The Lady Editor will be pleased to receive for publication in the "Women's Corner" items of social or personal news. Sucu items should bo full? authenticated, and engage, ment notices must bear the signatures of both parties. Correspondence is invited on any matters affecting, or of interest to, icemen.
Mrs A. W. Andrew, Cashmere Hills, IB visiting Mrs Herbert Brown, North Canterbury. 1 The many friends of Miss Cathie Herdman will regret to learn that she met with an accident a few days ago, breaking the small bone of one of her legs, and she will be confined, to the house for some time.
Miss JVf. S. Shirtcliffe, late infant mistress, Addington Sohool, is at present on a visit to Fiji and other islands.
Mr and Mrs T. Johnson, Levels, Timaru, are spending this week with their eldest daughter at Addington. French fashion creators have devised new colours to take the place of the prevalent black and white. Among them are: Zouave, a dull orange red; scarabee, greenish-blue sheen; cedrat, greenish yellow, like an unripe lemon; orohidee, pale yellow; gypse, white seamed with vari-coloured veining. The fortnightly meeting of the Chxistohurch branch of the vV.C.T.U. was held on Wednesday. In the absence of the president, Mrs ftapier occupied the ohair. A motion of sympathy was passed with Mrs Pedlar in the death of her husband, members standing. Further arrangements were made for the proposed street collection in aid of Dr. Bernardo's Home s on August 24th. The occasion being Cradle Roll Day an address was delivered by Mrs Roberts, president of the Social Hygiene - Socity, to the mothers who,! with their babies, were present by special invitation. _ Mrs Roberts reforred to the necessity t 0 _ uphold the law of purity as equally binding on men and women, and iirged\ those present to sign a petition being promoted by the Social Hygiene Society for an alteration in the law to get the age of consent raised. Mrs Roberts urged mothers to instruct their .children in the principles of sex hygiene quoting some simple and effective examples of how such education could be given. Ten babies' names were added to the cradle roll.
The bachelors of Methven recently gave a very enjoyable ball in the Public Hall. About seventy couples took part in the grand march. The hall was tastefully decorated with bells and evergreens, the colour scheme being henna and white. Delightful music was supplied by Miss E. Tilleyshort's (New Brighton) Orchestra. Messrs Duff and Gillespie acted as M.C.'s, while Messrs and Wilson were joint Secretaries. Amongst those nresent were : •Mrs T.< Doherty, TMrs P. G. Doherty, Mrs Irwin, Mrs E. Thomas, Mrs': Baxter, Mrs Lawrence, Mrs Aitken, Mrs M^ntell,'?Miss; MdQflllocli,
Miss Campbell, Miss A. Nee Miss Outram (Chnstchurch), Miss Marsh, Miss R. Jessep, Misses MoKenzie (2) (Christchurch), iliss B.- Ritchie (Rangiora), Miss M. Anderson, Miss Watt, and Messrs Baxter, Thomas, Doherty {2), Burrows, J. P. McKendry, H. Jessep, Aitken (2), Irwin, Mollison, and J. *. Stone. Sister Mcintosh, who was formerly on the staff of the Greytown Hospital, and '< was acting-matron during the illness and after the death of Matron Lindsay, has died at Invercargill after an operation. Sister Mcintosh resigned from "Greytown some time ago in view of her approaching marriage, and went to her home in Southland. Mr and Mrs M. S. Brown and Miss Mary Samsor. (Dunodin) left last night for Wellington, en route for Honolulu. Mrs W. Atkinson (Fendalton) is visiting friends in North Canterbury. Mr and Mm W. Reynolds (Greymoutn) are among the guests at tho Royal Hotel. A eydney message says the