4 — I ST. MARGARET'S COLLEGE. The onr-'.tal prize-givir.? in connc-ion w:ta_ Si. IL-irgare-fs Co 1 .!"?? tool: .p'aoo at- "To W'liare,' , Hereford street, yesterday afternoon. It was intended that the fruict-.ou should be held at Be&ky , t -' J tho irecerteinty of tie westlaer led to tho change made. ! Ths Dean of Cht'islchurch presided at the j prize-giving. Ho paid a tvann tribute <o th« -work of the fisiers vlo conducted the College. He regretted that they were '.n ibo sumo difficulty that , fr.ccd many other ptro.o in those days—tho housing , prcVicm. Ho hoped that the- day -would tome when many women wouJd look book vitli pleasure Bud*de!:sht to ihar schcol days ;it , , S V ■ Miir " garefa, v.-hich, by that would be one I of the htit .known and bett iovjd ecioo;3 ! in tho Domiiuori. . Tho report of the yen's v-ork wa« Toad by the Rev. I*. X. Taylor. The report Eta-- j ed that the Echool had rr.ndj etoady prosr«s, and that there v>-a<? ,>r. e.-w..«» >onc among- both boarders, :md day ?u" !si - - I ' lO j r.«ed of Ji laboratory in tlv? echool hart aocidect the atithpritiee to tuppiy <h:> want, aad the monev at. tho unnua. y-o had been put 'asids for the ■ -^γ 3 B. Smith, :\LA.. would be In charge. Xho , report mentioned with regret the loss o. i Mrs Philip Carrington.- Robirjaon, and llias King, all ot whom had icsignsd. in thsir places ilad-ime ds Cteeve Kik? nn J* IMiies Manraret Bowcn luid begn appointea. Miss S. Macfarlane had been appouited to t-each drill, carues, and -I"" 0 180 attendinp the Couege. ino outlook for next -year wa= most hopciuj. The etaudaj-d of work ns ?ood. and tho ■ eports record was also n «ood o»«The p-rizes were ;hen -oy 110fc&sor Shelley, v.'ho a\?a raade a short Following oro the prize winners: — Form VI.: Irene Dn:mag«, lorni. literature, science; Lorna Sannder.i, dvessiiia.jinc; Audrey Crncroft Wilson, ait: A. Kemble, music. Matriwilaiion i onn: BMbara Clarlo'i, form, Enclisft: K'-ta, matiiemac-K-s; Lucy Hps«, jprr.v, Kuglish, languaws, nja»L«matios: Mv.i Fmncis, «pecial T-ize offered by Mr L*ra j for the tfirl who >:as made tho most proprese in the 4010 Khocl. Fonn Tb., MatlKiaa ties: i'rsla Cort-r, Di-imtv form, langiio.gee; Irene .Grnho-n, Kn-Jish; | Marehall, Uivil'ty, 1u Muriel George, Wrr*..' Forni Vb Literary Bienda tannelir, Eughsli; Xhe rua Ow;, forra, seaetice, Aileon Kd Jt historv irsograuhy K-:keti iTitchell, «once y ; Fron,h; Bi-a TWw craits; Morel Puree. |ajithm*tec; Isabel Stewart. wathnieho; Molly Stevenson, art. *crm. I\., Mjithnratics: Molly Owrington, .ecience, chav, • i in"- Nanay llew'.and, Divinity, lnathe natics, science, ferm: Mary -"ISZ-lan«uas<-Ss n.-iMire; Marjorie ancanow, J >; >- irjity, mathematics, ., nocdLowont, Margaret Ormorod, English atienoo; Dorothy Quill, English, Ecknce, form; Gwn Kaujcin, fan.ruase.s, fcienc;. 1-orm i\.. |Lite*»w: Mm Owth, French, writing; Vera Davidsron, vriting; Kythleen Iv.*y, ecionco; L-auru. Mandsr, needlework; til* Nicholls, drawing, needlework;. Joyce PeuvIlln • Alice BTitterworth, English, mathematici; Na-ncy BneU!*r, Helen .Cline, drawing: Doris Coopei, tan- ,! B»agos; Doris Ctospm, Divinity, lish. mathematics, form. Olive David- ™ mathematics; Avioe HnmUten. needhwork- Betty Nancarrow, Divinity; Koeo H°ynold Sl llneiiagw, literature drying nidlowoA; Enid Wray, Kecgraphy. Form ■Illb-.: Amv Dixon, drawing; Ldna Firth, English, French, science, luMory, gcoaraphy; fo'rm; Betty Thoruae. Divvm y, W tory, ffeojrrauhy, form;. Loia Lord, Divinity, French, drawing; Man- Morten «oogi=.phj, Marjorie VfHUS: drawing; Madge Williams, di-awing; I™"* % \Y ■oon needlework. Form Ha.