I AMBER LET. Xn spite of the assurance of the Hon. C. J. Parr. Minister of Justice, to Mr G. W. Forbes, M.P., that the Court at Amberley would remain open until the presentation of petitions from the various counties affected, there was no Magistrate's Court at Amberley yesterday, owing to the Clerk of tlie Court refusing to accept any business, thus carrying out the instructions ot the Magistrate, Mr Wvvem ilson, to keep the Court closed. The petitions which are to be presented here haje been freely signed and will be sent to Mr Forbes during the next week. The quarterly meeting of the Hurunui Licensing Committee was held at Amberley yesterday. Present: Messrs Wyvern Wilson. S.M. (chairman). JM. South, A. Cameron. G. R. Holton, J. A. Sunckell and J. Transfers were granted as followsßenle.V Hotel from A. Kelly to E. Ridsdnle, Commercial, Kaikoura. J. G. Wood to E. H. "Workman: Great Northern, Waikari. "W. J. Cooksley to T P. Hansen ; Railwav, Amberley. A. INeale to W. H. Newer; Ashler, D. 3. Greig, to J. G. "Wood." A police report on tne condition of tho gutters of the CrownHotel, Amberley, was considered shhl nf'er evidence had been submitted. Mr Thornton, of the Public Trust Office, undertook to have the ceiling plaster repaired and the ceiling paper recovered in the laundry. CUST. Great interest is being taken in th© football mntch to be played in; the Domain to-morrow between EJesmere Su : '?-T"nion and the North C anterbury Sub-Union. The committee JS trving'to arrange a match between the Cust 'and Kowai junior teams as a curtain raiser. RANGIORA. On "Wednesday evening ; a return euchre match was played in the l' ir . e Brigade Social Hall between the Brigade and the Kaiapoi Workingmen s Club. The Brigade won by 105 games to 85. After the match a social hour was spent, and entertaining items were contributed bv Messrs G. G. Sturgess, Brown, "W. Wallace and G. Cudby. A challenge to play a billiards match against a Rangiora team at Kaiapoi was accepted by the visitors, and a return match at Rangiora was also arranged for. _ . With the idea of stimulating interest, in Band affairs, the Rangiora Silver Band is giving a ball m the Drill HaU to-night. As the Band is always willin"- to gire its assistance in any local cause, it is hoped the public will f'how their' appreciation By giving it their support. OHOKA. The cricket season at Ohoka was opened 011 Saturday last, when a good number of players roded up. bides were picked by D. Steele and H. Pearce, and judging by the form displayed with the bat by JL>. Steele and F. Steele,' some good scores should be made this season. A pleasing feature was the number of young players present. To-morrow the senior team journeys to Eyreton tor a friend y game there, while the juniors meet a team of Eyreton juniors at Ohoka.' Immediately following the P rUc l tl <* game on Saturday, a meeting was held with the president, Mr F Peaw j the chair, when it was decided .to hold a smoke concert on Monday, the 17tn inst., in the Ohoka Hall. It is hoped that a full muster of those interested in the summer sport will be present, and give the selectors a chance to find out what additional .players they may be able to draw upon for the m <jif l fiiesday night a fully attended meeting of the ladies and benedicts of Ohoka, with Mr C. E. Cooke. m the chair, was held when matters in connexion with the ladies'dance to be held oa Thursday, tlie 27th inst., were further advanced. To avoid overcrowding, similar to that at the bachelor s ball last month, it was decided to ha\e only a limited number of subscribers, and only to issue one extra ticket to each subscriber. Provision, howler, was made for visitors from a distance to purchase tickets at the door, control of the supper arrangement was left in the hands of Mrs ileymsh and a special vote of thanks was her for her work in this respect last continue to change h« n <? 3 - Mrs Husford and family have left for the West Coast, and property has taken oven by Mr - Another settler to be missed, is Mr K. I, Ilulston, whose property is no" " cupied by fcr I'aylor from Sprejdo . hororata. Three teams from the Hororata School have been entered m the. vera Sub-Uiuon seven a-wd© g ment, which is being held at .Dainoiu to oT r Tuesdny night a euchre party, which was °.