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LOBURN. On Wednesday evening, the fifth night of the second progressive euchre tournament of the season was held. There was an attendance of thirty-two players. The prizes were given by Mrs James Brady, and the winners were Miss Wave Wilkinson and Mr Percy Pulley. The consolation awards went to Miss Thelma Henry and Mr H. T. Metherell. The spring-like weather is arousing interest in cricket matters, and the annual meeting is being held on August sth, iu the Coronation Hall. Preparations are actively in hand for a basket-ball dance, on August 22nd. The extension of the Lake Coleridge electric light through the district would be viewed bv manv with satisfaction. A pleasant little function took place in the Loburn School yesterday afternoon, when Doris Anstey, who has shown exemplary conduct, was the recipient of a handsome book from her schoolmates on the occasion of her_ leaving the district. Dcreen Cook, in a neat little speech, made the presentation, which was appropriately acknowledged by the recipient.

NORTH LOBURN. At the weekly progressive eueh™ evening, held in the North Loburn Hall. there was again a very good attendance. The prizes, given by Mr H. Bennett were won bv Miss Sarah Hodgson and Mr George "Bennett, while the consolation gifts went to Miss Wilson and Mr D. Hill. , . ~ Preparations are well in baud for the district ball, to be held in the North Loburn Hall on August Bth. RANGIORA. Miss M. E. Riordan, of the local Post. Office, who has been transferred to the High street Office, Christchurch, on promotion, was presented by the members of the staff with a Moorcroft vase, and by the postmaster (Mr 11. G. Davis), with a piece of Doulton ware, as an expression of the goodwill and friendship that had existed between Miss Riordan and the staff during her term at Rangiora.

KAIAPOI. The Kaiapoi Workingmen's Club's •innual smoke concert, held in the Drill Hall, Kaiapoi, on Wednesday evening, proved a most successful and enjoyable entertainment, and was largely attended The toast list honoured was as follows:—"The King and Eoyal Family"; "Success to the Club and Founders," proposed by the Mayor and responded to by Mr W. Simpson; •'Army and Navy," proposed by Mr J. Hirst and responded to by Mr E. Johniton; "Kindred Clubs," proposed by Mr E. Johnston and responded to by Mr Peverill (Cliristchureh WorkingMen's Club), and Mr Woodward (Eichmoud Working-Men's Club); •'The Press," proposed by Mr W E Coup; "Winners of the Canterbury Miniature Rifle Association Championship," proposed by the president (Mr Monk), and responded to by Mr li Trustrum; "The President, Officers, and Committee," proposed by Vir W Kilgour and replied to by the president; "The Ladies," proposed by Mr L. Hopkins and responded to by Mr L Pearce; and "The Performers," proposed by Mr L. Pearce. During the veiling musical and elocutionary items were contributed by Messrs E. Monk, A. Baker, (i. Hirst, T. Cooper, T. Uray, J. Brown, D. Woodward, J. ilosic.- J. Clark, and J. Hirst.

HORNBY-ISLINGTON. A -very pleasant function' took place in the Hornby Kugbj League football Rooms recently, when the secretary of the club, Mr Frank Winter, was the recipient of a suit-case. Mr J. Kenworthy (club captain) in making the presentation eulogised the good work done by Mr WWer for. the club, he having held offi,? since its inception. Mr Len Cox, deputy ed the chairman's remarks. Mr Winter suitably responded. There was a good attendance at tjie fortnightly euchre tournament held in St. Columba'fl Parish Room. Frizes were- won by Mrs C. Lennox (pair photo frames), and Mr I>. Kelly (silk scarf). Tho ladies provided supper at the close of the evening. Hie Islington Welfare Committee held a, euchre tournament in the Islington Social Hall. There was a good attendance. Prizes were awarded as follows:—Ladies, Mrs Seibem (half dozn cups and 'saucers) 1, Mrs Davis (book) 2; gentlemen, Mr Lionel Ward (watch), 1; Mr T. Brown (book) 2.

AKAROA. The Rev. Alban Purchas, the newlyappointed Anglican vicar of Akarau, arrived with his family from the West Coast on Wednesday. On Sunday morning Archbishop Julius will carry out the induction service at St. Peter s Church. On Monday evening a large party of interested young folk, duly chaperoned by a few more sedate, paid a "surprise visit" to the residence of Mr aud Mrs A. 11. Munro, for the purpose of showering upon it bride elect in the house, Miss Gladys Munro sundry tokens of their goodwill. The affair was called a "kitchen evening. Before the visitors departed Mr Munro, on behalf of his daughter, warmly thanked them for their gilts and good wishes.

