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Bv T. J. Pemberton. LE QUESNOY, July 15. Although Le Quesnoy will be for ever associated with the battle exploits of the New Zealanders, not all who fought with tho division were privileged to go inside its walls. But those of the 4th Rifles who made their way over the south-west rampart, and the 2nd Kifles, who marched in through the Valenciennes Gate, will remember well the wonderful greeting they received from the inhabitants who had sheltered in their cellars awaiting deliverance. Tho spirit of gratitude is still strong in the hearts of the people, and to-day thev have given evidence of this gratitude hy the whole-hearted way in which they have taken part in the ceremonies connected with the unveiling of the New Zealand Memorial, and the official opening of Le Jardin des Souvenirs. This beautiful memorial, said the priest in his address at tho dedication service, would always be for them an object of pilgrimage. Now that this brief visit to the ancient walled town of Northern France is over one-'s only regret is that this monument will never bo viewed by the greater number of New Zealanders. But to those who are fortunate enough to visit Franco in the years to come, this quiet garden, this exquisite work of art, will be as it wore a littlo part of this land which is forever New Zealand. The wholo scheme is grandly conceived. It has been grandly exocuted. Lc Quesnoy litself is unique. There are other walled towns in France, but probably none so picturesque. Thero are inner ramparts and outer ramparts, disconnected fortifications which lio like islands beyond the walls, which themselves are broken into salients at intervals. It is a bewildering labyrinth. The brick walls themselves are beautiful in tho varying lights. Here they aro silver-grey, merging into red and brown, again darkening into purple, and varying ever with the position of the sun. Moss and weeds grow on every vantage point. Xn the moats themselves there is a wilderness of grass and weeds and rushes. The parapets of the walls and the island bastions are clothed with elms and spreading popi urs, pines, and beeches. Everywhere the' vegetation is striving to soften the straight lines of masonry. The old town itself is full of historic associations. During the centuries it has been captured and recaptured several times, aiid it Still bears traces in its architecture of tho Spanish occupation. Avenue d'Honneur.

Jt was peculiarly fortunate that bo charming an approach was found to tht> memorial site. In the Place d'Armes there stands an archway which gives entrance to a rumcd chateau, once the home of Queen M-ar-guerite of Bourgone. Passing by the chatgau one comes immediately to tho sloping inner banks of the ramparts, and to an avenue of trees. A path has been laid along this pleasant way, to a projecting salient of the walls. Through the walls an archway has been cut. Every ten feet throughout the whole length of the battlement there is a projecting buttress on the inner side —not visible because tho grass slopes mount upward to the top of the walls. But a cutfcinghas been made, and two of these buttresses have been disclosed. Between these is the archway. Suoh new brick work as was necessary was made to conform as much as possible with the colouring and picturesqueness of the .original masonry. This now is the entrance to the garden. C«/er tho top of the arch is a table bearing the inscription, "Lo Jardin do's Souvenirs New Zealand." Tho words form part of a circle which contains within a fern leaf. Where the riax Tree Grows.

All the earth-work taken from the cutting* was placed, ifa. the rhoat beyond the wall to form a causeway to tho island now converted into a New Zealand garden. It was already a beautiful spot, and though miich work has gone to the formation of the garden the disciplined growth and the Uncontrolled merge pleasantly into one another ,aud form no startling contrast. The New Zealand plants are thriving wonderfully. Tho Veronica Traversii, which is now flowering, forms an excellent hedge to each side of tho balustrade. Then there are Veronica Stfli'gifolia, Veronica cupressoides, ahd the Veronica augustifolia, with their fern-liko leaves and a number of other varieties. Red manuka is flowering, and there is the Olearia Albida and down in the moat where the little stream ripples past, are flax and toi-toi looking as healthy as if they were groiving beside some New Zealand creek. Wisteria creepers have been planted at the ,top of tho moat, and these will be trained down the bank. At the far end of the garden there is an entrance to an underground tunnel, and' found this entrance a rock garden has been formed. Six cherry trees grow on the bank of the island just opppsite the point at which the scaling ladder was placed. Three stately spreading poplars stand in the moat just on tho right of the memorial plaque, and small willow trees are all along the streamlet. At the back of the island is a row of poplars and pines. One approaches the balustrade from the side along a pathway between tho garden beds.

