Tho Lady Editor will be pleased to receive for publication in tho "Women's Corner" items of social or porsonal news. Such itoms should. 1)0 fully authenticated, and engagement notices must boar the signatures of both parties. Correspondence is invited on any matters affecting, or of interest to, women.
Mr and Mrs Fels (Dunedin) aro visiting Christchurch. Mr and Mrs Stuart Newall (Hong Kong) arrived in Christchurch on Saturday, and leave for the South to-day. Miss Estelle Becro (Wellington) is in Christchurch. Mr rnd Mrs A. Hemptoa (Auckland) are visiting Christchurch. Queen Alexandra is 75 years of ago to-day.
Mr and Mrs G. A. Somervillo (Wellingtonl aro among the guests at tho Clarendon. Colonel Myers (London) with his daughter, Miss Myers, and his sister, Mrs Coleman (Auckland), is staying at Warner's. Mrs Crawford "Watson (Wellington), who has come to reside in Christchurch, is at present staying at tho Clarendon. Miss Grace Taylor (Sydenham) and Miss Laura Marshall (Linwood) were presented on the occasion of their respective marriages with an afternoon | tea service and a silver teapot, respectively, by their associate employees of the Kainpoi Company's clothing factory. Mr llissctt, manager, made the presentations on behalf of the staffs. A successful box-opening function in connexion with the Dr. Jiarnardo Homes was held on Wednesday at the oi' Mr and Mrs Wilkinson, "Woodlands," Linwood. About fifty children from the Phillipstown school, mostly members of the oung Helpers] League, •hiul been invited, and on arrival were entertained with games on the lawn, afternoon tea, iee creams, etc. Meanwhile. the boxes were opened, and were found to contain tho gratifying sum of £4 los. After photographs had been taken, Miss Joyce. Xew Zealand secretary, briefly addressed the children, audi the Rev. t?. A. Fracr spoke on their duty of helping all children who are poor and unhappy. '
Mrs T. Finch, late postmistress at Owhango, Main Trunk, died recently. The late Mrs Finch was the first lady registrar appointed in New Zealand to perforin the marriage ceremony, and nearly the whole of her life had been devoted to the postal service. Tho deceased lady was well known on tho West Coast of the South Igland.
A jeeture -will be given by Dr. A. B. O'Brien, of Christchurch, in tho Kind's Theatre this evening, under the auspices of the Younj: Women's Efficiency l.eagtie. The subject of Dr. O'Brien's address is '"The Result of Drink as Seen by a Medical Man."
Miss Ironside, M.A., eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs A. W. Ironside, of Mount Edcn ? Auckland, hns been appointed principal of Girton Girls' Grammar School, Victoria. Mifs Ironsido is an ex-student of the Girls' High School, Christchurch, and tho Auckland Grammar School, and a graduate of tha Auckland University. For some time past Jliss Ironside has been senior mistress ut the Palmerston North High School.
Miss C. Neil, who was recently appointed matron of the Aslrburton County Hospital, will enter upon her duties "to-day. Hie Avonside Nursing Division of the M. John Ambulaneo held their -weekly meeting on Thursday evening at the brigade rooms, Mrs Watkins (ladv superintendent) being in charge. A practical demonstration of washing a patient in bed was given by ono of'tho officers.
The engagement is announced of Miss ■«V" -.' orln,l > business secretary of the Wellington branch of the Y.IY.C.A. to iJr Arthur Clayton, of Los Angeles. Miss Lrt-'ithc Mitchell (Christciiurch). who has been visiting Mrs Wallace It-one, Day's Hay, Wellington, returned: home on Saturday.
The engagement is announced of Miss Joan Kendall, eider daughter of Dr Martindalo Kendall, to Dr. It. Campbell Begg, M.C. (iate R.A.M.C.), of Welling.
Mrs A. Sleightholme, postmistress at Linivood. has been advised by the Secretary of the l>ost Otfiee that Rhe is to be ivtned on superannuation in January. after twenty years' service. Sho has been granted threo months' leave on full pay.
Tho death took place 'at her residence IS n pier, last week, of Mrs Marianne Davies, relict of the late Rev. C. *-: av 'es, at the age of 99 years. Mrs l.avics was the eldest daughter of the lato Archdeacon Henry Williams, of the 15ay of Islands, and sister of tho late Archdeacon Samuel 'Williams of ™ u - 0, , Hawkp ' s Ma.v. She was born ,o l n ' lt^ n a ? , , Kng l a " d ' on 23th, 1820. Her father left Eneland, on September lith, 1522, on board the ship Lord Lidmouth, with his wife and threo children, calling at Rio on their waj tr» Ilobart, and reaching that port on I- obrurry 10th, 1523. Tliere thev mr>t the late Rev. Samuel Marsden, i who took the family to Parramatta. where they lived for some time, and left Sydney for New Zealand on board the snip Brampton, in company with tho Rev. Mr Marsden. Thev arrived at tho Hay of Islands on Au'pust 3rd, 1823, and Mr Williams formed a mis sion station at Paihia. Mrs Davies was married on February 9th. 1543. t< j tin- Rev. C. P. Davies, who was a lioe tor of Medicine, and a little later „oin ed the Church Missionary Societv. Tliej lived .-a Kishop's College. U'aimate Bay of Islands, for some months. Late; >n Mr Daring v * trans' 1 "
• r J-»a . as transferred to Tauand in ISo2 to Opotiki. where ie carried on his mission work, acd Urs Davies had a Maori pirls , school. Jwin~ to the illress of Mrs Davies lie returned to the Bav of Islands, where lie died in IS6I. Mrs Davies was pre- I sent the Treaty of Wnitnngi wns ' signed before Gorernor Ilohson, in l? 40. Two sons and one daughter aro living. Mr C. P. Davies of Gisborne. Mr T. M. Davies. of London, and Miss Davies, of Napier. '
M.ijor and Mrs Acton-Adams arrived it. C. r: .-tchuich on Saturday from \\ et--1 ugton.
