The auction announcements of t}>e N.Z. Farmers' Co-op. 435P e iftti on j Ltd-, Balgety and Co., Ltd-, Mc&ensie and Co., Craddopk's Agency Coy., Ltd., H. G. Livingstone and.Co., H. Mateon and Co., Hqrmpn apd Sfeypnfl, Ltd., Nancarrow and Co., National Mortgage afld Agency Company of N-?., Ltd., Harris Bros., • Farmers' Saleyards, George Anderson and Co., New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd*, WwBain, Wright Stephenson, and Co., Ltd., H. B. Sorerrsen, I>avid Friedlander, Tpnks, - Norton, and Co., Ltd., "Vy. E. Simes and Co., «nd Lawrie and Dalton will ha found an pages 16 and 17 of this issue.
On account of the Club holding ita meeting atr Motukarpra on March sth, the Ohri&tcUurcb Bowing Regatta, which was to have been held on that (Jay at Lake Forsyth, will now bp held pn February 26th.
With reference to a telegram relating to the position S-t tha B runner coal mine, owing to the Government haying closed the railway bridge, the Prime Minister stated last night that the bridge, which was a suspension one, had been closed because tho anchorage had been found to bp WflSftfp, Instructions had beep, given that temporary repairs should be effected if it was at all possible to do so.
Extensive preparations have been made by the Ndw Brighton Gala Committee for the function ty-day, and provided the weather is sympathetic, the Gala should be a most successful one. There will be children's sports, side-shows, and* many novel competitions, iricliiding thq Dunmow Flitch for the couple who have never quarrelled, a hen-pecked man competition, and 0 treasure hunt in the sand for prizes of £25 and An old-world wedding will be performed on the pier:
The Prime Minister has received a letter from the Rev, Charlefc Steer, vicar of Hornclmroh, Essex, where the New Zealand Division had a big convalescent camp during .the wsr. thanking him most sincerely'on behalf of his congregation and the Hornchurch people for his letter and testimonial of the New Zeal adders' thanks. He said l.e would have the testimonial framed and hung in the church as a memorial, together with the New Zealand coat or arms sent Kim by the High Commissioner. • A similar letter of thanks has been received from J the Mayor of Bournemouth.
Notifications of the of re-open-ing of several sohqpla appear in this issue.
At the New Zealand Pigeon Shooting Championships, recently held at Hangiora, the winner, Mr G. shot for the two days without missing a bird. This feat is stated to be a record for the Dominion.
The Government steamer Tutanekai is leaving Bluff on Monday for Milford Sound, and will take passengers. This will make it possible for those desiring to do so to go to the Sound by sea and) then return overland by the Milford tra^k.
The' Rrfkaia, Opihi, ' "VVaimakariri South, and Waitaki streams were reported clear yesterday morning, and the Waimakariri North slightly discoloured. Weather conditions were fine in each instance, though overcast at Rakaia, _ and cloudy on the South Waimakariri.
The Prime Minister has written to the Mayor stating that he will submit to Cabinet, at an early date, Dr. Thacker's letter regarding tho acquisition of a Vice-Regal residence in Christchurch. aJid communicate the result of Cabinet's consideration of tJha matter as soon as possible. The Mayor has now eight suitable residences under offer.
Residents in Ashburton and; district who have business in connexion with the Lands and Survey Department lifiyo been at a disadvantage in not being directly represented on the Land Board, and jn npf bping able to apply to any representative of tfhe Department in' Ashburton. At yesterday's meeting of the Land Board this matter was brought up by Mr D. Stowdl, nnd on his motion it was decided that the Crown Lands Ranger should be in attendance every Saturday morning at the Department's office in Ashburton to answer enquiries and to give information. Ernest Whitehouse, a station owner at Ohariu Valley, was charged at the Wellington Magistrate's Court yesterday with having treated sheep with cruelty, and also with having caused them jinnecessary suffering. The defsnifcjpjfc placed l 47 sheep in a. yard witjji no fpod 'or water, expecting a neighbouring farmer to collect 'them. ■The latter failed to do so' and the ghfisp wleft in the yard for a. couplp of" w.eeka. The "defendant was convicted onfe on the first charge and on* the second! ■yas opnvioted, and fined £3 and costs.
