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SLIGHTLY LARGER ENTRIES STEADYING OF VALUES. (ST. OITB OifIiJBCIAL EBIIOE.) Entries in practically ill ccct-.ons o: sW< showed an increase yesterday, -at cattle were forward in irubsUrtiallv increased com-hr-T3, (ho entry providing what would crcinarLly bo an over-sunn'--. Hcwcv.:.-, the short yardincs of the part, few weeks and the fact that country competition is by no means caused a. pood demand, and though v.alues eased slightly, the sale was a very satisfactory one. A flightly larger yarding than iast week 01 tat. .-bc-p also met with a shade easier demand, but nevertheless the sale was an exceptionally good one. The quality of the shorn wcthera and the Xorth Island woolly ewes was of a notably good character, and for this c!a-s buk-bers bid very .spiritedly. On an average the store sheep markrt showed little alteration, wethers and hoggets felling quite aa freely as usual, with inferior ewea ond lambs slacker. The. store cattle section recorded a Tcviva-I, but the dairy sale v.-as devoid of interest. The day was fine, and there was a, large attendance of farmers, STORE SHEEP. There was an average sired entry of store chtep, consisting mainly of inferior c"'c* and lambs, with a fair number of pens of shorn wethers and odd lots of hoggets in tho wool. Tho hoggets mostly small consignments. Tho market wis a bright one though tho tendency to neglect tho interior owes and lambs was a.? noticcablo as ever. Generally prices were much on a. level with those of last week, though Boaio of the shorn wethers hardly made such a good figure, but generally they were not quotahly lower. Better class ewes and lambs showed a. tendency to improve in price, and odd lots of hoggets mado figures in advance of last, week's. A pen of specially well grown thioc-quarterbrcd wether heggets made -lis 2d. Values were: Good aged crossbred owes, with lambs, 22s lOd to 26s Id. Aged crossbred ewes, with lambs, 16s Id to 21?. Shorn sis and eight-tooth wethers, 26s 2d to 27s lid. Sound and failing-mouthed shorn wethers, 25s lOd. Ua'.fbred wether hoggets, "is 2d. Good thrccqunrfcrbrcd wether hoggets, to •lis 2d. Throe-quajtcrbred ewe hoggets, to 42s Od. The following were the principal sales: Ewes—7B aged crossbred and 78 lambs tit ISa Dd, 71 aged halfhrcd and 58 lambs at •203 Gd, 51 aged half bred and 45 larahs at 10s 10d, 78 aged crossbred and 73 lambs at ISb 7d, 57 aged and 45 lambs at 16s ind, ■l7 nged and 43 lamb's ot 19a 9d, 39 aged crossbred and 42 lambs at 26s Id, 50 aged crossbred and 58 lambs at 21s, 51 threeqtiarterbred and 52 lambs at 20s 6d, 51 aged t.hrcp-quartcvbrcd and 51 lambs at 20s 2d, 161 aged halfbred and 155 lamns at, 20s 7cl, 31 aged crossbred and 38 lambs, at 17s sd, '29 aged crossbred and 25 lambs at 22s lOd, 28 ogrd and 28 lambs at 16s 9d. Wethers—l4l six and eight-tooth shorn at 27s 7d, 100 six and eight-tooth shorn at 2Ks 2d to 26s -id, 74 s. and f.m. shorn at. 25s lOd, 70 six and eight-tooth shorn at

