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HANMER SPRINGS. The following aro the meteorological records for February, taken at the Stato Forest Servico station, those for tho same month last year being given in parentheses:—Barometer, mean for month, 29.74 inches (29.57), maximum for month, on 11th, 12th, and 26th, 30 (30.2), minimum for month on 20th, 29th, 30 inches (29.23), extreme rango 0.70 (1.07). Thermometer—Temperaturo in shade, mem maximum temp. 74.67 degrees Fah. (67.87); mean minimum temp. 47.90 (46.57); approximate mean temp, for the month 61.32 (67.23), mean daily rango of temp. 20.71 (21.32); oxtremo maximum temp, on 14th 95 (87) extreme minimum temp, on 24th, and 2Sth, 35 (35); extreme rango of temp, for month, 60 (52). Exposed • thermometers: —Mean terrestrial radiation, 41.82 (39.63); minimum terrestrial radiation on 24th (4dcg. of frost), 28 (27). Wind—Average daily velocity for month 71.4 miles (79.2); maximum velocity for month on 2nd, 400 mile's (240); mean amount of cloud for month (0 clear sky, 10 overcast) G;O7 (5.3). Rain—Total fall 2.20 inches (4.98); number of days on which rain fell fl (12); maximum fall in any 21 hours, on tho 27th, 0.G9 inch (1.12); Bright sunshine, 205 hours (1691); maximum 12J hours on 4th (samo); days without recorded sunshine, none (3); frost on three liights (4). General remarks: The early part of the month was very hot, with practically no rain. A Tango of 60 degrees inside 10 days, was experienced, followed by 3 frosts.

HAWARDEN. At a meeting of the HaWarden Plunlcct Society held in the hall on Thursday evening, it was decided to postpone tho Baby Carnival in favour of the Maid of Honour in connexion with the Military Pageant, and to Btart the Baby Carnival about the first week in May. Everything in connexion with this district's part in he Military Pageant is now well forward. A very successful dance was held in tho hall recently, at which keen interest was taken in the voting for he various ladies-in-waiting, for which so far 10 young ladies have been nominated. It is proposed to hold other functions at an early date.

PREBBLETON. The fortnightly meeting of the Loyal Jubileo Lodge, 1.0.0. F.,, vim held on Wednesday evening, bro. s. McNally, N.U., presiding over a satisfactory attendance. One member applied for a clearanco certificate to the Loyal Waikari Lodge. . At a recent meeting of "huso } n * e f" ested in the Paddy's Market, which is beine organised in support of the funds of the Public Library, comprehensive arrangements were made to ensure the success of that function. A large quantity of farm produce had been promised, and the Vale of this, in addition to competitions and various other attractions, was expected to bring in auite a satisfactory amount. During the building of the new plmrch the Presbyterian semtes are being held in tho Methodist Church building, and the Harvest Festival service will be held there to-morrow afternoon, when tho Rev. F. Rule will tho preacher.

SOUTHBRIDGE. Mr and Mrs J. S. Inwood and family, who have taken up their Cashmere, were entertained by the pnrishioncrs of St. James s Anglican Church, Southbridge, at a farewell social in tho Parish Hall. Jhe opportunity was also taken to tender cone atulatlons to Mr A. J. Inwood and Mi» A. L. Armstrong, whose marriage take* place shortlv. On behalf of tho parishioners the Rev. H. G. Hawkins presentcd an electric hot J U F * .Mr ami Mrs J. S. Inwood, andsimilar K ift to Mr A. J. Inwood. Miss Armstrong was asked to accept a smermounted salad bowl. The near referred to tho fact that the Messrs Inwood were sons of a pioneer settler and that ! thev had resided in the Southbridge district all their lives, both ''jiving been successful farmers. Mr and Mrs J S. Inwood had been very staunch members of the church, the former having at various times acted as churchwarden, vestryman. Sunday school superintendent. and choir member, llioir departure from Southbridge n:i> rceretted bv the whole community, lor nearly *5 years Mr A. J. Inwood had rendered yeoman service as church <>rginist, a position for which, ho was particularly' well qualified. Miss Amttrone 'had also beoti connected wnli ♦he church since childhood and-besides being a valued member of the choir she had performed much good work in other directions. Messrs J- S- and A• I Inwood suitably acknowledged the '„if»s and good wishes. First prizes in a euchre tournament were won by airs Mex. Hannah and Mr J. Ludemanu. Tbo ladies provided supper.

