. # ■' Korsini ancl Vespucci left for Auckland on Tncsrlay evening-, and Mies Mimic, Niglitrnider, Counterstroke, \Vinninp Hit, Winter "Wind, Arrowsmith, Comiirr Attack, and north to-iiipht. Those horses cora- . iiri»o tlio P.iccarton contingent to tho Auckland Summer Meeting. Arroivsmith gave Counter Attack a* W stnrt over six furlongs yesterday mornihp, and caught find left him before going four furlongs. Ho took • 1 13 f-3 i'nr l ' ]c distance. Faorinado hr.s been sold to a local sportsman. Xnminations for the Waiau 'Racing Club's Meeting close to-morrow at 8 p.m. * Acceptances for the Westporfc T.C.'s Midsummer Meeting closo at 8 p.m. todny. • Acceptances' for the Auckland T.C.'s Summer Meeting closo at o p.m. tomorrow. leceptancas for the Gore T.C.'s Annual Meeting close to-morrow. F K. Jones's tram, consisting of Paji'rrjtnta I.a->,, Royal fi't'ov? and "W'ik! have arrived from Timaru to i'uliil their engagements at New Urighton. DAXSEVIRKK R.C.'S SUMMERMEETING. (PBESS ASSOCIATION" TET.EGRAM.) ■ DANNEV3RKE, December 10. Hip wrath* , r was fine but (lull for the Dinnevirke Racing Club's Summer Meeting-. Tota'.isu'.jr investments were £31,533, as < oinparc'.l with Z'iß.M3 for the two days' • racing ar.d- Hunt Chib Combined Meeting , Leid 'Inst sprin-r. Results: — GLENGARRY HACK HURDLES, of 200 'wT3: lim—Pacific Slope 30 i U. McSweeney I- Toruoa 10 2 2; Cross Words 10 4 3. O'Rano 12 3; S-rect Tipperary 10 13; Manhattan I" 1; Better Luck 0 7; Powder King , 9 6; liiicfccye 0: Trentkam Rose 9: Tipperary Lag's 0;- General Haven 9; Lady Witehet 9; Pi'panui 0; and Portraiture 9 also etaried. : Won easily Time, 2m 483. Sweet Tipperary, ; I.aJv Wi'tchet, Buckeye, Trentham Boa©, and "Tiiiporary Loss fell. .MAIDEN PLATE, of 200 eove; -weight S; sf—Wamba E. Lowe 1; Blissfulnese 2; Melting Moments 3. Polini, Arion, Absurdity, Tout Bon, Houngaria, Shadow Dancer, Weird, Rebuff, Actor, Sun Rose, Sweet Rest, MoTzonia, Black Tea, Prudent Lad, and AMltimaid «lso started. Won by two lengths. Time, lm 153. OTANGA HANDICAP, of 850 sove; 6f— Aetcrin* 8 4 it. Gray .1: Dunedin 8 13 2; • Handy 7 7 3. 'Waimntao D G: Hyxoarty 8 7; Woden 7 13; and Paoanui 7 9 also started. Won bv half it. length. Time, lm 13 l-sa. TIRATU JUVENILE STAKES, of 300 soys;/ of—Tiiipairu 7 8 R. S. Bagby 1} • Creme do Menthe 7 8 2; Anomaly 7 8 3. Fe-rouz 8 3; Grotesque 8 3 ami Landbird 7 '5 • bracketed; Warpath 7 13 bracketed with Taipairu; Edondala 7 5; Bonnie Rose 7; and Jlnse 7 also started. Won by a le'nsrth. Time, lni 1 4-Ss. lUNNEVIRKE HANDICAP, of 600 sows; ,V Uw-Idle Talk 7 11. E. Ryder I; Cnsbagr "' 8 13 2; Railand 3. Molyncux 9; Demafjbguo 8 6; Walton 8 1; Ben Bolt 7 7; Hyttas 7" 8; Tari 7 3; and Vasilkov 7 2 a-lso started. "Won by two lengths. Time, 2m 9s * TAMAKI HACK HANDICAP, <A 200 pots • 6f—Automoana, T 181 L MeCarten 1: Valley Rose 7 11 2; American Beauty 8 3 S HeptaS 8; Yankee Dan 8 6; Hotoke 8 5- Prince