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The Lady Editor will be pleased, to receive for publication iu the "Women's Corner" items of social or personal news. Such items should be fully authenticated, and engagement notices must bear tbo signatures of both parties. Correspondence Ib invited on any matters affecting, or of Interest to, women. Mrs AW IF. Graham (Cambridge tcrrace), is visting her daughter, Mrs Cyril Edmundsou," Napier. Mrs; Alex. Johnson and her small son (Blenheim) are tlio guests of Mrs Leicester Mat sen", Papanui road. Miss Gretehen Peppier (Cashmere Hills), who haw been spending the winter in Auckland, has returned to Cliristchi: jch. She was accompanied by her sister. Mrs Cupid, who will spiMid u holiday in Christcliurch. In tlio semi-final of tho Junior Challenge: Cup, played at the Shirley links this week. Mis- N. Enright beat Mrs J. Green, and Mrs -Boss Lascclles beat Mrs G. Fleetwood. The final will, bo played shortly.

: M>s G. M. Adam son (Linwood) of Mr E. Empson, L.R.A.M., has rpoeivf'il advice that she has passed her A.T.C.I.', practical examination. Mrs A. Smellie, Mrs W. Hudson, and Miss Z. Hudson (Dunedin) arc guests at the United Service Hotel.

Captain and Mrs George Hennessy (Morven) aro the cuests of Mrs JH. Watherston (Fendalton). Miss Blanche Hennah has arrived from Greymouth to suend a short holiday with her mother. Mrs 11. 11. Ilennah (Winchester strfiet).

Miss Margaret Miles (Wellington) and Miss Peggy James (Masterton), who are tho guests of Mrs Cecil Wood, ai'o going on Monday to spend a few days with Mrs J. D. Fairhurst before leaving for the north on Thursday. Mrs C. V. Quiglcy (Fendalton) is the guest of Mrs Jeuue (Fairlie).

Tho committee of Toe H, Cbristchurch, has issued invitations for an old-time costume party, to bo held iu Jellicoe Hall on Thursday, October 2nd. The members of the committee are Mi's Owen Williams, Mrs E. O. Crosse Miss Mnlvany Gray, Mrs W J. Sim. Mr W II Presoott, and Mr D S. Turt-buII.

A pleasant party was held at St. George's Schoolroom oil Thursday a farewell to Miss Jessie llardie, a missionary on furlough from India, who is returning to India next week. Songs wero contributed by Mrs Brown, Mrs Vernazoni, and Miss Connie Wilson. A presentation of a bunch of violets and a book was made to Miss Hardie by the ladies of tho congregation. Becent guests at llfraeombe Private Hotel, Akaroa, included Mr and Aire Pearson (Dunedin), Miss Field, Miss Cotton, Misses Shea (Christcliurch), Mr and Mrs Scarron (Baetiki), Mrs D. C. Gebbie, Mrs Bruce (Timaru), Master Allan Bruce, Master G. Gebbie, Mrs Cottrell, Mis,s Cottrcll (Christchurch), Miss Iveighley, Mrs Koighley. Mrs Lister, Miss Lister. Mrs Turner, Miss-Turner, Mrs Cameron, Miss Cameron, Mr and Mrs Patterson, Mrs Kidd, Dr. 1 and Mrs Stringer, and Misses Stringer, and Mr Cleave.

■■ The l members of the Plunkot Society Committee arc anxiously watching the weather this week in the hope that BTlnshiiTO' will bring into bloom the thousands of violet buds in tho Burdens, so that on V'iolet Day, which takes place nest Friday, September 12th, when tho Society makes it annual appeal for funds to carry on its work in Christchurch, there will be a good supply l of violets. Violet Day was begun during the war, to raise funds for soldiers, and has since then been continued for the babies, and it has become a matter of pride for everyone to wear a bunch of violets that day. In addition to organising the sale of violets in the streets, the committee will have stalls in Victoria siuare for the sale of produce, fiowers. delicatessen, varieties, and heautifully-ihade clothes for children. At tho latt meeting of the Christchurch Accountant Students' Society, held on Monday, September Ist, the president. Mr H. A. C. North, presided over an attendance of 40 members, assembled in the Jacobean Tea Rooms. The chairman introduced Mr 13. W. White, M.A., LL.M., barrister and solicitor, whose subject for the evening was "Commercial Law—Points of Interest to Accountants." Mr White commenced with case law arising out of the law of contract, then dealt with agency, insurance, sale of goods, and various other types of contracts, giving applicable cases to explain tho traps or difficulties that are constantly arising in everyday commerce. Mr White also dealt with the significance of all tho Dominions retaining- their riqht of appeal to the Privv Council, this: in view of the considerable aid nml experience that is available by that, body. He stated that tiny Dominion would lose this valuable right of arbitration if it were to remove the Privv Council from the head-of its Wnl system. At the close of Mr "White's address a hearty vote of thanks was accorded him for his very interesting and instructive address Tho servincj of sunper during the lecture added greatly to the success of tho evening.