—thyiw C&perr? Divinity, Englisli, p^ography^^^ L»French, «udy, form; Margaret Craddock, h i £t °'V Wwra.r.hy, Nature study, French, form, Echamberlain, Divinity, hfelory, et"dy; Mary Hiatt, authnietic, Itudy Blanco ,HeUiweliL h !e tory; Betty rtatchst-C dtawMiij, needtework, Woodhe-vJ. Divinity, .Nature study, lorn, lib.: Molly Armstrong, arithmetic; iUriorio GilVr, goography, French; Aileatl Foil La: Gwen Clarke, reading; K&thdeon Hoare, drill; Mkrjorio Irwin form pn», Joan Leo, drawing; Rhoda Le L»vre, : form, arithmetic; Yvonne Levvey, form prize. Elizabeth Morris, form prize; Monica Tenpieman, drawing, needlework; ±ietty wiiliame, form; Shirley Woolv, P io ™' Form I-b: Elizabeth Acland, anthmotic; Zona. Bates, Divinity: Fay Cowpor, form, needlework; Molly Heasley, form; Maisie Jamieeon. roading; Joy Nicholls, form; Tjna. •Stockdalc. form, drawing; Betty Thompson, form. Prepajatory-: Jean ■ Adams, drill; Maieio Crsddock, reading; Valerie-. Cana-van, arithmetic; Nancy Grant, writing; Cretcnent Sargent, recitation; Agatfia Upiam, Dj-vmity; Dorothy Wauchop, reading. Attendance meda-ls (never absent, never late): Lornai Saunders 6yrs, Rita. Hawken 3yrs, Alice Bntterworth lyr, Phyllis Cooper lyr, Tholma- Gee lyr, Eiieen Mitchell lyr, Marjorie Nancarrow lyr, Molly Rankin, lyr, Delci& Woodhead lyr. Medal for drill: Upper School, Audrey Craoroft Wilson; Lower School, Alma Elson. Gold cross for Divinity: Irene Dunnage. Silver cross for Divinity: Edna Firth. House honour medal: Winifred' Cullwick. School honour medal: Winifred Cullwick. Gamos brooohee: Hockey, Audrey Crocroft Wilson;' netball, Hita. Hall; netball and tennis, Lorn a. Saunders. Swimming cortiflcates: Molly Saunders 1 mile, Dorothy Quill 1 mile, Molly Rankin 1 Jnilo, Gwcn Kankin 1 mile, Lornai Sairnder* 1 mile, Mary Cowlishaw J-mile, Olive Davidson J-milo, Merjorio Nancarro-,v J-mile, Betty Nancarrow 5-mile, Audrey Cracroft Wilson j-mile, Mona Coath J-mile, Marjorie Wait J-mile. Tennis challenge cup: Lorna Saunders. An exhibition of school work, including l needle and leather work, drawing and painting, -waa made in a.n adjoining loom. ST. MARY'S PARISH SCHOOL. The first distribution of prizes tin-co 1914 to pupiLj of St. 3Ja.ry'» parish school, Manchester street, took place in tho Presbytery grounds yestorljy. For l'cur years tiio prizo fund lisd been handed over to tna Red Cross Society, and last jvur it wne voted by tho children to the new school building 'Juivi. Before distributing tho prizes tho Very Rev. Dean Reg-nault gave a brief • ad-ireas. He eaid ft -was sometimes stated that Catholic* were liot the friends of oditcatioji, but what had been accomplished in St. Mary's parish,. Alone in the ,cause of education wafea complete refut.uion to that c-iiarg-e. In the last two year 3 'thn .follo'.vii-jf works had bf«n carried out:— Villi Alaria; erection of St. Bede'a new at a cost of £25,000 (this v/ith thei nseistance of other parishes); edditions to St. Joseph's School, Papaivui, costing between i'7oo and iS00; erection of St. Mary's Convent, nt s a cost of £12.001). The parish was now in the erection of a- new primnrj' ischfol, to ■ orwt «bout £3000. It wa9,pka€in z to eop that other denominations were also pronio-tiujr. education, and itho Dean referred to Si. Andre-A-'s College and to what was being dono by tho Church of Knglaud in the way of denominational education, afid ho said that if so many people were •Ji&satisfied with tho present system cf education it showed one thins , , and 'ihat wa-5 that in. Xow Zealand j;o national system, of education. }le lmd r.o fault to find with public schoole. It'was the duty of tilio State to sos> that every child was educated, and tAat it a child was deprived of its papenta the S'.ife should fake their place and see that they were educ-.ited, but ihd State should allow' people to have their children educated in the Christian principles handed down to them. (Appi«.u3e.) Dean Bcgnault proceeded 1o Epe-a3c of iha eplcndid eelf-sacrificinp work of tho Si%"cr£', and he said that much of the success o: thi ecliool, as shown by tho inpector; , reports, \ra-a