0 • FINE DISPLAY AT SOUTHBRIDGE. 'While smaller entries have been the rule at most of the flower shows held recently, the Southbridge Horticultural Society received almost a record entry for its 2Sth annual show, which took place at the Town Ilall on Thursday. The actual number received wa3 790, and the Society's record is in the vicinity of SOO. Not only was the entry very large, but competent judges declared that the all-round high quality of the exhibits, particularly the cut "flowers, vegetables, and cookery, justified the claim that ihe show was one of the best the Society had ever held. The success of the annual fixture lies very largely in the fact j that the exhibitors are very numerous; it is not a case of a mere liar.dful cf people making up the whole 3hovr. Last year, for instance, the total w.niber of persons exhibiting was 120, and over 100 received prizes. The numbers would be much about the same this year. The Society has a membership of over .100, and includes many keen enthusiasts. All the arrangements for the latest show were admirably carried out, anil the Society is very fortunate in having as its lion, secretary Mr A. J. Inwood, who has been a member from the very beginning, and who devotes a great deal of time to advancing its interests. In the unavoidable absence of the patron, the Hon. Sir Heaton Khodes, who was detained in Wellington, and who telegraphed an apology for his absence, the show was officially opened by Mr D. .Tones, M.P., who congratulated the Society and the exhibitors upon the splendid display, and wished the Society a prosperous future. Two of the judges, Messrs L. Paynter ("Agricultural Department) and R. Nairn, also offered their congratulation* The door takings showed an increase, and among the large number of visitors drawn from a wide district was Lady Rhodes. The judges were as> follows: Pot plants and cut blooms, Mr K. Nairn (Ohristchurch /; decorative. Miss N. | Kiver (Christchurch); fruit and vegetables, Mr L. Paynter (Christchurch); industrial, Mrs B. Nairn (Christchurch); cookery arid produce, Mrs'Anderson and Miss Wsshbourne (Christchureh); school work, Mr G. Jr. Pilkington (Marshland). Following is the prize-list, the number of entries in each class being given in parentheses:— Prize List. POT PLANTS. Aspidistra (2): Mrs H. Schnelle 1, XT. A. Wheeler 2. Single fuchsia (4): W. G. AVroot 1, Mrs J. Ballagh and Mrs Skelion (equal) 2. Petunia (2): Miss Edith Hurford 1, H. A. Wherler 2. Single geranium (3): Mrs W. C!. AVroot 1, Mrs J. Adams 2. Double geranium (3): Mrs W. G. Wroot 1 and 2. Variegated geranium (1): Mrs W. G. Wroot 1. Tvy geranium (2): Mrs W. G. Wroot 1, Miss McCartin 2. Flowering begonia (I): H. A. .Wheeler 1. Specimen foliage plant (4): H. A. Wheeler 1, Mrs- .T. Adams 2. Fern (2): Mrs J. Ballstgh 1 and 2. Asparagus (3): Mrs R. Rowe 1, If. A. Wheeler 2. Plant not in catalogue (3): Miss G. Ton- 1, Mrs W. G. Wroot 2. CUT FLOWERS. Three carnations (6): Miss Ethel Hurford 1, ilrs Rkelton. 