RACING FIXTURES. Jan. 4 —Southland K.C. (second do?). Jan. 6, 7—Keefton J.C. Jan. 7. 9—Vincent J.C. Jan. 12, 14—Dargarille R.C. Summer. Jan. 14—Aehburton County B.C. Bummer. Jan. 31. 23—Foxton B.C. Annual. Feb. I—T»p»aai R.O. Annual. Feb. 23, 25—Xelion J.C. Annua!. TROTTING FIXTURES. Jaa. 4, S—fjreymoutb. T.C. Jan. 26, 28—Forbury Park T.C. Jan. 28— Bay T.C. Jan. 31, Feb. I—Nelion T.C. Teh. 2—Tafcaka T.C. fob. 11— S.Z. Metropolitan T.C. TURF GOSSIP. Nominations lor the Wellington Racing Club's Summer' Meeting dose today. Nominations for the Foston Meeting close to-morrow. Nominations for the Pahiatua and Takapuna Meetings close on Friday. Acceptances for the Reefton and Vincent Meetings close to-day. Acceptances for the Ashburton Meeting close on Monday next. Fresco suffered with a split heel when be contested the Greymouth Cup on Saturday and was not produced on Monday. He will be a starter at the JReefton Meeting this week. The aged mare, Some Abbey, was purchased at Greymouth on Saturday t>y F. P. Claridgc and raced in his colours on Monday.
Tt is intended to nominate Tliorndale for the Wellington Meeting.
TROTTING NOTES. The Greyinouth Trotting Club's Summer Meeting will be held to-morrow. The starting at Addington yesterday was not up to the high standard set by Mr A. J. Hastings at some recent Meetings, and it seemed that in his anxiety to get the fields away punctually he gave advantages to several horsemen Who are always ready to avail themselves of any laxity on the part of the starter. On several occasions horses were just coming into the barriers when the tapes were released, and the mere fact that they were on the move gave the man advantage over the others. The Rules of Trotting state that "the start shall be a standing one," and was framed to give every horse the same chanof. If horses will not stand at the battier the starter has his remedy, but the chances of the good-mannered horses, should not bo sacrificed for the sake of a few restless ones.
Terence Dillon showed \ reversal of form at Addington yesterday. On the opening day he was favourite in the Islington Handicap of a mile and a quarter, but in finishing third he was well beatott by two average performers in "William tho Great and Logan Holme, the former of whom he was conceding 36yds, while ho was meeting Logan Holme on even terms. This was the only race of the day in which tho winner did not improve upon the time he •was handicapped to do. In the Selwyn Handicap yesterday Terence Dillon hopped out smartly, made all his own running from a much better class field, and still had enough in reserve at tho finish to stall off a strong challenge from Prince Pointer.
ASSURANCE SCORES. (PRESS ASSOCIATION TELECItAM.) MARTON, January 3. For tho concluding day of tho Marton Bummer Meeting the weather was fine, the •ttendanco fair, and the track in splendid order. Tho totalisator investments were £19,514 10a, making £30,241 for tho Meeting, against £60,405 last year. Result*: JUNCTION PLATE, of 110 *6vs. 61. 2. W. White'B LE OHAMP 8-0 . C. Broughtott 1 8. F. J. Cnrmont's Discourse 8-0 L. G. Moms 9 6. J. S. Adams's Shining Star 8-0 A. G. Murray 8 1 Lethal 3-0; 1 Marcia 8-0; 5 Consent 8-0; 4 Patearoa 8-3J; 9 War Winga MJ; ti Ironic 8-0 also started. Won by half a length; neck second ana third. Time, 1,2. _ , Consent won, but weighed in 9jib snort, having lost some gear, and the placings were altered to the above.
1. J. Brice-a POWHIRI 10-6 A. McDonald 1 2. C. Smith's Elvsianor 10-0 A. Hobeon 2 S. S. J. Easton's San Pedro 10-10 H. MoSweony 3 4 Blue Peter 9-1 also started. Won by half a length; four lengths second *nd third. Time, 2.42 4-5.
sovs. if. 2 E. G. McCullough's AEIKIWAI 04 D. C. Watte 1 1. Dr. M. G. Louisson's Blimp .8-13 A. E. Ellift 3 I. W. J. Bowman's Rising Star 8-7 • C. BrOughton 3 3 Some Lad 8-13; i Tanogra 7-3; 6 Royal Elm 7-S also started. Won by a head; length socond and third. Timo, 1.20.
ALDWORTH STAKES, of 300 sovs. 9f. 2 Dr M. G. Louisson's ASSURANCE 7-0 C. Broughton 1 9 Taranaki Te Ua's Huikai 7-0 J. S. Potter 3 6. D. Munro's Novar 7-G T. Metcalf 3 7 Kilmiss 7-13; 1 Henna 7-1; S Superb King 7-0J; 5 Wanderlust 7-0; S Avro 7-0; 7 New Moon 7-4 also started. "Won by a length; head second and third. Time, 1.54 2-5. TELEGRAPH HANDICAP, of 180 icova. 6f; 2 3. T. Morris's VAST ACRE 8-1 T. Metcalf 1 1. I. Lupton's Kiosk 9-6 R. S. Bagby 2 3. (r. Johnston's Dobbin 7-G C. Broughton S The only starters. Half a length each way. Time, 1.13 2-5. LADIES' BRACELET HANDICAP, o: 110 sovs. 8*?. 5. K. Duncan's OTAIRI 11-6 Owner 1 1. H. MeManawav's Kclburn 11-0 Mr J. Morris 3 8. C. E. St»nficld's Revel 10-13 Owner 3 4 Mister Gamp 11-9; 2 Lieutenant Bill 11-5; B Roral Elm 10-9; 7 Timi Inihi 10-7 also started. Won by two lengths. Time, l.o'J. FAREWELL HACK HANDICAP, of 120 sovs. Gf. 1. W. White's BROAD ACRE 9-2 A. E. Ellis 1 2. J. M. Dune's Tho Raider L. G. Morns 2 4. A. Shurstrom's Whitu Ringlet 7-0 R. Head 3 1 Fee Simple 7-10 bracketed with winner; S Abbess 7-32; 5 Arrow Boy 7-0; 6 Abbey <Jueen 7-0 also started. Won by two lengths; three lengths second and third. Time, 1.11. TURAKINA HANDICAP, of 160 sovs. 7f. 2. Mrs J. Jamieson'e POLAR 9-6 A. E. Eilia 1 4. Mrs P. Curler's Mactoom 8-3 r. McMahon t. 6. J. Bull's Brigadier Bill S-0 R. ,T. Mackie * 1 Whenuanuj 9-2; 3 Beaumont 9-7; 5 Superb King 9-1; 7 Birkie 8-0 also started. Won by two lengths. Time, 1.2S 3-5.
