ite monthly meeting of the South Canterbury Power Board was held yesterday morning, the chairman (Mr J. Keupcdy) presiding. There were present Messrs C. J. Talbot, C. E. Kerr, G. Dash, B. E. Maedojiald, W. Augland, W. L. Mills, H. J. Mathers, A. X. Oakey, and G. Saunders.
t« 0t l and Co., Ltd., for an 18 lt.v.a. three-phase trail siowner, at £47 IGs, plus 3i5 gallons of oil at Is 6d, a total of Siso 2s Sd, was accepted.
In the course of his statement the chamnaa said that in company with Mr Dash and the engineer-secretary (Mr G. \V. Morrison) he had waited oil the chairman of t|io Local Government Loans Board in Wellington in connexion with the 10 par cent, supplementary loan squght by the Board. It was evident that the Loans Board was not favourably disposed towards authorising i this, as it was obvious that further loan money would be necessary. They were, however, able to impress upon the chairman that the time was not opportune for taking a loan poll, and were given a good hearing, with the result that the Board'a Development Loan had been caiicejlpd and the £31,920 supplementary Joan sanctioned. On the 30th inst., witji the engineer-secretary, he had n>ade a tour of inspection, and looked over Mr H. B. S. Johnston's extension at Otaio; also the proposed extensions at Southburn and Kerrytown. Board members would be pleased to note (although no definite site had as yet been decided upon) that a supplementary plant had been located, and would be instulled in sufficient time for next, \vinter's load. The Board had a display tent at the Timaru show which proved a centre of attraction. No debentures had been sold during the month. On the motion of Messrs Talbot and Kerr the engineer-secretary was instructed to write thanking the Ministor for Public "Works for his promptness in securing the stand-by plant. The report was adopted.
Half-yearly Eeport.
In l|js report for the half-year ended September 30th, 1930, the chairman said that tho Board's financial position, exclusive of Timaru borough, a satisfactory position of affairs. There had been a ponsiderable increase in revenue, in fact, far and above the Board expectations.
Tha fqllciwing figures are given to the nearest pound, estimates in parentheses:—
Po\ver Fund Account —Expenditure: cost of current £5346 (£5300), loan interest £8998 (£8910), depreciation £3413 (£4000), operating costs £4406 (£4000). The expenditure incroaso over the pame period last year was £1522, ancj was £6O under the estimate. Income Geraldine area £7005 (£6614), Waimate borough area £4119 (£4005), Levels area £5029 (£4J531), Waimate county area £4360 (£3948), Mackenzie area £2198 (£2330). Total, £22,711 (£21,428). Eevenue (1929 figures in parentheses) —Geraldine area £7005 (£7025), Waimate borough area £4llO (£3601), Levels area £Tift29 (£4518), Waimate county area £4360 (£3804), Mackenzie area '£2198 (£2202). Connected load 9943 k.w. (8846), increase 1097 k.w.; electric ranges f>36 (469), increase 67; consumers 3416 (3160), increase 256. For the six months under review the connected load increased by 533 lc.w., and the number of consumers by 139. The revenue increase over the same period last year was £1561, and exceeded the half-yearly .estimate by £1283, showing a credit balance of £742, against £490 for the same period lsst year. On the expenditure side, although a considerable amount of capital works had been carried out by the Board'b staff, fl.ll expenses had been met from revenue- These, however, would bo adjusted at March ?lst. The credit balance" fit March 33st last had not been taken into consideration, and full provision had been made for interest and depreciation from revenue. The revenue for the past siy