military funeral of Matron Creal, who was matron of the Sydney Hospital for years, was one of the most impressive witnessed in Sydney. She performed war work in Egypt, and was one of those who had' the Royal Red' Cross' distinction conferred on her by the King. On Wednesday evening a most enjoyable dance was held in the Oddfellows' Hall, St. Asaph street, under the,auspices of the Ohristchuroh City Council employees. The Mayor. (Dr. Thacker) opened the gathering, after which games and dancing; with musical items interspersed, were indulged in. Solos were given by Miss M. Nelson and Mr H. Lomas, elocutionary items by Mrs Williams,, and an, instrumental quartette by Messrs Chriatensen, Partridge, Campbell, and Landery, of the Woolston Band. Tho dance hall was prettily decorated with rose pink, the suppm- tables being tastefully arranged with spring flowers. Much credit was due to the untiring efforts of the committee, which consisted of Misses Throp, Basil-Jones, Halliday, Jouahin,' Messrs Lythgoo, Owen, Forsyth Fawcott, Feast, Poison, and special mention must bo made of the energetic work of the secretary, Mr G. Lomas. Amongst those present were:—Me*dames H. R. Smith, E> Hitchcock, J. Lythgoe, Williams, H. Lomas, L. Owen, and.Chainey, Misses Eames, Jarmaa, L Bampton, I. Mitchell, M. MoKenzie D. Suckling, J. Spears, G. Ellen, J. Forster, P. EJannigan, L. Wreathall, Madden, M. Daviop. D. Owen, C and L. Jarman, Messrs H. R. Smith, E. HHchcock, S. Hearn. F. Feltham, T. Bailey, C. Ealand, L. Owen J. Niven, C. Phillips, R. Shepherd. A. Manson, M Walker, G. Milne. G. Moms, T. Nelson R. Matthews, ,D. Clandge.: L. Rhodes, H. Wills, R. Eames, F. Bennett, K. Clemow. To make the acquaintance pf tho newest ideas of this year's fashions-m Daintv Blouses and Jumpers, you have only to'inspect the charming models m many exclusive shades and designs at the Economic, 119 Manchester street, just opposite Heywood's. In addition, Blouses and Jumpers can bo Made to Order in any style or colour. iuOoi NEW STYLES IN FURS. . The new styles in Furs are alluringly displayed in the showrooms of T. Best and Co., Ltd., manufacturing furriers, 140 Lichfield street, and a re well worthy of inspection: They include Real Seal, Musquash, Sealine,; near Seal, Coney Seal, and Rabbit (natural, light and. dark trimmed). : I 83135-4015-2 An increasingly valuable department 6f Ballantyne's is the Toilet Salon, located on the first floor. The removal oft, surplus hair by electrolysis, hairtinting, shampooing, face massage and manicuring, are all successfully undertaken by experts, whose servii.es are ever available. 9 WOMEN'S CIVIC GROUP. The Women's Civic Group met on Monday evening. Tho matter of juvev nile newsvendois was again referred to, arid specific instances given. Miss Mackay gave a-ireport of the meeting of the local branch of the National Council of Women. Among the matters dealt with were the next quinquennial meeting of the International Council, of Women, alterations in the criminal law, 1 and correspondence with, the treatment of defective children. After discussion of tho vanous subjects, the following motion was carried: "That, in the opinion of the Women's Civic Group, the criminal law should bo amended by (1) raising the" ago of consent to 21 years, (2) extending the time during which ian information of assault may be laid to 12 months, and (3) not allowing the plea of reasonable cause to suppose the girbwas over age." It was urged thau a youth wbb protected against alcohol up to the ago of 21years, and in a matter much more vitally affecting a girl s life it was only reasonable