TERENCE DILLON IMPROVES. Tho Canterbury Purl: Trotting Club was not favoured by the weather for the second day of its Summer Meeting., for in tbe cnr'.y hours of the morning heavy rein foil and there were intermittent ."bowers right up til! it c'i'iovk. The committee toe during the forenoon aud decided to postpone, the startiug of the Meeting from 11.30 till 12.15 p.m. No rain was experience'; for the rest of the day, and while the drivers in the first race were soon thickly covered in mud, those in later races found the going comp:tr:i'. :, 'eiy good, though by no means fast, i* m start to finish the racing was rou'iueted in a manner creditable to the wide-awake officials, and though there were a few reversals of form, the racing was clean and free from suspicion. The totalisator investments showed a decrease on last year's figures from £40,110 10s to £30,671 10s. Tbe total for the Meeting was £65,32$ 10s, as against £78,095 10s twelve months ago. Results:-
PKOGBESSIVE HANDICAP i.itt harness, of 515 covs: second 12, third 01. r'or
unhoppled trdttert. 3.39 clasp. ljui. C. B. Grant's br h SAKSAPARILLA ly Ba-llin—Kui Kel aged 3G M. B. Edwards 1 4. W. T. Lowe's b g Fairlight js?4 12 Owner il 3. E. E. Cuneen's br m Rose Audo 6yrß 36 .. ■• E. C. JfcDermott 3
13 Count Peter scr: 9 Joknr.ic Bells 12; 7 Pioter Timmarraan 12; 10 Pem the Fint 24; 11 Queen Ida CG; 0 Sea Queen -IS; 5 Brigand 4(1; 12 Sunny Jim 72; 1 Kelson McKinney JC; S Lady Fan 96 also started. Fairlight was the firef to a ho-a- out, and along the back increased his lead to a hundred yards from Rose Aurlo, Queen Ida, and Johnnie Bells. Passing the standi Fairlight had a fttteen lengths advantage from Hose Audo, Sawapa-rilla, and Queen Ida. The 88316 order was maintained along tho back, where Fairlight went to a break and was caught by Sarsaparilla. These two rac.'d together across the top, when Fairlight again broke. Although he settled down ho could not catch Sarsaparilla, who won by two longths, with Rose Audo fifteen lengths further back. Sea Queen was fourth. Times—3.s4 2-5, 3.56 4-5, 4.3. Winner trained by M. B. Edwards, PKEBBLETON HANDICAP tin harness), of 250 sovs; second 50, third 25. 3.32 class. Utn. 7. B. Jordan's b g ACRE by Author Dillon—Young Irvington mare 4yrs 48 Owner 1 10. J. B. Carr's br g Jjungkam 6yra 12 L.. Davidson 2 1. J. Coghill'a b g Binscarth aged 12 F. G. Holmes 3 8 King Abdallah adr; 6 Heroic scr; 9 Wairua scr; 13 Nipper Mr; il Billy Whizz act; 2 Great Form 12; 5 Kyana 12; 4 Shadowland 12; 3 Wee Gus 24; 12 Native Queen 60; H'Jear) McElwyn 60 also started. Billy Whizz was the first to break the line, followed by Nipper, King Abdallah, and Heroic. Entering the back straight Kipper broke, and Billy Whiiz was followed by Kyana. King Abdallah. Heroic, and Binscarth. The order past the stands was the 'Seine, with Snngleam and' Acre improving their positions. Along the back Kyana was doiio with, and Acre took command from Billy Whizz, Sungleaa, and Binscarth. None of the others could make any impression on Acre, who won by three lengths from Sungleam, with Binscarth a length further batik. Heroic just beat Billy Whizz for fourth place. Winner trained by owner.
PARK HANDICAP (in harness), of SOO sovs}
second 160, third 80. 4.33 class. 2m. 1. J l . M. Samsou'a eh h DALNAHINE by Brofit Loc&nda—Pleasant Drive aged 84 .. .. ..J.' McLennan 1 8. C. F. Eeid's gr g Pan Yan aged 36
F. G. Holmes 3 2. J. E. McKcnzie's b h Silk Thread
(jyrs 24 .. .. ..J. Brycs 3 S. J. Snelling's ch h William the Great
syrs 12 .. .. .. L. Frost 0 3. W. F. Magson's blk g Talent aged 48 H. Frost 0 6. J. Burlfty'a Trimmer aged 24 D. Bennett 0 7. ?. J. Konncrley's rn g Fight Ever riged 36 .. .. .. Owner 0 6. W. H. Norton's b r8 Bonny Logan aged 48 .. F. Holmes 0 i. W. T. Lowe's blk g Trampfast aged 48 Owner 0 William the Great and Talent were bracketed on the totalisator. When the field had settled down, William the Great led from Silk Thread and Pan Yan. Crossing the toi3 the order was William the Great, Silk Thread, Pan Yan, Fight Ever, and Bonhy Logan, and tho eame order wa* maintained practically for another round, With Dalnahine gradually improving hi* position. Passing the stands the last tithe Silk Thread and William the Great led Pan Yan, Fight Ever, Bonny Logan, and Dalnahine. William the Great was beaten four furlongs fro* home, and Silk Thread carried on from Pari Yaii and Dalnahine. Silk Thread was passed by Pah Yah attd D&lnabine at tho far turn, r.nd Pin Yan wa* slightly la the lead from DaJnahine as the straight was reached, where the former went to a slight break. Dalnahine went on to win easilv by five lengths from Pan Yan, who" was three lengths ahead of Silk Thread. Talent was e, good way back fourth. Times—4.s4 X-5, 5.0 1-3, 5.1 3-5. Winner trained by J. Henderson.