^ nl -f d Mrs G. C. Derrett, was held in tno hall. The proceeds, which amounted 0 £2 7s, were handed to the 1 to pay for the conveyance of the sch°oj boys to Darfield,. of .the prizes were: Ladies: Miss W 1 Aire M. Thome 2, Mrs Whitty o. Gentlemen: Mr " 9 Boobv prices: Miss I. Manage, McGill, nrfd J. Lewis. Supper was provided by the ladies present whittv On Wednesdar Miss Muriel / vmt * was the guest of honour at a birt-May party given at the residence of Mr and Mra F. Barrett. A merry evening was spent in games, dancing, etc A daintv supper Wa served m the dmingSom At the close of the eveningtfr Milsom Thorne presented Miss , sung, those pi" v * . c -.5,. a tt T Whittv I*'. Barrett, A\ .S- .1 1 T W l"n J. Spence, A. Harris WCritcliley Mifses Muriel Whitty, tVyn, CnlHnV Ethel Thorne, .McGill. Rnth Derrett, T. Eldridge, Little, Gouidie, 3> Patterson, and Vera Wilson, _ a F Bu-iett, W. S. Pratt, J. Wilson, J. SneSe A.' Harris, J. Cre.ghton, R. McVrthur, S. Collmgs Sharpe, D. Patterson, M. Thorne, J. Leu is, and P. H \t l( t meeting of the committee of the Golf Club, the following were present.: —Mesdames Nettleton, -> Derrett,' Miss W'nglit, Messrs PiaU C Pearson, Owen, T. I ear--2 Nettleton (secretary) It wasl ctocided to hold medal matchet, for- both 1 dies and gentlemen to-morrow. Go 1 - for th« r^» S m.Mr (lir-ai) were drawn up. tins rn , " le nl-iyed 011 (September lota and 22nd. Mrs \ Nettleton was appouitcd ladyfecretary- It was decided to leave tue arrangements for the dance on fceptemlith in the hands of the lady-see-retarv. RAKAIA. Tiist at present the Rakaia river is lower than it has been for a long time. & it is quite ™ the carls that ~ v - ery few hours may see a very big change. It is at this tune of the year that rain on the Heavy snow in the ranees, or a nor'-wester melting it, Will cause great freshes m the ri\er. When it does rise the river comes up very suddenly. Miss B J. Hardie, at one time sec; ond-assistant at the Rakaia School, ana who has been in training in Dunedm for missionary work for the Presbjterian Church in India, has been on a final visit to Rakaia before leaving for Australia. On Wednesday evening she addressed the Bible class at St. Andiew's Church, and afterwards a social hour was swit.
I CHERTSEY. The Ghertsey Cycle Club held their first annual meeting in the. Cbertsey Hall on Monday ervening. A fair attendance was presided over by Mr W. Holland, who, in his opening remarks, thanked all those who had generously contributed donations towards the funds. During the year the club had held nine road races, three of U6 miles and six of 13 miles, and had paid- out in prize-money a "total of £73 10s. This he considered remarkably good, and compared very favourably with the record of older clubs. The balancesheet presented showed a credit balance of £8 2s 9d. On the motion of Mr McCann, who congratulated the club on its sound financial position, the bal-ance-sheet was adopted. Mr G. Struthers expressed his thanks to the secretary, Mr IX Lynch, for the good work lie had done for the club. A discussion took place on a proposal to enlarge the scope of the present club into an Athletic and Cycling Club. Eventually a motion to give effect to the idea was carried. It was decided to appoint Messrs J. Watt, D. Lynch, and M. Carney to canvass the district for new members. Mr Carney, who is a newcomer in the district, promised to do all he could to helji tho club along, and headed the subscription list with a substantial amount. On the motion cf Mr Ironside, seconded by Mr Carney ? it was decided to approach the Domain Board for permission to lav down a cycle track. It was agreed that the old committee should carry on for the present. Another meeting is to be held later, when the canvassers' lists are complete. Messrs D. McSweeney and L. Goulds, two of our local road race competitors, intend to ride in the Belfast road race on Saturday. MEAD. For many years past the music provided for dances at the school has been obtained from either accordeon or violin. A temporary breakdown in one of these instruments recently has centred attention on the fact that the public are indebted to the generosity of one or two musicians for the use" of their instruments. Now a movement, is on foot to raise funds to purchase an accordeon to belong to the public, and for use at all social functions in the school. DORIE. On the last shooting night of the Dorie Miniature Rifle Club a competition was fired for a trophy presented by Messrs Graham, Wilson, and Smellie. The following -tied with total scores of 3-3: —S. Smith 33-6, W. Bnnks 3t)-5, E. Kinasburv 32-6, D. Harrison 34-2, D. G. McTCie 32-2. S. Smith won on the third shoot-off, E. Kingsbur-* being runner-up. Other scores were: H. Harrison 35. D. Banks 34, C. Currey 34, and S. Banks 34. GREENDALE. j The following team has been selected j to represent tho football club in tho Malvern Sub-Union's seven a-eide tour- j noment, which .is to be °lield at ]>ar-| field to-morrow: —Bert