The Lady Editor will be pleased to receive for publication in the "Women's Corner" items of social or personal news. Such items should be fully authenticated, and engagement noticeß must bear the signatures of both parties. Correspondence Is invited on any matters affecting, or of interest to. women. Mrs J. C. N. Grigg (Longbeach) is leaving next week by the Remuera tor a visit to Britain. Mrs J. Cracroft Wilson (Cashmere) has returned from a visit to relatives at Bulls. Mrs George Dcnnistouu, who has been in Christcliurch for somo weeks, has returned to Peel Forest. Mrs George Helmore and Mrs lleathcoto Grav intend leaving for a trip to England "by the Mataroa towards the end! of January. Mrs Kenneth Macdonald is shortly taking up residence at 2 Park lane,' the house formerly owned by Mr lan Buchanan. Mrs George Hanmcr is leaving for England by the Remuera, timed to sail on December 7th. Mrs Ashley Dean (Fendalton), who is visiting Mrs E. Bentley Davison, St. Leonards, is returning to Christcliurch to-morrow. Mrs 11. L. Bowker and Misses Bowkcr ("The Elms," Durham street) will return from Timaru to-morrow. The engagement is announced of Dr. 'Ella Langley, Palmerston North, youngest daughter of the late Mr and Mrs T. Langley, "Acton," Eakaia, to .T. Stephen Connolly, eldest son of Mr and the late Mrs J. Connolly, Eakaia. The engagement is announced of Esther (Essie) Agnes, eldest daughter of Mrs and the late Mr .D. J. Gibson, to Sydney Leicester, youngest son of Mr and Mrs J. Power, of Spreydon, Christehureh. Mr and Mrs Eraser (Kilmarnoch), Mr and Mrs Wood (Timaru), and Mr and Mrs G. Mathias (South Canterbury) are among the guests at Warner's Hotel. Dr. and Mrs Moody (Duncdin), Mr and Mrs Dreaver (Dunedin), Archdeacon and Mrs F. G. Evans (New Plymouth) and Mr and Mrs Cheyne (Duudin) arc among the recent arrivals at the Clarendon Hotel. Miss J. Foster Clark (England), Mr and Mrs Brugh and Miss Brugh (Dunedin), and Mr and Mrs W. 0. McKellar (Dunedin) are staying at the United Service Hotel. Recent arrivals at tho Hotel Federal include: Messrs J. Fitzsimmons (Balfour), Mr and Mrs E. V. James (Nelson), Mr and Mrs G. Sharpo (Ward), Mr H. Sharpe (Ward), Mr S. E. Peters (Sydney), Mr and Mrs J. K. Hornblow (Foxton), Mrs W. Sullivan (Whakatane), Mr and Mrs H. Sharpe (Waiau), Mr and Mrs A. Wimpenny (Dunedin), Mrs M. Grainger (Dunedin), Mr and Mrs Basil H. Wilkinson (Hakataramea), Mr H. R. Mcllrao (Ashburton), Mr G, E. Collett (Dunedin), Mr J. Allen (Dunedin), Mr M. H. Hunt (Dunedin), Mi A. J. Howison (Dunedin), Mr and Mrs H. E. Redding (Dunedin), and Mr Parker McKinlay (Dunedin). The ex-pupils of the Convent, Ferrj road, who formed towards the begin ning of this year a Dramatic and Musi cal Association, known as St. Cecelia's Guild, are to finish their year's performarice by a special concert on Novembei 30th in the Cathedral Hall, in aid of the building fund of the new secondarj school. Under the able tuition of Misf M. O'Connor, a high standard of excel lence has been attained, especially ir. the various choruses, which form i novel part of the programme, and which together with a humorous one-act play give promise of an. exceptionally goot concert. COLD ROAST PORK. To get the fullest satisfaction frorr a plate of cold roast pork add a libera dash of Military Pickle, tho perfeci seasoner. It adds a piquant touch t( the pork that brings out all its hiddei aavour. The Military Pickle quicken! your appetite and adds to. your ap preciation of food. — < VERBENA QUALITY WINS. _. There are mighty few soaps whicl give you such tremendous aid as Ver bena. It's the high quality of Ver bena that does it- Verbena is made fc< > wash the clothes quickly and easilyand it does—and, moreover, it is verj gentle on the garments and you] hands. Ask your grocer for Verb-en! , Soap. 1 Something worth knowing.