HORNBY HANDICAP (in harness), of 100 sovs; second 86, third 40. For unhop. pled trotters. 4.43 class. 2m. 8. A. Butterfield'a b g CLONMEL by Man-in Wilkes—Snowdrift aged 33
Owner 1 5. J. R. MeKoniie'e blk m Hell the Great . 6yrsl2 J. Bryce 3 12. A. S. Gurney's b g Aadobell aged 24
J. S. Wilson 3 3 Swiftblno scr and Duke Bingen 48 bracketed; 4 Nelson McKinney ear and Bofiny Speo 96 brackatod; 1 Tamerlane oat; 6 Wild Hefco 12; 9 Nighborn 36; 7 Our Lady 48; 10 Bed Oak 60; 2 Cannonball 72; Jl Atidominion Si also ttarted. When thi field had got gain*, Real the Great Md Wild Hobs led from Kelson McKinney and Tamerlane. Passing the stands Duke Bingen and Cannonball had run \.p to th« leaders, and the order dov<n the back was Heal the Great, Nelson McKinney, Dttke Kngin, and CanhOnbail. With a round to ? 0 ' « .A h .* Qtt%t waß »till in command from Swiftbina and Nelson McKinney, with Clonmel making a forward move. Along the back Swiftbine broke and Clonmel joined Real tha Great in tie lea/1. These two cleared out from the field, but Clonmel finished Wry strongly, to win bv six lengths trom Heal the Great, who was the eame dis tanco itl front 6f Audobell. Swiftbine was tourth. Timet-5.9, 5.10, S-ll 1-5. Winner trained by owner.
SEEWY.V HANDICAP (in harness), of 400 sovs; gecond SO, third 40. 2.46 class. 1. P. McCarthy's b g TERENCE DILLONby Author Dillon—Temita syrs 12
,„ T , , ~ J. McLennan 1 10. Jack and Stewart's blk h Prince s r , Pa '?. t « aged 60 .. J. H. Wilson 2 b- U. \\. Dransfield sb g Loganwood aged 48 • ■ .. D. Bennett 3 2 Queen's Own 24 and St. Maura 24 bracketed; 3 Taurekareka 24; 9 Talaro 21; 5 Logan Chief 21; 7 Bessie Logan 3(5: G Bonny Logan 4S; 4 Waitaki Girl 4S: 11 Acron 48 also started. Terence Dillon led out from Ibc barrier, showing the way to Taurekareka, St. Maura, and Bessie Logan. Crossing the top the position of the leaders was unchanged, and passing the stands the order was Terence Dillon, St. Maura, Bessie Logan. Prince Pointer, and Talaro. The same order was maintained entering the back stretch, with Loganwood making a strong run on the outside. Terence Dillon led Loganwood and Prince Pointer into the straight, and lasted long enough to win by a head from Priuce Pointer, who was finishing very strongly, with Loganwood four lengths further hark third. Bessie Logan was fourth. Times—2.s6 2-5, 2.52 3-5, 2.54 2-5. Winner trained by J. Henderson. MIDDLETON HANDICAP (in saddle). of 250 lovs; second 50, third £5. t.47 class. 2m. 2. H. Grant's ch h MATE 0' MINE by Four Chimes—Topsy Syrs 36 ' M. B. Edwards 1 1. J. Westerman's b g Donard Gyrs 24 M. Holme? 2 9. 0. A. Simmons'* eh g My Sonny aged scr .. J. Bryce, jun. 3 5 Ivor scr; JO Sadie Huon ser: 11 Heroic 12; 13 Nipper 12; 3 Warena 12; 6 Yoicks 48; 4 Sarella 72; 7 Alvira 72; S Zenith 120; 12 Glando.-e 132 also started. Glandore was slow to move, and Sarelia broke up, tailing the field throughout. My Sonny was the smartest to begin, Heroic and Ivor following. These three led to the stands the last time round, with Mate o' Mine, Donard, and Alvira improving their positions. Entering the back straight Mate o' Min« rushed to the front, followed by My Sonny, Donard, and Alvira. Mate o' Mine sustained his run to win by two lengths from Donard, with My Sonny four lengths
J further back. Ahira was fourth. Tiroes—--4.53 4-5, 4.55 1-5, 4.53. Winner trained I by M. B. Edwards. 1 TELEGRAM HANDICAP (m saddle), of itOO j sov S ; second GO, third SO. 2.15 class, j lm. i 3. f. M. Cost.llo'j b g BIXGE.V LAD lr i Neljon Bingec—O.Y.M. mure seed 12 j M. B. Edwirds 1 11. l>. Spcnce's b g Hoon Hay Oyrs scr I M. Holmes 2 1 4. Mrs M. Dore'j b g Nigh -Jink.* aged scr • H. I'ro't T»
lo Menernber scr; 7 Succession scr; 5 Daisy Pointer scr; V Queen's General 12; n General Bingen '.'4; I Pan Van 36; 9 Darkr.ite 36; 8 Epigram 15: 12 Countryman 43 started.
Daisy Pointer and Bingen Lad '» .re :he lirst :o become propjin.-nt. e.nii pacing tho Hand" Biincn I.sid was showing the v.-iy to Daisy Pointer, Hoon Hay, and H'f-'h Jink?. Tho order "as the same down the bark with Pan Yau mo king a forward move. Bingi-n Lad was still in command crossing the top. with the held well bunched. In a piTiishitvg finish Binjen Lad stayed ou to win by a he-i.i from Hoon Hay, Mich Jiijks 3 similar diManc awrsy third. Pan Yen was closu up fourth. Times —2.10 4-.", 2.1*. 2.18 1-j. Winner trained by C. 5. Donald. FINAL HANDICAP .in hnrne.-=>, ni ."00 so',;: j-e.'iml 60. third 30. 2.14 ..-!a->. lm. 2. J. McLean'), b g LOGAN HOLME by Logan Pointer —Golden Lily aged 2)
•j. J. (i. McGregor's b rg Doctor Dillon a<red scr " . . F. O. Holmes 2 1. M. J. Hantioti and .'. Henderson's eh g Brentloc 6yrs 21 -J. 3
8 Lady Embrace scr; TO Uuimet scr; 4 Kotukn jack scr; 5 Talent 12; 7 Fight Kver 24; 6 Bessie Logan •"?•; 'i Lognnwood 4S also started.
From an indifferent start Doctor Dillon, Otiimot, Brentloc. and Logan Holme were the smartest to beirin. When two furlongs had been covered the order was Doctor Dillon, lirentlo'', p.nd Logan Holme, followed by Fight Ever and Lady Embrace. A Inns the back Brcstloc •.■ent to the front, with Logan Holme aud Doctor Dillon together, the remainder half a dozen lengths away. Crossing the top Doctor Dillon broke, and lost some ground. Entering th" straight, Brentloc held a slight advantage from Logan Holme, but tired "badly over ilie final stages. Doctor Dillon came very fast over the last furlong to gain' second money, a length behind Logan Holme. Brentloc vas the same distance away third. Loganwood finished in fourth place. Times—2.lfi 4-5, 2.l'J, 2.17 1-6. Winner trained by owner.
