WEST CHRISTCHURCH SCHOOL, j Tiic annua! 2iri2c-giv:i;£ c '- I ' e Cnrio\fc church "West District High School toe); place on Thursday. Mr J. H. Jonc3 (chairman of the Comfeittce) presented the prizes to the lower school, while the Rev. Rule presented those gained by Standard I. aad the pupils of the secondary department. On Wednesday afternoon "leather visited the iniant department and gave eacn child a suitable present. t ollo'iving 13 the priie list: — SKCOXDAItY DEPARTMENT. Old boya' cup—F. Holmes. Old gi-ls' pnze —Nancy Ives. Prefects' prizes—J. Middleton, J. Giosou, Mary Sinee. • Senior tennis—Nancy Ives. Junior tennis —Enid English. form V. —Fred Lee dux, lull Sinclair Douglas Lane 3, Gourtenay Lilburno 4, Frederick Holmes 5, jNell Graham 6. Attend-anc-e certificates—First-class: Dorothy Hall, Melville Holmes, Fred Lee, lan Sinclair. Sec-ond-claea: James Gibson, Arthur Gudsell, Douglas Lane, Leslie Pierr, A lieu Wishart. Form IV.&—H. Fitzgerald 1, J. Burns 2, V. Loney 3. Attendance certificates —Firstcla.Es: J. Bums, W. Wagstuff. Second-class: G. Comber, G. Grconaway, W. Brown. Form IV.b—Alan Gilberthorpe 1, Agnes Stewart 2. Special prize for good class work—Hilda. Wilson. French—G. Charles, •J. Bump. Geometry—A. Gilbeithorpp. Attendance —First-class: Samuel Bilbrough. Second-class: Ellen Wilson, Florence Mackie. Form IV.c—Una McCracken. 1, Daphne Bulterfield 2. Merit prize (year's _ work) — Gilbert Goodman. Attendance certificates — First-class: Eileen Waldron (full' attendance for eight years). Second-class: Doris Ash, Daphne Butterfiold. Form lll.a—Leonard Hamilton 1, Alfred Miles 2. Special—Leslie Bradley. Attendrnoe certificates—First-class: Gordon Owers, Neil Clarke. Sccond-class: G. Burke, F. Eade, C. Need ham, 11. Findlay. Form Ill.b—Jessie McLeod 1, Stanley Reddell 2. Special prizes—Ena Broun, general. proficiency: Arthur Bell, Latin. Attendance certificates—First-class: Keith Phillips, Ena Broun. Ellen Lan?ford, Jessie McLeod, Emily Skilton,- Iris Thomas. Sec-ond-olass: Arthur Bell, Mabel Bowden,! Eastwood. Enid English. Lilian Wilkinson. Form Ill.e—Dorothv Gillf""pif> 1. EveK-n Hobbs 2. Speoial—Commercial subjects (bookkeeping, shorthand, typing), Dnpimo Giles. Attendance—First-class : May Rlyth. Secondclnxfl, Elesnor Burgess, Ena Clarke. Form IH.d—Special vrize—John Taylor. Rvdnev Pt.anton 1. Best all-round boy— Resinnld Thomas. Attendance certificates — Telford Aldridgv, David Lane. Leonard Smith, SYdnev Stanton, Reginald Thomeus. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. Standard Vl.—Boys—Rona.ld Sharp dux, Barkley Cox 9, Ralph Collet 3, Albert Roberta 4. Girls—Jean Webb dm, Hilda Coad 2, Eveline McNulty 3. Nancy Duxbury 4. Special attendance prizo (six years)—Hoban Witliell. Arithmetic; and spelling—Dorothy Mathieson. SowingJean Gibson. Essay—Eveline McNulty. Letter writing—Jean Gibson. Attendance— Firat-class: R. Collet, R. Sharp, B. Cox, B. McAuliffe, C. Cox, Hilda Spencer, Hoban Withell, Blanche Bigs. .Second-class: G. A. Anthony, O. Haase, F. McCul-loug-h, Dorothy Mathieson, Gladys Partridge, J. O'Brien, A. Roberts, J. Wilson, Hilda Coad, Susan. Harvey, Nelthe Simpson, Nancy Duxbury, Dolcie Falkinder, Eveline McNulty, Freda. Pirie, Alice Goodye. Standard V.