2. Collection carnations (fi); Captain Tahu Rhodes 1, Mrs L Mo . Gill 2. Six pansies (2): Mrs W. Lilley ], Mrs I. McGill 2. Calceolaria (1): Miss Tnwoodr 1. Lilium, one stem (4): Miss Ethel Hurford 1, Miss McCartin 2. Lilium, three, stems (1): Miss Ethel Hurford 1. Gladioli, three stems (2): Mrs W. G. Wroot 1, Mrs AV. Lilley 2. Collection gladioli (2) : Mrs W. G. Wroot, 1, Mrs W. Lillev 2. On© rose (3): AV. M. Gabbie 1, Captain Tahu Rhodes 2. Three roses (3): W. M. Gabbie 1, Captain Tahu Rhodes 2. Six rofes (6): W. M. Gabbie 1, Captain Tahu Rhodes 2. Twelve roses (2): Captain Tahu Hhodes 1, AV. M. Gabbie 2. Three pentstcmons (4): Mrs I. McGill 1, Miss Armstrong 2. Single Dahlias (1) : Captain Tahu Rhodes 1. Cactus/dahlias 0): Mrs W. G. Wroot, 1. Collection dahlias (1): Captain Tn.hu Rhodes 1. Three verbenas (51: Mrs W. Lilley 1 and 2. Collection .verbenas- Oil.;. J|ra W Lilley J. Sweet William (4): Mrs W. G. Wroot 1 and 2. Antirrhinums (5): Mrs W. Lillev 1 and 2.- Ten-week stocks (4): Mrs W. G. Wroot 1 and 2. • Dianthus (4): Mrs f.T, Matcolmson 1, Mrs W. Lillev 2. Nas--1 turt-iums (7): Mrs F. Kimber 1, Mrs W . G. Wroot 2, Mrs W. Lilley 3. Nemesis, (6): Mrs W. Lilley 1, Captain Tahu Rhodes 2. Schizanthus (4): Mr 3 A. Gosden 1, Mrs W. /Lillev 2. Frtnch marigolds (7): Mrs' w. G Wroot. 1 and 2. Three phloxes (2): Mrs ■T. Ballagh 1, Miss Ethel Hurford 2. Collection phloxes (2): Captain Tahu Rhodes 1 'Mrs AV. Lilley 2. Single petunias (3): Mrs I. McGill 1, Mrs W. G. Wroot 2. Zinnias (4): Mrs .W. G. Wroot 1 and 2. Single geranium (8): Miss M. Inwood 1, Mrs J. Ballaeh 2, Double geranium (9): Miss Inwood 1, Mrs W. G. Wroot. 2, Mrs AV. Lilley 3. Collection geraniums (o): Mrs 1 McGill 1, Mrs Skelton 2. Collection poppies (2): Mrs W. G. Wroot 1 and 2. Iceland poppies (3): Mrs W. G Wroot 1, Mrs W. Lillev 2. Gaillardia (2): Mrs I. McGill 1 Mrs W. G. Wroot 2 Salpiglossis (1): Mrs W. G. Wroot 1. Sweet peas six varieties (2): Captain Tahu Rhodes 1, Miss Ethel Hurford 2. Sweet peas, 12 varieties (1): Captain Tahu Rhodes 1. Collection annuals (7): Mrs F. W. Scott 1, Mrs I. McGill and Captain Tahu Rhodes (equal) ... Collection of perennials (5): Captain Tahu Rhodes 1, Mrs J. Ballngh 2. Collection of flowering shrubs (5): Captain -Tahu Rhodes 1, Mrs V G. Wroot 2.