TIMARU ASSOCIATION. PEOPLE'S DAY. (special to tub press.) TIMARU, October 25. "Peoplo's Day" at the Timaru Agricultural and Pastoral Association's sixty-third annual phow to-day attracted an attendance of about ten thousand people. After yesterday's heavy rair the weather was bright and fine during the morning, but showers threatened throughout the afternoon. The principal event of the day was the hunters' class, which was watched with keen interest. The various side-shows proved a strong attraction and provided plenty of opportunity to spend. A word of praise is due to the secretary, Mr H. H. Frasor, and his energetic officials for the efficient manner in which the show was organised. This year's exhibition is regarded as one of the most successful in the history of the Association. Robert Shaw, a musterer employed at the Orari Gorge station, received a nasty kick while holding a Lorse at a buckjumping show and was taken to the Timaru Hospital for treatment. Pollowing is the prize-list: Milch Cows. Registered dairy cow, any breed, in milk: Thos. Sheriff 1, Jos. Hampton 2 and h c, R. Maddren 3. Dairy cow, any breed, in milk, open to farmers farming not more than 25 acres: Jos. Hampton 1 and 2. Draught Horses. bectipn I. ■Entire Horse: A. Grant 1 and champion, D. vVilson 2 and reserve champion, W. Leatham 3. Entire oolt, two years old: John Colquhoun 1. Entire colt, yearling: J. and 11. Patrick 1, W. Smith 2. Gelding, four years old or over: A. Grant 1 and 2. Gelding, three years old: A. Grant 1. JPair oi geldings, three years old or upwards, in regular work' A. Giant 1. Best walking stallion: D. Wilson 1, A. Grant 2, G. Smith 8. Best walking marc or gelding: A. Grant 1 and 2. Section 11. Dry mare: A. Grant 1 and champion, J. and R. Patrick 2 and reserve champion, P. Porter 8. Mare, three years old, or over, bred in New Zealand which nas not won a first prize at any show previous to date of entry: P. Porter I Filly, two years old: A. Bannatyne 1 and Clydesdale Horse Society's medal,. A. Copland 2, A. Grant 3, W. Smith 4. Filly, yearling: A. Copland 1, W. Leatham 2, G. and R Patrick 3. Three draught horses, not to exceed five years old, the progeny of the same sire: A. F. Copland 1, W. Smith 2. Spring Dray Horses. Mara or gelding, 20cwt or upwards: Evans and Go. 1, Belford Mills 2. Mare or golding, up to 15cwt: Belford Mills 1, \V. P. Lane -2, New Zealand Express Company 3. Tradesman's turnout; New Zealand Expreßß Company 1. Stallion, three years old and upwards, to be driven in harness: H. McMillan X and champion, 'it. T. Mitchell_ 2. Parmer's spring trap horse, mare or gelding, up to Bcwt: W. P. Lane 1. Tradesman's turnout, for delivery work, up to lOcwt: W. P. Lane 1, G. S. Wilson 2 and 3. Ponies. Stallion, 14.2 hands or under: P. H. Luscombo 1, J. K. Chapman 2," Mare or gelding, over 13.2 hands and not over 14.2 hands, to be ridden by boy or girl not over 16 years of age: Eric Jackson 1, Miss Cecil Elworthy 2, E, R. O'Neill 3, Miss D. Orbell h c. Mare or gelding, over 12.2 hands and not over 13.2 bands, to be ridden by boy or girl not over 14 yearß of age: Miss Janet Orbell 1, Miss, D. Cameron 2, P. L. Donald 8, E. R, O'Neill hc. Mare or gelding, over 11 hands and not over 12.2 hands, to be ridden by boy or girl not over 12 years of age: John Mee 1, Miss Pam Orbell 2, Ross Brodie 3. Pony, mare or gelding, 11 hands or under, to be ridden by boy or girl not over 11 years of age: Jack Cameron 1, Miss E. P. R. Woodhouse 2. Mare or gelding, 18 hands and not over 14.2 hands,' to be ridden by boy or girl not over 16 years of age, open to ponies that have not won a first prize at any show previous to date of entry: P. L. Donald 1, E. Hooper 2. Mare or gelding, tinder 13 hands, to be ridden by a boy or girl not over 13 years, open to ponies that have not won a first prize at any' show previous to date of entry: Miss Pam Orbell 1, P. L. Donald 2, E. R. O'Neill 3, Martin Sullivan h c. Polo pony: C. L. Orbell 1, H. L. Elworthy 2 and 3. Champion saddle pony: E. Jackson. Reserve champion: Miss Janet Orbell.
