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' TEND EES. QNE MAN BLOCK AND TACKLE. Holds the Lead Automatically in Any Position. Invaluable to BUILDERS AND BRICKLAYERS, OR ANYONE WORKING A LONE HAND. BLOCK MAY BE SEEN AND TESTED AT OUR STORE, 152 HEREFORD STREET. ARTHUR D. RILEY AND CO., LTD., Engineers and Importers, Telephone 1061. P.O. Box 51. R9053-8327 FOR SALE. w OOD • "WORKING MACHINERY. 16x4 Outside Type Sash Sticker, Four Sider. 1 Chain Mortiser (Hnigh). 1 36in American binder, almost new, cne drum, three rolls. 1 24iu Fay Thicknesser, with counter shaft. 1 3-Sprindle Borer, Sagnr. 1 Kirchner iOin, Under and Over. 1 Power Lathe Cutting Machine. 1 18 x 4 McDowall Fovr Sider. Timber supplied direct from Sawmills. Box Timber cut to specifications. Prices and further particulars on application. THE NATIONAL HARDWARE TIMBER AND MACHINERY CO, LTD., 67 Victoria street. NC9O7-8910 HEATHCOTE COUNTY COUNCIL. CASHMERE HILLS. SEPARATE TENDERS will be received until 4 p.m. JANUARY 27th for CIRCULAR REINFORCED CONCRETE RESERVOIR, Hackthorne road, And for FORMATION, CHANNELLING, METALLING, ASPHALTING 20 chains Valley road. Plans and Specifications may bo seen at my Office. Lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. ■ F. W. FREEMAN, Surveyor and Engineer, 4906 89 Gloucester street. KAIAPOI BOROUGH COUNCIL. REINFORCED CONCRETE BRIDGE. CAM RIVER. KAIAPOI. TENDERS, addressed to the Mayor, are invited by the Ka.ia.poi Borough Council for the Erection of a Three-span Reinforced Concrete Road Bridge across the Cam river, in the Borough of Kaiapoi.
Plans, Quantities, and Specifications, etc., may be seen at the Borouglt Office, Kaiapoi, and at our cifice, No. 11 Grey street, Wellington. Tenders close at noon on WEDNESDAY, February 18th, 1922, at Kaiapoi. TOOGOOD, JONES, and HOLMES, 5189 Consulting Engineers. TO SAWMILLERS. "\7tr ANTED, to LEASE, CUTTING 1 » V: RIGHTS over 1066 Acres, principally Rimu, situated OTAKI GORGE. Metaliedl road to property. Good local market available. Tenders, addressed "Sawmillers," c.o. Dalgety and Company, Limited, close Ist February, 1922. Highest or any tender nou necessarily accepted. Apply DALGETY and COMPANY, LTD., 5032 Wellington. TENDERS. TENDERS invited foT the ERECTION of a NEW WARD for the RANNERDALE SOLDIERS' HOME (in wood). Plans and specifications may be seen in my office, where Tenders Close on MONDAY, 81at January. H. Sl\ A. MURRAY A.N.Z.1.A., Reg. Architect, 5183 Bwrlow'a Buildings, Christchurch. TENDERS.— Tenders ore invited) for the Erection of R.C. CHURCH at TEMPLETON (in Concrete block). Plans and Specifications may be seem at my office, where tenders olose on. TUESDAY, 81st January. H. ST. A. MURRAY, A.N.Z.1.A., Reg. Architect, Barlow's Buildings, 5258 Christchurch. QE PAR ATE Sealed Tenders are invited for O the STONE WORK, also the IRON "WORK for the Memorial G-a-t-ee- for tlie Waltham and Opawa Park. Tenders close on SATURDAY, noon, 29th January. Plans and specifications can be seen at Mr Harvey's, Coachbuilder, Waltham road. 1001 JARRAH TIMBER COMPANY, CHRISTCHURCH. IMPORTERS of Hardwoods, Oregon, Redwood Maplo, Oak, Afih, Hickory, Poles, etc., 8-ply' Woods in Cottonwood, Oak, and HoopPine. Hardwood Stakeß always on hand. TRUGRANING. —We hold the N.Z. Rights for "Trugraning.'' This is a new procoss for cutting the moat artistic figuring into anv ordinary plain timbers. Furniture, either old or new, can be Trugranod. If you are building call and see us before deciding on ycur panelling, eto KONKA SHEATHING. We hold the North Canterbury Agency for this ideal building material. Konka doesn t decay with age liie weatherboards, but goes on hardening until it is stone-hard. KONKA is damp-proof, sound-proof, firomoof and borer-proof, and is a non-conduc-tor of heat. Konka Walls are strong and rigid, while lath and planter walls are weak and 'springy. "" The cost of upkeep of Konka homes is merely nominal; the owncra therefore save the constantly recurring heavy coste of painting weatherboarded houses. Fire insurance rates are also very low. Briefly stated, Konka is an ideal building material, combining the good qualities of brick stone ,and timber without any of their disabilities, and we predict that in the near future fully 75 per cent, of all new reaidences in this district will be in Konka. If you are thinking of building:, write, 'phone, or call for our free illustrated brochure showing some of the beautiful homes that have been erected with Konka Sheathing. JARRAH TIMBER COY., JSBOB-4018 10-24 Moorhouse' avenua. TOHN WALLfeR AND 80NS, LTD. J Estd. 1876.- v t J Saw-millers, Timber and Coal Merchants and Importers. Office Yards —167-169 Tuam street Yards —210-214 St. Asaph street. COLONIAL TIMBER of every description, in-ludine large stock of seasoned timber. IMPORTED TIMBER-Oregon Redwood, Plywoods, Oak, Australian Hardwoods, V.D.L., Palings,/fete., etc. pn«?TS and POLKS-Birch and Silver Pine Port. Silver Pine Poles, loin to 18in. Every Facility for Prompt Delivery. W8990-9420 REASONED TIMBER. 6 X 1 B B and 8 x 1 Rus. Weatherboards. £ and 4 x 1 T. and G. Flooring. 6 and 4 x J T. and G. Lining. Redwood, Figured Rimu, and Oregon Bungalow Doors. Together with a largo stock of Scantlings, delivered Town or Country. Estimates given for all kinds of Joinery. WE. WANT TO SECURE YOUR ORDER. WE WILL SUPPLY WHAT YOU WANT PROMPTLY. C. E. OTLEY, Timber Merchant and Joinery Manufacturer, 381 Madras street North. 'Phone 48. P.O. Box 841. C 6812-8806 •
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Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 17359, 21 January 1922, Page 15
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854Page 15 Advertisements Column 4 Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 17359, 21 January 1922, Page 15
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Page 15 Advertisements Column 4 Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 17359, 21 January 1922, Page 15
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