months wss £22,711, requiring £20,147 to reach the year's estimate, and were it not for the wgter shortage at Coleridge the estimate -would be considerably overreached, for the sources of revenue from leads would more than compensate for the shorter lighting hours during the summer months. The total debentures issued in connexion with all loans tq datp was £323,90p, of this amount £6OOO was in the advances account, £316,012 had been actually P&id away, and the balauee of £IBBB' was represented by credit balance at the bank. The sinking fund investment stood at £21,766, of whieb ££9Bs was loan money, £16,892 from jevanue, and the balance was accrued interest. The report was adopted. Old Boya' gyfmiffing PlPb. - At the annual meeting of the Timaru High Sehool .Old Boys' Amateur Swimming Club, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: —Patron, Jlp W. Thomas; president, Mr. R. J. McKeown; vice-presidents, Mpssrs W. D. He veil, S. D- M»son, N. A. Moore, G. P. Lawson, W. Raymond, and J, Cleland; club capt&in, Mr M. S. Bracefleld; handicap? per, Mr M. S. Bracefleld; delegates to the !Boiith Canterbury gwimnung Centre, "Messrs W. Carlton and M. S. Braoefield; auditor, Mr A. N. Leslie; committee, Messrs! ,j. Bryce. L. Abra-ham, B. Richards, and K. Sutherland; treasurer and secretary, Mr V. B. McKeague. ST. ANDREWS. The annual meeting of the St. Andrews' fea4Ms' Guild w»§ held in the Young People's Hall last week, Mrs Russell presiding. T}>e following officers -jvere elected fop the ensuing year:^—President Mrs Russell; Mrs Dash; secretary, Mrs LyaU, A schedule of work for the coming year \yas drawn up. Mrs Rusesll Wfl-s the hostess for the afternoon. The last of a series of socials held under the auspices of the School Committee was held in the hall recently, "whep there was a good ■ attendance. The winners of the oomnetitions were Mr B. F, Hansen. Mrs Whitticase, and Mr B, Rogers Music for the dancing was played by Miss C. Smallridge CPjareara) and Mr H. Edwards was M.e.
Mr C. 11. Orr Walker, S.M., presided over the usual fortnightly sitting of the Magistrate's Court, held yesterday. Eleanor liliaabeth Presuott, who did not appear, was charged with driving a. car in a negligent manner. She was convicted and lintid 40s and costs.
Henry Kilgour was charged vcil.ii boiug a quarrelsome person, m refusing to quit licensed premises when recjuesteu to do so. T'lio lUagibtraf-i siiid that liotelkeepers who wished to keep their promises free irom this type of customer must bo protected. Do tend ant would be convict-ad and lined as and costs. John Albert Martin Greelisii, Francis Williams. Albert McAulay, Gilbert Norton, Gilbert. Archibald, James Jamieson., Herbert Hobbs, and William Hobbs, were «ack convicted and lined 40s and costs, or tiie evidence of Constable Soutlnvorih for being illegally found, on licensed premises.
For being found on licensed premises during the currency of a prohibition order. Arthur James Vetciier was convicted and lined 20s and <x>ats.
Henry Williams, Thomas Johnson, L. McKenna. and Thomas l'"ahey, were convicted and fined 15s and costs lor riding bicycles ijt night without a light. l'or similar otfences Eileen riouth and Kathleen Ooodeve were each convicted and lined 12s and costs.
John Movie Webb was charged with having operated a motor-cycle in a pußlic place, such cycle making a considerable noise through being in a state of disrepair. He was convicted and fined 40s and costs. James Keane, who was represented by Mr G. J. Walker, pleaded guilty to having fished without a license,^ contrary to the regulations of the South Canterbury Acclimatisation Society. He was convicted and fined a minimum finti of £2 and costs.