Thoroughbreds. Stallion: South Canterbury Hunt 1, A. F. Boborto 2. Filly, two years old: A. P. Roberts 1. Brood mare, in foal or with foal at foot: J. P. K. Jamieson 1 and 2. Saddle Horses. Gelding or filly, three years old: P. L. Donald 1, Miss J. Edgar Jones 2, Margaret McQuade 3. Gelding or filly, two years old: "A. Bain 1, H, McMillan 2. Colt, gelding, or Ally, yearling: R. W. O'Brien 1, H. McMillan 2 and 3. Cob maro or gelding, up to 14 stone, not exceeding 15 hands: H A. Dixon 1, P. L. Donald 2. lost hack: Miss B. Etarper 1, C. L. Orbell 2, W. Hastie 8. 13st hack: Miss B. Harper 1, C. L. Orbell 2. list hack: Miss E. Greeiiplade 1, G. M. Shaw 2, H. Elworthy 3, Mrs J; H. Grigg h c. Best-paced hack: J. M. Shaw 1, Miss B. Harper 2, Miss E. Greenslade 3, Miss Dendral Rhodes , h c. Hack which, has not wod a. first prize in saddle on show ground previous to 'late of entry: C. L. Orbell 1, W. H. Orbell 2, J. C. Guinness 3. Lady's hack, to be ridden by a lady: Miss B. Harper 1, E. Greenslade 2, J. M. Shaw 3, H Elworthy h c. Troop-horse: Miss B. Harper 1, J. M. Shaw 2, Miss E. Edgar Jones 3. Mare most suitable for breeding re-mounts if mated with thoroughbred horse: P. L. Donald 1, W. P. I.ane 2, R. Langridge 3. Champion- Miss B. Harper's Challenger, reserve chamijion Miss E. Greenslade's King Pin. Hunters. Heavy-weight hunter, up to 13st 71b: W. Hastie 1, Mrs J. H. Grigg 2, 0. L. Orbell 8. Light-weight hunter, up to list 71b: Miss B. Harper 1, 0. L. Orbell 2, Miss J. Edgar Jones 3. Special class, best jumper, open to horses which have not won a first prize on any show ground in hunter class: Miss J. Edgar Jones 1, Miss A. T. Williams 2, W. H. Orbell 3. Lady's hunter, to be ridden by a lady over jumps: Miss B. Harper 1 and 2, Mrs J. H. Grigg 3, Miss E Greenslade h c. Best hunter on the eround: Miss B. Harper 1 and 2, G. Shaw s Miss Jane Orbell h c. Rhodes Hunt Challenge Cup, for team of three . qualified hunters: South Canterbury Hunt 1 and 2. Champion hunter: Miss B. Harper; Pony Competitions—Best pony "over hurdles, 13.2 hands and not over 14.2, ridden by boy or girl: E. Jackson 1, F. Pratt 2 Miss D. Orbell 8, Miss D. Rhodes h c. Best pony, under 18.2 hands, ridden by boy or ftirl under 16: Miss D. Rhodes 1, Miss j Orbell 2, Anderson 3, J. Sugrue h c. Trottine pony, 13.2 hands and not over 14.2 hands, rider >to be under 15 years: E. R. O'Neill 1. F. Pratt 2, T. M. Brosnan 3. Rout trotting pony, under 13.2 hands,- rider to be under 14: E. R. O'Neill 1, Cameron 2, Ross Brodie 3. Best girl rider under 14 veara- J. Orbell 1. A. Orbell 2, B. Hammond 1 q N Orbell h c. Best boy rider under 14 ' years' J. Wood 1, J. Mee 2. E. Jackson 3, p Pratt h c. Best girl rider under 14 years, and not a previous prize-winner: A. Orbell 1 Cameron 2, N. Orbell 3, P. Orbell h c. Boat bov rider under 14 years, not a previous prize-winner: J. Wood 1. £ Pratt 2. Black 3. J. Cameron h c. Riding comneHtiori' J. T. Humphris 1, Greenslade 2. p; Pratt 8. Ladies' riding competition: Miss D 'Sheepdog Trfal—R. B. Smyth's Gary, 44 points,!. pigg> Berkshire boar, over 