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' A meeting of tho Poard of the Sew Zealand Trotfing Asspciatipn was held last oVcning.'' Present:' Messrs J. H. Vfjlliaais, W. Hayward, J. B. Thomson, G. McMillan, and J. M. Samson. Apologies for absence w-ere received from Messrs R. A. Armstrong, W. H. Denton, and li. W. Kitciiingiiani.

The Auckland Trotting Club forwarded eocrcspundeiiep concerning aij pnquiry. he a into' tii« running bl Jaciap Auaubpn in tiic MaWre ilandicap at'ifs repent Meeting »> contrast with iha'iorm shown iu the Marconi Handicap. In' his first start the horse had had invested on him' *s& # a I? > *"° - pe - won i'3iJ'l!aS"b«en mvested J. J l . 'Keiiiierlcy had cspiiiuf d that m hprtso always ran tjptfer the second tinip ou than in the, nrst rasp. lie had S, big field ji» limit of Sim anu* 'finished 'sixth. Jackie Audubon was looked upon as a mile auq jj qu.irtej: bprse. He had not backed, him in ° ! l? r ii»tf' l bceu decided to accept the tsplaiiaticm of Keiuierley/ and tho action pi the eiuii was (.luiprsed. . ' The' rv'uck'iaud Chili also reported that, it had-fined J. -T. Paul £Vo for earelesß drivine ■t i- -ie-nt: Mactiiifc'. Paul had appliefl for a ro-hqarhig, whip" was SFit,'iH' d . ,V ut . ''i 0 club had' decided that the fin/Q snould stand. ; 'rii2"ueti(in' of the clu]i in each case was C ' n The Ca i.iiensius Coiainjttec recpinnicuded thai ' eouditionai' licenses for three months be C r»r.'fcd"aß'follows:— i\ J. liambfir. \\. T. Jiroiispit, "li. iJroqkiand, r'. *. Carr, ,T. Ciicpell, W. Willing, u. Iruipfcsh«nk, J. hV-mpslev.'M. liehniey, A. Donald, R 14. Doy.e, li'."'V'."i>yk>, '«••' - 1 - ticriiatd, }:■. C. Kinu, Vv'. : J.. Liiipplu, P. J. ilUflash. U Mcilaituu."!!. y."ailis, 'ij." OaWer", D. 'J. p|cbie, ami Li} LaverV ' " ' . Kide'rs' liceusci on.y v.-ereg.unlpd to W. 1. Bfcu'scil. A. Hounes, M U, Orme, \V R: S'ppft, P. Wliito,' and L. Layer. Mr JiKaines'wrote ■fequoslii'is the return of correspondence forwarded by him in con: nexion with the Jojin ppo case. It was uecided to return the correspondence per medium of Mr Torrftncp, racecpursp msyectpr. Tho next meeting of the Board was hxed I for September 7th,' at 7.80 p.m.