—Boys—D. Walker. 1, F. Aldersley 2, A. Markholm and . M. Johnston 3 (equal). Attendance certificates—Firstclass: R. Almond, M. Johnston, R. Menzies, A. Shrimpton, D. Watt®. Second-class: F. Aldersloy, j. Andrews, F. Cribb, S. Deakin, S. DougaJl, R. t>un. D. Fisk, R. McKinnon, C. McMahon, N. Stringer, J. Hatteraley, ,C. Jones. Standard! V.—Girls—Annie Morison - 1. Helena Moore 2, Winifred Burton 3. Essay, "A Visit to the Exhibition"—Pity Ilia Comber. Sewing prize—lsabella Bird. ' Attendance certificates—First-class: Daphne Anthony; Ivy Wi'ctdowson, Doreen Hatchard, Edith Harvey, ■ Phyllis Comber, J'oyco Beimer, Ina Smith, Margaret McAllister. Second-class; 'Winifred Burton, Erthel Cumberpatch, Enid Lawson. •Standard > IV.—Boys—Bernard Walker 1, Maurice Stanley 2, Stephen Hod>g« 3, William Rhodes 4. Special prizes DiligenceAlfred Graham. •Conduct—Winston Bird, Writing—Daly Weigle. Attendance certifi-cates—First-class: Ray Lane, William McAllister, Ei ; ic O'Brien, Robert Sinclair, Ronald Taylor. Second-class: Clarence CShomberlain, Frank Hutton, Ernest Werrin, Kenneth Hadler, Courtenay Smith, Winston Bird, Horace Roberts, Harold Stothers, Frank Smith, Albert Hopewell. • Standard IV.—Girls—Halma Sikinner 1, Gladys Jean Boot 2, Jeannip Rennie 8, Edna Hunt 4, Joyoe Maginnesa and Edina. McNulty equal 5; Marjorie Smith, for best "Exhibition" essay ; Gavina McNeilage. for marked industry and. exemplary conduct; Nancy Munnings and Rachael' Marks, class monitor's prize; Hazel Button, needlework; Josephine Stanley and Maijorie Hall, gardening and Nature study j Jennie> Rennie, special' prize for progress (given by Mrs Shrimpton). Attendance certificates—Firstclass: Alice Kerr (seventh year, four firsts and three seconds in succession). Secondclass: Phyllis Aldersly, Marjorie Hall, Isabel Harvey, Gavina McNeilage, Edna McNulty. Swimming certificates—Edna Hunt, Pauline Sleoman, Josephine 'Stanley, Thelma Rotinson. •
■Standard lll—Girls—Audrey Gilea 1, Clara Taylor, 2, Blanche Menzies 8. Composition prize— Taylor. Roys—Thomas Bird 1, Alfred Andrews 2, David Donaldson 3. For neatness—Sydney White. Attendance -First-class: Bongo Ford, Blanche Menziei, Hector Kerr. Second-claiss: Alma Gooder, Audrey Giles, Jano Joughin. Margaret O'Connor, Kathleen Robertson, Nellie Robertson, Clivo Bonniface, Jessie Lilley, Thomas Bird, Sydney White, George Goodge, Arthur Curry, Jamee Millar, Charles Begg. Standard lI.—T. Rennie 3, E. Swauston 2, J. Hyde 3, O. Hwttersley 4. Attendance — Eirst-claes: R. Dumpleton, P; Meyer, F. Slillcr, G. Whitta, E. Swanston. Secondclass: R. Brown, A. Aldersley, J. Patterson, J. M. Mathieson, D. Hall, O. Hatters-' ley., F. Newton, M. Dunn.; , Standard ll.—Girls—Leila Andrews 1, Winnie McDonald '2, Winnio Jones 3, Ruth Allard 4. Special prize tor neatness —Clarice Ward. Attendance certificates—First-class: Doris McMahon. 4 Second-class: Lei)", Andrews, Annie Gollins, Mavis King,- fl»once White. .
