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i thb addikoton market I It would seem from !ut Wednesday'a j *a!e of ewes that the prophet* tsvc i *i*r a ■ •owpi>'t«Sy astray regarding the % .S. ,*aey ©.f «««( for this yar '• "• " i«- The general belief was tint the .*» 1 j--*-! naonber of overves* sheep sad I tii exceptional feed prospects through- | oat the pr®Tine# wootd result in a *-if:ty, and the strong demand cf tie j «*»* fain f»*e some anpport to this Bat th« iUap that set :s over *. ••• 'on.-iading portion of We«in*»day's and weaker tome all through. raUwr upsst thmm nrfea* A big proportion of the ewes were dealers' Lines. iii-» •■•e'.j.ajia.Utioß of s«s*«r»i sales a" wfiEcJs p*.*am£« of tbw class o< abeep j ©«<* a \«*vy. The tall m salae* ua 0 B«act a aub« a" ul loss on i *. vs* coiKignmente and with a limited , t'«yiag up* Ujr the ea t| C nally heavy f*i.miag% were i»n»*itab! O or tie ix«: . nir:r u: two of the sale ii>m« c.aj.*«?s of f»«t were down by *• to 7 s a lie ad, :-it os moet of ths aalea recorded tie tiro ft aversgsd fro a 4a to 5s on the ■ ; re<-«dinf week. Bid* wt« most difieoit [ to get, and probably the sheep tamed ! --.'ii eu»M »t lite ««d of t%« day crested • r««r<4. The question nataraily arises. are the farmer*' wants supplied f Entries st the recent Mid Canterbury fairs were ttsexpeetedty henry. sad it is possible t*st fewer sheep are wanted than ap geared likely a month or more ago. ta tits respect It is worth noting that iuriag *i« l*.it year or an thousands ■■if ewes were sent to th# southern pro--r-n-es. i>k tie other band, OUjfo sheep •.few j»*r have com*' to Addingtoo Tbe ' -.ruij frrn overseas were lighter up J s-.'l a few weeks ago, bat there are i boatloads arranged for next 5 -Kwfc Possibly tbe fail on Wed needs* -, *.■ »r m . a.-.y later consignments, si- ' *ho"-i* i shipptng arrangements ran not -a- -j- i-! :a a dsy. " •help to. support the •• .-f i" firw?" hsire «««are«i a fair . „f ;he : r wi"»i However, • 11/ raasr ex aration of the , ,<, Vslif* :« that drsl i hsve been rg --■* sa 1 the fsrmer ,* •I'.V'njf until roufortn more : »,o hu.* own vie*. Thm lower vslnes ' ix- -• a' i -too! hsfe perttftbed »J*n *irn< sad the prospects : for-1: h;j res-fooiaf do not jos- ■ *i*yr thAt ke ha.* been salted - ' j, \- 1 - idmittedly hj»» «oroe - ■ - % «•.•! ■ However, oa Wednes- • «-- rr,*r«» taoassndt *>t sheep thst ' *»-■* grto-i v '-iy;ag cvpa at present Isrob ; ( w ,„i* 'rx'nm, scd it U resstnrinf . p B -•.#> rht' i* now st?sdier. with r- • "-at the slip in rslaes i " i ••.-T.. - is also S pf opinion thst fst . _ w _-- ■- » ; n price within S /. , w .. s , ' :»*.tT development 5 > r »j"iri! the forM-n't thst wss ; »**."