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I AUCTIONS. kN.Z. FARMERS' CO-OP. ASSOCIATION. LIMITED. QTKOPSIS OF AUCTION SALES FOR Q* WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. 7th APRIL. 1623:Monday. TUESDAY—Easter Tuesday. WEDNESDAY—Addington. THURSDAY—Methvon Ram and Eto Fair. Cle-.tring Salt at Brooksids on property occupied by Air T. W. Crossen. FRlDAY—Kvrwee, Duvauchelle, Rangiora Horse Fair, Oxford Ewe F»ir, B*<aio. N.Z. FARMERS' 00.0 P., LTD.. 45gg AuctioneersThere will bo no sale next Tuesday, April 3rd. N.Z. FARMERS' CO-OP., • PVNE, GOULD, GUINNESS, LTD., H. MATSON and CO., NATIONAL MORTGAGE' and AGENCY CO.. Ac-ja Auctioneers. SHORT NOTICE. CLEARING SALE AT BROOKSIDE. THURSDAY, APRIL 6th, WM. THE N. 4. FARMERS* CO-OP., LTD., have received instructions to soil 07 ic Auction on the above date (under al distress tor rent, and for other claims), the whole of the Live and " btock on tho property, situated at side, occupied by. Mr T. W. Crossen. . CATTLE- „ . _ . . 21 Shorthorn Cross Dairy Cows, first culvers upwards, nearly all of them in profit 4 Friesian Yearling Heifer* I 7 Calves 1 3-year-old Friesian Bull HORSES- „ „. . . 3 Draught Mares and Geldings, broken to all farm work I 1 Half Draught 2 Sowa 13 Store Pigs IMPLEMENTS, ETC.— I d.f. Plough (P. and D.), 1 set Harrows, 1 Binder, 1 Clover Trolley. 1 Farm Dray end Frame, 1 Spring Cert, 1 Trap, 1 Dray, I Riding Saddle, 6 eets Collar Hames and Winker* . 1 Horse Clipper, 1 »et Trap Harness, 1 Cart, Saddle, and Breeching, a Horse Covers, number Corn Sacks, 1 Dotno Cream Separator, 1 Cream Vat, qnantity Partridge and Garden Peas, 1 Pig Lilt, 2 Pig Troughs, 1 4-horee Tackle. 4 Cream Cans, 2 Pairs Plough Chains. 1 Copper and Stand, 1 Stack Covei and numerous sundries. ALSO—--1 Stack Oat Shewee About 3 acres Potatoes 2 acres Mangolds SALE COMMENCES 1 P.M. N.Z. FARMERS' CO-OP., LTD. 4294 Auctioneers. FRIDAY, APRIL 6th, 1923. On account MR E. A. WOODFIELD, Horrelville: ! Pony Dog Cart and Harness On account MESSRS C- and J. WOC£: v FIELD, Horrolville: 1 4-Horse Team (straight out of work), On account MR T. STEVENSON, ipot* wood: 1 Dft. Gelding, all farm work • GENERAL ENTRIEB- - Draughts , N.Z. FARMERS' CO-OP., LTD., 4569 Auctioneers. AGRICULTURAL FARM FOR BALE. 191 ACRES AT LOBURN. WE have received instructions from Mr STANLEY MAWSON to oiler by Public Auction in our Land Sale Room, Rangiora, at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, April 10th, his desirable agricultural iarm of 191 aorea situated at Loburri. . The property is conveniently subdivided by good fences into 6 paddocks, and ifl well watered. Proeent conditions of land—--20 Acres Summer Fallow 118 Acres Stubble now being tkimmea ploughed 2 Acres Carrots, Swades. and Mangold* Balance old pasture IMPROVEMENTS-Modern dwelling <* 7 rooms, pantry, bathroom, and all conventencos, waJihhouso, stable, 8 bIaIIs, ohaff house, granary, implement shejd, cowliaila, etc. ine propenj in irv.i ouv.—«~ -v - able plantation of Bluegum and Pine treel, is nicely situated on the main road to Bangijora 7 miles, and is handy to school and Port Office. The land growsi good crops of wheat, oats, linseed, peas, and all Toot crops, and is also splendid apple growing land. This farm is on tho market for genuine Bale, and we recommend anyone on the look-out for a piece of good .cropping and grazing land with a comfortable home, Mr make an inspection.' Further particulars from N.Z. FARMERS' CO-OP., LTD., oggg Auctioneer. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. CLEARING SALE AT BROADFIELDS. TUESDAY, APRIL 10th, 1923. mHE N.Z. FARMERS* CO-OP., LTD., I have received instructions from MR GEO. TROTT (tho lease 'of whose farm has expired) to hold a Clearing Sale of his Live and Dead Stock on the above datev Full-particulars will appear m later issue, N.Z. FARMERS' CO-OP., LTD., 4ggg Auctioneers. PUBLIC AUCTION. PUBLIC AUCTION. BLIGH'S GARDEN SUB-DIVISION, NEW BRIGHTON. 18 FINE BUILDING SITES. THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 26th, 1928. At 7.80 p.m. In tho N.Z. FARMERS* CO-OP. ASSN., LTD., LAND SALE ROOM, CASHEL ; STREET. A CTING on instructions from the OwnLtd., associated with Messrs Evelyn Clark, Robinson, and Co, will lell ae above, THE IB FINE BUILDING Sites situated BRIGHTON TEItRACE, and Withell avenue, Central New Brighton. The areas range from 20 perches to 27 perches, with exceptionally wide frontages. Many of the sections are supplied with water from either deep well or Ist strata welle. All sections are high and dry, connected with gas and electric light, also facing on to chain wide streets, paths and concrete camelling. A number of the sections have an unbroken outlook to the north-west, lying well to the sun. These sections can never be built on, as thev are bounded by a City Council Reserve. Tho new. tram line will pass within a few yards. The finest opportunity for jear» to acquire a Brighton Central Building Bite. EASY TERMS BEING ARRANGED. PLANS IN PREPARATION. Further details later issues. N.Z. FARMERS' CO-OP. ASSN., LTD., MESSRS EVELYN, CLARK, ROBINSON, AND CO., Agents and Auctioneers in conjunction. MESSRS WILLIAMS and WHITE, Solicitors. «M 4 M O T O B 8, ROYAL MAIL CONTRACTORS. CHRIBTCHURCH to HANMER SPRINGS. CHRISTCHURCH to HANMER SPRINGS. CHRI3TCHURCH to HANMER SPRINGS. CHRISTCHURCH to HANMER SPRINGS. Care leave Daily, United Service Hotel and Tourist Office, at 9 a.m. CULVERDEN-WAIAU, Monday*, Wednesdays Fridays, Culvsrden depart on arrival of' Christchurch Car and Train. Booking Tourist Office, Thoa. Cook »n* Son Garage, Amuri Motors. Durham street•Phone 1772, 1176, 1892 By Appointment to H.M. the King and HJI.H. tho Prince of T" K AND WHITE
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Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17726, 31 March 1923, Page 21
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893Page 21 Advertisements Column 8 Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17726, 31 March 1923, Page 21
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Page 21 Advertisements Column 8 Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17726, 31 March 1923, Page 21
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