Stanckird I.—Merit—Cßertha Bracksnridge 1, Mavis Shearman 2, Betty Smith and Colin Rattray 8. Sewing—Eileen Richards. Neatness—G wen Jones,. V. Ellis, Jean Duxbury, M. Ellis. Progress—Norman IPinlayson, Noel Swanston, Bertie Androws, Polly Markhohn, Thclma Patterson. SpellingDiana Walker. Homework —Rema, Thompson. , First-class attendance—Lytser Douglas, Clifford Gooder, Cyril Jordan, Donald Ritchie, Jack Slieard-, Clarence Wilson, Betty Andrews, Iris le Comte, Diana Walker. Se-cond-class: Alan Asquith, Ray Alde-raley, Vernon Ellis, Walter Hill, Angus Laurenson, Jim LHTi Bertie O'Brien, Cyril Ohlson, Noel Swanston, Jiftn Duxbury, Alma Everett, Violet Tliorntdh, Dorothy Smith. LINCOLN SCHOOL. . On Thursday the Lincoln School prize distribution took place as follows: Standard Vl.—Jean Munroe (dux) 1, Jean Clark 2, Jack Greaves 3. Standard V.—Grace Stothers 1, Dick'Restall 2, May Clark S. Standard IV. —Beryl Restall 1, Maurice Templcton 2, Alick Devonport 3. . Standard lll.—Mary Alexander 1, Joy Bartram 2, Noleen K«a".y 3. Standard ll.—Vernon Peryman 1, Madge Rickerby 2,' Alma Terry 3. Standard I.—Nols, Arps 1, MargaTet Templeton 2, Harry Knight 3. p. 3—Jean Stothers 1, Vincent Devonport 2, Nancy Restall 3. p. 2—Joan Templeton 1, Ngaire Stoddart 2, Jack Nolan 3. p l_Stan'ey Duncan 1, Hnby Eilkers 2, ' Percy" Rolleston 3. Prizes for lull attendance and certificates VI.: Herman Cox, Jean Clark, Jsck Mu'-nell. Standard V.: Hagr'e Ford. Maggie M»mell, Ddrothy Haskett. SfmJard IV.: Gwen Patsreon, Gladys Marneil, Alex. Devonport. Standard III.: Joyce Haskett. P. 3: Vincent Devonport. In addition to the above, the following re-' ceived certificates only for not being absent I "lnore than five half-days:—Standard I.: Jim j GreaveF. Standard II.: Verney Perytnan. j Standard III.: John • Devonport. Xooiine I ICeetlev. Standard IV.: Jock Jordan, Mau- ! rice TemOletcn. Standard V.: May Clark, i R'nona Greaves. j ' TEMPLETON SCHOOL. I The breaking-Hp ceremony and prize-giving j of the Templeton School took place in ihe I Fcliool on Thursday mornins. Air G. W. ■ Bailey,- chairman of the School Committee, I presented the prizes as foll6ws:_ I , Standard VI. —Marjorie Gilmour 1, Mavis 1 Voice 2, Dorothy Bailey 3.
Standard V.—Kenneth Boyle 1, Xora Clinton 2, Murray Lee 3. . . Standard IV.—Annie Cullender 1, Slarjone Pearce 2, Seal Simpson 3. standard lll.—Rose Jones 1, Konald KemPthorne 2. Max McMillan 3. _ Standard II. —Jean Mander 1, Alice IseeQliam 2, Eva Gilberthorpe 3. Standard I.—Ngaire Gilmour 1, Jean Jones 2, Sylvia Boyce 3. Mr G. Bailey's priies for popularity—G^rls: Edna Boyle. Boys: Harold Wright. Special prizes for sewing—Standard VI.. Dorothy Bailey. Standard V.: /VeronicaPrice. Standard : Eilis. Standard III.: Jeanette Lawrence. Standard 11-: Graco Hinton. Standard I.: Patricia Cunneen. . Headmaster's prize for gardening—Red" mund Newell. Mr 0. Calling's prizes—Aggregate maris: Marjorio Gilmour. Improvement: Ivy Hampton, James Genet. Special prize for composition: Nora Clinton. Every child an the infant room reoeived a book, and a sweets scramble for 'the children concluded the proceedings. BURWOOD SCHOOL. The annual distribution in connexion with the Bar wood School took place in the school grounds on Wednesday afternoon. Mr n. • Thompson, chairman of the School commit" tee, presided over a. large attendance oscho'.ars and parents. , The headmaster (Mr Braastock) said that the school had had many difficulties to overcome during the year, but thanks to t loyalty of the etaff and children much go°d work had been accomplished, both ini W school and in the play-fields of cricket, basket ball, and rounders. He also took the opportunity of thanking the parents for their great assistance during' the recent visit of the Cheviot children. The prize list, exclusive of a. gut bo ° to each of the infants, was a follows. Dux boy, Jim .Stapleton; Dux gul, M lan Sagar. . _ _ 0 Standard'Vl,—J. Stapleton 1, L. SagaT -. General improvement, Betty Scott. Standard V.