SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Mr and Mrs L. A. Dougall (Christchurch) are visiting Tiniaru. Airs D. G. Ogilvie (Cbristchurcb) is spending a holiday in Timaru. Miss McVay (Napier) is on a visit to Mrs C. E. Johnston (Wai-ifi road). Miss Betty Kerr has returned from a visit 10 Mrs D. Burnett (Hakataratuea). The Misses Turnbull (Wiu-iti road) are back from a holiday spent with Mr and Mrs Wilfred Turnbull (Geraldine). Mrs Skinner, who was with Mrs I'. I. Washbourn, went yesterday to Mrs Xewton (Harper street';. Mr and Mrs E. G. Kerr and family (Nelson terrace), who hare..been campinn; at the river, returned to Timaru yesterday.
Y.W.C.A.. Mr 11.. E. H. Tripp presided over a well-attended .meeting oi' citizens and representatives of sports oodies held to discuss the holding or a gymkhana for the purpose of raising funds to assist the Y.W.C.A. movement in the establishment of a branch at Tinmiih The chairman said that al! z'.e had spoken to in regard to the scheme were willing to assist in any nay possible, and at th& present time it was pro-posed-to hold*the function on February L'fith. However, it had occurred to him ihat it would be bettor to hold the proposal over until a later date, as the' harvest and other things would not then interfere.
Mr G. S. Cray said that with the limited time they had it would be, very difficult to make the proposed gymkhana a. financial success. The holding of a fashion parade as was recently done in Wellington, lie thought, would be a better idea. In Wellington several hundred pounds had been raised in this war.
After some further discussion, the chairman proposed, , and Mrs Rhodes seconded: "That Messts B. E. H. Tripp, W. Thomas. T. Hokltjate. M. Jameson,' 0 Johnston, W. Morrison, L: M. Ingiis, G. B'.. Cray. W.. D. Revell. F. S. Shrimptbn; H. H. Eraser, J. Paliiser, G. H. Andrews, R. h. Orbell, I). J. Doyle, C. Knowles, J. Shallcrass. J Lepgott, G. R. M. Jones, C. W. Wood. A. N. Oakey, W. Ramsay, C. H. Bradley, G. Hunter Weston, and D. T'nwin be appointed a committee ,to work in conjunction with the Ladies' Committee of the Y.W.C.A. to raise, funds during the next twelve months." Mr D. J. Doyle said that the Rowing Club was only too willing to render any assistance possible, and he would like-to see the names of Messrs W. Ramsay and C. IT. Bradley added to the committee.
It was agreed to add these names to the list, Mrs Tt. IT. Rhodes said that new that the matter had been discussed, she felt that possiblv a series of events would be Tirore nrofitable. Mr W.. D. Revell said that one bigeffort was better than a series <>t small functions, even if they had to wait some time for this function. The motion was then put and carried unanimously.
If was agreed that a joint meeting of the committees be held en Monday night. Y.M.OA. Discussion of the financial position of .the.Timaru branch of the Y.M.C.A. was the purpose of a special meeting of the Board of Directors* over which Mr C. G. Vogeler presided. The lion, treasurer, Mr P. B. Foote, said that with the revaluation of the Association's property . the' rates had now reached the sum of £167 18s 4d, and this, together with interest charges, was now due. The funds available were almost nil, so that the need for some effort to raise money was most urgent. After afuil discussion, during which it was stated that while a splendid group of young men were using the rooms the subscription paid by them did not meet the expenditure involved in running the Association, and that it would -be necessary to make annual appeals to the public, it was agreed that a public appeal for , funds be launched immediately, otherwise activities would have to be suspended. The general secretary reported that the national secretary had agreed to assist, and it was decided that he be asked to visit Timaru at the earliest opportunity. ' During the evening opportunity was taken to bid farewell to Mr R. C. Davies, who is leaving Timaru for Auckland. 'Mr Davies, who had been on the staff for some two years, was pre-' sented with a fountain pen by the members as a token of the esteem in which he was held. Discussion of matters in connexion with the national convention, to be held in March at Wellington, were deferred to a later meeting.
