MAGISTRATE'S COURT. Amisff 'eat, of &>-. disturbance at a , 4cae» stifto GlenatL .School' .on tho might* of^May 15tb, cight young men appeared before Mr C. It. Orr Walker, F.\L,ia the Magistrate's Court yesterur ©O a variety ,of charges. | Sentence of two months' imprisonment. wao inflicted on Victor. Leonard on the. two charges of assault •npiWj mootliV gaol, on each 'charge.. When the case charging - -Hamilton with-:assaulting one Finlay was" called, HQr Emslie "entered a', pica qf- .guilty. X>r. G. B.,Kingston said that Onlay's cheekbone- wair cracked". - fie said that' tier® wottldprobably .be no .aftereffects. -' Th«-.police, thereupon .withdrew the bewaring- in a disorderly aainnwr? ' ' Gn'~fh« ■' charge of disturbing the ton was'fined £5 and costs, arid for using obscene language was oilßTieiard and ordered to come up for i sentence if''called upon witliin sis: Months. ' . I The TMagiatrato said-that the defendant bad delibcratley set out to disturb'tb'e d&ace, and assaulted 'two men, . without 'any justification. "This place is-getting'Tather a bad name*'for thia sort of thing, and it will liave tO'be put down with a firm hand," addedythe Magistrate. "A plea of guilty was entered by ' Hubert Anderson,to*a charge of stealing two bottles of. 1/eer, the property ®f Bobin-Bood. A fine of £2 was iinposod by the- Magistrate. „ 'A £na>of" £3 and costs for beharing in a- disorderly .man,nor at the dance waa imposed on-Bernard O'Brien, who *•» also convicted and ordered to eome* up, for sentence if called upon within-,-six mnoths, for using indecent ] language. Joan TVaddington, for whom Mr l £mslie, appeared, reversed his plea to guilty .on charges of-using indecent language and disturbing the dance.' A 1 Chmgfl.of behaving in a disorderlv BiEnjßQr was .withdrawn. On. the first I chaifge-defendant, was convicted- and erdcrfd'to some up for- sentence if eaUed . upefn irithin six months, condi- ! . tionajjy. upon his abstaining from liquor ; and.;riQfrainSjig from attending period. On the second, dewas sned ,£o and posts. I Cnaygea of disturbing the, dance and in a disorderly manner,'which were.jirefprred Francia- Henty- * Mfiod and ftobin Hood, were PI«W ;of -ijot guilty were entered" bv' l&Ue Oft ehiurgea.of .beliaTjng in a disorderly, XBSsnwr, disturbing' ,the. dance, and ttsinjf .iadecent language. first ■was witb4ruva ■ by- tho police, j and lSe" «oeta for^'distu'rbing' tlio - dkntfe, '.and' ordered to dOme' ' ' sentence if . «dJ»4 ; " / «pen -in, vix itaonths. fpr using on. eondltloa'that he V ! " - - k ■
abstained from liquor and did not attend dances. v Charges,"of: behaving in,a. disorderly manner . and disturbing, .tlio danco. were preferred against William Mcin-tosh-Shanks, > who pleaded not guilty. Tho Magistrate dismissed the informa- . tion.' ■ : , • ■ ■ • Samuel Smith, who pleaded guilty t& disturbing the dance, was fined'£s and costs. , -Senior-Sergeant Matbieqon. de-. scribed ithe defendant, as having .been a very active participant In" the fighting. Hotel Licensee Fined. The,licensee of the Saltwater Creok Hotel, Mathevv Hoary Itichards, was" fined. £7 10s and costs for-selling liquor -after hours, and ordered- to pay costs 10s on tho - charge of openings his premises after hours for- the sale of liquor, by Mr 0. It. Orr Walker, SiM.,' in a reserved judgment delivered yesterday. Tho maximum fine of :£lO and costs for'supplying liquor: to' a person under 21 years of age' and &o and cost's-for liquor after hours were-in-flicted on tho barfnan,. • the : licensee .'a •son, Spence 'Eichards. . . The changes aTose out of-a Visit tliat .three young men made to the hotel on. •Anzjac Day night. ' TEMUKA. Uijemployment is increasing in Teniuka. In tho first week in May there were 139 unemployed registered at.the ■ Teuiukn Post Office, and- the figures increased to 158 in the second Week, while.last Monday 163 men had registered for relief work. These figures - do,not include men who from the town and 1 district in the last three weeks. • . The chief work at the United Churches' League of_ Help depot' 'on Wedpesday was> handing out clothes. t<J" members for renovation, and the usual 6ortiug and classifying of of food and clothes, as well as making preparation for an opening on ; next Saturday afternoon. The iLeaguo " is grateful for parcels of men's clothing that have'been sent<in-in response, to the ,latest appeal;. and also for gifts of although there is 3till a v«ry limited supply of "boys' socks and boots., - Re-registOring of motor-ears- arid motor-cycles for the new year is in full Bwing.at.the Tomuka Post Offico.