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PEOPEETTES FOB SALE. J. G. MACjK>NALD. J G. MACDONALD AND CO. LAUD AND ESTATE AGENTS. 152 Hereford street. Opposite the Commercial Bank. Telephone 2573. P.0.80x 1054. ONE OF THE BEST PROPERTIES ON ' THE MARKET IN A THRIVING DISTRICT. 384 ACRES LEASEHOLD, WITH 35 ACRES FREEHOLD. RENT only £43 per annum. Lease has » years to run! Handy to good township market, close to school and telephone. 1 daily. Carrying 450 three-quarterbred she most'.y ewes, besides cattle and horses. Good 5-roomed house, all conveniences, shearing shed and yards. PRICE AS GOING CONCERN, including wool, lambs and furniture, £2OOO. THIS IS A SNIP. . OWNER would exchange for a Dairy Farm close to Christchurch or Rangiora. J. G. MACDONALD and CO., NORTH CANTERBURY. cnnn ACRES GOOD TUSSOCK COUNOUUU TRY, conveniently and well subdivided. Lies well to the sun, free from snow risks, well watered. Good homestead of 7 rooms, all possible conveniences, including telephone, men's cottage, woolshed, stables, motor-shed, shcepyards, etc., 5J miles from rail by good metalled road; handy to good stoclc market. This property is capable of vast improvement, and could be cut into two saleable blocks. PRICE. £4 15a per acre. OWNER would take a Town Property or small Farm in part payment. J. G. MACDONALD and CO., Mc 7113-3373 152 Hereford street. SPIERS. SAUNDERS AND CO. . TWO ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOWS. ST. ALBANS NORTH—Nicely designed and beautifully finished bungalow o! 5 rooms, situated in best locality and away from peat, embodying all the latest- improvements and on the sewer, too; breakfast a. and hall panelled, built-in sideboards, Good section. A charming home at the right price. ONLY £llOO and easy termi can bo arranged. MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TO INSPECT. SPIERS, SAUNDERS and CO. IPREYDON—Natty Bungalow 4 rooms and .J kitchenette, just completed and well built, situated in most desirable part of this now popular- suburb, close to tram, tho hall and dining room are nicely panelled, ».nd the ar>pointments are thoroughly up-to date. Section of about S-16th acre, with good frontage.and> concrete paths. Price only £IOSO. Above properties are well worth consideration and we will show you others. SPIERS, SAUNDERS and CO., 'Phone 2885. 169 Cashel street, 59345-485 Next Arcade. H. W. BECK. . BECK, 179 MANCHESTER STREET. f}-ii7f\f\— JUST over Bealey avenue, on <MX I \J\) the sewer, and in one of the best streets. Good (Bungalow, 5 rooms and kitchenette, with every modern . convenience, motor shed, etc. Properties of" this sort are scarce, ao don't delay enquiring. '■"■'_': ii. W. BECK* SPREYDON-Sungalow, just oVIXU V being finished, one cf the best we have seen at the price. Lovely figured timber, concrete paths. We can finance anyone with about £250 cash. a. W. BECK. have several Small Holdings of Land VV for sale in good localities. Let us motor you out to inspect. . • H. W. BECK. fHAA DEPOSlT—Beskenham Bungalow, f&JLUU balance soldier's mortgage. All l convenienoas. £9lO. _ Cheap at this figure 83567-2687 ■ H. W. BECK. HEWARD AND HARRIS. HEWARD AND HARRIS, LAND, AND ESTATE AGENTS,. 98.Hereford street, opposite new Post Office ' • - Building. ' ' • O OAA—GROCERY, with dwelling.' BendtouUU < tal 30s per week. nQ(?A—FRUIT.: Confectionery and' CondJOUXJ oery. Walk in, walk out. Y>reA—-AS Going Concern.. ■ Fruit and dwOOU- Confectionery." -Splendid stand in beat locality. Turnover up to £6O per week. Good dwelling of 5 rooms, with all conveniences. Easy rental. nno A—GROCERY, Fruit, and Goniec3JOO\J tionery. O-i Of7e—GROCERY Business, modern I O dwelling. Splendid locality. I rUNCHEON and. Tea Rooms, City. Takii ings average £IOO per week, , Long lease, reasonable rental. Chance for a live man. '.. .",...'... H 6143-1591 DEVEREUX, KING AND CO., LTD. Hit ACRES, Dairy and Cropping Farm, l&Q close to Waddington railway station. £46 per acre. 571 ACRES, good sheep country, grows eood oats, rape, and turnip 3. Only £8 per aero to close an estate. Gov. valuation, £lO 10s. £SOO deposit. 5000 ACRES as going concern, to include over 3000 ewes and about 1000 dry sheep, houses, cattle, implements of every descripto main North road. £45,000. Call and see list that goes with place. Good terms. 20 ACRES and good large House, £7OO. Easy terms. Ashburton district. 456 ACRES heavy land, handy to Kaiapoi Kid Rangiora. Only £35 per acre DEVEREUX, KING and CO., LTD. ' D 3418-8642 NORTHERN A. AND P. ASSOCIATION. RANGIORA SHOW. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2nd, 1923. SCHEDULES and Entry Forms can he received on application to the Secretary. . Applications for space to be in the hands of Secretary not'later than OCTOBER 23rd. ENTRIES CLOSE ON OCTOBER 23rd, 1923. W. R. PIKE, 3334 ' Secretary, Box 4, Rangiora. AMBERLEY BREEDERS' ASSOCIATION. ANNUAL SHOW, THURSDAY. OCT. 25th. ENTRIES CLOSE WEDNESDAY, October 17th. Schedule, on application. j V. J. RHODES, j 3452 Secretary. LICENSING NOTICES. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TRANSFER OF LICENSE. ' GEORGE MARTIN -RYAN, of Chxist- •» church, being the holder of a Publican's License in respect of the house and premises situate at Christchurch, known as the Empire Hotel, do hereby give notice that I I desire to obtain and will at the next Licensing Meeting to be holden at Christchurch, on 1 the ,7th .day of December, 1923, .supply for a Transfer of tho said License from myself to PETER GALLIGAN, my appointee. Datol tho 14th day of September, 1923. GEO. M.' RYAN. RAY3IOND, STRINGER and CO., " Solicitors, Christchurch. . 5471 OLLER ASD YOUNG, Engravers and Diesinkera, 119 "WORCESTER STREET. Memorial Tablets, Embossing, .Seals, Brut Name Plates, and Badges.
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Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17893, 13 October 1923, Page 20
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886Page 20 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17893, 13 October 1923, Page 20
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Page 20 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17893, 13 October 1923, Page 20
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