Ma-rfian 8 1; Willys Knight 3 1; Samarang 7 11; Probate 7 7; Bacchante 7 3; Larkspur 7 3: and Miss Elva. 7 8 also ■tinted. Won by a leug-tlu Time, lm 14 . °"oKINGI WELTER HANDICAP, of 300 dovs; 7f*-Black Laco 8 3 . H. Grw 1; ' Syct>rax 8 8 2: Miesmaid 8 8 8. Isobie- . wan 9 6; Punfca 9 4: Potentiality 8 12; Hooey Bee 8 10; Paddlng'ton Green 8 7; : All Talk 8 6; Scornfnl , 8; Termillion 7 13; Doric 7 11; and Conversion ,7 lljdso ] e<l. Won by a longtli and « JtalfT Time, RUAHINE HACSK "WELTBB, of 200 eots; •Ini and 110yds—Peute 7 11 It. Keed ljFes- , livity 7 13 2; Maniahera & V 3. OlyeOiue S 13: Beloved 8 11; Signyaian 8 8; Mumlie 8 G; Sir Huons 7 13; Transmission 7 11; Passenger 7 11; Pupil 7 11; Arioa 7 11 Conziska 7. 11; 'and Potomea 7 11 also started. Won by hall a> length. Tune, lm ..,»s.. .:• • ' TATraiAßumrr r.c/9 aottfali ; . ..,. ■ : HEETING. ' (PRESS ASSOCIATION TEI-EGBAir.)-TAUMARUNUI, December 15. Racing Club's ; Annual jnleUtag -was held to-day in wet weath«s, "with a. fair attendance,-.and a heavy track. The • -to taUsator investments «6r© £12,497 10s, a» ' againat £13,811 last yea*. Results r — NOVICE PLATE, ot 75 eovs; special iveishte; 6f—lnfaate" 1. Leithfield 2. Mie< •'Melva 3.. Hypothesis, ,Chmtz, Kuranui,/Harrington. Master Rohan, Liicy French, 'Paulician, Kiss *nd Pairmonnt also started "Won by two lenfrths. Time, lm- 19 2-se. > TARIXGAMUTU HACK HANDICAP, of 83 jore; 6f—Elaio Aroha 7 2 1; Canowimlra : 7 11' 2; Penona 8 10 3. Shellahook a 5; PjiSiein-arnma 7 10; Valley Quesen 7 9; andi Oleeval 7 2 also started.' Won by a nose. rim*, lm Iβ 2-ss. A proteA wae entered by the owner or Cwowindra against Elsie Aroha, on the ground that she appeared in the book as trained by owner, whereas sho km trained ■ouVinfrJaxt nionth by T. Morr>ss, another - trainer. Tho judicial committee imposed a ilrio of "£2O 'on Carroll for a breech. _of the roles, and meanwhile paid out the dividends, W -withheld tho etake. j TAUMAR-UNUI CUP, of 2SO sova; l{m— 3 1; Lovelight 7 0; J.ady . Kneigy 8 3 3. Corregidor 7 8; Winsome ATca • ;?fl: and Boomerday 7 also etarted. Won "by . fljilf a length; tho saroo betweon eecond antt, Itliird. Time, 2m 12 3-ss. ILVCK of 85 r**w; of—PaEsionlws 7 11 1; Knighton 7 13 'it Ludy Glials 7 10 3. Fallwin 8 G; WanihnS's; Ellio 7 9; Colonel Abbey 7 9; fcPrtebisa Renown 7 7: Lucy French 7 7;. "Olenval 7 7; Lady Lilao 7 7; Delyaian 7 7;. Xenritis 7 7; and Kuranui 7 7 elso etarted. ■'■■■-Won-by three-quarters of a length: .half-o ■3rai»th between second and third. Time, lm ■'"■'-SIANITXUI HACK HURDLES, of 110 >0TO:;lini— Lombaxdy 9 6 1; Shellshoclc 11 32 J Wangpivai 9 3. Keystone ll 3; Stilts /I 013: KauUhoe 9 2; Crarid Canyon 9: H*rij tinjjton 0; and Scrulineer 9 Also etaxtcd. . ' Vfanby a. ioDsjth and a. half: three lengths " Wtween second and third. Time, 3m 3s. Stilts »ml Kevetono fell. t-JJATIEPEHACK HANDTCAP, of So sovs; Rl??Caiiowindra-' 7 13 1; Wenifran 8 4 2; tSor* 7 4 3. Penona 8 12; and Hynotbe-sia VK;4 -also eUrted. Won by half h, lonirth; fsi«t> ; Tsnirths between second and third. Time, FLYING HANDICAP, of 120 ' i ►ore; .6f—llsca'ped .7 fl 1: "Dxibble 9 11 2: jWopendonco 7 9 3. Jolly Princess 7 0 also ■ ' : (tinted..-Won by three-quarters of a tefjth;
