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iIETALS. (By Cable—Pμ** Aeccintion—Copyright) (Australian and N.Z. C->V>h Association.) LONDON*. October 6. Copper—Spot £39 Ts Cα, fcrwmd £37 2s €d; electrolytic, £112: wire bars, £115, Lend—Spot £H 10s, forward £34 ICe 6d. I Sr>e!t?r—Spot £40 12« f<3, fomrard £il la!. Tin—Spot £?63 15s, forward £371 7s Gd. Silver—sCJd por oz. GERMAN TEXTILE rNT>T7STRY. BERLIN, October 6. i Tlio Gorman textile industrv is bormin?. ' in epito of laboi'r t'O'iblos, tho ecarcitr of rn-x mnWial. and hi?h costs of production. The btilarcc-«he<ts of tho textile comoarties eliow turnover* exre'vlri'* iho**? of pre-war ynr?, ftnd decbrinc dividends of SO to 60 por cent. The row«pap<<r« prot***t that tho figures reveal scandalous profiteering, SYDNEY WOOL RALES. SYDNEY. October 7. Most of Ibc wool so far offered in Svd'iey ' i« from the w~>terft and rortVwo'Wn disaid » o' indifferent rualitr, di*clc«ini? TV effort* of the Into dnueht.. Tho bidding indicated a teiderccv n-wonsr mflny buvers to hr>ld bar!; an-1 w.-itc!' thi inn-Jt->t. Tbo f?rt that inr?e stocki of th» ywr'e clip romnin unioM in PiTl.T.d hae nppnrently o—r—'*/w» t-> k-oi b-'d'H"- drnrn, PTccnt for <h rt . l-o't kindo. Axjstralian )uivors opTHtTd freely. , Amori'-nn, nnd Pr»~cri b\ivt>rs nre ]<«>,■ Tbe .T(vpaie»e )"»H off nt tl-e accord dnv'n snJe. Prorcbsse s show a d<>clho of about 10 per cent, ne oompaivd with tho ' opening ealo. , I ' SYDNEY. Oct-lv>T 7. I (Tter«-iv>d OrV>lvr 7th, 1t.30 r>.m.) I With the o\-r of a spirited A'lierirnn . domnn4 foT* tv»«t c'iv?s~s, the wile's wool c!o=«l »b->«t on n pnr wi'h previous ■ dav«. Tho little lonjnvool offered waa not •; sold. XEW SOUTH WAT.VS WTTTTAT BTLL. SYnVEY. October 7. [ Tn tho A««emb'y. Vho '"'bet Bill ranted its , third rw!in». nfter n bv tho | to secure t'-e wnr'd'* ppritr. i Tli" fiovemment m-mbere em"'h'i' l ; o''llv un- ' j pOTP-1 the •mntin'r e r Ibo wo-kl'e nnritv nnd I c in the Prioe of l-^ctid. i : T , '" .T. r , ™* lwij n"-<'-oncb"d bv ; th-> So-th A'rtTHi" Pernio- (Ho-. TT. N. who i« fcpJcti™ nn xirr^ , "* Prcmicn' . r->"f>>'-PTjco to deal with fh<s World's parity ■ difficulty. ■■ AUSTRALIA" UTA^K^TS. SYDNEY. Octobor 7. Ot<4—A!?re*n'an "s r,-\ f.i "« Dd, "-i'l'M-r 4-« 3-1. 5s H-l to ("a. Mii~e—7<i r>l to 7« 01 Potat-oe—TcFmanian f'7 t/i £!°. Yifl'or-'->n £12 to £14. Onions— Yictorian £25 to fft*. ADELAIDE, October 7. Oata—?!> to os til. DETERT'vp.ATTW CF T.CRAT HT GREAT BRITAIN. QtTFeTTOW OF TEMPERATURE. October 7. In t.h<> ir«it»e of Re-iresentatires this afternoon, Mr Mnrrey Ml J on Anglift 11th Mr W. | D. Lysnar brniicht up the question of the temperature, at which meat wae held in the freezing stores in England, and he (tbo Prim© Mini--t?rl Vnd r,romis*d that he would obtain tho i-iformntion. AcCotdinply a cablo was «cnt to tho Higb. CoOi-. fol.'owe: —"It lias been eH.srtrosted that tho cawe of milch deterioration in frozen meat in Great Britain is d'le- to tho iloreft holding , at a higher toinpcra'tir , than tVt rrfr vailing , in New Zenlnnd. Under?tond Home stores maintain a temperature of 15 to 18 deqToce 10 to 11 d*gTcc3 heYo. Report." Th'e followinar reply had now been received—"With, to your telegTatn of August 27th rotrardin" d-teriorntioi of tneat in storo in Great Britain, tho Ministry of ' Food states that tho rnaintairiod i» as stated in your viz., 15 to IB decrees, and that thin is the eame as before tho war. Tbo Ministry doe? not coneidor that tho deterioration can bo necribivd to the tompoTDtnre at thi« end, but Ihol ln'Sfth t{ th-i imsatlefactory eppearanco is duo to dismemberment corteequont unon cbaflne and! ehrinico.are. and in some caa** to too lonst stora-oro in Zealand. Th* Director of Pobd dope not consider that the change from 10 to 15-18 decrees is likely to ac- ; count for tho deterioration in aproorance, a.3 f?T a« moulds or bftci~i-ia are eon(»rn»d, ptr>-vJrlr-i that the temperature maintained is steady." .. The Prim* Mitiieter eajrl th« matter v«9 tm>: of" importance to_ tho Dominion, and ho look thia of givi in;,' it ne much publicity as possible.

