; SUMNER-REDCLIFFS. i The third annual show of the Sumner- . Redcliffs Horticultural Society was held in i the Sumner Town Hall yesterday, when over 900 exhibits were staged, the display of roses and cut flowers being exceptionally , fine, while the large number of children's . exhibits contributed in no small manner to • the success of the show. The Sumner . Queen Rose competition .again produced a , large number of beautiful blooms, and the handsome silver enp for the senior place now becomes the property of Mr T. E. Whitfield, ho 'having- won it two years in succession. Mr J. G. S. Holmes won the opsn class for the twelve best rosea, and by repeating last year's performance, he also secures, as his own property, the handsome silver cup presented by Mr W. G. Black. Attractivo features, for exhibition only, were the displays' mad© by n. number-of Cashmere amateurs, Amongst them was an exhibit by Mr J. S. .nawkes, consisting of high class polyanthus, climbing roses, and pansies. Dr. Levinge displayed a fine collection of cut flowers, some of which were new and rare to Sumner. Mrs J. H. Stringer exhibited a beau* tiful collection of roses, while Mr J. BrinkI man Sad « magnificent display of Gerbera Jamesonsi (South African Daisies). These were equal to the very best in qriality that can be grown in New Zealand, while his display of trea strawberries attracted very . favourable attention. Mrs A. C. Wilson had an exceptionally fine exhibit of twelve varieties of cut flowers, while Mr ShaSik's display of stocks and pansies was' much admired. Tho show was opened by the Mayor (the ' Hon. J. Ban, M.L.C.), who congratulated the Society upon its fine display. Referring to the remarkable growth of the show, he said- that starting three year.? ago with 280 entries, it increased in the eecond year, 700 entries, while this year the 900 entries constituted • a record for the province. He', paid tribute to the sterling sen-ices rendered to the society by the hon. secretary, Mr C. M. Hoswell, who had worked with unflagging . zeal to make the function a success. ' The results were as follows: . I . OPEN TO ALL. Queen Hose Competition—T. E. Whitfield ; 1, Mra R. J. Christensein 2. Twelve roses, "Black Cup": J. G. S. Holmes 1, Mis E. • A. Webb 2, T. Arkley h o. Six roses, dis--1 tinct varieties: J. G. S. Holmes 1, Mrs W. ) S. Mitchell 2, T. E. Whitfield h c. Three roses, one variety: E. A. Johnson 1, T." E. Whitfield 2. Three roses, pink:' J. G. S. ! Holmes 1, Mrs C. G.. Clark 2. Three roses, red: Mrs C. G. Clark 1, T. E. Whitfield 1 2. Three rosea, white: J. G. S. Holmeß 1, ' E. A. Johnson 2. Throe distinct specimen . blooms, carnations:-T. E. Whitfield 1, Mrs j W. C. Collins 2. ; LOCAL CLASS. . f Twelve distinct varieties, roses: T. E. " Whitfield 1. Six distinct ' varieties, roses: • T. E. Whitfield 1, Mrs'A,.F. Scott 2. Three l distinct varieties, "rofos: T. E. Whitfield-1, > Mra Mitchell 2, E. A. Joh||oh v h c. .Three I roses, white: E. A. Johns**. 1. Three rosos, pink: E. A. Johnson, 1 'i. E. Whitfield 2, • E. A. Johnson v h c. Three'loses, red: T. ■ E. Whitfield 1, E. A. Johnson, 2, Mrs A. 5 F. -Scott v h c. Three single roses: J. D. I Edmonds 1, T. E. Whitfield .2. One vase . climbing roses: E. A. Johnson 1, W. Bain 2. One vase yellow roses: Mrs W. S. Mit- ' chell 1, T. E. Whitfield 2, P. Keig v h c. ' Three carnations, distinct varieties: T. • E. Whitfield 1. Three. carnations, ; perpetual: T. E. Whitfield 1, Mrs i Wagharn 2, J. Edmonds v h o.