SUCCESSFUL AMATEUR CARNIVAL. ENGLISH PARK MEETING. English Pari: '".-as looking; -t.-s -best on Saturday aitcrncon when the sports carnival under the control of the combined amateur athletic clubs o: Christchurch' was held in beautiful weather. more successful amateur jratatt-'ing- h?.3 been held in Christcliurcli. There were large entries in most oi the eve:it3. This rnude a • heavy afternoon's wcvk for the officials in'charge olt the sports, but the events were run off without any undue delay, the whole programme finishingonly a few minutes behind scheduled time. Tncre were soiuo good peilormauCiS put up during the afternoon, a. 1«. .Lewis adued another line performance to his credit by win the 1U() yards scratch for thn Frances Willey cup, in the time of 10 1-5 see Iroru J. J. Brov.-nlee, the Otago University sprinter. These wece the only intrants, Lewis going to the front and winning by ul.out two yards. The throe miles flat handscap saw a great etrug-da between G. P. Booth and 11. F. Ault. It was one of the b(?st races of the day. The two "men were together at the commencement of the last lap, and both began to sprint early. They kept :neck and neck together until Booth came away slowly and by sheer endurance and sh'ong finishing power, won a great race by a few yards. In the ladies' events there | were some surprisingly good performances. I Miss F. Maxwell showed a fine turn of speed in the 100 yds Ladies' handicap, and won : in the excellent tim 3 of 13 seconds. She also won the 75 yards handicap in 9 l-ssec. These performances were 3Uch that few men could equal. The officials who controlled the meeting were:—-Referee, 111- C. S. McCully; marshal, Mi* W:' C. Flewellyn; track judges, Messrs A. E. Flower, F. W. Johnston and P. H. Harris; track stewards, Messrs J. S. Midcucion and E.. E. Patton* fie'd events, Jlessr.'i G. Bntstone, and 7. Anderson; timekeepers, Messrs W. G. Tonka, \V. Johnson, C. H. Taylor. P. Menzies and Dr. Gfunn: Marksmen, Messrs B. S. Moloney, I. M. Stewart and R. 0. Page; call stewards, Messrs C. A. Cooper and B. Mundr; walking judees, Messrs R. Twynehnm and L. H. G. Rich: gate steward, Mr E. Keats; number steward. Mr W. Geo. Brass; starter, Mr C. S. Thomas" assistant siarter, Mr J. K. Moloney; . megaphonist, Mr L. A. Dou!r«lI: Press steward, Mr An'irua Donaldson; blackboard steward, Mir C. J. Goldstone; primary school stewards. Mossr.3 E. H. Crbss, A. T. Thompson and Bro Marc'ellan; hanHicapper. Mr R. Bcattie; cvcling judges, Messrs G. S. Green and R. English; sports eecretanry, Mr W. Geo. Brass. Detailed results are; 220 yds Flat .Handicap—Fiirst heat: C. C. "Worry (9yds) 1, C. M. Yateß (7vds* 2, a. L. Lewis (scr) 3. Second heat; C. L. Ridgen (6yds). 1, G. H. Maxwell (Byds) 2, S. H. Truman (9yds) 3. Time, "24 l-ssec. Third heat: C. G. Mackwell (Byds) 1, N. C. Harvey (6yds) 2, R. D. Jamitson (10yds) 3. Time, 21 3-iisec. Final: C. C. Werry 1, C. M. Yates 2, C. L. Ridgen 3. Time, 23 4-ssec. 100 yds Flat Handicap (open)— First heat: T. H. Lee (4iyds) 1, C. G. Mackwell (6yds) 2, A. L. Lewis (sar) 3. Time, XOsec. Second heat; S. H. Truman (6*yds) 1, G. G. Lockwood (4?;vds) and M. Farrell (Byds) 2. Time, 10 1-oBec! Third heat: J. J. Brownlee (2yds) 1, R. D. Jamieson (7yds) 2, N. C. Harvey (44yds) 3. Time, 