PKICE OF PETROL. (BPECTAT. TO •'TW-β PW*S««.'M . WELLINGTON, October 7. Thft price of pstrol. was mentirnvd in tho lionise of T?opi*.9'\nttiti7ee to-day by Mr Wilfotd, who emoted ft published *tn<t/;m«n't tliA<t the local price Two just rfaen to 37e Cd, or £2 a ca»>. Hβ saM Hm.t ho rpoently beusrht twnity cnn'T? in th* TJnitod State* tlirmijrh n fri"nd. H'» paid the current AmriMin pric*. 'vifhmit nnr irnHo dwoiint, on»l then p»id f-eiglvt, duty, and all other <:lKirs»e<». Ex"luirorn was ni thft current rate. Tho londM <?oet of tJ« p-ftrtl hud b»wn 23s a cm?! -1 . Wh:>t w t* , © Board of Trade doing to ■pTof'-et fie mftlic? T l i<> Hon. E. P. L'o replied (hat +li* Board nf TrrAc did not import patrol. Thwe vrae Tvfliiis to ptf*wT»-t othot wonle doinr whait Mr Wi!fo-d had ThW ciroumetnn< , ee of email trOTwraction mentioned to th*» H<yu*e mijrht b» pXcy-rxtJontJ. Ho would have tixo matter looked into. SMITH AND SirtTH, tTD.. TJi» is3i)<» by Smith and Smith, Ltd., paint, oil. and clour merchnnte, of Dunedin, Christchiirch, Wollinrton, Auckland, and London, of 45,000 6 per cent, cumulative preference shares of £1 each, fase been l«rgely overeubecribod. GERALtiINE STOCK SALE. At this week's tele the yarding of eheepi was email. Two-tooth wethers mad* PCs 6d, ewe 33e lid, and mixed eex ho?«j<yte 24s Ifld to 30s 2d. Cows mado £13, eprinVinsi heifer* £9 10* to £3 l!>s 6d r Cowe in profit £4) 10* to £4 12s 61, >oifer» £i 10g to £10 10e, young cattlo 20e to 7P». nnd two«year-old «tecrs £6 Bα U> £8 ss. "Wea-ner plg» eold at) 30e to 43e, and slips at dßs to sis. RAKAIA STOCK SALE. Tl«?fre was onlv a email entry ftt the fortnishtly stock ealo at Ralcp.ia on Thnredav. Prices rea-H&ed were:—Ewee and lambe fall counted) 21s, etoro w«thers 30» 3d, mixed e»x hosrgot-s £7a and 32s M, half draught horse £1", pony £10 IO3; pizß, weanore S7e 6d to 4Cs, store piae 54a to 67e, eow in pi? £5 lie. At the annual epring lorse panad© there were four drauphte and one hack, all of a good stamp of horeo. AUCKLA2TO MAEKETS. (srzot-i to "the pnsss.") AUCKLAND, October 7. The markets this week aro rather quieter, duo to the -adverse conditions ruling , , although the reflection hae not yet assumed eerioue dimerwions. Wholosalers conlhruo to force business by cutting, eonseqtienUy artificially lower pritses ano in eome lines. Price changes aro much in evidence, and tliia records ehow a sorioue addition to the cott of living, the most noteworthy item being- the n-ew record for butfcir. Clixiatinaa bookings aro now tko chief item for consideration, it being generally recognised that stocks will bo ehort in many seasonable lines. Honey—The demand shows much imp.rovement, and th© anticipation of higher lweJ* is forciflg booking:. One large packer this w«ek givce a Jiipher quotation. Bacon—Sidea and middles this week *re being quoted at a email ad ranee. KeTceene and Benzine—New price* »ro ag-ain named, kerosene showing an ed-mnco of Qβ per case since lost report. Stocks aro providing Tclicf for ttto most urgent requirements only. Sugar— Deliverictt are showing an improirenicnt, but raw will continue to bo allocated to retailers for some time, tho output of IA being only eiifHcient for mairnfacturpr»' ■ueo where substitutes ere impossible. Tho demand from confectioners has taeed off pend« io? the resumption of ibc srae supply.—The induetrial poeition in not affecting business, which ia remarkably pood. Butter —Tho long talked of advance In tbo price of btztter ia now an acoomplkhed fact, I merchants having this week fixed the price of now eeaeon'e moke at 2* 8d per B> wholesale, less id dkoount for cash. This is on a parity with the export prise uow e£Eering from abroad. Polatoe*—Spot stocks of old Southern potatoes, of food quality, commend £7 10* per ton.

