Tie Lady Editor will b» pleased to receive for publication in tn» "Women's Comer" items of social or personal news. Such item* should be folly authenticated, and engagement notices must bear ths signatures of ioth parties.' Oorleipondence is invited on any matters affecting, or of interest to, women, Mrs Maxwell D*?ans, North Canterbury, has taken Riccarton House for a few months, and is coming to town this week. Mr and Mrs F. C. Cooper (Sumner) left on Saturday to join the Aorangi at Auckland en routs for Vancouver. Mrs Vernon has returned from a visit, to Duncdin. Mrs Redmond Xcill, who has been t he guest, of Mrs George Gould, Fendalton, is returning home to-day. Mrs J. A. <S. Wait (Riccarton;, accompanied by Miss MarjoHo Wait, has returned irom. a visit to Havelock North. Mr and Mrs Derrick Gould are leaving to-dav for Timaru, to spend the Christmas with Mr and Mrs Arthur Elworthy, Holme station. Miss Patricia Clark has been appointed to the position on the staff of the Girls' High. School, rendered vacant by the resignation of Miss D. M. Stewart.
Mr W. H.-Norton and Miss Peggy Norton are leaving to-night, en route for Auckland, where they will spend afew weeks.
Miss Catherine Hogg, who, during the absence on leave of Miss D. J. Bone, has for the past year undertaken relieving work ■at the Girls' High School, has been appointed to the B Grade vacancy caused by the appointment of Miss Bono to an A Grade position.
•The Misses Morkanc are leaving today to spend Christmas and Now Year in Duncdin. Dr. and Mrs J. Gore Newell are leaving on Thursday for a trip to the Franz Josef Glacier.
Mr and Mrs H. G. Livingstone are leaving on Thursday for a motor-trip to Dunedin and Southland. Mr and Mrs C. It. Kiver and family arc going to-morrow to New Brighton, where .they have taken a houso for a few weeks. Miss Irene F. Milnes and l Miss Alison M. Burns, at present holding D Grade positions on the staff of the "Girls' High School, have been appointed to C Grade positions. Dr. and Mrs Maurice Louisson ari leavinjr to-morrow for a holiday visit to Palmerston North.
Mr and Mrs J.- S. Neville have taken a house at Clifton, Sumner, for the Christmas and New Year holidays. Mrs E. Holmes, for five years subMatron at Acland House, has resigned. Mrs T. W. Lewis and family left today for tho Hormitage, Mt. Cook, where they will spend the Christmas and New Year holidays. Miss Euth. Jefeoate. ("Avoalea," Cambridge terrace) returns to her.home from the north to-dav. . ;
Miss Helen Laing (Ashburton) left on Friday for the North Island, on a visit to Mrs P. (Masterton). Miss Barbara Morgan is staying with Mrs A. V. Pilbrow (Ashburton). Mr J. Pycroft and Miss Alice Pycroft (Opawa) are leaving this evening for a tour of tho North Island.
At yesterday's meeting of the Board of 'Governors'"of "Canterbury 'Cdllege, tho resignation of Mrs R. E. Harrison, Matron of Eolleston Honso, was accepted as from December 31st, 1925. Afiss D. M. Stewart has resigned from the staff of the Girls'' High School as from January 31st. Miss M. Williams, at present Matron, of Adams House, has been appointed to the position of Matron of Rolleston House (vice, Mrs. Harrison resigned), the appointment to date as from January Ist, 1926. Mrs Norton Griffiths has been appointed ' to the position of Matron of Adams House, vice Miss Williams, the appointment'to date as Jfrom January Ist, 1926.
