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RANGIORA. A meeting of bu'jjcfsrs will be held in the Institute Hall to-nigM. when tho candidates for the municipal elections will have an opportunity <° express tbeir views. For the office of Mayor the contest will be between the present Mayor, Mr.W. A. Bowse, and Cr. K. Mcintosh. For the nine seats on the Council there arc thirteen Dominations.

The monthly meeting of the "vT.C.T.L. was held on Friday. Mrs Thwaites presided over a fair attendance. Two new members were initiated. The president read a lengthy report of the work covered bv the Convention held in Dunedin recently. In connexion with Sabbath 'observance the following resolution was passed:—"That this branch of-the W.CT.U. protest strongly against the action of the Waikuku Beach Improvement Society in permitting dancing to take place in the hall at the be.ach on .Sunday, afternoons, and that a copy of' the resolution be sent to the Domain Board urging the necessity of steps being taken to put a stop to this unseemly desecration of the Sabbath Day. A general meeting of the Rangiora Pouitrv, Pigeon, and Canary Club was held on Saturday evening. The president, Mr T. S. Hannn, was in the chair. The following judges were appointed for the forthcoming show:—Open poultry, Mr J. Tindall; utility poultry, Mr B. W. Hawkc; bantams and homing pigeons, Mr A. Gapes; fancy pigeons, Mr W. Fraser; canaries, Mr It. "W. Thompson; fancy work, Mrs A. Bust; cats, Mr 1. Biggs; farm roots, Mr A. Stalker; cookery and fruit products, Mrs H. J. Fleming; photography, Mr H. B. Bettger; art, Mrs S. G. Brister. A vote of sympathy was passed to Mr M. Hendxen in the bereavement suffered owing to the death of his wife.

KAIKOURA. Anzac Day was observed with duo solemnity in Kaikoura. A combined service was held in the Garden of .Memories, where a large assemblage congregated. The weather was beautifully fine. The members of the Kaikoura/ Orchestral Society provided the music. The service onened with the National Anthem, followed by the hymn "O God, Our Help," "Lead, Kindly Light," "Recessional," and "For All the Saints." The Rev. C. F. Saunders offered prayer, and the Rev. J. G. S. Dunn delivered an appropriate address. The Rev. C. F. Saunders pronounced the Benediction, and Mr H. Stone sounded the "The Last Post."

WAIAtT. Anzac Day in Waiau was more generally observed than has been apparent on any previous occasion. At 2.30 p.m. a; combined service was conducted in the grounds surrounding the memorial, when a large number of returned holdiers paraded, and -there was a congregation of some 120. persons. Miss E. Powis presided at the organ, and the service opened with the singing of the hymn, "0 God. our Help in Ages Past." This was followed by the reading of the 46th Psalm and a fervent prayer by the Rev. J. W. P. Dyer, Anglican vicar of the parish, The hymn "Lead, Kindly Light," was then sung. The Scriptural reading was taken by the Rev. J. Dyer, who chose the lesson from the seventh chapter of Revelations. The singing of the hymn, "Fight the Good Fight" followed, arid then Rev. J. Newlands, Presbyterian minister of the Amuri charge, delivered an eloquent address, taking as his text, "Blessed are the Peacemakers." 'The concluding'"h'jflijawas, "For all the: Saints," .and then the "Last Post" was sounded by Mr C. Neale, after which Mr A. G. Creed stepped forward from among the returned soldiers and placed,a beautiful laurel wTeath at the foot of the memorial. The Rev. J. Dyer pronounced the benediction and a very impressive ceremony was brought to a conclusion by the singing of the National Anthem. In addition to the above mentioned WTeath, a large number of beautiful wreaths and other floral tributes were placed round the memorial during the day.Anzac Memorial Services were held by both the Anglican and the Presbyterian Churches on Sunday morning. At the 9 a.m. service of the Anglican church there was a large congregation, and the Rev. J. W. P. Dwyer preached an impressive sermon, talcing his text from the 2nd Book of Samuel, the 10th chapter and 12th verse. Miss E. Powis presided at the organ, and the special hymns for the occasion were, "We lotc the place, 0 God"; "0 God, our Help in Ages Past"; "Fight the Good Fight"; and "For all the Saints." The service concluded with the siuging of the National Anthem.

