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Harbour Light Theatre. "TLe Golden Snare," a story of the Caifician North-west, starring Lewis Stone, wij b=> repeated at the Harbour Light Theatra to-night, with & good supporting piogrammo. To-morrow "Back to God's Country, ' rol s the story by James Oliver Curwood, ard featuring Nell Eliipman, will be shown, together with "Sunnysi.le," a three-reel Chaplin comedy, and episode 14 of "King of tae Circus." . The reserve plan for "The Kid, Tvhicn is to be screened on and Friday, - 13 now open at Hatton's. Association Football. An Association match was played _ Officer's Point on Saturday afternoon, between teams representing the crews of tne steamers Devon and lonic. The Devonians won by 3 goals lo 2. Community Sing. The first "community sing" in Lyttelton was held at the Harbour Lisht Theatre on Saturday night, when the largo audienoe, under the leadership of Mr Abel R°" a ' c j dulgeS in a 20-minute sing. "Pack UP Your Troubles" was the first choice, _sho words being thrown on the screen. • J"® crowd seemed rathed diifHdent at first, - 1 the singing brightened up considerably when the words were changed to "Sing, king. Sing." Bv the time the words of ln« Rose of No' Man's Land" were screened, the volume of the eiriginr was good, the maritime section of the crowd especially ing in with "a wiil. "Do I? Yea Ido vas sung with much fervour. The luting ""Wanganui" quite captivated the crowd, and was repeated several»timfft in respond to popular demand. Of course, no Jinf? would be oomplefce without "Abe/ snd i* was sung with much laughter. The eluding item was "Let the Rret of the World Go By," and, in response to an invitation by the leader, a young man from the audience stepped on to the stage and Bang the verse in a creditable manner, the crowd taking up the refrain. The suocesa of the sing on Saturday night has induced the management of the theatre to arrange with Mr Kowe to conduct an* other eing to-moir<>w night.
Heathcote War Memorial There was an attendance, of about fort? incidents at a public meeting in the Club Hall, Heathcote Valley, on Saturday evening, called to discuss the question or a suitable War Memorial for Heathcote Valley. Mr O. Flavell presided. Various proposals were discussed, and a suggestion that the memorial Bhould tako the form of a swimming bath, and another that a memorial pavilion should bo erected in the Domain v.cro rejected. It was finally re&olved that an obelisk or column should bo erected, if pop sib lo on the triangular corner of the road by the railway bridge, opposite the Anglican Sunday School. It was decided not to attempt to raise money by way of entertainments at present, but to organise a house to house canvass for voluntary contributions, further appeals to be_ made at intervals. The following committee was elected:—Mesdames John Weir, W. Burnell, senr,, J. Nixon, —. Bloom. Messrs W. Burnell, senr., L. Coyle, W. Radclifie, C. Reed, treasurer Mr W. Burnell, junx., secretary Mr C. Smith.
Golf. The Diamond Harbour Golf Club playod a foursomes competition on Saturday afternoon for club trophies. The winners were Miss E. Payne and T. Bowling, the run-ners-up being Mrs E. R. Curtis and Parr. The lowest aggregates were scored by Mrs G. van Ascli and Mrs E. Ayersi A team from the Avondale Golf Club visited Chartsris Bay during the week-end, and played the Lyttelton Club, the latter winning by 9J games to SJ. Following are, particulars, Avondale players being 1 men-' tic tied first:— H. S. Manning beat F. Knights, J. Preston lost to H. Ayers, P. L. Porter beat' J. Pavitt, H. T. Ward lost to H. Hunter, A. D. Form an beat 0. Ayers, "N. D. Cox lost to V. Thompson, J. Martin Tost to L. Collett, J. Hendy beat C. Brown, R, Duncan halved with H. Rhind, E. T. Harvey lost to F. Hobbs. Ladies—Miss Rowse lost to Mrs Hudson, Miss Baxter lost to Mrs H. Ayers, Miss Mills lost to Miss E. White-Parsons, Miss M. Sapsford beat Mrs G. van Asoh, Miss E. L. Sapsford lost to Mra Brown. Tie Sanders Cup. The question of the future designs of boats competing in the contest for the Sandeip Memorial Cup is stilly exercising the minds of those interested in yachting'. Judging l from opinions generally expressed, Otago does not favour th<j Auckland proposal to inaugurate far-reaching restriction* which would have immediate effect. It has been decided by the Otago Yacht and Motor Boat Association to obtain ■ the opinion of the clubs interested in the Auckland pro posals, «nd for the present the question of the future design remains in abeyance. ARBOUR LIGHT THEATRE-To-night: Lewis Stone in "The Golden Snare." Good Supports.' To-morrow; "Back to God's Country," starring Nell Shipman. Charhe Chaplin in Three-reel Comedy, "Sunnyside." '•King of the Cinnis" (Ep. 14). Also, Mr Abel Rowe will conauct another 20-minute "Community Sing" Thursday and Friday: Charlie Chaplin and Jackie Cogan ,n "The Kid." Reserve plan opens at Hat ton a this morning, 6684
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Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 17466, 29 May 1922, Page 11
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843LYTTELTON NEWS. Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 17466, 29 May 1922, Page 11
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LYTTELTON NEWS. Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 17466, 29 May 1922, Page 11
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