•'T* I*"rktC2 at Isst week's *sle. A r. of raises with tbe c«rr*»- | poo'ii'g ssls last year is: M'»r . tSth.. 34»r- 38th. " « m». SK»1 • »- •- *- j E'hm»» — r S4 to» .19* 35 » *0 ; tuilirpliiarT t it u> ao to ss| j r«»J )w;-eo«".h - 1 P'r«.i»«!>!-<t4 IS to 3. | 33 lo «• j Tnr »i*» »a 4 crow , „ !sr»4 2S to :i .» to 1» J f-nir. ■;* ; »vl « «'-.•• ::oth , \ ■ i ... 20 to ™*| . 3. } rm. halfVetd .. I» Wa* I»i W22 t.r"t i» . '•*> 14 13 17 J W«tfc.#r» «.t < t Tour, til, and 14» t.# 3T| »3# ! Two. i«e I a . I ka'fSrW 31 M 3*| 31 <« 2-1 J >»•»»r-i * Z '.ft 35k •*> 2 4 X«.t m ! I# U :it H » 3* . ! iß! »b4 (sferloe iir 5 M !T| IS <» >" >"\x!l lamb* 1-H tn 14| 12 5o I*l 24 *' ( W -i-~, *- » •»» lamb* lo IS I9| K»' 13 Fat sbeep «otd well, dse to s small 1 entry, whieh was not mach over 2000 hesd * : Extra prime wr«;h»M to 4ft.| to 3<?| ?r:s»e w»th->re 32| to .15 31 to 34 , M-*dn;rr. w«th»rs 29 to 32 2T| to 30| ' Ijigb t w»th»>r« 24 to 2S| 2' jto 87f > TtiT-x rnir.'! i «w»i .. to 32 to 30| I Prxme **« ... 2.5 to 21** £5 to 291 i V s-1 rw«* 21 to 24 21 ito 2* *| T ght ewe<i ~ Id to 2'"> 18-f to 21 # j •*!' -- to 17$ 14 to IS Fat values were sgain firm, !h» rrtsi: *r.'.ry was the main far * tor tn th.s position. Vsloes eompared w h ».*« eorreepinding sale last year were:— i £ £ £ £ Extra prsme, stee-n to !9f to 22 Prise hssvy steers ... 10-f to 17| I<H t« 21 M«l. weight priaw steen 14 to 16 I<H to IS} ii•••!. steers . . Hi "to 13' l 553 '• j Light steers 8-f to 11 > to 12| Kttf* pr:me -w to 16 to 15 Prime lifif-nt Hi to ISj iC* to 14| if -»J. l=- ,f»r* 94 to 11 S f H to 1-i . j ;r.; h*..'?;•* 3} to ?i ~ to 10 r"T*.n pr;x.e •■-si . to 14| to r-.w V.:*» .. Wi to l— | Hi to 13i M*tiam rows 9 to JO i>i to 11| * •<■« .. . 4i to "i 5i to 9 pkxm£ cuurtnunißT mmamd. i A 'or-«spo(!Jeat writes wit j justiUed •r ■.!■.*.-.• ;";a: one of the Ota go Freex::~Z * 0 3>psn:as sad siso a ixiHtr coao". :■* West Cosst of the North j IslAsd are branding their l*.mbs "prime < acterbary.'' This, to the j writer, is ;u.«t u reprebensible as the f aeßtng of Argentine tnest in London as " ~r,jr.e ' ist-irbory, *" Though, these ; offer.?#;* *-sry in gravity the;- are tnr.'.ar is that they are both deeepijißi The writer of the letter wants to know if the ''Meat Board has gone i »r *' The Canterbury branch of ■. .-; Kj". -rs' i'r.ion received a remit ( fr rsneh the other daj J .-.iv»ri."i; the same romi.'-iaint, sn<3 it ! is e#rtat..niv' cr.c thst the Meat Board tho'iid liok icto. "Prime Cantcrbary*' a «.„7" ,Vjr.r» in the Hot.? market that tntjjli easily be lost if er<»ry ei port.tig focera that felt Inc'.ned wert * r erm.ttf>l to -a** and the praettet, if it exists, should b* promptly nipp«J S3 the f -1. is a vast itS'-ric*. vw tit- quality of the Iste season >"-.r*,h the of the raf«* ><t !'«■ terbirr Th« valae a*.'aeh:--g !" o»a Irani shook! tw \isi ; aa:lr -uirdeJ by this pro viae*.

