'Mr r>rd Mrs Bransby Williams are staying at the United Service Hotel. Mr and Mrs Grigg (Sumner) have returned home after spending a few dajs • at Methven. | Miss Walker (Wanganui) is a guest | at the Clarendon Hotel. I Mr and Mrs H. S. Fenwiek (Dur.cdin), Mr and Mrs 11. Mullcr (Sydney). Mrs P. Pennehy (Greymouth;, Miss Momson (Darfield), and Mr and Mrs J. H. Burner (Texas') are guests at the Lnited Service Hotel. The death is announced of Mrs M. C. J. (C'issie) Finemore, wife of Mr Harrn'an P. Finemore, a well-known Christehu'reh business man. Mrs Finemore was the daughter of the late Mr Michael Corcoran, a hotel proprietor tor many years in Auckland and district, and'well known and highly respected throughout New Zealand. Mr and Mrs Cullen (Wellington), Misses Adinnells (Christehurch). Mrs Kippeuberger (Timaru), Mr and JYlrn (r E T. Shand and two children (K;'ikoura) Mrs Clavton (Christehurch.), Mrs Hartley -Smith and child (Christchurch), -Mrs Holcomb and child <Christehurch)', Mrs E. Blair Mrs Kettle and three children (Ohnst--1 church), Mrs Barry (Christehurch), Aire W. MoPhee (Kaiapoi) are among therecent an'ivals at the New Brighton Cii'i'e. The engagement is announced of Miss Audrey Mack, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs P. F. Mack, The Terrace, Wellington, and Mr Arthur T. Frost, son of Mr W. T. Frost, Manchester, England. Miss Mack is well known in dancing circles in Wellington, and Mr Frost is the musical director for the J. C. Williamson Vaudeville Company which is at present appearing at the Theatre "Royal. Christchurcli. At the opening of the Sumner Bowling Club on Saturday, the president, Mr F. C. Cooper, referred to what he thought was a world's record ih bowling—the election of Master Clifton Black, the son of Mr and Mrs W. G. Black, as a member of the club before he was twelve hours old. The annual ball of the North Canterbury Racing Club was held last Iriday night in the Rangiora Parish Hall. The event proved a very brilliant affair, being present from Christehurch and all parts of North Canterbury. Dancing, was kept up till the early hours of the morning, excellent music being supplied by Miss Middleton's Band, Christehurch. The annual plain and fancy dress dance of the Christchurcli Plain Dance Assembly will be held on Wednesday evening at the Caledonian Hall. 1 Prizes will be awarded for the best fancy, best poster, and most original costumes. A waltzing contest will be held. The gallery will be available to spectators. A special euchre tournament will be held 011 Wednesday in No. 1 card room, Caledonian Hall. * Ten prizes will be awarded to the successful players, the first prize being a 32-piece dinner-set. j The committee extend an invitation to euchre-players. I Miss M. O. Stoddarft has issued invitations for an exhibition, of her watercolour paintings to bo held in the Art. Gallery from Monday, October 20th, to Saturday, October 25th. Invitations have been issued for the Canterbury College Students' .Relaxation Ball, to bo held in the College Hall on Thursday, October 30th. Me&dnines C. Chilton, S. Steele, and C. Fowemker will act -is chaperons, and the members of the committee are Misses B. Parlane, E. Bowie, Messrs A. Gillies, H. Stan den, L. C. Stephens (honorary secretary). A meeting of the committee of the Catholic Women's Association was held mi Saturday afternoon at the Ferry mad Convent. The chief business before the meeting was to arrange for the annual gathering of Association members, which this year will be held in the middle of November. It wa6 decided that members nf the Association should, on the Sunday appointed, receive Holy Communion in a body at the 8.15 a.m. Mass «.fc the Cathedral, and a social gathering will be held in the Convent grounds in the afternoon when his Lordsliip Bishop Brodie-will preside. Addresses will be given on "The Training; of Young Children," Catholic activities in general, and other subject." of general interest. Afternoon tea will be dispensed, and the leathering: will conclude