PHANTOM 11ED TOILETRIES. Phantom Red, the new Parisian Rouge and Lipstick, is taking Christchurch by storm. It is the 'tint of health.' which Hollywood is crazy over, and it blends with every complexion. Junior size Is at leading chemists, or E. Cameron Smith, Chemist, New Regent Theatre Buildings. —(5 A NEW SAUCE! A new sauce is on the market. Out of sheer curiosity cook bought a bottle. "Men folk are so fond of a good sauce," she explained. "We had it with fish. for lunch. What a delicious. intriguing flavour it has! You, too, must try Military Worcester Sauce." A quart bottle costs Is 3d. —6 Superfluous hair destroyed by "Rusina" (Regd.). Signed, stamped, guaranteed cure, £o 12s 6d Florence Hullen, C.M I)., 7 Courtenay plaoe, Send stamped addressed envelope for particulars. —6 The choicest l'ur necklets procurable —Sable. Marmot, Squirrel, and every Fox variety—are here for your selection, whilo our present sale prices prevail. Renovations executed at shortest notice. McGIBBONS, lv* ARMAGH STREET, 'Phone 34-026. —I SCEPTICAL ABOUT SYDAL? Have you put dojvn as "advertiser's talk" all you have read about SydaJ. though you still suffer with chapped and rough hands? Send 3d in stamps, with name and address, to Sydal Pty., Kent terrace. Wellington, for a trial sample to prove that Sydal ia a wonderful bond emollient. —8

Mr J. R. Leitch (Greymouth), Miss Nicoll (Dunedin), Mr G. \V. Armitage (Tetnuka), Mr F. M. Jolinstorie (Auckland), Mr I. Murgatroyd (Balmoral). Mr .and Mrs A. de Beer (Duncdin), Mr and Mrs Carlson (Timam), Miss Holdgate (Timaru), Mrs C. G. Frampton (Ashburton). Miss Clarice Frampton (Ashburton), Mr and Mrs C. P. Straehan (Nelson), Miss Jonos (Dunedin), Miss Strang (Dunedin), Mrs Grmheim (Christchurch), Mrs F. Morrison (Hunter), Miss C. Morrison (Hunter), Miss Anne Duff (Hokitika), and Mr A. J. Cooper (Dunedin). are the latest arrivals at tho Hotel Fedora].

The following is a list of tho guests who registered at the Hermitage, Mt. Cook, during the past week:—Mrs Banncrwan, Miss K. Blaikio (Gore), Mr 11. Scarle, Mr and Mrs Parker (Nelson). Miss Annie Winning, Mr u - Spedcn (Mataura), Miss Catherino Wako (Southland). Miss M. .Richmond, Miss A. lladley (Auckland), Mr and Mrs Perks (South Africa) Miss Daisy Scott (Hawko.'s Bay), Miss M. Burnett (Hakataramea), Mr C. Tyneman (Gisborne). Miss E. N. Otierre (Palmerston), Mr A. Mewles (Oarnaru), Mr W. Cnrl Nee* (.Blenheim), Mrs Cracroft Wilson. Mrs Douglas Dickinson, Mr W. Brydcn, Miss IS. Keys Wells. Miss Mavis Green, Miss JNSmithson, Mrs F. Armstrong Miss Betty Armstrong, Mr and Mrs J£. Eddaile (Christchurch), Mr' L. Chapman, Mr R. G. Simmers, Mrs N. Wilson (Wellington). Miss M. Easson. Mr F. Westaway (Svdney), Mr and Mrs W. Cascley (Dannovirke), Mr George Wardell, Mr Frank Drewitt, Mr Ben Cunningham. Mr Fred Chapman. Mr M. F. Ledingham. Mrs Kerr and party. Mr Jus. Allport. Mr W. Moody (Timarul, Miss Dnthie, Miss F. Mc-Hntchison. Miss C. Stobo, Mr Ken Fulton. Miss E. Patrick. Miss Vivien Grey. Miss Linda Barnctt, Miss Mariorie Hervev Miss Mina McLeva Miss Jean Kilgour. Mr Roy Buxton, Dr. D. •Vshcroffc. T)r. Tt. Stranc, Mr W. IMcClvmont, Mr J. Swan. Mr H. Gillies. IVfr and Mrs Sutherland. Miss N. Nicholson, Mr John Nicho'son. Miss Dorothy Dean. Mrs Tl. AnnerfUe, Afiss S. Houston. Miss J. Martin. Miss C. Weston and Miss P. Boyd-Wilson (Dunedin).