NOTES ON THE RACING. The Progressive Handicap provided a very poor contest,, fur early in the race Fairlight established such a lead that it seemed unlikely that lie would be headed. He handled the turns badly throughout, and a coup'e of breaks allowed Sarsaparilla to head him, and win comfortably. Sarsaparilla owed his victory to his steadiness and mistakes by others rather than to any great show of brilliance on his part. Patiently handled by M. B. Edwards, he waj given every chance, and not a mistake marred his effort. Eose Audo showed more speed than the remainder, but she was a very tired mare passing the post, and was evidently not ready for a severe contest. Sea Queen was going solidly, but lacked brilliance. Tho favourite, Nelson McKinney, was never dangerous.
Acre Prevails. In the Prebbleton Handicap Acre showed a glimpse of his best form by winning in very easy fashion after making up his ground rapidly from the start, and putting in a run from the half-mile post that carried him to the front before the straight was readied. Pacing in great style, Aero was strongly challenged by Sungleam, but one cut of the whip saw Aero respond gamely, to win in. most impressive fashion. Acre is destined to win in much better company than he met on this occasion.
DalnaMno's Easy Win. Dalnahlne gave further proof! of the great improvement he has made by easily defeating those opposed to him in tho Park Handicap. While the track Conditions suited him to a nicoty, his performance carried a lot of merit. He picked up his ground early in the race, and his driver, J. McLennan, was content to await his opportunity before racing to the leaders. This opportunity presented itself going down the back the last time, and the chestnut quickly raced up to Pan Yan and Silk Thread. Hounding the top, Pan Yan broke under extreme pressure, and this left Dalnahine well in front. From this on the race was all over, and Dalnahine was not extended to win by a good margin. Dalnahine. has now won four timos in his last live starts, and trainer J. Henderson has evidently come to an understanding 'with a pacer that has always been regarded as unreliable. In his recent efforts he has raced with a keenness that he had not shown previously, and ho can now be regarded amongst the top-notchors. Pan Yan went a rattling good race until the filial stages were reached, When he bebbled, but even at this stage it was noticed that he was doing his best, and had no chance with the winner. Silk Thread had every chance, but did not seem at home in the going. Trampfast was all at sea in the mud. An Outsider. Tamerlane, in spite of his recent moderate showing, was made favourite for the Hornby Handicap, but he did not look a winner at any stage of the journey, the going being all against him. The race was full of interest from start to finish, for Real the Great, hitting the front in the first few furlongs, set a merry pace with Nelson McKinney, Wild Hebe, and Swiftbine in close order. It was not until the last half-mile was entered upon that Clonmel appeared on the scene, and commenced a well-sus-tained run that landed him a very comfortable and popular winner. It is a long time since Clonmel has been returned a winner, and the fact that he was one of the least fancied did not detract from the welcome he received. Real the Great found the journey just too far. Cannonball had every chance, but was well beaten a long way from home. Nelson McKinney was with Jie field so long as his. condition lasted, but Tamerlane's form did not justify he confidence reposed in him by the public.
Terence Dillon Improves. Terence Dillon was hacked as the best of good things for the Selwyn Handicap, and the good thing duly materialised. The Author Dillon gelding was first away from the barrier, and piloted the field for the whole journey, lifty vards from the post, Prince Pointer, who had been travelling great guns, put in a strong challenge. In a great race to the post, Terence Dillon held a very slight advantage, but both horses were under pressure. Terence Dillon showed surprisingly good form as compared with the first day, when lie finished a moderate third to William the Great and Logan Holme, in the Islington Handicap, but possibly the going on this occasion suited him better. St. Maura, Acron, and Taurekareka all broke during the running, but Talaro and Bonny Logan went good sound races.
The Saddle Horses. The two favourites. Male o' Mine aud Donard, finished tirst and second in the Middlctou Handicap, one of the few two mile saddle races iui-iuded in trotting programmes these days. It was plain that the majority of those engaged had not been trained for such a race, for. with haif the journey revered only a few appeared to have winning chances. Half a mile from homo Mate o' Mine made his run, and the rest looked poor class. He won very easily from Donard. a three-year-old. with the others uutclassed. Mate o' Mine comes from a good iamily, for Topsy, his dam, is by Maeletean from* a thoroughbred mare, aud also left a great mare in the New Zealand Cup winner Win Soon, who is the dam of Free Lance, and Shine Soon. Pour Chimes, his sire, is represented by great
racehorses in Matchlight and Cathedral Chime.', the latter the sire of Kohara and Ahuriri.
Bingen Lad at Last. B'mgen Lad, alter having raced consistently in his last half dozen starts, h;id a winning turn in the Telegraph Handicap. Well handled by M. B. Edwards, he v.-as nursed for a punishing finish, :utd managed to stall off strong challenges by lloou Hay and Hir-h Jinks, both of whom were running ou at the tiuish. Biugeu Lad is not a good stayer r.iul several times of late has failed baJJy at the end of his races but on thi? occasion he managed to hold out. Ho on. Hay was not well placed in the early stages, but there was no doubt about his finishing run. Epigram, and Pan Van found the handicaps all too great and were never dangerous.
Brentloc Fails. The .Final Handicap provided keen speculation, Brentloc being installed a strong first fancy with Logan Holme next best backed. Brentloc was the quickest to begin and very soon was running in second place. Over the last three furlongs he was joined by Logan Holme, and at a merry pace the pair set out for the post together. Brentloc cried enough a hundred yards from homo, and thus made Logan Holme's victory an easy one, while Dr. Dillon, who broke round the top turn, also got up to bent the tiring Brentloc. Logauwood made a £ood effort, but was not good enough at the handicap, and the remainder were never prominent.