Eoyal Visit. Tlie following letter in connexion with the visit of their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of York lias been received from the Minister for Internal Affairs (the Hon. Mr Bollard) by the Mayor of Timaru, Mr G. J. Wallace:—"l have your letter of January 7th before mo regarding the visit of their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of York to Timaru, for which I think you. The programme as under is approved: IS'oon, their Royal Highnesses arrive, and alight from the train overlooking Caroline Bay. They will bo received by his Worship, the Mayoress, and town clerk. You will please immediately thereafter proceed to the Park in order to meet their Royal Highnesses again. After his Royal Highness has inspected the guard of honour their Royal Highnesses will drive through the main street, along the avenue leading to the war memorial to the Park. There will take place the inspection of the guard of honour, and the presentation of the address of welcome. His Worship the Mayor then presents councillors, local body representatives, and their wives. There will then be the children's .gathering, and at 1 p.m. the Royal visitors will leave by train for Oaniani.
Geraldine Farmer's Failure. Tlie Official Assignee, Mr A. E. Reynolds, presided over a meeting ot creditors in the bankrupt estate oj. Thomas James Crossan, a farmer, ot Geraldine, which' was held in the Courthouse, Timartf, yesterday. Crossan was represented bv Mr C Cheyne Farme. The amount owing to unsecured creditors was £496 10s 4d, but there were no secured creditors and no assets, which left a deficiency in the estate of £496 10s 4d. The unsecured creditors were: Skinner and Wilkinson (Ashburton) £oo E. Undrill (Geraldine) £26 4s i d, Dobson Bros. (Temuka) £33 15s sd, Vacuum Oil Co. (Christchureh) £22 Ls Bd. Geraldine County Council £2l_9s lOd. Receiver of Land Revenue (Chnstd.urch) £327 12s lid. Timaru "Herald" Co. £3 8s 3d, Dr. P. V. Hisiop (Geraldine) £1 15s, Mullaly and Greenav.av (Geraldme) £3 0s Sd, Ciiristclmreli "Press" Co. £1 <«. - Bankrupt, who had taken :\ run ol oSj acres at Peel Vorcst from vlie Land Board in • October, 1921. attributed his bankruptcy to excessive rental, cost of clearing and bush without anv adequate return, excessive cost of hauling, felliim, cutting up and carting timber to rp.Ur.eod, leaving no margin cf profit out of the wood. He was unitbks to buy. stock through shortness of capita],, and therefore had to nnnfiw liia affarix. to hush-felliniL etc.
The dirty stale of the run entailed continued work and.expenditure without return before it would be tit to run sheep on. He was unable to sell the goodwill, for which an offer of £OSO was made, but this fell through. An order was made against him in December, on a judgment summons for the payment of about £oj, or in. default 30 days' imprisonment. As he could not pay this amount when the warrant was issued, he was forced to file. He understood that two other judgment summonses had been, or were being, issued against him. Bankrupt was questioned at some length regarding the payment of his accounts. During the examination he admitted having paid some of his wife's debts, but said lie had always had the money' back from her. The Assignee intimated that all the amounts'would be checked. Electricity at Gleniti. The official switching on of electricilv in the Gleniti district took place last evening in the public hall, when there was a. large attendance. Speeches were made by Mr J. Kennedv chairman of the Power Board, and" Mr C. Dash, manager and member of the Board.. . The extinguishing of the old kerosene lamps was accompanied by the tune of ' ; Auld Lang Syne," and after the electric light had been switched on, dancing was carried on.
Burns' Night Conceit. The annual "Burns nicht" concert conducted by the Timaru Scottish Society, was held in the Unitarian Hall last evening, when there was a very large attendance. An address on the life of the Scottish poet was delivered by Mr G. Fleming, after which an enjoyable dance was held.
Evans ScuUs. The final race for the William Evans sculls took place in the Timaru harbour last evening between two crews from the Timaru Rowing Club. Weather conditions were ideal and a large number of spectators gathered on the wharf to witness the race. J. Bradley and 11. Beckett took the north course, while W. C. Daries and It. Williams rowed nearest the wharf. A keen race followed, Daviee taking ihe lead at the start. On entering the harbour mouth, however, Bradley's boat pulled ahead and at the finishing post had a lead of one length.
