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The Easter sporting carnival fB Christchurch had a very successful inauguration at Addington on Saturday with the first day of tho New Zealand Metropolitan Trotting Club's Easter Meeting. A beautifully fine day brought, a Tery largo attendance, and thougu the variable wind occasionally made itself unpleasant by raising the dust, this was but a minor drawback to a very enjoyable day's sport. 'J ho courso and its surroundings, with its bright flower beds and boautifully-l;ept lawns, hav<> rarely been seen to better advantage, and they gave evidence of very carotnl attention on the part of Hhe caretaker. Mr J. French, and his staff. The track was in the very best of condition tor racing, as was shown by the very fast performances registered throughout tho afternoon, practically every placed horse* improving considerably on its previous best time. The racing was full of interest, some of tilie finishes being very close, though it was unfortunate that an accident in tho principal event, tho Easter Handicap, put Agathoa _ and .Watchlight out of tho race, and interfered with the (tfiances of Eqno of this other competitors. The business management of the Meeting, under tho supervision of tho experienced secretary, Mr A. I. llattray, was na efficient n usual, but delays at tho starts caused the last event to ho run somo twenty minutes after the advertised time. Tho Judicial Committee was rolled together on several occasions, and one or two fines were imposed, but nothing of reallv serious moment called for their attention. With the consistent defoafc of tho favourites, only one of the public's first ohoictw being successful during the afternoon, the majority of backers must have fared rather Sadly, but tiie totalisator investments'showed jm increaso oyer last season's figures, tho sum registered being £59,710 I(Jb, as against £'55,293 on the first day last year.