Doctors say that to keep Baby in glowing health —from the tips of his pink toes to the top of his curly little head—clean, sweet' clothes are vitally important. Thousands of Motflers find that the gentle cleansing'father of Verbena Soap gives them just the right washing help for keeping Baby's things sweet and safely clean. Mc 7012-1 White Canvas Half-price Shoes.— Ladies' best white canvas lace Shoes, were 13s 6d now 6s 9d; Courts, were 10s 6d now 5s 6d, were 15s now 7s 6d;' Brogue 2,-bar,, were 18s 6d now 9s 3d; White Buck Oxfords, were, 35s now l 7 s 6d, were 30s now' 15s; White Buck Shoes, Louis heels, 10s, at Pannells', 105 Manchester street. -<• —6 HEAD MASSAGE. '" When you massage »your'shapely head with that lovely, rich Ivory Soap.lather, and feci the tiny cleansing, bubbles gotting right down to the depths of your hair, you, too, will know how-pure and mild Ivory Soap is. And, oh! how fine your head will feel, and how beautiful your hair will 100k —soft and fluffy, and deliciously clean-smelling. 6 FREE SAMPLE OF "KOENUT." We are so satisfied that tho quality of "Koenut" Emulsified Cocoanut Oil Shampoo is right that we ask you to try it at our expense. We will send you a generous sample on receipt of your name and address and two penny stamps. Address enquiry "Koenut," P.O. Box 1052, Christchurch. —5 COMFORTABLE STOCKINGS. The lergo elastic tops of " Dependon" mercerised" Lisle' stdckings"enable' them to be worn with comfort by any woman. And not only this, but they :*ro such reliable hose, stockings you can absolutely depend on. Shops which sell "Bear Brand" silk hose can supply you with "Dcpcndon." —6 RECIPE FOR TRIFLE. One tin Gold Reef Pineapple (grated), 3oz cako crumbs '(sponge), one teaspoon lemon juice, sugar. Put grated Gold Reef Pineapple into glass dish, sprinkle with fine sugar and lemon juice, cover with sponge cake crumbs, and'over this, put whipped cream. Your grocer sells Gold Reef Pineapple (tinned). — 9 A woman's first duty to herself is "to retain Nature's, greatest gift—the magic of a beautiful face. The skilled facial massage at the Egyptus Rooms, 769 Colombo street, under direction of. Miss Cecile Kennedy, is working wonders with tired-looking, "old?' faces." Do try'the treatment.' 'Phone 5158. * H>
Miss Broadhcad lias been awarded the Canterbury College prize in music. Mr and Mrs Harry Koberts left Christcbureh yesterday ou an extended tour of the North Island. Mrs A. Me A dam (Whitelcigh avenue, Lower Riccarton) leaves for Timaru tomorrow morning. Mrs Frank Mills (Auckland) is visiting he-r mother, Mrs Walter Moore, Fendalton. Mrs Claude Sawtell and Mrs Avery (Napier) left yesterday for Duncdin. Mrs G. l>. Greenwood (Trviotdale) is spending a few days at Cranmcr square. T?ooent arrivals at- the Clarendon Hotel include Mr and Mrs £. Bitchi© (Invcrcargill). Among the guests at the Fnited Service Hotel are Mi ;mcl Mrs Bernard Trii>p (Timaru), Mr and Mrs A. IMcDougall (Wellington), and Miss Violet Livingston (Dunedin). Mr and Mrs E. W. Griffith (London), Mils W. Mnofartanc. and Miss Marinrlane. and Mrs T/eslie Mac-far la no (Culverden) are at Warner's Hotel. A social gathering, at which a programme of musical and dramatic items will ho given, will be held in the Jellieoe Hall this evening. AM those who attend the Cathedral services are invited to- be present. At the annual distribution of prizes at the Cashmere Srhool on Thursday afternoon. Miss Walter, on leaving for the Training College, was the recipient of a leather attache case from the pupils of the Fourth Standard. On Thursday evening at St. Luke's Schoolroom, effectively decorated for the occasion, a Christmas party was given by Mrs George H. Leo to the ohoir boys of St. Luke's Church. A very happy time was.spent, and before the* guests departed Mrs Lee presented each boy with a book. Archdeacon F. N. Taylor and the organist, Mr Lomas, wero "amongst thoso present.
Miss E. M. Burns has been released from' her position as needlework instructress at the Girls' High School, as from the end of the year, to enable the Education Board to have her full-time services. At, yesterday's meeting of the Board of Governors of Canterbury College, it was decided to send her a letter congratulating her on her new appointment, and expressing appreciation of her excellent work at the Girls' High School during tho past thirteen years.
Tho Misses Hunter were joint hostesses at a most enjoyable "bine and white" afternoon on Thursday, given at their home in Burnett street, Ashburton, in honour of-Miss Colleen Orbell, who is shortly to bo married. On account of tho Tain, tennis had to be abandoned, so ping-pong was enjoyed. The gnest of the afternoon was tho : recipient of many useful gifts. 'Amongst those present were:—Mesdames Hunter, Fisher, Connor, A. Nicoll, D. Christie, Misses Hunter (3), C. Orbell, M. Jennings, K. Biishell, M. Buchanan, J. Coward, Cameron, H. Laing. On Saturday, afternoon Miss Dorothy Wicks gave a happy little "break-up" party at her home for her junior pianoforte pupils. The time passed quickly ; with games, competitions, and musical litems, each child contributing-a pianoforte solo. After the musical programme, a number of songs, dances, and recitations were given by the children. Those performing wore :r—lnez and Nola Donovan, Cyril Blanchard, Jean Staunton, Gwen Glasspn, Joan and Bert Hughes, Freda Williamson, Brenda Edwards, Margaret Douglas, Jean Prosper, Eita Hutchinson, Dawson . and ,Ewart Douglas, Edna Lister, Gwen and Noeline Whittingtonj'Neil Harris, Betty Findlay, Northleigh Reeve, and Jack Glasson.
