**s for R^ned SOLDIEBS SITS l> CHRIST. CHtRCH a«l<wpi* • IMpftW »« *-■>■»*"■ , r . _» P"** 7!. r P J. H«rr.«.-* •■- 1 '" 1 fe*»- ,Pl J .n,. S.vd-,-rV »«i** ,: **' , ',.•,"' <■-,*,:■ fttM -" " a " .. , «■■■ v -. ..- •"■ TTfwn -.'lid ««* : -" ""'"' *' JJS *•• •**" «"* *^ h ,-^r
?i»W«n (of R.S.A. /"L_ tfct \ssn- 3* "T w». ■ »■ ••'"■ Osl wor* -i-' -6 ■■ I *- ! * .- .- . ~. JTTtat * •■••- «-' r" pttt ,- e ;., , w«.!o»m*-.;. sal h j" •*»' '•-' ; f *'"\- * "■a**** " } * -, „ „. .. t ;..,l th* •jnutxe*. was" • ' "••' " n , '' ' ~ » v.n-- »»*• 'far w»n> d**»m<»* or iaijist «y«ait- *<■"?"*«■"**• »'"• • M W»h*F »*'• " x ' lni r> *'""■* tjtVnt* ***** ... , A . , $„» tk* i*A*l** tr'ar-v'-v.-*-.'* *• •"' m tkfe Ceaaetisaon kad b ** n known auftreKM* Had **«* arranged wi-ii the aJgHrtntrr Chamo*? of < obi"'"'. **« faZrm' AJW.:li"l!:. and M.inuJl«tsr*rV w '* !l ■ Vl * w *° fctwt-g <?*»« d#*3s'.c v:>*!H.-» '«;■»':«' *? •*- .Ji.aS>.t The mart a* these f*a;»f»B«« wi,a!-. (•« tawglU W*» ta* I'lißittJuoa later. itawtif tie mi:«'.i »- *■»» report, be ttatd asfe!* it»w that •'!■*- a scheme ssttdd «•?**'' oaiy » •*»*•■ propo'tioa of «m*kd ff! J 3. '■""» '' -* *''■ ' l ' r ■' , """• «ttk tat Casuusa»a s appro'- a'..
tyWpaUtT 3ft«ted *b naaaid*nag aveaaes <-i ■ a.p'.oy Mtt ;« 4wabl<"4 m*n, w:k-,-. <-ou.d ?e ladertakea srl»«t *ay s*rt->3s pr»*asaaarr tisdalit, aaa »•»". "> •lias UK fart t»*t tht »a ; on'y had i keens* asiwllsii* t» aiereiy Uvir,,; on t' ta«k peaska asst the s.-obot.:*- grant, aaa t*at t attfcaajs the «tn tapr aasi trilHag to b« lb some father Utaa to a s&nt yitrff* l kiieaaa*. nsaajr woald 'Wtolhrif tasafevrncn: irkaoaie. sal taarsfwte, waatev*r *ch»-m.- was MMjfMrtsA vaa at taa ea*'ct doomed to kave a fair aambex af fa: .ires. He %• was at opiaiaa, thanfan, :°J»t for any seaasM uWi insiSM th*re mast be a - tratastthatit fcaay «t m* '•> watrol it. la araaa/faf casatlar tha AawMtaiiM was aatdnisJ-.ed at thv ■aatar tC ««i aaorr £*) at eaii«'.went «•• aai h««a aaaaaeessfu'.ly repatritaai. la all taan tv« nineteen caaea ia tftai dasa, ■ftar */ ta«*a having poor tfasffta as la taarr capabilities. Tha saiat at watldl lika ta aiaaß regarding «aa tiaas af sua wa#—»oa.d in have aaaatMaaurr had he not a>n« -" aatf ta tae nr, as he aeed not hare ; aaatl Of was his *%t terri-« v> blame «aanet#risti>-s' He »m aatatta that th* majority of tliese Jtstaa wtntkt aaTt been in a b*ttar pas: i *Bl ta-day aaa ta*y a»t guaa away **•• Ua» aga «aa »xt>:h as to enable -.flat aiMttftng iaHaeaees cf army life 4 !