ANNIJAL • iJEJETi^'GThe annual meeting of tho New Zealand, fretting Association iyqs tjjew hekj. Export. . Th© chairrnan the follovinij 1 Jinyc the haflour tq the biilancpr pheet fpc tho 'ivfpivp m?nth? ended pn July fit about iiJEi in ly IftS Vf°ffl9R T acip aniount tq 4-iioia Vs la, ftna tjia revenue; inciting a credit bajanca oi ixa ba br-u d ut IQ-Wfl «<«» year, is *-otf< 449 VI oix-i iaa, vviiicii, uuUer \Jfce itaucefl, must bo tqup.aurea s.itifliact>>rj'. " Ruling'we ipUo ! s ;iftt ; .at,on3 were' euewod l)i'ev>OU,a yeai ft beir.g sfovvn in b'rftpjiovs) :—», 4i9 i'U<;; übrses, * .'lii);'cp.qura, Wa: fe o^.' ' J9'fiV »"tptest3, 493 UaiftJ! p'rojcssibnal riders'.a,na driver?,' 73? W^ 'i*e tvnstoM °f tap Proyitleflt Iqnd, havo purcnaß«l'i!4aiio"wpitn ° £ phr-ptohnrpu My Cauncii dobeptures, and thp iun"d§ arp now well" ftver £o»00. " Nearly twelve months' ago wc lost the good services of"the lat»"ilr V. i. M. Pop.cine,, whQ had been honorary treasurer and a nienib«r of the Incensing pPWinittep SWPS !§}?• (To his untimely dscease fitting refovence has been made,' and' in' accordance W!W MJ I rules, the vacancy oh fhe was. fii t pd 1 by the- appointment of Mr J.. M. Samson. Mr Hsswaira "ha« ! been appointed i^eaenl : or , ar^d 'a member •«£ the Licencing > I phould rn«iko. refcronoo to the .Ufa tor ••ifiisticp Alner's, for hp vyaa pounße. Ho thia- Asabpfatlbs"for many years, and Us of peaf Vsiitahce, on many otJcasions inl pi liraxnlfeei-widS VWB ?t>W, »«<*%■ saw to 'seek hie" adyioo. In oii? pn hi? elevatipn to' «!$ ISwafiffl s«' it had always Vfeeen a sosr&" ofgratificatipn to hja j %* 1 ?/' tho'positiortvpl counsel he succeoded his Honour Mr Justice Stringer when he called to lW'#??$!• ' T « j * ii,„ a Ne*'2iealandfirttn.dlhe other Ran, Wre %&8 tried qn,a charge of cpn ; ft" the fete authorities jfi . Nw . South Victoria!' anf Wag* Australia ,flf lo«fi "■ sums" n -fl| mpney . by MSing tho.marp Promenad? as . Gathered -flpß. Both'we iouno! guilty,. and were prdared to come un for'sentence'if called upon within two years. The cost of the Pronlpnade enj quiry OTO,s'ggutipn YasjljQUt |<sflp, i-aa'phared 'pflfllflj, **, "W ?? a fe kutiiorities disqualified UfltU Builly' parties and the mare; far Wo. <EUo light sentence' imnpsed hy the Qourt in Sydney <wM but it will not detpr this Raid; from before the Courts' any 'perapn vphq msy 1>? deemed tq haY9 : bean, 'g\tllty'"pf the nefanotis. practicQ jif '"ringing ij- r • '

Pealing-with ra&ttftra in, cpnnejfipn irift tfc<V work'ot' administration'of ftp Assopiation, which every y?a|i ftpr? ww ffiw R<* 3ts . l^ *$ W Of these sevea. w,erp on the, g*Rund..flf ga> fppi»gV interfqtfince, meons ls tent run, mug; •a'n*a , 'wtwfl dipped h K the Btpwartp. whose Seciaipns. «n being forwarded to tM Association, endorsed. Jn anotherthe prq'teßt was against the clubs depiswn regarding the handicap limit of a race The club' dismissed Ihe "profest; 'and. fta parties Mjpeafed to''ftp" AeEQciatipn. Althoughftp members thought there, •wrap some tion for the appeal, owing tP the. unusual nature of fta gqndUiPW. it «« not sustained but the appeal fee was ordered to .be returned, the appeal haying been lodged claiming the stake. " Another oase was where an owner protested on the ground' pf interference., and the club disjnissgc! #e. psrtMt" ?R^ n *L£B paaYedf m ihfl wquvb bad not Wn heart in accordance-with the rules, and a, further enquiry was conducted V the Association. Is'.tbis paw'ftsia SRSW|BS pf i n fom- rf T, 1 Qn the; sptftwo phargea ft?l Bo«| fonw| there W9 no intgrfeienoe.. pn ft.p third olelidehce actual place. rtm the t'roublq occurred. There being a donM as to what was the real causel of fteT;ronb.le, the v 'p,wfesj W dismissed, but ftc'*».«?. ©snwSsed grave dissatisfaction with the manbud •conducted he case. There have, b>en. seven appeajrto m fsif waji based, pi} a. question pf -fact. np ; fen tbree tp the 6efe In pna case the suspended a-borsew' btfdxpnimittea-a eetjes of pffencM. In yiew. of hja, record, ha was c# pS'befo-o the Licensing eomniittee, wft ft result '" i fy ~W and' di .ag fqr two nw>nfts. He appea.ed to ftpCp'nfereice anH judginpnj went>g»inst u, owing to a wonknew'in the charge, bu{ apt fox any lack pf power to suspend a horse, 'ln the sic'qnd appeal the sub haying "found ftat undnq nap pifte whip hag .itiVerierenco;' r foe, BCSttiOfls pf ft? first and'second'horses. Tbp owner of ftp winner appealed', and' the Association reversed the positions back again, being of the opiniqn

