The Lady Editor will bo pleased to receive for PiW>««on in the -Women's Corner" items of socUJ or personal news. Such items should be fully authenticated, and engagement notices must bear the signatures of both parties Correlpondence is invited on any matters affecting, or of interest to, women.
Mrs Williams, who has been visiting hor dnuehter, -Mrs E. C. Cro.se, Christ's College, has returned to Hawkc's Bay. , • ■ Professor and Mrs A. J. Of 3 "' •"!{ Mrs Scott intend leaving Chrisa-limc > about October 23rd, for where they will visit relatives botoro sailing for England. Mr and Mrs Ward and Miss M. Ward are arriving in Christchureh on Wednesday to attend the marriage ot their son, Dr. Frank Ward, of Pnlmerston North, and Miss Norah Baxter Mrs 0 R. Kiver (Papauui road), who has been visiting her sister in Methven, is returning to Chnstcburcli to-day. Miss Bettv Petre left on Saturday night to spend a few days with her sister. Mrs Vincent Ward, Herctaunga, after which she will visit Mrs Vavasour, "Ugbrooke," Marlborough. . Mr and Mrs David Crozier (Feudal-, ton) are leaving to-morrow for Timaru to attend the wedding of their son, Mr Clive Crozier, and Miss Gertrude Sutherwaite. Miss Cora. Wilding (Opawa) has returned from a visit to Otira. Mr and Mrs G. L. Rutherford (Macdonald Downs) are staying at W arner s Hotel. Among week-end arrivals at tho United Service Hotel were Mrs-N. K. Cox and MrsC Maitlaiid (Timaru). \n "at home 1 ' to the. students of College House, the upper department of Christ's College, was given by tho Bishop of Christchurch-and'his wile at Bishopscourt. Mrs A. S. Legh, who' is at present in- Lewisham Private Hospital, is rapidly recovering from a serious illness and will shortly return to her Kbme in St. Andrews Square, where, her daughter, Mrs A. R. Duthie (Westport), will be staying -with her for some weeks. Latest arrivals at the Hotel Federal include: Miss G. Wilson (Wellington), Mr W. Rayner (Auckland), Mr L. Liken (Dunedin), Mr and Mrs Field (Sentoun, Wellington). Miss M. McKav'(Greyrhouth).Mrs R. D. Low (Greymouth),' Mr : J. V.'de Beer (Ashburton), Mr 8.. N. Herapath- (Wellington), Mr H J. Butler (Christchurch), and Mr •and MrsS. F. AVhitcombe (Dunedin). The. proceeds from the second carnival dance of the Diplomats' Club, which is to be held at Dixieland, on 1 .Wednesday-.night >.will-be. given ,to. thePlunket Society. Marston's • Band is preparing a special programme of latest' music for the gathering, which promises to be a great success. 3lrs W. Howard, a resident of Auckland, will celebrate her ninety-seventh birthday to-morrow. Mrs Howard was boru in Dublin in 1830. Although she is still wonderfully active for one whose years are only a few short of the century, her memory is now not nearly as. good as it was a year or so ago. She can remember, however, that her mother and elder sister went to Eng-land-to see the marriage of Queen Victoria''in 1840, seven months before Auckland was founded.