Onicnw—Stocks are very low, tnd price* high. Oalifornian onions M&not bo noSi under 42e Cd per crato. Victorian, ore quoted at SCe to 38s per cwt. Majie—Parcels are eellinp at te fld to 0* 3d, wholesale, on the wharf. Oate—-Buaincea ia etQj of a hand-to-mouth description at 6e 4d per bruebfil, ex atoro. ■Chaff—Tho market » firm at , £15 per ton, ex More.

Wholesale em-Tent prices axe—Lost ae—un'a factory butter Iβ 7Jd per li> (lees rebate far prompt payment), Betr afcasoa** 2s Sβ per tb (kee Jd discount for cwh), dairy cheese Iβ per Ib, factory cbecee Iβ 3d per Ib, haute Iβ 7d per lb not, bacon 1* Od per Ib net, bed—

bulk Is 4A, pets is ijd, margarine— Vnlk la 3d, parts Iβ 3Jd, hon<>y—pnmo prado 10d, <hiok ojr?» Is al, hon Is 10d per dowsn. Floarr 418 flese discount of 2i jx?r reitf. tkt ton in SOOlb ssvcks) aliarps jl'll, bran £0 5a oettncal (25'e) jC3S jxt ton.

CHRISTCHXJRCH STOCK EXCHANGE. YESTERDAY'S TRANSACTION'S. Sales reported:—<Bcath and Co., £1 IC* :3 ■parcols). LATEST QUOTATION'S. Buyors. S«Vior". £ e. A. £ b. d. DEBEXTCRES— N.Z. Govt. 5 per cent. Insc, 1927 .. — 05 IP 0 BANKS— Xnt'nrn! of New Zoaknd — G 0 r. Ko-nl B;>nk .. 113 9 Il< 0 INSURANCE— South British .. — 0 IT 6 LOAN AND AGENCY— Mort (cum rishU) .. 3 6 0 2 7 0 SHIPPING— Now Zealand (B por cent, cirn pwf.) .. — 11 0 0 FROZEN MFAT— Nor h Cantcrburv F«xmin- .." •■ «10 0 Wollinrton (£3 12a 6d paid) .. .. — 4 11 <"• \TOOI-LVNS— —aiapni (5? paid) .. — 0 IS 0 Knicioi (prof, to div. on!v) .. .. — 1110 BnT"WVRIES— Mnn-ninß .. .. — * 0 0 MTPr^LLANKOUS— Poaih vn<\ Co. .. 115 0 117 0 BcotV S'hi 8?, Fclstoad (ox div.) .. .. 1 7 0 1 S G BootK Macdonald (ex div.l .. .. - 0 in S Burns, Phi'.p •• — 2 J ° Struthcrs (JCI paid), c\im lisrhte .. —" 1 ll 0 N.Z. l-Vrmors , Co-o?. (£2 paH), cum div. .. 