A Sacred Spot. It was necessary to spend some time in this garden when no one else was present to appreciate to the full its beauty and its peacefulness. On a summer evening no place could bo pleasanter. With its convenient and beautiful approach it must always be the natural goal of tho3e who seek a few minutes of peace and quietness. And already the inhabitants have indicated thfeir desire to _ treat it as a sacred spot. Children in the schools have been taught its true significance, and French children know well how to treat the sacred things of life. The balustrade lias a simple squared low wall of polislied marble. Tho flooring is of rough stone, and on each side is a beiich of polished marble. On the inner side of the wall is tho inscription : "From tho -uttermost ends of the Earth," and in French: "Do Lautre extrcmite du monde."

Thus in its simplicity the balustrade lias nothing to distract one's attention from the beauty of the sculpture in the wall across the moat.

The Sculpture. Models and photographs will be available of this work of art, but these will give but a slight indication of its beauty. The form it has taken is already* well known. It will bo remembered that the incident of scaling the walls was sketched for "The Sphere" by Mr F. Matania, in January, 1919. Mr S. Hurst Seager conceived the idea of using this sketch as a basis for tho sculpture. Mr A. ft. Fraser, the New Zealand sculptor, made a model embracing Mr Seager's idea—the representation of- the wall-scaling incident — and a large figure of triumphant Peace. M. Felix Desruolles, a renowned

French artist, undertook th * and he has reproduced exactly i scene of the scaling, or .the w sOl, b the il<n]re of Peace is his own com.eption. lt is on a the military soene, so that '*• subjects are distinct, the one dtpicti „ a Satic incident of war other symbolical of In the morning the wall and the statu ary are in the shadow. ; During tho afternoon tho sun is behind the spectator and tho lighting wnditiOM aro ideal. In the evening the of the setting sun plavs with effect upon the ancient and life io tho figure ot Peace. The "= ur ® stands out boldly from the plane of the stone. Benmth h*r feet a broken sword. Her right am ».outstretched with perfect grace., and ill her hand she holds a laurel wreath Her lett arm is bent, and sliouker-liigh she carries a sprig of palm. Hie wings are half-closed. The drapery hangs in natural folds. The taee itself is a beautiful one. There is somethingei% living iu the whole figure. Looking at it for the first time it makes one exclaim with admiration, tor the artist has got very near to that ideal when the figure seems to breathe. M Desruelles, Mr Fraser, and Mr Hurst Seager could have nothing but the greatest gratification with tho success of tho work—Mr beager because ho has obtained one of his great ambitions: to place a beautiful moiiument in a situation which harmonises so perfectly with the subject; and the sculptors because their finest work is displayed to such advantage, ror tbej know that tho mind of tho spectator in such surroundings must bo Hi quiet and settled state wnicli can best) appreciate the spirit of their work, is a monument which fittingly commemorates the deeds of valour by the men of the New Zealand Division, and especially the series of gallant achievements which marked tho great advance from Hobuterne to the Mornial Forest during the last few months of tho war. It was necessary that both tho French memorial and our own should bo unveiled with pomps and ceremony, hut a better appreciation of the Garden of Memories and tlie marble statuary was for those who wore able to see them under quiet conditions. A Faryland of Flowers.

The citizens of Le Quesnoy entered into their patriotic celebrations with wonderful enthusiasm. For weeks they had been preparing paper flowers to make decorative garlands. .Every member of the families from the child of seven to tho grand-parent of 77 took part in this work of love. During Saturday evening every household was busy mounting the garlands of foliage and coloured' flowers on the poles prepared for them. Before darkness set in there was not a street in the whole town, which did not have ropes of greenery and flowers from one end to the other. It was a marvellous sight. The colour scheme was delightful. The market place was a blaze of colour. Down the vista of a side street one could see the coloured electric lights making the place like a fairy palace. Inhabitants of one street under their own leader .vied with those of another to make thp most billiant display. Ruo Baillon, up which the New Zealanders came after climbing the wall, was .especially beautiful. The flowers at one end were roses; they verged into orange and yellow; and then into rose and yellow. At one cross-street a great crown formed of the garlands was hung overhead. Two New Zealand flags wore in evidence. Another street leading off Rue Baillon is now called Ruo Nouvelle Zelande, and the plate announcing that feet was up for tho first time last night.