that the winner would have won in any case, and it would'hive been a distinct injustice To deprive the owner pf the race in the circumstances. The owner of the other horse appealed to the OonlereacQ on the ground that the Association had no nght t?rWe the club's finding. The judges dismissed the' appeal, holding that the Association had not interfered the finding, hut had varied ihp ' penalty, vtych it. wwi justified jn doing. The third appeal in the Free Advicp 'case is still sub. judice.

licensing Committee.

The work that devolves upon tho Licensing Committee is particularly heavy. Although the' consideration of a large number qf applications 'throughout the year engages the tinie "of the'conimlttpo very considerably, aQ much or more time, psrhapa, is taken up in" dealing" with many cases of a more or leas intricate nature. As you all know, there are some cases wuich comp beforethe , Board and are passed on to tho committee, to whom cur thanks ore due for relieving the other ' members _pf a very considerable volume of "wcrk. ' The committee finds it necessary to call applicants to answer charges of misconduct, and in roost instances they arp granted licenses with a severs caution as to their future behavipur. somei en pro r bati'oh on short periods, awl in others the committee have to refuse altogether. I. think it ""is "now more jjeneraljy realised by those outside tho'Beard that the work of the Li: censing Gomhf.ttw is iijvaluahle in securing proper control of those'wop hold the Association's licenses. t reTcf to sav that soon after Ur Denton's'recent'" illnW-it" was found necessary for him to undergo.another operation. I aw ■sure" we all hows he will soon be cpmple v cly restored to lieiiKli. Our thanta are due to Mr'Hayward fpr carrying on the whole of the work of tjio committee 111 his absence. "\t tho' annual Conference all the proposals "■•ont forwaril ' b>- tho Association (with the exception of one, which was Ipat by one vqffe oplv) wFro'qdpptcd, and are now epib'odicd 'in the code of rulps ; & Hul'q 34' mi inconsistqpcv has bean removed, for : r. fth-.Ti'',' whether in the event of an appeal to" the Association or the Conference, tlieTo'will be no stay of proceed'iigs Our (hanks it're.d'ie to our secretary and his Staff *« *}><! e£Sof S ftt manner m wh,ieh %v have 'earned put their duties during "f ho 9 report Mid balance-sheet were taksa | as'read "and'adopted!

flection Of Og«srp. The ballot fcr'ekctipn of officers resulted in lien's-V £.%&«?, J- *£ _?«»«$. ii'nd'W. 11. Denton being ?p-electecl to the " ?Hp' Northland Trotting Club and Wcst'land Trotting Club had omitted to forward vp'ting viaijpVa, and it wap decided tp ask them fot'ttfj' eaplwltfß: ... , -for Williams 'said the staff pf the Map elation hid had'i lot of work o do during th'e'season,' and had done it well. "Mr Hnyivard endorsed tha remarks pf the chairman stating ih%* it V?« a ulpg9«H» *g work with the sfeg ft "the Assqcia,to ( an* tSq courtly Pf the staff was W Put^-M 'Messrs Havward and McMillan Bait} it was pIS'.S-'nplo- that the throo retiring memoes bad been returned by huge majorities': 'lt phoned that club? appreciated thQ work of members- , .' ... „ Votes, of tW f wkß to t]?p various cpniniittees of tliq Association \yere paesed. JOCKEY INJURED. Riding Royal Wink at the Canterbury ' Jockey Club's. Meeting yester'clav."!?. Shaw sustained a dislocated shoulder, when the horse fell. He was treated as an the Christchurch Hospital and discharged.

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Bibliographic details

Press, Volume XLIV, Issue 19389, 15 August 1928, Page 12

Word Count

N.Z. TROTTING ASSOCIATION. Press, Volume XLIV, Issue 19389, 15 August 1928, Page 12

N.Z. TROTTING ASSOCIATION. Press, Volume XLIV, Issue 19389, 15 August 1928, Page 12


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