with the Benediction Service in the Conv.ent Chapel. SAMPLE FURS AT HALF PRICE. A lino of traveller's samples, comprising 36 Fur Coats, all next year's advanced styles, have been handed to Madame Menere, corner Cashel and Colombo streets (upstairs), to sell at half cost, viz., Coney Seal, usual prico 16 guineas, now S guineas; Beaver Coney, usual price 1(3 guineas, now S guineas; Mole Coney, usual price 20 guineas, now 10 guineas. The, sale will last just so long as the -coats last. 6 Pannell and Co., 105 Manchesterstreet, Christchurcli. Just to hand, a great variety of Women's Patent and Suede Fancy Strap Shoes, with the latest sandal effects. Very dressy. In English, American, nad Colonial makes. Prices ranging from 32s 6d to 47s 6d. PGSO6-2G49 Smart Summer Frocks, priced from 5s lid to (i guineas, should be sufficient inducement to invite an inspection, but there is also a wide range of Model Spring Millinery and Linens, easily the best value in town, being offered at WESTWAI, 100-102 Cashel street, just past Stewart Robinson's. Ladies' own materials made up on premises, style and fit being guaranteed. *
The Girls' High Sehool annua! sports avill be hold at tlio Eiceavton racecourse on "Wednesday. Although tlie attendance at the opening of the sniiiug at Redclifi's on Saturday afternoon was not up to the usual standard, owing no doubt to the indifferent weather, the afternoon tea tables '.very kept full, and the ladies in charge had a busy time attending to the waists of the yachtsmen and visitors. Mrs Taylor nud Mrs G. Hines were in iharge, and assisted by Misses Taylor, Ileaton, V. Ilines. G. llallett, and Allen (2). The tables were prettily decorated with the club colours, red and white, carried out in red and white vase?, and arum lilies and red camellias. The bareness of the club-house walls was successfully camouflaged with broom. The Sumner Marine Band was in attendance, and played several bright airs that considerably livened up the afternoon's proceedings. Despite the ungraciousness of the clerk of the weather, for whose churlish behaviour the president, Mr T. Tomlinson, apologised, the opening-of-the-season ceremony at the United Club's pavilion on Saturday was a representative and extremely cheery gathering. The recent additions to the pavilion were the subject of many complimentary remarks. After short speeches by Mr Tomlinson tud his Worship the Mayor (Mr J. A. Fieslier) all present were entertained at afternoon tea. Amongst those present were: The Mayor (Mr J. A, Flesher), Mr James Jamieson (representing Domain Board), Mr T. Tomlinson (president) and Mrs Tomlinson, Mr and Mrs J. C. Lord, Mr Goss and Miss Sylvia Ges&, Mr McCulloch and Miss McCulloch, Mr and Mrs P. G. Greenwood, Mr and Mrs E. Browning, Mr and Mrs L. Y. Comerford, Mr and Mrs T. J. Bettle and Miss Bettlo, ! Mrs Maddren, Mr and Mrs McKenzie, Mrs E. A. Smith, Miss Clark, Miss Greta Wright,. Messrs E. J. Ross, John Brown, sen., P. A. Laurie, T. W. Lewis, Walter Hall, T. Reese, T. Pox, J. Middleton, Ward, Walker, W. i\ So per, Sullivan, J. Poison, Johnston. Moor, Pattrie.k, W. Brown, Harrison, Jones, H. A. Penu, Prankard, Roskruge, George Reid, John Brown, jun., George Bilcliif, Robert King. The Wentworth Cabaret Club held its- weekly dance at. the Winter Garden on Saturday, when Bailey's Jazz Band supplied the music. The following were amongst those present: —Mr and Mrs G. T. Bullock, Mr and Mrs Menzies, Mr and Mrs W. 0. S. Adam, Mr and Mrs W. B. Gracie, Mr and Mrs Carter, Mr and Mra Y. Henderson, Mr and Mrs T. Atkinson, Mr and Mrs L. M. Brough (Adelaide), Mr and Mrs Newson, Mr and Mrs Carlisle, Mr and Mrs W. Fraser, Mr and Mrs Frankley (Auckland), Mrs Donald, Mrs Mortlock, Misses Hazel Caygill, M. Valley, Corrie Wales. Lilian Edmonds, Neate, Annie Ileid. Y. Hope, Alma Finnerty, Bessio Macdonald, Lambert (Wellington), M. Grimner, Alma Tinnerty, Kathleen Kane, Diane Yanbrugh, ■Eileen Jerma'.i, Moorliouse, Emma Moore, J. Cavendish, Norma Middletonj Cameron, West, Doris Middleton, Melva