DOGS op HIGH STANDARD. Dogs from the small M>udoir variety to house guardians were seen at the Canterbury Kennel Club's 25th annual show, staged, in a special building at the Show Grounds. The club has increased its membership, and, judging by the entries, general interest in dogs is increasing rapidly. Show dogs, were very high i n general standard. The outstanding exhibits were the Cocker, Pointer, and Clumber classes. The winning Pointer biteh was quite up to .Jtinglish standard, in the opinion of tho judge, Mr E. liernasconi. The winning Copkor dog was not in the best of show condition, but was, nevertheless, a good specimen. The second and third dogs were also well up to the mark. The Clumber class was very even. Xt comprised the best section that the judge has seen in 40 years' experience. Blue i oan . Cockers, however, were not quite up to hall-mark, he said. The Springer Spaniel section was very fair, but there was no. dog of outstanding merit. One Curly Retriever puppy took the eye, and ?„. c ? upJe °f Labrador® and a brace of luppets were very pleasing in style. Irish Settors Were probably the strongest class in the Show. . They were very even, and W. H. Trengrove's Redstone lata was the winner. W. A. White's rara of Trashna was very near tho m£ i> was ou * °* coa 't* Referring to other breeds of dogs, the judge, Mr D. T. Sinclair, said that, taken as a whole, the quality was good. There were no "rough sorts." It could be said with safety that any of tho KT° gS ® ould be shown in any part of New Zealand with a very fair chance of taking a prize. The Terriers were outstanding, the smooth-haired and wires being particularly good. The younger animals were especially promising. The winning smooth puppy was a striking specimen, and only a little time was required before lie would be a sure Show winner later on. The winning wire 1 errier was a dog of high class for his age, and was very well finished. Irish Terriers were good, in quality, but the majority did not display the daredevil propensities which are essential in afiimals of this class. The Toy dogs were of correct size and their condition difficult to beat anywhere in JNew Zealand. Alsatians were mixed. The _winner was easily the best of the breed. V.. otn h j entries we*e larger than last year, ;}„ ?°S® .being entered compared with ?. 1929. One oif the most interesting features of tho Show was a Great Dane, weighing 10 stone, and owned by Mr J. Sutton. New exhibits wero Kerry Blue Terriers and Old English Sheep-dogs. " The working gun dog >rial will be held to-aa.v at 8.30 a.m., at 297 Linooln road, , The cntty comprises 14 dogs, including animals from the North Island. ' raize ibw. The priae list Is as follows sporting Bogs. (Judge: air E» Bernasconi.) : HARRIERS. DogA«r bitcli, puppy (4) . Ohrlstchnroh CM-* f Si rh •' X v, B ™<* e naeld HUht i, J'f tchl,rch Hu nt Club's JBrackenfleld Hunt Club's Glad- • /, M eß ' opeu (*) '■ Brackenfleld r? a t-allieer 1, Christehurch Hunt Ciub s Daystaj- 3, liraokeofleld Hunt Club'a . , Btc , hw <3): BrackeXld Hunt rwtl ? a «® t. 1. Oirlstehurch Hunt