New Zealand Visitors. It was a gay scene, therefore, that the New Zealand visitors came to towards 9 o'clock on tho Saturday evenfhg. Some remained at Lo Quesnoy. Sir James Alleu and others went through to Locquighol, where they stayed the night. The English party, who had motored from Amiens, included, beside the High Commissioner and Miss Bona Allen, Lord and Lady Milner, the Earl of Liverpool and Lady Liverpool, Sir Edgar Walton (High Commissioner for South Africa), Mr D. M. Dalai (High Commissioner for India), Mr M. L. Shepherd (Secretary to the Australian High Commissioner's Department), Major-General Sir A. J. Godley and Lady Godley, Major-gen-eral Sir Fabian Ware (Imperial War Graves Commission), Colonel the Hon. W. E. Collins, the Hon. C. H. Izard and Mrs Izard, Colonel G. N. Johnston (who was in command of tho New Zealand Artillery), Mr W. It. Dilvidge (an architect who helped Mr, Hurst Seagal-), Mr A. R. Fraser (sculptor), Lieutenant-Colonel N. FitzHerbert, Mr M. F. Marks, Mr and Mrs A. F. Wright (Christchurcli),' Mr and Mrs P. Lewis, Mrs W. LettiS (Wanganui). An added interest was given to the proceedings by the presence of several New Zealand soldiers who took part in the Lo Quesnoy siege. Lieutenant L. C. L. AVerill (son of the Bishop of Aucklatfd) was the firßt to go up the scaling ladder and get over the wall. Lieutenant F. W. Lang, Sergeant H. F. Moscrop, Corporal F. T. Jenner, and Corporal E. Thomas, oil of whom took part in the campaign around Le Quesnoy, were also present in uniform. Mrs H. f. Fulton was also a member of the English party, and at the ceremony she wore the medals of her late husband, Brigadier-General Fulton, Commander of the Rifle Brigade, who was killed at" Colincamps .on March 27th, 1918. Mr S. Hurst Seager and Mrs Seager had been in the town for 6ome weeks, the former naturally being very busy with the final work of erecting the monument, which had come from Paris. The great ten-ton block had to be lowered from the battlement and placed jp its niche in the wall. Scaffolding experts from Paris came up to do the work, and all had gone successfully. When this day for unveiling arrived there was nothing left undone. The memorial and the garden were complete in all their details. To tell all that has been crowded into this eventful day would take more space than is available. Tho French ceremonies began last night; when the whole populace gathered round their new monument, which was made by the same sculptor. M. F. Desruelles, Victor Hugo's solemn hymn of Dedication was sung by the town choir, and played by the band. After this the long list of Le Quesnoy soldiers who had died for their country was Tead by the Mayor. Inspiring speeches were made, one by an orphan boy. Chopin's "Marche Funebre" was played and then tho Mayor and councilors began their all-night vigil before tho veiled memorial which rose out of a sea of flowers, lighted by a string of electric globes embedded amongst them. . . _ Service in the Church.

A very impressive service took place this morning in the church, when High Mass was sung. The church was full, and the civic organisations wero all represented, their leaders carrying banners. After the service the whole congregation went out in procession, lerl by the priests and acolytes bearing censers. First the French memorial was dedicated. The people then proceeded to the Avcnua d'Honour, and so on to the New Zealand memorial. The priest expressed the gratitude of the people of Le Quesfloy for what the New Zealanders had done, an emblem of which they had in the beautiful memorial before them. After mid-day the English, French, and Belgian delegations met at the station outside the town, and, preceded by the local band and a Belgian band, they walked ten abreast up through the garlanded streets to the Town Hall, Marshal Joffre being in the centre of the first rank. A banquet followed, which was attended by all the English visitors, the speakers being M. Daniel Vincent (the Mayor), Marshal Joffre, Lord Milnor,