half ft length 'between second and third. OWHANGO HACK HANDICAP, of 30 *ovu; Tf—Silver Lode. 7 .1 1; Aircraft 7 3 n - Over Thero 9 13. Silver Pine 7 3 al-i started. V'oii by a length; three lengths between sccar.d and third. NEV. r BRIGHTON T.C.'S SUiIMFR MEETING. The New-Brighton Trotting Chib'x Summer ?«re«t!r;s will epen, to-day,, and" £•»! uptrrl is assured > for tho followers of thi light harness rport. Owinjr to the aleenca c: jwin, arid lh«s eandy nature of tk- foil, tiienracK is hard, and it is,quite likely that fas'. time 3 will Tne principal r:icf, tho Mace Memorial .Handicap, bas drawn tbirtecri acceptor- and, with it ehort limit of e<?ven eacor.ds, tin contest should !>e sn interesting cn<>. The minor events have drawn fomo excellent rnatorial. ancl given fine weather tliTo should be a successful day's racing-. The first rac* it;'l etart ot noon. Special trams will ran lo and from tho course at short intervale during the day. Tho following i? the programme:— t . 12.5 p.m.—FIRST AMATEUR HANDICAP (in haTnos3i, of 10) sovs: 3.52$ class; ljm— Miss Chancellor fi<r: Rothino 4s; Grand Dillon ss; "White Lupin Cβ: Electioneer Child en; Mi? 3 Fussy Gs; AvoncidoCs; Recown G-entlo Ribbons Gs; Marvin Queen 6->: Platinum Cβ; Tv'ild Hebe 6»; Our Bluey &s; Rankin G? , : Jeff Dillon 6«; CarrJewcod .Gs; Billy Audubori to; Wild Rapids'Gs; ;Burc*3,v 6s;'Rita Mac Cs; Weeowner 0s; Agnes w. Ga; Peter Lou Gs. 52.50 p.m.—INNOVATION HANDICAP <in harnese), of l<so s:>vs; 3.42 claso; ljm— Dillon 3s; Underscrub ]s; Childo I'oiater Iβ; Bob ivillDn la; Ltila Denver 3»: Moncj , 4b; Coalition As; Cammje Citadel 4s; ilamnjon 4s; ifedalliua 4«; Dar.dy RO3O Ss; Phil Smith ss;-Tawera 03; Wild Thyme,&s; Eneigetio sb; Dusky canda. se; Grand Denver Meli««nde 6e; AUirr* tis; lion Tra-cey Cs.; Pegasus Cs; Edie M-ao Ce; Grey B?. HO p.m.—MACB MEMORIAL HANDICAP, (in harness), of 450 oova; 4.88 class; 2m —Ret ft Poter 33; Aaturio 3s; Vice-Ad-miral Gs.; Gleaming 6b; Silver Nut 6<j; Itangitata Lass 7e; Paul Dufnult 7.<<; SymSiithy Ss; Haoriland Sβ; Locatida Dillon Era; ro\vTi's Nugget 10s; Rorke's Drift 10s; Oitiuwt lCs. •2.25 pan.—BOWHILL HANDICAP (in eaddle), of 130 eovs; 4.52. class; 2m—Bill Brown str: Princ-! Burlington ns; The Rook .Is; Maud WiJkes +&; Xindctfet, '6s; Lene Willi© Gβ; Indra, 6a; Sal Pointer Bs. 3.10 p.m.—SEAVIEW HANDICAP (in harness), of 175 sove; om crass;- 2m — Wahinrpai 2s; Pieter Timmerman 3s; Mystic 4&; Marvin Junior &s; - Kelso ss: , Iwd Viviaai Cβ; Navarre 8s; Rothmoor Oa; Patard »3; Miurolb 10s: Sucoorj 10s; Lovebird 10s; Corw'ar lls; P«iter McMiSan Captain Wootl 12s; Nighborn 12s ;*■ Agues W. lSe; Waiwera 13e. a.55 p.m.