to ask that she should receive tho protection of the law/up to the same.ago. WBDDtNGfS. ■y-r HILL-rWALKER. '' The wedding was solemnised yesterday, at Holy Trinity Church. Grcymoutn, Archdeacon Onrr olnciating, between Mr Frank Hi 1, of Opawa, and' ; Miss Mary Walker, Jourtn daughter of Mr and Mrs R. T. Walker, of Blaketdwn. The bride who was previously resident in Christcnurca, was given away by her father, and looked charming in a.,smart saxe gabardine costume, braided m gold, and becoming hat to match. She wa s attended by Miss Louie Quartermame (Christchurch) as bridesmaid, wh 0 was attired in a beautiful braided amothyst coat frock, and a champagne georgette
hat. Mr J. S, Robertson was best man The happy couple left by the Otira express for; Auckland, whore the honevmooii will be spent, nftcr which Mr and Mrs HSU will reside in St. Albans. DRESSES AT RICCARTON. So beautiful was the weather yesierdav that many of the ladies who assembled on the lawns at Ricccrton were mom smartly dressed than they were on Tuesday. Coats were discarded, and hats were, on the whole, larger and more springlike. The übiquitous navy coat-frock, often beautifully embroider-; ed iii a contrasting shade, was prime favourite, though its popularity was challenged by costumes of navy and white striped cloth and nigger-brown gabardine. The Hon. LueyJellicoe, accompanied by member.* of the GovernorGeneral's staff, was an interested spectator of tuo many excellent races. She wore a saxe blue frieze costume, grey fur, small black straw hat, encircled with an ostrich feather ruche; Mrs Boyle's navy, costume and leng braided cape was worn with a black'straw-hat trimmed with band and rosette of putty coloured ribbon and lace veil; Lady Clifford, black arid white costume, knitted 'silk vest, black hat; Mrs Bruce Dpuglasf jade green knitted frock, grey velour hat banded with grey and jade; Mrs George Rhodes, navv costume, ostrict feather stole, black hat with petunia shaded flowers; Mrs George Gould, sapphire blue cloth costume with silk embroidery of the saino shade, brown furs, sapphire blue velvet hat with ospreys and floating veil Mrs J. H. Grigg, navy costumb trimmed with seal, wide hat with lace I rim and crown.of henna flowers; Mrs John Montgomery, cream knitted silk frock, mole velvet stole, red straw hat, with a bunch of cherries falling over each side; Mrs Bethell, navy coat frock, with touches of fawn, black velvet hat, with royal and silver trimmings; Mrs Walter Clifford, black and white costume, black hat with ospreys; Miss Nancy Johnston (TakapaU) grey jersey cloth frock embroidered in royal blue,' mole stole, mole panne velvet hat with royal blue and silver; Mrs Algar Williams wore a brown pann*> velvet frock with narrow bands of fur and dainty folded'vest of champagne georgette, small brown velvet hat with feavher trimming; Miss Hilda Williams, mole costume-, brown silk hat; Lady Campbell, black velvet coat frock, black, satin hat, Miss Clifford, navy costume with long coat, becoming hat of mvrtle green, with upturned brim; Miss Gould, mulberry coloured straw costume, handsomclv embroidered, straw hat wreathed with berries; Miss Barbara Gould, navy costume braided in black, white fur stole, black plush hat; Mrs Wigram, navy braided costume, small navy hat with bands of jade and cense shot gold tissue: Mrs W. Bond, navy coat frock, feather stole, smart tam hat of # blue cire ribbon richly embroidered m 3 adc, cherry and lemon raffia; Mrs E. *. J. Griec, navy costume embroidered W white, black straw hat with red cherries, Mrs E. Studholme, very; P«"7 pastel grey braided costume