—Pannel and Co., 105 Manchester street, mak< ■• to order, all classes of surgical foot wear, and keep in' stock good fittings with special waist supports, which giv< case and comfort to tired feet. We in ■ vite inspection. —« HOT WATER FOR SUMMER. Can you keep your cistern full oi hot water during the overheating your kitchen? You can, quite easily with the Mercer Vacuum Electric Cylinder, for the Mercer give* 50 gallons of piping hot water without even the trouble of striking a match. Demonstrations gladly given by J. Mercer and Sons, 54 Oxford terrace (near Montreal street bridge). —E HIGH SALARIES FOR GIRLS. There are _ high-salaried positions waiting for girls competent in style creation. But even if you do not aim so high you can turn your spare tim© into profit and pleasure bv designing your own clothes. Write for the free booklet. "Dressmaking and Millinery Made Easy," issued by the Woman's Institute of Domestic Arts and Science?. P.O. Box 26, Te Aro, G. Wellington. —6 i TOILETRIES FOR XMAS. 1 Give her toiletries this Christmas, and your gift will be assured of ,i j warm welcome. Every feminine heart j appreciates some little addition to her I dressing-table, and selection is so simple and sympathetic to your pocket . when you choose from E. Cameron I Smith's stock of new London and j Parisian goods. An earlv inspection is advised. E. Cameron Smith. Chemist. Cathedral square. —6 I SOOTHING AND .REFRESHING. ' , It is not always possible to avoid unduly exposing your delicate skin to , the scorching sun and hot. winds. It j .is, however, possibfp to avoid the discomforting results of sun and wind burn by timely application of the right cream or lotion. We have tn stock a large variety of soothing, refreshing, and protective preparations specially compounded for this purpose. D. Ferguson Glanville, Chemist, 279 High street. 'Phone 2725. —6
The last meeting of the Mothers' Thought Guild for this year will be held at the Theosophical Hall, Cambridge terrace, on Wednesday, November 30th, at 3 p.m. It will be a social afternoon, and members are asked to bring their friends. It was resolved, at yesterday's meeting of the Canterbury College Board of Governors, that the scholarship held by Miss M. W. Young, at the Royal Holloway College, London, be extended for a third year, to enable her to complete the course for the Ph.D. Degree. In the summer-room at the Edgeware Croquet Club's pavilion on Thursday afternoon Mrs Jlanley was hostess at a charming tea party. The long table was prettily decorated with roses. Those present were: Mesdames J. W. Beanland. C. W. Colville, Frost, F. Faulkner, ColwiJl, Brazier, C. Y.'ere, J. Lorimer,L. A. Gordon, Parish, Dunne, Purse, Papps, C. S. Tisch, D. G. Miller, F. East, Bagrie, E. C. Taylor. Last night the members of the Sumner Presbyterian Church took the opportunity of recognising the services rendered to the Church by Mrs A. Topping. The Rev. W. McAra said no member of the congregation was more deserving of their gratitude than Mrs Topping. For years she had had charge of the building, and at the same time had been a very cnicient' treasurer. As a token oc the goodwill and appreciation of the congregation, he asked her to accept a silver entree dish and celery dish suitably inscribed- Mrs Topping said t:.c work had been a privilego and not a hardship. She was glad to have given the service, and to have held the position of treasurer. She thanked them all for their handsome gifts and k*nd thoughts. BRITISH SAILORS' SOCIETY. LADIES' GUILD. U the last meeting of the commit? tee of the Cliristchurch branch of the Ladies' Guild of the British Sailors' Societv there were present: Mrs H'. T. J. Thacker (in the chair), Mesdames Detislcv Wood, J. K. Archer, S. It. Webb/Hugh Acland, G. Hanmer, S. L. Cartridge, W. F. Tait, H. L. Bowker, H. It. Hamilton, Misses Monica Cocks and M. 0. Dryer. Apologies were received from Mesdames J. S. Thomson, Erwm, J. G. L. Vcnion, G. W. C. Smithson, K. H. Fountain, C. J. TTeleaven, and Miss Cotterill. , , , ~ Mrs Thacker reported that a wreatli had been placed! at the Cathedral on Trafalgar Day in memory of the sailors who died in the war. Members were asked