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CANTERBURY CRICKET ASSOCIATION'S COMPETITIONS. Tho. fourth round '-i grado matc-lics we-* > 'included on Saturday in fine, but dull weather. At Hag-ley Park, \\ est Christquito out-played Riccarton, whilst St. Albnns had i;o difficulty in tcoring a vrin from Kant. At Lancaster • I'ark, Sydenham maintained their leufl, and-.cotc-.l ii 4 hrecrpoiuter ngwinst Linwood. CHAMPIONSHIP POINTS. The" results of Saturday's games 3ea.vo St. Affoans and West Chtistchv.rch level for, (ho load in tho Championship. Tho points f-cored by tho different teams nre:— ■

RICCARTON v. WEST CHRISTCIITJRCH. , RICCARTON. I First - innings ' .. .. ... 143 Second Inning?. A. C. Fuller, c Blnnt, b Marshall .. 3 if. O. Sinclair, l> Blunt .. .. 2 A. Bell, h. Blunt .. .. ' .. ;a C. E. Guiney, c Foster. b Marshall.. 9 <*. E. Evan«, b Marshall .. ], .K. R. C'aysrill, b Blunt . % ..9 H. B. Whitta, c Young, b Foster .. 24 R. F. PoweiTl, c Young, b Blunt .. 1 G. W. Cox, stpd. Young, b Foster .. 14 fl. Watson, o Young, b Mnrsbnll v 1 <>, Haines, rot ont .. ' 3 Byes i.„ . . ... .. 3 Total ... .... .. 63 Bowling- analysis—R. C. Blunt, 10 overs, ?A runs, 4 T,"icivotri; C. B. TVLarehail, $ overs, 41 runs, 4 wickcts; Dr. Foster, 1.7 overs, 10. runs, 0 wicket*. "WEST CKRISTCIITTRCH. Firat Inninca. R. C. Blunt, c Bell, b "Watson fc . 53 R. D. Worker, b Evans' .., ' w< 55 W. Hayes, c and b Eva.n» .. *.25 Dr. Foster,"" o Haines, b Evana 10 P. Hwycr, c Sinclair, b Evans IS D. Reese, b Evans .. .. ..48 C. Ij. Yiung-, o Sinclair, b Wat&on C\ S. Hammond, b Evans .. ig U. B. Marshall, 0 Powell, b Watson.'. 3 D. E. Parton, rot out p W. 11. Buckhurst, absent ' 0 Extras .. 10 Total .. ■ .. .. 274 Bowlinjr analysis—R. F. Powell, 10 overs, 47 runs, 1 no ball; C. E; Evans, 24K overs, 1 .maiden, 117 runs, C wickets; It. O. Sinclair, "11 ovora, 1 maiden, 42 runs; H. Watfon. 13' overs, 49 runs, 8 wickets; C. E. Guiney, 4 over®, 9 runs. EAST CHEISTCHCRCH v. ST. ALBANS. EAST CHRISTCITURCH. First '.innings .. 1 .. .. '.. 254 Second Innings. E. Bromahan, c Gordon, ■ b North ~ 7G S. O. Jones, o Reese. b Martin .. 30 R. El Gregory, b Guinoy .. ... 38 F. : Wood®, . not out ... ... . .. 7 A, R.' Blank, not' out .. -.0 Extras , .. .. 3 Total for 3 ■wickets ~154 Bovrling analysis—D. Sandman, C o-rers, 37 runa: D. W. Reese, 3 overs, '13 runs; C, W., Allard, 5 6vers, 1 maiden, 19 run-s; I*. C Martin,. 5 <3 23 runa, '1' wicket; h. A. Gordon, 4 ovens, 10 nu»; R. 11. North, 4 overs, 2G runs, 1 wicket; J. Lamb, 3 overs, J5 runs; A. 11. Guiney, 1 over, C runs, 1 ■wicjtfffc. " - ST. ALBANS. First Innings. R. BT. North, "b Ward , , ... 0 C. W. All a I'd, b Gregory .. ..Go !D. W. Reeso,. b Kaho .. .. ' . 101 P. Martin, "lbw.'b Kane •• Tj. R, P.rurtan. c Brosnalian.'b Ward .. 14 O. G.! Crawford, o Jones, b Howell .. 10 "D. Sandman., o Blank, b. Kano 0 '.T. liamT?, o Woods, b Ward .. . 