Pricstnall, L. Kaye, Turner, Messrs D. Cameron, .T. Mortloclc, Perry, Cromb, H. Sluis, L. C. Penlington, Stratford, Mulligan, C. L. Robinson, S. Flood, D. Cox, F. W. McCaldon, J. Jackson. O. Smith, G. R. Gregory, L. Bell, Graham (Auckland), F. 11. Drewitt, F. Smith, Amodeo, I/.' Benson, Hattriek, A. Eric Jackson, S. Robinson, T. Halliburton, and C. Robinson (hon. secretary). On Tuesday evenTng, at the UiTjernian Hall, a plamand fancy dress party was held to augment the funds of Mrs J. Hoban's flower and variety stall at tiho sale of work to be held in November. With games and dancing the time passed all too quickly for the great number of young*folk who were present. A sumptuous supper was served, the tables being decorated with coloured streamers and spring flowers. The energetic committee who were responsible for the successful result comprised Mesdames H. Turkington, W. Brittendon,. Dohbs, Jenkins. Nee. Humphries, Misses Jessie and Myra Cronin, Dooian, Keams, Anderson, Costelloe and Hnnrahan. Miss Winnie Stott made a very capable pianiste. The prize-dinners were:—Joseph Williams .(The Kid), Vonnie Flood . (Billiard Tabic), Evei;ad Aspell (Black Cat), Joyce Hill (Folly), Stella Short (Fairy Bells). Best paper dresses: Pejr<*y 1 Turkington (Wistaria) and Eunice j Jones (Ten, Rese).. Others in , fancy dress were: —Margarie Corliss (Japanese Lady), Rosalie McKendry (Dutch I Boy), Phyllis White (Red Pierrette), Patty Commons (Egyptian Lady). DorI othv_ Hall (Night), Rona, Kelly (Jazz), [ Marjorie (Short (Colleen), Bernadette j Smith (Butterfly), Margaret Tobiu (Japanese Lady), Mollie Scott (Brown Paper Parcel), Teresa Moreland (Cherry Blossom), Linda Hendren (Edmcnd's Baking Powder), Pn.tricia. Smith (Rosebud), Betty Brookes (Flower Girl), Phyllis' Cogle (Japanese), Patricia Tobin (Black and White Pierrette), Mollie Hall (Fairy), Dennis Jennings (Cricketer), Phillis Demrnxan (Jonquil), Margaret Moreland (Buttercup}, Kathleen Scullion (Waitress), Mollie* Hayward (Daffodil), Blanch Hall (Flower Girl), Natalie Jennings (Fairy), Kathlen Dempsey (Japnnese Lady), Jim Moore (Court Jester), Denis Aspell (Cowboy), Tommy Aspell (Dutch Boy), Joe Aspell (Old Father Time), Frank 'Jenkins (Bunny), Ernie Bond (Coooer's, Seeds), Hope Parland, Veronica C'crl ss, Enid Brittenden, Isabel lianrahan, Patricia McKendry, Isla Barter, Miffanie Norris, Rona Brookes, Bernard Jenkins, Maurice Scully, Laurie O'Lough-lin, Dudley Terriss, Clemment Kenard, Ronald Dempsey, Tom Commons, Owen Scully, Gregory Nurris, Vincent O'Connell, Maurice Commons,' Ronnie Cogle, Joe O'MaJley, Erie Davey, Francis Leathwick, * George Blaokaby, anS about one' hundred adults. SUMNER TENNIS CLUB DANCE. A most successful dance was held in the Masonic Hall at Sumner on Saturday night, organised by a committee consisting of members of the local tennis club. The hall was filled to its utmost capacity, and looked well decorated with' bine and white streamers and vari-coloured festoons round the walls. Amongst the daneers were: Mr and Mrs 11. Y. Widdowson, Mr and Mrs Yesey Hamilton, Mr and Mrs Alan Brown, Mr and Mrs Stanley Dalton, Misses Vera Barlow, Sybil Thompson. Betty Beadel, Janet York. Philippa Hamilton, Doras Jamieson, Fanny Middleton, Muriel Wood, Merle Buxton. Jean Orr, Rata Bowden, Hilda Heinzman, Myrtle Allen, Iliffe Lawrence, Joan Wiggins, Eileen and Kathleen Thomas, Freda and Elsie Cooper, R. Woolridge, Ngaire Partridge, Elsie Waldron, Sybil East, Wilkinson (2), Doris Aburn, Reua Boulton, Rona Vaughan, Edna Hcsiop, Inez Mitchell, Joyce Jamieson, Kathleen Iladfiera, Nancy Marshall, Messrs J. and W. Jamieson" I?. C. Blunt, F. C. Cother, E. and G. Hamilton, I. I>. Wood, M. J. Burns, H. K. Tait. E. Lindsay Konaldson, E. Booth, D. H. Hall, J. X). Lawrence, A. B. 11 oLibs, J. and E. Wood, H. Feast. Williams, 0. L. Allen, C. Sherrard, H. Grace, E. D. R. Smith, D. Richardson, C. Ogier, .T. Price, M. Bolam. R. Baxter, J. Heslop, G. R. Wallace, A. Jair.inscu, A. Borgfeldt. T. Stanley Harris, W, J. Jackson, and Bushell.