-Ronald Ayrey 1, Stanley Bennett 2. General improvement, Amy Barrett and Dorothy Good. _ Standard IV.—Norman Carson and thy Montiboy 1, Jack Boscoe 2. Generai improvement, Cyril Harwood, May Southon, and Walter Bampton. Standard lll.—Doris Friar 1, Lea Goodman and Buth Walford 2. General improvement, Cecil Thompson and Phyllis Robinson. Standard ll.—lan Carson 1, Bay Lamme and Brian Snowball 2. General improvement, Kathleen Bampton and James Coroett, Standard I.—Violet Hocking 1, Betty Paykhuist 2, Majbel Johnson and Dulcie Hanvcoi 3. General Improvement, Liege WhitmoreMr Carson's special, Leslie Burt. Neatness of Wor I:—Standard VI, Lilian Sagar; Standard V, Gertrude SchmanaKi; Standard 4, Theresa Schmanski and Lillie Walford. _ * j Sewing—Standard VT, Lilian Sagar; Standard Y, Gertrude Schmanski; Standard IV, Theresa Schnianslti; Standard 111, W& Southor; Standard 2, Laura Welch. Spelling Competition—Standard VI, Ji m Stapleton 1, Geo. Campbell 2; Standard V, Ina. Campbell; Standard 4-, , Dorothy Montiboy I, Esther O'Donnell 2. —Maitland Williams and Ivan Donald. Garden Plots—Dorothy Montiboy 1, May Southon 2. Before dispersing the children gave three cheera for the staff and the Standard bix children presented Mr Bradstock with a very useful present. LEESTON SCHOOL. The annual breakng-up ceremony and distribution of prizes in connexion with the Leeßton School took place on Wednosday. There was a good attendaiice, and Mrs A. J. Gray presented the prizes. Mr A. W. Green, the .headmaster, in a short address, congratulated the children on their good fortune in again being provided with a handsome book each. The school had been able to secure many valuable books for the'' school library. This fund had been augmented by a pound for pound subsidy. The swimming baths had been put in good repair, and the children were enjoying themselves with summer bathing. Football jerseys had been purchased, also sports material for boys and girls. .The Leeston people Were.always willing to foot the bill. On behalf of the school, Mrs Gray was presented with a beautiful bouquet of choi-,e flowers, handed to her by Doris Langdule. • On thanking the teachers and scholars for their kind thought,. Mrs Gay said she %as i • really there to make the presentation- oWing ! to the Rev. E. W. Walker (chairman of the Schdol Committee) being too ill to attend, and the unavoidable absence of Mr Gray. She had been asked to say that the school •would re-open on January 30th. A short programme of choruses, solos, rocitations, etc., was given. The following is> the prizetlist:— • Standard Vll.—George Rookes dux. Standard Vl.—Cecil Regan 1, Phyllis Hogg 2, Andrew Boyd 3. Standard V. —Arthur <Jreen 1, Walter Quartermaine 2, Robert Reid 3. Elocution: Ernest Walker. . Comprehe#ion: Clarence Langdale. Writing: Marion Fisher. Standard IV.—Jack Waite 1, Nellie Rodgers 2, Alfred Young 3. Drawing: Carrie Langdale. . Standard lll.—Fred Waite 1, James Langdale 2, Stella Johnson 8. Drawing: Fred Jarman. Standard ll.—Charles Newton 1, Jean Holloway 2, Rosa Bowden 3. Standard 1.-j-John Holloway 1, May Rodgers 2, Doris Fußsel 3. Infant Room—Special prizes, the gifts of Mrs Gray: Highest marks, Violet Franks. Highest marks in lower preparatory clbbs, Ivor Smith. The gift of Mrs Parkin, sen.: Highest marks in preparatory class, Oanmore Gray. Headmaster's prize for greatest consideration shown to others: George Rookes. AROWHENUA NATIVE SCHOOL. The prize-giving ceremony of the Aro■whenua Native School on Thursday was exceptionally bright and successful. The ceremony- was held in the Native Hall, which had been prepared beautifully, and most carefully by the teachers, the Misses Bremner, and scholars. The teachers received very warm congratulations on the success of the whole ceremony, and on the conduct and evident happiness of the scholars. Among the largj gathering present were the Maori parents and friends, and a large number of