PREBBLETON. The following members of the Preb-bleton-Halswell Rugby Football Club have been selected to play in the trial matches at the Show Grounds tomorrow :—A. Harris, F. Cox, L. Cooke, and C. Ilobb. I The bachelors met this week to wind up matters in connexion with their annual ball. The secretary reported that a small credit balance was in band. A vote of thanks was passed to the ladies who had assisted in the preparation and serving of the supper. A picture show was given in the Town Hall in the interests of Bertha Thornton, the No. 7 Queen. A large number of people were present, ana during an interval a cake competition was won by Mr J. Pryke. Progressive euchre was the form ot entertainment offered by Mr and Mrs G. Millar on Tuesday evening, when a number of guests were present in the library to aid the candidature of the iNo. 8 Queen. Prizes were awarded sis tollows:—Ladies, Mrs H. Prebble, 1; Mrs H. Clierrv, 2; Mrs H. Cox, consolation. Gentlemen, Mr P. Prendergast. 1; Mr G. Walker, 2; Mr L. Kolkman, consolation. The ladies of the Anglican Churcb met on Tuesday afternoon to ma,ke arrangements for sewing for the fair. A quantity of material had been procured, and it was reported that more was to be purchased with the money ( granted from the carnival funds. Ail the materiiU in hand was distributed among the ladies. . Much sympathy is felt m the district for Mrs Victor White, of. Shantl s Track whose husband lies seriously ■ M in Christclmrch Hospital.. Mr and Mr* "White's Jittle daughter is also in tiie ■ Cliristchureh Hospital, and another child is sick at home. Master J. Post, son of Mr and 3lrs T Post was removed to Chnstcnurcii suffering from pneumonia. The condition of Cecil Gallagher, another pneumonic patient, shows much improvement.

; KIRWEE. Mr L. Paynter, Government Orchard Instructor, gave a very interesting and instructive pruning demonstration in ilr H. Kowr's orchard on Tuesday. The day was beautifully fine, and about twenty-live people were present, including several ladies. On tile motion of Mr D. Gallagher, a heartyvote of thanks was accorded to Mr Paynter, to Mr Roper for the use of his orchard, and to Mrs Roper for providing afternoon tea. Mr F. E. "Ward, of the Department of Agriculture, gave a lecture on general agriculture, and some observations made by him during the past year, in the Courtenay Agricultural Association's Rooms, on Tuesday evening, when about thirty people were present. Mr Ward dealt with the need for conserving moisture by good tillage and also advocated deep ploughing where the land was suitable. He showed by means of lantern slides the results of various fertilisers and combinations of on cereal, clover, and root crops, and also the result of exnerirr.ents at Probbleton, Lincoln College, and Irwoll. Mr Ward sni'i that lime did not probablv do so much good in Canterbury as it- did in some other parts of New Zealand. Sunerphosnhate nearly ahvavs gave an improved crop. The lecturer advocated crowing blue lupins and ploughing them in as a mammal agent. Clover was practicallv as good, but farmers could aerv seldom be found who would plough in their green clover crops. A large uumlver of ouestions wore asked and snt-isfTctory answers triven. On the nmfion of Mr K. Murehison, a very ho'artv vote of thanks n> to Mi- Ward for his able and instructive lecture.

SPRINGFIELD. There is every indication of an early spring Lambs have made their appearance in the district. A very keenly contested football match w.:s played at the tSpriiigik-ld Domain between the Glentunnel and Russell Flat junior teams. The game resulted in a. win for Glentunnel by 13 points to 11. Afternoon tea was served to the contestants in the Domain pavilion by Mrs Taylor, assisted by several other lady enthusiasts. The girls' hockey team scored another success at Dartield, when they met the Greendalo team, a very and excitI ing game ending in their favour by one goal to nil. The new railway station and railway yards, so long enshrouded on dark and I stormy nights in a gloom of feeble, I inadequate lighting, are now ; a blaze iof light and eh'eeriness through the I installation of electricity. I Tie many friends and wellwishers of Mr and Mrs George Watson and family from Russell's Flat met at the Springfie'ef Hall on Wednesday evening to hid them farewell prior to leaving the district for their new home near Ashburton. A presentation of a wallet of bank notes ivai made to Mr Watson. Mr R. Gillanders and Mr H. Millar spoke in eulogistic terms of Mr and Mrs Watson's good qualities. , Tho evening was spent in dancing, the music for which was contributed by Mesdames J. Coffey, W. Donovan, 'Misses D. Innes and K. Millar, Messrs H. Millar (violin), and C. Smith (concertina). Mr James Nimmo acted as M.C. A dainty supper, provided by tb* ladies present, was handed round Mr Frank Rushton, who met his d°ath in the Wairarapa district under tragic .circumstances, had only recently left Springfield to take up employment near Grey town. He was well known throughout the Malvern district and in Christchurch, being much interested in tho training of trotting horses. His remains were brought to his late home in Springfield and bu'ied in the Springfield Cemetery yesterday afternoon. A larsre number of relatives and friends paid their last tribute to the deceased. The service was conducted by Rev. Father Seward. Yesterday a wind and heavy rain showers .prevailed.