—Pbess Service. Another evening party was held at the home of Mr and Mrs N. Laver, Cashmere, in aid of the Christchurch Ladies' Amateur Swimming Club's Queen Carnival fund. An interesting programme was arranged and greatly enjoyed, and a dialogue by the members of the club was also much appreciated. . Those, taking part included Miss. I. Wray, recitation; Miss D. -Brown, sylophonesolo; Mrs E. Laver,' song; Miss M. Laver, song; Misses D. Feaver and Allsbp, piano duet; Mr N. Larver, song; Misses M. arid G. Laver, vocal duet; and the sketch, "Old Maids Matched," was enacted by Misses D. Brown, H. Brown M. E. Smith, I. Greive, T. Morrissey, L. "Butler, P. Morrissey, M. Pawsey, and Mrs W. Brown. A splendid supper, served by the members of the club, brought a, most successful evening to a close. MUCH CLEANER, MUCH QUICKER! . The way to lengthen your leisure hours is to use Verbena Soap for all household purposes. Of the purity of Verbena, housewives are assured, for it is a first-grade soap. Its gentle action will not harm .the daintiest fabrics, nor the most delicate hands, . yet it cleanses much quicker, and with less effort than-other soaps. ,Ask your grocer for Verbena! —1 Ladies' Canvas 1-Bar Tennis Shoes, crepe rubber soles 9s 6d, with heels 10s 6d. Plain Rubbers, 1-Bar 5s 6d, 6s 63/7s 6d. Canvas Lace Shoes, crepe rubber, 7s 66* to 10s 6<L We also stock the world-famed • "Len-Glen" Tennis Shoes 17s 6d. H. PANNELL and Co., ; 105 Manchester street."* 'Phone 694;* P7214 When baying presents or about to travel, try "Neweys'' quality House, 679 Colombo street, Christclnirch. Large stocks of Travel Goods, Latest in Ladies' Handbags, Novelties of all kinds. A visit is always appreciated. Attention and . Civjlity is our motto. ' 'N7194
TIMARU NEWS. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Mrs H. H. Bennington (Otipua road) - is visiting Christehim-h. \ Mrs F. Dnvfy has returned to Christchurch. Miss X. Hamilton returned to Christchurch on Saturday. ( Mrs Orr-Walker is visiting Lake Tckajio. Mr and Mrs C. de JJeii/.y (Clirisr-r-hurch) arc the guests of Mrs R. S. Goodman (Rathniorc street). Mrs A. W. Andrew and Mi.s M. Andrew have returned to Christchurch. Mr and Mrs J., D. Gilmore (In'vercargill), who have been visiting Tim.'iru, liarc returned home. Mr and Mrs Anderson (Christchurch), who have been staying at the Hydro Grand Hotel, have returned home. Those staying at the Grosvenor Hotel include Mr G. W. Ager (Christchurch), Mr 0. Burdon (Kaiigitata Gorge), Mr A. Cossar (Christchurch), and Mr K. G. Harley (Dunedin). Among those staying at the Hydro Grand Hotel arc Mr and Mrs* J. Anderson (Christchurch) and Mr and Mrs A. Beeves (Christchurch), •Bcccrit arrivals at the Dominion Hotel include Mr and Mrs G. Falconer (Christchurch), Mr and Mrs IT. S. Beaumont, (Cht.'stehureh), Mr and Mrs H. Laniburd (Christchurch), Mr T. Ferguson (Dunedin), and Mr E. J. Dennis (Wellington). Among those staying at the Empire Hotel are: Mr and Mrs Armitage (Dunedin), Mr and Mrs Woodward (Christchurch). Mrs Badcliffe (Christchurch), Mr W. Quirk;' (Dunedin), Mr J. Samson (Dunedin), Mr A. Petric (Wellington), and Mr Mitchell (Wellington). OFFICERS' CLUB DANCE. , The last .of a series of very pleasant monthly dances, arranged by 'members of the Canterbury Officers' Club, was held on Saturday", night in the Club's spacious rooms in Worcester street. Music was provided by Margaret Middleton'.s Orchestra. Amongst those who- enjoyed the officers' hospitality were Dr. and Mrs Hamilton Simpson, Lt. Colonel and Mrs R. C. Wickens. Dr. and Mrs T. Beveridge Davis, Major and Mrs A. B. Williams, Major and Mrs Nieholls, Captain and Mrs J. Meikle, Captain and Mrs C. Bell, Captain and Mrs H. Henderson, Captain and Mrs Barlow, Captain and Mrs M. A. Stedman, Lieutenant F, C. Wade and Mrs "Wade, Lieutenant 0. F. Baker, Lieutenant and Mrs A. 11. Cavcll, Mr and Mrs Westbv Sheppard, Mr and Mrs H. C. Whiteman, Mr and Mrs Claude Ring, Mr and Mrs Shirley Wright, Misses M. Batv, Willard