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The Lady Editor will be pieased to receive" for publication in the "Women's Corner" items of social or personal news. Such items should be fully authenticated, and engagement notic«i must bear the signatures of both parties. Correspondence is invited on any matters affecting, 01* of interest to, women.

Miss Oddio and Miss King, members of the Otago University bucket ball team, are the guests of Professor and Mrs (Jabbatt, Cashmere Hiiis. Miss Jenkins (Sydney) is visiting Christchurch, and is staying with Mrs Hall, I'apanui road.

Mr and Mr 3 Ronald Smith, who have staying at '"ltiverlaw." have taken a house in Jackson's road, Fendalton.

Wellington visitors at the Royal Hotel are Mr and Mrs H. o'Leery, Miami Mrs W. Phillips, Mr and Mrs Oldfield, and Miss A. Hamilton.

Misses Miles, Bishop, Charters, and Walker, .students of Otago University, are guests of Mrs Miles, Office road. Miss Goldie. one of the tennis players of Ota go University, is staying with tho Misses Kate and Sheila Johnson, who, as representatives of Canterbury College, did so well in their match on Saturday.

Mr and Mrs H. W. Kitchingham (Greymouth) are among tho guests at the Royal Hotel.

Miss Mary Macdonald, who always shows a practical sympathy with the work of the Creche and Kindergarten Association, has organised a subscription dance, to be held in the Grange Hall on Tuesday evening. Jhe proceeds of the dance arc to augment tho funds of the Little Citizens' Kindergarten, in which Miss Macdonald is specially interested .

Mr and Mrs H. Cottetill entertained a number of guests at their residence, "Blakeuey," Cashmero Hills, on Saturday Inst I A tennis tournament was arranged, and proved most, enjoyable, many splendid games being played daring tlio .afternoon. The winners of tlto .match proved to bo Miss Ella Helmore and Mr P«iroo. Amongst' those yiresent were Misses Betty Cofcterill, Hester Gould, Mona Pyne, Dorothy Humphreys, Mary. Ivlaedonald, Una Rattray, Rita Gibson.-Sylvia Westenra, Phyllis Boyle, Ella Helmore, and Scroll Knight, ancl Messrs D. Cotterill; Sinclair Thompson Algar Williams, Martin, Pearoo, Fell, Robertson, Boyle, Hudson, and Dr. Bevan-Brown. Mrs Pryce Jones and Mrs Thos. Newburg'li are staying at tlw Hydro Grand, Timaru. Mr and Mrs Chas. Lethabv and Miss Nita Beyer, of Island Bav, Wellington, are at present in Christcliurch, and aro staying at the Clarendon Hotel. Mr and Mrs W. H. Dale, Coleuso etrbet. Sumner, left for Dunediu ou Saturday, to attend the v hrriago of their son. , Mr and Mrs T. Sherratt and the Misses Sherratt, of Oravi, ar-e staving at the Hotel Federal. • ' Under date of February 10th, our Londoiit correspondent writes:—Mrs Henry "Wood (Christcliurch) has 'settled for si while at tho Hyde Park Gate. Hotel, and her daughter. Miss Hope Wood, has returned to Paris to continue her vocal studies. She will remain there until tho end of April. Miss Evangeline Worden (Christcliurch) has oomo up to London from tho North Cornish coast, where she has spent a good deal of time since her arrival' last. November. Miss Worden is leaving shortly for Paris, with the intention of spending several monohs there, and visiting the battlefield area. • A marriage ihas been, arranged, and will shortly take place, between Major Francis Broughton Shettie, I M.S.. son of Mr T. W. Shettlc, of I2ye, Suffolk, and Jean Marjorie, younger daughter of the late Mr W. Chrystall, of Christchurch, and of Mrs Chrystall, 14 Longridgo road, S.W. (writes our London correspondent). Miss Marie Tempest and her clever company were welcomed back at. the Theatre Royal on Saturday night by a crowded gathering of adnuren, in holiday mood. In "The Great Adventure,'' the piece staged on Saturday, Miss Tempest has no opportunity of wearing the beautiful gowns, the tasto and elegance of which have won for her the reputation of being ono of tho bestdressed- women on the. stage. • In the audience were Mrs Geo. Rhodes, Miss Shona* Rhodes, and their gue'sts, Mio Walter Perry and Miss Cartwright, of Timaru; Mrs and Mr Bernard Dalgety, Mr and Mrs Percy Acton-Adams, Mr and Mrs Elliston Orbell, Dr. and MrsRichard Anderson, Mr and Mrs B. B. Wood, Mr and Mrs Gladstone Ward, Mr and Mrs Deverell,'Mrs M. L. Reading, Mr and Mrs b. T. J. Alpers, Mr and jVtrj Bullen (Kaikoura), Mr and Mrs Kittson, Mr and Mrs E. J. Tayler, Mr and Mrs F. W. Jones', Mrs Palmer, Misses Tabart (3), Mr and Mrs P. Keddell, Mi's and Miss Betty Overton, Mr