* ** •**a rfff-t on the Saajatiaa af their rh*rai:t<»rs. I: might ' taasawt. *r|y 4M a«t Uia elaaa of man ; taaaaitaataft «i tht Eapatriaticn Aetf ..;*•»/ aa «*aht Aid, bat .in hohali of tie ataen he »o:iId »l«-ad rhu they F»a «abaiaat:4d tiir<>ogh rh.ur war **lag ta their aj_fK tmatrr Tvtuat. * Bl Ba4«»t4MKi that poultry ' *alwaa aaggutad aa a awiu whereby *■»■» arlgll hj« tatploTed. If till* •H mrrtfy \& oeeupatraa" »al aot a i **—* "i a Uri>lia«o.l, h-- iroaM '"f ♦■fJJP* 1 * *• ■ ,B F* rt '"• h>: - J " as a Uv#H'*J2*J_H *•■** I***" tft * iilatory af the ** "al Tins •#ttf«ment ?***l**«ah. aa 4 hafarit fc-:ia,j pur *■•* **» *ert:S*d t-y 'k.-*.or» aa a ••■Jay aad mitable pta.:e for tSi- se;tti»- ***•* *Ja. ia*a. and kv en*rti as , '** l *P th* posi'.un at H*i H"t •Jfi; *■* »*p«ri*3 ■«■< of "ho •■■l lat fallowijf tnr +mr* »*» b* PJP traaagh to a .... , „ .%,•♦! *i ft-Jaai arat aat a Uvi«g ,n 3<"-" »sr.;s» - rJ*T.» » 4hu»u>d ataa. fTh- thr*« f*J*»* it brake dawn., 4* j *Blaia a«.-.-sa* of -»i.ital B^2*,, *a a» that aslvtn'ag* aaight fV faacrtttta* - <>f ■- P* J *«-aaa wa» BE'air '.'-.* far a> ;t was an 'ne,;nti\e t:_ Wiea.*>w. ;» *li.. ca*c of a 2_*s£?* 1 -* * f Bl *'* snffariaj a ."'> p*r "■* aaauaiHty Qr *v* r , and amaole to £■"*•*« »»u r ,. T¥# Mtl . a j ti ., ; . i>:l . g»"jau«a srma a-,; n if the prMior.-r »m dr»»i».J l |i '"* B *'*»* paaaios *ad h- 'im*! any , • •*? »»'iri-» Th»t*x-ver, he kj gvr 1 ?* ta <■"*•;■■>** t!:.*j. earainga ~** ■ s * eeosnciii* p»nt,;oa was r»JJJJ" "* ?»P>sr*:-in •/» «!ip amoart fctsSk- " *"" r, " 3li * r*n»:osrr fas IhiTlT MBeri7t e « r *r -"" p'r cent. «aa7™H: ea-p-ajaa-a-. ■.» raanv •* aSIS* •■•• r * : - tt «;- *«* Mr Wiir". j«««i4*a Ut: th* \v S r P»aaioaa sa—_ w ■•**« a reaaosable JTI2 l S i *« la * ft might i-J3* **** '** ♦r-oaomie p«tui«a waa J™*? * Mataaaa.4 »;,«*»»,«. n,. s « a T!r, k W * i i 5» r *sspor«ry • B sr«fc>v n-at •ll» i2!L? m * , * lW «' * aadoabt. ai3«/2^** ,i * r "**' 9 « a '-'*' «? ■>*" a> aaa»Sr^* t *'* fJ ' r * 9 * • tl *«t T «3''sag "■■orary e«pl*T9a e tit. Thu of rvsiif Th» *«a*Mns> p«a*l« who did iriiiii <ltl *' ! - ,8,, ti " » Trt,, » "■■PHaahJa eat taia aiiMrtre.