King (3), Gariick. Mnvern, Kiver, Bell, Phyllis Ower, G. Simpson, Major J. H. Williamson. Captain K. Walker, Messrs L.; King, W. TI. Halt, A. Farrar, D. S. Bovd, 0. F. Baker, Stanley Salter, L. B. Davy, L. .Tones. F. Grant. . ST. GEORGE'S HOSPITAL. Speaking at St. George's ;Hospital yesterday, the Rev. Canon Wilford referred to a. great loss the St. George's Association had sustained in England through' the death of Lady Mary Trefusis.' ■ She had, he said, visited New Zealand in earlier days, and was intensely interested in the work of the Church in Canterbury. She had been • one- of ther'ibcaT secretaries'" for the hospital in England, and had interested the Cornish church people in it. She had been an influential member of the National Assembly, and had done much for church music The community fair. Canon Wilford said, would be finished at the beginning of December. Within the last few days three more wills' had been made in favour of the hospital. Two very useful donations had been made, on Saturday to the : X-ray equipment. About £3OOO had been lent to the executive at four per cent. During the week the vicar of Hororata had arrived at College House with his -motor-car filled with offerings of his people, for the hospital. A hospital Sunday at Glentunnel had also resulted in the gathering of many useful articles for furnishing. The women of Christchurch hoped to. realise £2OOO by their coining market. AMURI POLO CLUB BALL. The Amuri Polo OtuT> held its annual ball in the Rotherham Hall on Friday evening. The music, was supplied by Margaret Middleton's Orchestra. The hall was effectively decorated with the club colours and polo sticks crossed at intervals. Great credit was due to the efficient hall committee and secretary, Mr Colin "Deans. Those present included: Major and. Mrs Button, Mr and Mrs M. Bethell, Mr and Mrs W. Deans, Mr and Mrs O. Robinson, Mr and Mrs Roger Gould, Mr and Mrs P. Dearden, Mr and Mrs E. Davison, Mr and Mrs P. Morse, Mr and Mrs L. Jameson, Mr and Mrs L. Macfarlane, Mr and Mrs Roger Johnson, Mr and Mrs H. Chapman Mr and Mrs George Reid, Mr and Mrs Maurice Macfarlane, Mr and Mrs H. Atkinson, Mr and Mrs Charles Macfarlane, Mr and Mrs S. Heard, Mr' and Mrs S. Gray, Mr and Mrs R Cracroft Wilson, Mr and Mrs Denis Chapman, Mr and Mrs Blunden, Mr and Mrs J. Watherston, Mr and Mrs Hanmer Atkinson, Mr and Mrs Smale Rev. and Mrs -Neligan, Rev. and Mrs Neviands, and Mrs G. Mathras, Misses Joan Fulton, Adrienne Acland M. Bond. E. Robinson, Anne Ensor K. Polhill, R. Tripp, S. Dampier-Crosslev, M. Mcßae, M. Stevenson, Macgibboii, M. Cowlishaw, Peggy Norton and A. McLean, .Messrs C. Deans and J. Macfarlane. Wood, J. Ensor. Wynn-Wil- , liams, Buckley, Bethell (2). Stewart. Boyle. Macgibbon, Wood, Nicoll. Chnffey (2), lan Macdonald, Cunningham, G. Westenra. Weir. Robinson. Derrick Gould, Mitchell, Polhill. Northcote, G. Smith, Mcßae, and Fairhurst. Puny and irritable children are often afflicted with worms. The safest and most pleasant remedy is Wade's Worm Figs. Absolutely effective. —2