General Morain Senateur Bebierre, R f ing to tho (Prefet du £f err f f ho war Sd nC "to a bo I Q present on any occasion which walls t^glonouS e day of^ L 6 lhl\r r d that nldon Lougbt about. That that union will be eternal is my #a Sto Wbanquet, forty-eight civic Onlv invited guests wre inside the New Zealand garden, the remainder of ihe spectators lining the battlements above It was a wonderfully lmpieasive siflit, and in t lic middle ot tho ceremony ' the Paris-Brussels Air-mail machine dew over as it to remind the people of tho days aeroplanes were almost as common as birds. In a brief prayer, Captain M. Mu - lineux, M.C, dedicated the memorial. It was intended that the Bishop of Worcester, who wn s Assistant-Cliaplain General all through the war, should be present to perform this service but unfortunately he met with a motornLcident a few days ago, and was unable t0 Before asking Lord Milner to tho memorial, Sir James Allen e - pressed the thanks of the iW Zeaiand Government to all who had ma do ulie completion of the work possible-tjie French Government, the May° r Quesnoy, tho sculptors, and the architect. Mr Hurst Seager," he said, "has given his soul to tho preparation of this monument as ho has to otnei New Zealand memorials m t ranee, Belgium, and elsewhere. ?so more beautiful work was to be found fmong all the memorials in France. ine Hi oh Commissioner then referred to Lord Mihier's part in bringing about the unified command of the Allied armies and of his interest m the Pominions. It was fitting, therefore, that he should be asked to unveij the memorial. The Chant of Deliverance.

When the veil of flags dropped suddenly from the face of the plaque there were cheers and cries of "Bravo.' l.he National Anthems *of both countries were then played by the band, and tho "Chant of Deliverance" sung by the choir. This hymn was written just after the Armistice by M. Debailleux, the cure of the town, who was noted among other things for his kindness to the British prisoners at the Palaviciny. Ho was fined by the Germans for an offence against their laws, but when the New Zealanders arrived and took the Germans prisoners he firmly demanded his money back from, his late masters, and he got it. -lhe music of tho song ivas written, by M. Henri Eousse, t and is very fascinating, lingering in the memory. Special acknowledgment is given in the verses and the refrain to the valour of the New Zealanders. What is more, this Hymn of Deliverance has come to be acknowledged as a permanent possession, and to be sung on all special occasions. , , s Wreaths were then placed on tue balustrade from "The fighting mien of Le Quesnoy," from ladies of the French Red Cross, "to the Liberators of Lo Quesnoy," from General Godley and Lady Godley from the Now Zealand Government. Lord and Lady Liverpool, Mrs Seager, Mrs Fulton, and from the clergy of the town.

Prom Gallipoli to Le Quesnoy. From the end of March, 1918, said Lord Milner, when Now Zeala.nderfl were rushed up to fill the gap between the 4th and sth Corps of the British Army until the beginning of November when the long series of triumphs was crowned by the capture of L© Quesnoy the New Zealand Division was almost constantly in the thick of tho fight. They had very heavy losses, though not so heavy as those which were inflicted on the enemy. In the titanic struggle in which millions ot moii were engaged on both sides, andi independent acts of heroism were reckoned by thousands ,the achievements of a single unit were apt to b© lost sight of. , They filled but a little space in the vast picture. But among those who had th§ opportunity of following up tho details of the fight there was but on© opinion as to the part played by tho New Zealanders in the' nine months' battle which ended tho war.. It was true it was not their first or their only service to tho Allied .cause. From Gallipoli to Le Quesnoy in every area and every point, of conflict tHe New Zealanders fought as gallantly. But because in the "last and greatest stag© of tho whole struggle thos© soldier-like qualities which had shown from the first had been perfected by experience, they rendered the most conspicuous servioe. It was true they were more fortunate than many British Dominions, and were always kept at full strength quantativeljr and qualitatively. They never suffered any cline, but maintained their excellencies to tho very end. A great soluicr, now unhappily lost to us, who .was in command of tho Fourth to which the New -Zealand Division belonged, had placed it on record that they were unsurpassed in the final gerie9 of attacks which led to the endmy suing for peace. The Comman-der-in-Chief of tlie British Army had said of them: "No Division jn the British Army in France eve* gained a finer reputation, alike for gallantry of attack in battle and excellence of behaviour out of tho line. Their record does honour to the land from which they come, and to the Empire for which they fought."