—DASH HANDICAP (in nar* nesa), of 150 aovs; <2.20 class; lm— ldris 2s , Proud Sprincf 3b; Bundura 4s; Loch-r.a-'ar 4s; Coal Ifing ss; Imperial Junior Eg; Ivj- Dillon te; Onyx Cs; Red Prince 6e; The Whip 6s; Dorton Dillon 6s; Gold--8 7m 1 pan.—WAINON'I HANDICAP (in harners), <* 200 m>vs; 2'.50 clase; llm—Sungod ■>»• Erin's Quoen 2e; Paul Dulault 3s; Legacy Ss; Our Girl 3s; Bmlwood 3s; Grota se; RctTent- sa; Frank Tracey ss; Duke "Whips Ga; Mako Mako 0"». 5.25 p.m.-ELECTRIC HANDICAP (n< saddle), of 150 eovs; 2.20 civea: Patch sor; Little Kauri 4s; Ilickorywood Iβ- King Karri 4s; Pleasant Mount to; Imperial Junior ss; Gladeyo Cs; Robert Dillon 63; Marie Lloyd 'Cs. WESTLAND T.C.'S ANNTTAL MEETING. (special jo '•'•nrE fbess. ,5 ) HOKITIKA, December 15. The following nominations have been 're"dISTRICT HANDICAP (in Badd4e), of 65 eova; Ij'tn—lanto, Fleetwing, Recall, Romeo, Pay Day, Trojan, Whispering Boy, Princess Huon, Mary Hill, Soprano, Bennio Dillon, Traoey Dillon, Alicel, Molly, •Princo Mac, Ethel Whispers, Bonnie Lad, Ruth Hall, Rita H. , KANIERI HANDICAP (in harness), of 75 eov-9; 3.W class: 2m—Myrtle Leaf, Waipero, Loganwood. Tanel<aha,« Glencoe, Mary Hill. Rainbow, Prince Mac, Ruth Hall. RIMt; GOLDFIELD3 HANDICAP (in. eaddle), of 75 sove; for unhqppled trottei* only; 4min class; IJm—Turo Hcw», Wn«eee, Lady Tory, Elcy! Fleetwing, Romeo, Peterson, Ruatapu, Whispering Boy, Ohopi, Todd'e Trek. Dimlijht, Peter Lou Bundaberg, Emerald Greon, Arran Lad, Mepliistophelea, Dandenong, Inquisitive, L.R., Whssperino- Molly, Lynx, Ethel Whbpers,- OTaip WE9TLANJ Sotting club handiCAP (in harness), of 150 eovs- smm class; 2m—Hiram Galindo, War Lord, Dolly Doylo, Oraflgo Pippin, Pegasus, Palmdale, Oeier, Sal Pointer, Oratorio', Rex . Coronado, Mary Hill, War Bond. Annie'e Dream, Tidewater, Lord Lytt6n, Day Drift, Marietta.« ■ AVIATION HANDICAP (in swldle),. of 70 eove; 2.3-1 class; lin-Sandy Bell, Yenot, litato, Myrtle Leaf. Little -Ben, Waipero, Daphne Patch, Tro.ian, Billv Dillon, Rex Coronado, Foxglove. Soprano Way.side. Triiokaha, War Bond, Blue Drift, Ingomar, Prince Mac, Little Rose, Bonnie Lad, Ritar 11., HANDICAP (in harnese), of 85 eovs; for unhopT>l«d trotters only; 5.20 class; 2m—Turo H™, . way Ton" Eley, Petoreon, Ruatapu,' Osier, Pay Day, Ohapi. Todd's Trek, Dimlijrht, Peter Lou, Bundaberg, Emerald Green, Miss Rye, Arran Lad, Mephietopheles, Dandenontr, Inquisitive, !L.R.. Vigorous, Forest Ranger, Whispering Molly, Romany Rye, Lynx, FINAL, HANDICAP (in harness), of 80 povs:' 2.34 clase; lm—Sandv Bell Meryle PointeT, Myrtle Leaf. Dollv Poyl? Wiro, Orange Pippin, Danhno Patch, Dav Drift, Loganwootl, Sal Pointer, Glencoe,. Princess Huon. Foxglove. Mary Hill, Soprano, MayMde, Katie - Dillon. Blue Drift, Rainbow, Princo Mac, Ruth Hall, Young Ivy. % GREYMOTJTn T.C.'S SUMMER • MEETING". The following . handicaps have been de°'aGtTiNNESS HANDICAP (in harness), . of 100 eovs; 3.51 class; lim— Guesa scr; Wee Franzie 3s; Maryhill 7s; Myrtlo Leaf 7s;_ Pe<*asua Ps; Outstep 9a; Appleshaw . 