiny tucks at tho waist-line. Miss ilenda Giorgi, thell-pink georgette, lightly embroidered in pastel ahadea. Sirs A. J. Dunn, black clro laco inijet with panels of georgette. Miss Dorothy Poison (Stratford), gold tissuo inset with gold lace. Mis 3 Loia Ollivier, ivory satin with narrow bolt clasped with diamente buckle. Miss Meta Nixon, wineberry-red georgette, finely tucked and flnished with a smart little cnpelet. Mrs G. Beattie, black lace. Mi as Janie Murray, burgundy-red crepe do chino with coatee to match. Mrs H. J. Cummins, ciel-blue patterned taffeta with a bridge co'it of emboused volvet to match. Miss Ella Macgibbon, rose-pink georgette, with posy of flowers at the back of tho decollotage. Mias Joyce Macgibbon, hyacinth-blue georgette, with deep capo collar and frilled poplum on tho skirt. Mra J. W. Nivon, fuchsia and grey patterned ninon, with yoke and deep hem of plain fuchsia georgette. Mrs Garth, black ninon patterned in rosepink. Miss Alma Crampton, shell-pink corded ta£feta, brocaded in small design. Mrs V. J. Moir, apple-green satin boaute, patterned in nasturtium shades. Mrs 11. \V. Smith, pink shot floral taffeta. Miss Nell Gillespie, green georgette. Miss Jforeen C'raddock, ivory satin. Miss Ethel Brydon, ivory Chantilly lace, hemmed with fish net. Miss Millicont Grose (Wellington), attractive frock of gold satin. Miss Kathleen Hoare, smart frock of black satin. Mias Mary Hino, cherry satin and net. Miss May Ciaeroft Wilson, white moire. Mias Mavis Peek, red and gold brocade. Mrs J. E. Queree, pink Batin; trimmed with lines of silver bead embroidery, and pastel tinted appliques. Mi 33 Winifrod Barrett, orange panne/vclvot. Miss Iris* Cullman, gentian blue moire. Miss Patricia Ronalds, white satin, uncommonly trimmed with tiny tabs of the material. Mrs K. P. Davis, frock and coateo oi dahlia-red lace and georgette. Miss Margaret Livingstone (Dunedin) emerald-green georgetto with net hem. ' Mrs J. Allan Meikle, palo primrose brocaded satin. Mrs 11. J. Armstrong, black faconne. Mrs W. A. Caldwell, white satin with white velvet coatee. Mrs Moss Ballin, briar-rose-pink georgette. Miss Margaret Skelton, wliito faillo patterned with cherry-coloured flowers. Mrs Arthur Toon, blue ninon and fish net. Mrs Leslie Calvert, geranium-red georgetto with deep pointed band of fine tucking at tho waist-line. Miss Vera Pox, lacquer-red georgette. Sirs Athol Winterbourn, black taffeta with deep hem of fish net. Mrs H. J. Beck, wineberry-red lacs frock with coatee of georgette to match. Miss Marua Seabrook, flame satin. Mrs Floyd Sheppard, black taffeta. Mrs P. L. Mansell, Chinese red moira with coatee .of lace to match. Mrs J. H. Pennington (Dunedin), briai-rose-pink moir6. Miss Mary Weld (Marlborough), effective trock of blue floral taffeta hemmed with ifeorgotte. Mrs Allan Fisher, vellum lace with grean and flame-coloured feather ornament on the shoulder. Miss Lesley Hay, silver lace with skirt of frilled tulle. Miss Rana Redpath, bougainvillia panne velvet. Mrs Pai Ward (Horetaunga), white tu'le with bodice of white satin and ornaments of turquoise matrix. Mrs Owen Baker, black taffeta patterned in small floral design and deeply hemmed with fisher net. Mrs IT. J. Quarrell, black georgette. Mrs J.- H. Fahey, blue aatin with tiny yoke of not. silver coatee. Mrs J. Hebb, grey lace. Mra Normau Barlow, red floral georgottc with hem of red ruched taffeta. Mra L. It. Wobley, white ring velvofc with touches of turquoise. Mrs 0. J. McFadden, apple-green satin. Mrs J. H. Allan, black satin shot with gold and coatee of gold and rose brocaded lame. Mra E. A. Triggs, black georgette and lace. Miss Laura Gray, black satin with narrow belt clasped with a diamente buckle. Mrs Eric Gp>7, black satin with girdle of rhiaestonea.