DUCHESS OF WESTMINSTER ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED. (BT CABLE—I'HESS ASSOc'IATIOX—COriEIGHT.) (AUSTB&LIAN* AND K.Z. CABLE ASSOCIATION".) i Received September 25th, 5.15 p.ni.) LONDON, September 24. The engagement is announced of Violet, Duchess of Westminster, and Colonel F. 11. Cripps, D.5.0., son of Lord Parmoor AN HONOURED MEMORY. At the Girls' Training Hostel in Elisor's road, thousands of beautiful daffodils, fluttering and dancing in the breeze, nodded a gleeful welcome to the many visitors, who, on Saturday afternoon, attended the ceremony of unveiling the Memorial Tablet of the late 3lrs Gardiner. The iablet occupies the place qf honour in the largo entrance hall, and around it, on Saturday stood many women who consider that their lives have been made better and happier through the influence of Mrs Gard'ner, whom to love was in itself a liberal education. The erection of the hostel was the crowning glory of Mrs Gard'ner's years of strenuous selfless service, and the dignity of the building and its furnishings and the beauty of the grounds bear witness of her determination that girls might be trained in housecraft amid surroundings in which their tastes would be formed for the true, and good, and beautiful. After the unveiling ceremony had been performed by Mrs Croasdaile Boweu, the visitors were shown over the. building and expressed great admiration of the fine extension to the hostel. Tea was served in the sunny drawing room, gay with bowls of lovely spring flowers. A few of the many present were Dr. and Mrs D: E. Hansen, Colonel Murray Gard'ner, and his sister, Mrs R. J. Loughnan, Mrs Croasdaile Bowen, Miss M. V. Gibson, Mrs Herbert, Mrs C. Chilton, Miss Gilmour, Miss Bishop, Miss Beck, Miss Graham, Miss Mildred Trent, Miss Chaplin, Mrs H. 0. D. Meares. Mrs W. Harman, Mrs E. J. I?oss, Miss Cox, Mrs W. H. Graham, Mrs Pinekney. Miss Spence, Miss M. Spence. Mrs'A. R. Bloxam, Miss G. Thomson, Mrs A. Reid, Mrs Polhill, Miss Watson, OBITUARY. The death occurred yesterday, after a long illness, of' Mrs Edith Beatrice Simes, wife of Mr Walter E. Simes, a well known business man of Christchurch. The late Mrs Simes, who was in her 49th year, was born at Woodend and educated at the West Christchurch school. She was greatly interested in swimming and was always ready 'to assist in the furthering of this sport, especially amongst girls. The United Swimming Club was her especial care and its members owe much to her loyal support and unfailing generosity v f The late Mrs Simes was of a kindly disposition and was never happier than when dispensing hospitality in her own home. Her cheerful liature helped her in her last. long illness, which she bore with the greatest patience and fortitude. To her husband and family sincere sympathy will be extended by a large circle of friends. _, __ FANCY DRESS CARNIVAL. The annual fancy dress carnival for the children of the Riccarton School was held In the Riccarton Racecourse tearooms on Saturday night. This event is very -popular with the householders of the district, and there was a record attendance. Two hundred and fifty children took part in the grand march, and paraded in front of the judges, Mesdames Ormandy, Watkins, and Bamford, whoso decisions gave universal satisfaction. The variety and picturesquenfcss of the dresses reflected great credit upon the parents responsible for the display, which was considered the best held in Christchurch for many years. The committee is greatly indebted for the valuable assistance rendered by the teaching staff, lady helpers who organised the supper arrangements, and the Canterbury Jockey Club for' the generous use of the tearooms which proved an ideal place for the function. Smith's Marimba Band, of five' instruments, supplied excellent music. The following are the results of the competitions:— Toddlers—Yvonne Symister (Frills) 1, Estelle Long (Star) and G. Horwell (Butcher Boy) 2, Ngaio Forjsyth (Rabbit) and Margaret Scobie (Mother Hubbard) 3. Infanta—Freddie Harrow (Felix) 1, Jacky Wright (Father Christmas) 2, John Wormald (Little Boy Blue) 3. Girls—Joan Comer (Good Lack) X, Olwen Williams (Cigarette) 2, Alice Smith (Irish Colleen) 3. Standards I. and II.