Regarding the letter in yesterday's issue signed by business people in, the northreastern portion of Cawiedral square, Mayor gifted yesterday that ho took no excep'tipi! to cars being drawn, up close to the footpathWnat was objected to was the fiabitl of some motorists, of leaving ttheir cars for an unreasonable period, without anyone in charge, drawn UP along the fpoipa|h; also the practice of cars l?er ing double and trepl&-bwked alongside cars drawn up at the footpath. Ho sd<led that the puijjic's right of free ajn4 unimpeded! access from the roadway to the footpatlh must be protected.
A Pufiedin telegram states that the returned yesterday frpw ft cruise to the Boupty, Antipodes, ppd Campbell Islands. V The food depots at the Bounty and Aptipod(3s Islands vfera iflfcapt. Oyying to baa weather the ves-r pel wa§ unable to las 4 stores and mater rial for t!ha erection of t a new depot at Ijopnty Thejre w§s po pljgn of any c&stiiways. The spent two days jit, the Campbejls, The men eipr pjpyed there are in good health. The season is reported to' have been excellent, about 3200 sheen haying beei} sborji out Pf 6000. The Tutanekai brougfht bacK two fine specimens of the king penguin, seven royal penguin?, and two emperor penguins for the Wellington Zflip. • The necessity for the deviation of the road leading from Foster's tqr the brought under the nptbo of the Hop, J. &. Dpates* of Ppb)ip Works, yeisterday, by *]Vlr C. Camppsll, cltairmon of tho Waikari County Council aridi by members of that body, whose representations were supported by Messrs R. W. Lochhead (president), R. Macartney and J. S. Hawkes (members), of the Canterbury Automobile Association. The grade at present is one in eight, and to make it one jn involve an ditui» of £1350 for formation work alope, The Minister &a|d that hp recogjjised that t&jg of the was sot jp 'keeping with tHe chwacter of other portions of it, and if the tP«4 tention. .
Th,e officers of the v horticultural dlviqw>fl of s)|g qf AfSßwi* ture at Christchurch are embarking on a crusada 9g%ißßt neglected orchards in .which tf»y ftftpa to obtain the co-opera-tion of gjl ft ia pointed out fhat if the areaded fire blight gets a footing ill the district it will be due, in some measdre, tq the existence or neglected orchards, and, consequently, in the ipterests of all, it is highly iriiportant that fruit trees should ba kept clean. It is recfMuPjended that all dead, and useless trees sjioufd bfe cut out at once ami destroyed, .and that codlin ppth infected, fruit should be picked and destroyed immediately. For wooHy aphis the trees should be sprayed with "black leaf forty" (1 in 800); for red mite (fipray With 120), or with black leaf forty (! in 800); and for black spot spray with lime-sul-phur (1 in 120) or with Bordeaux mixture (3-4-50).
The quest for oil still goes on in many parts of Australia., and it is hoped that ope day the nation will rejoice at the announcement tiiojt one of the luckv prospectors has made the find which will mean grest wealth to the Comm°nwealth'(says Melbourne "Age"). In each State, in the Northern Territory, and in New Guinea, prospectors are now earnestly at work, boring, testing,' and searching for f 'indications," but, although many favourably reports have reached the Department of Home and Territories, and some prospectors have oome to announce definitely that they have "struck oil," the reward of £50,DDO. to be paid to the man who first' finds oil in payable quantities, is still unclaimed. Eepemt reports have suggested renewed activity in the search in Western Australia, where there are parties at wort? both in the extreme south and the far north. Promising indications have, it is asserted, been detected in both districts, J»ut the real and eagerly-sought-for find has not'yet been made. In the Northern Teritory leases have been granted, and optimistic prospectors are intent on tfte search, and in Papna the expert? deputed by the Anglo-Persian Oif OomPanv under the terms of the agreement with the Commonwealth Government, are testing new country.