14 months: J. D. ftalvin 1 and champion, J. F. Hayhurst 2. Boar, tinder 14 months: J. D. Galpin 1, J. v Hayhurst 2. Boar, under 8 months: J. n Galpin 1. Sow, over 14 months: J. D. Skinin 1 and champion. Sow, under 14 Souths" V D. Galpin 1, J. P. Hayhurst 2. Sunder 8 months: J. D, Galpin 1 Sow, with litter of not less than six under two m °Yorkshfre— 14 months: H. Allntt 1 and champion, J. E. Ashworth 2. nnder 8 months: J. E. Ashworth 1. over 14 months: J. E. Ashworth 1. J. ?, Onloin 2. Sow, under 14 months: H. ?ilnntt 1 and champion, J. D. Galpin 2. Sow under 8 months: J. E. Ashworth 1 and 9 Sow, with litter of not less than six two months: H. Allnutt 1. Anv other breed—Boar: J. D. Galpin 1, T Ashworth 2. Sow: J. E. Ashworth 1 »\ J D Galpin 2. Two .baton pigs, "e weight to exceed 2501b: J. D. Galpin 1. Sheep Dogs. Short-haired dog: Mrs A. Lunham 1. Qi«t- J P- Johnston 1, L. H. Mason 2. Long-haired dog: Evans and Dixon 1, J. «#• iif a T N. Brosnan 3, J. 0. H. Tripp u Qlut* R- W. Trotter 1 and h c, G. p C ' Evans' 2, G. P. Johnston 3. Bearded doc: D. Ewart 1 and 2, Jno. Douglas 3. Agricultural Produce. wheat, short berry: M. O'Connor 1, W. u rlar'ke 2. Wheat, long berry: W. R. ri.rke 1 B J. Bassett 2, M. O'Connor 3. Wheat Haters: R. J- Bassett 1 M. 2. White oats: W. R. Clarke 1 j n M O'Connor ' 3. Dark oata: M. 1 Field peaa: W. R. Clarke 1. Perennial ryegrass: M. r O'Connor 1. ' R. Clarke 1 and £°M O'Connor 2. Colonial grown white 1 er" W K. Clarke "1. Colonial-grown
cowgrass or red clover: W. R. Clarke 1 and 2. Dairy Produce.. Butter—3lb butter, without salt: Mrs J. H. Nelson 1, Mra J. Scott 2, Mrs P. P. Neale 3, Mrs S. Andrews h e. 31b butter, salted: Mrs J. Scott 1, Mrs M. McGeorgo 2, Mrs R. E. Colwill 3, Mrs P. Duffy h c. Factory-made butter—lmprint Alpine Dairy Company 1 and 2. Honey—Extracted liquid: Mrs P. •W. Hearn 1, Mrs W. Goodman 2 and 8. Granulated: Mrs F. W. Hearn 1 and 3, Mra W. Goodman 2. Two lib boxes: Mrs F. W. Hearn 1, 2 .and 3. Honey in bar frames: Mrs F. W. Hearn 1, 2, and 3. Beeswax: Mrs W. Goodman X, Mrs F. W. Hearn 2 and h c, Mrs G. L. Murray 8. Eggs—Twelve hens' eggs, white, single I yolk: Mrs F. Wilson 1, Mrs K. M. Browne 2, W. Coppon 3, Miss A. Kelman ho. Twelve hens oggs, brown, single yolk: Mrs P. P. Nea'e 1, Mrs W. E. Cadwallader 2,; Jack Kid ley 3. Twelve ducks' eggs, single yolk: Cecil Maze 1, Mrs E. E. South 2, Miss A. J Young 3, Mrs F Wilson 4. Dressed Poultry—Pair of fowls: Mrs W E. Cadwallader 1, Mrs F. Wilson 2. Pair of ducks: Mrs F. Wilson 1. * Cured and Preserved Meats—Two hams, smoked: Alpine Dairy Company 1. Two hams, unsmokud- Alpine Dairy Company I. Two. rolls smoked: Alpine Dairy Company 1, Two rolls unsmoked: Alpine Dairy Company 1. One side, of bacon, unsmoked, open to farmers only R. B. Hart 1, Mrs M. E. Smith 2 and 3. One ham; unsmoked, open to farmers only: Mts M. E. Smith 1, 2, and 3. One hnm, unsmoked, open to farmers only: Mra M. E. Smith 1 and 2, R. B. Hart 8. ' • Preserves. Jam: Mrs W. E. Cadwallader 1, Mias V. Tizard 2.' Fruit jelly: Miss'V. Tizard J. Collection of bottled