Adams. W. j Adams, G. A. Ridgen, C. L. Ridgen, J. H. Cliuton, T. E. Warren, S. Worsfold. Emergency, J. D. Warren. The cricket club will open the sea- ] son on September 16th with a match. Married v'. Single. TAI TAPU.. ' The flag at the Tai Tapu School was flown at. half-mast as a mark ■ of respjet to the memory of the late Mrs Georgo Oossa'r-Muler, who was a resident of the Tai la.pu district for many years. The Rev. i>r. Erwin, of Cliristchurch, conducted the services at the house and graveside, and tho pallbearers were lour sons of the deceased latly: Messrs John, Willie, George, and l>ave The ciiief mourners w-ere Mr Turkington (brother ot de•oeased), Messrs Walter and Mark Cossar, Miss L. Cossar, Mrs Tanner, Mrs W. Gilmour, Airs E. Cossar (daughters), Messrs W. Gilmour and A. Tanner (sons-in-law). Among others present were: The Rev. J. Paterson, Mr and Mrs Innes, \Mr and Mrs James Macartney, Mr and Mrs E. Hoban, Mr iShadbolt, Miss Yarr, Mrs R. Birdling, Mrs Johnston, Mrs King, Miss Vogan, Mr Doyle Mrs J Ryan, Air Carter, L\lr and Mrs Suckling, Messrs E. Nutt, Mr and Mrs T. O. Morgan, Mrs Dowse, Mrs Brake, Mr and Mrs J. Mackenzie, Mr and Miss Davis, Air and -Mitt Michael, Mrs WilKin, Mr and Mrs S. Bennett, Messrs J. Pawson, S. Humphreys, H. Payne, Jones, T. Taylor, Mr and Mrs Darnley, Sir R. Wauace, Mr Anderson, Mr and Mrs Jack Mac.aa'tney. Wreaths Were sent by "John and George," (Mr and Miss Davis, Aire E. Cossar and family, Mr and Mrs Hoban, sen. and jun., Mis Ruinert and Miss Gay, "Willie and Mark," Mr and Mrs A. Tanner and "Dave," Miss Cossar and Mrs J. Bowden, Mr and Mrs W. Gilmour and family, Mr and Mrs J. Gilmour, Mr and Mis Maltke, Mrs Wright and Mrs Carlton, Mrs Croclwtt and Miss Amos, Mrs' and Miss Barker, Mr E. N. Williams and famiiy, Mr and Mrs E. Nutt and daughters. HORNBY-ISLINGTON. At the monthly meeting of the Hornby ttcliooi oommutee, mere was u mi attendanoe or meniDers, with Mr x\ riper in the chair, lue chairman reported that many repairs iiad oeen carried out; to tences and other portions of outside equipment; fences nad been trimmed, and tne wlioie of tue grounds cleaned up. A great improvement was apparent in tne appearance of the grounds and surroundings. 'Jhe report of the headmaster snowed that there was a roll number of 200 scholars. The committee passed favourable comment upon the report of the inspectors, ana expressed dieir tnauks to tne headmaster and statt for the fact that such a good report was possible. Miss Stevenson, infant mistress, had severed lier connexion with the school at the close of last term. Tiie Education. Board reported that a partition was to be placed in the infant cla>sroom, and a stove in each of the two .rooms so formed. This alterationwould result in increased efficiency, and greater comfort both for scholars and teachers. The work is .being carried out during the current term holidays. The Inspector of Agriculture visited the school and selected a,site for the school garden. This will be established at once, and arrangements were made for the necessary fencing. Some enquiries had been made respecting the proposal to hoiu a railway excursion to Otira, and it was decided that the matter be held over 111 the meantime. After a discussion on the question of prize-giving, it was decided mat prizes he awarded this year. Mr Blakely presided over tne second meeting of the newly-iormed l iterary and Debating Society at Islington, which was held in the Social The vice-president, Mr Morton, ouiaujd a few of the essential points to wliich speakers ought to give attention. The following members then contributed short papers 011 "Ways and Means of Improvin-g Islington,' —Messrs Blakeley, Wish art, Morton, Conway, A. Mackie, Misses D. Pooley and M. Fuller. A short discussion followed, after which Mr Allott briefly criticised the papers. One result was that a deputation consisting of Messrs Blakely and Carson, Jlisses Mackie and M. l'^uller, was appointed to meet the local Welfare Committee regarding the formation of a combined Beautifying and Horticultural Society. A hearty vote of thanks was passed to Mr Carson for his generous offer of a prize of ono guinea for the three best roses grown in the district. The next meeting will be a deflate on "Town and Country Life, 1 ' and is to be held on Tuesday.
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Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17862, 7 September 1923, Page 3
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2,419THE COUNTRY. Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17862, 7 September 1923, Page 3
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