-about 40 registrations, boina handled everyday. 1 At four o'clock - on:'' Wednesday aftofnoon 209 cars and'l9 motor-cycles had bpen registered; and there are. GoO cars-and 126 cycles-registered in the year ondmg on next Saturday, show.na that there are still approximately 100. cars to bo filed and over 100: motor-cycles. -The first official shoot-of the Temuka 1 Miniature ..Rifle Club' for this season was held on Wednesday evening for Mr V. Nicholas's trophy. Seven "members with the aul of their handicaps ;gained possibles, and will be*required to -shoot-off on na.st Wednesday ovening. They are:— B. Edwards 79. V/ Jficbolas 78, T. Greelish 78, E. Slier-. borne, sen.. 77. H. Mitchell 77, G: King 75, and D. 75. Tho .other .scores' wore as follows: ' I G. CoHfttSfTS,. J. 'BeHnett -7-5. "W. M<"'- r i GJlleu 7-1, S.'Wobb 71, .1. llohbs 09," 1 8.'.T.. H?rt. 6M, H.- Sherborne 65, and-. ! E." Sherborne,' jtin.. 60, I In accordance with a request of a I committee-of-tbo New Zealand Society
of Civil Engineers; the Gornldine County Council, through its eginecr (Mr'C. 'E. BremnerV-hos had . three men engaged r in recording, day and' night,' tor the past four days, eyefy I' vehicle, except -bicycles, sth&fc , passes over the Opjhi traffic bridge.., The is." the outcomo of a letter, received by flic Council from ' the special committee of the Civil Engm-. cers' Society, which was set up-'.to in- * - vestigaito road economics, and in . ' honorary, capacity to make a, comprehensive report on this subject. •: GERALDINE. ■ The Hiltoti Miniature Rifle Clulx held .its weekly shoot on" Monday nigh't. The trophy ,ior the week was' won by A.' Johnson with 80 off the • rifle. Other/, scores^'. were; R. Meredith", 79; W. Scott 79, D. A. Scott 78, A. Sootb. 11 i' 11. Comeliujj ,77, , Wv. Jolm- • e6n- 76,,,P: Brenton ?6,' 12. > Johnson, A meeting , of- the Geraldiue .Branch of the Mothers' Union was hold in the. Parish Hall. There was.a.fair,-attend-... anccv. Misb -.Tripp gave • talk bn her. visit to th^ ; Passion Play 7 at Ober-A-mmergau. It wrij'iriade doublyinteresting by photographs of players, - flowers, and • places of interest! A hearty vote of thanks was given l Miss Tripp _for > her interesting address. ' . A motion of sympathy N; Blakiaton, who is "in a- Tiin'aru lioa« pital,. having' recently undergone an. operation, was passed at the meeting .of- tVie Mothers'- Union on-Wednesday, and the hope was expressed - that Mrs . Blakisfcon would soon he restored to good-health. - ■ -■ At'avmecting'of,'^the-Geraldino B'oot--ball CI lib- committee* 'Mr Geo. Loach■presided.. Matters concerning- the preparation of ;tbe grouiidsffo r ■ a ay's play were'discussed, and a letter was sent to the Union uointin'g-out the excessive amount of travelling ncuessarv. for dou'riiry."teams. " Mr C. 11. Harper, who has bt»en on the staff -of-the Secondary department of the "Geraldiije District High School for . the past. two- years, has received -advice' of. his • transfer to a similar . position at Pleasant .Point. During his pex*iod ofv residence in, Gerald jue Mr Harper Ims .taken an active in-; terest in cricket and has; proved a very energetic secretary for the Geraldine Cricket Club, He also took a keen, interest' in Rugby vand rcfereed a.niimber.of games" in South .Canterbury- last-, season.- . *■ -■ ■ . ■ - MILFORD. Miss fl. Mattinson,' who-/lm 1 boon visitffig her brother,; Mr G. Matt'i'n-' soil, Milford. has returned to' Christeh'urclt/1 - V. i > Mrs M. Horgan, sen., who has.been ill for a considerable time,-has recovered sufficiently, to return to her.'home, at Milford; - second of a scries of fortnightly card parties was.held, in the Milford. School on Tuesday evening. There was: a large attendance and a very enjoyable evening was spent, Owing, to. the: absence of Mr Lyall. Mr Grossman presided. The women's prisse was won bv 'Mrs A. Brown -and the men?s byMr G. Lvalh- Consolation prizes' were won by Miss K. Jones and .Mr. K.. Tarrant. - WAIMATE. •r ,rp] l( jchairman' (Or. John: Bitchencr,- : M.P.V presided at: the meeting of.the Waimato County Council. Also present' woro-Crs. A. S. Elwortby,- 11. M. Whatman, P» K. 'Woodhonse.,, J. J. Diclcgon, W. Lindsay, B- Sinclair, N; A. Rattray, ■ an'd -A. N. Hay 6B * . • . The chairman . reposed : tbe work of.the- county had progressed. satisfactory