'7s id 75 l<*ir. f'- 1 . cigbf-tooth shorn at 'J7s'i:d, :5 ionr ana fix-tooth halibrod at "63 3d. , Hoztrcts—7s halfbred wefhrr at 35s 2d, IS ewe. at i*s 3d, 27 b'ack faced ewe at 33s fd. I.S ewe at- 323 6d, 39 email wnb<-r i< 2.Ss 7d, 10 thrcc-ousjtcrbred •aether a', lis 2d. FAT LAMBS. An cr.'.-r 0: it?, compared with 83 hjr, week. Q'l;:-.:.-.- rflso sbowed £D TTjere wir. a ;~irifcd market, the b'ilk of ihe'-.-alues a'craging from 3-I=. to 3Ss. The fo! wi-re tee y.::r.cip»l saJrr-: On a'c-our.t (■'■ C. Seajle (Southhridgti, i a' 4 Jr. Od; J. Christie 1 at" 33;; 0. rrrceuwood i'rou'hb-idgei, 5 at 38s 2d: W. E. Car.dv ard >0r..% (Dcylestr-ni, 5 at 37 s <?d to .-.-=, a'n.-l 5 at. 31.;: 1. G. Dawson (Ta!dhur.M .5 v. " r -- ?d »" 37--: E. Currsrh ;Teinplc'T-. 4 ■■'■(■ 375; A. Atkinson (Swnnr.acpa), 5 -at 30s I'd <■''■ J- - r '- Belcher iKinveei, •Ti ~( 35s Cd *o 3to td; Mr; ftaDlcton Qc.vlcsior... 25 a* "•''?■ * r ' 06s 6d: H. "Miles .Tercnicton,, ?. at id to 35s 3d: L. Wri~ht .'Co-:'t? Isinud', 12 at 34s to .3.15 Od':'°B. l->. r :.icd AA".' Cocv-r (soiithhridjc, 3 at, 343 od; }J. C-:r-a~h'iTcmr.lcto;i'i, 2 at 31s 6d; ~SI. Twiss (Siiri=i:sfoD\ 2 at. 3io to 33s 3d; V,. CAsh'cv'. t; a* 33s 3d to 33s- tsd; TT. J. Grre't-.vocd Southbridge'). 12 at 323 M to 33.a Od; J. P». Anderson ■Lccsfonl, 9 at 32s txi to "■<; 3-i; W. Ck>c,pcr f.Sonthbvidgel, 3 at :;";=: K. V>'. Chatte.rton (TJppcr Tiiccartonl, 5 r,t 30s i-d to 32s fid: G. G. Smith (BroadCc'us), li a'. Sis 3d to 31s. FAT SHEEP. A slightly larger yarding, which comprised nine races. A substantial proportion were shorn sheep, and tho bulk of them were well finished. Thero were two goodsized consignment.-! down from the Xorth Island, but thev weroscarcely of the quality of the ottering from that quarte.r last week. Tho market, ".-as scarcly fo r-pirited as laat sale, particularly in the earlier stages, bit there was a. firming tendency as the ealo progrc.'.'ed. On an however. vah;c3 were easier bv '<n> to la 6d a head. One of the Xorth Island lines cf ewes, comprising lf>2 head, sold at from 45s Id to 56s ■td, the fop price for a, pen of 16. Tho best of the lino prices, however, were obtained by Mr If. Akcrs (Palmerston >~orth). The fop pen of seven made C2s 3d, an against 6.5s 6d for the best peu from the same vendor last week. However, a,s previously stated, the quality was ju3t a degree lower than last week.' The outstanding sale of the day, bowover. was for a small pen of five wethers sold by Mr ,T. McConachv (Ashburtou'i, which made from 695. 