KOWAI BUSH. The School Social Club .decided to give the proceeds of the last euchre party to the Children's Fresh Air. Home Fund, «aid the sum of £1 8s has been set aside for this purpose. A most enjoyable evening was spent at the residence of Mr and Mrs Bird-, ling, and on Tuesday evening another jolly evening, in the form of a "kitchen evening" for Miss G. Patterson, was passed at the home of Mr and Mrs Templeton. . The weather has been exceptionally mild during the last week, but a strong nor'-west wind brought up rain.

METHVEN. Miss E. Briden, of Christchurch, is visiting Methven, and is staying with her sister, Mrs J. -if. Newman. Mr rf. L. V. 'limras leit on Wednesday for Amberley to take up his newposition on the post otlice staff. Commencing on August 4th the van ous water-races running through' tho Methven district will be shut off for the annual c.eamng. This will com© at a very inconvenient time for town residents, as owing to the very dry season the supply of water in the tanks is very low, and rain would he welcome on this account. It is understood that it is the intention of the Railway Department when installing the electric light in. the railway station and yards, also to put in a number of lights along the road between the station and the mam entrance. This will certainly Tie an improvement to the yards. Another improvement that is urgently required, and one that would be greatly appreciated by the residents and alfio by those from other parts arriving at night, is a footpath from the. station to the Ashburton road. This portion of the railway yards has been in a disgraceful state for years, and requires the urgent attention of the Department. On the occasion of her departure from Methtven to take up a position at tho Beckenham School, Miss S. Guffie, for the past six years infant mistress at the Methven School, was the recipient of a handsome clock presented by the staff and scholars of the school. The presentation was made by Ruby Briden, one of Miss GufGe's pupils and several members of the school committee and Mr A. S. Kennedy, headmaster, spoke in appreciation 'of Miss Guffie's many good qualities and wished her success in her new position. Miss Guffie's suitably responded. On Wednesday evening at a meeting of the St. John's Presbyterian Bible Class, opportunity was taken of presenting Miss Guffie with a piece of Doulton ware as a small token of the esteem in which she is held by the members. Miss Ella McDonald made j the presentation, and in a few brief words referred fo the services Miss Guffie had rendered to the class, and | wished her, on behalf of the members, every success in her new sphere of work. Miss Guffie feelingly responded. The fortnightly meeting of the Loyal Methven Lodge, M.U., 1.0.0. F. was i held on Wednesday evening, when |Bro. E. A. Mangin, N.G., presided over an attendance of about 30 members. Apologies for absence were accepted from Bros. G. Petrie, A. All- | red .and R. Duff. An invitation was : received from the Loyal Hinds Lodge to their annual ball to be held on Aug- '■ ust Ist. Messrs F. Scott and H. Rob- j ertson were initiated into the Order, j Bros. G. Johnston and E. Mangin re- j ported that they had visited Bro. G. o«ddes, and that lie was rcovering j Trom his recent accident. Bro. A^ : T)uff reoorted on the result of the arP nual ball, which had been an unqualified success. It was decided io have a balance-sheet- prepared for the next meeting of the lodge. P.D.G.M. Bro. < F. G. Mangin suggested that the Merit Board be altered and brought up-to-date. It was decided to carry out the suggested improvemenJ.

RAKAIA. On Monday night Mr W B Dunstan's "Bantams" met the «*™*>£ t ers" (names reminiscent of the recent tug-of-war contest), lira friendly Sre match in Mr John Hunt's hall at Rakaia. The fina) scores _w«e:Bantama 34 games, Wire Busters 22 trames Several musical items were during the evening, which waa a most enjoyable one. The usual good attendance at the w?ekly progressive euchre tournaments held by the Rakaia Football Club still continue. The prizes given are of a substantial value. At the last tournament the ladies' prize was won by Mrs Cox and the gentlemen's by Mr J. Hunt, after a tie with Mr A. Dunstan. THe consolation prizes went to Miss L. Pluck and Mr F. McNamara.