PERSONAL. Commissioner Hay, 0.8. E., accom panied by Ensign Hay, Brigadier Saunders, and Brigadier Wallace, arrived at Temuka yesterday afternoon and was accorded a civic reception at the Post Office. There was a good gathering of Salvationists and friends, among those present being the Mayor an-.'. Mayoress, and Ciw. ti minion and Cook : The Mayor and Cr. Gunnion, hi a feu well-chosen remarks, extended to tilt visitors a very hearty welcome tiTemuka, Commissioner Hay suitably responding. The Rev. A. J. Petrie, of L.ytteitoJi. who has been taking the Anglican services here for the past three weeks, ifi returning to. Lyttelton to-day. The Rev. and Mrs G. Nelham Watson and family, who have been in Lyt.telton for the past three weeks, return to Temuka to-day. Mr ,and Mrs L. Hen'dra; of AYangariui, are ..visiting Temuka... Miss I. McDonald is visiting her sister, Mrs M. Connell, Seadown.
Tarring and Sanding. Yesterday afternoon the Borough Council gang made a start tarring .ana sanding the sides of King street. As soon as the new large tar boiler arrives, it is intended to put bitumen down the centre of the street. , First Offender. At the Temuka Magistrate's.' Coin t yesterday morning, before Mr W. I r . Evans; J.P., a statutory hist offender, who was found drunk at the saleyaicis on the previous day,, and who was out on bail, was convicted and discharged. Borough Council. ' A special meeting of the Temuka Borough Council was held on Wednesday evening, to consider the quesciort of appointing the day to be observed as the weekly half-holiday for the'boough. Present: The Mayor (Mr G.'h. Cartwright), Crs. A. H. Fenn, T.,Gut>nion, D. White, W. F. Evans, J. B. Sinclair. J. B. Lee, J. Cook, and the Town Clerk (Mr A.'Macpherson). Ihe'j original motion that Thursday be the i half-holiday was put and carried.. Cr. Evans reported that the Tcmuk.i Business Men's Association had agreed to provide wood and coal for tna Timaru School picnics at the Domain nest month. An amended address to be presentc! to their Royal Highnesses from South Canterbury was read and approved. Temukd. Library. The linoleums and new furniture for the* new library building have now oeeti put into place, and the interior of tee' building is most attractive. The nev furniture consists of chairs, tables, ar.d newspaper stands. A meeting of the committee was held in the members', room on, Wednesday evening, there being present: Mr G. ,U. Cartwright (president), Mesdames T, E. Shiels, R, D. Gibb, and E. Blackmore, and Messrs D. White, L. ('». Scrimshaw, W. F. Evans, J. T. Smart, A. H. Fenn, and. F. W. Salmon. 'The chairman reported that the had obtained tenders from the lot?! furnishers, and the work had beeu carried out at a cost of £B2 18s od. Proper material and good workmanship had been put into the furniture, and ;i hearty vote of thanks was passed tc the executive for the very careful manner in which they had attended to fcl-c work.
The chairman's action in iiavmp domes fitted to the chairs and tabic-: at an eAra cast of 17s was appioved. The treasurer reported that £I4OO 8s 4d was owing on the building a..c! subscriptions received amounted to £l3 12s a?id contributions to £3 3s. A payment had been made to the contractor of £573. leaving £142 10s still owing on the contract price of £2?06.
Messrs Smart and McMillan wer« added to the book committee to iro through the books in store, anci Sir Fenn offered to dispose of the old f\:;niture.
Appreciation was expressed for MiSmith's action in preparing the documents to bring the property under tlu l Land Transfer Act free of costs, h:m: a hearty vote of'thanks was passed to Kim.
Tiie Phuiket Society through Mrs Armitage. drew attention to minor defects in tlie Plunket room, and ihe chairman and secretary were authorised to attend to the matter. Saturday. February 12th, was fixed for the official opening ceremony of tho library. The executive 1 with Mr Evans were empowered to make all arrangements 101'- the ceremony.
PERSONAL. Mrs R. J. Logan, Rangiora, is paying a visit to her mother, Mts J. I. Clarke, Harris street. Mr G. Shackell, who resigned his position with, the local branch of the C.F.C.A., to take up a .position at Gore, with Mrs Shackell and . child, left for the south yesterday., Mr L. J. Collins, clerk to the Wai r mate County Council, who goes on annual holiday leave on Saturday, intends to go on a motoring tour of the West Coast, Nelson, and Marlborough. Health Matters. Owing to the presence of certain horse and cow yards in the more thicklypopulated parts of the Borough, the Borough Council is seriously considering the advisability of proscribing a certain area in the Borough, in which horses and cows will not be.allowed to be kept.-A committee has been instructed to prepare a report. Dental Clinic
Proposals are under way for the establishment of a dental clinic in Waimato and the Waimate Borough Council and the District High School Committee ■ will shortly hold a conference in regard to fuller information relating to finance. 1 Girl Guides. • A large party.of the local corps of Girl Guides witli their friends, held a very pleasant picnic in Kelcy's Bush on Wednesday in beautiful weather conditions. A very interesting and instructive day was spent, and the party returned home in the evening well pleas'ed with the day's outing.