6d to 70s a, bead. The tops of a truck lot from A. J. Birdling (Hals-well) sold at 735. Values were: Extra, heavy wethers 69s 6d to 70s. Primo wcthera 55s to 595. Medium wethers 503 to 515.. Light wethers 43s to Ws. Extra prime ewes to 62s od. Primo 483 6d to 555. "Medium owes 43s 6d to 4S«. Light ewes o'Ss to 425. Prime shorn- wcthera to Ms -Id. Medium shorn wcthera 37s 6d to 40s. Prime shorn ewes 33s to 36s 3d. Medium fihorn cwos 30s to 32s 6d. Tho following were the principal sales: Wethers—On account of J. G. McConachv (Ashburton), 5 at 60s 6d to 795; A. J. Birdling (Halswcll), G2 at 16s lOd to 735: L. H. Ruddock (Southbridgc), HI at, ols Id to G2s 7d; client, 76 at 51a Id to 61s; client. 111 at 57s -Id to 60s 3d; W. Stott (Darfield), 126 at 53s to 58s od; J. R. Belcher (Kiiwco), 93 at 46s to 57s 7d; J. Moorhoad (Southbridge\ 56 at S4s Id fo 56s 9d; clients, 78 at 52s 4d to 50s 7d and 51 at. 43s to 06s fid; J. R. Cullen (Waddington), 01 at. 49s lOd to 55s 8d; C. TCordqvist (MethvenV, 56 at 52s 7d to 55s 3d; A. P, Chamberlain (Biirnhamb 45 at. 4fis lid to 55s Id: 1-1 W. Paton (Xorwood), ii ah 44s 7d to 54s fid; client, 179 at 42s 7d fo 51s -Id; client, 42 at. 50s 7d 51s Id; McAdam Bros. (Balmoral), 55 at ISs Id to 545; S. Null, (Ataahua), 50 at, 36s 8d to 50s; E. Cunnoen (Templeton), 53 nt. 41s to 495; W. V. Jackman (Domett), 47 at 40s 3d to 45s lOd.

Shorn Wethers—On account of a client, m at 3* lid to 41; 4d; G. McßeM ' s P™f;; ton), 27 at -lis ltd to Us. Id: VT. »- (Seaviewl, ?4 at. 3.5s Id 10 40s l • l ■ Ryan (Wccdoc-M. 70 at, 355 3d ,to 10s id; client, 106 at Xx 7d to Vs; client. oU at 37s 6d to 33s 4d; A. F. Chambcrlajn (burnham), 5t at 31s to 3Ss 2d; chcDt, o3 " «'3 3d to Sis; E. A. Broughtor (Sonthbndge), V 5 at. 32s Sd to 3fe lOd: StockdJl bro?. •Highbank\ 50 nt 32.=- Id >o 3fe 6dl: client T3 at C3s id to 3& 4d; Cheviot chen*. «- at 31s lid io 365: client, il at 34s to oos bd; L-v.;don Estate (Tcddir.?tnn\ 15 at -S-? \ rd - Ewcs-Oc account of" Hurh Akers e'-ton North!. lf.S at 52? y\ to fi.sM: A. V. Richard; (Mitchami, a;. 32s to ■*. B. Ai:der£o- iLcs-stoci, 5 st ;<l to 02s rw : V,'. T. Txiw .TVinslow,, M at o-_s 10d to 6lsed; North Island cl:enr. 162 at let lOd to sfe Id- R. Dawson (West EyrciorO. *>v 30s (3d to 555 3d; W. F. .Tackman (D" m *-,'.• 17 at 25s to J. Christie ,Lakefi?a). li» at 37s Ol to K-s Cd; If. \V : ison 20 at 9d to 17s 3d; V. r SamooD (DarSeldi. 21 st 36s to 46?; clieni. 35 at >-m to 44s fld; G: G. Smith ißrosdields). r- at 44s 7d: client, lIS at 36k 7d to 44s Wit J. Fairbaim. 11 at 42* Gd; W. Cooper (Soutbhn.Vc'i 13 a > 42s 6d: K. Xu't 'Auahual. la at {fls;' J. F,o9g. inn. (Brookstfe). to 39s Id: Mrs -T. Thompson, 6*l at 16s 1M to "s.