j F*biJe Sa-vtoe. | Whnnt weald r*e©«i»end ta •( ike 1 Pablic Service throughout the Uominior. Ibe taoroogkty combed with * view r, t rlndtng employment for a greater number i of .I liable .J men thai waa poMib!* ir j the »*rTif# today, iie •I.ciaid a!«<i !:kv to -all attention to the number of roe a holding dual -Xiiition*. ;h- m.i. ,r «x ptoymeat being <>hiefiv picture hon^r at?*«4ar.r». «*(.-. Th« rcmUr of m;.rr;«4 wom»r, on r-!ny»,j tft !ay »»• vnorrr:■■>■:*. .mil in a large ihjoilmt of ran-« t;-i«> h'j« •v»r>' rol-hr.g l ;■. K nirkor.>. I* ■ti.« tufp.v.! a li ; a.^; i r sr .i ««i;. •li#r»* Emplovoiwat wr? set up ■■■: '!:•■ I'mr i: .*■: '»■,•;■ ■«. •• -.■.-,<•.-.. Caies of Impertal Men. Ttu-rv vtuj a'so th«» tiu-.s; -,'■■■ ■ f ■:,.* ■>"■'''! 'ft-1 niii». U-•■'«;.> oi;jfr.i '.r.' •■■■ \/>w Zoalaaii, had their <-a; .- , f-i'i-f.! !>* the Imneri:il 'ioirrnnfi:. With tfe» of it w»« «-iTuri»i to nnfattme that the dUnMiitire of tuany >f thc»# men h»i-or.e nmri .i.i 4 r. >r'> •. ,-t a j-eiia;"': hati "ii.- b*«« rat>!'aiif.>.j t;-.e Irr.ji-riai ;.«••(• »io*J nnali] not f-->f(ni*r Jiv further llbaf-illfy. For :.h- pwrf-C'»«j ->.' r),-* « i/n.-.a !.»-"■■ the mod ha.J l.««-n j.lare I into four • at-jf ,ri-'#. a-n foUo».': S'i. I: ** L*»eui|f>,>\ »!.>'.< " ' ■■ * ":-r'. ..■•' J ",«■;: i.r rcj'i n cf </•! !ir.,*::*n oM •ti»ai»ili>.«,«. t eraiir. »!»o ?:•■ r"' r , '' - ''.v!--» v-ar penrioitf ■'•'■' \o, -: Pitabtel •*.» »f>l..i-t» n-.i'. •«U?-t • , :i*'i if Piiitabl." r»ir>i* .etii.i Ue ir_ai|i' :ivai;,%'»> ■"-i War p»tt*i'in<r» i*7 ■ In Xot war p n%i<•>ii»-'« .".•> ■No. .1: Kit ate«J ' " ?.* ■ No. 4. Fit urt'ler aye on en'jitn»nt . 1!> Tvta! -Jii treafn>'t)t of 1...-i.?.<n'..-r» ;.: , j.ii' hospttaN «a» far front «.i^i.»fa^ tor*. a« p-«*i*ior..»r« «»•»■■,. !--jiff.J l«v «loe ■ !nr» tvho had «<> i r" 1 "! iotie kn«n iflire of tb'-'ir uHabili; to". Ttir <'om!niwinii ' mooIJ <-.>u«i4 j r the in»f'»"f >•( »'lt'. ■ tivn froni ei>o"«»ml.- p- - n»io!i* of !">'i{r"*
; •».-•» pay. aad dedue'ion unfairly ma !>• ! ft'ooi a pe:i9Tnn«r"» *avi:ii:*: t'-.e ani"i;'-" I nf i'i?eri «f pavai'l'- o;: tl.-po*: 1 * in the i Savir.jT* IJark w;« d«din-te-i from J ■■cerotiii.- ;>-T»i(>r.« wh«*'i i:» in:ii:y r-;*. s f the were" aeenmittated pen;»io:i*. I r.eirttf tt l " .Tltount p"id in** t!i-' man'* j !!.■*.-o;,r;t >!crinj» hi* «*cy 1-. ho«pi'»i'.
Ei**cr fOT Work. A *»'»-..r..| -,v ■■!«•«>. *ho ••ai»n- on: '•• • f.i' lv.Tui'.i.JT i; l!><?:», n;',d r'turned j to Britain in ' r jl~. ::-> en't«" with thr , !:.■: -\-tt-.-. <ii''. »*■.!» nn hi- di- | .-hi-gv rt» .•at.;'* i-a.-k tt> New "A -a'nnd 1:n V"- • I rt 2'*- Fr a pTo.d cf •*• ;n-.»n*h* !i- lid ■ ;<> *:»•>■(> ;it worU. , .-ut «in'-.' tru-n Inn h«*a!'h had keen g" ihg b% k *nrl h*- t-.aj i.e«'[i T r**r» t - Fient an. 1 work fnr ar least .t<s ivw!;s duric? la»t It mon'h*. In Fohrtia'f. lO" 1 ". hj«» wn n M«<>ii--«! I Bo*ri. iu«J hi* p:adiur; »'.i" :-'-h;c«4 fror.i IJi :.•> "< f-ir a j:fri';d of T-v-i /.v.--!. He :'•■» that \vr.« i!naf>i»> t" .<i».':. jto t n(t a: work as a gani»*nci- ? ftrd if i! n-pro not for the fact hi* f-it;-.*!" *ai at jrcent omplovin^ hici, hi? vr.'clil not bo able to retain i this rlaas of cuiplovir.pnt. Hr ivouM t> ■ 1 'tre "irr ; t'i nn-l>-. :b'.;*> nuy lijfht r,tr'\ , at all. i>roviib"J h<* rouM eftfu j "i> sappor; lli wify and five rhiMren. j It jrxtvvr. h>' «-.. Nt( ndoil thai hii p«?:i----*.on w»< nut s-jflioient for his nnst'iif iliaabiiity, aa-i was of opinion that it »hi>"iUl XT* ini*rca"**»d to at Ica-t ."0 i'«r i*i>nt.. a« hi* condition was aggravated a* pre- es*t !>y a r-/-->rrcnc« of brom'hitis with dfbilitv. whirh had bt'en ro-.^ [ r.'nc-i as du>- to r»r g*fvio«>.