Club'a Chaatresa 3, Brackenfleld Hunt Club's Crafty POINTERS. Dog or bitch, puppy (2): w j ham s Gloucester Slip Saddle l" W J Cunl nuigham a Great Chief Gloucester 2. * Doirs ee P ( l s, iv W T J r of fc G ChfV'. a Cu "" in sham'3 Toby Pointer 2, Ir'win" K riv i Cm n P ore Snipe Captain B. Irwin a Clyde Bouncer The. Roches (2) • W j £" nn ! n «* an > » Ohick of Gloucester l! ' J- Cu nningham g Gloucester Action 2. GREYHOUNDS. Doge, open (1J: H. R. (Jibba'a Great. Slam WHIPPETS. Pfgs, open (2): A. E. Smith's Squadron Leader 1, Mrs' E, Dibley's Bumble Roe# 2. Bitches (1) : • T. H. Owen's COtaedy Lass J. ENGLISH BETTERS. ■Dog or bitch, puppy (3): M. P. Siiiisen'* Brooke Spanker 1, Mis* N. Ryan's Chip g. bogs, open (4): Dr. G. E. GilUtt r g Brooke Kafflrson I, W. Bait's Holme Grouse 2. T. Noble's Halswell Wyndharo 8. Bitches (1) : li. Clarkson's Geraldine Tess 1. IRISH SETTERS. Dog or bitch, novice (7): W. A. White's Tara of Trashna 1, W. A. Pattlson's Gun Of Kildare 2, J H. Martin's Shane of Trashna 8, 12. Britton'a Hock Erin v h c, Dogs, open (9): W. H. Trengrgvo's Bedstone Tata I, \V. A. White's Tara of Trashna 2, Miss N. Ryan's Tara 3, Mrs S. D. Stewart's Wheifo v be. Bitches (8);. Hiram Hunter's Gayhurst Rosa J. Li. \V. Brown's Killala Lady 2. SETTEE (A r NY VARIETY). Dog or bitch, puppy (E) : M.'P. Samson's Brooke Spanker 1, Miss N. Ryan's Chip 2. Dogs, open (9): Kedstohe Tata 1, Brooke Katttrson 2, \Vhero 3, Tara v h c. Bitches (3); Killala Lady 1. Geraldine Tes& 2. Brace (3J: Hiram Hunter's Irish Setters I. LABRADOR RETRIEVERS. Dog or bitch, puppy . (1): Sir Francis Boys's. Pompey 1. Dogs, open (8) : Pompey 1, A. A. Boon's Don 2, D. S. S. Riddlfbrd'S . Caosar 3. Bitches (1): J. T. Matsoa's Sherborne Gay-'Lady 1< RETRIEVERS (ANY OTHER VARIETY). Dog or bitch, open (3); F. B. Clausen's Rangi Belle 1/F..8. Clausen's Leestoa Belle 2, G. L. Meohan's Miss Poland S. COCKER SPANIELS (BLACK). Dog or bitch, novice (2): W> O. Lever' sedge's Papantfi Lassie 1, C. Mcßeath's Raid er of Clifton 2. Dogs, open (4): J. S. Hatdie's Avon Ambassador 1, A. E. Seeker's Avon Ability 2, W. C. Leversedae'a Papanul Vader 3. Bitches (1) : W, C. Leversedge a Papauui Blofi.COOKER SPANIELS (Other than Black), Dogs, puppy, (8): J, McLeod's Montrose Laddy 1, Dr Malcolm Brown's Gartlock Gay 2. Novice (5): J. McLeod's Montrose Laddy 1, J. M. Orabbo's Wayland Banker 2, Dr. Brown's Gartlock Gay 3. Open (5) : Mrs A. Nlcoll's Aristocrat of Pensoroft /l, Ih. B, Hart's Vogel Swell 3, J. M. Orabbe's Wayland Backer 3. Bitches, novice (3): G. H. Hill's Maybee of Clifton 1, G. L. Mfeehan's Miss Byron 2. Open (6)s A. B. Seeker!* Avon O'K 1, VJ. 0. Leversedge's Papanui Beauty 3, G. H. Hilt's Maybee of Ciiiton SPRINGER SPANIELS. Dogs, open (7): Miss E. Smith's Buskin Tip J, Sir Francis Boya's Scamp 2, John i son Animal Hospital's Gun 3. Bitches (1): Johnson Animal Hospital's Tinker 1. CLUMBER SPANIELS. Dos or bitch, puppy (3): A. R. Matheson's Kohema Kim I, Q. G. Finch's Kerry Boy 8< A. R. Matheson's Kohema Boy 3. Pogs, open (6) : A. R. Matheson's Kohema Kim 1, Mrs D. M. Toon's Rex 2, A. R. Matheson's