to enrol helpers for the street collection m January. I \ heartv vote of thanks was passed to Mrs Derislcy Wood for the very enjoyable coin afternoon given by ner at'her home, and the financial results were considered very satisfactory. An excellent concert was arranged bv Mesdames Partridge and Smithson at the Institute on October 13th, when the efforts of the large number of performers were much appreciated. Mrs J. S. Thomson visited the hospital during October, there being an average of sve seamen patients. The superintendent's monthly report stated that 1117 men had visited the Institute; that a motor drive given to two patients in hospital had been mucn appreciated. This kindness was commended to the consideration of other motorists, being a favour that would be welcomed by the men, especially by those who have been inmates for a long time. Gifts of literature, cards, clothing, socks, boots, shaving soap, cigarettes, eggs, etc., and donations for prizes were thankfully acknowledged. Papers and magazines may be sent post free to the Institute, Lyttelton.
THIRTY YEARS A PRINCIPAL MISS M. GIBSON TO RETIRE. After thirty years in the service of the Canterbury College Board, Miss M. V. Gibson, principal of the Girls' High School, will retire in May of next year. It was decided to accept her resignation at yesterday's meeting of the Canterbury College Board of Governors, and a committee was set up to consider the question of recognition of her service in the cause of education. Miss Gibson has had thousands of girls pass through her hands during the thirty years she has been principal of the Girls' High School and has seen it grow from a small institution to one of the largest girls' secondary schools in the Dominion. Prior to her appointment to the Girls' High School Miss Gibson had some ten years' teaching experience. She is a graduate of Canterbury College. DANCE AT ASHLEY. There was a good attendance at the annual Sunday School Social held in the Ashley schoolroom on Friday evening. Spirited music was supplied by Mr Withers (Sefton), and the duties of M.C. were carried out by Mr J. Lundy. Extras were played by Mrs J. A. Petrie and Miss N. Downing-. Excellent supper was provided by the ladies. The proceeds will materially benefit the prize funds. Among those present were: Mesdames P. J. Lindsay, W. Mayer, S. Austin, J. Vettie, W. Banks, J. Criglington, W. Drake, H. Schmidt, B. Peach, J. A. Petrie, H. Ludeman, Misses F. Davis, G. Ludeman, E. Lundy, G. Partridge, J. Criglington, M. McNally (Eangiora), H. Harris, T. Peach, M. Wallis, E. Bowbyes (New Brighton), B. Wallis, A. Stringer, M. Brick (Bangiora), Messrs Petria. Lindsay, Mayer, Smith (2), Lundy (2), Dando (2) (Sefton), Fletcher (Sefton), Stringer, Orchard, Dogget, Davis, Trusler, Withers, Elliott (Cust), Croft (Cust), McElhihney, Criglington, Vettie, Vallance, Clark, Hibbard, Morris, Ludeman, Wallace, Banks, j Fisher (Bangiora), McKay, B. Lane j (Rangiora), Cosgrove (Rangiora), and Morgan. ST. JOHN AMBULANCE., The following members of a first aid class, who hare received instruction in first aid to the injured under the auspices of the St. John Ambulance Association, have been successful in passing the examination and have qualified for the certificate of the Centre: —Mesdames M. C. Mackweli, S. McNeil, K. M. Ruddock, M. Parker, Misses R. J. Brown, M. J. Calder, M. H. Campbell, G. Crespin, 31. 31. Cross, R. E. Fairbrother, R. D. Hay, K. 31. Jesson, L. 31. Kearnev, Z. Keetlev. C. 31. Lukes, R E. 3fartin, V. A. McConchie, D. 31. Rankin, E. Westbrooke. 31. C. Cassidy, 3f. G. Hogg, M. C. 3lacrea, L. H. Jackson, and E. J. B. Thacker. During an inquest at Stepney recently on Annie Scates, aged 38. of Whitechapel, it was stated that deceased was struck deaf and dumb through failing down a well when a child, and that the husband became similarly afflicted as I the result of scarlet fever. A postmortem revealed tha't the woman's heart weighed 21oz. A verdict of "death from natural causes" was-re-turned.