—Boys: Douglas Ackerley (Pirate), 1, George Witty (Clown) 2, Eric Marsh (Frog) 3. Girls—Nira Chaney (Wedding Cake) 1, Iris Dixon (British Goods) 2, Dorreen Newnham (Candlestick) 3. Standards 111. and IV.—Boys: Bruce Daniel (Coster) -1; Hugh Pascoe (Indian) 2, Randolph Rose (Black Cat) 3. Girls—Lucy Skerten (Lamp ' Shade) 1, Molly Wright (Japanese Lady) 2, Jean Nelson (Butterfly) 3. Standards V. and Vl.—Boys: Desmond Skerten (Dick Whittington).], David Ackerley (Nigger Minstrel) 2, Hector Long (Bluebeard) 3. Girls—Beryl Rose (Tambourine Girl) 1 Betty Smith (Spanish Dancer) 2, Pearl Manson (Daffodil) 3. Most Original—Boy: Frank Piatt (My Sister) 1, Bob Harrow (Raspberry Cane) 2 Girl-Sybil Warren (Sweetest Thing Here) .1, Mona Holmes (Lady Hairdresser) 2 Margery Ackerley (Wireless) 3. ' * Ex- P Skerten (Father Christmas) 2, Phyllis Sherwood (Cowgirl) 2 Visiting School Children (primary)^-Joan drTs) 2 ' Jan6t Burgin (KainDIXIELAND. A large cumber were present at the- weekly dance at Dixieland on Saturday evening. The lounge and ballroom were artistically decorated with bowls of spring flowers. During the evening, pupils of Miss Bessie Macdonald danced a Russian' ballet, with Miss Muriel Johns as vocalist. L. Maretons Orchestra supplied excellent music. Amongst the guests present were:—Mr and Mrs Guy Cotterill Mr and Mrs Lawrence M«' wmi'w MrB J B ir ß - £° u S h Mr and Ml - s p H „ l11 '. Mr and Mrs Bell, Mr and Mrs •j \ r Sm ™' ,¥ r , and m * W - S ' fields, Mr and Mrs W. Machin, jun.. Misses Adrienoe w u ancy o G - a J d^ er ' Nanc y Gibson, Russell, Cherry Smith, Essie Gilmour, Molly : Chapman, Muriel Johns, Lina Williamson, ! Mathieson Hollander, Betty Black, Jean Lee, Robilhard, Vvilson (2), Monica Temple- . man, Hinchey, B. Beha.ii, Dorothy Cordon Jean Borthwick, Dorothy Campbell Papprill, Patterson, Essie Gibson, Guv' Robinson, Manson, L. Nelson, Doris Robinson Ethel Bonmngton, Bessie Macdonald, Doris Collins, Mills, Strachan, Harrison, Nancv Madden, Muriel Brown, Chloe .Madden Ruby Carpenter, Guthrie, D. Innes, Ada Gardner, Kathleen Gibson, Connie Willis Anne Sutherland,' Marjory Moon, Browning] Peggy Nelson, Meryl Drake, Nola Donovan] Eileen Waldron, Delia Prisk, Graham, Wilkinson, Leah Johnston, Tapson, Gladys Carier, Gwen Shadrach, Rita Smith, Dulcie Falkinder, Ens Falkinder, Alice Gunn, Paykel (Auckland), Phillips, Collins, Daley, Folev (2), and Geverley, Messrs L. Cooke, G. Bristed, A. B. Loughnan, R. Walker, R. Hall. Struan Watson, A. Kirby, J. Connal, A. W. Smithson, H. Duko, Galbraith, Collin, P. Hollander, Paykel (Auckland), Vincent, Brownlee, Petersen, McCallum, McMillan,' Spencley, H. Smith, H. Huffadine B. Mahan, G. Taylor, Graham. Croniby, Stont, Temple, Thompson, Graham, R. Manks, Smith, G. Wales, Munro, Atack, E. W. Wade, K. J. Wilson. H. Billens, H. Galbraith, W. Sutherland, "S L. Power, J. Corbett. L Kcvs, D. C. Dorrence, Smythe, R. Barber, Collins, W. Thompson, Harbutt, Anderson, Sproston (2), Hammond, Clements, O'ConneN,-J. Harris, Bronson, Colhnson, Clymont. Bartlett, F. "W. White, Gibson Lee, McFadden, Burson, and Roland Smith (secretary).
Nearly all snowflakes are shaped in some variation of a sis-pointed star.