! DEATH OF MRS WALL. ; The news of the death of Mr s Wail. ! w ;f o t f Professor Arnold Waiu ot "Lis- | more Lodge/' Fendalton, one of the j | best-known members of the professorial j I staiT of Canterbury College, will come i ! a painful shock to a ery large circle j jof friends in Christduirch. Mrs Wall : enioved her usual.good health until -a i | week ago. when she became unoxpeet- j j fijiv ill. and was later removed to a j I privite hospital, where her untimely j | occurred vesterday morning. { Sincere svmpathy 'will be eztonded to | I Professor' Wall and his daughters, j (Misses Hilary and Ethel Wall, t-ho j 1 former of whom is at present- visiting | her father's relatives in India, and also j to Mrs Wall's brother, ihe Rev. j T M Curnow, vicar of St. Sav- , iour's." Jjvttelton. The funeral will ; ! leave "Liamore Lodge." Fendalton, | to-morrow morning at 1 <-> o'clock for Uiu j j Halswell Churchyard, where Hie inter- \ I ment will tako placu. ! j I j SUMNER BOWLING CLUB'S I OPENING. i I j Yet another opening was marred s3V> I what by the weather when the Sumner > Bowling Club held its opening onSatur- j day afternoon. In spite of the cold j wind, however, several games wefc j played, there being a good attendance j of visitors from other clubs. The at- | tendance of Sutherland's Orchestra j added greatly to the enjoyment c£ the ! guests, and they played all the latest j fox-trots during the afternoon. A j dainty afternoon tea was dispensed by I the president's daughters, the Misses j Cooper, who were assisted by several j o-irl friends. The president and Mrs i Cooper received the visitors, amongst j whom were Mesdames T. E. Whitfield, j Merry. A. P. Robinson, T. E. Tapson, j J. M.' B. Crawford. C. A. Eoswell, H. D. ; Bates, J. 0. McDonald, 11. J. Marriner, j Hudson-Brown, H. 11. Barlow, E. F. j Graham, 1. C. Crisp, Bain, .T. S. Mar- i tin, Maeara, Undrill. Buxton. T. B. : Boulton, Middleton, F. Glackin, Foster, j J. Illingsworth, Fountain-Barber, W. J. ! Hampton, Forrest, H. Y. Widdowson, E. j G. Wood, T. C. Evans, E. Wallace, Trc- J leaven, J. H. Booth, L. P. L-onguet, j Misses A r . Barlow, 11. and M. Wiggins, j Wood, E. Thomas, E. Heslop, M. Allen, | T. Raphael, Richards, I. Lawrence, 1. Merry, E. R. Cheshire, Barnett, Messrs Cooper, A. F. Barnett (Christchurch), T. Merry, B. Barlow, H. Y. Widdow- i son, Bates, -Dalziel, Jones, Dr. Cosset, j Cother, Thomas, G. Mazey (Christ- j churc-h), ,E. A. Johnson, Lawson, W. j F. Raphael, G. F. Allen, A. Pullan, F. | A. Tapon, J. M. B. Crawford, Bailey, ' Foster, T. C. Evans, IT. Barlow, For- i rest, Rev. Mc.Ara, liev. E. E. W. | Powell, T. Newburgii, F. J. Glackin, ! W. J. Crisp, McLachlan, H. A. Bruce, j W. H. Brown,' J. Ulingswcrth, T. B. | Boulton, Henley, Longuct, Waghorr, . McDonald, Y r . J. Hampton, Major E. j A. Row, Gardiner, H. C. Wilson, Newman, Main, Mazey, Middleton, Rev. W. J. Williams, W. Jamieson, H. J. Eliott, R. Wallace, Buxton, Grigg, Tripe, Graham. DANCE AT OXFORD. To celebrate the forty-eighth anniversary of the Loyal Oxford Lodge, M.U., 1.0.0. F., the members held a successful dance, on Friday evening. Martin's Hall, where the function took place, was prettily decorated, but proved too small for the large number