AUCKLAND R.C. MASK WINS HANDICAP. SURPRISE IN ROYAL STAKES. (rnE?s issocuTioi TEt,EaaiM.) AUCKLAND, January 3. The- Auckland Racing Club's Summer Mctjtinc v.-as concluded to-day in fino weather. Tho totalisator receipts were £75,G79, making £391,187 lor the Meeting, ugainst .£. 0 50,-125 last year. Results: GOODWOOD HANDICAP, of 600 bovb lm. 1. F. T. Steumns's SIR ARCHIE 7-12 F. Foster 1 ". J. 31. Zimmerman's Day Guard 7-12 R. W. McTarish 2 G. C. G. Maclndoc's Lo Chouca3 7-12 T. Green 3 4 Paper Boy 7-10; 2 Scat 7-11; 5 Archeno 7-0; 8 High Pitch 7-7; 10 Royal Diadem 7-0; !) Sorang 7-3; 7 Wcnduy 7-0 also stnrtcd. Day Guard was first away, followed by lit- Choticas. In tho straight, Sir Archie challenged and beat Day Guard by one and a half lengths. Lo Choticas was half a length behind Day Guard, with Archeno next. Time, 1.38 SYLVIA. HANDICAP, of 500 aovs. 6f. 1. J. S. McLeod'a RAASAY 9-9 R. Reed 1 ■t. J. H. AValtcr'a Mauriaena 7-G S. J. Caniuiick 2 7. C. V,'. Anderson's Jlithra 7-3 W. Bryco 3 3 Marion's Birthday 8-10; 2 Patadawn 8-0; 5 Shot Silk 7-3; C 7-0; 8 Justify 7-2 also started. Itansay was quickly away, followed by Mauriasna and Patadawn. This order Was maintained into the straight. Raasay won t-y three lengthe;, two lenjrtlw separating Itauriaen.x and Mithra. Patadawn wa3 fourth. Time, 1.15 3-5.
GRANDSTAND HANDICAP, of 1000 foys. Urn.
1. G. M. Currie's MASK 8-4 13. H. Morris 1 3. T. 11. Lo.vr/s .Dorec 7-3 S. J. Cnmmick 2 4 W. S. Glenn's In The Shado 7-6* T. Green 3 5 Battlement 7-0; 2 Bennance 7-5; 7 Cohesion 7-0: 6 Front Bank 7-0; 9 Gala Day* 7-0; 8 Siaosi 7-0 also started. Siaosi and Gala Day led out from Dbree, Battlement, and In The Shade. Siaosi and Gala Day kept in fvont until in the straight, where Mask came up on the outside to win by throe parts of a, length from Doree. In The Shade was a neck away third and Battlement fourth. Time, 2.7. AUCKLAND HURDLE RACE, of 500 bovb. 2m. 1. R, Hannott's WEDDING MARCH 11-7 W. Ronnie 1 5. A. G. Quartley's Beau Cavalier 9-8 J. H. Mcßae 2 3. C. Hill's Archibald 12-2 R. E. Thomson 3 4 Red Comet 10-2; 2 Glenottia 10-2; 6 Karanm 0-2; 7 Blue Sky 9-0 also started. Beau Cavalier was the early leader, but Wedding March was kept close up. Wedding March moved up crossing tho top, and beat Benu Cavalier homo by three lerigths. Archibald was third, twelve lengths away, with Glenotlis fourth. Red Comet fell at the third hurdle, and Blue Sky was pulled up. A. J. Gilmer, rider of Red Comet, suffered a bruised collarbone. Time, 3.-44. ROYAL STAKES, of 1000 soys. 6f,
4. C. G. Macindoe's PRINCE HCMPH'REY 7-13 .. .. T. Green 1 2. T. H. Lowry's Gascony 9-0 R. Reed 2 1. E. L. Riddiford's Stagliunter S-2 R. W. McTavish 3 2. G. D. Greenwood's Eulalie 9-7 .. 0
Gascony and Eulalie led out. Then Staghunter and Eulalie took charge. Prince Humphrey and Gnscony came through in the straight, the former beating Gascony by threo-qunrters of a length. Stighunter was third, a neck away. Time, 1.1-1. CLIFFORD PLATE, of 550 sovs. ljm. 1. G. G.Holmes's RAPIER 9-4 T. Green 1 3. R. B. Hincs's King Lu 9-4 A. Tinker 2 2. J. S. Barrett's Satrap B'o H. Wiggins 3 The only starters. Satrap was in front passing the stand, but Rapier ran to the front throe furlongs from home, and beat King Lu by three lengths. Satrap was a neck away third. Time, 2.35. BOWEN HANDICAP, of 500 sovs. 6f. 4. J. R. McKenzie's MONEY CftDER B>3 T. Greeti 1 7. F. Earl's High Finance 7-0 W. Bryco 2 I. G. R. Crawford and R. W. Roberts's Paganelli 8-6 .. .. It. Reed 3 5 Paperchase 8-1; 2 Tea Time 7-10; 6 Single Spear 7-Si; 3 Sllvermine 7-6; 9 Receipt 7-1; 10 Berinthia 7-0; 8 King Arch 7-1 also started. High Finance was the early leader. In an exciting finish Money Order beat High Fiuanco by three-quarters of a length. Paganelli was half a length away third, and Paperchase fourth. Time, 1.14 2-5. GREY HANDICAP, of 400 sovs. lm. 1. J. F. Smith's MERVETtE 7-7 T. Green 1 11. J. N. Heslop's Speechless 7-2£ H. Wiggins 2 6. E. R. Davis's Cynthia X. 7-1 , 6. Tremain 3 7 Judgo's Bo.v 7-10; 3 Quinßilia 7-lOs! 5 Ripou Abbey 7-13; 12 Respirator 7-2; 13 Acushhi 7-1; 10 Bahama 7-0; 35 Baunock 7-0; 2 Bold Front 7-0; 14 Bombarder 7-2; 18 Fano~7-l; 8 Micrometer 7-0; 9 Naisock 7-3; 17 Ponlicus 7-2; 16 Salamander 7-7; 4 The Fox 7-0 also started. Ripon Abbey led away, and maintained his position into the straight, where Mervette came through to win by two lengths. Speechless was ahead of Cynthia N. by half a leneth. Salamander and Respirator fell. Time, ~1.40. NOTES ON THE RACING. [THE PRESS Special Service] AUCKLAND. January 3. The Auckland Racing Club's Summer Meeting was concluded to-day in fine weather and in the presence of a large attendance. The track was improved as a result of early morning raiu. The feature of the day was the surprise win of Prince Humphrey in the Royal Stakes. The classic events at the meeting caused the complete downfall of the favourite?, and the form was very hard to follow. Mask won the principal handicap from I'orce and In the Shade, and in the open sprint Money Order scored from High Finance and ragatio.lli. The stewards concluded the enquiry into the f»U of Count Cavour in the Racing Club Handicap on the previous day. First they rie;ilt with the written protest of Mr ,T. S. Barrett, the owner of the horse, who alleged deliberate foul riding on the part of R. R ee d, the rider of Star Stranger. The stewards found that the allegations were not justified in the evidence presented. Th<;y then dealt with the matter in the usual form, and fonnd that the happening was entirely accidental, caused by Scat rolling over on another horse who, in turn, passed the interference en and no action was taken. T. Green was in I"™ in t! - ; ° saddle, riding the last four winners on the card. Goodwood Handicap. Si' Archie was always favourite fo r Goodwood Handicap from Scat and Dav Guard. Day Guard made all the running from Le Choucas. Sir Archie moved up « the half-mile and, passing the leadens when well iu the straight, came on to win by nearly two lengths from Day Gu»rd. who beat Le Choucas bv half a length. Archeno was a Tnoi ftaX6 fourth, followed by Vrenday and Paper Boy.