51 L. A. Gordon, jo Ward, b Kane .. .. 6 iM. W. IlickmoU, not out ... ..'l6 A. H, Guirrey, b WaTd " .. .. 23 Extras ■ . .« .. ... 23 Total m Bawling Aualj-iis—W. HowMl, 15 cvors, 72 runs, 1 .wickct; A.. E.' Ward, 1G overs, 107 rune,. 4 wickots; R. E. Gregory, 9 ovora, 63 .men, 1 wicket: F. Woods, 5 over", 44 inns J ,T. P. Flood; 4 overs, 19 ram; J. Kane, 8 orers, 49 i-uns>, 4 ' wic];etf. LIXWOOD' v. .SYDEKKAIT. • , . . LIIiWOOD. FizAt Iflnin§:s .. .. 117 Sccond Inning's. A. G«int, c o'Malle.y, b Watson ... 19 - X. Jones, o Patiiok. b McE'.vin .. 13 AI. F. Penf»!ly, o ■O'Mo'Jey, b Wataon 44 J. Jack\ o Bellamy, b Gray .. .. 9 !•'. Smith, c Bellamy, b Gray ... .. 0 A. W. Thomas, b Gray .. ..26 A. Joiws, c Gascon, b Gray .. 21 I', Read, b Mc&rin .. .. 5 04. Russell, b Wats 3a .. .. 14 T". Grant, n Watson .. .. 2 31. M. Taylor, not ont .. ... 3 . " ■ Extras .. .. .. ..04 Total .. .. .. ..ISO Bowlinjr Analysis—ll. Wntsou, 14." f-vpra, 2 mnidecs. 4G inns, 4 wicket*; J. McEwin, . 13 overs, i maiden; C! runs, 2 wickets: W. It. "PatricV,; 7 overs'. 2 maidons. 21 tuns, 1 wido; J. Gray, 10 overs, 1 inaidon. rnM, 4 wici»t«. SYDENHAM. First Innings. J. Youns b Head .. .. .. 0 It. O'ilalloy, o Read, b Thomas .. 22 'C Coomber, oN. Jones, b Bead .. -I "V. R. Patrick, b Read .. .. 43 H. Gaeson, b A. Jones ' .. ..16 J Ban-on, b A. Grant- .. ..57 Xl'cEwin, Ibw,' d I\oad .. ..15 H Watson, not out ~ .. ..23 .7. Gray, b Rut-sett .. ..7 J. Woods, b Thomas '.. 0 C. Bellamj', c »üb., b Knsse'.l .. 3 Extras ... .. 1 .. ..20 Total .. .. .. .. 220 Bowling Analysis—R. Read. 21 overs, 5 a:t£d«ns, 58 runs, A .wicketa; A. Grant, 9 overs, 40 run*, 1 wicket: A. W. Thomas, 9 otars, 82 runs, 2 t-.-ickets: A. Jones, 3 »v«rg, 1 maiden, 25 runs, 1 wicket; F. Grant. & ovees, 10 runs; G. Russell, C overs, 1 madden, 15 overs, 2 wickets. Second Innings. J. Barron, b'Ru*sc£l .. ' um 7 M. O'ilalley, b Read .. .. .. c J Gray, b Grant .. .» •■..23 T. Coomber, b Read .. /.. 1 V. It. Patrick, .0 Smith, b Grant •' .. 10 H. Watson, not crut .. .. -.21 J. "McEwin, r> Grant .. ... .. 0 E. Gaeson, not out .. .» ..0 Extras ... - ■ .. ... la Total for six wickets ..•■ 84 Bowling Analysis—R. Read,. 10 overs, 4 ruaidens, 38 runs, 2 wickets: G. Russell, 7 1 maiden, 24 runs, 1 wicket; A. Grant, 3 overs, 2 maiden*. '6 runs, :! wickcts: A. Jones, 1 over, 1 rune. , A h SECOND GRADE. K Weat Cliiiatchurch mads 117 ard 187,

St. Albans A, whoso ecorcs were IS4 and 71. Co'k-re (27i") defeated St. Albans B, who made 58 and 101. Boys' High School beat East ChTistchurch I» by wicketa, securing a .three-point win. School made 301 and 12 for ore wicket, East Christchurch making 12-1 and IS7. Linwood 175 (Cortdlifli 73, Talbot 03, Taylor 17. Wep'on 12) heat Biccarton A 60 (Gnemsey 23 not out. Tay'or 13) nr.d 7.3 (Guernsey 10, Taylor 10) For Lirr.vocd. (cndiilTo got nine wickets for 25 rv.ns ar.d , five for 15. Taylor ar.