Mrs George Gould, assisted by Miss Hester Goixld, dispensed tea at the polo ground yesterday, afternoon, when the final of the Tahu Cup Match was played. Amongst the ladies present were: Mrs Hutton and her daughter, jLady Evelyn Maude, Mrs Arthur ' Ehodes, Mrs Boyle, Mrs George Rhodes, Hon. Mrs Tahu Rhodes, Mrs : Roger Gould, Mrs Derrick Gould, Mrs Algar .Williams, Mrs George Hutton, Mrs Charles Miller, Mrs Griffiths, Mrs Bernard Tripp, Mrs J. G. MacbnaJd, i : Mrs Walter Moore, Mrs Frank Mills, Mrs Peter Johnson, Mrs Ynyr Robin- ! son, Mrs Denis Chapman, MissesßromI ley " Cocks, Dorothy Bowden, Phyli.lis Boyle, Mary Mr.cdon'ald, Helen Deardon, Margaret Elworthy, and I Kitto 1 (3). '
On Friday morning a pleasant little function tepk place at Miss DevereuxJones' Kindergarten School (Puriri street, Riccarton), the occasion being the annual ''Break-up." After the first item, little Joan Dew and Bruce Garth presented their teacher with a beautiful bouquet. Time passed all too quickly with songs, dancing, and recitations, which were heartily appreciated by tho parents present. „l Later Enid Rowe and Dorothy Simpson, on behalf of their little classmates, • made a Presentation of a xylonite mirror, brush, and comb to Miss DevereusJones, who feelingly responded. "God Save the King" brought the function to a close.
On Fridav evening, at the residence of Mrs Leonard Waters, West Lyttelton, ,a very enjoyable dance was given in honour of Mr A. G. Neall, London. Dancing took place in the drawingroom, which was tastefully decorated with coloured lights and streamers. A delightful supper was served in the din-ing-room, where the decorations were arranged in the form of a maypole. Among those present were Mrs L. A. Waters, Misses Merle Miller, Phyllis Plinimer, Belle Renaut, Tiny Stevenson, Ilea Sutcliffe, Messrs L. A. Waters, A. G. Neall, Bernard Judge, P. Bartlett, A. W. Coles, C. Brown, J. McGregor, and A. Kane. Miss Dorothy Salter and pupils recently gave a demonstration of aural culture at St. Augustine's Schoolroom, Cashmere Hills. This was the first demonstration of its kind in New Zealand, and the programme .proved an interesting one to the large audience. Examples of tho different .sections of the work were given in an efficient manner by the class. At the close ot the demonstration, tho pioneer Aural Culture class presented Miss Salter with a bouquet and a powder howl.
A "break-up" demonstration and dance was given by Madame Alwyn's pupils, in her neV studio in Briscoe a buildings, last night. Tho rooms were tastefully decorated in yellow and black, 'and a large number of pupil a and friends contributed towards the evening's entertainment. The following programme was arranged : Demonstration of physical culture By the" Junior Ladies' Class, exercises for correcting nervous disorders, bv Miss A. Greig; Maori hafca, Junior Ladies' Class; exercise* for weight-reducing, demonstrated by t». Bowers and A. Meggett; the new .Morris exercises for deportment by Junior Ladies' Class. Madame Alwyn received her guests wearing a gojd sheathi frock tritli black fringed overdress.