du#- to them. Thirteen, children ia tho echool ,had s «it for the prcfinency cxainin;v- i tion, and ail had paini'.l proficiency ceriific&its. Hβ would liko to seo tho children x>l bt. Jlary's gettinfr tho benefit of secondary find higher education, but the State had robbed Catholics of th(> privilege of tnkin;-; out Staio teholarahfps in anything but Stato-sc-hc01.,". He had been pleaeed in hear that . nil tho scholarships tenabl"? at St. Patrick's ; College, and of u-iuoh the was robbed i by recent loprislation, lia*.i been replaced by : voluntary subscriptions-, iind ho advised 'hn ■ parents not to hastily inajie uiraiisements for the secondary education of liwir chi!dror., fc<causo he was to appeal to tlia parishioners to" voluntary eubscribe money to allow of the Foholarships, being tak?u out at Catholic secondary schools. Th-a priio ]iet was as follows:— Sliuiciard. (£.old i>iedal presented by S». Mary's Branch, Hi'-«f*-nian Society), Joseph ilarriott. Schoinrsliip (nreEcnted "cy Dean Re?nault ior one year at St. Belt's); Joseph Marriott 'Christian doctrine 2nd, arithmetic lit. diligence Ist, writ hi £ Ist, Eoellinj: tnd dictation lit. sreogr—phy lit'. Good C-ouduct: Honour McDouough. English and 1 Composition: Willie "Cowell 1, Elsie Morgun 2, Xora Sfcaw 3. -Arithmetic: StinisiatTi' Muxpiiy 2. .Eileen Boviani 3, Ei;ie Morgan 4. ajid Spelling: Nora Shaw 2, 3. K.ithleen Kiordan i. Reaairig: Honor McDono-.ig-h J, Stanislaus Mur)>liv 2. Recitation: Doris Oakv3 1. Regular Attendance. Myrtla O'Connor 1. Doris Opk<?s -J. Writing: Veronica MeDono'.i«:i 2, Eifie- Morgan 3. Drawing: Willie Cowell I, Grorst Archer 0. Stanoard V.—Christian Doctrine: Eileen Q'Loughlin, 1. Cecil Lawsotv 2J Blancho Soper 3 . Good conduct: Maud IXee 1. English and
compoiition: Xora Taylor 1, Mhud Xeo 2. Speiiing and dieutio::": Mabel Hampton 2, H!la Grofski 2. Keying: Marian Grofski 1, Marr Stanley 2, Eliiabeth O'Carroll 3 % Eeci*^tior.: Joseph O'Loughlin I. Arithmetic: Vv'innie Madden 1. Irene Daly -2. Jlaurice Collier 3. Sewi.-.g: Get» McDonTiell 1, Irene Brogan 2. Drawing: G-eorge Archer 1. Singing: Ma'-y Stanley 1. Cooking: Marian Grofski 1. V.'ritirle: Ella, Groftki 1, Gcm . McDonnell 2. Standard IV.—Christian Doctrire: V,*alter Murphy 1. Lily Kerslake 2, Eileen Ada ( ms It. Good cor.duct: - James Robinson 1. Arithmetic: Dan ilurphy J, Iren* Morgan Z. Aloysiua Murphy 3. Attendance: Boi.ald Kodg-ers ], Dan Murphy 2. Aloy.-ir.s O'Flaherty .". and composition: Gvrencoline 1, Ireno Morgan 2. Doris Galiaher .". Dict-ation ur.d Hugh O'Hoiily 1. M\iry Archer 2. Xed Vonninc- fl. Headiiisr: Loxii-s Smitii 1. Hugh O'Reilly 2, V.'illio noeeingrave n. TVriting: Edna Smith 1. Marv Archer 2, GTrer.dolir.e Byrne 3. Recitation: Mavi? Arch«r 1. DTRv.-in«r: Murphy 1. Sewic?: Myrtle Cald-xcii 1. Wi'.lie ]?oscinsrravo 1. Standard 111. —Christian Doctiir.? : P-e-rcy 1,ar.0 i. Hill 1. AVinnie C. Gck>l conduct Itobnrt. Hobin-son 1. Regular r.tlsnf!ince: Percy Lane 1. May Hill 2, Kobiuscn •'!." ArithiiKtic: Maurice O'Heii.y 1. Percy Lane 2, Jo«er>h Thomas G. English and compoeitior.: Eileen McDonoush 1, Maud Holland 2. "Winnie Bradley 2. ins: Eunico Jones 1, Eonald Sparro-.r 2. Zit* O'Carroll 3. Dictation and Maurice O'Reilly 1. Mav- Hill 2, Eileen MfiDowmzh o. jWiitjng: "ilec-n iicDonough :. Elsreth Y«ati man 2. Drawing:"'Freir.k Ga\-nor 1. Recjtivition: Eva- Barrett 1. Sewing: Elspeih. Yeatinan i. , Standard ll—Christian Doctrine: Desmond O'Flaherty 1, Alfred Hill 2. Kathleen Redgers and Lilv Brooks equal 0. Genera! pronciencv: Alfred Hill 1. Diligence: Harry OriiticH" 1. Regular attendance: .Basil Murphy 1. Joseph Robinson -2, Robert Oiin 3. Arithmetic : Harry Grimoo 1. Kathleen, Carey '2, Monica Madden and James Gardiner equal r.. English: Ir?n .Smith 5. Composition: Deemond O'Pleherty 1, Josephine Stanley 2. bonding: Iren<s Poolo 1. MnrgaTet Flood-2, Phyllis Archer 3. Recitation: Kathleeu O'lxiu!?hlin 1. Dictation and epellinf:: Patrick O'Carroll 1, Robert Olin 12, Elizaoe-th Madden 3. Writing: Joan -Baiy 1, Haxry Dean 2. Drawing: Joseph Corey and Kenneth Snook cjual 1. Sewir.g: Kathleen Carey 1. Sinsrin?: Frank McMahon 1. Standard I.