At the Presbyterian Church at H a.m., the Rev. J. Newlands preached to a. large congregation. He took for his subject "The Church and its relation to the league of Nations," and preached therefrom a thoughtful seimon. Mrs J. H. McKio was organist and the special hymns were, "i'ght the Good Fight" ; '"'Christians seek not yet repose"; and "When the day of toil is done," whilst Mrs B. B. Clark gave a sympathetic rendering of "He wipes a tear from every eye," and the service ended with the singing of tho National Anthem. Tlie returned soldiers of Waiau held their annual Anzac dinner in tho Public lLill on Friday evening. Puncttally at 7.30 p.m., tho "Reveille" sounded, and returned soldiers together with their guests, attended, and Mr G. T. H. "Reid presided, and there were seated on his right Mr G. W. Forbes, M.P-, Rev. J. W. P. Dyer, Major J. A. Northcote. and Messrs Colin Deans and G. W. Aldridge. and on his left Col. R. A. Chaffey, Rev. J. Newlands, and Messrs Hi. T. Beaven. and H. W. D. Rogers. At the completion of the dinner, and after the "Loyal Toast' had been honoured, tho chairman read numerous apologies for absence. The toast "Fallen Comrtdcs" was proposed by Mr S. Smale. Tho chairman moved a vote of ccndolence with the wife and daughter of tho late Mr FC. Knubley. which was carried in silence, all" standing. A resolution of sympathy with the Rt. Hon. W. FMassey in his serious illness, and a hope that he might soon be restored to health, was also passed. A lengthy toast list was then honoured. Dining the evening vocal an > other items were contributed by the Revs. J. W. PDyei and J. Newlands, and Messrs H. W" D. Rogers, L. Burrows, W. Coles. W' V. Mockett, and R. Monson, the Rev. J. Dyer p.cting as accompanist.

LOBURN. A meeting .was held in the Coronation Hall on evening for- the purpose of forming a football club for Loburn and the surrounding districts. It -was decided to hold a practice in the Domain this afternoon at 4 o'clock. School has commenced again, after a long, enforced holiday, and the pupils seem pleased to be at their lessons once more. SEFTON. At the Miniature Rifle Club practice on Thursday evening the following members registered possibles:. Messrs J; Quick, S_ Quick. P. Topp, J. Mathers, T: Dalzell and I. Scott.'

MARSHLAND. During tho past few -weeks the Marshland Public- Halt has been out of commission, ic having been in the hands of the builders, who have, been making additions and alterations, which will greatiy add to the convenience and comfort of patrons, and will also bring the Hall quite up to date. The additions consist of two large dressing rooms at the from, in lieu of those previously at the rear of the building. Additional lights have also been installed, both insido and out, and the supper-room has also been enlarged, so as to provide greater seating accommodation. Advice has been received from.-ilia TelprJ-aph Department, through tho "Waimairi Countv Council, that tho application for a slot telephone at the intersection of Preston's and Bill's road has been refused. It is the intention of the petitioners not to let the matter drop, but to approach the Hon. D. Buddo in the matter.

Anzac Day observed by a combined service at the Memorial Gates, where a large gathering took part. This was tho first Anzac Service since the Memorial was erectorl, and many took the opportunity to hanir beautiful wreaths on the nates. The Rev. G. B. Nanson (Anglican) presided, and Mr J. Tenne.nt (St. Albans) took the olaoo of L. B. Biclcerstnff. "Rev. B. Dudley (Methodists sent an npoloErv. An orchestra with Miss Mntterson (piano - ). Miss D. Reck (violin). Messrs Cnsworth (violin), Mitten ■fdoublo bass). D. MeFadden (cornet) led the sindnir. Addresses were made by Rev. O. R. Nanson and Mr ,T. Tenn'ent. Benediction was pronounced by Rev. G. B. Nanson.

HORNBY-ISLINGTON. Miss McKenzie, who has been connected with the staff of the Hornby School for over three years, has resigned in order to take up a similar position at the Addington School. Prior to her departure, a few days ago, the staff of the Hornby School met and presented Miss McKenzie with a beautiful xylonite toilet set. The headmaster, Mr Henry, spoke in eulogistic terms of Miss McKenzie and her work, and voiced the sentiments of the staff in wishing her every success in her new position. Miss I. Curragh, of Riccarton, who has acted as organist at the Hornby Presbyterian Church for a number of years, has resigned her position on account of her forthcoming I marriage. Miss Mackie, of Islington, has undertaken to fill the position.

GOVERNOR'S BAY. An Anzac Memorial service was held on Saturday evening in the St. Cuthbert's Church, Governor's Bay. The Rev. E._ H. Shore, vicar, conducted .an impressive service. The seating accommodation was fullv taxed. The returned men of the district were very well represented, and placed a beautiful wreath at the altar table in memory of their fallen comrades. Many other wreaths were also deposited. Miss Peggv Allan and Master Keni Harker each placed a wreath on behalf of the present pupils of the school in memory of the six old pupils who fell in the Great War. Bugler Griffith sounded "The Last Post." The service was brought to a close by singing; the National Anthem, , after which the congregation slowly filed past the altar, and inspected the numerous wreaths.