-J Morris towled V-: to-r Kiccarton. THIRt) GHADE. Linvocd 244 and 55 for no wicket* defeat-c-:l Hi?h School, v.-ho made 93 u::d 196. DRAW FOR" FIFTH BOUND. Tho io'iiowinp- is t!:e draw for -tho fifth rinnd ir. the Association's coninetition?: — Fir=t Grade—Riecarton v. St. Albnna. ley Park Xo. 0; Sylenham v. East Christchurch, Svdeirham: ].in-.v0c.1 v. V/ovt Christchurch, HagW Park Xo. 2. S«onnJ Grade—Technical v. Boys* High School, Technical; Sydenham r. Riccarton A. Hiifley Park Xb. G; East Christchurch C v. St. iVibana A, Lancaster Perk Xo. 1; Li:i*.v-'x,d St. Alba.ri3 B, Park Xo. u; Wefet Chri=tchur<-h v. Eart_ Christchurch A. Lancaster Park Z\o. 2: Coll.-ge v. Hast Chiistclmrch B. College; Kaiai«i v. Biccarton B, Kaiapoi Third Grad^ —Riecarton v. Sydenham. Sydenham; Technical v. West Christchurch. Lancaster Park X'o. 3: Linwood B v. Boys' 'High School, Hagl"y Park Xo. 4; Colle-p" A v St. Albatia, College; Linwoo,] A v. East Chmtolvurch, Lancaster Park Xo. 4; Co'le;,'o B, a bye. Fotirtii Grad->—Firs' Day: Riccarton r. Bovs' High Schonl B, SyJenham; Boys' High School A v. College, College; Sydenham v. Technical, Technical. On XV>. 1 wicket at Hurley Park nest Saturday a match will b* played between a team of primary schoolboj - ?, coached by Mr Shacklock, .md a team representing the Bca-s' Cricket League. CITY AND SUBURBAN ASSOCIATION. The fourth round of matches was commenced on Saturday. The wickets> at Sydenham Park were fast, nnd in fair order, but the weather was cold. CROWXALL v. GREEN'S. Green's won the toss, and batted first, and compiled 122 with one man short, L. Haynes and Dtiggun contributing 31 each. Crov.-r.aH opened badly, and weio all out for CI. GREEN'S. i First Inninga. C. lUye-«, b Rix .. .. ...5 B. Morris, b Biite.% .. .. .. 13 G. Robertson, !> Bates .. ..6 J. Batstono, b Iti>: .. .. 0 I). Lagan, b Bat&j . .. .. .. 0 J. Jones, b Bates .. .. .. 1 L. Haynes, c Langford, b Bates .. 31 —. Hn'oson, c Smyth?, b Bates .. 0 G. Duggan, b Langford .. .. 31 H. French, not out .. .. .. 12 Hxtras .. .- •• • ..23 Total 1221 Bowling—C. Itix, 3 wicket 3, 34 runs; W. Bates, 4 wickets, 3G runs; W. Smyths, 0 wickcte, 8 runs; P. Hoop-'T. 0 wickets, 17 runs; It. Langford. 1 wicket, 4 runs. Second Innings. If. French, not out .. ... .. G D. Lagn.n, not out .. .. .. 6 Extras .. .. •• -• 4 Total for r.-o wickets •* 1C CROWXALL. First Inninga. 11. HobbSj h Jones .. .. .. 2 H. Mills, b Robertson .. C. Itix, o liobpon, b Bobcitaon i.. 4 P. Hooper, b Jones .. .. ..0 W. Smythe, b Jones .. 0W. Bates, run out .. ••• .. 8 R. Langford, b Jones • ..21 F. Hancox, b Eobortsoa .. ..6 A. Andrews, not out .. .. 4 L> Moss, c French, b .. 0 Extras .. .. •• •• 12 Total (one mtm ehort) .. .. 64 Bowling—J. Jones, 4 for 26; G. Robertson, 4 for 26. ST. ALBANS v. LETTER CARRIE-US.