Gilbert Smith pleaded guilty to a charge of having shot at native gamp during the clqse season. Ho was convicted' and fined £2 10s ,and costs. Charles Taylor was charged with driving a motor-car in a negligent manner, and thereby causing bodily harm to one, Dorothy Hopkinson. On the application of Hergeant Dwan, the charge was amended to one of driving in a negligent manner. M r W. D. Campbell appeared for tlio defendant, who pleaded guilty. Sergeant Dwan stated that the defendant was driving from Timaru, and at the southern boundary be ran into a lady, who was wheeling a pram on the side of the road. The lady and child were injured. Defendant had carried the woman along for a distance of 27 feet before sho was thrown clear, and the car liMj travelled another 129 feet before it was stopped. It was a new ear, ana the brakes and lights were in good order. Tho accident had occurred about seven o'clock at night. Defondant had given as his reason tor not seeing tho parties that his vision had been obscured by the lights of an pneoming car. 1 Mr W. IX Campbell stated that there was no suggestion of liquor or speed, and defendant was not travelling on his wrong side. His equipment was m order, and under those •.it waa impassible* to offer any excuse for defendant for having not seen these people. As to the cijr travelling thfct distance, defendant seems have lost' his head entirely. Hp had an idea of going for assistance atter he had knocked the woman over, and then he realised that his best plan was to turn back. The* woinan would receive ample compensation. As the defendant was a farmer, and lived some distance put of town, no would ask that his license be not cancplled. Defendant was convicted and fined £lO and costs, and his license was ordered to be endorsed and suspended for a period of two monttjs.
Swimming piub. The animal meeting of the lemuka Amateur (Swimming club was held on Monday evening, in the 1' ire iirigacle rooms, Mr T. ii. presiding over a large attendance ot intijubers. 'Phe annual report stated that the past season had keen a, ful one. At the carnival held on Ue-r cember 30th, the club was fortunate in l>eing the only South Canterbury club to secure an appearance of the Australian champions, N. Ryan and O, Griffiths. Theso swimmers had competed in the races, and also gave exhibition swims. The balance-tsheet showed a credit balance of £l3 Is lid. Congratulations were offered to D Reid, on his fine performance in winning the Speedily mile. Thanks were also offered to the following for their help during the year:—The Temuka Munoipial Band, who played at carnivals; the ladies and gentleman who helped at the carnivals, 'and assisted to make them the success they were; the Press; the Mayor and coun-' oillors and Mr A. E. Uden (caretaker), who \vore always willing to help. Officers for the ensuing season were fleeted as follows: —Patron, the Mayor (Mr T. E. Gunnion); president, Mr T. H. I.,angford : vice-presidents, Messrs \V'. J. Keys, T. Sheen,, sen., A. N. Hancock, A. W. Buzan, J. Coolt, T< C, Himes, S. B. Reid, A. C. Palmer, P. W. Campbell. Miss E. L. Grigg, and Major Powick; club captain, Mr I). Iteid; honorary secretary, Mr N. E. Pretjdy; treasurer, Mr A. C. Palmer; delegates to South Canterbury Amateur Swimming Association, Messrs N. E. Preddy and D. Iteid; committee, Misses B. Reid and E. L. Grigg, Messrs L. Hunt, S. Collins, M. Crannitch, D, Martin, A. Gaffaney, G. Collins, D. Cain; handicapper, Mr P. W. Campbell. New members were elected as follows :—Messrs D. Horgan, W. T. Kingston, D. Preddy, A. Collins, and E. Double.
Decembcr lltli was fixed as the opening day for the new season.
Mr Reid brought up the matter of awarding weekly trophies, ancl was] agreed that the trophies he i The matter of tfie suggested lifesaving instruction was brought up, and it was reported that the club had two award of merit members —Major Powick and Mr D. Rei'd —and that Misg E. L. Grigg possessed the certificate of honorary instructress. It was agreed that a working bee ho orfianised at the bath?, on Thursday afternoon Sports Events. The bicycle track around the oval iti the Tenmka Domain is at present wceiving attention, iti preparation for the .Boxing Day sports ot the Temuka Caledonian Society. The committee of the Temuka Amateur Boeing Olub met on Monday evening, at Mr A. R- Beck's shop, and decided to apply tf> the limaru Boxing Association, inviting it to provide a "novice night'' during Temuka shopping weekAt the close of the reception to the Governor-General, Lord Bledisloe, and Lady Bledisloe, at the Temuka railway station, on Monday, photographs were taken of the Vice-Regal party. Much to everyone's surprise, the GovernorGeneral produced a camera, and returned the compliment by taking a
"snap" of rhose who had welcomed liim. , Personal. Mrs L. V. Talbot, of Terpuka, is visiting Dunedin. "Mr and Mrs M. Gudex, All nut t street, Temuka, are staying in Christchurcli. Messrs Bates and JBrunton. inspectors of the Canterbury Education IJoard, are at present in Temuka. M iss Edna Noonan, of Southmayde Hospital, Dunedin, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs R. C. Noonan, Wilmhurst street, Temuka. Miss Ann Jackman, of Totara 'Fahi, Oamaru, who has been staying in Temuka, left by the south express on Monday. Mr Les. Hunt, pf the staff of the Bank of Australasia, Temuka, who has been spending his annual vacation in Wellington, has returned home.