—Catechism: Harold Gallariior 1 Mar"er>' Taylor 3 Gue Venning 3. Arithmetic": Elln Olin I'. Mary Reid 2, Paulino O'Lou°-hUn 3, Leo Hanit>tnn 4, Grace Cnrey 5 Ray J.'nrriott 1, Mona Goptpn. 2, Mario Fnhey "3. -Readin?: Kancy Archer ] Annie Mcponough 2. V7riting: Phvlns Gavr.or 1. Ernest Movlarv 2. TreVor Gifford 1. Frnnk Byrno 1. Regular attendance: Frank Hnyes 1. Dihprcnce: Molli- Murphy 1. EntVWn Cooeey 2, Geoffrev Harkcr 3. General proficiency: Joyce Lafferty 1. Needlework: M?aiy \\ all 1. ST. JOSEPH'S SCHOOL, PAPANUI. Prizes were distributed to pupils of St. Joseph , Convent School, Papanui, yesterday morning by tho Very Rov. Dean Regn&ult. Ho congratulated tho eistere and children on the excellent reports furnished by tho inspectors, and ho told the pupils who had gainccl proficiency certificates that ho would make an appeal to the pe&ple of the pf.rish. to provide scholarships for thoso who- wished to acquire a higher education. The pmo list was — Christian Doctrine: Senior division, .Raymond Courtney and Bornice Grofski: .fumor division, Vv'iiinio Heauhv and Kathleen Wright. Dux of school: Mary Farroll. .Standard VI.: Arithmetic, Raymond * Courtney; peiieral proficiency, Jack Burke; English and composition, Mary Farrcll: diligence, Myrtle Burke. Standard V.: Reading , r-nd spelling, Reginald Dallow; arithmetic, Allan Simon; drawing, Charles Oliver: good conduct, Gertrude Lattiniore; general proficici}oy nnd «ewing, Edna. Jtfarsh : composition, Annie Mnguire; writing, Mildred Ronan. Standard IV.: Arithmetic, Louis Smith and Fred McCabe; composition, Bertie Lewis: recitation, Tom Farrell; history, Francis Crook: peography, Bertio Maher; diligence, Le«H-9 Hurrell; highest marks end nttendauce, Bernice Grofeki ral proficiency, Margaret MagniTo; dTa'winj, Ida Hockey, Standard III.: Highest jnark , " and general proficiency, Doris Grofaki; t»opd conduct and diligence, Lily Heaphy. Stan-' dard II.: Goneixil proficiency, Michael liar puire; aritlurjotic. Ena- Neville; good conduct, Allan Smith; Tegular attendance and spelling. Ainy Dallow: reading and recitation, Zohra Din; ; sewing and writing,.Molly MoEi»tee; composition, Annie Winter; English, James Lewie. Stnnd'arrl T.: Good conduct and spelling, Etfiel Grofeki; regular attendance and reading. Ida Grofski; composition, and recitation, Eileen Hurrell; arithmetic, Roy Simon; general proficiency, Laut Din. Lower Standard Arithmetio, R<vlph. Gaudin;, reading and spelling-, Raymond Wright. Special prizoe for attendance,, absent through eickfiese only: Harry Oliver, 'Joseph Oliver, Edith Lewie, nnd Mary Hockey. SACKED HEART GIELS' COLLEGE. Th© prizes won by pupils of the- Sacred Heart Girls' Collage, conducted by the Sisters of Notre Dame dee Missions, were distributed yesterday nfternoon in tho schoolroom, Lower High eltroet, by ths Rev. Monsignor McKenna-, of Wellington, in the absence of Bishop Brodio. The Mayor and Mayoress, Dr. and Mrs Thackor, a number f>l local and visiting cleijy, and I many parents an , ! frionda of tho pupils wero present. . j A report, of th* year's work, which was read, 'stated that four pupils had matricu- ! later, six had -trained senior free places, one a. Junior National Scholarship, and two had passed the'teachers' D examination. Thirtyon© cixth etandard pupiia had gained proficiency, nnd Vhre competency certificates. Several pupOs had been very successful jn ! ,the> commercial oxaminations. T-li6 secondary classes were examined in February by an, j inspector of tho Education Dcpurtment, who approved of the new science loom, and reported very