pakeha friends, including Mr T. D. Burnett, It.P., the Mayor and Mayoress of Temuka, Mr and Mrs Gunnion, the chairman of the Board of . Education, Mr G. W. and Mrs Armitage, the Vicar and Mrs Norris, Commandant Armstrong. Salvation Army Boys' Home, Mrs and Miss Armstrong, Mr and Mrs F. Sanders. Before the. distribution pf prizes the scholars, under the superintendance of the teachers, gave an entertainment which was excellent enough to elicit the wannest piiaise from thei chairman of the Board of Education, who compared it vrtth a scholars" entertainment, which he had recently witnessed at one of the large city schools. The programme consisted of chorus songs, recitations, piano solos, songs, duets, poi dance, by girls, Maori canoeing chorus by girls, Maori liaka by boys, and a costume chorus song, "Gay Highway" by the senior boys. The lastnamed item given with gaiety and "abandon" by a party of boys dressed as brokendown swaggers delighted the whole audience immensely. All the items, given _ with charming absence of self-consciousness, were very heartily applauded. At the request of Miss Bremner, the Vicar presided at the speech-making and prize-giving, and introduced the speakers, apologisinug for the absence of Mr Uru; M.P. Brief addresses were given by Mr Burnett, M.P., the chairman of the Board of Education, Mr Armitage,, and the Mayor of Temuka (Mr Gunnion).' All the speeches warmly congratuldated tho teachers on the excellence of their work, and thanked' them for' their devotion to the interests of the Maori children. Mr. Armitatfl drew attention to the modesty of the .teachers who had not proclaimed the verygood of the four scholars -\vho had sat for proticiency certificates, three having gained proficiency certificates, and one the competency certificate. The prizes presented by Mrs Armitage. Special prizes were gvien- by Mr M.P.. Mr T. D. Burnett, M.P., the Vicar, Mr 3 Edward Lee, and Mrs Beri. The scholars gave very cheers for their, teachers, and for all the friends who had helped .with the prize fund and tho ceremony. The proceedings closed with the National Anthem. . ! Following is the prize-list:— | Standard Vl.—Dux, medal 2'resented by Mr Uru. M.P.: Kaihai Taipana. Proficiencv gardening, Bible Class attendance: Raymond Hopkinson. Proficiency: Robert Doire. Writing and general improvement: Riria Fowler. I Standard V.—Ellen Carruth 1. Wood- ' work, printing: John Hopkinson. I Standard IV.'—Ti Hopkinson and Owen I Hopkins-.on equal 1. Drawing: Malone Manning. Progress: Mary Davie. HomeworkAlbert Whaitiri. Attendance prizes: Firstclass, David Leonard. Owen Hopkinson: sec- 1 ond-elaas. Albert Whaitiri. i Ti Hopkinson Malone Manning, j Standard lll.—Kaitomuri Solomon 1. I Recitation: Miria Paiki. Arithmetic: Hera ! Manning, Kaitomuri Solomon. I Standard ll.—Class marks Ist, and Bible I Class attendance: Willie Hopkinson. Class | marks 2nd: Iv.'a Solomon. - Improvement: [ Jack Burns. drill and recita- ■ Hon: Amakura Torepe. Brushwork and I drawing: Kawana Miluika. Standard I.—Class marks Ist. and recitation: Waiwehi Manning. -Neatness and I diligence: Jessie Hopkinson. Diligence: Mabel Rehu. Improvement: Ronald Smith. Writing: George Smith. Bible Class attendance: Waiwehi Manning and Jessie Hopkinson. Primer IV. —First prize, • Mohi Fowler; 2nd, Winnie Manning. Pastel drawing: James Paiki. Plasticene modelling: Abaitha Solomon. Kindness and willingness to help: John Davie. Neatness: Mohi