The Preliminary Handicap, which opened the programme, drew a field ot eighteen unlioppled trotters,' #he Went Coast-ownecj liundnberg being mado favourite, with Ditnlight and MtBS Patty next in request. Of these three, Dimlight was the only one to show any form, and she seemed certain to bo in the money, wihen a bad break at tlio entrance to (he straight put her right out of court. Bunanbers showed no pace at all. and Miss Patty was never dangerous. Succory, who . lias disappointed bis eonnoxions "so often, was on this occasion on his beat beihaviour. His rider, A. Butteriield, gtfthira to the front early, and he trotted very steadily throughout, evontually ginning - easily after Ihrtilight disappeared from the scene. In a held of fifteen, J.ocanda Junior yas'iqade.a very pronounced favourite for the Fendaltou. ■ Handicap, with Wild Thyme and Bllnwood also well supported. Locandu Junior went well for over a mile, when the pafiP found hmuout, find JSllawooJ then looked like playing a proWinent part, but broke l badly two furlongs rrom home. In a capital finish Tate.v Billon iust lasted long enough to win by a head from The-Dingo, whUa Childe Pointer also mado yp a lot of ground over the last half-mile. The of the track was shown by the fact that the winner 'improved .over iOsec on her handicap time. The Easter Handicap was contested by a field of ' : vfery good claw, Partner being made a better favourite than Ma'tchlight, with Capriccio and Emperor evenly backed. The last-named cut out tho pace for nearly a, mile and a* half, but then faded out, and Gleaming, who had .always been his nearest attendant, Went on in front, and won.comfortably from Asturio, who was well placed .throughout the race. Vicp-Aamiral, staymfc ; on well, secured third place. but 4'd • not show hjs usual dash. Partner gpve a very , poor display, and soon tailed off last, but 'Agathos and Matohlight ' were pacing well when they came to grief. Willie Lincoln tvaj called off for anticipating his bell.. (jHeaniingflao : always been known aB a brillinnt pneer, but he has on more than one previous occasion failed at tho end of a twormilo journey. The Wilkin Handicap; in »aadlo, produced a very interesting contest.. The Colawater curried most nioftey, but a break six furlongs from borne settled his chance, although prior to thathehad not been showing to very great advantage, JJnsh . Boy appeared to have the race 'jafo when thoy reached'the etrftight,. but ' tired in the final stages, and Lew.ia MojCiiinev, finishing strongly, beat him. : home. The Flying Handicap found thp bracketed pair, Trix Pointer and Dillon- * wood, in most 'demand, with Ctiidtnext' best' backed,. but this trio failed to produce a dividend) Chid flpiafcing third and Dillonwood foufth. Marie \lJoyd • was always one,or the leading diYtyon,• and, after Admiral Hal had run hiniself out, she took charge, but jUsfc ja«od long enough to beat Paul Bufault, • who put in a brilliant nniuu The Ailtumn Handicap, for urihoppled trotters, gave backers another; Burprhfe. , Effie Bingen waa favourite with. Wa- • Itinepai and Solace well supported. The race did not produce a pood qifplay or trotting, for the majority of the com- . petitoru made mistakes at some stoge during the race. SolUoe and Erne Bingen were in the lead, with a lap . to go, and when the latten broke less than half a mile from home, Solace looked a certain winner. However, no left his feet fifty yards from the post,, and both Billy Parole and Whwht beat him, Billy Parole paying the biggest, ' dividend of the day. The only favourite to score during the day was Indra. who had an easy win in the Impjrovors' Handicap. Bundura, off the limit, began quickly, and led for about threofurlongs, whan she broke, and Indra j todk charge, and waa never afterwards troubled. The Express Handicap, the . lost event of the day, was an even betting race, the Qakhampton LoflfiP pair, Maorilaud and Lochnagar, being tho actual favourites. Greta made » bold bid for victory, but, she failed l in the final stages, arid Marie Tempest, who, showed a great turn of Bpee<j over the last half-mile, won in good stylo from Silver Nut. Details of the raomg are: i'IIELIMIXAiU* HANDICAP (in wddln), of 800 c-ova; second 60, third 40. i'or tuvlioppbd trotters. 4.4 class. ln» Sf. A 0. M. O'Brien's b g Suocory by Marvin Wilkes—Success aged 10s A. Butterfleld 1 15. H. Raid's br g P»tard aged 0s / 11. GaskiU 2 10. J. W. Halliday'e br g Hostage aged Ida V H. E. llarnes'3 18 Gav Wilkes scr; 9 Mushroom 2s; 1 Bundaberg 6s; *l2 Colonel Havelock 6s; 14 Treasure Socker la; 17 To Kuiti 7e; 8 Miss l'attv 7a; 11 Micky MiuSr Osj 16 Bcllena 10sj 5 Osier lCs; 7 Imperial Victor '.fls; 3 DimUsrht lie; 8 Eley :2s; 13 Moving Picture 12s; and 4 Simp'.n Pet»r 12s also started. Moving Picture, Succory, and Hostage w»j» lacinj in cloja ord*r at (be «nd of we first furlong, but rounding the turn out of tho straight Moving Picture broke, and Succory . v.cut on in front. A Jap from home Succory was loading from Miea Patty and Hostage, with Dimlight moving up fast Going along the back Dimlight took second p!*oe, but turning into the straight she broke badly, and Succoiy went on to win easily by »light lengths fiom Vatard, "who was thres lengths in front of Hostage, with Moving Picture fourth and Eley fifth. Times—3m 63 2r5»; ' 8m 54 2-Ss: 3m 55 4-ss. ; HANDICAP (in harness), of 350 eavs; second 75, third 50. 8,54 class, lm and 6f. 7. J. Donch's b m Tatsy Dillon 'oy Har•old .DiUor:—'Viotia. 6yi-s 5* J. McLennan 1 5. P. McNeill's b g The Dingo aged 4s ' A. ButterSeld i • 4. H. F. NicoU's b f Childe Pointer Bjv» Ca .. .. D Warren 8 1C Sea Xympb. 4s; 10 Golden Pippin 4a; 0 Ihe.i ss; 1 Jimr. 6s; ' 13 Mapd Wilkcii Cs; G Gtey?.ton» To; 8 Ellawood 7»; 14 l'almdalo 7e; 8 Tyidy Pointer 7s; 11 Sttn- - red 78; 2 Will Thyine 7s; and 15 Rainbpw j 7s also started. , ; ' | Locuida Junr. quickly took ftbugo, wUk v • ;v