- Hydrangea (2). Miss G. Tong 1 and 1 2. DECORATIVE. Decorated basket (4): Mrs F. W. Scott 1. Mrs J. S. Inwood 2. Hand bouquet"of roses (2): Mtb J. S. Inwood 1, Mrs F. W. Scott 2 Single vaso (6): Miss Ethel Hurford 1, Mrs F. W. Scott 2 and 3. Pair vases (4): Mrs F W Scott 1 and 2. Bowl of flowers (5) ■ Mrs F. AV. Scott'l, 2, and 3. Dress bouquet (4). Mrs V. AV. Scott 1 and 2. Lady's epray (8): Miss G. Greenall 1, Mr> J S 5 . Inwocxl 2 Mrs'F, W. Scott 3 Buttonhole (11): Mrs F. W. Scott 1 and 2 Miss Ethel Hurford 3. Dinner table decoration (S): Mrs F. W. Scott 1 and 2, Mrs J. b. Inwood 3. FRUIT. Heaviest gooseberries (3): Mrs J". Ballech 1 H. J. Greenwood 2. Dessert gooseberries' (4): H. J. Greenwood 1, R- ® Raspberries (5): Miss Armstrong i, Mrs W. G AVrc-ot If B'.ack currants (1): K, Kov.e I 1." Loganberries (3): A. Tong 1, R. Bowe 2. Peaches (2): Miss Armstrong 1 and I. Plums (4): R. Rowe. 1, A. Tong 2. Dessert i arr>les 4): AV. G. Wroot 1, Captain Tahu I R.hodo3 2. Collection apnles <3l: Captain Tahu Rhodes 1, Mrs F. Kimoer 2. Cooking apolea (6): James Hannah 1, Mrs *.. Kimber 2 and 3. Pickling walnuts (o): Mrs F. Kimber 1 and 2, T. Gordon 3. VEGETABLES. Butter beans (2): Mrs F. Kimber 1 and 2. Bread beans (1): Mrs F. Kimber 1. Ben Bowe 2. Frer.oh beans (o) r Mr 3 \v. Or. AVroot 1. F. H. Greenwood 2.®. Runner beans (4): Mrs Kimber 1 and Dwarf j and runner beans (li: Mrs F. Kimbei 1. j •Heaviest cabbage (9): A. Greenwood 1, Mrs F Kimber 2, Miss Edith Hurford 3.. Cab- , bage for table (13): Mrs J. Williamson 1. Miss Edith Harford r 2, H J. Greenwood | 13. Cauliflower (3): Mrs J. Ballagh 1, ijr . lAV G. Wroot 2. Vegetable marrow (2): Mrs , '■ F Kimber 1. Peas in pod (15): Mrs i. J [Kimber 1 and 2, Mrs AV. G Wroot 3. I Shelled peas - (42): Mrs James Hannah 1, • Mrs F. Kimber 2 and 3. Rhnbaib (<)• Mrs 7. Williamson 1, Mrs I. McGill 2, Miss , Kdith Hurford 3. Tomatoes (3): Mrs i.i Kimber 1. Lettuce (8): Mrs i. Kimber 1, j and 3 Long red beet (3): Mrs £. Kimber 1 and 2 Globe beet (5): J. S In- _ v-notT 1. Mrs F. Kimber 2. Carrots 13): -b. ][a - ; 1. J. s. Inwood 2. Potatoes, vhito > skin '■)! ■ Mrs F. Kimber 1. T. Gordon 2. : PotatoM, red Mdn (V,-. E. Hall 1 and 2, T. (• ordon Three varieties potatoes (5): Mn F. Kimber 1, T. Gordon 2. Shallots • B'. : 11. J. Greenwood 1 and 2. Onions i- J. S. Inwood 1. Picklins onions (1): ,Mvs AV. G. Wroot 1. Parsnips (2); Mrs W. G Wroot 1, H. J. Greenwood 2. Turnips •;sh- Mr 3F. Kimber 1, -2. and 3. Collection vegetables (4)-. Captain Tahu Rhodes 1, Mrs IT, Kimber 2, Mrs W. G-. "U'root 3.
INDUSTRIAL. Mc-ioring bag (lh Hiss Ethe! Hurford 1. . Camiaols (i;: Mrs J. Adams 1. Eyelet embroidery (2): Mrs James Hannah 1, Miss Ar.uio Howson 'J. Crochet d'oyley (8): Mrs G.'Marriott 1 and 3. Tray or supper cloth (fi: Miss Ethel Hut-ford 1, Mrs J. Hampton ar.d Mrs G. Marriott -2. Col'-cctior. crochet work (3): Mrs G. Marriott 1, Mrs 2, Miss Edith Hurford h c. Oil painting, il): Mrs Skelton 1. Collection of needlework by Technical student (1): Miss G. Tong 1. Cans basket Ethel Hurford 1. Cane tray (1): Miss Et|bel Hurford 1. Tussock basket (2): Miss EQiel Hurford 1, Mrs F. Kimber 2. Doeskin or euede gloves (2): Miss Ethel Hurford 1, Mise Simpson ■2. Embossed - leather fire screen &i h&W&W h sood.