10 l-ssec. Final: A. L. Lewis 1, C. G. Mackwell 2, T. H. Lee 8. Time, 10 2-ssec. , 880 yds Flat Handicap: A. E. li»ing 1, ix. H. Kicholl (44yds) 2, G. Graham (70yds) 3. Time, 2min 2 4-sseo. 440 yds Flat Handicap—First, heat: A. McClymont (14yds) 1, G. G. Lockwood (scr) 2, A.' E. Laing (9yds) 3 Time, 55 l-saeo. Second heat: C. H. Goodman (scr) 1, J. E. Hows.rd (12yds) 2, C. C. Worry (12yds) 3 Time, iJosec. Third heat: C. L. Ridgen (6yds) 1 C. M. Yates (9yds) 2, B. H. "Wood (19yds) 3' Time, 54 l-ssec. Final: C. L. Rtdgen 1 C. M. Yates -2, A. D. McClymont 3. Time, 52 2-ssec. "Won by three yerds. An excellent rac® 100 yds Scratch Race for the Frances Willey cup: A. L. Lewis 1, J. J..Brownlee 2. The only starters.- Lewis went ahead from the start and won by a couple of yards. i Time, 10 l-58ec. r. -o Three Miles Flat Handi(»p—G.. f>; Booth (220 yds) 1, H. F. Ault (160 yds)' V G. Graham ("TOyds) 3. Time, 16min 15 2-osec. A great finish. The first two men held tocethi»r and sprinted at several hundred yards from the finish. Booth got in front with fifty yards to go and won by a few yards. Ault finished ,well. 880 yds Walk Handicap-' Vasavour 20yds) 1 I • R Withell (scr) 2, J. K.- Ksox \4oyas) 3,' Time; 3min 26 2-ssec. The only starters. Won by three yairds. _ 440 yds Flat Handicap (under 18) A. E. Laing (scr) 1, A. S. Marcantelli (10yds) 2, K C. Wilson (12' yds) 3. Time, 56 l-ssec. One Mile Relay Race (inter-club), (880, 440, and two 220yds)—Canterbury College 1, Ashburton 2, Christchuroh Harriers 3. lime, 3min 56 4-Ssec. The College team consisted of O. C. Werry, S. Pairr, C. L. Ridgen, i and G. G. Lockwood. _ Pole Vault—W. Cunningham (2ft lin), lift lin 1; W. 'J. Batßtone (scr), 10ft 10in,' 2; W. Bedford (3ft), 10ft 7in 3. ' „ 75vds Maiden Handicap—l irst heat: A. b. Marcantelli .(24yds) 1, S. H. Truman (scr) 2, E. J. Ward aiyd«) 3. Time 8 1-osec. Second heat: F. P. Gay Goo<lm«n (4iyds) 2, A. J. Malloch (3yds) 3. Fina.l: A. S. Marcantelli 1, E. J. Ward % S. H. Truman 3. Time, 8 l-ssec. One Mile Flat Handicap—W. S. Ewart (160 yds) 1, R. D. Wood (80vds) 2, F. W. High Jump Handicap-M. Faweil (scr), sft Pin 1; J. H. Hall (3in), 6ft Bm, 2; H. Robi.lliard (4in), sft 6in 3 The heights all include handicaps. W. H. B. Buckhurst jumi>ed oft sin. ■ 75vds Ladies' Handicap—First heat: Misj F An°-us 3. Time, 9 l-ssec. Second heat: Miss E. Carmichael 1, Miss C. Bowden 2, Miss L. Whittmgton 3. Time, 9sec. Final; Misa F- Maxwell 1, Miss E. Carmichael 2, Miss 'N. Angus 3. Time, 9 l-ssec. All easy W *<j4oyds Ladies' Relay Race—Eugene Spitz and Co. (Misses Gee, Yards, Anderson, and Dieli.l) 1; D.1.C., 2; J. Ballantyiie and Co. No. 2 team, 3. 100 yds Ladies' Handicap—First heat: Miss F. Maxwell 1, 'Mies L. McKin.ey 2, Miss N. 3. Time, 12 3-oscc. Second heat: Miss E. Anderson 1, Miss C. Bowden 2, Miss L. Whittington 3. Time, 12 4-sse:c. Final: Miss F. Maxwell 1, Miss E. Anderson 2, Miss L. McKinley 3. Time, 12 eec. This was a fine race, run in good time. 440 yds Ladies' Walk—Miss F. Maxwell 1, Miss A. Oakley 2, Miss E. Gormley 3. Time, 3min 9sec.
75yds Schoolboys' Race (under 12)—-First heat: J. Nelligan (Marists) 1, W. Brown (Linwood) 2. Second heat: 0. Evans (Sydenham) 1, L. Robinson 2. Final: J. heiiigan 1, \V. Brown 2, O. Evans 3. Time, 9 4-ssec.