Wild Thyme, Greystone, and Lady in close attendanoe. Enteral tlw laet lap tho field closed tip. Locanda Junr. and Wild Thyme being on terms, with Lady, , Pointer, Greyetone, end Ellawood tfext. l£- . cflnda Junr. was beaten in the back otretcn, whore Ellawood put in a fast run, but broke approachiflg the tanke, interfering with soma of those nearher. TatsyDillon vnmcharge . when thoy reached the straight*and lasted long enough to win by » head _ from The Dingo, who finished fast. QhJde Pointer, with a lot® run, eecured third place *two lengths away.' Lady Pointer was firarth r,ome distance back, At the bead of a bunch. Times—Bio 41 4-6e; 8m Ua; 3m 89 l-ss. KASTEK HANDICAP (in harness), of 750 " sova; second 178, thiid 75. .4.36 <slwe. • 2nii , , 'J. R. J. Stone'* oh g Galmdo —-Aroligbt ten 6e .. W. Warren 1 a O. Stwle'e h g Mnrto aged 4s . y. Holmes, jpn. 2 6. S. Humphreys's blk. g. Vice-Admiral aged 3d ... .. .A. Hendriksen 8 2. Cross Bros.' and J. Bryoe's br h . Matohlight aged sot •• J- Bryce 0 7. lies and Young's b g Wfllie IJncoln aged »or ,t> .. J. N. CHarke- 0 19. J. Riohardson's b g Jack Arrah aged 2s N. L. Price 0 8. F. H/ Bcibwn'e b.m Beta Peter aged 2e / A, G. Wilson • 0 11. O. Ohaaning's br g Agathos aged 4s ' •• - E. Cookerill 0 io! T. H. Ivey's b m Rangitata Lass 6yra ■ .. .. .. ' F. E. Jones 0 E. O. MoDerraott'e b m Capriooio aged 5» •; •.. ... Owner 0 J. Coßhlffi br g •Partner 6ymj 65 • >- H. Frost 0. 4 A. E.'TWebster's b g Emgperw 6y«rßs F. Holmes 0 Emperor, beginning' quickly, aHowed the tCifc at the end o! four furlongs to Gleamhi?, Oaprioedp; Asturio, and Rangitata Laes, witk Partner Jast. Going along the \back » JWt Arrah put in a.good run, and aa they entered tW 3«et circuit the order was Emperor, Gleaming, yCapdecio, Asturio, Jack jteah. and Vice-Admiral. Turning out-of atraight Emporor gave way to Gleaming There was some crowding at the turn and Agathos fell.Matchlight colliding with him and dklodgtag J. Bryce from his aulky. (Jleaming was never afterwards headed} and won by six . lengths from .Aetuno, whd was ' two lewrfha in front of Vioe-Admiral. Jack Arruli waa fourth and Beta Peter flftß.Timeo —4m 81 4-Ss; 4ni*Sl 1-Bs; 4m 80 8-Se. WILKIN HANDICAP (in eaddle), ■ of 800 ' ' sov#; second 60, thjrd 40. 