* Playing «t St: Albans Park, St. Albans batted first, and made 125, Buchanan 36, W. Eecott 27, and Purdom 27. being tho onJy double figures Letter Carriers htvvo lost five wickets for 31 runs. - ST. ALBANS. First Innings. C. Evans, b Bugg .. -.«i >.. 0 W. Escott, b Bugg ' ... 27 E. Colville, b Olsen .. 1 E. Buchanan, b Olsen S6 R.. Purdom, o and b Watt ... -• 27 H. Carter, b Woodford ... ... 1 R. Winter, o and b Watt .. 8 S. Eecott, b Bug* .. >. 5 C. Winter, c and b Bugfr ... ..0 P. Winter, o and b Bugg .... 1 H. Garrard," not oufc' .. .i .• 1 Extras .. •• ..23 Total. ' •• 125 Bowling—M. Bugg, 5 wickets, 24 runs; A. Olsen, 2 wickets, 26 runs; 6. Watt, 2 wickets, 25 runs; W. Turner, 0 wickets, 15 runs; A. Woodford, 1 wicket. 10 runs. LETTER CARRIERS; First Innings. ] J. Matthews, lbw 1> R. Winter " >. 0 A. Pete is, c and b R. Winter .. 2 W. Maboney, b W. Escott .. .. 11 W. Tumor, not out .. • • • • W. Gray, c and b Winter •• 0 A. Olsen, o and b W. E3Cott ... i.. 5 E, Watt,- not out ... '• .. ' • Eoctras •• J Total for 5 wickets 81 Y.M.C.A. v. RAILWAY. Y.M.C.A. had first use of tho wicket, and legi&ter&cl 155. H, Gtogo (tnd Xi. Stobftrb made a fine first wicket stand, and 81 were on before Stobart wes bowledi by Yatos for 42. Gro&e followed three runs later for 34, and Watts added 27, but tho rest of tho bat- - ting wa» poor. Railway played out time, and hava 12S for nine wickets. » Y.M.C.A. ■ First Innings.. TI. Grose, b Yates .. .. • 34' L Stobart, b Yates ... .. .. 42 A. Peck, run out ... .. -- 2 B. Kelly, run out .. .. •• 10 T Graf, b Crossen .. ' .. ..14 K.'W«.tts, b Yates 27 H. Fraaer, b Y'ates . ..- .. . T. Stobart, b Yatea .. * W. Hilgrove, b Crossen .. .. i.. 5 A. Mahoney, not out ... .. •• 1 F. Horwelli b Yates .. ••• * Extras ... - - 12 Total .. • ■ • . • • 155 Bowling.—W. Yatea, G wickets, 53 runs; W. Crossen, 2 wickets, 43 runs; P; Tayior, 0 wickots 17 runs; P. SteveMon, 0 wickets, 29 rues; H. Clark, 0 wickots, 2 runs. RAILWAY. First Innings. Alan Brown, b Grose .. 1 . .. 18 A. Cross, c Peck,' b Grose -• ® ® J. Levi, run out .. • .. . .. 6 A. Brown, o Pock, b Oral .. .. 3 P. Stevenson, c L. .Stobart, b Peck ..12 P. Foltou, c Kelly, b Hilgrove .. ..21 P. Taylor• c and b Gr®f •« ..16 W. Yatee, b Graf •• -- - 23 A. Warren, o Peck, b Graf .. ... 3 H. Clark, not out .. •• *' i W. Croscen, not out .. •• " , Extraa .. r«- •• 4 Total for niner wickets .. .. 123 SECOND GRADE. ■ Tom pie ton batted first against Green's ar.d made 60 (A. Mackio, sen. 21, Bush 17. Hurnano 13). Green's implied with 75 (R. French 43 not out). Dibden took 6 wicketa for 42 for i'empleton. Riccarton hatted first against- Railway, and jnado 123 (Lang 44, Raxwortliy 88, Biggs 14 not out). Railway replied with 57 (Clark 17, Muir 13). Riccarton had made 60 for 4 vrickc'ta whon play ended for tho day (Floxhing 33 Raxworthy 11 not out). St Albans took first strike