with short cape navy hat with henna veil; Mrs Murray Aynsley, naw costume, small hat. with crown of coloured rama, %rs Walter Fo£ black costume, with white stripe, feather ruffle, black satin hat relieved' with white; Mrs Eric Harper, black frock witlh touches of white, smart black hat with upturned brim; Mrs Percy Elivorthy, black costume, ivory satin vest, R mall black hat of \shiny straw with outstanding white osproy; Mrs Tripp,-navy Metumc, mail -black hat of bhiny straw with black feather; Mrs Herbert Eworthy, smart costume of plain navy cloth and navy and white striped silk, small black hat with small flowers; Mrs Roger Gould, mastic costume, fur stole, cense straw hat with quill; Mies 80y1e.,., accordionpleated black and. white skirt, b<acl: coat, small block lisero straw hat with .saxe-bliie brim and wreath of small coloured flowers; Miss Mary Macdonald, henna coat-frock, fur stole,,small black pnnno hat with cluster of van-coloured ospreys; Mrs G. L. Rutherford, winecoloured costume' trimmed with, mole, wine and mole hat with floating veil)Mre R. C. Todhunter, navy costume with collar of Oriental colouring, which was repeated in the upturned brim of her Breton sailor hat; Mrs Cyril Ward, navy costume with white stripe, navy ribbon hat; Mrs Bernard Wood, navy coatrfrock, cerise coat with, squirrel collar, navy hat with feather brim; Mrs ■Beauchamp Lane, brown costume, brown'hat with touches of leirioH; Miss Joan Lee, navy costume with black military braid,' henna hat; Miss Bloomfield (Auckland),-fawn costume, brown fiirs, brown velvet hat; Miss Teschemaker, navy coßtume, small navy # silk hat; Miss Maud Tabart, navy braided costume, black straw.hat,with clusters of bright-coloured flowers; Mra £. -V.' Palmer, black costume, small black hat with white'ospreys and black wings;' Mrs ,Gago Williams (Wairarapa), navy frock v embroidered in grey, ,grey tam hat: Mrs Malfroy, navy costume, white ..feather stole, apple-green toquo trimmed with grapes; Miss Ida Russell (Hnwke's Bay), jade-green woollen frock, seal'coat, block hat with transparent brim and ospreys; Mißs Una Rattray, navy coat-frock worked in royal blue, royal blue hat arid bag; Mis 9 Betty . Cotterpl, navy blue con.t-frock-embroidered in silver-grey, grey I'ura, black tam with'grey embroidery; Miss Peggy Palmer. s..xo-bhie costume., white furs, vory becoming little hat of silver tissue shot with Irlue and finished .'•• with' a bluo whig; Mrs John Guthrie, cherry red* siik jersey cloth-frook, fur'coat small black velvet hat with wings; Mrs'Egerton Reid, black coat-frock, with accordionpleated ovorjkirt, black velvet hat with toathers; and black chenille-embroider-ed veil; Mie3 Bonita Bridgeman (Dunedin), navy costume, black velvet hat, with uncommon' trimming of chenille and ribbon rosettes; Miss Joan Reid, grey costume, white furs, wide black hat, banded with lemon ribbon, and - finished witft largo bueklo in front; Miss June Clifford, navy blue silk costume,' large black straw hat- with drooping brim; Mrs A'Court/applegreen silk jersey cloth frock, handsome Fur cape, black hat; Miss Shona Rhodes, saxe. blue ccstume ermine stole, black velour hat, with ribbon band; Miss Doris Barker, blue coatfrock, embroidered in grey, brown fur stole, smart little brdwn velvet hat with henna wings; Miss Valerie Reid, henna knitted frock, wide leaved henna: lace, straw hat; Mra Melville Jameson (Timaru), bottle green corduroy velvet dress, and black hat; Miss Isobel Rutherford (Kekerangu), brown costume, sulphur straw hat. wreathed in autumn leaves: Mrs Burbury, brown coat-frock, embroidered in tangerine, small