COIN EVENING. The friends of the West Committee, in connexion with a King and Queen Carnival in aid of the new Linwood .Methodist Church were entertained reecntly at a '-coin evening" at the residence of Mr and Mrs W. Ellis, 79 Ollivier's road. A delightful timo was spent in games, music,. and competitions, the latter being won by Misses E. Heath, B. Burrell. and D. Archibold. Among the many present were:—Mr and Mrs W. Ellis, Mr and Mrs J. Chesterton, Mr and Mrs E. Miller, Mr and Mrs A. Arnold, Mesdames Strong, Birks, Evans, Archibold, Misses 'H. Ancall, B. Burrell, G. Bateman, S. Ellis, 1., L., and R. Chesterton, J. Wright, F. Waters, 1). Tavlor. It. Olds, A. Sutcliffe, W. Hooper, M. Ward, H. Browne, I>. Bock, D. Archibold, R. Heath. W. .Arnold, A. Barnes, E. Meynell. A. Wickham, 31. Thorne, D. Simpson, Messrs E. Aldridge, B. Browne, .G. Ellis, ft. ilopkinson, W. Bock, R. Gibbs, M. Towarfc. H. Williamson, H. Hargreaves, L. Shiele, D. J. Champion, E. Berrv, C. Granger, R. Meynell, W. Walls, M. Browne. A. Sharp, J. Olds. . A CHARMING PARTY. A pleasant evening was spent in the Orange Hall on Saturda.y, the occasion , being the break-up dance of Miss Comyns Thomas' evening classes, over seventy, odd pupils and friends.attending. The music, arranged by Mrs Margaret Middleton, could not be bettered, and the hall and supper room were decorated with streamers and spring flowers. Fancy cojoured caps and other novelties added an air of gaiety -and contributed greatly to the enjoyment of the evening. Among those present were: The Misses A. Church, D. Cutten, T. Cooper, L. Cooper, P. Combes, L. and K. Ellis, B. Hamilton, H. Lane, D. Jones, M. Martin, D. and N. Mayo, M. Hayward, E. and P. Ewing, M. Stout, E. and P. Yorath, M. Thompson, A. Piercey, M. Juries, D. Blake, D. Juries, E. Spraggc, O. Marker, D, Lamb, Ormandy, P. Pullar, and E. Orchard. * DANCE AT CUST. i , On Wednesday evening last, the Cust Men's Club held a very successful dance in the Institute Hall. There was a good attendance. Spirited music for the dancing was supplied by Johnson's Band from Kaiapoi, extras being played by Mrs H. Inns. Mr C. Johnson carried out the duties of M.C. The Monte Carlo waltz was won by Miss Pengelly and "Mr R. Brunsdeu, and the lucky spot by Mass K. Fitzsimmons and Mr Franks. During the evening, Mr G. Cowens, president of the club, presented the prizes to the winners in the recent billiard tournament, Messrs W Cooper and S. Barrows. Those, present included Mesdames Cowens, Inns, Jackson, Keep, Clist, and Croft, Messrs M. Howat, Burgess, Wood, Inns, D. Coombs, P. Coombs (Christchurch), Winter (3) (Swannanoa), Fisher, Smith, Early, Cowens, Pimperton (Christchurch), Fitzsimmons (2), Kennedy (Fernside), Keep, Arps, Mclnnes, Pengelly, Amyes, Smith, Hassall (Clarkville), and Paget (Swannanoa), Messrs Johnson, Tallott, Wood, Smith, Henderson, Burrowes, Burgess, Wood, Croft (3), Winter (2), (Swannanoa), Cook (Swannanoa), Hawkins (Rangiora), Lowen, Osborne (Christchurch), Carney (Christchurch), Marshall (Chnstehurch), Mitchell, Brunsden, Wayland, Inns, Cowens, Gartery (2), Smith, Forbes, Baynon, Arps, Tomlinson, Cooper (2), Elliott (2), Fitzsimmons, Franks, Carlyle (Swannanoa), Morris (Fernside), Dick, Rowe, Eder, Paget (Swannanoa), and