| TIMARU. I j Social and Personal, j The Prime Minister hopes to attend | a smoke concert, to be tendered to j Major-General Sir Andrew Bussell hy j the South Canterbury R.S.A., on April I 23th, but he will not be able to give j a definite reply to the invitation for I another week. | Mr 11. \Y. McViliy arrived in South j Canterbury ycster.lav. lie received | deputations at Eang'itata, Orari, z,\\<\ I Jemuka. He reached Timaru lasi ! night. To-day lie will visit Fairlio. j Pleasant Point, and Cave. liivisrs K. L. V/igiey, Siuimpton, an.! I Gowland have returned to Timaru after j a successful deer sUi'.king trip to llu.v j ley Forest. ; Miss F. Cra'Tofi'-AVi-soa ia c-xpcvted j from Chnsfclu;rch to-day to stay with I Mrs Mowbray Trir.p for the races. | -Mr T. 0. Bishop, secretary to the ■ New Zealand Employers' Federation, ; Icft_ Timaru yesterday afternoon for ! Christcliureh. Wattling ton Drainage Scheme. Dr. Telford, Medical Officer for the Canterbury district, was in Timaru yesterday. He made an inspection" of tho Watilinfitoii drahia S e area, to soe v/hethe- ;he original scheme should be adopted. He stated that ho would recommend the Borough Council to adopt the original scheme drawn up by the borough engineer. Mr J. 11. Howitt, which will cost' £7OOO. 'Buses and By-laws. Every town has its curiosities. Somo towns have harder burdens to bear than others. And tho sunny littlo place called Timaru, with rather a nice bay to add to its attractions, has a heavy cross to carry. So say many motorists. One * particular Timaru gentlemen made loud and bitter outcries against a certain by-law in regard to thoso magnificent, but noisy chariots—tho 'buses. "Moro like London every day," ho says. And, ho complains with just cause. He was lotting off a little steam yesterday —but very sensible steam —to a brother motorist, and this is what he said: — "Have you ever noticed how those 'buses of ours command tho streets utterly?" "Yes," said "hia friend. "Have you ever como across such a situation as this? I was coming down a street inter-section yesterday, and thero was a 'bus —engine running —on the corner. Now, there is a bylaw in force which specifies that no other vehicle may pass in front of that 'bus. You "have to wait there till the thing moves off. You are blocking up traffic behind you; your ears are assailed by unseemly remarks, and things are rotten generally. Why on earth can't tho 'bus move on to tho other corner, 60 that traffic can pass behind it?" "Borough Councils nro funny things, composed of funny • people," musod his friend in a "samo-old-grievance" sort of way. But suddenly his eye lit up. "The municipal elections come off shortly," he muttcrodj "but borough councils are tho same the world over, and probably if we get this stupid by-law removed, something _ equally ridiculous will mako up for it. No good shifting Scylla and letting Charbdis stand, old chap.' " And both gentlemen wandered gloomily away. Timaru South School. The annual report of the Timaru South School states, inter alia, that in August, 1922, Mr G. T. Palmer, M.A., receivedxan appointment to another district, and a record gathering took place to tender him a fitting send-off. Mr James Methven, 8.A., was appointed in Mr Palmer's Btead, and took up his duties on December Ist, 1922. The results of the annual examination were most satisfactory, 36 pupil 9 gaining proficiency, I endorsed competency, and 2 competency certificates. Two pupils, Dorothy Hay and Kalph Townsend, gained scholarships. Tho roll number of tho school was 551, and room space was still insufficient, in spite of the fact that the new building had beon completed. The cloak-room of tho now building was being used as a class-room. The annual Flower Show was held in December, the arrangements being somewhat delayed owing to the general elections; this, with the financial stringency, interfered with the cash results, but, even so> the sum of £5? 14s Id was cleared on tho show. Of this £2O 16s 5d was spent on annual school prizes; £3O was paid into the incidental account as fuel fund, and the balance, £1 17s Bd, was handed over to the staff for the school sports fund. a . ! The annual presentation of prizes took place at the school in December, when Mr F. J. Kolleston, M.P., presented the awards. The swimming carnival was held on March 14th, when there was a fair attendance of parents and friends. An entertainment was recently organised for the purpose of augmenting the school sports fund. The children carried through part of the programme, while Mr Ombler assisted with an exhibition of lantern slides, and a lecture. The financial result was about £ls. . i The committee had been waiting for some time to secure an Assembly Hall, and had approached the Government for assistance towards the desired end. The committee's relations with tho Education Board had been harmonious; and it desired to record also its thanks to the gentlemen who had regularly given religious instruction in Bible classes in the school. Thanks were tendered to the Press for. publicity afforded all matters connected with school life. Eleven committee meetings had been held during the year. The balancesheet showed a credit in the incidental fund at February 28th, 1922, of fill 14s 2d; the prize fund was worth £6 14s 2d, the special ground improvement | fund £64 10s in the Bank of New i Zealand, with £3O 19s 2d in fho Post Office Savings Bank; total £95 9s 2d, I which amount was earmarked for the ! purpose of grading the lower portion of the grounds as a playing area. Port of Timaru. Shipping movements at the Port of Timaru will be found in tho shipping columns. St. Saviour's Orphanages. That, in proportion to its population and wealth, Timaru is far ahead of Christchurch in its subscriptions to the special building fund of St. Saviour's Orphanages is patent to everybody who studied the subscription lists published in "The Press" yesterday.Miniature Rifle Club. The annual meeting of the Timaru Miniature Bifle Club was held last night, Mr W. E. Jones, president, in the chair. The ninth annual report states that several matches had been held, and the clnb had been successful in most of them. Several citizens had been very generous in donating trophies and cash, and the thanks of the club were due to them. The club had lost their range in Hayes street, and it was necessary to come to some arrangement as bodo.