CHEVIOT. A combined Anzac Memorial service was held in the Cheviot Public Hall on Saturday afternoon. The hall was well filled, and the local returned soldiers, who attended in large numbers, paraded under Captain T. West and Lieutenant J. Bosomworth. The service opened with.the hymn "0 God Our Help in Ages Past," after which the Rev. E. Swinerd (Presbyterian) led in prayer. The lesson was read by the Rev. J. Anderson (Anglican), after which the assemblage stood in silence while "The Last Post" was sounded. A fine tribute in floral wreaths and crosses was placed around the honours board. A solo, "Crossing the Bar," was sung by Miss I. Wilkinson, of Spotswood. Mr A. F. Wright, vice-president of the Canterbury Progress League, delivered the address. Mr S. C. Smith briefly referred to the proposed memorial cenotaph, to be erected in Cheviot, and asked for the generous and whole-hearted support of the whole district.

SPOTS WOOD. There was a large attendance at the Memorial at Spotswood on Anzac Day, including a party of returned soldiers from Mackenzie. Short addresses were delivered by Mr T. West and Mr J. Gibson, who also read a poem suitable to the occasion. At the conclusion of the addresses a moment's silence was observed; followed by "tho Last Post" sounded by Bugler G. Jackson. A large number of beautiful wreaths were placed on the Memorial, including one of poppies from the Cheviot branch of the Returned Soldiers' Association. The cqremony concluded with the singing of the National Anthem.

OXFORD. Anzac Day was observed at Oxford by a citizens' service around the Soldiers' Memorial. Tho day was fine and there was a large attendance. The Oxford Band was in attendance and played preliminary selections a,nd ah» lectin the singing of the hymns. Mr LW. Meyer, chairman of tho County Council, presided, and briefly introduced the proceedings, in which Ensign Heal, Revs. B. G. Fox. T. W. Featherstone, G. Wood, and J. B. Robertson took part. The hvmns "O God. Our Help." "God Bless' Our Native Land," and "God of Our Fathers" were sung. The address was given bv Mr H. U. D. -Somerset. After tho National Anthem had been sung and tlie Benediction pronounced. Mr 0. K. Johnson sounded "The Last Post." A very large number of wreaths were laid on the base of the monument.

DARFIELD. At a meeting of the Malvern Plunket Society, held in their new meeting room at Darfield, delegates were present from all branches except Springfield, who sent an apology- '* wa< ? decided to congratulate Sir Truby King on being knighted. The treasurer submitted the balance-sheet for the past year which 6ho\ved that the total cost of the nurse's residence at DarfieW was £1533, and furnishing two Plunket rooms £B7 (wliich was raised by an. art union). Each branch had. collected the following amounts for the building fund:—Darfield £231, Sheffield £9O. South Malvern £lO4. Kirwee £<is, and Springfield £47. Jumble sale ±72 and special donations £lO2. £240 had been raised and spent on a car for the nurse, and £9OO had been lent to the society bv Mr H. A. Knight, The total receipts (including loan) were £2307- and expenditure £2160, leaving a credit balance of £157. It was decided to reduce the loan at once by £IOO and to make an effort to raise that amount each year until the loan is paid off. Each branch was requested, to obtain as many annual subscribers as possible. A jumble sale is to be held in Christchurch nest month, the proceeds to be given as a donation to the Mothers' Cottage now being erected at Karitane.