against Belfast and 'made 92 (Thackwell 22 not out, MfcGiH 15, V/. Dean 15, West -10). Belfast made 13a (Wilson 82, Sellers 39, Jones 22). St. John' made 77 (Boundr 30, Tanner 20) against Wcolston, who have 119 for 3 wickets (Sauuiis 46). THIRD GRADE. Woolstoii defeated- Crownall by 47 runs on tho first innings. Crownall, batting seven men, mado S3 (Hurdly 23, Dobb3 23, 20). Woolston made 130 (Kennedy 41). Y.M.C.A. defeated D.I.C. bv SS runs on the first innings: Y.M.C.A. made 93 (Batchelor 20, Bowden. 20, Falloon 13. H. Johnston 13). D.I.C. made S3 (Chetwin 23. Mintrim 10). All players able to'mako th© trip to Timaxu to play on tho 27th and 28th December are requested to oomiuunicato with tfco tecretary, BOYS' LEAGUE. SENIOR GRADE. St. Andrew's defeated St. Bede's by default. Marists 177 for .8 defeated Bible Claaa 19 end 78 by an innings and 80 runs. Cadot9 A ,IC9 drew with B.G.H. B 75 .for 6. JUNIOR A GRADE. Normal- 63 defeated B.H.S. A. 9 and 23 by an innings and 20 runs. Technical A defeated Cadets by default. B GRADE. . Technical. A 34 and 17 for 5 defeated B.H.S, A 15 and. 35 by 5 wickets. Marista 83 and 3 for 0 defeated B.G.H. 27 ; and 58 by 10 wickots. NORTH CANTERBURY ASSOCIATION. Cust seniors defeated Woodend at Cust by 40 runa. Tho scores were:—Gust 142 (Smith ■ Silvester 82. McKenzie 22, Moire 101;

'■ Wooacr.d 102 (K. Littlo 00, Moody IS, BorI lard 1", U. 'Little 13. Fhite? 10 not out'-. ! Bowling—Cust: W. Sail 4 for 25, Smith - j for 11. C. Fearv 0 for 10, Silvester 1 _.or 13 Woodend: A. Smith 5 for 37 E. Litt-o j 2 for 3, H. Moody 1 for 13, F. F.ut-ey 1 for ' 19. ! R-angiora 6cr.iors defeated Eyreton at Haj rgiora bv an innings and 14 runs, t'ne Ecores | being:—Rangiora. 1'26 for G. wicket?, innings j declared closed (Lockbait S9, Rossiter 35, j Cockroft Of, Moore 151; Eyreton, first ;nI r.inpi or, (G. Saunders 23, F. BeaL 11;, sec- | or.d inninps CMoore 13, 11. Heal 12, I. MerI rin ll'. Bowling—Rangiora: First innings, Moovo 3 for 27, Cockroft 1 for 25; sec end,' Coc-:rof! 4 for 20, Moore 1 for 20, Lockhart t for 12. Eyreton: A. Saunders 2 l'or 20, U.?rrin 2 for 27, Bennett 1 for 23, JM Patterson 1 for_29, Rar.giora juniofw defeated Wcodend fi Wood-?nd by 0 runs on the first<r.=. The -■.cores v.-c-re c.; follows: —Rangioru. nrst innings 53 (Blain 201; second innings 71 (Turnpenny 2-1, Blain 21). Woodend, first inninga 44 (Keeper 14); second innings 53 for 5 wickets (Ecer 12, McQuillan 12, Moody 12_ not out). Bowling—Rangier::: First " innings, Mortised 2 for 1, Blain 2 for 3, Kinlcy 3_for 15, Schluter 3 ior 24; second innings, Ivir.ley 1 for 2, Mortland C -for '.23. Blain 2 for 27. Woodend: First innings, Borland ?>_ for 22, Mood-.- 4 for 2S; second innings, Shepherd 2 for 13, Borland 2 for 35, Eaer 1 for 10. Moody l for 7. ' ( OTA GO BOYS' HIGH SCHOOL. MATCHES IX CHRISTCHUROE. The Ota go Boys' High School and second elevens arrived in ChristchuTch by th© second express on Saturday lo play matches against tho first elevens of Christn. College and St. Andr<?.