work by Technical student (1): E. "W. Chapir an 1. Specimen of crochet work for exhibition on'y: Mirs Emily Hun'ord. | " PBOBUCE. ; Scones (12): II ss A. Ku-scl! 3. Miss I Adunis 2 and h c, Mr." G. Cov.idrn 3. ! j Shortbread ;>■: Mrs 11. liobinsna 1, Mrs G. 1 G««'id»n 2, Mrs J. Wi'Jiatnson R. Bmd. i I homo-made ''2>: Mi" H. .Schnciie 1. ;.T■>.= I t -" 11:1F i Hun'ord 2. F:u:i or:-? IS': Mr." 11. ! SihntUe I, Mrs \V. Low-'ry 2, 2'h; "Williamson 3, Mrs J. h c. Mrs 1". Kiaibcr c. Iced cuke i?: : : Mi 3 If. fithnciie 1, Mrs Ci. Guiiklea 2. Sponge cak* (fi:: Mrs J. IVniisiion 1, Mrs W. C. Hickman 2, I',lrs Kimbjr 3. sindwich (ID: Miss A. I{us«.->1! J, 2-.L.-S Adams 2. Mrs G. Gou'den 3, Mis J. Thompscn h c, Mrs J. WilHamsnn r. Soi-d r:'.:c U ft >: -*-s V>\ C. l/ov/ery 1. Mr; V,*. (". Hickman 2, Mrs G. Gonlden 3, Mrs G. }!. Byde h c. Gingcrrr- 1 :Gi: Ml 3 Y>*. C. K'r. - .b?r 2. Mrs G. tk.jlrlr-n S, Mrs J. Wil-■iims-Mi !i c. -?? '■ I. G. G'iu:do!! 2 nr:d "l; c, Mrs IV. C. Loivsrr 3. Pastry >!): .Mrs H. !-V:;ne)]p 1. C'tfani Y;'i::3 iT'i: Mr? O. Gcv.iden 1. JI:3 V". C. I.rj-Aviy 2, Mrs r. H. Green-''■'no-l ]f. S-chr.i-i'.o !-. c. Vlutu pud- ■ i.irvr !?,<-. .MIJ j'\ S-IJ-iJock 1 8 P-d 2. Mrs ,T. W:I!:-;niH->n 3. airs u. sciirw-Ua h c. Apple n; - A, ] ( Jus 11. So."!T:t;: !o v r.:~' ** r . ."V Mrs 'ihorr'.pson h c. . V:ir:.;r (lOi: M'ss Eddy 1. Mrs J. '2, Mis J. A''arr.~ S, Mrs J. TTiorapj iii hc. Mrs G. G --jldr-n c. Hen rgg-i i4>: Mrs 11. S'.'hnr-i'e 1 and 2. Buck '•jrg3 (l«: Mrs J. Adams 1. Extracted honc-y, liquid (s': Mis 11. Sc'nnclie 1, Mrs W. G. V\~!'■ '")' '2 nnd F. Birch h c and r. T'x'ra.-trd ii-vif-y, (2): H. Pohnp!!? 1. Mrs 1". Birch 2. .Tain Mrs H. Schrol l " 1 n>;d 2, Mrs F. ICimVr 3 and' li c. Marnia'.nda ( : H;: Mrs f. Birch 1 ard 2, Mr'. J. "Wi'.'inmson ATine I'-'): ?f. Jlra 7i". fvcV.npl'e 3, 2, and 3. Pirklca (3): Mrs TI. Scisiifiio 1, 2, and 3. Tomato sauce it*}: ir.rs !•'. K'r,:ber j, 2, 3, and h c. Mrs T!. Eowe c. Pi'im s.vaco ('<>: Mrs F. Kimbpr I, 3 and U c. Mrs J. 'Williamson 2. C'hntnev (.5): Mr? A. Givpiv.vood 1, Mrs H. Sflinelle 2 and 3. Eoitied gc'-srbcrries (13): Mrs-D. Hurford 1. Mrs Gouldcn 2 and 3, Jlrs H. Sciinelio ii c. Preserved fniit,, Iwo varieties (6): Mrs Goulclen 1. Mrs F. Kimbur 2. Mrs J. Wil'.inmson 3. Collection preserved fniit (2): Mrs H. Scbne le 1. Mrs F. Kimber 2. Home-cured Imm (4): Mrs W. 0. AVioot 1 and 2, Mrs G. Goulden 3. Mrs B. RSwe h c.