Sir Archie won without any difficulty. Le Choucas should win a race shortly, and might be worth remembering if he races a: Trenthsm. Taper Boy was is a position throughout to win if hs had been good enough.
SylvU Handicap. Rsasay ■was a hot favourite for the two-year-old handicap. Ke was soon out in front and led Mauriaeaa and Patadawn to tho straight. Raasay was never off the bit, to win easily by three lengths from Mailriaena, with Author two lengths back, beating her stable mate, Patadswn, by a nose for third money. Marion's Birthday and ifoehau [ were next. j Raasay outclassed the opposition, and et I no stage was he doing his be::. I Grandstand Handicap. Mask was a solid favourite for t!:» Grandstand Haudicap, Bcnnsnee being a firm second choice. Siaosi and Gala Day made tho running from In the Shade and Doree, the rear being brought up by Bennanee, Mask, and Front Rank. The order was the same all the, way round, and at the five-furlong post Mask was still last. In the straight In tho Shade and Doree took charge from Siaosi. Doree gradually got the better of In the Shad?. She looked the winner a furlong from home, but Mask then came with a solid finish and beat her by three-quarters of n length. In the Shade wa3 a neck away third. Battlemoat was a good fourth, and then came Bennaneo and Cohesion. Mask's chance till he made his run in the straight did not look at all bright, but in tho finish he won decisively. Doree stuclc out the distance well, but at 7-3 she was very nicely handicapped, which no doubt assisted her. In the Shade was not good enough. No runner had a better chance than he did to win. Battlement was ouly fair. Bennanee was never going like a winner. Front Rank was well back throughout and made no progress worth mentioning. She covered a lot of extra ground. Auckland Hurdles. Wedding March represented the Hannon stable in the Hurdles, and he went out a solid favourite. Beau Cavalier made the running for a round, and then was joined by Karamu, Archibald, and Wedding March. At the next jump Beau Cavalier and Wedding March drew avay, and in the run homo Wedding March won by three lengths. Archibald was twelve lengths away third. Gler,otus was a poor fourth, with Karamu next. Ked Comet fell at the third hurdle. Wedding M3rch won very easily. Beau Cavalier is improving. Boyal Stakes. With only four left in the Royal Stakes Staghunter was the favourite, and Eulalie was also well backed. Gascon; began best, but Staghunter and Eulalie soon ran past him, and they ran in this order to the half, with Prince Humphrey bringing up the rear. Gascony closed up running for tho straight, and Staghunter, running Out wide. Gascony got up on the leader atid headed him off. .Tust as Gascon}' looked certain to score Prince Humphrey shot, forward, and quickly settled tho issue, winning by the best part of a length from Gascony, who beat Staghunter by a neck. Eulalio was right up fourth. Tho result was ft staggering surprise to backors, the winner being almost universally overlooked, as his recent form did not siiggost the victory. It was, nevertheless, decisive. Gascony had every chance, and covered less grourd than anything in the race. Staghunter loßt ground when he ran out, and ho was slicking on again at the finish, but he was Well beaten. Eulalie ran a great deal better than she did on Wednesday last. Clifford Plate. Rapier's two opponents in the w.f.a. event were not seriously regarded. Satrap led for j about seven furlongs from Rapier, King Lu dropping well back. Then Rapier went ahead. King Lu mado a sprint from tho five furlong post and was seriously challenging Rapier as they straightened up for the judge. Rapier took some time to shake himself together, and for a time King Lu raised the hopes of his supporters. Kapier, however, put in some good work at the finish and won by two lengths, with Satrap a neck behind King Lu. It was easy money for Rapier. Bowen Handicap. Paganclli was a solid favourite for tho open sprint, with Tea Time a good second choice. King Arch was first out, but his stay in front was brief, High Finance running up, and leading to the straight from Paganclli, Silvermine, and Receipt, with Money Order at tho head of tho next bunch. When well in line Money Order came through and won by three-parts of a length from High Finance, who beat Paganelli by half a length. Paperchase was fourth, and then came Silvermine and Tea Time. Money Order won well, and finished solidly. Paganelli had every chance. Hig_h Finance ran an excellent race, and was only beaten Over the last bit. Paperchase ran another solid race without being equal to getting into the money. Silvermine was beaten on his merits, and Receipt faded right out in the straight. Grey Handicap. Mervette was a good favourite for the concluding event. Bipon Abbey led to tho straight from Mervette and Judge's Box, with Speechless next. Once in line Mervette camo away and won by two lengths from Speechless, who beat Cynthia N. by half i, length. Quinsilia vvas fourth, and then came Bannock, Judge's Box, and Bold Front. Mervette was always going like a winner. She is a four-year-old filly by Lucallus from Brayton. the dam of Royal Box and Tarleton. She is trained by A. Tinker, who had a great Meeting With his horses, and she also gave T. Green his fourth successive winning ride of the day. Quinsilia 6hould win soon. Respirator fell, but no serious results ensued.