TIMARU NEWS. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Mrs J. C. Oddie (Le Cren street) has returned from Cliristchurch,, Miss Hunter-Weston (Highthorne) has returned from Oamaru. \ Mr and Mrs Hunter-Weston (Highthorne) have returned from a visit to ; Dunediu. Mrs Dixon, who was the guest of Mrs Goodwin (Park lane), has. left for Woodbury. xr , Mr and Mrs V. T. Roberts (North street) have returned from a visit to the West Coast SoundsMr It. L. Orbell and Miss J. Orbell (Park lane) hare returned from Dunediu. > Mr and Mrs Clemance (Wanganui), who were visiting Timaru, returned home yesterday. Mrs N. Bowman, who was staying with Mrs F. A. Raymond (Beverley road), has returned to Christchurch. Itecent arrivals at the Grosvenor Hotel include: Dr. and Mrs A. S. Moody (Dunedin), Mr and Mrs H. Williamson (Christehurch), Mr and Mrs H. 'I Redding (Ounediit). Mr and Mrs W. H. Br ugh (Christchurch), Messrs W. M. Eggleston (Christchurch), 0. LJosephsoft (Christchurch), G. Catto (Duuodin), W." Sherriff (Dunedin), and I W. I. Bolam (Christchurch). Recent arrivals at the Hydro Grand Hotel include: Mr and Mrs Westwood and son (Christchurch), Mr and Mrs M. S. Brown (Christchurch), Mr ana Mrs Jarden (Christchurch), Mrs E. F. O'Leary (Sydney), and Mr E. MoPhail (Christchurch). Recent arrivals at the Dominion Hotel include: Mr and Mrs L. Coatea (Auckland), Miss M. Smith (Christchurch), Messrs S. Riggs (Dunedin), H. Millard (Auckland), C. C. Holmes (Rakaia), W- Baxter (Rakaia), J. Smith (Rakaia), A. Collins (Auckland), A. Wills Christchurch). E. C. Seed (Christchurch), E. Pearcy (Christchurch), and L. G. Williams-(Dunedin). Recent arrivals at the Empire Hotel include: Messrs F. L. Alexander (Christchurch). D. Gunn ' (Christchurch), C. W. Wight (Dunedin), F. G. Ashworth" (Christchurch), and C. J. Bryant (Christchurch).
WEDDINGS. . INCH—HAWKINS. A very pretty wedding was solemnised recently at St. John's Church, Rangiora, when Stella Mavis, only daughter of Mr and Mrs H. M. Hawkins, was married by the Rev. Mr Ferron to Arthur Watson, eldest son of Mr and Mrs J. Inch. Mr Thrower presided at the organ. The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a dainty frock of ivory lace and crepe de chine. Her filmy veil and bouquet of cream flowers and maidenhair fern completed » charming toilette. The bridesmaids in attendance, Miss Cora Hunnibell (Rangiora) and Miss Dorothy Innes (Springfield), cousin of the bride, wore pretty georgette frocks of pink and beige respectively, with crinoline to match. Their bouquets were of pastel-shaded flowers and maidenhair fern. The bridegroom was attended by his brother. Mr Ernest Inch, as best man, and Mr Lester Skurr as groomsman. After the ceremony a reception was held, there being about 70 guests present. The bride"s mother received the guests, -wearing a handsome frock of foxglove repp with a hat to tone. She carried a bouquet of red roses. Mrs Inch, mother of the bridegroom, wore a smart navy frock and hat to match. Later in the afternoon, Mr and Mrs A. W., Inch left for Auckland, the bride wearing an attractive frock of bois du rose repp, trimmed with beige crepe de chine, and a hat to match.
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Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 19170, 29 November 1927, Page 2
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2,555WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 19170, 29 November 1927, Page 2
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