D. and Miss Bcttv Cotterill, Mr and Mrs Cvril Ward, "Miss Rita Gibson, M>, Mellwraith. Mrs and Mis> Tapper, Miss Ella Helraoro, Miss S. West-ewa, and Miss Cholmondeley.

Mr and Mrs 0. I>. Greenwood arc m town for the races. Madame Rosa Alba. V distinguished soprano vocalist, who has been singing in Australia for somo months past, is coming to New Zealand early next montlT to fulfil a number of engagements with music,\l societies.

Miss B. Ivy, who has been domestic science* instructress at the Ashburton Technical School for some years, has received notice of her appointment as home science lecturer at the Wellington Training College.

Considerable interest (says tbo "papier Telegraph") has been taken in the remarkable recovery of Miss Ruth Lynn, at present the guest of Mr and Mr* A. Skekon. Harrison Vo.'u], Taradale. It appears that a message from Ratana contained the words: "Daughter, thy faith has healed thee," on receipt of which all bodily pain left the recipient., and she immediately arose from her bed, callPns to Mrs Skelton, who, thinking that her guest was ill, wps astonished to find her in the pas-sige-wav, unsupported by artificial aid, tho sufferer joyfully remarking, "1 am healed.'' Mrs Skelton stated to the Taradalo correspondent of the ''Telegraph" thai she was astounded at tho remarkabio recovery. Quite a number of friends and enquirers visited Miss Lynn, tho subject beincc mentioned by Mr Hcrbison at the Taradalo Presbyterian Church, who enjoined his hearers to go and see for themselves what faith had accomplished, and to remember Alisc Lvnn in their prayers. Miss Lrtm coniinues to progress • satisfactorily, and is a.t present in no bodily pain! and, but for threatening weather conditions that evening, intended to, walk ( to chjirch.

Visit Mrs Rolleston for the following:—Electric Baths and Violet Ray treatment; Electrolysis, the only cure for suoerfluous hairs; courses of Hair and Faeo treatment ; _ Shampooing, Manicuring, Marcel Waving, etc.; Switches, Transformations, Toupees; Combings made up from os Gd per switch.' Dominion Buildings, C'atliedral square. Tel. 373. , XBiOo-9ooJ

FUR MANUFACTURERS. Our Furs do not come direct from the manufacturer. We nrtT the manufacturers, and we sell direct to the public. V',"e handle our goods entirely from tho raw product'to the finished article, " o select our pelts with care, our workmanship is expert and thorough, ana our patrons, aro consequently satisfied. T Best and Co., Ltd., manufacturing furriers, 140 L'c.itield stretot. 132943-3117

Summer sun makes summer sunburn, whilo drv and broken hair is often a result of'sea bathing. The woman who Values her appearance is advised to visit Ballantvne's Toilet Salon without delay. \ rose-leaf skin results from the use or Camelliiin Massage and Vanishing Creams, while under the skilled atteution given in this attractively-appointed Salon the hair becomes soft and lustrous.

There arc "etyW in Corsets, just as with otlicv apparel. B. and 0. Corsets nae tlio height of modern stvie, and comfort is also provided for in tho scientific designing, irv a. pair of E. and C. Coweta—you will find them ideal for style, comfort, and m tlio lons wear they give B. and C. are Bntjsli Corsets, sold by leading drapers. 15278-18


McMillan —Arthur.