as possible for securing a permanent ! range. The financial side or the club's Affairs was good, there being a balance of £l4 8s 7cl in the bank and £l2 Os 2d in cash. The election of officers resulted:— | Patrbn, Mr J. E. Pigott; president, Mr AV. E. Jones; eighteen vice-presidents wero elected; club captain, Mr 3?. Lewis; vice-captain, Mr J. Toneyclifl'c; secretarv, Mr AV. A'vade; assistant secretary, Mr P. Foden; trustees, Messrs. T. Houston and AV. Dunn; target readers, Messrs Thomas, Seaman, and Foden; armourers, Messrs Stevenson, Tuttv. «nd Bradshaw; haudicappers, Messrs Seaman nnd Tonoyeliffe; Management Committee, Messrs England, Mitchell, Tutty, and Toneycliffe; Emergency Committee, Messrs AV. AVacle, P." Lewis, P. Foden, and England; Selection Committee, Messrs Seaman and Toneycliffe; auditor, Mr AV. Murray. Welcome to the Rev. A. C. Lawry. The Wesley Hall, Timaru, was well filled last night, when a. social was tendered to the Kevs. A. C. Lawry and C. Blakemore, by the congregation of tho Bank street Methodist Church. The Eev. 11. J. Odell was in the chari. Tho Eev. H. AV. Smith welcomed the no.wcomers on behalf of the Timaru Ministers' Association, Mr W. G. Irwin on behalf of the committee, and Mr J. E. Chiles on. behalf s of tho local proacher3. Several other officers also spoke. The newcomers were accorded an enthusiastic reception. Items were given during tho evening- by Messrs E. Holdgate,. AV. Gilchrist, J. Eraser, and Miss A. Hoidgate. Mr Lawry will take tho position lately occupied by the Eev. AV. A. Hay, who has been transferred to Christchurch. MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. List of Nominations. The following is a list of tho nominations received from local bodies to date. Nominations closed yesterday at noon. . Borough Council. Messrs D. McNab, P. J. Kelly, E. E. Guinness, P. C. Vinnell, T. AV. Satterthwaite, A. G. Foster, J. Donnelly, J. M. Mahoney, J. F. Arnold, J. L. Howard, John Anstey, F. B. Hnrkey, J. A. Hay, W. G. Irwin, E. W. Jones, C. W. Keeley, AV. 0. Long, T. W. Manchester, J. P. Murpl.ty, 'and A M. H. Shirtcliff. Mayoralty. , The Eev. Thos. AVilson Potts, nominated by Mr F. A. Eaymond, Mrs W. Norrie, Ven. Archdeacon J. A. Julius, and Mr E. J. McKeown; Mr George John Wallace, nominated by Mr Jas. Craigie, Mrs C. A. Paterson, Messrs G. J. Sealey, J. E. Bruce, John Scott, and J. E. Chiles. High Schools Board. Messrs W. D. Campbell and W. D. Eevell. Hospital Board. The Eev. T. W. Potts, Me3dames F. A. Eaymond, A. B. Irvine, P. A. F. Unwin, and Messrs Stevens and J. Donnelly. Harbour Board. Messrs E. E. Isaac, D. C. Turnbull, E. Orwin, AV. Steward, G. T. Dawson, W. 0. Long, and J. P. Murphy. The Schools. The nominations for election to the School Committees are as follows: Timaru Main. Messrs A. F. Boys, J. C. Butcher, T. A. Blackwood. J. T. Collins, A. Dephoff, J. H. Hoidgate, A. E. Izzard, AV. E. Jones, F. C. Malcolmson, A. Stead, G. F. AVhitworth, J. W. Preen, and J. Dreaver. Timaru West. Messrs W. Anderson, S. Anderson, J. E. Chiles, F. S. Cave, T. Currie, F. E. Chapman, H. Field, J. Gliddon, C. J. Hoidgate, D. Hannan, P. J. Kelly, E. W. Marshall, M. O'Connor, T. Eiddler, G. F. Sapwell, J. A. Sunborn, AV. J. Tutton, A. E. AVilliams, J. C. Trengrove, and Mrs Cave. Timaru South. A. J. Mathews, Koller, W. J. McLean, and Messrs D. F. Hill, 11. J. Brewer, D. McNab, AV. G. Hawkey, T. Irwin, AV. Taylor, A. G. Foster, J. A. Hay, P. Downward, and W. Gibb. Waimataitai. Mesdames M. M.inifie, L. Huddlestone, C. Ward, and Messrs G. T. Slade, T. E. Hoidgate, G. Benstead, E. A. Hamilton, T. E, McKay, E. H. Ombler, T. Black J. W. Dow, and John Stevens. —— "* TEMUKA. The monthly meeting of the Temuka School Committer was held on Monday evening. Present: Mrs. Tiibrook, Messrs E. B. Cooper (chairman) fc. Foote (secretary), L. G-. Scrimshaw, 1> Longson, P. Maunders, and Geo. Hancox A motion or sympathy was accorded Miss Milk, on the loss of her mother. The Town Clerk wrote stating that the Committee's request for dagger 'boards to be erected near the Si would be complied with The E£tion Board advised that the reSSn ofMiBS Mills MA the secondly school assistant had been S and accepted. The Committee nlaeed on record a motion expressing £ thTnks for Miss Mils past serSSb The headmaster (Mr Malcolm), rpDorted that the attendance for the past four weeks was very eatisfactory averaging 93 per cent, out of a total roll number *f 416 (primary secondary 50). Miss Mansell, the new assistant teacher in the High School, had begun duty, lastr Monday, The Board