8.67 claw. lm • ; 6ft • \ < J. J.Horefa b g Lewis McKinney by ■ YoungM<>Kiniiey-«-Kentucky mare aged. > 8». '.. ,F; Holmes, iun. 1 • 8 t "W. B. Masham'e b g Bush Boy aged 3s v ' J. Bryoey,. Jan. 2 8. A. J. MarstaU'a g Meny SaulCyra7i ' ' R. J. Marshall 8 14 Prinee Burlington 2s ;1 Oold«rater 9s; 17 -Win V-the 'Wisp 4s; 10 Annie's Dream 7b • ll Brownwood 7s; 2 Lacldevrood 7a; 6 P01W75;.7 Billy DiDon 6s: 15 Grand Den--9a:\l4 Lady Wildwood 9s; 6 General Peiehing 8«; 13 Imperial Fan 9s; 161 Golden Tet«r'9BS and 9 Waltper,Raleigh 9a aJsov 1 stnrfed. ' ' • . General PenhinK- 'and Billy Dillon , v-eie in' (root at the end of the .first furl<mg, bnt before they.had geme- a mile. Billy ! DiUon had taken charge. The latter broke ' lirfare entering the last lap,, as did Cold- " water; the -favcririto, who was in the middle \ ol the field. Bueh Boy took chm ? six forloms from home, but Lewis MoKinney, finw iaihing well, beat Mm by tiro lengths. Meat '■■■> i' Swl wae tiuree kmgthe , awav fldrd, with General Pexshin®,'fourth and Lacikieiraod A Mth.-, Timee—Bm. 49 8-Be; \Bm ,44 4-6s; 8m ' , sovs; second 75, thud 60. 9.16 olus. • | a Anderson's br m Marie Lloyd 1 faj Petereta-*Maiie CorelU «6yrs 4s - ' W. Bryce 1 5} H. C. Yates and J. MoTaggart'a b g Paul Dufault aged Sa _ •i., W." B. Mtsham's, blk p. Chid ' - J. Bryce 8 1 Tril Pointer scr and Dillonirood 9s brack- ' eted; 6 Biidwobd 2s; 10 Snngod /3terW« Drift 8» 4 .Legaoy 3s i U 'Xracey 8a; 9 Trooper DiUon 4s; "13 Karri 4s; J8 IXayßeetf4s; and 7 Admiral Hal 4s'also started. . . . . Birdwood lost hie chanoe at the start «« Admiral Hal,^ berinning way over the early stagea to Dillon, llorke's Drift, and Mane LWjrd. The lastnamed took charge along the back, ww, stall- ■ ■ intt off a strong challenge from Paul.JJula'uK, ■. ■■ won by a head.. Chid waa three lengths away third, with Dillonwood and Legacy cloee together next. Time®—sm 12 455; 2m lis; 2m- ■ 118-6 a. . AUTUMN HANDICAP, of 450 save; second »'/v 100, third 60. For unhoppled trotters. 4.49-, class. 2m. 12. J, C. Whiteman sb g Parole by ,'i v t. i Australian Parole—Misa Dora Hnon •, ' aged 8s .. . .. .. F. Holmes 1 10. J, R. Corrigan's b g Whisht aged 3s J. Bryce 2 i 1 3. Mrs J. Timpan/a 'b g' Solace aged 12s .A* Pringle 3 U Homeleigh Dick scr; 4 These* 5s : 9 Harold Child 8s; 8 Olive L.. 8s; 6 Marietta lQs; 6 Koraii 12s; ISlPieter Timtaermanl2s; 7 Eruption 12s; 3 'Wahinepai 13s; and 1 Effio Bingen 13s also started. Homeleigh Dick turned round when the ,1 fignal was given, and lost a lot of ground. - Eruption, Solace, and Effie • Bingen were re-