0s; Orange Pippin lCs; Rainbow 10a; War Lord 10s; Our Chanco' 12s; Princes* Huon I2e;Lady Clarice 12s; Billy Dillon 13s; Rutli Hall' 13b ;' Bonny Dillon 13a: Sandy Bell 13s; Foxglove 15s; Logaawood 13s; Pnnco Mac 13; Tidewater 13s'; Waipero 13s; Lady Wildwood 13s. « SUMMER HANDICAP ffn eaddle), of ICO govs; for unhoppled trottcra; 5.18 clues; 2m —Ohapi ecr; Mavvolo 2s; Arran Led 8s; L.R. 10a; 12s; Inquisitive 323.: Eley 17s; Turo Howi iSs; Bundaberjr 18a; Emerald Green 19s; Peterson 30s; Romeo 20s- Ethel Whispers 20s; Mephistophelea <Xta- Luana 20s; Taipe-nui 20s; Mi?s de Valera 00a; Todd'e Trek 20s; "Wireless 20s; Fleetwjng 20s; Dandenong 20a; Lady Tory DOMINION HANDICAP (in harness), of 200 sovs; 3.36 class: Ijm—Marie Lloyd ecr; Saints' Bell scr; Onyx scr; Lord Lytton Is- Fernmoor 2s; Prince Huon 2s; Florence la Badie 3s; .Hem? Trtioey Ss; Palmdale 3a: Peony- 3s; Delta, 3s; Golden Pippin 3s; Cammie i<s. UNHOPPLBD HANDICAP (m harness), of 100 eovs; 3.58 class; lim— Marietta- ecr; Oeicr 2a; Ohapi 3s; Daphne Patch !)s; Arran Lad 9s: L.R. Us: Miss Chancellor 14s: Ruth Hall 15s: Bundaberp l"e; Potereon 18s; Mephistophcles ISs; Luana 18s; •Todd's Trek 18s; Petor McEinney ISs; Lad> v Tory ISs. GREV VALLEY HANDICAP (in saddle), ofJ2o'sors; 3.11 class; ljrii—Gladcye scr; - Lord Lytton Is; Suddite Ss; Palmdale *3a; Miss Marion 4s"; Weo Franzie ss; Henry Tracey Ss; Snl Pointer 6s; Dick B. Gs;
t laritn 7s: Annie's I>r(?:iin 73; Appkehaw "e. I EXPRESS HANpICAP (in harness), of ! If-'/ soY3: for unhoppled trotters: 2.38 clase; : lm —Marietta ect: O'ier Is; ifa-rrolo 3e; Miis Rye""!*; Arran Lad Gs; L.R. 7s; Miss Chancellor Us: Kiev Us: Romany Rye Hβ: ! Binoui ICα: Bundaberg li?; Peterson 12s: I Peter Lo.v lQs;' Miss de Valera 12«: Erceraid ; Nreon V2s; Todd's Trek 12s: \Thiiperiu!? Bo\- 10s: Peter 12s: Ituata^x Us: ]).ir.<l<;r.on7 12a: Silverrtta 12s. DASH HANDICAP (in harness), cf 110 sovs; -2.2J cla-ss; lm—Onrx scr: Gladere per; FeriUuoor Is; Golden Pippin -s; Peonr 2»: Delta 2s; Princo Htion 2s: Florence Ir. Badio 2s: Leewood s=: Henry Tra-cey Cs: B°ach Boy 3s: Carrrrnie 3s. ELECTRIC HANDICAP (in of 'iCiO sovi=; 2.30 lm—Soprano scr; Sud'dite per: Rooseveldt scr: Dhan Iβ: Le«'.rood Is: Wee Franzie is: Hiram Galindo Cs; Tar.ekaha 2s; Little Ben. 2: lanto 35; Blue Drift 3s; Annie'e Dream 3s; MarrhilJ 4s; l!yrt-l<? L*af 4s; Yenot ss; Appleshaw 5»: Outstep sf: Lady Bombay ss: Gur Logan G? ; T<ady Clarico 6s ; War Loyi C=; Vr'aysido Cs; O-or Chance Gs.
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Press, Volume LVI, Issue 17019, 16 December 1920, Page 9
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2,356SPORTING. Press, Volume LVI, Issue 17019, 16 December 1920, Page 9
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