many others.' WINTER GARDEN CABARET. There was a large attendance of usual patrons and visitors to the City and the Winter Garden Cabaret on Saturday. The ballroom was decorated was baskets of fernß and flowers, and the supper tables with spring flowers. A spfcial feature was a splendid score of continuous music by Harold Bailey's Band of ten instruments. Amongst those present were:—Dr. and Mrs Leslie Will, Dr. and Mrs Cooper (Auckland), Dr. and Mrs L. A. Bennett. Mr and Mrs N. G-. Chamberlain, Mr and Mrs J. O'Connor" (Ashburton), Mr and Mrs S. P. Godfrey, Mr and Mrs T. Livingstone, Mr and Mrs Walter Caldwell, Mr and Mrs 0. Rennell, Mr and Mrs Worrall, Mr and Mrs P. Wilkes, Mr and Mrs R. A. Batstone, Mr and Mrs J. S. Guthrie, M* and Mrs 'H. Wauchop, Mr and "Mrs T. G. Fos, Mr and Mrs Sidney Hunt, Mr and Mrs H. Rattray, Mr and Mrs R. Bryan, Mr and Mrs 0. S. Adam, Mr and Mrß W. E. Clarke, Mrs Ohisnall (Greymouth), Mr and Mrs A. Perkins, Mrs Hall, Mr and Mrs R. M. Grant, Mr and Mrs A. Irwin Miller (Olydevale), Mr and Mrs 0. J. Henty, Mrs Freda West, Mr and Mrs John Wilson, Mr and Mrs J. Res. Mrs W. Sharman, Mr and Mrs E. Poison, Mr and Mrs P. S. Lawrence, Mrs Duthie, ''Mr and Mrs G. Hamilton, Mr and Mrs L. Gray, Mr and Mrs 0. A. Spiers, Mr and Mrs Warren, Mr and Mrs Sims, Misses Mona Frankish, Fanny Middleton, Bessie Macdonald, Helen Grimmer, Margaret Cussen (Nelson), Norah Hoare; Arline Power, Valerie Anderson, Norah Helraore, V. Robinson (Wellington), Alva Cadle, Olive Weston (Auckland), Ivy Grayson, Marie Woolley, Nancy Munnings, Jean Hudson, Vora Ingham, Joan Dean, Alma Brown, Lorna Broadway, Iris Black, Pearl Black, Fay Roberts, Doris Wilson (Oamaru), Mona Crawford, Hilda Prestidge, Carma Prisk, Muriel' Johnston, P. Dawber, Rhona Boswell, Billie Freeman, Mary Fogarty, Thelma Bates, Grace Muscroft, M-.ud , Cocks, Gwen Hill, Renee Batty, Jessi" .:», ; Stella Jowett, Kathleen O'Brien, 1 z?n Kane, Violet Ayson, Gwen Hallidny ;.ia.uilton), Helen Beaton, Maisie Daly, Ethel Kob- j inson, R. Tribe, Myrtle Robinson, Ada Webb, Ida Enterkin, Eileen Griffin, Mavis Watson, Nelma Edmonds, Dorothy Welsh, Beryl Stone, Mabel Crothall, Colleen Pickford, Rita Palmer, Irene Seymour, Louie Hepburn, May Wright, Myrtle Robertson, Alma Brown, T. Middlemiss, Hildt Coad, Thelma Dierck, Phvllis Booth, Clare Wright, Mina Perkins, Constance Booth, Rita Archer, Doris Woolidge, Minnie Jarvis, Dorothy Keig, Mona McCnllough, Mary O'Neill, Lily Hand, Valerie Robertson, Gwen Hutchins, Marjorio Beattie, Valerie Barrow, E. Smith, Marjorie Cox, Grace Muschamp, Jean McGill, V. Tomlinson, Marjorie Baleh, Baxter, C. Langley, M. Hartlett. Mabel Smeaton, H. Millen, Mabel Nixon, D. Mann, D. Pegg, Donaldson, Eva Milton, Grace Hart, Lorna Turner, Dr. Gray. Capt. Wallace (Wellington), Messrs C. W. Wood (Timaru), E. P. Fearce (New York), D. Webb (Auckland), G. Cornish (Sydney), E. Dodd (Timaru), East (Dunedin). H. Millard (Anckland), B. H. Suis, G. Watson, H. Sinclair. J. Harris, S. Baird, J. M. Eales, B. Wvles, J. C. East, H. Brown, H. Hobbs, A. J., Lambert, S. David, S. Mailland, Colin Wallace. D. Cox, Doug. Cox, Russell Cordery, G. R. Gregory. C. Guy, T. C. Scott, E. Booth, R. J. Chapman. A. J. Faker, D. Glubb, M. McLean, A. Fairbrass, E. Fearon, W. J. Brown, H. Ball, W. J. Wilson, Frater, G. McLennan, R. C. Ray, L. C. Terroll, G. Lowe, H. Anderson, W. Beaton, J. Nicholson, 