RANGIORA. Tho Ashley River Trust n.ot at. Rangiora yesterday. Present: Messrs F. Langbein tt'hai.nian), F. llorrell, H C». Philpott, 11. leach, T. Wylhe. L. J. Stokes, and XV. Stalker. The clerk ot th* Eltham Drainage Board wrote acknowleding receipt of the Tru&t s letter declining leliabilitv for a portion of tho cost incurred m preparing a proposed new Drainage Act. and asking tho Trust to recoisider its decision. Tho letter was reciveil. A leltoi frum the Ashley County Council drawng attention to the action of the Trust in apparently assunw-ig possession of a piece of unused road land neat the junction of the Mckerikiri and Ashley rivers was received It was resolved to re lily stating that the area did not como under the Trust's jurisdiction at present. Mr J. H. Baird, returning officer at tho recent election ot Commissioners, attended by invitation to explain some of the accounts in connexion with tho election. After hearing his explanations the amounts were deemed reasonable and were passed for pnjment. Mr Wyllie moved'the motion of which notice had been given that tlu, unconfirmed nunute of December 17th, 192'j, re accepting tenders lor reserves SI" and 1811 be rescinded. As the meeting had been adjourned from February IStii, the matter was held over until tho nest regular meeting. It was resolved that tho chairman should interview the District Railway Engineer in refernce to the condition of tiio north bank of the Ashley rivet between the railway and tratlic bridges. Tho matter of cleaning Boyne creeK was left in the hands of the Worss Committee. Tho chairman reported that tho sub-committee appointed had interviewed Mr Freeman ir. regard to the classification list. As a result two. portions of tho Sefton drainage district which liatl been omitted Iron; the Trust's original classification had no-.v been included. Mr F. C. Hay, engineer to the Trust, attended tho meeting anu answered a number of questions in reference to his report on the scheme for tho control of tho Ashley river. Tho classification lists for the trusts district were received, ami it was decided to deal with it at tho next m *Tho' 1 Rangiora I'-rass Band pla? a iirogramnic of music at the naiKUKu Beach to-morrow afternoon. The same programme will be repeated on tbo 'rotunda. Victoria Park, on bunda evening, when a collection will be taken in aid of tho Plnnket nurse s car fund.. On Thursday evening two lads, sons of Mr C. Lindsay, Femside, were drnin.r' over a bridge on the Swannanoa m <i 'trig when their horse slued and collided with a moto' delivery van beKing to Mr H W. Mockelt, aerated water manufacturer, of Rangiora. A shaft smashed the windscreen andl jt between bpokes of the steering the driver of the van. E. Withers, having a remarkably narrow escape from serious injury and possibly from being killed. The forepart of the motor va considerably damaged,. and damage was also done to tho gig, but J^' U " the lads nor tho van driver were in jured

KAIAPOI. A meeting of the Kaiapoi Amateur Athletic and Cycling Club was held in tho Cycle Club Rooms, Kaiapoi, on Thursday evening to decido whether «i sports meeting should be held at lvaiag>i, on Easter Monday. otikins presided. After a lengthy discussion by members of tho Canterbury Centre and those present, it was decided to call a meeting of throe delejzntea. from the Kaiapoi and Clubs and the Centre to see if the d fficiiltv of clasliihg with tho AVaikan Club on faster Momlay could be overcome. Mr Loclnvood, secretary of the Centre, ijavo those present to understand that it was hardlv possiblo to gW>t;n permit for a sports meeting at Kaiapoi on Easter Monday. ■ ■ Mr Alexander Purdie. a well-known and liighlv-estqemed resident of Kaitpoi,- who dieil at his residence, Broad Alendows," Ivawvpoi, on Thursday night, in his 59th year, was born at Broad Meadows, Selkirk, Scotland. Ho served his apprenticeship in the woollen manufacturing trade with Messrs Simcs. Sanderson and Co., of tiaiasliiels, and afterwards had experience with Messrs lorteous and Co., Alloa. Scotland. Ho came to New Zealand about 30 years ago as designer to the Kaiapoi Woollen Manufacturing Co. and has held that position until a few. months ago when, owing to a . serious . illness, ho was obliged to lead a retired life. On several occasions during the absence of (lie manager (Mr T. 11. Leithead) Mr Purdie was acting-manager of.the Kaiapoi Mills! He was one of tho founders and original members of tho Kaiapoi Bowling Club. Prior to his arrival in New Zealand Mr Purdie married Miss Young, of Alva, Scotland, who died in 1599. Later ho married a daughter of Mr A. Johnston. Kaiapoi. who', with three sons by tho first marriage and two daughters of tho second, is left to mourn his loss.

HORNBY-ISLINGTON 'I here was a good attendance at the weekly euchre toumnment, which was held in the Orange Hall, Hornby. The prizes were awarded to Mrs J. Cooke and Mr S. Stewart. The Islington Welfare Committee held their weekly euchre tournament in the Islington Social Hall on Wednesday evening. There was a good attendance, and tli© prizes were awarded ns follows: —Ladies: Mrs Ellen 1, Mrs W-ird 2: men: Mr Sloan 1. Mrs Woisley (acting) 2.