-; clien!, 2R at 20s lOd. Shorn Ewe—Oa account of O. Itobcan (Springston), 12 at 3Cs ltd to 3€s ort; U Greenwood iSouthbridecl, 10 at 34s 10a; w. VT. Foster (Si-avicw), 20 at 23s 3d to oos od; client, 30 at 275. , Ho"?pts—On account of C. Chambers n\*cst Me!ton\ 2 at 4Ss *l: E. W. 1 aton ('Norwood), 15 at 355; "\V. Sampson (Uarfield), 11 at 30s Gd to 33s 1 Id; client, 23 shorn at 31s lid. FAT CATTLE. Tho vardins: wa? the heaviest for some week?, comprising jf>s head, about 100 more than the -Drecedini: week. There was one North Isla'nd consignment, of 2S head, but they were not up to the quality of tho lot forward at tbe previous s.tlc There were a. few cood lines of Canterbury station steers and odd lota of very prime he.iiers, but generally tbe yarding represented ra-thcr liard-looking and unfinished which could have dono with another month's feed. There was, moreover. 3. larger proportion of moderate quality cows forward. Tho sale was a. very free ore, but it scarcely had the "ginger" of last week, a. na.tural result of tho heavy entry. However, values were only a'degree easier, and in view of tho large entry the sa.le was a. really good one. "lto opening values showed a. drop of up to 2''3 a head, but the demand hardened _as Iho day wore on, and mo?t of this recession was recovered. Good quality cattle, not too heavy, particularly showed a, nir.-tai'.tug. Extra, prime medium-weight beef mad? fit m 45s to 4Ss per 1001b, in cases to 52s Gd, primo heavy-weight beef from 42s < to 455, medium quality 38a to 41s 6d, lighter j r,d rough sorts 27s Gd to 35s per 1001b. Top price of tho day was £23 7s Gd for u. couple of steers sold "by J. R. Thackcr (Okain's Bay), tho seven of this vendor's entry averaging £22 16s. Another good figure was secured by Howson Bros. (Sedgomcro), seven averaging £22 12s. The foiiowinET graziers wore represented:—Mcf.srs Geo. Humphreys (Willesdcn), F. G. Birdling (Birdling'a Flat), .1. and 0 Thackcr (Okain's Bay), 0. S. Lyall (Pigeon Bay), J. R. .Thackor (Okain's Bav), W. Leonardo (Hickory), R. Gould (The Hermitage), G. K. Meßao (Island Hillf), W. F. Tarkinfon (Kaituna), E. H.iy (Pigeon Bay), .1. C. Hay (Pigeon Bay), J. T. L. Knigbt. Cf'Sverick's Bay), Ho'wson Bios. (Sedgcmcrc), and tho Pcraki • Estate. Values were:— lixtra prime heavy slccr?, £lO to £23 7a Gd. Primo medium-weight, steers, £l7 15s to £2O 10s. Medium steers, £ls 10s to £l7 12s 6d. Light, steers, £l2 15s to £ls. Rough steers. £9 to £ll 10s. Extra prime heifers to £l7 7s 6d. Primo heifers, £l2 10s to £l4 10s. Medium heifers, £S 15s to £l2. Light heifers, £5 to £B.

i r,4 . • i ±;r-* pnrce co»3. £ll to £IS rtltne cows, £U 15s t0 £l3 15*. urrtinary cows, £9 gs to £ll 10s. IT £ XIn ° ,rero ti? principal sales :-E. viV ' P, S°° n Bay), 4 etoers at £l7 17» 6d to •-it> los, 2 cows at £l2 2s 6d to £l3 10s. 1 ««>»« at £l3 2s 6d; J. C. Hav tPigeon Bav), v steers at £IS 10s to £2l 2s 6d, 1 hoifcr "at i- I '. -s 6d, 1 cow st £ll 15s; J. T. L. k ß ight iLavericis',, 2 steers a» £U 10s. S n«:crs at £7 15s to £lO ss, 7 ceres at £7 10s >o £»l2s6d; Ho-ston Bros. (Scdgmerc\ 7 at i~-l 15s to £23 2s 6d ; J. G. ««»i?ara\ 2 cows a * £7 Vs t0 £S Ts 6d: A. £■ juatcr i.Wairara'., l cow at £5; J. R. Thacirr (OkairTs BayI'. 