! LE BON'S BAY. On Thursday, the annual parishioners' meeting was held, with Rev. F. H. Thorpe in the chair. The balance-sheet wa s put before the meeting. The receipts totalled £lO6 16s, and the payments £77 2s 4d, leaving a balance of £29 13s Bd. The following officers were then elected Vicar's Warden, Mr P. Barnett; People's "Warden, Mr B. Barker; Vestry, Mesdames J. Mcintosh, F. Leonardo, F. Elliott, J. Dalglish, Miss G. Leonardo, Messrs I. Baiker, W. Sharpe; Secretary, Miss G. Leonardo; Auditor, MrJ. Dalglish. Mr Barker said that Mr Thorpe had broken down in health through his arduous work in the • parish, and was taking a month's holiday. He wished Mr Thorpe a pleasant holiday and a speedy recovery. MiThorpe in replying, thanked the people for their good wishes, and said that although lie thought at first that seivices would be suspended during his absence, hj.» believed that arrangements had been made for someone else to take the services. The meeting then terminated, and a social and dance occupied the remainder of the evening. This was the first dance this year, and was very successful. Among those present were: — Mesdames J. Mcintosh, W. Dalglish, S. McKay, F. J. Dalglish, F. Leonardo, W. Sharpe, Misses W. Leonardo, H. Mora, P. Leonard, P. McKay. G. Leonardo, M. Gilbert, D. Mora, I. Barker, A. McKay. M. Anderson, V. McKay, Messrs J. Mcintosh, B. Barker, C. Cossar, 0. Hartley, J. Hunt, J. Haines, J. Barker, L. Gilbert. I. Barker, C. Barker, C. Mora, H. Thelning. P. Barnett, C. Barnett, H. Anderson. L. Bailey, J. Gracia, P. Burke, J. Gilbert. C. Mcintosh, J. Hampton, G. Tibbcts, G. Chisholm, D. Gilbert, Cliff Crotty, A. Matheson, W. Sharpe. The music was supplied by several of those present, and Messrs I. Barker and J. Gilbert were M.C.'s. An accident happened to the mill engine last week. The engine was being driven to another location by the engineer, when a wire cable broke and the engine at once pot away. It car--cered over a pile of wood across tho road and down the hll through a paddock before it was brought to a sthrtustill. Happily it remained upright and the engineer, who remained at Ins post, received only a severe shaking. Some repairs have* to be made tefore the engine can be moved and a track has been cut for it. The crusher is now at the last heap, of stones in sight of the Bay on the summit. It is only a small heap and before long the crusher will be right out of sight.

LITTLE RIVER. On Anzac Day a service was held at 11 a.m. at the Memorial Gates in the Domain. There was a much larger attendance than on any previous occasion. The speakers were Mr Frank Coop, chairman of the Wairewa County Council, Mr W. H. Montgomery, and the Rev. V 7. H. Styche, vicar of the Church of England. The Little Eivcr Band played the National Anthem before and after the service, and accompanied the hymns. The chairman of the Council deposited wreaths on the Memorial Gate in honour of those who fell.

SOUTH MALVERN. The Plunket Society held a committee meeting at ■ Glentunnel on Thursday. Those present were: —Mrs John Deans (president), Mesdames R. J. Longstatf (bon. secretary), F. S. Barrett, G. C. Darrett, E. A. Gray, D., C. Powell, T. Simpson, and G. W. Soal. The principal business was making arrangements for a jumble sale in St. Andrew's schoolroom, Christchurch, and for holding a Plunket Ball at Glentunnel. • ..

LADBROOKS. I Local farmers are busy potato digging and- doing their deep winter ploughing. . The recent rains experienced proved very'beneficial in every respect. Should the frosts keep off there is still hope of a plentiful supply of grass for the winter. During the last few days there has been a keen demand for potatoes. Large quantities are being sent forward during the next few days, principally for shipping. Several large lines of chaff will be sent forward in the course of a few days, principally for the West Coast. Several paddocks of clover have beon put through the mill, the yield being very poor indeed. The yield for potatoes up to the present is satisfactory, and far in advance of last season. Table sorts are turning out at six tons to the acre. This, it is predicted, will be improved on later in the season. The price is still on the low side, and unless better prices arc obtainable later, pitting will bo resorted to pending a better market. The Paparua County Council • took possession of their new motor-lorry during the week, and it is at present cmployed distributing shingle from the Ladbrooks Station in the district.

A quiet wedding was solemnised on April 16th at St. Paul's Church, Christchurch, by the Rev. Bower Black, when Miss Alice Maude Roscoc, fourth daughter of Mr and Mrs Allerton Roscoc, of Ladbrooks, was married to Henry, second son of the late Mr and Mrs A. E. Riches, of AVoodbury. The happy couple returned from their honeymoon on Thursday last, leaving for their home at Hawarden the following day. At the residence of Mr I*. Basher, of Broadfields, on Tuesday evening last, a number of friends and relatives of Mr T. Smith met to celebrate his twentyfirst birthday. A very enjoyable evening was spent.

WEEDONS. On Friday evening a largo cruwd of people from tho surrounding districts made their way to "Lawford," the residence of Mr and Mrs R. Johnson, where a very enjoyable evening was spent in dancing and card-playing, which were continued until midnight. A collection was taken up, which will go to the forthcoming bazaar to be held at West Melton. Dance music was supplied by Mrs A. Hunt, extras being played by Miss Thompson. At the conelusion of the evening a hearty vote of thanks was accorded to Mr and Mrs Johnson. All joined in the singing of "For They Are Jolly Good Fellows,", which was followed by "Auld Lang Syne," after which three hearty cheers were given for the host and hostess.

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Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18367, 28 April 1925, Page 3

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NORTH CANTERBURY. Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18367, 28 April 1925, Page 3

NORTH CANTERBURY. Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18367, 28 April 1925, Page 3


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