0. Morrow, J. Brown, F. Turner, A. Parker, J. Cant, J. Allan, R. S. Thompson, Borgfeldt, L. T. Aitchison, W. A. O'Loughlin, G. E. Berrv. R. C. Muschamp, W. Burns, L. Watson, Cvril Poulton. G. Lockwood, J. H. Logie, L C. Robinson, N. W. Robinson. O. Walker, Gerald Barnard, J. D. Litten, C. W. Barrow. C. Wood, J. A. Foster, Ferguson, L. C. Penlington, E. Bannerman, Eric Baker, G. V. McGee, J. Dale, C. Palmer. E. Duncan, L. Gasson, A. Coad, W. Overend. J. Woolcock, V N'icol. W. A. Toogood, -J. Manson, Ivan Perrin. M. Mitten. F. Armstrong, Powell, M. Russell, S. Holmes. F. Simpson. C. Bonninaton. D. Jnckson, D. Hall, F. Ward, and C. J. Robinson (secretary). KASHMIRI CABARET. There was a very good atttendance of dancers at the Kashmiri Cabaret, held at the Art Gallery on Saturday evening. The ballroom was newly decorated with multi-coloured streamers and the sapper tables with spring flowers. Les Grummitt's Orchestra provided a special programme of dance music*
WEDDINGS. SAIL—PEARCE. A pretty wedding was celebrated at the South Malvern Church recently, when- Lucy Mary, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs G. Pearce, Goalgate, was married to Harry Kitchner, second son of Mr and Mrs Sail, Oust. The Rev. J. Jack officiated, and Miss Doris Musgrove presided at the organ. The church was beautifully decorated for the occasion. ' The bride, who was given away by her father, wore* a pretty frock of white brocaded satin, trimmed with silver lace and a posy of orange blossom on the,'shoulder. Her embroidered tulle veil was arranged in mob cap style with a wreath of orange blossom, and she carried a bouquet of white flowers 'and maidenhair fern. The bridesmaids, . Miss Marjorie Pearce, sister of the bride, and Miss Nancy Hienisch, niece of the bridegroom, wore pale pink crepe de chine frocks trimmed with silver lace, and finished on the shoulder with a posy and silver streamers. They wore silver tissue caps and carried bouquets of spring flowers. The two little flower girls, Pearl Pawsey and Winsome Hienisch, also wore frocks of pale pink crepe de chine, finished _ with silver trimming, and carried silver .crooks decorated in pink and silver. Mr W. Sail, brother of the bridegroom, was best man, and _ Mr Ben 1 Pearce, brother of the bride, was groomsman. As the bride was leaving the church three little guests handed her silver horseshoes. After the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, where about one hundred and thirty guests were entertained at an elaborate breakfast, and the 'usual toasts were honoured. Mrs Pearce received her guests wearing a smart frock of lark-spur-blue repp,, and hat to tone. Mrs Sail, mother of the bridegroom, wore a frock of navy blue repp, and a black satin hat. Later 'in the afternoon the happy couple left by car for their honeymoon, the bride wearing a smart frock of delnbinium blue repp, a vpJour trimmed with fur, "and a small crinoline hat to tone.
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4,425WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 19115, 26 September 1927, Page 2
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