1 '. V sheers at £22 2. Wto £25 : 3 &: ; -jr. Corrissn (Akaroat, 'i cows a t £l2 10 3 , R. Reid "(Tai Tapu', 2 facucrs at £ll ss; client, 2 steers St. £lO i.s fid; clients, 1 cows at £7 10 3 to £3 '-s fd: Waikari client, S steers at £l2 Us to £lO 15s: Pcraki Estate (Little Rivor\ 11 6jccrs at £l7 13= to £2l 12s 6d; H- Edwards iKaiapoi.', R steers at £l7 12s Gd to T'': ir ' s; :s "°" il Island client =, 11 steers at ■flt> 15s to £l3 15?, U Ftcers. at £l7 15b to -13 13;: J. and C. Tbacker (Okain's Bay\ 6 cowo ftnr ] heifers at £lO to £1".; A. J. -Vcoll (Rotherhara., steer at £0 17s Go, - •aged cows, £t to £5 ss. cows at £5 2a Gd to £lO 10s; client. 2 steers at £3 17s Gd, 2 cow 3 at £5 2s 6d; W. Lcon(Hickory), 21 steers at £l6 7s Gd to --1 'Js ed, ] cow at £S ss, 1 heifer at £l3 l->s; Roger Gould (Tho Hermitage). 8 Kteer3 a t £l3 2a Gd to £l7 7 5 6 d; G. R. Meßao (Island Hills), s cows at £6 lis to £7 12*. £d; lsiinpfon client, 4 Btecrs at £ls to £l7 17s s< l; Mrs il. Ounnccn (Broadnelds), 1 heifer «t i'H 10s; G. T. Robertson (Courtcnav), 1 cow et £M ifts ; Loc&ton client, 1 cow at « Ta 6d; Sir Chas. Campbell (Davaar\ 1 cow at £7 ss; H. Hamilton (Springston), I cow at £ll ?s 6d; O. Garland (Springston), \ cow at £S; Fendalton client, 1 cow st i' 92s ed; Riccirton client, 2 cows at £8 2s 6d; R. Nic.holls (Coutts Island). 6 cows at ■S3 15s to £lO 5.i: Waikuku cljont. S steers at £7 17= fid to £0; W. Gardiner (Halswell), 1 cow af, £ii i: 3 y. Denison ißro«d--ficlds'i, 1 cow at iS 12s 6d; E. Brandon (Halswe'l), 1 cow at £4 17s 6d; Geo. Harris (Hcon Hay), Q steers at £l4 to £l9 7s 6d, -1 cows at £9 10s to £lO 10s: H. Odell (Takatnatua;, 1 heifer at £l4: W. F. Parkinson (Attahua), 6 steers at £H to £l7 7s 6d, 2 heifers at £l3 10s to £l3 12s Gd; Frobble<on client, 3 CO w s a t £7 to £.13 15s; Geo. Humphreys (Willcsdeu), 13 6toers at. £l-1 10s to £2l 7s 6.-), cow at £lO Ins; client, 5 steers at £l7 to £IS 10s. hoifcr at £l3 1? M; F. G. Birdling (Budding's Piatt, 8 steer? at £lB 17s Gd to £2O; client, 9 steers at £l7 10s to £lB 15s; Kiccarton Estate, steer at £l3, cow at £10,12 a Gd; G. Tonilinaon (iiotiinau), cow at £l2 15s, steer at £!) 12s 6d: F. \V. Hunt (Glcntunnel'l, 7 cows «t £l3 12s 6d to £l2 15s; J. "W. Green (Hawkins), heifer at £lO 15s; T. Thompson. fLittlc River), heifer at £7 15?, 2 steors at ■£l3 12s €d: W. H. Gillespie (Oxford), 7 steers at £l4 17 8 6d to £2O: L. Oailey (Rakaia), cow at £l3 17s 6d; A. P. Taylor (Papanui), cow at £9 15s: A. 8.. Hemin? (Port Lovy), 3 cows at £S 12s €<i to £9 7s 6d, 5 bc.ifcrs ai £0 2s 6d to £lO 17s 6d; B. Tizzard (Robinson's Bay), 3 heifers at £8 Us to £9 15s, 6 cows «!. £6 10s to £8 13s; client, \ heifers at £7 10s to £11; 0. B. Thackor (Okain's Bay), 2 cows at £ll 0.1 to £l2 7s 6d; ,1. and C. Thackor (Okain'f Bay), 5 cows at £ll 5s to £ll Jss, 6tecr at £5 12s 6d'; client, 3 steers at £9 to £lO 17s 6d; C. S. Lyall (Pigeon Bay!, \\ st*ers at £ll ,15s to £ls 17s 6d, 5 heifers at. £l2 5s to £l3 10s; F. H. Musgrovo (Aylesbury), 2 cows at £8 15s to £9; client, 7 cows at £8 17s fid to £ll 2s 6d; J. Pe*ch (Ashley), cow at £8 17s 6d; P. Basher (Broadfields), cow at £ll 17s Gd; W. O. Rennio (Doyleston). 