' On one op two poi&te the legislation is decided, and admits of no discretion on the part of a Magistrate to whom the plaintiff may refer his claim for the eviction of a tenant (saj's Thursday' B Wellington "Post")- Thus, if a tenant allows his rent to fall into arrears, the Magistrate has no .option but to make an order in favour of the plaintiff-landlord. Soma weeks ago a landlord sought possession of a lionse occupied by a man, his wife, and eight children, the eldest of whom is only ten years of age. not in order that he might occupy it himself, but bo that he might renovate it. The Magistrate, Mr P. K. Hunt, then adjourned the case tiU to-day, to afford tne occupier an opportunity to p&y up the rent, which was then fourteen weeks in arrear. This morning it was stated that but three weeks' rent had been paid off, and that the occupier could not hope to earn more than £3 10s per week, as he suffered from chronic asthma. "This is a terrible case," said Mr Hunt. "I rnust make an order, hut where this family is to go I don't know. Probably they will have to fall back on charitable aid. (To the landlord) How long can you give them?" "Two or three weeks," was the answer. "They will hare si* weeks to get out," replied the Magistrate.
Notice of motion has been given by Mr D. Stowell to movo at the February meeting of the Canterbury Land Board that as educational lease" expire they Should be renewed on a 21 years' tenure, instead of 14 years as at present.
The nuisance caused $t municipal band concerts by children rushing across the lawn and shouting out, was brought under the notice of the police by the City Council authorities, and a reply has been received that' in future a constable will be on duty at Victoria! squa-e when band concerts axe being hdd. • It is understood that the Baths Com* mittee will submit, at Monday night's meeting of the City Council, a report regarding the extension of tho Municipal Baths, and that, in view of approaching closing of the Turkish baths m this city, reference "vvili be made, probably, to the advisableness of a Turkish bath department' being added to the Municipal Baths. At the Wellington Magistrate's Court yesterday, Elephantes Anthanasios, a Greek, and Charles Olson, a Swede, were charged that, being unlicensed aliens, they had signed on ships' articles, while the masters of two small coastal vessels were charged with having wrongfully employed the men. The defence was that the two foreigners were quite ignorant of their obligations, and had signed on at a shipping office, where no questions were asked. The Magistrate convicted tho defendants and "ordered them to pay costs, remarking that at a shipping office there should be some notification of the obligations of aliens.
As soon as you suspect either cough or cold, take a dose of "Stop-It." Tne tremendous demand for this remedy is ample proof 'of its efficiency. Wise people always keep a bottle of ' 'Stop-It'' in their houses— they know the virtue of both the medicine and prompt treatment. Obtainable fit all chemists and stores. Is 9d, 3s, and 6s fid. Jxiasby and Co., chemists (opp. Ballantyne's). 6
It is remarkable 1 hfiw tho rain has freshened up the lawns. Time secured an effective niower. Hastie, Bull, and Pickering, _ 113 'Cashel street, liave just landed a shipment of Canada's best, "The Dominion 1 ' and the "Em.7 pres3,' ! ball bearing. 7 Morpy Freres face powder leaves the skin, .cool and comfortable. A shipment of ijorny Freres toilet accessories has just been received by JD. Cameron Smith, 96 Worcester street. 6 Advice has been received from Pataerston North that in tjie Manawatu motor cycle contests held last Saturday, L. Alangham from scratch on a HarleyDavidson secured fastest titpe in till events on 7-9 and 3£ K.p. model machines. Paul on a Harley secured first in the eight mile, and H. Mangham a.lso on a Harley secured .second, and fastest time in the Novice event. These riders competed against big fields of opposition. machines.' "6 Once you have learned the economy and tasted the flavour of Sharps Bros." famous (Sold Cordials, ypu will haye discovered your perfect refreshing drink during summer months. It is most delipipus ppd quenching, particularly the super-oordial, price Sa, which goes nearly twice as far as the 2s cardial. Ask for Erps.' Cordials from your f-flper or ring up Sharpe Bros. ?76 rmagh street. Phone 17(31. 