of Education had recommended all schools to break up on May 11th for term holidays, and he presumed that the school would fall into line, and resume on Monday, May 28th. The headmasters 'recommendation regarding the term holidays was adopted. The following nominations have been received for the Temuka School Committee: —Messrs L. G. Scrimshaw, C. H. Clements, A. E. Foote A. E. Smith, R. Longson, Z. ivay, F. Saunders, G. Higginbottom, W. Jf JKeys, James Crombie, and O.'L. Fraser, A meeting of the Council of the South Canterbury Acclimatisation was held .at Temuka on Saturday. There were present: —Messrs \V. Mcßride (chairman), E. C. May, W. Grant, W. G. Aspinall, C." Young, J. E. Pigott, F. Adams, and E. Hardcastle. It was resolved that in future no commission should be paid on the sale of licenses. Messrs Priest and Holdgate were appointed agents for the sale of gun and fishing licenses. The Minister of Marine wrote acknowledging a petition signed by the anglers of the Temuka district in regard to the taking of quinnat salmon. The treasurer (Mr Aspinall) reported that the Society had in hand a total of £378 lis 4d; The outstanding accounts amounted to £42 19s 3d, leaving a credit balance of £335 12s Id. The members of the Council who retire automatically at the close of the current year are:—Messrs W. Mcßride, F. 0. May, and O. Young; Fairlie, Messrs F. Adams, pad C. Mac Donald; Temuka., Messrs W." G. Aspinall and E. Hardcastle. The ranger, in his report, said that during the past month he had shifted over' 1000 fish from the pools of the Waihi, at Geraldine. The mouth of the Opihi, which was closed hy the heavy seas of the past week, had been opened by Mr Morris, and was 200 yards further south than the old one. He had visited the McGregor and Alexandria sanctuaries. The game there consisticd practically of black teal, which were now numerous. The fishing in the river was not up to the usual standard at this time of the year. Of the large sea run fish, only ah odd one had been caught in a night's fishing, although the small fry fish had provided much sport. The Rangitata had a larger run of salmon this season, than it had ever had before. With the failing of the runs of the sea-running trout in this river, the salmon had provided excellent sport, and were superior to the trout, even in the poorest months for fishing in snow rivers. With regard to the destruction of trout in Factory Creek, the ranger said that there might be other causes than the factory for the destruction of the trout, although the creek was badly polluted near the factory. This matter had been gone into by Dr. Telrord the Sanitary Inspector, and others, and he thought it would be wise to leave the matter in their hands. Several members srjoke in terms of approval of the good work done by the ranger. The Temuka Branch of the loung Helpers' League held a social hour in connexion with the annual opening of the Dr. Barnardo Home Boxes. The total amount collected in. the boxes was £S 10s, and probably more will come in to day. During the counting 0 f the money, several of the pupils contributed musical items. Municipal election nominations are: Mavor, Mr T. Gunnion: Councillors, Messrs J. Ashwell, E. Booth. G. B. Cartwright, "W. F. Evans. A. H. Fenn, G. Hancox, TV. Jones, p. H. Lynch, D. Mclnnes, J. B. Sinclair, and Jas Burns. i -
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Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17741, 18 April 1923, Page 5
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2,472SOUTH CANTERBURY. Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17741, 18 April 1923, Page 5
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