I Miss Molly Aburn, figured georeetta mounted on son pink oatiii. Mrs Gordon Gunn, lovely irock of white satin. itrs W. W. Bo.vknr, brown lgye, Mrs li. A. Row, black ninon. , ?Ira W. Matson, midnight-blue satin, j lira Cuthbert ileares, black lace. | Urn J. Mann, deep moss-green georgette Miss Chris Morgan, powder-bluo georgette'. Hiss Patricia Pov.-rie, hyacinth-bluo satin'. }tiß3 Dorothy Quill, black moire, girdle I oi brilliants. ! Sirs Colin Macdonald, black flsher net ! mounted on bla>ek satin. Mrs li. Simes, japonica georgette with I velvet appliques of a deeper shade, j Mis 3 Phyllis Acton-Adams, whito ninon and j lac?. ! Mrs John Oakes, black satin, white Hoover j on shoulder. j Jlru JN". Laver, green patterned crops do j chine. j lira J. Lochhead, pink eatin. ; itiss Rhona Boswell, green floral ninon. ! Miss Barbara Rutherford, lovely frock of j gold and rose brocaded tissue. Miss Diana Allen, -white ninon, Miss K. Ormond, brown lace, kiss Kan Gibson, jade-green georgette. Hiss Xancy Williams, lobelia-blue georgette. Miss Jean Mitchell, cial-blue satin with coatee of lace to match. Miss Peggy Orr, white chine taffeta patterned in deep pink rosebuds. Mrs Douglas Smith, begonia georgette. Miss Mona Sharman, pink georgette. Miss Thelma Haydon, black georgette. Mr 3 G'. I'. Hardie, red lace, with velvet coatee to match. 3£iss Marjorie Denton, white faille. Mrs K. Hetherington, brown and pink patterned ninon. Miss Gwen Baxter, midnight-blua velvet. Hiss ilay Sloss, mignonette-green orcpo regent. , Mrs H. Henderson, beige tulle mounted tra oak-apple crepe de chine. Mrs J. D. Hutchison, reseda-green goorgette. Miss Sybil Wesley, pstvencnc-omo geor--1 gette. Miss Phyllis Dunn, white satin. Mibs Mona Kiley, black lace. Miss Mae Milliken, lacquer-red lace, -with three-tiered skirt and volvet coatee to match. Miss Joan Wotherspoon, floral ninon. Miss Marie Ott, brown faconne. | Miss Owen Tompkins, deep rose-pink satin, ' trimmed with bands of the reverse sido of the material. Miss Mona Clarke, floral geortietto in tono"j of almond and moss-green and black. Miss Nancye le Oren, bluclc taffeta inaet and hemmed with beige net. Miss Billie Allen, gerauium-red satin. Mrs Arnold Preston, gentian-blue georgette, with coatee trimmed with grey fur. Misß Iris Hutton. white taffeta and scarlet fan. Miss Edna Peddar, Burf-groen taffeU. Miss Linda Davidson, cherry-red satin. Miss Myrtle Nolson, ivory Eatin, lightly sequined. Miss K. Greenalado (Dunodin), daffodil jiinon patterned in blue in large design. MiGS Peggy Flood, cerulean-blue satin. Miss M. Greenslade (Dunedin), geraniuarcd georgette. Miss T. Bowman, black velvet. Miss Phylliß kane, err.orald-grcon gflorgeUo. :\liss Peggy i'lotxl, cevuli-ar.-b.ue satin. Jfiss Mary Alexander, bluck satin, with narrow belt clasped with diamente bucklo, and trail of white flowers on the shoulder. Miss Ailus Nelson (Wellington), ivory ninon patterned in coral-pink floral design. Miss Iris Edmonds, oy3ter georgette, with bolero coatee, and deep skirt flounce edged with crystal bead embroidery. Mrs Brett Wood, black tuifota, in&ot with bluck iish-net, and lightly embroidered in gold on the deep hem. Mrs Gooft'rey Hamilton, hydrangea-bluo satin. Mrs R. W. Morrow, black crepe satin. Miss Lesley Payton (Mnsterton.i, primrose j taffeta patterned in floral design. ! Misa Rosa Tripp, pale hyacinth bluo geor- ' gotte, with deep cape collar. Misa Lou Carina, Logonia-pink brocaded crepe de chine. ! Miss Julie Hnow, white failio. j Mrs Cecil Quar.c. pervenche-bluo georgotte j appliqued in rose-pink, and iinished with a I tpray of pink roses on the shoulder. I Mrs McKeo'.vn (Timaru), black georgette, with yoke of black lace, mounted on shellpink. Mrs P. Hollander, lovely frock of pale npple-grocn satin, embroidered with rliineLtones on the corsage. Mrs Isorman Tingey, l»cqucr-red georgette. Miss Luiu Buxton, whito taffeta