•ily. Tfio bridge at Stoke's frontago, was in concrete instead of Australian hardwood, .and consequently tte money; . wan lccpt in Is" bw Zealand; Unemployed had been engaged in widening Hart's Hill, eight men being employed, and they were doing good work. " The Finance Committee's statement showed that the credit .balance at the bank amounted to £1&16 Is 4d,com--pared with'£6636 1& 4 d in May, 1930.. • Accounts were presented'for. £-2364 lis. The receipts, since . the lapt • meeting amounted to £3lO Os 6d. In the Waihao water-rase account- the credit balance at the bank was-£3ll 0s sd, as against • d credit' ; b.ajan6e of £408,9s 2d in May,- - 1930." "Accounts,, ; preJiented amounted to £29 i'TsV v '.-V; \ ... ; The 1 ranger; ropdrted that , 21.' cattle "had been:"released during •tUe' nioptii, and : *l2'head of cattle and ono , horse. 1 impounded. - Lower Waihao Water-races. ■ The Lower- Waihao Water-race Com-' mitteo -reported that the supply' of. Skater-during the month had'not been altogether "satisfactory owing l to' tiro Waitaki river beirig low, especially during the last week,'lt had been decidedto; have cleaned* a few chains of ' the - : main raiio near the intake, and alao'an old "bridge remo\ ed., Thq report was received.
. The- Public Department wrote -advising that - in<: the curronfc'Vfinancial' year.' there, would be no new money available from the Consolidated Fund for 'the maintenance of .roads,/enewal of-bridges, and-TOstoration-'of-flood' damago. It was; imperative that the cost ofany . work' .at -present:,in'.-hand ,or approved. should,. not oxcecd the . amount of the authorisation. . The South; . Canterbury Hospital Board's estimates for the current year-n*Qi*cS-fonvarded. The estimates showed a decrease of £lOl7 in the levy for the Waimate county.- - < Penalty on Bates. ' The Public Trust-Oißce, wrote asking theTQmission of the .10 per centi penalty on rates due by the estate of Alexander Stewart, .as the voucher had. been mis-laid-in the Post Office. ; The- chairman said the Council didnot -receive -tlie money in time to avoid the penalty, and it could not be respons-. ible ,fos what, happened betwoen the Trust Office and the Post Office. ; The clerk mentioned that he had' received notice to obtain payment from tho-Post Office, but he • had been unable- to get the money. The .chairman ! said notices -' wfrrecheaper than money; these - days."- On his.suggestion it was decided to reply that the penalty .could not. be remitted. ■ - Inglewood Council's Case. Messrs. Hamilton. .nnd -Fitfeh ,'" .wrote: giving the opinion -that the judgmenttin!, .tlie;; case', the Crown "' v.. '.'lnglewood Borough Council - .Would' be; of rvalue to the-Council only.;to,a .limited extent. They did not know at the presept. time of any.ckses in the" .county' where- the judg-' ment / w;ould j be of assistance in collecting •rates owing, but it-could be borne in" mind-for/future- cases .where! the unpaid rates .were levied" on freehold land 'mortgaged to . the Crowu.. The ■ charge, however, would be effective "only should' the Crown's mortgage, be eventually released. •' ! Lindsay said-'he'thou'ght the judg, ment of. no yalne toVthe Council. " ' ■ It was 'decided to reply to the* Inglowood BoTough Council that the Council coiil'd not see its. .way to contribute "towards the Court costs. ~ Highwaya Wdrk. The Majn Highways Board advised that in connexion with the advance for
tlie Pareora-Deep Creek paying,, it had . preliminarily been calculated that the first instalment, due from the Council at March 31st, 1932, would be '£46 l los Id. This ffiight be of assistance in the preparation : of the current year 's estimates of the county; C'r. Lindsay reported that in-'connexion, with a deviation at Elephant Hill, the. owner was still paying rent for. the land taken, and no compensation had been given. Tie considered the . matter should be put on a proper footing. Crs. Lindsay and Whatman and the engineer were appointed to look into the question. In regard to'.the construction of cattle stops -oo county- roads, it was .decided that the engineer report on.the cattle stops in the county, and that ratepayers*be warned against putting.in'such-struc-tures without- permission. .. - * -.
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Press, Volume LXVII, Issue 20249, 29 May 1931, Page 8
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2,036TIMARU AND SOUTH CANTERBURY NEWS. Press, Volume LXVII, Issue 20249, 29 May 1931, Page 8
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