INTERMEDIATE SECTION. (13 and under 1R years.) Apple pic (1): Miss V. Hickman 1. Plain scones (2): Miss Margaret Hurford 1, Miss F. Hii-kmw '-• Cakps. tbrpe varieties (1): Miss A'. Butler 1. Plain cake (3): Miss V. Butler 1. Miss I". Hickman "-'. Fruit cake (;;): Miss G. Grepnall 1, Miss F. Hickman 2. Jam sponge U) : Miss V. Buller 1. Miss Itarv Patterson 2, Miss Margaret Hurford 3. Sponge roll (:i) : Miss V. Butler 1, Miss F. Hickman 2. Miss M. Hurford 3. Pikelets (2) : Miss M. Hurford 1, Miss V. Butler 2. JUNIOR. (Under 15 years.) Applie pie (3): Tlielma Lilley .1 and 2, C. Hickman .'!. Plain ■ scones (3): Hilda Heybourn 1, 0. Hickman 2, Lucy Hurford 3. Jam sponge (5): Hilda Heybourn 1, C. Hickman 2, L. M. Inwood 3. Specimen darning, by boy or girl ('.',): Lucy Hurford 1. Hilda Heybourn 2. Buttonholes on calico CSV: Hilda Heybourn .1, C. Hickman and Lucy Hurford (equal) 2. Gentleman's buttonhole (8): Gladys Hill 1, Hilda Heybourn 2, Lucy Hurford 11. Special for sewing, school work, Standards T. and 11. (3): Jeannie Greenwood 1. Edith Inwood 2. Special for sewing, Standards 111. and I.V. (■">): Ethel Hannah .1, Ellen Marsli 2. Special for sewing, Standards V. and VI. (5): Eileen Maw .1, Hilda Hevbourn and Gladys Hill (equal) 2. Lady's sprav (6) : Thelma Lillev 1 and 2. Vase of flowers (5): Thelma Lilley 1, Gladys Hill 2. Dinner-table decoration (2) : Thelma Lilley 1, Gladys Hill 2. Collection of woodwork, primary school (2) : Cecil G. AVroot 1, Horace Hickman 2. Collection of -woodwork, secondary school (1): Harold Hill 1. Handwriting, Standards 111. and IV. (1): Jane Martin 1. Handwriting, Standards V. and VI. (4): Margaret Gulliver h Ruby Green•wood 2. Crayon drawing, Standards 111. rind IV. (3) : Doris Freeman 1, Clara Greenwood 2. Crayon dra-wing, Standards A', and VI. '.(.0.): Albert Duff i. Ruby Greenwood 2. Allan Goulden 3. Collection of vegetables .grown by,'schoolboy (3): (~'pc.il G. .Wro.ot-■J,-Ben Rowe'2. Best-kept plot' in Southbridge School gardens (1): George Adams 1. SPECIAL TRIBES. Most points in fruit, flowers,, and vegetables (past-president's • shield), Mrs F. Kimber. Dr. Withers Memorial Rose Bowl for six roses, M. McGnbbio (won for the sixth time). Most points in cut flowers (Sir Heaton Rhodea's Cup), Mrs AV. G.'AVroot. Most points in decorative section, silver cup given by Miss Scott, won for.the second, time in .succession by Mrs F. W. Scott, whose property it becomes. Most points' in the . show (President's Cup): Mrs AV. G. AVroot 05 points, Mrs F. Kimber 90, points. Most points in vegetable section' (Mr A. J. In wood's cup), Mrs F, Kimber, won .outright.. Teapot given by Mr ff. Mumby. for bottle gooseberries preserved in water, Mrs D. Hurford.. ..... . Most,points, in pot plants, MrS-AVroot.. Most points ,in fruit, R.' Rcwe. , ." ' Most points 'in c'pbk'ery and produce. Mrs. Scbnello. Moat points in junior section, Thelma Lilley.
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Press, Volume LXII, Issue 18591, 16 January 1926, Page 4
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2,537HORTICULTURAL SHOW Press, Volume LXII, Issue 18591, 16 January 1926, Page 4
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