•:'? College respectively. Both matches n'ill commence sit 10 a.m. to-aay, tho former at Hag ley Park an*l the latter on the grounds at SL Andrew's College. Following are tho teams: — Christ's College—O. A. Y. Johnston (capt.), L. P. Blunt, It. O. Talbot, H. B. Godfrey, J. G. Reeves, G. 1/. Nicoll, J. D. Williams, T. It. She-en, T. C. Birch, A. R E. Trent, H. Richardson. Otago Boys' High School— Townrend, Dickinson, Kennedy, Douglas-, Barron, Forbes, Wise, Gunn, Aitken, Robinson, and W. L. Jolly. St. Ar.drew"s College—J. Dowling .(capt.), H. England, C.. Gibbs, J. Barrett, A. Tem-. pie, H. Dowling, E. Dowling. D. Lamb, G. McCrostie, J. Carrick, IJ. McCrostie. Emergencies : D. Lai:ren*on, M. Hood. Otago Boys' High School—Flett, Duncan, Tyson, McDonald, McLintock, T H. Jolly, Sunderland, Thomson, Wilson,, ar.d Dunn. Emergencies: G-reenslade and McCas-kill. The visitors aro to return on Wednesday. MATCH AT HAXMER SPRINGS. Mr H. H Cook's Tourists journeyed to Hanmer on Saturday and played a match with the Hospital team, (lie latter winning on the first innings by 19 runs. Scores— Queen Marj's Hospital 140 nnd SO for four 1 wickets (Wilkic 25 and 12, Wilson 23, Cownn **Jl, O'Connor 3G and 8, Baxter 30, Griffeu 21); Tourists 121 and 154 for nine wickets (It. Maleolmson 53 aird 22, J. D. Lawrence 10 and 13, Audibeitt. 5 and 36, Dawson 24 and 5, J. G. Prebble 10, H. E. Lawrence 7 and 29, A. Dcy 29). O'Connor, Baxter, and Ken;:a, for the Hospital, and Alex. Dey nnd J. D. Lawronco for Cook's team, bowled best. In the evening a. very enjoyable concert vraa Riven by IMr Cook's concert party in the Hospital. Mrs and Mies Cicely Audibwt, Mr E. Audibert. and Mr Uodgcra con"tributed songs, Mr Alex. Dey recitations, a-iid Miss Anna Audibert dunces. The concert was followed by a very happy little impromptu dance at tho • Lodge. Mr J. G. Prebble provided th© music. The following will play for Mr Culta's ownera and trainers' team against Mr P. D. Mantett's team to-morrow, at 2 p.m., at Hagley Park: — Cutts's team—W. Clark«m, Pearson, Graham, S. Barrett, T. Olarkson, P. Mason, okirton, Hanlon,- Donovan, G. MurrayAvnsley, Cutts. M-antoll's team—Pcgg, Brooks, Clarkncm, Shaw, Davis, Man-sell, Prebble, Whea,tfiey, Collett, Bugg, Wa.'tts.

J\ IV. L. Dii. Pts. bt. Albans -4 ;i 1 o s West Christclmrch \ n 10 8 Sydeillinm .. 4 2 1 I 7 .uiccarton ..4 1 2 ] 3 Kasi ChristcLurch 4' J 8 ■ n 2 liinwvicd ..4 l' 3 o 3

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Press, Volume LVI, Issue 17016, 13 December 1920, Page 10

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CRICKET. Press, Volume LVI, Issue 17016, 13 December 1920, Page 10

CRICKET. Press, Volume LVI, Issue 17016, 13 December 1920, Page 10