RANGIORA. j On Sunday retiring collections vfe r e taken tip in the churches in of the Earthquake Belief Fund. Thee was a very liberal response. At St. John's Anglican Church the amount received was £l6 lis 6d, at the Methodist Church £ls 5s 6d, ana at the Presbyterian Church £37 lis lOd. The amounts have been sent in to the ; borough fund, which '; notr close to £2OO. At Everybody's, Town Hall., tbis evening two feature pictures will _ be shown, "The Charlatan," starring Holmes Herbert and Margaret Livingstone, and "The Phvsician," in which lan Hunter and Elga Brink have the leads. On Thursday, the Victor Hugo classic, "The Man "Who Laughs," will be shown. On Saturday Lon Chaney in "West of Zanzibar" will be presented. Bos plans are at The Bristol and day sales are at the Golden Gat-e. KAIAPOI. Special services of thanksgiving for the recovery of his Majesty the King were held in all churches on Sunday. The order of service prepared by the Archbishop of Canterbury was followed where possible and sermons in keeping with the occasion were delivered. The services were well attended and special collections were made for the Earthquake Fund. After the evening services a sacred concert, organised by the Kaiapoi Brass Band, in aid of the Earthquake Fund, was held in the Grand Theatre. The band was assisted by members of the Rangiora Band, and solos were given by Mr G. McCullough, Miss E. Thorne, and Mr R. A. Blakelev Owing to the inclement weather there was only a fair attendance, the collection realising £4 2s 9d. The amount received by the Mayor of Kaiapoi towards the Earthquake Relief Fund now totals £232 16s 10d. KAIKOURA. The monthly meeting of the Sonth Marlborough Progress League took place on Saturday, Mr T. Harle presiding. Messrs B. R. Barker, W. Harnett, W. R. Bullen, and W. Hoare were elected members. The Otago Expansion League wrote urging that a strong deputation of South Island delegates should be sent to Wellington to support the construction of the South Island Main Trunk Railway Messrs T Harle, W. Scott, H. Snushall, M. Acton Adams, and A. Brown were appointed delegates. It was decided w> ask the Countv Council and the A. and P. Association to join forces with the League. HANMER SPRINGS. The ladies' hockey team motored to Kaikoura on Saturday to play in the Mount Palm Shield Competition. They were unfortunate in not being able to put in their best players and Buffered defeat, their first this season, by 6 goals to 2. The Golf Club pla. 1 the monthly medal match during the week-end. The best cards returned were:—Miss M. Kennedy, 05-34-61; Dr. . Mollor, 81-13-68: Mrs F. W. Lumsden, 80-10-70 H. J. Peek, 82-12-70; B. M. Neilson, 82-12-70. The Prv byterian and Anglican Churches held a combined thanksgiving service o unday morning. There was a large attendance. The service commenced wi'."< th' singing of "The Old Hund- dtb," after which the eongrega- ; tion joined in singing the National Anthem. The Rev. James Gemmell (Presbyterian) read the les a, which was taken from the 90th Psalm. He also ecitea a prayer of thankfulness for the King's restoration to health, foil-wed by prayers for the Queen, the sick, and the British Empire. The address was give < by the Rev. C. E. Moore, vicar for the Amuri, the text being taken from the Ist Epistle of St. Peter, the 2nd chapter, 17th verse: "Honour all men, love the brotherhood, fear God, honour the King." The "Te Deum" was sung during the service, as were also the following hymns: "Now Thank We All Our God," "Praise my Sonl, the -ing of Heaven" (choir only), "Praise to the Holiest in the Heights." Dr. (Rotherham) presided at the organ. The collections, both ordinary and retiring, were for the En quake Relief Fund. The wetther during the past week has been fine, with hard frosts at night ranging up to 19 degrees. WAIAU. On Friday