present. Hunnibell's Jazz Band provided excellent music, and Bro. G. Frampton, P.G., carried out the duties of M.C. The Grandmaster of the Ashley District (Bro. J. A. Ivory), the N.G. of the Rangiora Lodge (Bro. W. A. Horrell) and Bros. W. C. Gardner, P.G., D. Coates, J. Horrell, and L. G. Coates or the same lodge were amongst the visitors. Others ,present included Mesdames W. Gardner (iiangiora), v:!icl wore a. gov,-n of grey .jersey silk; C. Martini floral crops do chine; W. Horrc-ll (Rangiora), rose jarscy cloth; L. Harper (Itangiora), saxe blue satin liiarocain; itcCormicJs, gold taifeta, with black rosette; J. N. Monk, black ; beaded marocain; p. Knoirles, navy satin; j AV. Martin, black velvet, beaded; Perkins, j marine bliie coliennc; J. Robertson, navy blue satin marocain; W. McGrath, ' blown satin; J. Proflitt, mauve crepe de chine; J. Brawn, white crepe de chine; P. Harris, ■white crepe do chine -with silver trimmings; j Heer, art silk; L. A. Vincent, black crepe •de 'j'.tfine v/ith Vmerald uiinnjingl.; F,. Jdoore, nigger brown velvet; Misses En a Bruero (Itangiora), white crepe de chine; Mab Stockley- (Rangiora), Shantung silk; A. Fawcett-, pale blue crepe do chine; D. 03- , borne, cream iugi silk; May McConnel, j black chifion velvet with, green and gold j headings;' Jlary Doody, ircry charmeuse; | Kathleen Docdy, lemon marocain, light.'y • beaded; A. Doody, apricot jersey silk; G. 'liarncj, jad>a green satin; M. Brown, sea green marocain; D. Ailenby, blue jersey silk; Casey, pink shot' taffeta ; D. Marsh, i biscuit coloured crep>} de chine; M. Seed,. I white taffota; M. Woods, black lnarccain j and radium lace: "W. Eiliott, lustre silk, j relieved, with ribbons; 0. Harris, orange | souplc satin, with touches of black: F. I Frampton, pink crcpe de chine and lacc; | Bertha, Frampton, lemon jersey silk; E. j Russell, mauve gesrgette: C. f.ame j churmeiise, beadtxi in blac}\ ; jS . Goi-nev, J pink frock, beaded in silver; M. Pnillip?, ■ ivory marocain with bead trimming: Mavis j. Protfitt, pink crepe dc chine; Lilian Aden, ' iindislier blue crepe.de chine; Madge Profitt, = blua silk and silver trimmings; \\ r . Prof- 1 fit.t, black ci'epe de chine and silver; B. B'trr.ead, Chinese art brcche: I. Bitmead, : <rr*een art broche: L. Ivory, lavender satin r j with georgette sleeves; M. Power, black • T eivet and georgette; J. Brown, white crjpa de chine; Isabel Jamieson, a.pric?t organdi; (J McConnel, cherry velvet; E. Martin, , emerald green gcorgctta: J. Youngman, pale . "•reen creue de chine, shot with silver; G. ; S Knowles, ficured marocain; E. Stevenson, • burnt orange silk; B. Moore, nigger velvet; ! Garlick, lavender satin, with silver ( , ]ac« drapings; Estella Davis, black ninon | • 1 -ith beaded overdress; Annio McGarry iChi'istchurchb lemon crepe de chine, {vi:ii- ; mod with silver gauze; Messrs G. Young 1 1 illangioral. L. Harper {Rangiora), W. ~lar.- .-* Ole Comie, P. Knocks, Robertson, V" 'Debenliam. W. E. J. Jlarr,3 D. McT, Winter H. Leermouth. M. Took, T« Cook. B. Mink. R. Russell S r.d Bros. ? Anderson, T. O. Heer A. E. Cross T. Gmidrv Yinceri, . Stewart, I;. Kcr,lian J "Wo'ods. K. McGrath. "D. Garhrjj, p j'lariis R- McGrath. T. Gnmwood, AV. "\lrnn J. book and G. Mehrter.s.