103 yds Schoolboys' Race (under 14)— First heat: E. Gregg (Linwood) 1, J. Ryall (Marists) 2. Second heat: J. Hendy (Waimairi) 1, J. Jfoonan (Marista) 2, >R. Dunshea CWoolston) 0. Pinal: E. Gregg 1, J. Hendy 2, R. Dunshea 3, Tima, 12 l-ssec. 109 yds r>oys' Bao> Ulnder 16) —L. Williams (Sumner) 1, C. Archbold (Linwood) 2. Time, 11 2-ssec. One ilile Cycle Handicap (boys under 16) —H. F. Mills 1, J. Preston 2. Time, 2min 44sec. 220 yds Scratch (Daniel's cup for boys under 17) —T. H. Lee 1, H. E. Goodman 2, F. Bowes 3. Time, 24 4-Ssec. 75yds Schoolgirls' Handicap (open to all schools) —First heat: E_. Carmichael 1, V. Appleyard 2, M. Flood 3. Time, lOsec. Second heat: M. Williams 1, E. Quill 2, M. 3. Time, lOsec. Third heat: P. Marshall 1, M, Irisley 2, n. Kyder 3. Time, lOsec. Final: P. Marshall 1, E. Carmichael 2, V. Appleyard 3. Time, 9 4-ssec. 880 yds Firms' Relay Eace (for Ballaatyne's cup)—Andersons Ltd. 1, N.2. Farmerii' Ltd. 2, E. Reece and Sons, Ltd. 3. Time, lmin 41 4-ssec. The winning team was:' Messrs A. Henry, C. Woodbury, D. Mitchell and H. Pearson. Three Miles Cycle Eace (open)—F. Rodder 1 E. P. Mills 2 k M. Walls 3. Time, Bmin 37sec. Hop, Step and Jump—E. J. Ward (3ft 6in), 44ft,, 1; W. Cunningham (4ft), 43ft, 2; T Farrell (Ift lOin), 42ft 7Jin, 3. Buckhurst, the scratch man jumped 41ft 9Jin. Schools' Belay (680yds)—llarists 1, Phillipstown i. The winning team consisted of Knight, Stokes, Hobbs, an 3 Watson. Slick Race—C. Johnston 1, F. Bowes 2, M. Farrell 3. A orocodile race was won by the Phillipstown School.
Ail excellent meeting of the North Canterbury Centre of the N.Z. Athletic and Cycling Union was held on Friday, and the secretary reported that large entries had been received for the cycling and athletic (Con.t&HMd at foot of next column.)
sports, to be held at English Park on Saturday next. The entries for the cycling events were particularly good. It was decided to add a one-mile derby race, for boys under eighteen years, to the programme. Final arrangements \vere made for the meting. At English Park to-night, three leading cyclists, W. Mackie, P. F. Saunders, and H. Burnand l , will make ah attempt to wj.n the medal given by Messrs E. Reynolds arid Co., of AVellington, for the rider who puts up the fastest time on the track for s.n unpaced mile. The competition for the medal closes at the end of the racing season. Tha time-lceeping will be done by officials' of the North Canterbury Centre of the N.Z. Athletic and Cycling Union.
WELLINGTON MEETING. (press association telegeah.) WEI.LIJSr.GTON. December 2. The Wellington Amateur Athletic meeting was success. There were iar;;e entries, and good form was siiown by ike competitors. The principal results were: lUoyd3'—buy 1 4 Dean 2, Leadbetter 3. 'Time, ll> 4-osec. 2iuyds—Wild 1, Sergeant 2, Bennett 3. Time, 23sec. 12Uyds Hurdles—A. E. Whyte 1. H. E. Wilson 1, T. Thompson 3. Time, 1G fo-sec. Javelin Throwing —Brown. (148 ft 6inJ 1, Lewis (137 ft 3ia) ,2. Putting the bhot —Munro (scr), 43ft Sin, 1; Mcßae, 41ft 6in, 2; Browne, 41ft 4in, 3. Miss M. Hayvice won both the ,100 yds and the 120 yds ladies' sprints in olosa contests. Interclub Relay—'Varsity 1, Selwyn 2, Wellington 3. Shield Points—Wellington 40, 'Varsity 26, Athletic 11, Selwyn 10, Olympic 7 J Hutt Scottish 0.
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Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17936, 3 December 1923, Page 6
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1,776ATHLETICS. Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17936, 3 December 1923, Page 6
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