Kohema Boy 3. Bitchas (t): A. R. MatUeson's Heathmynd Jean 1. SPANIELS (Am? VABIBTT). Dog or bitch, open (6) ; Avdn Ability 1, Papanui Vader 2, Aristocrat of Penscroft 8, ANY BREED SfORTING DOG OR BITCH (EXCLUDING Dog or bitch, puppy (3): Brooke Spanker 1, Kerry Boy 2, Gartlock Gay 3. Open (15) : Chick of .Gloucester I, Avon Ability 8* Redstone Tata 3, Papantii Vader v h «. Brace (2): W. O. Leversedge's Cockers 1, A. R. Matheson's Clunibflrs 2. Tcatft (3) i W. J. Cunningham's Pointers 1, \V. C. Leversedge's Cockers 2, A. R. Matheson's Clumbers 3. WORKING SHEEP DOGS. (Judge: Mr 3. McAdUms.) Hough-coated dog or bitch, open (5): ,D. McKay's Spot 1, P. Boulnois's Kirwee Tip 2, W. 3: White's Scott 3. Smooth (4) : Vnoulnols's Spy j, H, Gunn's Tods 2, P. Boulnois's Clem 3. Bearded (1): A - °- Why to's Bruce 1 ,
Sydney silky terriers. (Judge: Mr D. T. Sinclair.) , Bitches (opdn) (3): Mrs A. A. Johnson's I Sylvia Betty 1, Mrs E. Wainwrigitfe't Fifi ; 3, Mrs A* A. Johnson's Maid oi the BJU* Mountains 3. tqy terriers. bog or bitch, open (2): Sylvia Betty 1, FiS 2. PUGS (BLACK OR PAWN). Dogs, open (1): Mrs E. Dibley's Micawbet of Pickwick 1. Bitches (3): Mrs E. Dibley's Doily Varden 1, Mrs E. Dibley's Peggotty 2, Mrs J. Caldwell's Queenie 3. CHIHUAHUAS. 1 Dogs, open (2): Mrs M. H. MacGibbpn'b Bravo Santa Fa 1, Mrs M. H. MacGibhOn'* Danta Santa Fe 2. PEKINGESE. pogs, open (2): Mrs M, H. MacQibfcon'* Ching L« . Santa Fe 1, Mis* M. Ohapmaii's Chow Chow Santa Fe 2. Bitchea (4) i Mis* A- Hansan-Budden's Tan fcJhi of Burbank M<s M. H. Mac Gibbon's Topsina Santa Fe 2, Mrs Helmling's Princess ilimo 3. POMERANIANS (Any Colour, under 71b). Dog o< bitch, puppy (1) r P. J. Matthew's Lady Paul of Rutland 1, Dogs,, open (4) Mrs M. H. Mac Gibbon's Burbank Sunaet Miss E. McFarlane'a Brighton Alert 2, Mfs J. K. Newton's Oakland goldmine Treasure S. Bitehos (2) : Mrs J. K. Newton's Moxbam Mercury 1, Miss E. ilrFarlane's Brighton Dignity 2. Over 71bs~—Dogs., open (1): Mra J. K. Newton'B Avdri Billy ißoy 1. Bitches (1): Mrs J. K. Newton's Oakland Brightest Gold 1. . ANY BREEP-, TOTt. .. Dog or bitch, open (5): Tan. Shi of Burbank 1. Brighton Alert 2, Oaktahd Goldmihe Triasure'3, Braio (4) : Mia It. H Mac Gibbon's Chihuahuas 1. SCOTTISH TERRIERS. Dogs, qpen (3): Miss 6. Strachaft'a'Wairlki Wullie- 1, Capt. Farthing's Stotiycrbft Mick 2, Miss Sylvia Sobtt's Jake 3. CAIRN TERBIEttS. Vvg or bitch, puppy (S): Mrs J. F. Buchanan's Birchhill Jock 1. Mrs' A. B Talbot'B Beauty of Rosemoyne 2, Miss M. S. Martin's Sadie of Seeone 3. Dogs, open (3): Mrß- A. B. Talbot's Ross-Shire Chief 1, Mrs W. T. Anderson's MoTurk of Seeone 2, Alex. P. Smith's Glen • Bt>ey- .Duncan S. Bitches (2): Mrs A. B, Talbot's Bihky Qf Rosemoyne 1, Mrs A. B, Talbot's Ross-Shire Heath 2. SEALTHAU TERRIERS. Dog or bitch, puppy (2): F. G. Saville's j Opihi Philip 1. F. G. Saville's Opihi Roger 2. ! Pogs, open (4): Miss G. Strachan's Brazen Byrne 1, P. G. Saville's Opihi Prince Kossla , 2. G. and F. E. BiltclifE's Nydfa Ra,iah 3. Bitches (2) : G. and P. E. BiltclifEe's Nydfa Joan 1, F. G. Saville's Opihi Princess Ann 2 KERRY BLUE TERRIERS. , Dogs, open (2): Mrs F. Brookes' a Fergu* Tailtean 1. Bitches (4): Mrs F. Btookes'S Molly of Killarney 1, Mrs F. Brookes's Peggy of Killarney 2. P. P. Gilchrist's Erin of Kildare., 3. fox TERRIERS, SMOOTH. Dog or bitch, puppy (6): Mrs A. B. Talbot's Beamish of Rosemoyne 1.. Miss . V. Kettle's Dusky Gaylin. 