THE PLUNKET SOCIETY. The monthly committee meeting of ' the Royal New Zealand Society for the of "Women and Children was j held in the Pltmket rooms. There uere present: —Mesdamcs J. Cracroft Wilson (in the chair), J. G. Hawkins, G. Aitken, ]?'. "Wilding. E. Harper, E. Cordner, E. Harris, "W. Ingle, Geo. Rhodes. A. R. Bloxam, M. jh. Godby, R. Morten, E. Boulton, G. Lester, C. Chilton. J. H. BlackweH, and Cecil Wood. Apologies were received from Mesdames lalni Rhodes, W. A. Whit-lock, E. Garland. J. K. Archer. .T. K. Neville. H. E. Smith. R. Anderson, Acton-Adams,-and Miss Bagley. The president reported that a snbCDmnuttee had been set up in Sydenham. and it had been decided to call the branch ''The Bydenham-Cashmere Hills Sub-Branch." Mrs P. Greenwood 1 had been appointed president, Miss Bowron had agreed to act a-s honorary secretary, and Mrs R. W. Anderson as honorary treasurer. The Mothers' Cottage at Karitane Baby Hospital was almost finished and would probably be opened early in the new year. Mrs Geo, Rhodes trns appointed' to aet 011 the Hospital House Committee in place of Mrs Harper, who was retiring. The delegates appointed to attend the Interim Conference of the Society in I)miedin on December 2nd. reported on the many interesting remits that were discussed —among which was one suggesting that a chair of infant, welfare be established in connexion with the Medical College in Dunedin. j For the Knritane Baby Hospital, the matron reported 11 babies admitted. 13 discharged, one died. 14 in hospital, 6 j mothers admitted, 6 discharged', 2 in hospital. Classes from the Girls' High School haVe attended lectures and demonstrations on infant welfare. The , director of Plunket. Nursing ■visited the hospital to lecture to the final term nurses and examine them in practical work. Nurse Batchelor completed her training. Nurse Brid'ge commenced training. Gifts were received with grateful thanks from Mesdames Brownlee and Godley and anonymous donors. For the office, Nurse MoClea reported 765 adults and 716 babies visited the central rooms, 482 visits were paid to homes by the nurses, 10-5 new cases were seen, and advice given to 18 expectant mothers. The out-stations' nurse reported' as follows:—Two visits paid to Leeston and Southbrid.se. Four visits paid to Belfast and Kaiapoi. One hundred and eleven adults and 105 babies visited the rooms in the various districts, four new cases were seen, and one expectant mother interviewed.
FAREWELL TO MRS ALGAR WILLIAMS It was a very pleasing function that was held on Saturday morning iu the private tea room at Ballantyne'a. The tea served was especially dainty, the table decorations were of the choicest roses, and all the ladies present were officials of the women's section of the Christchurch branch of tho Navy League, the occasion being a farewell tea tendered to Mrs Algar Williams, chairwoman for the past year of tho Women's Auxiliary Committee, on the eve of her departure for England. Tea over, Mrs William Wilson, vice- [ president of the Women's Section, saM that it gave her much pleasure to accept the invitation to speak on behalf of those present on such an occasion. In expressing the hope that Mrs Williams would have a pleasant voyage", J;an enjoyablo holiday,' arid'a safe return, Mrs Wilson said that she felt sure that she was endorsing the wishes not only •of the' Auxiliary' Committee present at the meeting, but of the whole of the Women's Section and the members of the local branch generally. Great pleasure was expressed by all present at the presence among them of Mrs Boyle, president of the Women's Section, at the return of Mrs Norton Francis, who was also present, and at the recovery of Mr Norton Francis. Members of the Auxiliary Committee present besides those already mentioned, include Mesdames Dalgcty (vice-presi-dent), Trevor Foster, Percy .Overton, H. ,T. Marriner, H. Wyatt, W. B. Fox, C-. J. Treleaven, G. W. C. Smithson, Phipp's Black (hon. treasurer), Wyn Irwin, and Misses Heywood, Boyle, L. I Cresswell (hon. secretary), and Saunders. '
HAUNTED BY. NIGHT. HARASSED BY DAY. THAT WRETCHED LIVER IS TO BLAME. * Are you peevish and irritable at work? Are you a "bear" in your home? Do you lie awake at Jiight, and brood over trifles your liver f s to blame. ; A sedentary method of living puts a great strain on that wonderful blood filter—the liver. Consequently it cannot function correctly—the result is impure blood—the direct cause of impaired digestion, constipation and other "liverish" trouble. What you need, old man. is a regular glassful of Stevens' Health Salt each morning. A teaspoonful of Stevens' Salt in half a tumbler of water —drink while it "fizzes" —will correct your' mode of living, and put you right with the world. , i Slevens' Health Salt is equally as good for women and children, and with cordial makes a wholesome, cooling summer drink. Sold all chemists at 2s fid bottle. Insist on Stevens' —the Salt that sweetens life. —l3
XMAS FUR BARGAINS. MORE OPPORTUNITIES AT MADAME MENERE'S SALE. As previously announced, the Sale of Madame Menerc, the Furrier, will now be continued until Xmas Eve, furs still being sold at give-away prices. Here are a few further examples: — Two Only Coney Seal Coats with Skunk Collars. Were 33 guineas. Now 14 guineas. One Only Brench Electric Seal Coat, full length, with crush collar and bell sleeves, and,lined with handsome Swiss brocade. Was 45 guineas. Now 23 guineas. One only French Model Electric Seal Coat with Beaver Collar, Cuffs, and Flounce. Was 38 guineas. Now 19 guineas. One only Canadian Musquash Coat, full length, with beautifully matched dark skins. Was 69 guineas. Now 39 guineas. Madame Menere's Sale is at 127 Cashel street (upstairs), opposite Beaths'. —6 The many patrons of Dixieland will he pleased to hear that this popular cabaret will not close during Christmas week. The usual Saturday night dance will be held on Boxing Night, December 26th, and special arrangements will be made to accommodate holiday visitors.