Unity of Spirit. "That is what Lord Haig says," Lord Milner conoluded. "Wnat more can a civilian liiie himself say P What more add or try to say 'i On the military side certainly nothing. But there is one other aspect of the question which must not be forgotten. The splendid acts of New Zealand soldiers on the field of battle were only typical oil' Hhe wonderful; lappet w'ljtioh the whole people of New Zealand showed during the greatest crisis which has ever befallen the British Empire. There are no members of the British family of nations which have the strength and unity of the whole more at heart than the people of New Zealand, or who may be counted upon at all times to serve with more unselfish devotion. Let me say how glad I am that this celebration of ours to-day iB linked with the ceremonies of our great friends and allies. These ceremonies, which ar© somewhat different but not unrelated, in which we are privileged to take part through a common suffering and sacrifice during the great war, have bound together the French nation and the members of the British family with bonds most strong and most enduring, which no diHerenoes of opinion such as must arise from time to time even among the best of friends, can seriously impair, much lees des--11 r' human memory is short. rr\. e * in the present. Therefore there is great need on an occasion like this of reminding ourf ? eB J»°JL onl ? flve y ears ago we all felt and thought alike, and I know in vation.» Epint found OUr sal -

ca^e^safd^i, 8 ! 61^011 was brie '- He people of New Zealand 3 and brance." Bmcere remexn{Jeneral Sir A. J. , his long connexion with th/v^ 1 to land Foroee Both in tho Vv Zea " during the war. There J? omim on and tunity, ho would miss 0 r fi, no °PP° r " love and his admiration his recognition, of, what had

done in the war. He'was dad to se present a distinguished artillery office of the Division, the other officers an non-commissioned officers who _ taken part in the campaign, who was very nearly connected with General of the Division who had ma* the supreme sacrifice, fl® could opj. hope that it would be some wraolatio* to all those in New Zealand who wen. bereaved that this honour had bee«_ done to their dead, and that BQch s beautiful monument raised to wu memory should be in the custody of* people of Le Quesnoy. who would goara it till the end of time. _ , The sculpture is set in a WljgJ* grey stone, which effectually sQttOTS the contrast between the whlte marble and the brickwork of the battlement. On the left of the stone is the inscription: "In honour of the men of JNew Zoalaridi, throu#i whotte valour tfie town of Le Quesnoy was rartored to France, November 4th, 1918* . the other side is the inscription tn French. The lettering can be read easily from the balustrade, but it is not sa pronounced as to distract' the tion from the sculpture itself. At the top on the left is a badge of New land—a wTeath pf fern, with the letters "N.Z." in the centre. On tne ,ngnt is the crest of the town, the wtcatn of oak leaves and laurels surmounted by a crown. At the ancient gateway in the Place d'Armes is another toilet bearing the inscription- "Avenue d Honneur, Neo-Zalandaifi." . The impressive ceremony being over, the great concourse of people walked up tne street used by the storming party in 1918. At the head of the procession were the bands and the choir, and the "Hymn of Deliverance, which was sung along the route, caugjit one's imagination, and seemed to be ® fitting climax to the, ceremony. Tw» happenings v of the day were not over, however, lor then followed the unveiling of the French memorial. Before the people had dispersed the English party were well on their way to Amiens.

Names of New Zealand Dead. On the French memorial at L© Qo«>noy are to bb placed the nam«6 ul »» New Zealanders who were killed ®o November 4th, 1918. These * ro -T" Arnott, R. H., Rifleman: BaUk», H. D.. Lieutenant; Bates, 6., bocoad Lieotenant; Blennerhassett, A. R. lieutenant; Burgess, J., Kifleman; Close, F., Private; Crothers, F. C, Corporal; Daniels, J. E., Riflemanj Edmonds, J. F., Corporal.; Elcoct, S. J-» Lanc*» Sergeant; Everest, T. D., Rifleman; Ferris. R. A., Private; Fleming.- J. ©•» Rifleman; Foltett, H. L. C., Private; Gibson, L. G., Private; Hall, F., r*®*

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Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17857, 1 September 1923, Page 6

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IN HONOUR. Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17857, 1 September 1923, Page 6

IN HONOUR. Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17857, 1 September 1923, Page 6


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