55849r7507 Messrs Baldwin and Rayward, of 122 Cashel street (corner High and Cashel streets), Ohrjstchurch, Head Office, Wellington, report 'that recently they acted as agents in filing the following applications for Letters Patent :r—W. tfastle, Ajjpkland, Perforator; A. Barnard. Fpxton, Rifle Sight} L'Air Liquide, etc., Paris, Wall Protection; J. Hazell, London, Pump ;B. Maggipra, Italy ,_ Tyre; ¥• Sydney, 3?uel Production; J. WaJlejr, Riotorua, Cafe tor; Chester 4qd Lewis, Te Awamutu, Auckland, Tie Adjusr tor; G. Fronofa, Auckland. Radge. Sei»4 fpr "Ipveptora' Guide." Post free. . 7484
Dairy formers of North Canterbury are notified that Johnston and Son have been appointed sole agenisfor Raiigir ora for the f anions Swedish Vega Separ-r ators. Binders ftt £97 each hayt> given farmers a shipElc, but y?o hay# $ fety bffidpri, mowere, and hay raJjes left opt of $ earlier shipment, which weftfe Selling at thQ old price. CfoU snd inspect; the light draft Johnston In, New Zealand Ivpryp £s., %\ i«tChester stjreet. ' § A motorist ti> kesp lw battery finely tempered up to the mark—it i means better Service and lpnger life for it. Step into our service station ft few minutes every month, and let our experts ' look oyer your battery. Our charge is a trifling one, hut it will probably save you many pounds. Ohristchureh Battery Co., 86 liilmore street (three duors or Victoria street), C 298&7419
Akaroo. has the mildest of climates, where the orange and lemon tree grow, tha place to spend » restful holidayCheap trips, good accommodation.
We pack, mark, route anfi ship goods with care, securing for you the best rates and most careful handling at a moderate charge. J. M. JleywQpd and Ltd. H4P4B
For washing bakers', painters', and all household clothingi use "No Bub-r hing Laundry Help" regularly. * It ia simply invaluable. The demand keeps us ouite busy. Kincaid's, Limited. H 5414-6797 For Salei —8 h.p. Fowler Engine complete—in good order, ginjrie cylinder, 3 speeds. For preparing stubble for green crop Q«r ipiproyed Die? Cultivator gives the best and quickest results. Eight, acres a day can be put ready for^ drilling by a good six-horse team. P.'and D. Duncan. Ltd., P.O. Bex 124, Tuaan street, Christchnrch. 7331 . MOTOR-CABS M THE LADIES. The influence of the fair sex on automobile construction is strikingly shown in some of the latest body designs. Adams, Ltd., for instance, are showing a car which bears in almost eyery detail evidences of feminine influence. To start with, it has a 6ix-cyUnder engine, which means easy driving in traffic and no possibility of an aopiqental and awkward stoppage. The body is of the "Sedan" type, which means practically first-class railway standards of comfort applied to the tourmg car, with the additional advantage that in warm weather one can have all the air and ventilation one desires. . The Studebaker Special Six Sedan, the car to which we refer, has a rigid top, which for winter use is completely enclosed, with divided windows, sliding saslies, blinds, and all the comforts and luxuries of complete enclosure. But the windows and blinds can be taken out in warmer weather. But in event of a sudden rain iftuail, even though the window* panels have been left in the garage, there in a complete set of roller-blind wrtaing concealed under the top which can be drawn down at a moment's notice. The maximum of comfort in winter, summer, spring, or autumn is the keynote of this wonderful Studebaker invention. We heartily invite all ladies to inspect this splendid feature, and to appreciate the beauty of interior and exterior finish and equipment which go to make the Studebaker the handsomest car on the market to-day. Adams, Ltd., Showrooms 152-154 High street. 6
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Press, Volume LVII, Issue 17056, 29 January 1921, Page 8
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2,792GENERAL NEWS. Press, Volume LVII, Issue 17056, 29 January 1921, Page 8
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