favourably on tho v/ork of the school. In September, tJio primary division of the school was examined by Mr. Brock, tho Senior Infpacior of Can'ierbury, who reported that the school made h, very creditable .appearance, nnd p-ave evidence of tfficient in-ttru-ction. TJie 'written aris-.vt?ig were mcJels of neatness;' order and discipline were very jjocKi, aud thoi pupils were polite and wellbehaved. At the jnusig examine lion* held during tho year in r.onnexion wilii Trinity Collegia of Music and- the I'oyal College of Music, seventy candidates wero euccessful, several obtaining iiovouts. The gold rne'Jal awarded by the Chriptchurch centre; for the senior division of Trinity Collog?, was won by An exhibition fo"r three years at tho Royal Coll:g« of Music, Lojldon, wns av.-3xded to Kitty Murphy on tha lecommondntion of the examiner. At the musical nnd elocutionary competitions, held both in Christchurch and Wellington, several first, i'econd, and. third prizes v.-ero 'won by IMipih. Prior to the prize-priving- an excellent concert waa giver , . , by the pupils, the chief item bein? a well staged liisto'icnl 7-liy, ontitied "Qtieen Esther," in which the "rivief part.i v;ero taken by Florrie Kidd. Mavis Falconer, Mary TanEPy, V^'nie"Mends, O'K'eilly, Violet Cotf9i'. Gloria. Joseph, and Dorothy Walsli. Chartuee and action eongs .v.-ere p-iven by "the pupolf, and a fine j.xipils' orchestra of violin.?, 'cellos, liarp, iind -piano played several selections. Other iteins on Iho progranmioi wre:—Harp solo, Monu JScale; quartet, Klsie Ive3, Brenda Berry, O'.Malley,, J'iitiicia Mi-Keii'Ji-y; vc<-»l eo,'o with violin obligaio '>y U. })o»-ma", }■"■. Ivcs; pianoforte duet, H. Keane and E. Ivc?. - Following is tlift prize li?t: — Du:c of cchool: Mary Gildea. Next in ord?r of merit: Lenore AVharinn anil Ireivj • O'Malley. Gcod cor,du:t and poitularity: Boaidera: Mary McCa.bc; day pupils: Rene Hay. C'hrisiian d-oetrino (prizes by Rev. Dr. Kennedy, Adm.) —Senior Div,itionilta Llo'-d 1, Xellie Kiely 2. Standard G: Mary Mackle 3. J.;McCarthy 2, K. Mallouk o. Standard 5: ■K. Ayers 1, M. Gnl-lag-hc-r 2, B. Mend 33. Standard 4: K. Bcittenden and I. Coulston (c-cjual) J, JC. i Small 2, T. Saunders u. y: V. Kwinjr, M. yitisimmnjft. ".-ri-.i M. McCorrr.ick (cqivu:) 1; C. Johnson, B. Johnson, nr.d V. O'Donohue. 2: D. O'Brion and E. MeCuri ie 8. Standard 2 : E. Burns and R. Daly 1 (equal.', .7. Kwing. K. Brady, arfd M. Doolan 2. »uc<lard 1: Shefia Ryan* Post Matriculation Cliiis—French and Kngli o !i literature-' and • Dj.T.C.L'. in Mavis Falconor. Matrii culatjon ClaE-—Eagijsh niKi Ef*ay, JLirg-are'. : O'Reilly 1, Florence Co'.'.ir 2. French. L. ■ "Wliarton. Mathcmatir- mrl Scie".CH, Mary Gildea. History, Kathleen Gibbe. Botony, Margaret , Corrig-in. Form V.—L-atii), Dorc-c-u Brittende-i. Eng-lish and Ef«ay, Xona, Campbell. Form IV. —Fir3t in class, Irene O'Malfey. Standard lll.—First in class, Dorothy MeGillicndy. Commercial Class— Fi:f. in cias-3," Kath.'ecn Hannior, Good conduct, Evelyn Moulin zrA Mary Tansey. Standard Vl.—Clas« -prizes: >". Cotilstsn (miOa'i). D. Bli?h. >t. Kcnnedv. E. Fuilcy. S. McCiutin. M. O'Malley, U. Ovor'nn. R. Pore, M. Tuiioek. Standard V.—FirVt place in class, X. M<;Kt-ndTy; second place *in class, E. Standaid IV. First plnco G. Parmenter. Standard V'.—Hjsjhcit mark? t'>r cocking. I. ! .Hiinrahan. Pi-iin e->->vin--. I. ijfish. Standard 111. —First in P. Ewin j. Standard ll.—Firrt in Mary Divjlan. StandarJ I.—?'ir?t in clas-. Carrie Joseph. Music--: P. McKendry 1 (medal presented by Me"srs AVeblcy and Son): prizes, M. Cook, M. Ken-♦-.■edy, Marpxret- O'Conncil. Sinsinir— Klsie Ivr=. . School' Sii'.prinj—Madse _ O'Malley. T'iiiniin- —Mona. Nes":-?. "»Vood-carvinp— Br?nd:'"];-ir;.-. I'ancy Work (Mt. Mfllick) —J. Keenan.—W. Cooper. Dtcejmakins —Senior : Eila "Williams and Katio O'Connor. Junior: JaStyhine Kennedy.