[ Fowler. Primer 111.—1st prize, Marion Smith. Reading: Te Toraki Paipeta. Writing: Victor Torepe. Diligence, Bible Class and school attendance: Katie Whaitiri. Primer ll.—lst prize, Joan Hopkinson. Progress: Willie Davie. Primer 1. —Ist prize, Ripeka Paihi; 2nd, Whitii Petama. Bible Class—Vicar's special prizes for complete attendance and general excellence: Ti Hopkinson, John Hopkinson, Owen Hopkinson.' Proficiency Certificates —Kaikau Taipana, ! Robert Davie, Raymond Hopkinson. Competency certificate: Riria Fowler. Darning—Mrs Lee's special prizes: Junior, Waiwetu Manning; senior, Lily Fowler. Mrs Beri's prize, senior equal, Kahau Tapana. ISLINGTON SCHOOL. The breaking-up and prize distribution a* Hornby School was held out under the pines which border the playground, there being large attendance of parents and others interested ;n the school and its welfare. The chairman of the School Committee addressed a few words to the children, and asked Mrs Bowbyes to present the prizes. During the ufternoon the senior scholars,'at ; the hands of K. Hamilton, presented the Mr Henry, with a token of their esteem. The prize-winners were:—Merit St. VI.; Hamilton (dux), I*e«lie Perry, Ralph Spicer. St. V.: Dorothealslip, Edward _ Garrett. Freda Deibert, St. IV.; Phyllia l Deran, Azalea Ward and Ida Rankin (equal). St. III.; Ronald Taylor, Vivie Horman, Hoy Garrett. St, II.: Bob .Pollock, Mabel Mackie t Eva Deibert. St. I.: Ala-vis Whyte, Jim Mathiefion, Ruby Piper. P. 3: Harry Field, Beta Kenworthy and Harold Taylor (equal). Attendance—First-claes: Phyllis Horman (special for 9 years of unbroken attendance), Cliff Duder, Harold Holmes, Leslie Perry, Stewart, Lenard Roden, Archie Still, Colin AVilkie, Esther Airey, Thelma Bennett, Delphie Byron. John Airey, Leslie Freeman, Drummond, Kalnleen Holmes, Eunice McTainsh, Ida Rankin, Norman Suttie, Vivie Horman, Betty Kent, Ina McDona'd, Mary McGrath, Irene McTainsh, lona AVi'kie, Jack Dann, Bertie Kent, Audrey Byron, Vera McDonald ( Joy Horman, Gerty McCann, Jim Airey. Second-class: Edward Gaireft, Chaa. \ McGarry, Jack Rountree, Harold' Standevon, | George Thomas, Dorothy lelip.Phyllis Devan, Hoyden Garrett, Boyle, Allan Francis, Robert Pollock, Ma'ggie Moore, Walter Hadlee, Ray Kenworthy, Bob Brassington, Scott Henry, Maidie Henry. Cooking, presented by Mrs Francis—Eva McTainsh 1, Ivy Stewart 2. Standard V. (Mrs prize): Esther Airey, Woodwork (Mr« Pooley)—Robert* Dawson. Boys' Sports (Mr Piper)—St. V. an<f VI.: Ed. Garrett. St. 111. and IV.; S. Mackie. St. I. and II.; Ernest Kimber. Darning and Mending (Messrs Ellis and Roberts)— Marie Drummond 3 Waveney Byron 2. Sewing—Azalea Ward 1, Pearl Piper % Girls' Sports—Phyllis Horman,. *' NORTH BRIGfiTON SCHOOL. following- is the prize. liat of the North Brighton School: Primer 4—Connie "Gale. 1,-Oharlio Davis 2, Bernie Claydon 3. Good conduct: Alan Freeborn. Sta.nda.rd I.—Hettie Nelson 1, Edna Hill 2, Y von no MeriieM 3, Doria Watkina (teacher's special prize). Standard ll.—Mabel WilJtina 1, Konald Wilkms 2, Maud Cook 3, Aubrey Bichards special prize for progress (teacher's). Standard lll.—Kathleen Instone 1, Eatelle Cook 2, Donald Hall 8, William Stevens special prize for progress (teacher's). Attendance Prizes—Primer i: Hazel Wilkins Becond-class. P. 2: Kenneth Hutton, Harry Lane second-class. Standard I.: Dolly Burt first-cliiss, Jack Taylor seoond-claaa. Standard II.: Mollie Instono firnt-clfles, Aliok Burt, Konald Wilkins, Mabel Wilkina, and Given "Wilkina seeond-'class, Rita Bultitude third-class. 'Standard) III.: Kathleen Inatone and Hermon Poninghouse first-o'.ass, Florence Gale aecond-olasß, Kelvin Taylor third-class Sewing—Under 11: Gladys Hill 1 , (Mrs -Wm. Cook's prize), Kathleen Ineton'e 2. Under 10: Eileen Nelson 1 (Mrs prize), Delia Ebert 2. Under 9: Maud Cook I (Mrs J. Brown's prize). Under 8: Bettie Nelson (Mrs Glasson's prize). Peg Bags—Helen Thompson and Lilian White. . , v TAI TAPU SCHOOL. The annual breaking-up ceremony and prize distribution of /the Tai Tapu School took place in the Town Hall on Thursday afternoon. Mr'T. 0. Morgan, chairman of the School Committee, presided over a very large attendance of parents, friends, and scholars. A musical programme by. past Echolam, was very much appreciated, The chairman, in his addresß, congratulated the ■ headmaster,. Mr C. H. E. Graham, and the staff upon the excellent results achieved this year. Sir R, Heaton Rhodes delivered an appropriate address, and he was con- - gratulated by Mr Morgan on his re-election to Parliament; and was given three hearty cheets by all present. Sir Heaton Ithodea presented prizes as follows :-rAttendance' Certificates-:—First-class: James Willan, Robert Page, Leonard Willp, Dorothea Jones, Second-class: James Cossar, Graham Suckling, Raymond Jones. Attendance Prizes—James Willar.., Robert Page, Leonard Wills, Dorothea Jones, Ida ■Page. . . ' .. • Standard Vl.