band»d with brilliant?. Jfiss Haidie Buxton, bluo patterned taffeta. MU's 'can Gard'ner, carmine spotted not. Miss Peggy Crbell, powder-bluo taffeta. Misa liiaine Wickenden, rouo georgette with hem of tafietu. Miss Leita Clark, whito satin with coatee of fisher net outlined with satin. Misa Madeline Meares, georgette shot ta£fots banded in georgette to match. Mitts Joan Bristow, white satin with skirt of tulle. ANDERSONS, IfIMITED. A SUCCESSFUL DANCE. The holiday spirit prevailing in f'hristcliureh this week was evident at the Winter Garden last night, when tho employees of the old-established firm of Andersons, Limited, held their annual dance. Music was supplied by the Bailey-Marston Orchestra, and amusingnovelties were distributed during tho evening. Exhibition dances were given by Miss E. Love and Mr E. Watt, pupils pi Miss Iris Edmonds, and by Miss Edmonds and Mr Desmond Day. The dance committee, on which each department of the firm was represented, consisted ol' Messrs R. Sloane (chairman), L. Talbot (honorary secretary). Misses E. Riley and B. Ladd, Messrs B. Venables, G. J. Cullen, S. Stewart, R. Bascand, Mcllroy, George, J. Biddle, W. Bradley, and W. Gregory. Mr Fred Anderson, Mr Jack Anderson, and Mr Hugh Anderson represented the firm's directors, and with them were Mrs Fred Anderson, who wore a winecoloured marocain frock and a black Spanish shawl; Mrs Jack Anderson, who wore a frock of black taft'eta with deep hem of black tulle; and Mrs Hugh Anderson, whose frock -was of black satin with overskirt of black silk laee. Miss Betty Ladd wore a frock of white georgette patterned in nasturtium shades and trimmed with small frills of white georgette; and Miss E. Riley's frock was of black spotted net mounted on black satin. Other ladies present were Mesdames E. Bryden, H. Simmons, E. Stewart, T. H. Stapleton, J. N. Work, A. Glackin, R. Hall, F. Methven, T. M. Biddle, E. Fagan, Harold Muschamp, F. Phillips, M. Fuss, J. A. Stewart, 11. C. Dawson, T. W. Andrews, K. 0. Andrews, M. Withell, Misses E. Churclier, E. Gibbard, K. Borland, Gladys Hbrneman, Marjorie Itiley, Eileen Lowry, A. Rule, Evelyn Moore, Euleen Radford, Eunice James, Isabel Thompson, Betty Beazley, Mavis Hughes, Ethel Mumford, Netta Dickson, May Granger, Doreen Doody, Betty Tapper, Lorna Forbes, Evelyn Ilobbs, Edna Page, Nancy Deegan, Frankio Moore, Edie Harvey, Hannah Johnson, Lewis Dicksor F. Methven, Valma Wood, Nellie Deneem, Jean Simpson, Grace Archhold, G. Oheetham (Palraerston North), Minnib Jarvis, Peggy Watt, Rita Arche Eva Taylor, Betty Shand, Nancy Corby, Doris Clark, Meriam Clark, Marjorie Brown, Ngaorc Bunce, Hazel Thompson, Barbara Pilgrim, Helen Phillips, Eileen Mallouk, Rona Agar, Ethel Thomas, Esther Lomax, Hazel King, Betty Ladd, Molly Evans, Barbara Mulcock, Georgene j Mulcock, Vera Stewart, Marjorie StewI art, May Thome, S. Barrett, A. BousI field, E. Sellars, Dorothy Campbell, Florence Brown, Ivy Sellars, J. Smith, Doris McDougal', M. Love, Eunice Hart, Joan Christian, Daisy Rule, Isla Barrett, M. Munro, Gertie Williamson, Rena Russell, Grace Muschamp, Ellis Muschamp, Nancy Parsons, Nola Shand, Billie Greig, Phyllis Gray, Marjorie Milsom, Noni Thomson, Pat Simpson, Marjorie Morris, Violet Latto, Una Light. Lilian Hamer, Marion Scott, Dorothy FraSer, Myrtle Cameron, Marjorie Chambers, Dorothy Alexander, Gladys Bowers. Joy Macliin. Moira Stringlemari, Marjorie Sloanc, Winnie Green, M. Mitchell, Betty Watts, S. Harris, PHarris, M. Ilobbs, Addie O'Neil, May Britt, N. Johansson. ( —_ DOCTOR RECOMMENDS Y BAST. Dr. Kroua, of Berlin, says: "Yeast stimulates the intestines. Regular evacuations occur. Normal digestion is restored. Skin disorders such as pi nipies and boils are combated." Take Ultima Capsules of live yeast—far superior to tablets of doad cells. 2s 3d Packet, E. Cameron Smith, the Big I Pharmacy, Regent Theatre Building, ! Cathedral square.