fruit: Mrs W. E. Cadwallader 1 and 2. Sauces; Mrs G-. Birdling 1. Pickles: Mrs Birdiing I.' Chutney: Mro G. Birdiing 1. Cookery. Loa>f bread, not lees than 3lb: Mra, B. B. Hart 1, Mrs F. P. Neale 2, Mrs S. Andrews 3. Loaf bread, not less than 8lb; open to exhibitors who have not won a prize at any show: Mrs F. F. Neale 1, Miss M. Halsey 2. Nut loaf: Mr3,F. E. Knowles ' 1, Mrs F. F. Neale 2, Miss V Tizard 3. Brownie loaf: Mrs F. F. Neale I. Sixi scones: Mrs Haikctt 1, Mrs Hart 2 end h c, Mrs Burt 8. Six ecoiies, open to exhibitors who have not won a prize: Miss Knight 1, Miss Tizard 2, Mrs J. Keay 3. Six girdle scones: Mrs Hart 1 and 2, Mrs Smith 3, Miss JJtiy h o. Collection of biscuits. Miss I. Knight 1, Mrs G..E Knowles 2, Miss M I. Halsey 3. Shortbread: Mra A. B. Hart J, Mias J. Keay 2, Miss R. J. Browne 3, Miss' Knight h c. Oatcake Miss R. J. Browne 1 and 2. Sponge sandwich: Mrs C. Probert X, Mrs R. B. Hart 2, Mrs r. Duffy 3, Mrs P H. Burt h c. Fruit cake (dark): Miss F. Chapman X, Mrs F. Burt 2, Mrs J Hall. 3, Mrs C. Probert h c. Fruit cake (light): Mi3s Browne X; Mrs Halkett 2, Miss Chapman' 8. Seed cake: Miss Knight X, Mrs Hall 2, Miss Chapman 3, Mrs Knowles hc. Marble cake: Mrs Hall X, Miss Chapman 2, Mrs Probert 3, Miss Knight h c. ' Plum pudding: Mrs P. Duff 1, Mrs F. Burt 2, Mts M. Smith 3 and b c. Children'B Classes. Cookery—Sponge roll: Lorna Taylor X, Naomi Kelman 2, -Laura Pratt 3, Maggie Thyne h c. Sausage rolls: Gleniti Lithgow X, Sylvia Keay 2, Jean Brewer 3, Margaret Hewson hc. Pikelets: Marion Browne X, Naomi Kelman 2, Violet ' Southgsto 3, Margaret Duffey h c. Biscuits: Ena Brewer X, Norma Tizard 2. Oven scones: Margaret Hewson X, Dorothy McKenzie 2 Gleniti Lithgow 3, Maggie Thyne h c. Sewing, under 15 years—Garment made at school: Betty Taylor 1, Faith Bridgewater 2, Lorraine Amyes..3. Darning: Faith Bridgewater X, Marion Browne 2 and h c, Lorna Taylor 3. Best patch: Faith Bridgewater X, Betty Taylor 2, Manor Browne 3 and h c. Under X2—Garment made at school': Prances Wright X, Loiß Amyes 2, Kathleen Trumper 8, Olga Hunt h c. Darning: Sylvia Keay X, Catherine Johnson 2. Best patch: Lois Amyes X, Sylvia Keay 2, Nancy Ridley 3. • Plasticine—Standard I.: Colin Shore X, Mattie Pettigrew 2, Allan Husband 3, Robert Moffat h c. Standard II.: William Welford X, Mervyn Ward 2. George Grossman 8. Len McGrath he. Fruit. * Apples—Dessert: G. Wordsworth X, Peter Hall 2. Cooking: Eric Hall X, G. Wordsworth 2. Wool Classing. Pupils who have attended class .for sot more than one year: R. Robb I, Jas. Moore 2, G. Askin 3, D. Cox h c. Pupils who have attended for dver one year and not more than two years: E. G. McGunn 1, ,B. Grant 2, \V. J Killo 3, J. Benson hc. Three-year , pupils: ,G. Goodall 1, G. Douglaa 2, R. Koens 3, G, Smith li &
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Press, Volume LXIV, Issue 19451, 26 October 1928, Page 4
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2,556A. AND P. SHOW. Press, Volume LXIV, Issue 19451, 26 October 1928, Page 4
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