—Vernon Brown (Proficiency Certificate), Archibald McLachlan (Proficiency),' Thomas Pearson (Proficiency), Margaret Willan (Proficiency), George Jones (Endorsed Competency), Term Prizes—Standard VI.: First term, Vernon Brown; second term, Thos. Pearson;'third term, Thos. Pearson. Standard V.: First term, Doris Mehlhopt ; second term, Roy Voice; third term, Roy Voice. Standard IV.; First term, James Willan; second term, James Willan; third term, Jean MoLachlan. Standard .III.: First term, John Ryan, second term, John Ryan. Standardi II.: Dorothy Garnett. : Standard I.: Louis Brown. Sewing Prizes—Standards IV., V., and VI.: First prize, ,Jean McLachlan; Becond prize, Maggie Willan and Betty Cossar equal. Standards 111. and II.: First prize, Myra Brown; second prize. Mavis Arnst. Infants: Bonnie Mehlhopt and Marie Brown equal 1. Mr Andrew Smith's special prize for darning—Jean McLachlan. Lady Rhodes's special prize for best sewing, girl under 12. years:—Dorothy . Page. Miss Cossar, ,probationer, who is entering the Normal Training College, Was presented by the pupils - with 7 volumes of books, and by the committee and staff with a number of volumes of standard poets. WARWICK PRIVATE SCHOOL. The prize-giving at Warwick Private School, Avonside, took place in the Parish Sunday Schoolroom., The children first went through a programme of songs, drill, action songß, recitations, and dancing, after which the prizes were presented by the Rev. 0. Fitzgerald. After the distribution, the children gathered round the Christmas Tree to receive gifts from Santa Claus, who had presents for everyone, including some of the teachers from the children. Mrs "kay received 'a handsome Winton ware fimit dish from .the school as a whole, and aUo • individual gifts from pupils. The prizelist is as follows:—Dux of school, Kathleen Vincent. Arithmetic prizes—Standard IV.: Irene Young. Standard III.: P. P. Peoples. Standard II.: W. A. Walton. Standard I.: Pat Gormley and Nancy Hitchcock equal 1. Prep. 4: Margaret Godfrey. Prep. 3: Graham Badtrer. prize: Azalea Peoples (Standard Standard lll.—Handwork: »Sewmg, writing, drawing, Mabel Priestnall. Class Prizes—Standard IV.: "Eileen Harker. Standard III.: KathLeen Godfrey, j Standard II.: Lorraine Harker 1. Ngaire Fisher 2. Standard I.: Joyce Young 1, James Sparks 2. Prep. 4: W. A. Chrystall . 2. Prep. '6: Pauline Fairclough and Betty Priestnall equal 1, Mollie Xicholls and Clar> encc James equal 2. Attendance: Irene Young 1, Peggy Armstrong 2. The kindergarten children each received book as -well as a pre'seut from Santa Claus. The children, parents, ill)d friends afterwards sat down to a very delightful little supper provided by the ladies connected with the school. ELLESMERE SCHOOL. i ft the prize list:— Heading—-P. Classes: Charlie Mallet, Patti Kennedy, Tilly Kane. Standard I.: William Kane. Standard II.: Betty Tuft. Standard III.: I-Jobert Robertson, Dorothv Mitchell. Gorman McClelland. Standard VI.: Mattie Keuuedv. Xext prize: Fred Tomkins. Kngiish—Standard IV.: Myra Chamberlain, (.»erald Campbell. Standard V.: Harry Campbell. Standard VI.: Colin Campbell. Drawing—P. Classes: Robert Campbell, i Standard I.: Mvru Elford. Standard III.: Joan Chamberlain/ Standard V.: Harry Campbell. Standard VI.: Phvllis Elford. Next prize: David McClelland. Handwork—P. Classes: Wilfred lieesby, Charlie Mallei. Arithmetic—l'. Classes: Jack Parr, lan Campbell, Le£lie Burt, Phvllis Chamberlain. Standard I.: Stanlev Burt. Standard III.: Murray Williams. Standard IV.: Gerald Campbell, Myrtle Williams. Standard VI.: Margaret Tuft, Gwen Burt, Jack Tuft. Xext prize Louis Ockwell. William Robertson. Writing—P. Classes: Mary Tuft, Ivan Chamberlain, Frank Mallet. Standard I.: ! Koger Chamberlain. Standard II.: Xoti