A very prcttv wedding vas solemn, iscd at.' the Highfield Piesbytenaa Church, Timaru, on Wednesday, when Miss ''Mnrewa M. Arthur, daughter r* Mr A. M. Arthur, late of New # Zealand Railways, and now of "Glencairn,'' &-• Andrews, was married to Mr F. '3loMillan, son of Mr and Mrs" , McMillan, of Marlborough, the Rev. Adam lk'gg' officiating. The church was tastefully decorated, aud presided at the organ. »The bride w'oio .a charming frock of pink georgette, with overdress of palest pink saton taifetas, the corsago embroidered in pearls, and the orthodox veil of tulle, caught up by tiny sprays of orange blossom. She also wore; -a handspmci necklace (a wedding gift), and carrie l a, lovely bouquet of pink sweet peai and asparagus fern, with pink streamers. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Dorothy Arthur, who won an exceedingly becoming dress of bis-cuit-coloureu crepe do chine, with hat of georgette to match, and earned a bouquet of cream roses. Little BeCiiy Sutherland, as a flower-girl, wore a dainty dress of soft silk in palo heliotrope, and carried a- basket of sweet peas of the samo shade. Mr Claude L. Arthur, brother of the bride, acted as best man.

DOUBLE WEDDING. The first double wedding solemnised in Southbridgo for many ye are too.i place last Tuesday, and created a greit deal of interest. The brides were Missca Delsie and Itoris Roi, daughters of -Mrs ltoi and tho late Mr C. V. 80 1 , «uj-i the bridegroonj® Messrs Hector G. Hubbard, son of Mrs Hubbard and the late Mr E. G. Hubbard, and Mr Noel B. Ford, a member of a. well-Known family. Mr Hubbard's bride was Miss Delsie l{oi, who until recently was mistress oi the Little Rakaia School. Tho ceremony took place at St. John's Presbyterian Church, and the officiating minister was the Rev. T. G. Butler. ihe church had been bcautifuljy decorated by friends in the same colour schemo as that followed with jegard to the dresses and flowers, heliotrope asters and daisies being used chiefly, relieved 'with fern. The whole effect was decidedly pretty. Miss Delsie was given away by her uncle Mr Alt' Roi, and MisS Doris was given away by another uncie. Mr Frank Roi. Miss Delsie wore a very pretty dress of.crepo de chine and ninon, embroidered with pearls, and togetiier with the usual wreath and veil. She also had a nice train li:>ed in heliotrope. Miss Doris was dressed in soft satin embroidered \mh pearls, and f-he also had tho wreath and veil. The bouquets were of white llowers, ielieved with lemon touches. The bridesmaids were Misses Inez, MePherson and Hazel Rfli (sister), both of whom wore dresses of lemon crepe de chine, ac-eor-deon pleated, and embroidered in heliotrope. They wore net hate of lcmo,i shade, with touches of heliotrope, and their bouquets were of heliotrope an 1 lemon flowers. There were two flowergirls, Joyce Roi (sister of the brides! and Berniee Roi (cousin). Mr Roy Jackman was bfest man for Mr Hubbard, and Mi* Bruce Ford accompanied his brother. The singing was" led bv ;i strong choir, and Mrs'A. Scott, who presided at the organ, plaved the •'Wedding March." After the ceremony, a reception was held in St John's Hall, where an excellent breakiast was served. Mrs Roi received her guests in a charming gown of blaes satin charmeuse. Evidence of the popularity of the happy couples was' afforded by tho magnificent collection of gifts received. Mr and Mis- Hubbard intend to reside at Hinds, and Mr and Mrs Ford at Staveley.