"Yoongex Man Preferred." A third witr.cM. who had been a gaaeaemi't £>rinr to enlisJ;:it.nt. said that ■>n his being !:c resumed M» position, but through pains in his head, due to a head wound, he had to resign, and take up out-of-door work. Since 1&24 he had had no employment except of a very . as'.ia! nature, and attributed his inability t.-> ■ htaln permanent cm-pliiMn-r-t in with his capabiliou of his ag-, which wa-i ao» i 4. He found from experience that It was always tins younger man who obtained preference. He was willing to accept any poaltlon in the clerical line or salesmanship, and had excellent testimonial*. His aol* desire was to rehabilitate himself on a permanent bast*. Otasr Cases. A fourth witness, aged Jl. a goldminer prior to enlistment, said that his left arm had b*en ahot off at the War and he was discharged from the X.Z.E.F. on Jane 13th, 1919, oo a pension of 30» weekly. He had not followed any oeeapatiors since his discharge from the Army, although he had made repeated efforts to obtain employment both in Dunedin and Wellington. He drew an economic pension, but n»i deairoaa of getting work which, owiag to bis age and disability must aecessa:-ily bo af a light nature, and easy to grasp. He would b« prepared to accept employmeat a* messenger or croastng-keeper. A fifth witnee* with two years' overtea* service, who was discharged on April 16tb, 1»1», and who was in receipt of a panaion of £2 weeJtly. which was redtic'd to £ I weekly, said that he bad been treated at Ilanaier and the Cashmere Hills Sanatorium. With the assistance of the Patriotic Fund he had purchased a law bench for £ls. and tool* and materials for £2 l"s for toy making. Having no capital and very few tools, and hli e»le income being the peaaioii, t»» addition to •■ p«>;i*ion for his wife and two children, he had listen unable to make mach progreat, but was .-osSdert that with small capital he could be successfully rep.itri- «{•.••!. This e'Bta of work sniffd bin. and *>y l*ing his own "Biployer he w R » ob'e to t.-»*:e a f«-w days oft when not feeling It enottgh to wori».
Patriotic Two*. Bob*rt Tonkin Toaawill. public aej <-oaaUtat ant! KH-MUry of the C'aatcrhurr I"*trioti<* Fund, said of the amount br the Fnnd there remained »t March 31tt. 1929. £35,215», of tvhirh sum JSI .V;«?i w.-* invr»ti-d in J Ka-noerdalc Home. | During the pai* 1* year* 2*.21!* apj plications fcad l«tti dealt with by the i v;>riO»t committee* >U tbu Frnd I average of !9(S ivr r.nrnn. | Nearly £l'*\PoO of the *c;:- -i I* i ■«.• ---•! jof had bo** ap-pHed to a«ti»t the re--1 patrivion of return, d j«ddier» '<-y «'ay ! of loans aril (Trant*. | Of approximately S ,; ft loans written j i-ff ><r. ttrrnrifit of t'e nf »* >• i #.-i!.ii-'-r to n-ake end« meet on hi* farvi !or in hi« huiijne*«. approximr.tely *0 j per -—re. '-.S'! !>■.•- •■ rittea off l*<-r (*■•■> Laosn:-* r , «!»"»n*. an-! .""' p*r cen*. '•" «"■ ! . .>nnt of /;«-J. ; t;'if« a-r* : --jj tbro-.-g't n-.;r J «*. r rie<\ Apultcitioas for Assist ise*. | The t':»tal appticstiot.a dealt *'i'h i\»" ' r««i«,i:ti'<-i dt the Fi.n.J t., li Ui-: < in each of fh* pa«t t'o>;r years were 39 ! follow: I i l?->> .. .. fi-»:» 1 J ft-:: .. .. o;« : !»jr« ... .. •«*»» Of tb» i;2« appliratjooa, ex..'iiifli»g ; tcr ioa;:», rec*tv.-> d.fti.^ ■ it* pant t»o y*«r» t« t*«pt#mber 3t'tb. - l».». 21.3« p*r e*tst. of th* total re- | pr*«*nta recurring app!i>attor« by 4o diambled soldier* who had maafieten! p*aaions to provide the ordinary neerMtti«a of life, and »ao taroujh tbei' war ditahirlttea were una Me to earn a tiv*. hhnodFor four moatha> from Joly lit to Ort«b*t SJst, 192?. the age* <>i appli"