2,. L. R. P. Higgott s Delecta Desire 3, Mrs A. 8. Talbot's Retby Of Lundie v h c. Novice (5): Mrs A. B. Talbot'ft Beamish of Rosemoyne 1, Miss V. Kettle's Ensky Gaylin 2, L. R. P. Higgott a Delecta Pesire 3, Mrs A. B. Talbot's Relby of Lundie V h c. Dogs, Hall's Kaiwana Rala 1. Mr>. Ai B. a Beamish of Rosemoyne 2, Miss V. Kettle s Gaylin'a Heir 3, L. R. P. Hiegott's Del«eta Desire v h c. Bitches (2) : A - KcH*® 9 Gaylin's Model t, Mra A- B. Talbot's Reiby of Lnndio 2- . . POX TERRlEtefii WIRE. Dog or bltoh, puppy (5): W. M. Jack's Ryburn Rose Marie 1, W. M- Jack's Ryburn Raconia 2, W. M. Jabk'a Rybur» Racquet 3, G. and F. E. Bilt* cliff's Wire Boy of Wairiki v h c. Novice (5): W. M. Jack's Ryburn Rose Marie 1, W. M. Jack's Ryburn Raconia 2. G. and F. E. Biltcliff's Wire Bay, of WMriki 3, Dogs, open (3,) : W. M. Jack a Ryburn Reliable I. W. Jack s Ryburn Radiant 2. Mrs C. Bell's Frisco Talavora 8. Ritchef <Z): W. M. Jack's Ryburn Rose Marie t. W. M. Jack's Charming of Careers, Hog or bitch, open (4): W. M. Jack's Ryburn Reliable 1, W. M. Jack's Charming Caree B, Mrs A. B. Talbot's Beamish of Rosemoyne 3. Brace _ (2): W. M, Jack s : Wires -1, Miss V; Kettle's Smooths B. I IRISH TERRIERS. ! Dog or bitch, puppy (5): Dr. W. M. CotI ter's Poßgy Gadabout 1. G. Bundy's AU I But 2. G., H. Chamb-ers s Irisb Norah 3.
Pug*, opjen <B)> D. M. Sditay's .Gilffedi D*§, Bitches (4) : G. Bundy's I'm Alone - a, G. H. Gibson a CeiH<S. Gipsy 2, O. ■ McCormaclv'-a Red Lady 3, T- ■■ ■ . .. AXftspALß nttuesfca. Dog or bitch, puppy (2) : R. J. Sinclair's Caflton GMtedSSe M>B» I. A. -BgtUMl'A Ff*rith Pear*<m 8. - Notice <g, Sib'clair's Carlton, Grande 1, P. A, Wyatt'a Patch 2. , Dogs, ogeu (3) : {t. Sinclair's Carlton Grand 1, n. ft Slltlait I Carlton Grandee 2, .ANY BREED TERRIES. Dog or bitfth, puppy <i) i W. If. Jack'i. Ryburq Rosa Marie lu Mrs At B. Talbot'a Beamish of Bosemoyna 8. W. A. Jack's Ryburq of.Ratfftftia P. P. Gilfihrist's Erin Of Kildara. t h o» OJwn (Tj.l.Wc JSt. Jack's Ryburn Reliable 1, Mrs A. B. Talbot a Rossshire 2, vJtrs A. B. Talbot'a ot RosSmoyne 9, Bra<}*.' (S) I W. J!t."J[a#k a Wires 1 4, Mrs A. B. Talbot'i' CairHf 2.14 is* Kettle's SfiOoths 3. T«6Jn <3)5 W, M. Jack's Wires. I, MH A. Tftibot'4 Cair«s 2. : .v. - j.. BtftifiboS. ' Dcsn o|>en .(3.): tbw Jw t*. WelesbyV Mtagatoie Mra Hi I. Wid' AoWSPij's Scarkoroftgh Major 3i BAMd^XJEg. Doss, o,p#o (i): It. Burt'a Atttutaki j. Bitches (l) : V B.qrt's PoiAt Moon i v 014> 9NQI4BS £|HpSyiX>of|. Dogs, open (fi)s y. G. gaviHi's of P&storalld 1. W. Ballantyfie'a Opihi Christopher of Pastoralle 2. Bitches (1): P t G., Seville's , Opifei BrußtiUAß , toralle 1. BOU0«-CQATEfl 00V1459. ; Dog or bitch, puppy- (2) ; G. A. Hay den's Mawhera Mack 1, Masted D. Pascoe'a Mawhera Floss 