j DRESSES AT ADDINGTON. • The New Zealand Metropolitan Trotting Club's co;:rGo, with its well-kept lawas bright .garden plow, Vas thronged on Saturday with an interested crowd, a fair proportion of which was smartly attired \somen. Amongst those present were:—Mrs Chaa. liOuissoE, wife of the president of tho club, who wore a. mole coloured costume, ombroi* dered in blue* and a blue hat, effectively trimmed with large flowers. With her came her two daughters, Mrs Nathan, who wore a navy coat irock, brightened with a string o: "ariioor beade, and a navy straw hat, and A»ra Kchn, who looked very einart in ft gabardine frock and grey hat, trimmec. vit» shaded French flowers. Mrs J. H. "Willionis wore a grey costume, black leather boa, ana wide brimmed black Hendeieor. hat. C M. OUivier's navy coatume was erabroidcred witli chenille, tind vrith it she 1 wore a biftck velvet- hat, a note of co!oi:r bciag introduced in a beautiful bag of Oriental colouring. Mrs il. D. Aciaiid was wearing a oaete* costume, and small nigger-brown hat, with ft touch of jaoo gievu, v.liile her sister v?* wearing "a. navy costume, iinishod with military buid and a black siiaay hat of hatter a I plush. Mrs K. Young's very pretty grey tujyo was warn wiih a smartly upturned georgette Imlt beautifully trimmed with jet. Mrs 8. George Nathan who is tho guest of Mrs Waiter Clifford, had a navy ccat frock embroidered with gre>* chenille aud gold thread] and a navy Btraw hat, with raffia trimming. Others present included Mrs Stronach Patitfson, in navy coatume and dark hat, trimmed with tiny grey flowers; Mrs Malfroy, in navy costume, and tight-fitting green hat, dec-orated' with bunches clgrapejj; Miss Peggy Norton, iu navy biuo and black velvet tain; Mrs Maurico Louisson; in a dainty rose pints nock, and wide ro;e-coloured hat, with navy and lemon tracery; Mia Harris, in a darK costume and nigger-brown hat, with gold tissue crown; Mrs Rothenberg, in black tume, with a fine white line, and black hat; Miss Anne McMillan, in a fawn costiun© and J ilenna velvet hat; Mr© Pattullo (Gisborne), navy costume, email navy nat, with 6inart champagne-coloured winss and hanging veil J Vis J. H. Hall, black and white striped ooat and skirt, and wide black feathered liut. One of the most effective toilettes wus that worn by Mrs F. "W. Jor.e3. \Vith her fawn costume mid seal etolo she liaci a tiyht-fit»i2fj niggerrbrown velvet toque. Mrs Guy Romtiua wore a mole-grey costume, and a em.'ill mole and blue hat, ornamented with a tiny posy; Miss -Nancarrow, black and whito check costume, and largo black atraw hat, encircled with a blue feather; Mrs Y. i>ay, °.^ ve ~ green costume, velour hat; Miss Hillary Bullen, fawn coat and skirt, and rcse-pink ribbon hat: her lister, a &axe blue costume, and broad brimmed grey volour hat; Mrs BuUeu (Kaikouru), tun costume, braided in brewn, wide-leaved brown hat, nanaod with tangerine, Mrs E. G. Kerr (Timaru), puttycoloured costume, smart , little hat of saxo blue velvet, with upturned brim, lined with putty-coloured cloth; Mrs Cyril White, navy costume, black straw hat, brightonea wiwi hand-made flov.-ers; Miss Jameson, navy costume, navy and fawn hot, relieved. •touches of vari-coloured ribbon; Mia K. n. Robinson, a very graceful frock of niaaliccoloured georgette, with touches of royal bluo, small bluck hat, with osprey; Mies Vera Hawkins, navy serge dress, with grey wool hand-work, small blnck tullo hat, finished with berries; Miss Rita Mat&on, bottle* green coat and skirt, fihadv hat, prettily worked will coloured raffia; Miss Overton, black and whito plaid- costume, black hat, with bluo' wings; MW Rosamond Wood, navy frock, very effectively stitched with coloured fibron, silk hat of navy, and petunia Bhades; Mrs M. S. Brown, navy coat andskirt with beret tarn, veiled in henna • her. sister wore a navy braided costume, end black velvet tricorne "Hat, finished with a gold rose; Mis® Moir, blue merv costume, ana black hat, with honey-coloured ribbon trimming; Mrs Miuiro, brown frock. relieved with emerald and black hat; Mrs J. fc. Hawkes, dark costume, and navy hat, with upturned brim, lined with jade ;,'reen; Mrs Hamlet, very smart putty-coloured braided frcok. nnd bluo and silver hat, finished with a.l osprey; Miss lb Cren, wine-coloured onepjpee dress, and pretty multi-coloured crocheted bat.

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Press, Volume LVII, Issue 17104, 28 March 1921, Page 2

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WOMEN'S CORNER. Press, Volume LVII, Issue 17104, 28 March 1921, Page 2

WOMEN'S CORNER. Press, Volume LVII, Issue 17104, 28 March 1921, Page 2


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