GILBY'S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. Th? annual prize, giving- oorojnony and \ breaking up social rn connexion with j Cilby's Commercial College took piuce lßst evcring , , iho Mayor (Dr. Thackcr) presiding over a .good attendance. I The Director, Mr h. J. Berry, in pro- : ?er.ting the anminl report, said that i-ince tho inception of tho College 33 years the past year must bo nck.iow]<>dg-ed to have be one. of tht> infest succosciul j-ears in its history. With trade booming, there had been a great call for graduates from tha Collpse, ample evidence of tho benefit to the public, concerned of the training in commercial efficiency. In the years to come the need for commercial training would be nioio nnd more felt, and should the' reaction from thd present conditions usher' time of c6rninerciiil depression, it wns thj highly trained employees .ind employers who'would be most fitted to weather tho storm. Tho uioat pronounced commercial slosran of tho day waa "efficiency," and College working , in every case to meet tho demand. Tho number enrolled during- the year had been 450, an increase of 2-') over last year. Last year it was reported that a college had been opened by Gilby's fn "Wellington, and that the pro3pect3 were bright. ThoscF anticipations had been realised, and already Christchurch had- b:e"n eclipsod as far as enrolments were concerned, and. thers was no • doubt that there would be a, very iarge institution in Wellington next year. . TV> following etudents had secured passes at/je matriculation examination held last Dec/.mbcr:—J. B. Corbett, C. G. Ponlinston r -C. Ritchie. At tho teachers , "D" exami-.iaUon, hold in January last, Mias M. Cawley_ .vid Miss -M. Pepper were successful ia gaining a- pass. Kino certificates of merit htftj betn pranto-j as follows:—O. Crnddock (Latin), J. H. Gardiner (Latin).' T. T. Harrison (French), P. C. Hneell (junior French), F. (English end Latin), George Holland (English and Flench), Alan Horlor (English and French), H. G. Kingeburv (English, Latin, and history), G. Eusrell (Knstish). The fitenotypy, typawritinff, nnd accountancy departments, *ad all very sa'iisfactory results. • • Tho awards mado to pupils during tho | jcp.t were- as follows: — _ j I'itman'e epeed examinations —120 Tvoids j per minute, Mias M. Budgfe; 110 words, Misfios M. Budge, 15. Walk;r, and G. Mai- . tin? 100 words. Miss M. Burns: 9U words. Misses M. Bailey. D. Philriott, M. Crozier, L. McDowell, and M. Patterson; SO words, ; Misses M. Culverhouse, D. Aehbolt, and H. : Stokes; 70 words, Misses I Coiny, M., Dick, M. Kniffht, G. Moody, B. Petre. P. Proctor, A. White, J. Scott, and M. Gray. Pitman's theory esamination—First three in crder of merit, Misses , G. Barvitt, M£ Burns, and D. Barrett. Passes, Misses D. Ashbolt, I Buttpi-ick, H. Crosier, V. Davideon, >t Gray, IC. Grummitt, I. Laing, K. Mora, L. McDowell, M. Patterson, M. Spoirs, H , . Stokes, H. Williams, E. Alexander, E. Cameron, M. Clark, I. Cooper, S. Dickinson, XI. Duncan, V. Dwver, B. Floqd, M. Free, R. Fulton, V. Knowjes, H. Petere, ( M. Reeco, ' G. Shadrach, M. Timenielli E. Vincent, and Mrs A. Bamfield. Government Shorthand Writers and Ty-, piste—Senior examination: Misses M. Legh, R. Lumb, M. Anderson, A. Bayli3S, C. Chris, tiaii, F. Kneller, I. Wilson, D. Scrimehaw (passed in stenotypy only), Junior examination: Misses M. Burn©, T. Pryce, D. Ram•ay, C. Aitken, E. Bridge, A. Chancy, G. Crdss, M. Dawson, M. Dicls, A. Edwards, G. Giles, I. Jermyn, M. Knight, H. Lambie, A. M. Powell Gregg Theory Examination—Misses K. Beckett, V. Ward* G.' Humphreys, A. Collins, K. Hooper, I. Leaver, A. Metcalf, I. Mitchell. A. Smart, F. Whitelaw, and Mr I!. Erickton. ElemfcTitiiry Typista' CertlfLcates—Misses R. Byron, N. Ing-ley, R. Lumb', A. McLean, M. Powell (all distinction), E. Barrett, I. Bolstad, M. Burns, M. Crook, M. Culverhouso, E.' Ilobba, I. Jermyu, N. Lambie, *G-. Moody, H. Stokes, E. West, E. Williams, 11. Williams (all p.aes), H. Crosier, V. Dwyer, E. Ea?sn, A. Giaham, M. Gray. A; Mathopou. A. Mfllcalf, T. Price, I). Ramsay, G. Shadrach, E. Vincent (ail with distinction), G. Bnrritt, E. Flood, M. Gray, L. McDowell, E. Paraone, 2L Patterson, K. Wilkinson (all pass). Intermediate Typists' Examination — M. CBnrnß. I. Cooper. V. Dwyer, A. Mathosor;, L. McDowell, T. Pryce '(all with distinction), M. Culverhouse, P.. Hunter, V). Ramsay, J.. Scott. B. Walker (all pass). Commercial Accountants —Passed in throe subjects. W. 3. Dixon and 11. Savers. Pasred in one subject, G. Bullock and H. L. Wise. Bookkeepers' Dipiorna—C. Gordon, E. Hale. A short conceit followed the dislribut:on of prizes, items beinsj contributed-by Mi"" ,, * ' V. Ward, R. ftlanhiro M. Ellis, M. Wil- I Hams. E Killnes, I. Coopui, A. East, aud G. Hnjv.