AMERICAN LAMB TAXJTT. The American authorities are busy wrestling with the proposal to increase j ".he lamb and b»'!i; : .i port duties. On : this on? s-heduV •-: -'■* Tariff Bill the , Ways and Mear.s O-ranittee of the i Itouw of s heard no ; fewer than 2.*'.' tt-.t.---** representing i live stock oTRa.. ;-■■!■ 1 an'] other ! agricultural interest. Or. S. W. Mc- ! f'lure testified fcr the National Wnol- ' growers' A(v>'-.n in r#rcexlr.n with paragraph TOC of the ; rei*r.t law under ' which the dot:-'* are aj 2 i d-jl'ars per head on li'<e sh-'e.., and j jfatJi. * cpr:ts p--r po-:nd «~« l-irjir,, ;, n d i Si cats per pound on mutto:: .in,] on | goat rr-eat. Regarding impor'..itiAn* | fr m South Arc-Ti-a hi* :nk---4 that it be , uriU'n into the that :.« meat can ■ he brought inro the l":.-."ed Btat«» from ! any country in which f'jQt a:ul-n:.-uth .hsea'se -.rcva;;*. TV "for" c>m«T.t d'.d r. ■<• have it al! th-ir oats i way, and Dr. Mcf'ure was railed upon j "o make a reply to a representative of i a rhain store organisation who preceded [ h:m on the witness s'ar.d and objected ; to ar.v i-i-reas* in th-i present duties : upon imported meat*. opposition to increases ;n nvat duties «n al«o exi r:*M»l by t'e National A »so'-:-it:on of j Ketail Meat rosier*. l"ee„n,sß , tions that th" duty or. !:vc snaep lie | increased to 3 dollar* a '.e.vl. on ilresscd I iamb to " e»T. '.% a pound, and to •*> . •:■ nts oa mutton w»rc submitted i)y the ! representative of th" National Live J Stoi-k Pro'lscM 1 Association, the Firm *t« ' t'r.ior. Live Stock Commission j Ag»r.'iN, and the C-ntril Co-operative Association. It also was asked that the ra"e» on drewd b"-f be increased from 3 cnts t" S rents a round tnd r-i feeder cati?» from ij rent* t<i 3 rents, a pound. A duty o' 8 ccits a pound on iamb would represent en a -i' I !** carcase r.v>r 13* a head, which would pra<-f i,- 3 ".:y me in *h" pnd of the export of Now Z-^a r a-. 1 lam'> to the States. WEST COAJBT PASTURE. Practically every wi»ek (rood Sized of lambs from the Wctt Coast are soil at Addington markrt, and in cjnite a cusr.l-er of cases they top the market. Mo«t of these come fiom disrontigucji to the railway, but th*r>» are eifptions. 3nd rei-fctly a goo! siwJ draft that was "lorried ' over .'0 miles to the railhead at Rosa f.fpjred at the top of the Hat of valnet. The visitor who sees the through the window of a railway train has a very faint idea of ita productive possibilitie*. There are many thousands of aere* of warm, well-pastured valleys tnrked away towards the mountains, and now that systematic farming tr.ethods are becoming more general the re = l productive rapacity of the Coast is most apparent. It is to the southern end that the main eipansion nest he looked for, as below the Waiho river thefe are broad flats eapab!e of carrying t-jn times the people and 20 times the »toek. An of the feeding value of much of this country is illustrated by the fact that at a cattl" sale at Wataroa, about W miles south of Hokitika, a line of 112 fat cattle from the Haaat, averaged £ls a head. Notwithstanding that they had to *ic driven 130 mile* they 'were reported to hare entered tho tale in excellent condition, which i» obviotis from the price ther made.

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Press, Volume LXV, Issue 19581, 30 March 1929, Page 17

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CURRENT TOPICS. Press, Volume LXV, Issue 19581, 30 March 1929, Page 17

CURRENT TOPICS. Press, Volume LXV, Issue 19581, 30 March 1929, Page 17


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