A delightful afternoon was spent, on Saturday' at tho now bowling and croauet grounds at Sumner. A large ati tendance of members and visitors i reworded, and in perfect weather the opening eremony of the new club, was reformed. At present the. lady members of the new club occupy O l>oiit. half of the prepared ground which, itself, is about half of the site purchased. The turf with the exception of an _ occasional bump, was in splendid condition. Mrs W. H. Han-is. the wife of the president of the bowling club, sent up tho first bowl, and Mrs J). Coleman the president of the Ladies' Club, played the first hoop on the croquet lawn. Mr and Mrs W. H. Nicholson, tho Mayor and Mayoress of Sumner, wsra present, the former kindly undertaking the formal opening. Amongst those present were: Mesdames Til. A. Johnson (captain of the Sumner Club) and her club members:, Mesdames I. Wilson, W. H. Brown, and J. A. Booth, who played a very interesting exhibition game. Others present included Mrs .1. iMcCombs, Mrs J>ee. Miss E. Sines, Mr and Mrs A. A. Cheshire, Mr and Mrs A. Tutill, Mr and Mrs J. A. Ttussell (secretary), Mr and Mrs Oldridge, Mr and Mrs Helliwell, Mr ?nd Mrs Reynolds, Mr and Mrs Smyth, Mr and Mrs W. Kcig, Mrs Morgan, Mr and Mrs Williams, Mrs Waddell, Miss Christie, Mr and Mrs Dobson, Mr and Mrs A. Graham, Mr and Mrs Senior, Mr and Mrs Dixon. Mr and Mrs Marshall. Mr and Mrs Nettleton, Miss Mtmro, Miss Digby, Mr and Mrs J. H. Thomas. Mr and Mrs W. 8. Mitchell, Mrs Tibbett, Mrs Jobberns, Mrs W. D\ 'Kirkpatriok, Mrs E. Harris, Mrs H. le Page, Mr E. C. Cooper, Mr and Miss Christie. Miss Lumsden, Mrs Olough, Mrs Newburgh, Mr and Mrs Chapman, Mrs Sutherland, Miss Hay, Miss Russell. Mr S. Dodds, Miss IT. Williams, Mrs Ashworth, Mrs Sustins (Edgeware). Mr and Mrs R. Brittain, Misses Pender (2), Mr and Mrs Simpson, Mrs J. Hines, Mr and Mrs Rtidge, Mrs Woods, and Mr Hobday and Mr G. F. Allen.
DANCE AT NORTH BEACH. A most successful dance was held in the Peace Memorial Hall, North Beach, on Saturday evening, the hall being filled. Music was provided by Mr W. Arundel, Misses Dulcie Hall and Lottie Holden playing extras. Mr A. E. Hntton officiated- as M.O. During the evening. Mr E. A. M.-. Leaver,- on behalf of tho Gala Society, thanked tho ladies and gentlemen of the Social Committee for organising the dances, and the patrons for their patronage. During tho season a learners' dancing class was started, and, on behalf of those attending this class, Mr Leaver presented Mr and Mrs A. E. Hutton with'an autograph album suitably inscribed, a box of Jiandkerchiefs to Mrs Button,.and a pocket wallet to Mr Hutton. Cheers ' were given for Mr and Mrs Hutton.
WEDDINGS. GAMBLE—WALKER., At St. Mark's Church,' Opawa, the ■wedding was celebrated of Rita, youngest daughter of the late Captain J. W. and Mrs Walker, late of Dallington, to Robt. John, eldest son of Mr and Mrs J. Gamble, Otago. The church was prettily decorated by girl friends, and Mr Lyn Saunders presided at the organ. The Rev. Q. litzgerald officiated. Mr Hugh Carr attended the bridegroom' as best man.