-aid. EAITQIOEA HIGH SCHOOL. The annual prize distribution of the Enn"-iora High School took place in the In- i stiUito Hall last Mr AV. A. Banks, \ chairman of the Board, presided, and thcVe ; was !' crowded houec-. An excellent concert : %wa-- given Jiy the school choir :ind inipil." 7 . ' under Mr Gibbe-j'ordan. The following jtetns ( weTo contributed —Choruses, the school olioir; solo and chorus, F.choql elixir c-;:d Mr | ■fc'trachan, Ihiriel Thomson, Betty Hughes, an<l Eric Bell; pianoforte duet, Dorothy Webber'and Xora Will;, Eileen Kkld an-l Pearl Ranby; pianoforte eoli, Annie Gtirrett and Cecil Hunnibel!. The chairm-an paid a tribute to tho ' excellent work clnr.o by th? teachers during the year. ' The work a'.temptei had been in advance of anyiliing previously attempted, and tli-i school was fast b&comirsg one of the- best secondary schools, in the Dominion. The v.ork of the school had been j con;id<;ral>iy handicapped through the delav j in tho non-completion of iho new s-cbool ] buiUi'igs. but they were now bein<* pushed ; on. There fa; ■ a possible rheuce of having , i them opened during- the first term of the coming year. ' -An address was given Ly Mr D. Jonc3,
M.P.. ar.d Mi-3 Jones presented tho prhes, as follows : — Clii«s Vl..i: Languages and'literaturo, :\velyn Howes: higher commercial subjects, Muriel Thomson; agricultural ocienocv (Mr J. Strachan'3 prized, PZrJc Bell. Class VI.: Joan Pavitt dux. Helen Thompson 2, Theodore Sloan 3. Class V.: Annie Garre't 1, iloilier Payne and Gordon Green eouai D. Class IV.a: ''Mtr.iorio Carpenter 1, F.dv.arcl Cross 2. Clafs IV.b: Fredft Morlacd Briim Doak equal 1. Class Ill.a: Albert) Harpor 1. Class Ill.b: Jefsi« 1. Norman Pavitt 2. Class III.c: Doris I'ayno 1. Special prizes—Agriculture! and garden plote (Mr Barrell's prizes): First year, John RoKb end John Wyllie equal 1, Robert Croft 2, Lawrence Ching , and Gorobn Howes equal ;? Best pills' garden (Mrs Buddo's prizes): Marjory Parsou-» end Ruby Bennett. Science: Beys (Mr Beattie's prize). Theodore Sloane; girifi (Miss Jull'e prize), senior, Marjory llill*. junior, Matel Saunders. Aericulture (Mr Furguson'o pTize): Hollier Payno 1. Experiments' on the school farm (Mr FurRuson's piize): Edward Crow. Special merit: Olive Davis, Edith Pair. Boys' licsi'A prize (Mre Strachan's prize): Edwaitl Joyce. Girls , hostel prize (Mist Wheeler's pri7.e): Eva Caes«ey. Singing prizes (Mr Gibbi-Jordan's prizes): Muriel Thomson and Fliiabelh Hughes. Cookinjr pri&es (Misa VTright's prizes): Seniors, Maud Payne; juniors, Doris Payne. First year commercial subjects .(Miss Garrßtt's prized: Roy Smith. Original work in English (Miss Turner's prize?); Seniors-, Evelyn Howee; juniors, Alire-i Sauuders. Historical essay (Miss Garretfft prizo): David Garrett. Eseay, third form (Mrs Clarke's prize): Franoep Mouneoy and Bajsil Debenhani. Girls' drill: Sceewl prize. Muriel Thompson; juniors. MyraMiles. Football (Mr Beattie'e prize): William Bryden. Cricket (Mr I.ockliart's prizoj: Gordon Green. Agricultural cup. presented by IA , R, Ball:' Ronald Saneom. Boys' physical drill shield:. Ronald Ranby. Girls' physical drill shield: Catherine Burnett. Girls' ts-n----nis fihield: Muriel Tliomcon. Rifle shield: Ronald Saneom. Certifioataof business proficiency: Marjori* Hille. Monitors' bn<i?eH were nresonted to Muriel Thomson, Evelyn Hov.