BUSHSIDE. The Rev. Mr J. T. Paddison, vicar of the Parochial District of Mt. Somers, was the guest of 'the people of Bushaide, Alford Forest, and Springburn districts, at the Bushside school on Tuesday evening. At supper-time, Mr A. Tillman, on hehalf of the residents, presented the guest 3 with a travelling rug, and in doing so remarked that though. Mr Paddison had been in the district only three years, yei he had endeared himself to all n-ith whom he had come in contact. His sterling qualities as a man and his thoughtlulness and painstaking care a« a minister were household words throughout his diocese. Mr U 11. Hintiin wished Mr Paddison success in his new home at Kaiapoi. Mr Paddison thaaked the donors and remarked

that since coming to Neir *>» had nn't with kindness and cwraialrtf everywhere, and that personalis ft* «J»nion of Sen Zealand and of JSw Zeelanders was of tho high***- # H» alg> mentioned that it *m dim«S «M» anions tho ministry in &*'•*- vico af.road, he had cotwei/ed tb« K*M of applying for New Zealand ohco since had ho regretted 1m Jwt. sion. During tho ewiiisg **»***«*• contritetrf by Mrs T. Hott ««I M> R Naumann; recitation* by Mi» Be» Sutton and Master E3. Tatty,*** violin aolos by Mr E. NauraambWe for dancing was supplied by Mews E. Wolfrcy, it. Alexander and A. Wstfrcy. Sir I* Hwtfc was M.C.

JOTTINGS FOR FARMERS. During the past year 'the .Dominion organiser for the New Zealand Farmers' Union (Mi- T. Buxton) has enrolled 1300 members, and collected £1295. The members enrolled in 1922 totalled 957. and in 1923, 1235. AMBERLEY. A meeting of the committee of the Ambcrley Golf Cl'ib was held on Wednesday evening, Dr., Thompson presiding, lb was decided that the eeniilinals for the championship must . bo completed on or belfore August 24th, and tho finals by September 7th. 'Tne following is the draw for the semifinals :—Seniors: L. Campbell playa K. Bonnington; T. Maskew plays AV. Parsons. Juniors: J. Oxley plays -:V. Rhodes.' N. . Campbell plays O. Johnston. BALCAIRN. A very enjoyable evening was spent at tho 'fortnightly progressive euchretournament and dance held in tho schoolroom on 'Wednesday. There was a very good attendance. Two ladies tied for first place, and in the filial the prize was won by Miss Agnes Fitzpatrick. Three gentlemen had to play off for first place in this section, and the final was won by Mr C. Smith. Consolation prizes went to Mrs Toohoy and Mr It. Hanna. Music 'for the dance was supplied by Mrs Sangster. Misses Jean Jamieson, and .A. F:it7<patrick. and Messrs Sangster,. Habgood (2), Smith, and Withers. Ma- W. Dcrmott acted as M.C. On August 13th. at 2 p.m.. Lord Jellieoc will unyeil the memorial to tho fallen soldiers at tho Balcairh cemetery. Nor'-westers have been blowing for several days in succession, and the weather is"very mild and springlike.

ASHLEY BANK. Yesterday a team of girls from the Raugiora, High School journeyed to Ashley to play basket-ball with • the local "team. After a most interesting and exciting game the visiting team were successful in winning by 18 points to six. Miss Daphne. Schmidt was referee. Tho visitors were afterwards entertained at afternoon tea. A social in aid of the School Improvement Fund will be held to-night in tho schoolroom. Mr and Mrs G. Tlartkv (Okains Bay) are staying-with their daughter, Mrs P. J. Lindsay ("Itoselcigh." AshIcy Bank). LEESTON. At. the monthly, meeting of tho Ellosmcre branch of the Farmers' Union, Mr K. W. Go fringe,- Instructor in Swine Husbandry. Department of Agriculture, gave a most interesting lecture on pig-raising, in the course of which lie touched upon the subject of the export of pork and gave it as hie* opinion that a very large trade could he done with tho Old Country. Mr F. A. Wagner presided in theabsenco of the president'-(Mr It. T. McMillan), who is visiting Australia. At the. conclusion of his very lengthy and informative lecture, Mr' Goi'ringe was accorded a hearty <vot'o of thanks, ou the motion of Messrs ■G. H. Barnett and H. McLenaghen. KIMBERLEY. A very oujoyablo evening speni in the local hall on the occasion ct tho fortnightly' euchre party ?nd danr>\. Prizes fof the progressive'euchre wore won by Miss M. Keveley and Mi- H. Emerson, while the convolution aw-ards iell to Mrs A. Boulton and Mr R, McCaushmd. After supper the floor was cleared for dancing, tho music being supplied by Mi- G. Mansou. .Tho duties 1 ot M.C'. were carried out bv Mr CaJitubo.ll MoCaiisland. . Miss Meikle (Auckland) is spending a few weeks' holiday with her sister, Mrs. Boulton.

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Press, Volume LX, Issue 18140, 1 August 1924, Page 3

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THE COUNTRY. Press, Volume LX, Issue 18140, 1 August 1924, Page 3

THE COUNTRY. Press, Volume LX, Issue 18140, 1 August 1924, Page 3


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