fawn hnt, with navy wings: Mrs Gordon Fulton, violet frock, with ac-cordion-pleated skirt, small black hat; MIB3 E Armstrong (Akitio), jado green knitted frock, musqunsfo. coat, black velvet hat; Mrs Wardrop. brown check costume, small feather toqiuj; Miss Cotterill, grey costume, with accordionpleated skirt, black velvet' hat; Mrs Eric Riddiford, smart navy.ciat-frock, t'oll'sftd in white, with accordion-pleat-ed skirt, small black hat, with royal bluo drooping feathers; Mrs E. G. Cooke (Lincoln), navy frock, 'embroidered in cerise, navy and cerise hat; Mrs Louis. Campbell, navy costume, with champagne vest, Black hat, with feathers; Mies Sylvia Fox, smart brown oo«tume, with white stripe and fur collar, grey straw hat; Mrs Wyvern Wilson, navy costume, with white stripe, henna hat, trimmed with currants; Mrs Quane, beautiful navy costume, trimmed with cire ribbon, small black hat. with touches of cerise; Mrs J. H. Williams, fa:wn costume, with navy stripe, cinnamon brown hat, with touches of gold; Mrs Rothenberg, smart navy costume, and hat to match; Mrs Henderson-Begg, brown Norfolk costume, brown velvet trioorne hat; Miss Agnes Turrell, blue frock, trimmed with cire ribbon, black velvet tam j Miss Cracroft-Wilson, grey frock, trimmed
with-fringe, black hat, with, upturned transparent brim, trimmed with jet; Miss Peggy Norton, cream costume, nato hat; "Mr* P. Stanley Foster, very pretty pastel fawn frock, embroidered in-blue, I white and gold hat, with bead trimming; Mrs Sehg, navy costume, smart blabk hat, with .feather trimming; Mrs Vernon, pale grey ««tume, blue vest, blue and grey-hat; Mrs TV. H. Clark, brown frock,, the loose sidepanels being lined with cerise, brown Straw hat;'with wreath of berries; Mrs J. F. Duncan blue and white costume, black satin hat,,HUNT CLUB BALL. The CliristchrircTi Hunt Club's" bait, which eventuated at the Aft Gallery last night, was an unqualified success. rhe ballroom was appropriately decorated, .for the. occasion, the walk being lined with Mack cloth panelled with red and w)lite, and red and'white streamers were festooned across tiw rooms. In the aupper room, the small tables wero decorated with red anemones. Miss Macdonald supplied the music. At nine o'clock the Vice-Regal party arrived, and were received by Mr Derek Weßtenra and Mr and Mr 3 John Grigg. The official set was immediately formed, his Excellency dancing witlh. Mrs John Grigg, Lady Jellicoo with Mr Derek V\ estenra, Mrs Bothell with Mr Elworthy,' Mrs Joiin Montgomery witji Mr Betheil, Mrs Herbert Eiwortiiy with Mr John Giigi;, the Hon. Lucy Jelhcoe with Mr Montgomery, Mrs J. H. Grigg with Mr H. a. Eusseil, Mi&s Mai-goo Hall with Mr J. H. Grigg. ' Her Excellency wore a graceful gown of lilac satin, the bodice'drapery arid overskirt being \)f lilac georgette patterned boldly with iridescent sequins. With this she wore diamond ornaments and a beautiful diamond comb in her hair. Mrs Grigg wore black charnieuse brightened with touches of red; Mrs John Montgomery wore a lovely dress of ivory isatin with accordion-pleated skirt and overdress of Limerick lace, while too long train was fastened at the shoulders with a cascade of tho some lace; the Hon. Lucy Jo.licoe wore a dainty frock of blue taffetas veiled with net and trimmed with narrow gauging of blue silk; Mrs Betheil, becoming frock of gold lace and green geVirgette with- gold and vieux-rose nowers; Mrs J. H. Grigg, extremely pretty frock of lace over ivory satin, the corsage composed of silver tissue and the skirt festooned with wreatiis of emerald green: Miss Clifford, black satin witia vandyked