KAIKOURA. The Rev. C. F. Saunders, Vicar ef St. Peter's, has accepted the charge of the parish of Spring Creek, Blenheim, and expects to t-ake over his new duties on April Ist. Tho Rov. gentleman has taken a keen interest in Agricultural and Pastoral and Progress League work during his stay in Kaikoura. Jbo Bishop of Nelson will be entertained at St. Peter's schoolroom tonight, and will conduct services at the Anglican Church to-morrow. Over 130 entries have been received for tho A. and P. Show up to the present, and special prizes and money to the amount of £IOO have been received. I lie rainfall at Lyuton Downs for February was 2.00 inches, rain falling on nine days, the maximum fall (0 points on tho 1-lth. -^ r '• Harle. of Hnpuku. forwards tho following report for tho month of I'ebruary. The first half of the month was dry and hot, the rainfall up tu the 14th amounting to 49 points. From the 14th to the end of the month there was a heavy rainfall with much lower temperatures. Rain fell on eight days, tho total being 5.00 inches, compared with 8.80 inches for I'ebruary last year. The maximum fall was 2.10 inches on the 21st, when there was a cnld snitli-west storm 'with ' TH C0,1nt, 7The Town School picnic takes place at Oaro to-day. AMBERLEY. 'lhe Notth Canterbury Caledonian Society have arrangements well, in hand for the sports on March 14th on tho occasion of th<f Royal visit.' A silver cup is to be given to tho school obtaining the most points in athletics during tho day. _ Mr Mackenzie Forbes, of Wangauui, is to judge tho dancing on this occasion. In tho Magistrate's Court, before Mr H. P. Lawry, S.M., Percy Urockan was convicted and fined Court costs 2ls, and witnesses' expenses for negligent driving on the Amberloy-Waipara load. A chargo of speeding was dismissed. A. K. Jamieson was ordered to pay the sum of £3 9s Gel and costs los on n judgment summons forthwith in default four days' imprisonment in the case of A, M. Gray v. Jamieson. Judgment was entered by default in the case roA", 5* ra - v v - W- T. Carpenter for £3 lis Gd and costs £1 5s Gd. 'I ho Licensing Committee granted a transfer of license from Murtie Leonard Kennedy to Neil Gordon MncCormack, of the Royal Hotel, Leithfield. KIRWEE. Ibe month of February was a hot, dry month, north-west winds predominating, with an occasional strong galo from the south-West, but on tho whole the weather was almost ideal for harvesting operations. Tho rainfall for the month was 1.30 inches. Rain fell on six days, tho maximum fall- of 66 points being registered on the 27th, for tho corresponding month of 19216 the fall was 3.94 inches, 1925 91 points, and 1924 43 points. The total fall for tho year to date was 2.38 inches and for the corresponding period of 1928 tho total was 6.09 inches, 1925 3.10 inches, and 1924 2.53 inches. The only timo during the past 19 years that there has been a smaller fall for January and February was in 1908, when 1.03 niches "was registered,. Steam haulers and motor lorries have been busily engaged recently in carting grain to the railway station, the fino weather enabling -this work to proceed rapidly.'

HALSWEtL. On Tuesday evening the hall was tho scene of-one of the largest gatherings ever; held in the district, the occasion being a farewell and presentation to tho Rev. C. C. arid Mrs Oldham, who are removing to Pleasant Point, South Canterbury. Speeches wero made by Archdeacon Timor, the Rev Mr Williams, Mr llowe, representing tho Synod, Mr Brandon, Mr Street, churchwardens, and others. • Archdeacon Taylor made- the presentation of a well-filled wallet to Mr Oldham and a handsome Kaiapoi rug to Mrs Oldham. The Sunday School children .also mado a presentation to Mrs Oldham. Mr Oldham suitably responded and thanked the i.eopjo for the good feeling that had always been shown to him during the long time he had been in tho district. After supper the hall was cleared for dancing, Miss Mooro's Orchestra supplying the music. Mr N. Gardiner was M.O.

DARFIELD. Ou Thursday evening a very successful concert was given by a party from Christchurcb in aid pf tho Returned Soldiers' Association "queen." Songs vrero given 'by Miss Belle ■ Renaiit, Messrs J. E. Mason, Greg. Russell; vocal duet, Messrs G. Russell and J. Mnsoh; violin solos, ' Miss Thelma Cusack; guitar solo, Mr F. R. Monro, with vocal accompaniment by Miss Jennings and quartette; dance duo, Misses Ada Rawson and Enid Lawson; solo dance, Miss Sheelah Chapman; old tinio melodies, Vocal Quartette; danco duo, Miss Bessie Macdonald; Spanish ballet, dancers (Miss Macdonald's pupils); dance duo, Misses S. Chapman and Delia l'risk; curhythmic ballet, "Carmore," the dancers and Miss Millieent Jennings; toe dance, Miss D. Prisk: and ensemble, "Good-bye, everylwdy," singers, dancers, and players. The pianists were Mrs W. 0. Adams, Misses Nancy Hume, and Mabel Eaglesomo. Here was a very numerous attendance and all the items were well received.

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Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 18942, 5 March 1927, Page 3

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NORTH CANTERBURY. Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 18942, 5 March 1927, Page 3

NORTH CANTERBURY. Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 18942, 5 March 1927, Page 3


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