-e/, Myrtle Blalce, Marjbiio Paftbjjf, Eric Bell, nnd William Bryden. ASHBITRTON HIGH SCHOOL. The annual breakinjjAip ceremony and dis•tribution of prizes, at tho Ashburton -High School took place in the presence of a largo gathering. Tho chairman of the Board of Governors, Mr J. Tucker, presided. Tho headmaster (M r W. F. Waiters), in his report, stated that, owing to sickness and other causes, tho work nt the eohool had been more seriously affected /than in anff previous year. ' The roll number included two p«nior national, seven junior national, and throe John Bell memorial scholarship, holders, one war bursar, four Board of Governors free place pupils, and six fee paying} ! pupils. * The Rev. G. Miller and the Rev. Mr Bailey* addressed, the gathering, and Mrs. W. Oakley distributed the, prizes as foDows:—' Form lV.a: G. Morrison, Ist languages, Ist mathematics, 2nd science; R. Lloyd, English: 'R. Marshall, mathematics and ecienccj F. Clarke, general work. ' Form IV.b: Languagos, I. Samuels and S. Ruddock Ist equal, D. McDonald and L. Turner 2nd equai, M. Smart 3rd; mathematics, I. Samuol3 Ist, G. Arthur 2nd; science. G. Bonnington let. S. Shemeld 2nd, W. Smart 3rd. Form V.: Languages, M. -Eden lot, A. Dunlop 2nd; mathematics, E. Morrison Ist, R. Beatimont 2nd, M. Eden 3rd; science, W. Barr and M. Eden ]et equal, F. Bnyliee andl A. Dunlop 2nd equal, R. Beaumont 3rd. Form IV.: Languages-, D. Lewis Ist, N. Cowan and G. Wattors 2nd equal, C. Bawdem 3rd; mathematics, M. Staples lat, C. 'Bowden and X. Cownn 2nd equal, L. 3rd; science, A. MeClurfr Ist, G. Wattci-a 2nd, G.-Bowd-en and M. Humphrsya 3rd c<tuiil. Form'lll.a: Languages, L. Donaldson, let, H. Morgan 2nd, J. Lowery 3rd; ruathematios, fj. Donaldson Ist, J. Lowory 2nd, E. Tarbotton 3rd; &oiencc," H: Moi-gan Imt, D. Knox and L. Donaldeons 2nd equal, M. Bell and N. Bowc'.cn. 3rd'equal. . Form Ill.b: Languages, F. Loach i?f. M. Urquhart 2nd, M. IKxon 3rd; mathematics, C. Argylo Ist, M. Knight 2nd, M. Dixon 3rd ; ecienc-s M. Dixon Ist, M. Knight 2cd, E. Thomas 3rd. Form 111. (Commercial): E. Loach, Ist shorthand, 2&d bookkeeymig; H. Knight, 3rd shorthand, 4th bookkeeping; 1). Uptou, let bookkeeping; C. Argyle, 2nd shorthand; A. Doak, 2nd bookkeeping. w Form IV. (Commercial): X. Hepburn, Ist/ bookkeeping; C. Bowden, Jet shorthand; M. Staples, 2nd shorlliand; N. Johnson, typev/ritin?. ' a Home Science Prizes: Form 111., cookery and la.undrywork, Marg. McLauchlin; Fonru IV., ccokery and laundrywoik, Aline - McClurjr: senior, A. StevenSon. Special Prizes: Fifth Form genexal proilciency prize, D. Ruddock: Upper School f.peciiil prize for neatness in bookkecpinsr, j'ejjfy Millor; Lowe% School epeciel ioa ucutuess m bookkeeping, Marjorie Nixon; progress in bookkeeping, Maude Maidens; Mr Rcvell's science notebook jSrize?, Humphreys and'Phyllis Taylor; epecicl hope fjeiene? i>rize. May Wilkinson; F°rm 111.b., Keriaral neatness, E. Tbotnaa; Form Ill.a. proiiciency. D. Tjpton; Form Ill.a, general lieatness. Mavis Form IV.. general neatness, Edna- Hur.ter. Mr Allen's epeoial prizes: Form IV., Bgriculture. E. Gudse'J; FoTm 111., jig-rfculture. X. Murdoch; For'ti : 111., dairy science, K. Thompson and A. j Doak. Mr J. Tucker's prize for use made of the ieferenc» librai*-. M. McLemin; headiaaster'.< gold .medal for epeech competition, A Dunlop; Erro! Hood memorial prizo for pennianchin. J. McMillan; Misa McßeagoNß prize for sixth form girls' debating club, F. Clark i Stanley Berryman memorial prize for; essay, X. Lloyd; liogg memorial . prizo i*-u j mathematics, T. Brunton; Fooka memorial! )>rize, W. C. Morrison; dus of school (Bocrd of Governors' Bold medal). T. Bruntnn. ' Preparatory Prize List—Standard VI.: 11. Hunter Ist. "G. Richiircji 2nd. E. MeEnz-hen. ' Trd: Mrs Fooks's epecial prise for vrriting , , G. Kichnrds. Standard IV.: Ij. Fooks , CampbEll 2nd. Standard III.: G. Floesoll J Ist, A. Taylor 2nd. Standard IT.: IT. K«nredy let. Standard I.: 13. Floesell Itt.
Prini-er .1: A. 1?*, C. Churoh 2nd. l'ri'nor '-' ■'. Stevens niul 13. AVilki© Ist eqiin!. 1: lr. Willie Ist, 1. C*»p----l*:l 2nd.
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Press, Volume LVI, Issue 17019, 16 December 1920, Page 9
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4,792PRIZE DISTRIBUTIONS. Press, Volume LVI, Issue 17019, 16 December 1920, Page 9
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