overskirt and wing sleeves of black georgette; -Miss Boy.e, graceful gown ot apricot souple satin, the ekirt draped over silver lace; Mrs J; M. Tripp (Geraldine), charming frook of sea greeh georgette, trimmed with beautiful gold lace; Mrs Perry Elworthy, uncommon frock of black and ivory opalescent net, the bodice made with one-sided etfect; Miss June Clifford, lovely gown of jade green georgette boldly patterned in silver and made with draped skirt and fish-tail train; Mrs Gage Williams, becoming {iown of black taffetas with handsome embossed motifs of gold and cerise; Miss Nancy Johnston (Takapau), ivory satin veiled in black silk net panelled with iridescent bands, sash of cerise net; Lady Campbell, smart frock of emerald and gold tissue, with narrow train; Miss Barbara Gould, apricot taffetas
with gold laie sleeves, the overtklrtW, -m ing. edged with tlie same lace; .MM .IS Margot Hall, black merr with Jttttjg' «j» waisted bodice of black and silver* MW « Margot Nicbll, jade green brocade; IUM ||l Evelyn* Napier, lemon §9 ;oucnes of blue; Miss. l)ori» Jtenwrji |» pastel blue crepe-de-chine with nurnr* ||l velvet waist band; Mrs Herbertß- II worthy, beautiful gown of atmUa* % pnttefned goojfcctte, wjth- P*"**/*" I 'Hack pdnno velvet and bead frag*; J Mrs Vernon, handsome frock of I blue and gold brocade; .JWS 1 Dwualatt, royal blue satin <m conventional'gold rotes; Suas Matmsw 'J (Timaru;. pretty frock of lemon «*£ 1 *«ttc, embroidered in tangcriMJ -MM | 0. V. Palmor, black crewwJfrgane, | with handsome embroidery: Miss W«r | Palmer, simple frock of Wajsk *"«*•*: f the skirt veiled in A lelieved with long spw'cf pink rom, -Jlj MHh Bndgaman (Dunedin), cenje tttf- f j fetaa, the skirt flounced with cerae «», *|^ Air. B. Starkey, black sonple »£»>."• f oodicc veiled in black beaded net; M» Kenneth Murrhison, white gf«WgJ. fed Limerick lace with floral**«* .j iand. Miss E. Annstronß J**®*] ~ vrettv blue and silver brocaded fW«. Miss SylVia Wcitenra, maure **»*»» | and lace with touches of »**>*?* *• « Greta Clarksan, maize-colonred 4UM , taffetas trimmed with l**"*!' .| Miss Hester Archer, F»fp£fr£& % chine, tho corsage tnmrned with gW, | Miss Betty Cotterili. A getto with ostrich feaUner. *«"»»«; 4 'Miss Cracroft-Wilson, qa«nt s»*«* | floral taffetas; Mss Ida 4 and ivory petal frock with wnft*w*** 1 bodice of blue and silver; »» *£° 4 Rutherford, handsome gojm oTttO* $ green and gold brocade, with gpio iw , alceves and underskirt; Mrs A., J. "• * t McMaster, striking fH*k of vot, with corsago of goW toon; mm r Nancy Ifeadel, blue chiffon * Mrs Cuthbert Harper, royal M«e an* gold brociulo; Miss Dorothy. PiMßofß; \ tanaerino chiffon taffetas with «**?•■ >,«< of jade; Miss Cartwright (Timaru), Wg* fo, net, iflie cor«age trimmed with J»»^ laco; Mrs W. Bond, royal bine »ndj»«|f< brocade; Miss Aline Barton, *™° m * frock of cinnamon-brown lace: Mrs B^r?,.nard Wood, gold tissue,, veiled Ml rrfWl > blue net, royal bine hair curletj mm* *- Jean McDouga-l. pink taffetw, *»» : overskirt of handsome kwe; Mis* KJJ> \ carrow, gold-beaded net over satin; Miss Enid rose georgette with wide, band «.W-* 5 ental satin; Miss Kathleen Witaw, powder-blue satin with touches of rota- j pink; Miss Patricia Ctesar, rrory lw» 4 frock with 'jade-green crepo do cam* .| panels and corsage drapery. |
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Press, Volume LVII, Issue 17222, 12 August 1921, Page 2
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3,409WOMEN'S CORNER. Press, Volume LVII, Issue 17222, 12 August 1921, Page 2
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