youthful-looking defendant in the ~nd Magistrate's Court gave the somewhat surprising evidence that he was the father of eight, children whoso suoport he was responsible for (reports the ''Sar'-";. His salary was under £G a wee*. and he had to pay £2 a week rc-nl. He had borrowed money to try and p;iv oft' some of his debts, but had "onJv got further into the mire by doii.g Fo .' "No order,"' sr.id the Magistrate. *»"I'llIs man has eigat children and pays £2 a. week rent. That only leaves; him vj " wei-!-: or le,<3 to feed ar-cl clothe ten people on. That's not much."
DANCE AT UNITED CLUB'S PAVILION. Successful beyond even the most sanguine hopes of the promoters wore the dance and progressive euchre party held on Saturday night in the United Bowling, Croquet, and Tennis Club's Pavilion in Hagley Park. It ' was pleasing to ncte, amongst the two hundred guests, a large number of -devotees of each of the three games — croquet, bowls, and tennis. A wellarranged euchre tournament was enjoyed by the non-dancers, the prizes being won by Mrs Asquith, Mr P. G. Greenwood, Mrs W. H. Harris, and Mr E. J. Ross. The new tea-room, gay with fluttering mauve and pink streamers, and branches of lilac and c-herry blossom, was crowded with dancers, for whom Large's orchestra supplied the music. The energetic members of the Ladies' Committee —Mrs W. Brown, Mrs Maddren, Mrs J. C. Lord, Mrs Midglc'y, Mrg L. V. Comerford, Miss Greta Wright, and Miss Dorothy Diamond—certainly deserved the success achieved, and many were the requests they received to organise a similar function at ail early date. Amongst those present were: —Mr and Mrs W. N. Seay, Mr and Mrs T. Tomlinson, Mr E. J. Eoss and Miss Mary-.Ross, Mr and Mrs P. A. Laurie, Mr and Mrs Cresswell. Mr and Mrs J. C. Lord, Mr and Mrs "W. H. Harris, Mr and Mrs W. Brown, Captain and Airs Findlav, Mr and Mrs Arthur Ross, Mr and Mrs R. Browning, Mr and Mrs P. G. Greenwood, Mr and Mrs Parsonsou, Mr and Mrs Waiter Scott, Mrs Mark Brown, Mr and Mrs ,T. S. Middleton, Mr and Miss McMuriay, Mr and Miss Hall, Mr aiul Mrs John Brown, sen., Mr and Mrs Fred Brown, Mrs Bounington, Mrs Quill, Mr and Mrs Carey, Mr and Mrs Nathan Smyth, Mr and Mrs Maddren, Mr and . Mrs MiJgley, Mr and Mrs Hutchinson. Mr and Mrs Fleming, Misses Dorothy Diamond, Greta Wright, Dorothy Quill. Enid Minty, Mavis Kecse. Rose Atkinson, Winnie WhiteParsons. N. Wilkinson. Lorna Saunders, G; Greig, W. Greig, M. Greig, M. Cos, I. MeKinnon, G. Flanagan, Jerman, A dele Seav, Edmonds, Hina Booth, Clare Dimond, P. Thomson, M. Johnson, D. Kobinson, Merle Sowden, M. Clark, Alix Kirk. Margaret Ormerod. Willis, Owen, Messrs T. W. Lewis, Frank Morrison, P. Harrison, Ivan Seay, W. Diamond, H. Sinclair. T. Bell, G. Parkinson, E. Lascelles, J. Fabian, Searle. I. Johnston. K. Summers. L. McQuillan. 11. Ford,. P. Tait, S. Bowron. C. MeCul'y, A. Hatch, A. Hamilton. Grant, Orbell, and J. Harley.