- Six ; varieties sweet peas; H. Neitletott 1. > Three varieties sweet peas: J. Li. Edmonds 1 and-2. One vase daisies: Mrs V. E. • Hamilton 1, Mrs Peers 2. One vase daisies, double white: Mrs D. Coleman 1, Mrs W. Jamieson 2, Mrs W. 6. Mitchell v h c. One vase daisies, yellow: Mrs V. E. Hamil- ' ton 1, Miss Deacon 2. One vase daisies, ' any other variety: Mi* W. G. Mitchell 1, 1 Mis 2. Six po-largoniurhs: Mrs V. . E. Hamilton 1, Mra C. M. Roswell 2. Three f pelargoniums: Mrs V. E. Hamilton 1, Mrs I C. M. Roswell 2. Three geraniums: Mrs A. I'. Scott 1, Misses L. and E..Wilson 2, W. ' Bain v h c. Three ivy geraniums: Mss G. > *i. Woods 1, Mrs V. E. Hamilton 2, Mrs L Peers v h c. Twelve varieties outdoor j blooms: Mirs V. E. Hamilton 1, Mrs W. r G. Black 2, W. G., Gibson v h c. > Vase pin* daisies: Mra A. F. bcott 1, Mrs , G. Stevens 2. Three varieties flowering 1 shrubs; Mrs W. S. Miteh&ll 1, Mrs Nienol- " son 2. One v;.-e erica: Mrs Stemmer. 1, Mrs I Waghorn. 2. six vases slocks: Mrs J. H. ' Thomas 1, Mks Movland 2. One vase stocks: , Mrs V. E. Hamilton 1, Mrs W. Keig 2, L Mrs W. S.. Miteho*:! v h c. Six vases , antirrhinums: Mrs V. E. Hamilton, 1, Mrs H. 'j J. Maniner 2. One v j se untirrI I hinurus: Mrs Stemmer 1, Mrs H. J. si Mairiner 2, Mrs W. S. Mitchell v h c. Three !| vuses violns (distinct-colours): T. E. Whit- >! field 1. Six pansies, distinct varieties: Mrs ■ ' \V. J. I.angdale 1. T. E. Whitfield 2, Mrs [; W. S. Mitchell v h c. One vase fuchsias, [; dist:nct«varieties: Mis D. Coleman 1. Three ■ j trusses rhoclr,'..flnJ>ons, varieties: X. E. "Whit- -. field 1. One vas? heliotrope: W. G. Gibson ,\r, Mrs W. S. Mitchell 2, T. E. Whitfield ij v h u. One vase verbena: Mrs W. S. Mit- [ ' ch«ll 1, Mra V. E. Hamilton 2, Mrs E. , C. Vv Powell'v b c. Ono"va«t eai'.iardiae: Mrs W. S. Mitchell 1, Mis A. Thompson, 2 : W. Bailey v ji c. Cn-; vase Bcai>:of.u: E. ' Barlk-y 1. On? vase phlox: W. G. Gibson l ■ 1, Mrs W. S. MiUhcll 2. One vase nemeeia : , i Mis 'W. S. Mitchell 1, Mirs C. Benjamin 2. < Miss Moraland v h c. One vase arum lilies : ;; A 1.3 J. llliflgwoiih 1, Mrs W...«. Mitchell 2, '. 'l. E. Wl-itrleld v h c. One vase lavender: M Mrs G. Stevens 1, Mis C. M. Roswell 2, 1 I Mis Claydon v h c. One vase flowes: Mis ■! W. ,S. Mitchell I, Mss H. 3. Murrinei 2. Six cut flowers, rock plants: Mis C. M. x.«r.vell 1. W. G. Gibson 2, W. G. Black v h c. One vase oriental poppies: Mis 1. Wilson 1, Mrs F. Gill 2. One vase staticc: W. G. Gibson 1. POT PLANTS. One drawing-room plant: Mrs C. Benjamin J, Mrs »V. S. Mitchell 2. One plant, in flower: Mrs Sttmmer 1. One cactu3, in &3We>: Mra J. lliingworth 1. One asparagus fern: Miss M. Deacon 1. Miss E. Geboio 2, Mr 3 I. Wilson v h c. One aspidistra: Mrs Atyeo 1, W. Bailey 2, Mrs D. Mogridge v h c. J DECORATIVE. 1 Bowl of ro=e3: Mrs E. T. L. E. H.-inia 2. Basket of roses: Mis W. S. MitcheE 1, Mrs W. G. Black 2, Mise M. A. Bain v h c. Basket of daisies: Mrs W. S. Mitchell 1, Mrs G. A. Alexander 2, Mrs Hartley h c. Vaee carnations: Mrs T. E. Whitfield 1. Vaso Bweet tyras: Mrs D. i Mogridge 1. Mrs T. E. Whitfield 2, Mrs W. I S. Mitchell h c. Lady's spray and two ■ gent's buttonholes: Mrs El McAulay 1, Mrs i W. S. Mitchell 2. 1 Table decorations: Mrs McKeniie 1, Mrs I. Wikoii 2, Miss Buss c. Collection of cut flowers, arranged for effect: Mrs Claydon 1, Mrs E. C. W. Powell 2. COOKERY. . One loai broad: Mrs A. £. DransfieH U