2. . Novice(6)r K. H. Opie's Glen liou.nd ot Ijocbaleen h P. H. eraclc'a Lochiel Rens d'Or 2, O. A. Haydea'ft Mawhera Mack S|, W. Gups'i flwi y h c. Doga, open (8): K. H> Qpie's Glen tiaund of tiochaleen 1. OltekfcS (I) i D. SI. Braok'a Lochiel Rtjufe A S. MtICane s Mawhera Bonnie 2, W. GUftß's PlOsa Cumbrae 3. ' . : ALSAXWiSS. Dog or bitcli; puppy (8)! <J. D. JSroad- ] hursVa Athoid vvb of j Ij G< : Pawa^huMt^'a Alma yop of Lynmere .2, J; Copalag's OIW ii Kilpiartio 8. Poas. ofref J?field'B Mansfield' Prince 1. 3\ H: Blackt4an s Prince Erichsohn 2, Mrs -H. Q. CatnpbalPa - Silverdala Spark 3. Bitches (4): G. D. Broadhurst's Atheid von Erichsohn of Lynmtm 1, G. t>. Altna vfth E|tefesoiiti of Lyiwnere 2, P. P, Gilchrist's Pate ot Klldara S. ANT BREED NON-SPORTING DOG (ExceptW ?oys). ' Dog or bltoh, open (9): Mansfield Prin46 I, Kingscotfe 2. Pr(faoe of Brl4h»onit Brace (1): Q. J>. Broadhurst'a Alsatians 1. VARXETT CLASSES. (Judges: Messrs BernalfoOni and Btni?air.) Kaviea dog • or apy br««d (86): Atheid von Erichsohn of Lynmere 1, 01en Laund of Lochaleen 2, Rosemoyne Reliance 3. DERBY STAKES. Open to all puppies under 12 ktty breed (8): Ryburn Rose 1. Baatttish of Rqaemoyne 2, Birchill JdeM LADIES' BRACELET OftASS. Open to all breeds (15) : Beamish of Rosemoyne 1, Tan Shi of Burbank 2, Byburn Reliable 8. ' BTONEYCROFT COT. Open to all breeds (5): Itybttrft Reliabla 1, Glen Laund of- Lochaleen 2, Prince .Erichsohn 3. CHAMPION OF CHAX4PIONS CI«ASS. Open 16 all feMeds, #hhd* ees (3)1 cot Reversion 1. Ross-shire Chief 2, Redstone Tate 3. special CUPS. SPANIELS, 4J»T VABlWttf. Acland Cup: J. fe. llardie's ' AVdn AA< bassador. ••••••• BPOMJH<»»OG». Ryburn Cupi M. F, Bam#en*a Prooka Spaiikei*. : ; ' ' jSPRIINGEBS. ■ A. A. Jobnsoa MBUerlal Cap: Miaa S.Smith's Ruskin Tip. HARRIERS. Harrier Challenge Cap: Brackenfleld Hunt I Club'a Callicer. .. V
[ POMEBAJSIANS. | i?«#ieranian Cup: .Mrs J. K. Utnrtoa'a F Moxham Mercury. ■ . &bo.4e* CjifciiW. it. (farming ef VWf«W. J ' " , - - ,* r j rOX TSBBXBBS, SMOOTH OB WISE. : Tex Terrier Bose Bowl: Jack.'A i Ohftrtiiing of Caree. FOX TEBEIBBS, SMOOTH. ;1Robert Shand Cup; £. Hftll'i Raia. . ' , » ■ J Invergrey Cul>: Mrs A. B. Talbot's BetmislL j at jtmnHntML Cap i, E., Halt'* KaSWSAa Raia. -- ' | JSt6»fcrt D*v?sm- Cup} V. Kettle'* CfAyUn/s Model. « * '*6* BOOS. ; * .Challenge Cup: Hiss A. Hanson-Bnddejl'i'i fan W of B*t*bank. , " JJ oaten ta&e&Eßs. ' ' ' *•• | . Walffc tlups- Mrs a|. Talbot's* SowiMre CfaHtf. ' v / ;-■* ■ uw nm.. .. • Challenge Cvp: W- M, Jftcjc'a Bybura Bom-* Marie. - ■ ■• >" If . BEST JXX*.. , 1 £ Itibbon: W. J. Cunttingi^am's^Ohlek'*!" Biottoeater. . • - . MS: OQC&SCBt 8T ASXELS. ' -•' ->l ■ SpSUdin® Mejaorisl Ctjpf J. 8/ jUidU'f ? Afoa Ambassador. softies Ospl D. jl. Sdga»'s Gilford ju>4- ; <j*ea &1071. - . < -
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Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 20085, 14 November 1930, Page 9
Word Count
2,667KENNEL CLUB. Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 20085, 14 November 1930, Page 9
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