WEDDING. " ! WEIGHT—ROBE. A* S'. David's Presbyterian Ciiureh, listen, recently, the marriage was •JflWHsed o,ci a . v » second daugh- | jffflf Mr and t.iie late Mrs James Eobb, I .npyjeston, and James Feather, eldest I IFOB of Mr and Mrs J. W. Wright, | 'guerdon. The Rev. Y'. P. MeKenzie I -a the officiating clergyman, and Misa | ffteter presided at the organ. | : it£ bride, ivbo entered the; ehurca on I- J%n of' her father, who gave her f *Ly wore a charming frock of grey | with silver trimmings and I »!L ghoes and stockings. She eari gel 8 pretty shower bouquet of white I yt-bcuse flowers. Sbe was attended bv her sister, | josie, who wore deep apricot figured (i gmgffftttQf ana hut to with rib- | [o« streamers. Her bouquet was of = tifrg fl° wcrs ; _ , l sfr Eastwick wa3 best man. _ ; jjt er the ceremony a reception was «; yj in the Doyleston Hall, -where ■ jtoot seventy guests vrere entertained, I 1,4 the usual toasts were honoured. ?' X take was the gift of Mr and Mrs f fTO its (Little Kivcr). ' Jbe b. Stace, sister of the bride, I A received the guests, wore a pretty J i T tJfc 0 f siJver grey satin maroeain, and | <iite but, and carried a posy of vioi Mr and Mrs Wright left amid i Attr-'K of confetti and rice for their t home at Elgin, Ashburton, the j; Ode wearing a nigger brown serge s' -ttmc, with hat, shoes, and stock- £, to match, and' black fur stole. ; carried a wrap oi' henna velour doth. i A very pleasant timo was spent in I iie evening in dancing and songs, ren- ' imd by' Messrs Bobb, White, Baructt, j fcjgley, and Mallett. Mr Mallett gave Jtlml bagpipe selections. Music for I tie dance was supplied by Miss I. r Qtfppell and Mr L. Stace. I f b £ GEEENAX—CARROLL. t la the presence of a large number of frienda, the marriage of Mr Bernard Gnnun to Miss Mary Carroll was recently in St. Joseph's gS>, Southbridge, by the Bev. II wjp? Creed, who also celeorated (>' wU Mass. who entered the church on her's arm, wore a pretty frock e silk and georgette, trimmed ilver and kingfisher-bine. Her oes, and stockings matched the utd her bouquet was of spring ijridesmaid, Miss Mary Greenan, navy costume and grey crepe de at, relieved with saxe and a bouquet of pink flowers. Th« ffer-girls, Misses Marguerite and Slattery wore pink maroeain trimmed with ribbon and flowtr Joseph Carroll was best man. tl ceremony a reception I siH" held at the residence of Mr -Ktttm Slattery (Lceston). Tbo Bev. I '3scrCr ed proposed the toast of the I I 'ABride and Bridegroom" and Mr M. ' T*iss of "The Parents." On her wedi iiag tour, Mrs Greenan wore a navy | iMtume, with hat to match. NELSON—MEBBIMAN. Miss Horenee Merriman was married recently to Mr Charles Nelson, of Ka&y.tie. Bev. W. Uphill, in fit. Church, Brookside. The bride, ' 1m? 8 jP T ? n awa y by Jier father, wore dregs of white satin, trimmed laee, and the usual veil and > *mP' bloeoms. Sho carried a bouquet flewcrs. Miss Elsie Mcrri- ?• ; bridesmaid, w re a froek of j jyjgiey silk, with hat to mateh, and foSf- a pretty bouquet. Miss Bea|f W(|pwriman, flower-girl, woro pink \- tWwjfc l -chine, and carried a posy o? 1 »McNicholl was best man. i held at the homo &Kf|p£bride's parents, where abbut fe*flP||W6ts. were entertained. Mrs K'Kjl'i. travelling eostume was of fawn | beautifully embroidered.
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Press, Volume LX, Issue 18202, 13 October 1924, Page 2
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4,122WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LX, Issue 18202, 13 October 1924, Page 2
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