Stace. Standard III.: Joan Chamberlain. Standard V.: Lena Williams, Evelyn Burt. Next prize: Rita Stace, Muriel Mitchell. < Spelling—P. Classes —Llewellyn Mitchell. .Neatness —Standard 1.: Stanley 'Burt. Standard V.: Joan Kennedy, Lena Williams. Standard VI.: Phyllis Elford, Jack Tuft. Next prize: Konald Ockwell, Lester Reid, Freda Williams. Special prizes—Dorothy Farr (composition). Mary Tuft (sowing and drawing), Dorothy Mitchell (arithmetic), Comfort Kcesbv '(approvement), Evelyn Hurt (neatness, .special prize presented by Mrs Elford). Next prize: Louis Chamberlain, Jim Reesby, Dove Keid. . Attendance —Freda Williams. Leslie Burt. Llewellvn Mitchell, llyra Eltord, Dorothy Mitchell, Murray Williams, Myrtle Williams, Lena Williams, Phyllis Elford.'' First in Class Work—Standard I.: Dorothy Parr. Standard IV.: Myra ■ •Chamberlain. Standard V.: Joan Kennedy. All-round class work: Myra Chamberlain (prize presented by Mrs Williams). Diligence (medal): Gwen Burt, Murray Williams. BROMLEY SCHOOL. The sports and priie-givinp in connexion with Bromlev School took place on Thursday afternoon in the presence of 11 large gathering of parents. Before the distribution of priies, Mavis Huggins. on behalt of Standard VI. pupils, presented Mr Pole with an engraved tobacco pouch and a combined pen and pencil, and Mr Dryden. chairman, on behalf of the committee, presented him with a Loewo pipe in case, and eulogised the work done in the school and grounds, and wished him the compliments of the season. Mr Pole suitably thanked tho donors for their presents and good wishes. The following is the prize list:— Standard Vl.—Geo. Dryden, proficiency and attendance and nitithmetic: Stanley Hughes, proficiency; Robert Peters, proficiency and attendance; Joq Purchas, proficiency. and attendance; Joy I'urchas. ficiency and attedance; Douglas McHarg\ endorsed competency and atteudauce; W alter Smith, competecy and attendance; Ma>is Hugeins, competency and English; Joan rurchas good conduct; Eva Poulton, good conduct. The essay prize on sweets given by Messrs Manning and Bridges was won by Rebert Peters. , Standard V.—lvan Bound* 1. Elsie Bound}-' " and conduct, Edward Robinson 3 and attendance and behaviour. Arithmetic. Andrew Granger. Attendance. and conduct. Alan Peters. Good conduct: SUnloy Robert s , Elizabeth Sibley. Progress: ports Standard IV.—Arithmetic: Mollj Dryden 1 W. Eade 2, Jean McKernan J. Progress and attendance: Noel Ross, Robt. Jas. Shannon. Conduct: W alter Progress: Stewart McKernan. Attendance, rtpnrire Steele Progress and Attendance. Story Thomson. Progress: H«old Purchas. Robert Smith, Mabel /rvine. ,Condi ct . Bes sie Peters, Ethel McKay. Arithmetic. Rana Jordan, Attendances: Wilmot Mellnurt. Standard lll—Edward. Walker 3, Aiireu Walker 2, Monica Hogan 3 and attendatK-e; Attendance: Winifred AdcocV. ,P on ?v?lV Elsie Meyer, Clara Wilson, Dorothy V, illyams, ' Molly Peters. Progress and attendance: Dorothy Robinson. Bon! n^ttendan^e J?l°n'steele. i Arithmetic: Er Garlen l Prize S Mavis l° y GMrgo^"ryden^2f B^*.& MeUm|sb and W. .'iiSj'w 3S2E S h a o rg, a? Hobert: Soundy T XlazelMeyers Edith Sibley. Good conduct: Arthw Wesley* McHarff, Mep.K # B spelling Eade l^Lorna^ SSIS* Ivy'dThVlmvEa>/ and'Mavia RO AU S tSe infanU re«Wed M a . P = t. ns Sewing,—Standard V - Beßs i e Sibley Eva poulton 2 . Standard J gtaQ . -1. Standard IV.. gon lt standard Eade 1.
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Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 17645, 23 December 1922, Page 15
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4,288PRIZE DISTRIBUTIONS. Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 17645, 23 December 1922, Page 15
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