3 stoers at £7 2s Gd; clients, 6 cowg at £7 to £l3 7s Gd, hoifcr at £9 7s 6d, steer at £lo.' VEALERS. There, was a. moderate sized entry ai voalcrs. On the wbolo tho qtialily was .very indifferent. Good stuff sold well at an advance on lato rates. Values were: Runners, to £6 17s Gd. Good vealrrs, £( 15s to £G. Good calves, £2 15s to £4 10s. Small calves, 15s to -10s. STORE CATTLE. The offering of sforo cattle was a, particu* la-rly largro one, 380 head being penned. A 4 feature of tho sale was a. lino of 103 three, four, and five-year-old steers from. Messrs W. and R. Anderson (Cbartcris Bay). The demaud was keen for all classes, and although tho entry was a largo 'one, tho demand at tho eloso of tho Rale waß unsatisf'viJ. Several leading graziers operated. Values were:—. , Four and fivc-yeaj-oldi steers, £7 to £8 12s 6d. ..■'. •.. ■•.-.. Three-year-old stearß, £6.105.-'., ■•.-•. Yearling steers, up to £2 10s. . • . Yearling heifers, 15s' to 255. Gwd cows, £2 16s to £3 17s €d. Medium cows, £1 15s to £2 10s. Old cows, £1 to £1 12s Gd. DAIRY CATTLE. Tbe entry of • dairy cattle totalled 116 Vead, compared with 113 last week. Tha cattle were,in fair condition.' The attendance of buyers was small, and Bales were hard to make. Values were: .',■ Best second, third, and fourth - c»irers, springing, £5 to £7 10s. Medium sorts, £3 to £4 155., . Best springing heifers, £0 to £7 10s. Medium sorts, £2 to £4 10s. Aged and inferior cows, 203 to SOs. FAT PIGS. Thore was a medium entry of fat pigs. Porkers met with a good demand, but the demand for baconers was easier than last week. Values were:'— Choppers, £3 10s to £6. . ■ Light bacouer3, £4 5s to.£4 15s. . Heavy baconefs, £5. to £5 10s. , Average price per'lb, 7Jd to BJd. Light porkers, £2.10s 'to £2 155.. Heavy porkers, £2 17s t'd to £3 15s. ' Average prico per lb, 9d to led. STORE PIGS. There was a, medium- offering of store pigs. Considering tho drop in bacon prices, the market held remarkably well, and all classes sold readily on a par with late 'rates. Values were: Weaners, 24s t0.295; extra good to 30s. Small stores, 35s to 425. Medium ctores, to 435. Large stores, to 5Ss.

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Press, Volume LX, Issue 18205, 16 October 1924, Page 11

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ADDINGTON MARKET. Press, Volume LX, Issue 18205, 16 October 1924, Page 11

ADDINGTON MARKET. Press, Volume LX, Issue 18205, 16 October 1924, Page 11


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