i LITTLE AKALOA BRANCH. The usual monthly mealing of the Little Akaloa Institute was held at tho home of Mrs P. L. Brit-ton. Mrs Hunter presided over a good attendance. After tho usual business was disposed of, an interesting and instructive talk on "Electricity, Its Uses and Dangers," was given by Mr F. LewthwaitV, engineer to the Batiks Peninsula Electric Power Board. Mr Lewthwaite traced the growth of the uses of electricity in modern times, both in the commercial world and in the homeNumerous hints were given on tlw u.se of the power in the most efficient way. The best methods of lighting rooms were dealt with, and some pictures of modern lighting effects were shown. At tho conclusion, Mr Lewthwaite answered many questions, and a hearty vote of thanks was proposed by tho president and carried by acclamation. Afternoon tea was then dispensed by the hostesses, Mesdames 1' L. Britton and G. Waghorn, after which there was a short musical programme. Items were given by Mrs Britton, Miss Monica Gilbert, and Miss Joyce. Tna competition for tho month, best oven scones, was won by Mrs Luke Waghorn, with Miss Miriam Herriott second. A vote of thanks to the hostesses brought an instructive and pleasant afternoon to a close. MEETING AT SEADOWX. A largely attended meeting of tho Seadown Women's Institute was held in the school on Saturday last, Mrs F. Smith presiding. The proceedings opened with tho Institute song, and during tho afternoon competitions wero held and n programme of songa was enjoyed. Mrs Davey, of Hangitira Valley, gave a demonstration of papier mac-he work, this proving most interesting and instructive. In a competition for tho best telegram made from tho letters contained in the words "Soadown ladies," Mrs Pemberton proved tho winner. Before afternoon tea was served, Mrs W. Cargo and Mrs P. Southward led the meeting in community singing. It was decided to hold a social in the school holidays in aid of the funds of the birthday party to be held in November. The hostesses for the afternoon vera Mrs Smith and Miss A. Columb. ! CHEVIOT BRANCH. I | A meeting was held in tho lounge j room of the Public Hall, Cheviot, in order to establish a branch of the Women's Institute in tho district. Miss Stops, tho Dominion Organiser, gave a delightful and interesting talk on the aims and ideals of the Institute, and her display of pieces of beautiful handwork was much appreciated by all those present. There was a good attendance of intending members, which augured well for the progress of this branch. Officers were elected as follows: President, Mrs Struthers; vice-presi-dents, and committee. Mesdamea Archer, McLaren, Read Nell, and Marshall; treasurer, Mrs Marshall; secretary, Miss 0. Hughes. It was decided to hold the meetings I in the Presbyterian Hall, the fourth | Tuesday in eyerv month at 2.30 p.m., | the first meeting to be held on August i 25th, when members are requested to | bring a written suggestion of the ' work they are most interested to learn, j Hostesses chosen for the first meeting 1 were Mesdarnes F. McLaren and Mar- : shall, and Miss Sloss. and it was decided to have tea and home-made biscuits for the first year. After serving afternoon toa, the meeting closed with a vote of thanks to Miss Stops.
SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Miss Dorothy Napier ("Te Kiteroa") 13 spending race week in Cliristchurch. Miss Joan Hargreavcs (Kakahu) is spending race week in Cliristchurch, and is the guest of Mrs G. Pascoe. Mr and Mrs Colin Douglas (Waimate) are vifstors to Christchurch for race Mrs Hugh Macfarlane (Waihaorunga, Waimate) is the guest of Mrs Westmacott, Nile street. Miss Mary Bond ("Dunrobin ) left yesterday to be the guest of Mrs Arthur Elworthy (Holme Station). Mr and Mrs Robin Harper (l<our Peaks) are among South Canterbury visitors to Cliristchurch. Mrs Aroutage (Temuka) left yesterday for the south, to be the guest of her brother, th© Hon. W. Downio Stewart (Dunedin). Captain A. McLaren (India), who has been spending his furlough in New Zealand, stayed with Mr and Mrs \V. I. Ritchie (To Tawa) on his way back to India. , . Miss Evelyn Pinckney (Glenaray ), who is the guest of Mrs G. H. Cossins ( "Ardnaquere"), will leave to-morrow to stay with Mrs Keith de Castro, Sealy street. Miss Margery Gibson, _ Elizabeth street, and Miss Peggy Ull win, Church street, who have been in Cliristchurch for the races, were expected home yesterday. _ • The musical recital given by the pupils of Mrs C. Ewings in the Scottish Hall on Tuesday evening was an unqualified success. Mrs C. Ewings wore a graceful frock of almond green laco and georgette, with a short coatee of georgette banded with lace; Miss Olive Ewings, powder blue floral georgette, patterned in cherry and black; Miss Mavis Ewings, deep blue georgette with conventional design in dull colours; Miss Alva Cross, light green georgette, with hem of green ribbon; Miss Edna Hutchison, georgette in tones of lemon; Miss Margaret O'Brien, powder blue charmeuse; Miss Hazel Arras, shell pink taffeta; Miss Alice Lythgoe, apricot georgette and lace; Miss May Ranisay, almond green crepe de chine; Miss Margaret Arras, apricot georgette, with skirt of lace in a lighter shade. Those present included Mr and Mrs W. Hutchison and Miss Flora Hutchison, Mrs A. Kennedy, Mr and Mrs Smith, Mrs Shortus, Mr and Mrs McNeil, Mrs Foote, Mr and Mrs E. Newail, Mrs Couch, Mrs Cross, Mr and Mrs Arras, Mr and Mrs Charteris, Mr and Mrs Simpson, Mr and Mrs O'Brien, the Misses O'Brien, Mr and Mrs Ramage, Mr and Mrs Ramsay, Mr and Mrs Strachan, Mr and Mrs Greig, Mr and Mrs Grant, Mrs Chappie, Mr and Mrs Tliyne, Mrs Leishman, Mr and Mr 3 Jackson, Mrs F. Davidson, Mr and Mrs Clark, Messrs H. Moore, M. Baker, H. Oram, D. Pickford, C. Ewings, A. E. Lawrence, and D. McLennan. Unemployment is less prevalent in London than elsewhere. Of the 2,255,620 insured workers in the metropolis 87 in every 100 hare jobs. A shilling advertisement in the classified section of The Press will sell your good 3._ Try it. 12 words Ib, three insertions 2s 6d, —8
The Carnival Dance held by the lonian Club in tho Jcllicoe Hall vras a great success, which was 1 entirely due to the efforts- of the Club committee, who are to be congratulated on their opening dance. The Monte Carlo dances were won by Mr It. Downey and partner and Miss Alice Shaw and partner. Music was supplied by Jack Dunn and his orchestra, and Mr Norman Carson played the extra. Among tho many present were Misses: R. Lutton, E. Stowell, V. Jones, G. Sfcrachan, W. Shier, E. Moore, O. Dash. N. Nuttall, E. Anstick, M. Percy, V. Long, E. Smith, M.. Adams, M. Hume, G. Lewishani, V. Langford, R. Elwood, R. Stevens, S. Jacobsen, "V. Hocking, B. Alexandra, A. Ferguson, B. Findlay, P. Squire, J. Virtue, D. Tanya, L. Walker, D. O'Connor, F. Young, T. Bealy, K. Riley, I. Barnctt, N. Rogaslu, L. James, A. Shaw,, T. Smith, I. Wigney, B. Squire, M. Stewart, E. Newton, M. Aitchenson, G. Betts, R. Hampton, J. Gillett (Timaru), N. Butterfield, V. Smith, D. Howlett, D. Mayfield, M. Sherman, E. Oliver, A. Wright, T. Cromwell, G. Black, L. English, K. Jones, Messrs R. McEwin, P. Munn, L. Brown, A. Fergus, F. Squire, B. Downey, R. Stowell, E. Wigney, C. Townsend, W. Hansen, M. Bates, E. Drewery, H. Clements, V. Long, J. Chisnall, J. Grossman, R. Anstiss, J. Keys, C. McEwin, J. Fry. L. Hitchings, T. Shortt, L. Newbury, J. Fry,' J. Moore, P. Sniythe (Dunedin), G. Hobson (Wellington), B. Hearne, P. Stanley, F. Barlay, B. Boniface, G, Perran, N. Calvert, T. Clegg", F. Barrows. N. 'Carson, T. Parrott (Oamaru)., B. Wilson, E. Sopp, T. Paul (Auckland), L. Mooney, N. Grac-ie, T. Grey, G. Gunn, E. Macintosh, L. Sykes, C. Oldham, J. Dunn, B. Munro, C. Anderson, T. Woodlield, N. Sparr, R. Howard.
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Press, Volume LXVII, Issue 20314, 13 August 1931, Page 2
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5,962WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LXVII, Issue 20314, 13 August 1931, Page 2
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