sponsible ioi the pace in the early stages, but the last-named broke going out of the straight She was soon in her stride again, and with a lap to go was in second place behind Solace. She broke again in the back stretch, and Solace was left with a good lead. He was still well clear ' when the straight was reached, but broke fifty yards from the post, and Billy Parole, finishing fast, won by two lengths from Whisht, wHft'beat Solace by half a length for second place. - Marietta was fourth and Theseus fifth. Times—lm, 41 4-ss; 4m 87s; 4m 46 1-Ss. ' IMPROVERS' HANDICAP (in harness) of 450 sots; second 100, third SO. 4.41 class. 2m. 1. H. F. Niooll's br g Indra by St. Swithin—Lady Cherry Byrs 6s D. Warren 1 8. Sewell and McMillan's b g Trooper Dillon aged sseo .. O. E. Hooper 3 6 A. H. Forbes" a b g Ouimet Gyre* 5s R. W. Franks 8 4 Sympathy scr; 8 Queen Pirate 4s; 2 Silver Shoe 4s; 9 Peter Mac fis; 6 Temple ss; 10 Rewanui 6s; and 7 Bundura 6s also started.

Bundura led for a couple of furlongs, but then broke, and Indra took charge' from Trooper Dillon, Peter Mac, and Ouimet. Indra was never afterwards headed, and won. comfortably by four lengths from Troopsi Dillon, who was eight lengths in front of Ouimet. with Rewanui fourth and Silver Shoe next. Times—4m 86 l-se; 4m 87 1-Ss; 4m 89 8-ss. EXPRESS HANDICAP (in haraess), of 350 sovs; second 75, third 60. 3.52 class. ljm.« . 9. B. Jarden's blk m Marie Tempest by Van Coronado—Marie Narelle 6yrs 2a

Owner 1 i T. R. L. Paecoe'e oh g Silver Nut 6y»

-2s .. .. .. E. McDermott, 2 8. W. H. Norton's br m Greta aged 8s F. Holmes 3

7 Asturio scr; 1 Maoriland Is and Locbnagar 3s bracketed; 12 Lady Swithin Is; 8 Hayseed 3s; 9 Letitia 3a; 5 Onyx 8s; 2 Royal Step 3s; 11 Idris 4s; and 10 Nabob 4s also started.

Idris began quiokly, and at the end of half, a m{le was followed by Greta, Marie Tempest, and Silver Nut. In the back stretch Greta headed Idris, but was then challenged, by Marie Tempest. The latter drew away in the straight and won' by two lengths from Silver Nut, who beat Greta by three lengths for second place. Royal Step was fourth and Asturio fifth. Kmea—-2m 475; 2m 47 2-ss; 2m 48 4-54,


HIGH-CLASS HANDICAP (in harness), of 400 BOTB. 2.48 class. lim. Matchlight .. scr Agatiios .. 3s Willie Lincoln .. scr Chid .. .Sa Trii Pointer .. sct Jack ArTab .. 3s John Diilon .. ecr Capriccio ♦ • 3s Glccnwng' !. Is Sungod • • 3® Paul *Dufau!t . • Is .. 3a GfMstream .. 2a Eraperofc «• 3s Dillonwood .. 2s Maoriland ..4s Marie Lloyd .. 2a Partner •• 4s Astnrio .. 3a Legacy ..4a Proud Spring •. 3s Borke'a Drift •. 4a Bird wood ..'3s Admiral Hal .. 4a Acceptances close at noon to-morrow.