ISPCCIAb TO TH» PBE6S.) ' HOKITIKA, January 3. The Westland Trotting Club were favoured with splendid weather for their Midsummer Meeting, held to-day on the Hokitika racecourse. There was a very satisfactory gathering of the public, and some interesting racing was witnessed. The totalisator handled £6213, os againßt £6653 10s for last year's Meeting, a decrease of £640 10s. The following are the results: — DISTRICT HANDICAP (in harness), of 70 sovs; second 14, third 7. 3.10 class. 2. W. S.'Clark's b g ALLANORA by Key d'Oro—Atalanta 4yrsr 24 .. Owner 1 3 J. P. Pairburn's blk m Val Logan aged 48 .. .. J. D. Smith 2 1. L. F. Hogg's b g Kawana 3yrs scr J. Jarden 3 5 CawthrOn scr; 6 Afton Water scr; 7 Bessie Dillon scr; 8 Queen's Perry 24; 4 CharUe Lincoln 48 also started. Heads separated the first five horses. Charlie Lincoln was fourth. Times —3.10, 3.8 2-5, 3.12 3-5. Winner trained by owner. KANIERI HANDICAP (in harness.), of SO sovs; second 10, third 8. 2.30 class. 6. W. J. Davidson and G. S. Walton's b 6 BINGENWOOD by 'Nelson Bingen— Woodvere syrs 24 . W. J. Davidson 1 4. 0. Hutchison's ch la Electric fiuon aged scr .. . - Owner 2 7. D. Sugrue's b g Dan Logan syrs scr Thornton 3 8 Bushlight scr; 10 Nigger Minstrel scr; 11 Ella DoOne scr: 3 Hilda Orton scr; 9 Myrtle Dillon scr; 2 Proud Dillon scr; 5 Katina 60 also started. .... "Won by two lengths; ten lengths second and third. Red Audubon was fourth. Winner trained by J. Davidson. RIMU GOLDFIELDS HANDICAP (in saddle) of 80 sovs; second 16, third 8. For unhoppled trotters. 3.57 class, ljin. 1. T. Smith's blk g ROTHIO by Rothschild aged scr .. Owner 1 3. B. White's b m Rapahoe aged scr W. Doyle 2 4. P. Newman's b % Whispering Boy aged scr .. • • V' G - Lynch 3 2 Arran Lad 168 also started. Won by twenty lengths; a length second and third. Times—4.2o 2-5, 4.28 3-5, 4.28 4-5. Winner trained by owner. WESTLAND TROTTING CLUB HANDICAP (in harness), of 140 sovs And silver cup; second 28, third 14. 2m. „ „ 2. J. L. and G. G. Shaw's ch g GREAT AUDO bv Great Audubon —Nancy Maxwell s'yrs scr .. J. Davidson 1 4. J. R. Simpson's b m Winoberry aged 96 Owner 2 6. A. .1. Talbot's br m Audrey Dillon syrs 36 . . .. • A. T. Moody 3 1 Avonwood scr; 3 Scdmere 24; 7 Lady Minto 60; 5 Lady Brent 108; 8 Logan Lad 10S also started. Won by two lengths: three lengths second and third. The favourite was fourth. Times —4.57, 4.49 1-3, 4.54 2-5. Winner trained by J. Davidson. STAFFORD HANDICAP (in saddle), of 80 sovs; second 16, third 8. 3.7 class. ljm. 7. O. B. Cameron's ch m BESSIE DILLON bv Harold Dillon—Girton Gir! 4yr» scr . . - . M. Swift 1 3. P. Sugrue's b g Dan Logan syrs scr J. Thornton £ i X. Boug's ch g Solitude syrs scr L. A. Maidens 3 5 Electric Huon scr; 1 Roachdalc scr: 8 Queen's Ferry scr; 6 Spotlight scr; 9 Cawthron scr; 2 McKenzie Girl scr also started. Wod by two lengths; three lengths second and third. Roachdcle wsb fourth. Times—--3 ° -1-5. 3.3 1-5. 3.3 3-5. Winner trained by M. Swift. DOMINION TROTTERS' HANDICAP fin harness), of 90 sovs; second IS, third 9. Tor unhoppled trotters. 5.12 2m. j A. Gahagan'i ch m GOLDEN SPRAY b" Great Audubon —Lord Elmo marc jVrs 4a .. C. W. Gahagan 1 3 T Lowther's br m Pradent Child aged '.]s . .. C. James 2 1 W Reid's ch g Roy*! Reviaw aged 45 Owner 3 4 South Westland scr; 4 Rothino scr also crafted. " Won bv four lengths; two lengths «cond and third. Rothino was fourth. Times—- \ 17. 5.27 2-5. 5.C7 4-5. Winner trained by C,"W. Gahajan.
AVIATIOX HANDICAP (in harness', o! SO soys; second IC>, third t?. 5.5 clsss. ljm. 1. M. .'. Davidson and G. S. Walton's b K RIXUKXWOOD by Kelson Bingcn— Woodverc jyrs "i inc. 24 pen. J. Paridscn 1 3. J. M. I'airburn's blk m Val Logan aged »cr .. .. .. J. Smith J 7. J. B. Simpson's b m Charlie- Lincoln .iced for ~ .. Owner 3 5 Hilda Orton scr; 6 Electric Huon scr; 9 Myrtle Pillon scr; g Proud Dillon scr: 6 Ailauorn 12 inc. 12 pen.; 4 Mcritor 24; 2 Audrey Dillon 4? also started. Won by three lengths; half » length second and third. A'.lar.ora was fourth. Winner trained by J. Davidson. FINAL HANDICAP (in saddled of SO sovs; second 16, third S. 2.27 class, ir.t. 1. G. rt. Hunter's b c AVONWOOD by Harold Dillon—Flora Wood aged scr J. Thorn 1 3. W. J. Doyle's ch g Kao 4yrs 24 W. >I. Doyle, jus. 2 4. C. Chamley's b g Harin.i aged 24 K. Phelan 3 5 Ked Audubon scr; 2 Great Audo 24: 6 Lady Mi.nto started. Won by ;ec lengths; three lengths second and third. Lady Min!o was fourth. Winner trained by X. C, Price. NOTES ON THE RACING. Eii'lii acccpio: n paraded :'or the opening event, the District Handicap, Kawana beiu;; made a good favourite from Allanora and Val Logan. This trio engaged in an exciting finish uud only the judge could separate them. AlUnora went to the front after two furlongs had been covered and had a clear advantage enlering the home ran. Tho SoM closed on him neariug the post, but ho was able to last long enough to gain (he verdict by a head. Tho next two, Val Logan and Kawana, were separated by a- narrow margin another head away, and then followed Charlie Lincoln and Bessie I-iliou together a length away. Tho Kanicti Handicap attracted ten starters, Ked Audubon being mads a better favourite than Proud Dillon. Bed Audubon hopped off smartly and led for five furlongs from Bingenwood and Hilda Orton, but failed to sustain his effort and was passed by both Bingenwcod and Electrio Huon at tho home bend. The former entered the straight first from Electric Huon, and withstanding a challenge by the latter, won comfortably by two lengths. Dan Log*n was third ten" lengths away, and then followed Harina and Proud Dillon
Afton Water was paraded for the race but suffered » ricked- stifle in the preliminary and was withdrawn from the race, investments being returned. The Rimu Goldfields Handicap in saddle wa3 morn or less a Sasco. Only four contestants faced the starter, and the favourite jogged along well clear of the remainder throughout, winning by half a furlong from Rjipahoe and Whispering Boy, with Anan Lad a furlong away. Tho last-named trio took it in turns to break and never caused the iirat horse any anxiety. The principal event, the Weslland Trotting Club Handicap, produced an interesting contest. Tho New Brighton-trained Avonwood was made an even money favourite, But failed to materialise. He led for the initial six furlongs but was then displaced by Great Audo, who maintained hiß advantage to the post, winning by two lengths from Wineberry. The latter mado a. strong effort in the last half-mile but was unable to catch the winner. Avonwood mado a couple of mistalto3 during the race, bait in any case had no chance with the placegetters and finished a moderate, fourth. Logan Lad was next, well back. Sedmere failed to settle down to a. gait and took no part in tho race. Roachdale and Mc.Kcnzi.-i Girl accounted for most of the speculation in the Stafford Handicap, the former being tho ultimate favourite. Ho quickly established a big break on the field, and approaching the turn for home, wpb welt clear of Bessie Dillon and Dan Logan. He wis id distress, however, entering the straight and the Uttlo fancied Boosie Dillon took charge and stalling off challonges by Dan Logan end Solitude, won by two lengths from Dan Logan, who was three lengths in front of Solitude, with the favourite next. McKcnzic Girl failed to settle down to her task and tailed tho field throughout.