Salvation Army. A large attendance greeted Commissioner J. Hay, 0.8. E., the newly-ap-pointed Chief of the Salvation Army in New Zealand, on the occasion of his visit to AVaimatc. Brigadier Wallace (Cliristchurch) presided. The Mayor, Mr'G. Dash, extended a civic, welcomo to the Commissioner, and paid a tribute to his work and the work of the Salvation Army in Waimate. The Commissioner spoke in appreciation of the welcome extended to him. He referred to the growth of the Army throughout the world, and especially in Xcw Zealand.. During the evening Adjutant Hay, the Commissioner's daughter, sang new Salvation Army songs.
Obituary. Mrs Murdoch Mcliae, one of the oldest residents of Kedcliff, passed away after a brief illness recently, at the •ice of 57. The funeral took place on Thursday, January 20th, when the respect and esteem in which she was held was testified by the lengthy cortege which followed the remains to the enveside. Manv beautiful wreaths and Tokens of sympathy were .received by the bereaved family. . . Mrs Alcliae was born in Scotland in ISOO and in ISBO, with her father, Mr Gco.'cockburn, and seven brothers and Xters, came out to New Zealand and •fried in Koxburgh, Otago. There she J J Air Murdoch. McKae to whom, at the -ice of 22, she was married m Duncdin Shortly.*«erwr.rds Hicv tool: up laud « ll f V '; V I AlcKae leaves a family of lour 80 J Duncan Meßac, lay, and Donald McKa«, and LaeUtia
Meßae, wlo are still at home. Mrs McKae has a brother, Mr Robert Cock* burn in. Roxburgh, and a sister, Mrs Russell, in Christchurch. ,
FAIRLIE. Mi" F. ,J. Jones, chairman of the Railway Board of Management, and Mr A. W. : Mouat, member of the Board, accompanied by Messrs •R; I».' Kent, District Superintendent. Mr W. R. Davidson, Assistant Chief Engineer, Mr.AVest, Traffic Manager, and Mr Ben-' zoni, Traffic Engineer, visited Fairlie on "Wednesday morning. They were met on arrival by. the chairman of the Mackenzie County Council,. Mr C. J. Talbot, Mr A. F. Campbell, and Mr H. P. Manaton, members of the Council, and Mr R. S. Banks, County Engineer. Mr Talbot welcomed the Board'to'Fairlie. He said the people of the district appreciated much the improvements which had been carried out in/the railway yards at Fairlie, and also the improved train service on the Fairlie line. Ho hoped that this improved service would' have the effect of eliminating the' competition iof the bus. There wore* several. improvements that lie had still to suggest. Among them was the use of second-class carriages with cross-seating, sirai.lar to those in use on the main line, with a eteam heating system in .winter time. Hie present stock and.goods train, if made to run earlier in the day, would be more suitable. In the past, a stock train had been run from Fairlie on sale days. This was now discontinued. If the usual goods train which ran on sale days was delayed until after the sale, it would be sufficient for the needs of the district. Mr F. J. Jones, chairman of the Board, in replying.to the deputation, said that the sheep yards would be altered to suit the requirements. Regarding the matter oi giving better accommodation on. the trains, this had already been discussed, and he thought that the improvement would be made. The difficulty at. present was in getting suitable cars. The matter of steam heating would bo looked into. At present it was only in use on the main lines. He thought that thero would be no difficulty Tn arranging for, the train on sale days to meet the requirement of stockmen, arid the' matter would be gone into. The party left by train, accompanied by the members "of the County Council, to inspect a proposed alteration in the road line near Albury, in order to do away with two level crossings there.
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Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 18911, 28 January 1927, Page 8
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3,085TIMARU AND SOUTH CANTERBURY NEWS. Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 18911, 28 January 1927, Page 8
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