DANCE AT PORT LEVY. A plain and fancy dress dauce for adults and children, held in Guilford Hall, Port Levy, on Wednesday evening, was most enjoyable. Amongst the many present wer« Mesdames W. Page, F. Jenkins, Townsend, E. Harkess, C. Richfield, G. Richfield, C. Pope, J. Peach, Cocil Peach, P. 'Flaherty, C. Pilbrow, Flutey, C. Derbridge (Quaker Girl), C. Pope (Ragtime), J. Grant (Five o'clock Tea), N. Wilson (Spring Cleaning) Misses Lily Johnston (Night), Rita Peach (Swiss Peasant), Olive Harkess (Waitress), Lena Pago (Mustard Club), Gwenfa Williams (Powder Puff), Lmda Grennell (lndiau Squaw), Brenda Williams (Acc of Spades), Wilkinson (Russian), R. Tiake (Cow Girl). Mollie Grennell (Indian Squaw), Bella Johnston (Frivolity), Rona Nicholson (Russian), Cissio Tainui (Spanish Girl), Nancy Page, Ellen Richfield, Trixie Joblin, Jean Brown, Millie Rivier, Joan Nelson (Butterfly), Veronicu Barnes (Egyptian), Eileen Blackler (Grandfather), Joan Pope (Night), Joyce Wilson (Powder and Patches), Loree Whit wcrtli (Irish Colleen), Helen Townsend (Early Victorian), Eileen Derbidge (Jill); Messrs Cyril Pope (Felix), C. Derbridge (Teddy Bear), W. Brown (Gipsy Girl), J. Hardy (Cow Boy), G. Johnston (nival Blues), W. Steele (Pierrot), C. Peach (Clown), W. Grennell (Sundowner), J. Grant, F. Jenkins, H. a Manning, J. Peach, J. hLildare," J. Quigley, W. Nicholson, E. Wisker, Flaherty (2). T. Johnston, H. Jennings, B. Manning, G. Richfield. T Scott. C. Pilbrow. C. Pooe, E. Harkess, W. Page, N. Tainui, J. Wisker. R. Jenkins (Eskimo) S. Pilbrow (Cowboy), F. Priest (Indian), C. Piibrow (Sailor), A. Jenkins (Sandwich Man), G. Grant (Little Boy Blue), J. Wisker (Will o' the Wisp), E. DerV>id<*e (Jack). 0. Jenkins (Knitting Bag), B. Pope (Chicken), L. Wilson (Elf), 0. Jenkins (Golliwog), N. Peach (Prince Charming), and many others.


The Lincoln-Tai Tapu branch of the Plunket Society organised a successful concert and dance, which were held in tho Druids' Hall. Lincoln, on Thursday evening. The stage was tastefully decorated with cinerarias anil flax. The first part of tho programme was provided by Mr and Mrs W. Toomoy, and tho following artists: — Mrs Watson, Misses Martin, Johnson (2). Messrs H. Prescott. Shaw, Alec. Dey. After Dr. E. J. Cooke, ou behalf of tho president and committee, had thanked tht artists for a most enjoyable concert, supper was served, and a Dleasant dauce followed. The music was provided by Messrs !>• Stace and R. liosler. The proceeds of th© function will amount to nearly £2O. and will be divided between tho provision of some furniture for the new Plunket rooms, Christchurch, and the funds of the local branch. Miss Welsh was tho organiser of the entertainment. and, together with Bliss Houghton (branch secretary), * is to be heartily congratulated on its success. Amongst those present were: —Mesdames R. M. Morten (president). E. J. Cooke, G. Mcßean, R. E. Alexaifc der. Suckling, E. L. Neale. W. H. Peryman, W. A Keast, Anderson. J. McKenzie, T. Medlin. B. Moran. F. E. Morrish. J. Hartnell, T. Hutton. G. Greaves, T. Foster. J. Foster W Hoplev. M. J. Scott, J. W. Calder, J. Wallace. P. V. Bailey, Wright, R. T. Button, Stephens, J. Mehlhopt, W. Templeton. Anderson, T. Henley, Hughes; the Misses Hauahton, Welsh, F. Mcßean, Withell. R. Greaves. Macartney. Hughes. Morten, Marshall, Munro. Ford. Moreland. Smith, Watkins, Harris, and Douglas.


This evening. Stillwell's Assembly dance will be neld in the 1 Caledonian Hall, a special attraction being the semi-final of a fox-trot competition. Music will be supplied by Jackson's and Bradford's bands. Supper will be supplied free to the dancers and th© gallery will be open to spectators.

The invitation put out by the editor of the London "Daily Express" to women readers to contribute useful housekeeping secrets resulted in 148,000 housewives communicating with the paper. A news-bill recording the event bore the words: "Enough to publish ten a day for forty-nine years."

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Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 20026, 6 September 1930, Page 2

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WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 20026, 6 September 1930, Page 2

WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 20026, 6 September 1930, Page 2