Only five acceptors contested the Dominion Trotters' Handicap, Golden Spray being made less than nn evon money favourite. He disputed tho lead with Rothino for the first round and then Prudent Child joined in. The last-named headed the favourite in the last round and led into the Btraiglit, but tho later shot to the front when given his head and won without effort by four lengths from Prudent Child, who was two lengths in front of Royal Review. The last named lost his feet on several occasions but would have had no chance with the winner. ■»
Bingenwood, penalised 21yda for his earlier victory, was made favourite for the Aviation Handicap and again returned a good price. Hilda Orton was the early leader, but after a round, Charlie Lincoln took charge and led along tho back from Bingeswood and Val Logan. The favourite assumed the lead approaching the home run, and entering the straight clear of Val Logan, went on to win decisively by three lengths from Vol Logan, who heat Charlie Lincoln by half a length for third money. The Final Handicap in saddle was the medium of spirited betting, Avdnwood, Great Audo, r.nd Rep closely contesting the honour of favouritism. The supporters of Great Audo were soon deprived of interest as he failed to get moving after a good start arid was pulled up. Avonwood quickly made a big break on the field and won from end to end, having an advantage of ten lengths at the po9t from itep, who was three lengths in front of Harina. the next to finish being LUdy Minto, Red Audubon, and Locanda Maid.
STRATFORD R.C. MALONE MEMORIAL TO PIUTHAIR. (raiss tssoawio* vixxoiuv.) STRATFORD, January 3. The Stratford Racing Club's Annual Meeting was eencludcil to-day In splendid Weather. For the day the totalisator handled £33,694, making the total for the Meeting £61,342, an increase over last year of £4300. Results:— CARDIFF MAIDEN HANDICAP, of 150 sovs. 6f. 4. PAUL LUCERNE 8-9 .. .. 1 10. Silent 8-12 ' .. .. .. 2 8. Fortalice 8-1 .. .- •• 3 Mendip 9-0; Upoko 8-13; Cloyne 8-4; Mollah 8-3; Scariff 8-3; Oorfter Off 8-2; Royal Lover 8-2; Cadenza 8-2; Apathy 8-1; Service 8-1; Hosiery 8-1 also started. Won by a length and a half; a head second and third. Time, 1.16 3-5. TOKO HIGH-WEIGHT HANDICAP, of 170 sovs. B£f. 3. THE SWELL 9-1 .. .. 1 4. Kawhakina 8-4 -. .. 2 1. Royal Acre 9-11 •• -.3 Onward 9-2; Always 9-0; Ilhngar 8-10; WhißOgne 8-8; Resin 8-1; Michaelmas 8-0 also started. , M . Won bv a neck; half a length second and third. Time, 1.35 3-5. MALONE MEMORIAL HANDICAP, of 400 sovs. Of. 2. PIUTHAIR 9-0 .. • • • • 1 7. Hipo 7-11 •• •■ •• i 4. Yoma 8-9 • ■ ,■■ „ „ „-,• 3 Vivo 7-6: Bonogne 7-5; Manly 7-4; Sleepy Sol 7-3; Orazone 7-3; Glengsriff 7-2; Golden Kriftt 7-0; Bent 7-0 also started. Won by half a length; 0 head second and third. Time, 1.54 4-5. STRATHMORE HACK HANDICAP, of 160 sovs. of. 1. QUILLFIRE 9-3 .. • • • • J 2. Eka 8-6 .. - • • • 2 3. Bracken Abbey 7-6 • - . • • 3 Subdivision 8-5: Miss Mercia 8-2; Segment 7-4; Royal Flight 7-3; Hine Hohoro 7-0; Thanks 7-0 also started. Won bv a length; neck second and third. Time, 1.2. MAKURI HACK HURDLES, Of 180 *ova. ljm. 2. URALLA 10-0 .. . - ■• 1 5. Flowing Bowl 9-1 • • ..2 7. Airtight 9-5 . . . . -. 3 Pink Rose 11-4; Mountain Boil 10-10; San Fern 10-9; Troilus 10-6; Bright Day 10-4; Radiate 9-0 also started. Won bv two lengths; same second and third. Time, 2.47. ELECTRIC JUVENILE HANDICAP, of 160 sovs. of. 3. TE ATI.VWA 7-5 .. . . .. 1 1. Melissa 9-11 .. .. .. 2 4. Warflame SO . . . . .. 3 Callapat 7-7; Llanore 7-4- Golden Flower 7-0; Elope 7-0; Valour 7-0; Some Gift 7-0; also started. Won by a length; half a length second and third. NGAHERE HANDICAP of 225 sova. 6f. 2. TIP TREE 8-0 . .. 1 3. Town Bird 8-5 . . .. 2 1. Seastar 7-5 . . . 3 Orcadcs 7-3; Nasstori 7-0 also started. Won by a long neck; half a length second and third. Time, 1.14 1-5. COUNTY HACK HANDICAP, of 170 iov*. 6f. 1. MARBLE KING 7-10 .. .. 1 5. Sovena 7-12 .. _. .. 2 3. Mits Mercia 8-2 " ". 3
Bisox 8-10; Illinjar 7>12; Flitter 7-H; Monsogne 7-6; Archon 7-5; Resinous 7-1; Hine Kohoro 7-1; Paul Lucerne 7-0 alio started.
Won by a length and a half; t iiead second and third. Time, 1.11 1-5,
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Press, Volume LXIV, Issue 19199, 4 January 1928, Page 10
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8,193SPORTING. Press, Volume LXIV, Issue 19199, 4 January 1928, Page 10
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