evening Mrs L. Hoff ent tained a number of guests at her residence in honour of her daughter, Mary's, twentieth birthday, when a most enjoyable time was spent. Occasion was taken to announce the engagement of Miss Mary Hoff to Mr Les. Lodge, c Longbea , Ashbnrton. The Waiau football teams, senior and junior, -"'purneyed to Cheviot on Saturday to pin the Cheviot teams. The senior match resulted in a draw, 6 ! points all, but the Waiau juniors were beaten by 28 points to nil. A strange phenomeno" 1 was noticed by those crossing the Hurunui River on Sunday morning, the water being of a peculiar reddish colour for which they v?ere unable to account. CUST. A parish social was held in St. James' Hall, the evening being spent in games, competitions, and dancing. Competitions were won by Miss Doris Leslie, Miss Coombs, Messrs Tilley, and J. Doody. Music was supplied by Mr J. Whitham and Miss A. Dixon. The local football team played Woodend at Higgins Park. A good game resulted in a draw—eight all. SCARGILL. The local bachelors and spinsters held their annual ball on Friday evening. The hall was prettily decorated, and there Was . a good attendance. Music was provided by Surridge'a Hawarden Orchestra, and Messrs J. Lambie and N. Stewart were M.C's. The lucky-spot and Monte Carlo waltzes wore won by Mr N. Stewart and Miss E. Foster, and Mr J. Foster and Miss E. Foster respectively. The following is the rainfall recorded during the first six months of the year, last year's figures being given in parentheses: —January, 3.67 inchee (.53): February, 1.16 (2.21); March, 1.71 (1.39); April, 1.96 (.63); May, 1.22 (2.77); June, 4.82 (3.25). Totals, 14.54 (10.80). The weather during the last week or two has been changeable, with some very severe frosts last week. There have not been any prolonged spells of heavy weather, and supplies of being good, stock are In good condition. The sowings of wheat this year have been the largest for many years, last year's acreage for the district being considerably exceeded. LOBURN. Mils Bra Kirk, who is leaving the district, was entertained at a handke*anief afternoon at the rendesee of Mrs J. W. Madeed.
SEFTON. In the Sefton schoolgTOunds on Saturday afternoon a basketball match vraa p?ayed between the Wooder.d A and the senior Scfton toam?, and resulted in ft win for Seftcm by 1? goals to 3. Mis? Percy was referee. At the invitation of Messrs S. and A. Ashworth, a party of shooters went for a hare drive over their property, "Ashdowns," and although hares were not plentiful, an enjoyable time was spent, suitably terminating in afternoon tea, supplied by Mr? A. Ashworth. BELFAST. The Belfast "Y" Branch held its monthlv meeting at the residence of Mrs A." Clarke. There was a fair attendance, including two visitors from the Aranui branch. Miss Clarke was elected secretary. | TAI TAPU. A basketball match was played oo | Friday between teams from Ladbrooks i and Tai Tapu Schools, and resulted in a win for the Tai Tapu girls. A gale of wind from the north-east raged over the district on Saturday night and Sunday, then rain commenced to fall and continued till yesterday. Thanksgiving services for toe restoration of the King's health were conducted in the local churches on Sunday. PREBBLETON. The Mothers' Union held its monthly meeting on Friday, Mrs H. B. Jones presiding. After a short service in the church, conducted by the vicar, the members adjourned to the pariah hall, where Miss Havelaar, assistant organising secretary of St. Saviour's Guild, spoko of the work of the Orphanages and the need of financial assistance. As a result of her appeal the following volunteered to act aa collectors: Meedames H. B. Jones (convener), F. W. Carpenter, T. Foster, J. Hartnell, F. Carter, and H. G. Prebble. A number of children were also enrolled as junior friends of