The bride was escorted by her eldest brother (Mr J. Walker), whogavo her away. ' She wore a." simple tunic .frock of ivory satin, with, an underskirt of beautiful lace. From the shoulders hung straps of satin, caught at the waist with tiny pearls and weighted with.pearl tassels. Hor handi-embroid-cred veil was worn with a circlet of orange blossom, and she carried a beautiful bouquet of Christmas lilies, roses, and pale pink ' carnations, with streamers of white satin ribbon anu tulle.
She was attended by Miss Connie Adkins as bridesmaid. She wore a pretty frock of French mauve crepe de chine, with an inset panel of silver laco and hand-made flowers. Her black crinoline hat was trimmed with roses to tone, and she carried a bouquet of Madam Harriot roses and pansies, with streamers of apricot satin ribbon. Also in attendance were three dainty maids (nieces of the bride). Misses' Mavis Whyte and Betty Lowe wore frocks of eau de nil French crepe de chine, with panels of narrow cream lace, frilled down the front. Their bouquets were of Madame Herriot roses and pansies with apri-cot-satin streamers. Little Miss Phoebe HiR, as' flower-girl, wore a dainty frock of mauve crepe de chine. All three wore coronets of silver lace and streamers with hand-made flowers to tone with dresses. On leaving the church the bride was presented by her niece, Miss Ruth Cade, with a silver horseshoe. After tlie ceremony a reception was held at "Mitcham," Opawa, the residence of the bride's sister, Mrs Harry Hill. Mrs Le Breton, eldest sister, assisted by Mrs Hill, received the guests. Mr and Mrs R. J. Gamble left later for the south, the bride travelling in a navy tailored costume, French model hat and fox furs. EXQUISITE STATUARY. XMAS GIFTS AT ITALIAN ART GALLERIES. Exquisite figure studies, lamps, ornaments, vases, smoking outfits, etc., all sculptured from the purest marble, can be secured from the Italian Art Galleries, Room No. 7, Dominion Motor Bnildings, Armagh street. The price need not worrv intending purchasers, for though some of the glorious masterpieces run into three figures, many other articles, exquisitely modelled trom pure marble, arc obtainable, for as ] o w as 3s 6d. The Italiau Art Galleries afford a unique example lo those w,shinc to make Xmas Gifts apart from the common-place, and an probably easily solve the problem of what to give. Private .an be arranged by appointment. ±"ng 'phone 3224. —° DIXIELAND. M*y be-engaged fey: all socjiU functions. ■Wedding EreakfMto a Speciality. Tern* on I application. 'Phone 617.
At their homo at the Cathedra! Grammar School, Rev. and Mrs Stephen Parr last night entertained a number of their friends at a charming musical party, given in honour of Colonel and Mrs Symon, who are leaving Christchurch shortly, to tako up residence in "Wellington. The drawingroom was beautifully decorated with sweet peas, antirrhinums and delphiniums, and in the dining-room, crystal vases of roses adorned the supper table. Mrs Parr wore a handsome frock of black marocain brightened with touches of gold tissue. , The guests, who during the evening enjoyed an excellent musical programme, included General and Mrs It. Young, Captain and Mrs J. L. Findlay, Mrs Walker, Professor and Mrs Campbell, Dr. and Mrs D. G. Hansen, Major and Mrs Ashworth, Rev. and Mrs Hubert Jones, Captain and Mrs Williams, Mr and Mrs Denys Hoare, Major and Mrs Howe, Captain and Mrs Tsitt, Mr and Mrs Lanco Lewin, Mrs J. E. Russell, Mrs Charles Young, Miss Cooper, Miss Saxton, Mrs Allen, Mr Withell, and Captain Walker. A FASHIONABLE NOVELTY. :—♦ . COLOURED SPRAYS THIS TMAS, That latest novelty of Fashion, a coloured Spray, is in great demand as a Xmas Gift. Fortunately E. Cameron Smith has a very wide and choice selection at his Pharmacy, Royal Exchange Building, Cathedral square, besides many other exquisite toiletries so suitable for. gift making. Prices in many lines are'down to half at E. Cameron Smithes this Xmas', particularly in Manicure Sets > Face . Powders, Perfumes,' Creams, and Thermos Flasks. —6
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Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18571, 22 December 1925, Page 2
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4,208WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18571, 22 December 1925, Page 2
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