HARVEST HANDICAP (in. harness), of 300 govs. For unhoppled trotters only. 4m. class. 1m 5f. Olive L. scr Treasureseeker' 8s Gay Wilkes 2s Te Kuiti .. 8s Sucooiy 8s Nighborn .. 8s Koraki Eb Bonette .. 8s Henry Tracey .. Es Miss Patty .. 8s Pfttard 4s Peter McMillan .. 9s Wallaoetown 6s Imperial Viotor 9s Mystic 6b fit. Anthony .. 9s Admiral Derby... 7s Simple Peter. .. 9s Bundaberg _ .. 7s EsteJle ..9s Marvin Junior .. 7s Bdlena .. 9s BaUin - , •• 7s Arran Lad 9s MerrvBinsren .. 7s Osier .. 9s HALSWELL HANDICAP (in harness), of 860 sovs. 2.55 class. ljm. Silver Nut ect Sea Nymph .. Ss Frank fraoey ■ • Trooper .Dillon Gnu Letitia Is Bellmont Chimes 5? 2s Temple .. 5s 2s Bnndura .. 5s 2s Bon Patch ... 5s Vilo 3s Logan Queen .. Es Mako Mako .. .. 3s Eros .. 6s Murvelle _ • 3s Golden Pippin .. 6s Queen Piipte *8b Prince Huon .. 6a {Nftbob • • 4s 'Malice ' . 6s Gay DSlqn 6ki Mavis 4s Florence la. Badie 6a 4s Doreen Dillon .. 6s Guynemer Sir Henry ... .. 4s Thea . .. - 6s 4a Rewanui - .. 6a Dillon Direct 4s Gipsy King .. 6s Tii*!] Pointer Es Fernmoor Gs OXFORD HANDICAP (in saddle), of 800 . sovs. 9.18 olass. . lm. \ Xavteif ear Silver • Shoe • . 4s (JapTioolo Is Duke Whips .. 4s Marie Tempest Is Idris / .. 5s Huon PatrfT .. 2s Nabob ..5s Rorke's Drift • • 3s Sir' Fulham .. 5s Trooper Dillon 8s Hickorywood .: 6s King Karri 8b Oxenwood " .. 6s Gold Queen 4s Glen Mavis .. 6s Lord Dillon 4s Dora Derby .'. 6s Ben Dillon 4s Treasure . ..6s TfttHftrt Dillon .. 4s ..Quincey Maid .. 6s APRIL HANDICAP (u\ saddle), of 300 sovs. 4.48 oktss. 3m. Our dmm eer Mary Hill .. 10s Iqdra ' • • Tne Dingo •• scr Elilo ..10s 2s Gey Wilkes .. 10a Gold Queen 2s "V\ andering Willie 10s Trooper Dillon Ss.Malioe ..10s Silver Shoe •• 4s Quick Match .. 10s Dandy Chimes . ■ 4s Merry Soul ..lis Bellmont Chimes 4s Norma Dillon •. lis Peter Mdo •• 5s Maud Wilkes .. 12s Bush Boy Rewanui 6s Billy Dillon .. 12s ' 6s PalmdaLe .. 12s Nabob 14 frreystono ..123 Prince Burlington 7s Golden Peter .. 12s Cold water .. 7s Ella wood ..J 2s Violino M. Wilkes 8s Polka .. 12s Albert Wallace ... 9a. "Lady Wayward .. 12s Will o' the Wisp 10s Mushroom. ..12s Watchman ' 10s TROTTERS' HANDICAP (in harness), of 450 sovs. For Unhoppled trotters only. 4.18 class. 2m. Beta Peter _ .. scr Overrate .. 14s Homeleigh Dick 4s Navwrre .. 15s Whisht 6s Solace .. los Tliescus ' 9s 'Koraki : .. 16s Eon Patch - 9s Meter Timmerm an 16s Billv Parole . .. 10s Effie Bingen .. 16s Harold CMld . 12a Lady Wilmington I63 Olive L. 12s Eruption .. 16s Marietta 14s Wahinopai .. 16s PBESIDENT'S HANDICAP (in harness), of 500-save. 4.89 ©lasB. 2m. Matchlight scr Gold Queen .. ftj Gleaming • Rangitata Lass . ■ Paul Dufault 8s Hayseed ' ..9s 4s Marvell© .. 9s 6s Brown's Nugget 10s Mario Tempest . ■ 6s Guy Dillon .. 10s Royal Step Sympathy 7s Pleasant Mount 10s 7s Mako Mako .. 10a, Dillonwood 7s Greta .. 10s Emperor - • 8s Pirate .. 10s 'Vilo , 9s Oaimet .. 10s Legacy _ •• 9s Temple a. .. 10s Rorke's Drift

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Press, Volume LVII, Issue 17104, 28 March 1921, Page 7

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METROPOLITAN TROTTING CLUB. Press, Volume LVII, Issue 17104, 28 March 1921, Page 7

METROPOLITAN TROTTING CLUB. Press, Volume LVII, Issue 17104, 28 March 1921, Page 7


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