St. Saviour's. At the conclusion of her address, Miss Havelaar was accorded a rote of thanks. Afternoon tea was dispensed. The Prebhleton Dramatic Company gave a performance of the comedy, ''Marmaduke, Come Here," in the public hall in aid of the Anglican Church funds. There was a satisfactory audience, and the entertainment realised a substantial sum. A dance followed, music being provided by Mrs K. Hammond. Another successful dance, organised by the school committee, in support of the prize and picnic funds, took place in the hall on Saturday evening, there being a large attendance. Music was supplied by Mrs K. ffammond and Miss Jean Webb, while extras were played by Miss Jean Hammond and Mr Bob Middletton. The waltzing competition was won by Mr and Mrs Jock Hartnell, the prizes being given by Mrs P. Smith. The basketball team visited Lincoln and were defeated after an exciting game by three goals to two. The same team on Saturday on the home ground suffered defeat by Shirley, the scores being 17 to four. Schoolboy footballers journeyed to Broadfield on Friday, when they played a match against the boys there. The homo team proved too strong for the. visitors, who were defeated bv 16 to i 3. Mr M. Cuneen was referee. A special thanksgiving service for the King's recovery was held in All Saints' Church on Sunday morning, | the preacher being the- vicar, the Rev. i Hubert Jones. i LADBROOKS. The hall committee held a successful plain and fancy dress dance last week. The costumes were many and varied and created much amusement. Prizes were won by Mrs F. Hohson, sen., and Mr W. Carpenter. Smith's Band supplied the music. Mr and Mrs A. W. Ware and Master George Ware (Okain*s Bay) are the guests of Mrs J. Ware. DARFIELD. Mr Harry Morrison, youngest son of Mr and Mrs P. Morrison, The Oaks, Darfield, who died suddenly last week, was educated at the local Convent School and the Sacred Heart College, Auckland. After leaving school he followed farming pursuits at Racecourse Hill. He was very popular and highly respected, and this was borne out by the very large attendance at the funeral on Saturday. Requiem Mass was celebrated at the Roman Catholic Church, and was conducted bv the Rev. Father Fogarty. who also officiated atthe gra reside. The members of the Hibernian Society acted as pall-bearers and also as a guard of honour. Wreaths were received from the following:—Mr and Mrs R. Anderson, Tot and Henry Armstrong, Mr and Mrs Dixon Anderson, Mr and Mrs R. F. Clinton, Mr and Mrs W. A. Cnnliffe. the Cridge family, Mr and Mrs W. J. Clinton, Mr and Mrs G. Carter and family. Canterbury Frozen Meat Company Mrs Clinton, sen., and Leo, Mr and Mrs F. M. Dennehy, Mr and Mrs H TWbrooke, Jack Gunn, Mr and Mrs Gibbs and Lvnda, Mr and Mrs K D. ties. Mrs J. H. Jarman. Mr and Mrs H. A. Knight and family. Mr and Mrs J. Le Leivre and familv. Mr and Mrs D O'Connell. Kath. and Hugh Le Leivre, Leicester Matson and sons, Mr and Mrs W. Newton. Uncle Mick and Aunt Dehlia, the Price family, Mr and Mrs J. O. Redfern and family. Mr and Mrs T>. J. Shea. Mr and W. Svme and familv. Mr and Mrs U E. Thompson and family, the Darfield Bnorte Association, the Hibernian bociety, Dalpety and Co.. L«.. «• bachelors and spinsters of Darfieia. SOUTH MALVERN. At both St. Andrew's and St. Luke's i Churches on Sunday morning there were held services of thanksgiving for the recovery of his Majesty the King. At St. Luke's Church, a collection wa* taken in aid of the earthquake relief fund. A similar collection will oe made at St. Andrew's Church on tne occasion of the next morning _ se r r^^; In the Malvern Rugby sub-p on a senior grade match, played id the local domain on Saturday. Glentunnel defeated Sheffield by eight P°»»* * ™ after a keen game. Jor Glentunnel G. Bisphan and A. Harrison scored tries, G. Willis converting <£*■ w.