! cants had been ascertained in those j cases which had not come under the notice of the Fund for some time. ! The ajres of these applicant* (collected during past four months) are as fol- ■ Iowa: I Cnder 3-7 yeara v -<> y percent. ' 3,"» yean to iT yeara ■"''") *l3 per cent. j 4.". y.-ars to M years P.» - % 2 par cent. I .".'"vpars and over 10 12 percent. | • I »4 100 per cent. ( One obvious conclusion arrived at was i that the majority of the applications j were from unskilled men. without trades I or professions, who either enlisted soon j after leaving school, or during their apprenticeship to some trade —which was not completed on th»ir return—or men trhn had never adopted a trade. Applicants Classified. To take tec other extreme, in regard to age, there were 12 men whom this Fund was relieving, who wore ".0 years of age and over, and there were four men 60 years or older. Disabilities in tonic cases had neacssitated long hosl pital treatment, preventing even after Iso many years the complete repatriaI tion of manv of the men. deluding the numerous applications made on behalf of other Societies, applications declined, etc., during the last two rears applications from 201 men, the 'responsibility of the Canterbury Patriotic Fund, had been listed, of I which single men without dependent* i represented 2o.SC per cent, of the total. i Unskilled labourers numbered 133. or 1 «&66 per cent. Of the remainder, many I had onlr intermittent employment, due to Jiaabilitica through their war servio*. -nd this class represented the tvpe of case mostly benefited by the fund. ThftP m:'D unfortunately had from -Ti to IT. per cent, disability, and therefore could not compete with _ fit men, when only heavy work was offering. Ineladed in th* classifications were names of 2* disabled soldiers, who it was considered had broken down during the past two year*. Many of these mep were not recognised by the Pensions Department, and consequently the Fund was called noon to assist them at frequent intervals. T.;ere were a number of men living in mi-re or less conditions, or in i,ntittiti«in#. who should, in .hi-* opinion, b- more »omfortably and. in some <*aaes. more eenr.oniirally housed in a home where the stirroun.Hnga were congenial. Ther<* were many men today break ing down in health, who had exerted tbemsoives U the utmost to maintain :tiemse:ve«< and their de**>r!<!.-n'«.
j Opportunity for Training. • Ma-iv ex s-ddiors who to-day could I not o->trin employment other thsm o:. I relief work rotild be trained to trade* Jan J -aHinK*. rrliti-h would not only stintalute I:i»-ir interest and ambition, but ' •hntild [-rove a profitable (••'oiir.inie in- ' vestment to the .vnimuuity. !t w«s> now e!ev«»n years »im-e the i ArnsUtii* rm signed, and yet in such .an in t:*i::ie" 2" K.TtnerUale H>m" j there wa« .-. triple evid*rii-e of the fact 'that n;<*n v.'re <-<> nt itiually breaking down, ami must W afforded treatment other thnn in ho'jdtals, janrjtoria, or .•haritarde in«tittiT;on«. To October , :'!.ft. li'Jt*. 1 !.""> men ha'i ''"i'ii :i«.imi'.- ! It waft becoming more ai.d tr.'-re ev-i • <|eut tha' Uomrs atid «porial ir. a ti:i:t :<•>:;« I would •'# -»*<i'iir<'d '.. I o:;s» tho»e men j uAabie f> '»ara their liw?U»ood ly re& j «oo of t':- effect «f thei- vrrir „„T V i<-.-. ;«ut no" *?;ffieientiy impair*d :r h-ralt'; ! to regime ary definite hospitr.! treatI men*. i li. Uis t>r*'i''"*J ; ni«i»tatieo afturdr.; by Pfttrio*?- So<"i?tt»« could no- be .| e p#nde<l i.poa as '» the f>asf, many <.,. .■ic?>»« »I«•»'!>• "arjrj et*i:«-i-»ed »!,«-,r • fund*: *nd T considered •!,»! rpj lief granted b.t* the I'atrioti- Fund e n the prv»ent lm«:>. of expenditure ooi;M ' enJv continue for a' maximum of eight iytnrn. The • V>ai!Ris«ion «:!' "-Mini* a* !0 a.m. to day- It i» »ati«ip«Tea 'hit a week "ill r-e required to complete the «"liri»tehi»reh sitting*
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Press, Volume LXV, Issue 19787, 27 November 1929, Page 17
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2,548REPATRIATION. Press, Volume LXV, Issue 19787, 27 November 1929, Page 17
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