Playing in the North Otago Tennis Association's senior competition, Waimate defeated Qsmnru Jjy 18 sets to and by 177 games to 112. Yest§r flay, the Director of Education (Mr T. B. Strong) and the Assistant Director (Mr A, M. Bell) urerq met at the High School, and listened to representations as to requirements considered necessary at the school. The chief requests for the High School* \ferii the purchase of a motor lawnmow ex - , the prpvision of a library room, and the meeting of the debt incurred on the vypol-clpssiug classes during the term just, -closed. Favourconsideration was promised, especially in regard to the liquidation ot the debt. At the primary school, the representations to the visitors were mainly for the remodelling of the school. Whije agreeing thftt the school did not by any means come up to the standard of modern school buildings, the Director referred to the present financial stringency, necessitating economy in the Department. Howfiver, lie promised that the matter would be considered. The visitors were entertained at the High School to morning tea by the staff in company with members of the Board, Mr J. B'tchener, M.P.. the Mayor .(Mr G. Dash), and Mr A. W. Barnett (president of the Waimate Agricultural and Pastoral Association and the Farmers' IJnjqri). Mr A. "W. Barnett (present) presided at the monthly meeting of the committee of the Agricultural and Pa&toral Association, when there was a good attendance. The Waimate High School Board of Governors wrote that a loss of £l4 had been incurred • during the current year on the running of the wool-classing classes; aiid asked, in view of the services rendered to the sons pf farmers by the classes, that a. contribution be made towards the deficiency. An appeal had already been made to the Department, but r.o assistance could he obtained. Mr J. C. liny said the class had been run as economically as possible. The deficit j was caused reallv through a decrease in the number- of pupils. Mr Burnett said some was spent on technical education in Timaru, but nothing was spent by the Department in Waimate. Kuquiriss should be made as to the reason for this, lit was decided that the president, vice-president, and Mr J. C Hay ghoulc} meet the Director of Education and confer «n the matr The Canterbury Sheepowncrs' Union wrote advising that the committees resolution pFotestine against the charge for receiving, weighing, and classifying wool would be placed betore the executive at the next meeting, but in the meantime the president wished to state that the award rate pf wages was mainly responsible for the unsatisfactory matter. The Canterbury Agrir cultural and Pastoral advised that the committee would cen-
; icier the resolution at its next meeting.
Tfie resignations of Messrs' J. T. C'atto, W. Jlilne, C. McKee. and C. McCormack were accepted with" regret. The president reported that Mr O. Keqme had consented to demonstrate on the Border Leicester at the fortlrpomina; show. A motion was carried that the Ground Committee should go into the matter of rearranging the show grounds, and draw up plans <»nd report baok to the committee. The following were elected members of the Association: Messrs T. V. Oooney (Glenavy), E. Jackson (Timaru), fl. S- Miller (Oamaru), Miss B. Harper (Timaru), ajid Mrs W. Ainge (Arno).
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Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 20083, 12 November 1930, Page 5
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2,718TIMARU AND SOUTH CANTERBURY NEWS. Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 20083, 12 November 1930, Page 5
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