i Mis H. Stwnmer 2. Sis plain eeones: Mrs Longwt 1, Mrs C. Nicholscn Sponge sandwich: Mrs Longuet 1, MissrM. Cox 2. Plain cake: Mrs Lonquet 1, Mrs Atyeo 2. Fruit cake: Mrs Haseo 1, Mia C. Benjamin 2. Plat* short bread: Mrc Atyoo 1, Mrs Haas© 8. Ginger cake: Mrs Coleman 1, Mrs Mulhollani 2. » VEGETABLES. FRUIT. AND PRODUCE. Six potatoes: H. Tsettleton 1, J. Shand 2. Six Dotatoes,/kidney variety: W. Jamiesor! 1, Mrs W. S. Mitchell 2. Twelve pods peas : G. H. Hinee 1 and 2. Twelve pods pens. Marrowfat variety: H. Nettlet-on 1. G. 11. Hines 3. Six pods Ivans, broad: Mrs A Thompson 1. Three lettuce: Mrs St°mmc-i 1, Mm W. S. Mitchell 2. One cabbage: T. E Whitfield 1, Mm Stenvnie* 2. Heaviest cabbage: T. E. Whitfield 1, Mrs G. H. Wcods 2. Six carrots: Mrs W. S. Mitchell 1, E. L. H. Brown 2. Twelve radishes: G. H. Hines 1, T. E. Whitfield 2. Twelve radishes, turnip variety: E. L. 11. Brown 1, D. Alexander 2. One bunch asmr.igua: Miss li. E. Harris 1, Mrs W. S. MiU-hell 2. Collection vegetables: E. L. H. Brown 1. Six tomatoes: 11. Nettleton 1. A. Holden 2. One diah strawberries: G. H. Hines 1 and 2, H. Nettieton v h c. One nlate gwberries: Mrs W. S. Mitchell 1," J. D. Edmonds 2. One collection culinary herbs: Mr« C. M. Roswell 1. On? dozen lion's white: Mrs D. Colsman 1, E. L. H. Brown 2. One dozen hen's egg's, tinted: Mrs W. Keisj 1. Mrs D. Coleman .2. One do?.<-n duck eggs: Mrs D. Coleman 1, E. H. L. Brown 2. CHILDREN'S CLASSES. Collection vegetables: L. Wood 1, Dorothy Alexander 2, Nancy Alexander and Raymond Murphy v h c. Boa-} flovers: Gwen Mogridge 1, Dorothy Alexander 2, Nancy Lee vh c, Mavis Peek h c. Basket wild flowers: Jean liarr 1, John Langdale 2, Enid Chambers h c, Dorothy Alexander commended. I Vase ornamental grasses: Dorothy Alexander 1, M. Havenscroit 2, Ruby Andrews h c, | Edna Heslop commended. Three distinct I varieties pansies: Eunice Whitfield 1, An J ; Andrews 2. Co!l?ctior. of weeds: Eom» I 1 Bailey 1, Raymond Murphy 2. Drawing from Nature, plant form: Roma ToLiason 1. Drawing from Net lire, any subject: Kathleen Thomas 1. Modelling in wux: Marjovio Duncan 1, W, Craig 2. Pain.ting, water- ; colours, flowers: Marjorie Duncan 1, JacK ] Craib 2. Writing: Mavis Peek 1, Ken , Wilson 2. Woodwork: L. Wood 1, Eric Bishop 2. Meccano model: Basil Sexton I, Eiic Carew 2. Needlework: Dorothv Siaip- j son 1, J. McLeod 2. Best dressed doll: Vera Hines f, Ruby Andrews 2. Photograpliv: Lorna Rcawell 1 and 2. Six plain scones": Croyden Francis 1, Frances Boulton 2. Pen painting: Glyn Robinson 1, Roma Robinson 2. Fancy needlework: Etti« Barber 1, J. McLeod 2. Exhibition only—Fancy work: Eileen Thomas. Copper work and wrought silver: Rer.a Boulton. Children under 10 years—Drawing from Nature: Bonita Rowley 1, Arnold Hall 2. Modelling in wax: Ariti Andrews 1, Alison Gourli 2. Writing: Ronnie Glackm 1, Ariti Andrews 2. . „, During th«> course cf the evening Mr 1. E. Whitfield on b-half of the committee, presented a beautiful bououet of -?ink and white sweet p3aa to Mrs McKcniie, winner of tho class for best table decorations.
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Press, Volume LVII, Issue 17317, 1 December 1921, Page 2
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1,851FLOWER SHOW. Press, Volume LVII, Issue 17317, 1 December 1921, Page 2
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