210 0 211 0 N.Z. Suear of MilTt .. - 2 7 0 "Whiicoinb? and Tomba , (cum (iir.) .. — • 3M '» Rnr~. CLOSE TO-DAY, October Stl\, nt S MINING— Waihi Grand Junction — 0 10 0 AtrCKLAND, October 7. Sft!c« on 'Chenuf—South British. £9 1S»: NZ Insurance. 23a Arcklani due paid), 265; A>icklnnd Trumi (ord.), lf«. Rrportod sale— Scml* Brilifh, £0 15s od. DXTN"DIN, Ovlobcr 7. 8»1*» on 'Chcinsr—National Bonk, 120 a; Now Zealand Ineuranoo Cj., 29e.

WELLINGTON STOCK .EXCHANGE (srsriAi. to "tith rnKss."» "WF.LTjTNnTON. October t,

Qnotrtiwie-National Bark, eellcrs .■Tβ 10s; Bnnk of Now South Wales, seller* £3-1 ss; ifcinU of Kc.v Zoalnnd. wlfcrs £20; Union Bnnlt, sellers .€l3 15s; JVoMin-rton Invwlbuvors Sβ 9d: WMl'nsrton G*e <£l n P™ s '. filets £10: W<\UinEiin Ga« 'preforonce) buyers lCer. Nntiniml Insurance, eellers ?4s 6d: TCow Z-nWmd Insurance, ecll*r» Site fci: South BriM-h, buyore £9 l 9«. *«U*wi £0 l,s Gd: N.Z. RefvißowtiniT '10s paid).-««wo Wβ fid; Gear, buyers 45* 3d; f Hen 45 0d; M*"t Export (72e Cd patfl shirrs £4 Hβ; Hud-derl-Parker (ordinary), buycre 52a Jid, β-llore S4e; Union Steam /p-referfince), wllere "n»Ka(!«poi Woollf-n (ordinary). «11-ra 35e: Wellih».ton Woollen (prrforonoc), eoUore £7 12-; edf Hiknraiwti Coal, rollers 17e; Tnupin bur-rs ITe: Westoort, SOa, Bv-llors 31b; Wwtport-StocWon (preference), lmvevs 10«; Tarin?ram'-hi-Totwrtt, buyers "as: KcliDse P'trol (203 paid), biiycta 0«; H™«™ Smith, buyers «3». 45«; Pat>w Mills, 36e 6d; Wurd P.nd Co., eoUors 3+ 3> ; Wilson's Oiwnt, ICs 7d; Weihi. Bailors ate: Girand Junction, eellera Wβ m.

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Press, Volume LVI, Issue 16960, 8 October 1920, Page 7

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COMMERCIAL. Press, Volume LVI, Issue 16960, 8 October 1920, Page 7

COMMERCIAL. Press, Volume LVI, Issue 16960, 8 October 1920, Page 7


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