LEITHFIELD. The annual meeting of the Leithfield Library Committee was held lasl week, Mr J. S. Rtissell presiding. The balance-sheet showed a credit of £33 Os 7d. The resignation of the hon. secretary, Mr J. W. Sarich, was accepted with regret. Officers were elected as follows:—Chairman, Mr J. S. Russell; treasurer, Mr H. May; secretarv, Mr Gordon Page; hon. librarian. Miss Eaton; committee, Mesdames Hanna, Palmer, Trail, Messrs J. W. Sarich, C. Kirkby, G. Page, H. Ma*, F. Mav, D. W. Palmer, J. D. 1 Mcfcellar, and D. P. Brosnaban. The librarian was instructed to select new books to the Talus of £l2. A veto of thanks vu passed to Mr Page for a gift of books. A hare drive, organised by the local school committee, took place on Thursday. Fifty-seven hares and 14 rabbits fell to thirty guns. An excellent luncheon was provided by the ladie*. On Friday the Amberley House College basketball team defeated the Leithfteld team by 6 goals to 4. Miss Rankin and Miss Mander were referees. The Leithfield team jonrneyed to Oxford on Saturday and were beaten by the home beam by 12 goals to 8. Miss Ruddock was referee. The fortnightly social of the Library Committee was held on Saturday. There was a good attendance. The music was supplied bv Mrs Trail and Gaine Trail played extras. Mr Stewart Hunter was M.C. HORORATA. A thanksgiving service for the Kings restoration to health was held in St. John's Anglican Church on Sunday by the vicar, the Rev. B. N. Roberts. A service was also conducted in the Presbyterian Church by the Rev. D. Bovd. The School and Hall Committees continued the series of fortnightly dances in the hall on Saturday evening. The attendance was very fair. On Friday morning 1< degrees e# frost were registered: Only once bofore this winter has such a severe frost been experienced, and that was in Mav when 17deg were also registered. Mr E. Hight, Ashburt««, who hj« been visiting Mr and Mrs G. L. Hignt, hae returned home. ASHLEY BANK. A dance conducted by the Basketball Club was held on Friday. Muaie was supplied by the Sefton Jasi Baud, and Mr H. Schmidt acted at M.C. Extras were supplied by Mrs J. Pctrie, Miss T. Peach, and Mr W. Mayer. A lucky spot waltz was won by Miss B. Criglingtoa and Mr A. Loffbagen, and a Monte Carlo waits by Miss M. Petri* and Mr E. Beat tie. On Saturday the basketball A team beat Ohoka by eight goals to niL The ▼isitora were entertained at afternoon tea. On Friday and Saturday mornings two very sharp frosts were experienced whieh were the hardest this season- On Sunday evening rain commenced to fall from the south-west, continuing throughout the night, but yesterday the clouds dispersed and the sun shone brightly. LITTLE RIVER. Thanksgiving services at St. Andrew's Charch were conducted by the Bev. D. E. Hay. Special hymns were sung. At Matins a member was admitted to the Mothers' Union. Mrs Hay acted aa organist at the services. At the Little Eiver Town Hall em Friday the dance ot<, nised by the resideata in aid oi the distress eaused through the recent earthquake was held. A violin solo was given by aire M. Keen**, Miss Winifred Stott aeeompaaying her. Mr W. Mould acted as M.C. Music was su olied by Mrs 8. Birdliafc, Misses Deceen Giddeai ***
\vinifred Stott, Mown H. Stuart, B. Patten, and L Giddena. At a meeting of residents on Satarday afternoon it was decided to hold a children's plain and fancy dress ball on August 23rd. Mr H. Stuart was elected chairman and Mrs J. Johnson secretary. As in previous ye i there wi.» bo dancing classes each Saturday in the hall. SPRINGFIELD. The football match played on Saturday between the Glentunnel Juniors and Springfield Juniors resulted in a win for Glentunnel by 24 point* to nil. Springfield were three players short. Mr Fraser was referee. The match between Kirwee Seniors and Springfield Senior* resulted in a win for Sprimgfield by 11 point* to three. The Rev. T. Patterson was referee.
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Press, Volume LXV, Issue 19666, 9 July 1929, Page 3
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2,674NORTH CANTERBURY. Press, Volume LXV, Issue 19666, 9 July 1929, Page 3
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