At the osAir.inntioru held recently in connexion with Pitman's Phonetic* Institute. the following pupil? ironi St. Mary's Convent, Colombo stroot north, were successful: —Vera S] acki tan, sjkwl shorthand 100 words pel minute: Vera O'Flaherty. speed shorthand CO words wr minute: Mollio I*rr.dl(»'", speed shorthand GO words per mninto: Eileen Mtdlany. spcxi shorth: nd 00 words per minute; May ITeaphv. snecMl shorthand ('■o words per li'inute. Theory eertuirntes: Mnv Dalv. Ivy Cray, and Elizabeth Kermodo.
WEDDINGS. ROLEY—DAGG. At St. John's Phnrch. I'ea titers ton. on Wednesday, Mis<; Nora Dapg, secord laughter of Mr R. J. of Western Lake. Featherston, and formerly of M;istertoii. was married t« Mr Ed par I.iovicl Rolcy. son of Captain IJnlev. (if Christchurch. The bride looked charming in a drees of crepe tie chine, with the u*'ia| veil and orange blossoms, and carried a handsome bouquet of roses, sweet peas, and mai-den-hair fern. The bridesmaid. Miss Dorothy Dagg, sister of the bride, wore an old rose crept? de chine dress, with touches of blue, and hat to match. Rev. Hartlect was the officiating clergyman. The happy couple left, by motor for Wellington, cn route for Christchurch.
rCGH— MOUCTAN". The weeding took place at St. Potrr': Clmri'h. "Wellington, on Thursday, ol Miss Alien Maud Morgin. second daugh tor <>* Mr John Morgan, of Christchurch, and Mr Norman John Pugh. ol the staff of Marton Telephone Exchance, vounjrer son of Captain Gcorgi A. Pugh*, F.R.G.S.. of E:ist liam, Essex, Enpland. The cerrrnony was performed by Archdeacon Watson. The Nrido wore a charming gown of whitr silk, with the usual veil and orange blossom. She- carried a beautiful shower Ixniqiict of white roses and maidenhair fern, and was attended by two bridesmaids. Miss Xan Lrggat, and Mist Moirr. Noot. The former wore a fawn gaberdine- costume, with a largo leghorn hat. Her bouquet was of peonies and foliage. The littlo maid wore pale pink ninon with a lace leghorn hat, and "carried n bouquet of pink roses and maidenhair fern. Mr W. JJyrnes was the best man. After the ceremony, Mr and Mrs Pugh left for the North; the lattar's travelling frock was of gaberdine, worn with a fawn tagel hat, trimmod with cerise.
STALKHI—MARSH ALL The wedding took place at St. Marj Church, Morjvale, on Thursday, of Mi Nellio Winifred Marshall, young daughter of Mr and Mrs Alex. Ma shall, of St. Albans, to Mr Josej Stalker, son of tlio la to Mr Jol Stalker, of Tinwald. The ceremony w performed l>y the Yen. Archdeac( Hiijrgitt. The brido, who was giv< away by her father, looked charmii in a pretty frock of ivory crepe < cFiinn and georgette, trimmed with pea l^iMwmoitohii, :mkl woro a lovely lax veil, which her mother had worn at h< wedding. Sho carried a # bouquet < wnite flowers. Miss Annie. Dryburgl the bridesmaid, was dressed in pin shantung, .a black hat trimmed wit flat pink roses, and carried a love] houquet of pink flowers. Mr Keit Campbell, M.M., of Tinwnld, attende the bridegroom. The church had bee tastefully decorated by girl friends < the bride while over the chancel w*i suspended a wedding bell. Mrs Osmon Smith presided at the organ. After the ceremony a reception wa held at Broadway's, the guests numbci ing about 90. Mrs Marstfall (tho bride' mother) received, wearing a black sati dress, .-»nd b> *k hat with white osprej Among the guests were: Mrs (ieorg I>yer (bride's sister). Mr and Mrs .1 Cow. Mr John Stalker (bridegroom' brother), Mrs Snpgors, Mr and Mrs J T). Stalker, tho Misses Stalker. Mr an Mrs Bell, Mr and Mrs Alfred Marshall Mr and Mrs E. Marshall. Mr and Mr Robinson, Mr, Mrs nnd Miss Bcveridgr Mis* Field, Mr. ( T. C. Field, Mr Stanle Field, Mrs Wyse Smith, Mrs Coradinr Mr nnd Mrs P. L. Daviw Mr, Mrs, and Miss Margaret Bryburgh Mr and Mrs J. F. Grierson, Mr am Mrs J. Fleming, Port Ticrv, Mr ani Mrs Teppett, Mr and Mrs" VT. Shaw Mr and Mrs Simmons
For the Hair and Complexion tho most effective ar.d reliable treatments are obtained nt Mrs R|ll<nton's. Her spacious rooms aro fitted up with every modern appliance, and ill treatment* aro c&rricd out personally or by qualified assistants of many years' experience. who havo already proved their ability by tho excellent results of their treatments. Mrs Holloston's methods are based upon round medical training in and her experience in Hair and Complexion treatments, has been gained in London, Paris, and America. Courses of treatment from Ono Guinea. Dominion Buildings, Cathedral square. 118502
FUR OOATS AND RUGS. * LOCAL INDUSTRY. SPECIAL LOW PRICES FOR RACE WEEK. Wo are holding some Beautiful FUR COATS and HUGS, no Fancy Pxioos. Call a&'l seo our Stock. COLWiLL'S FUR STORES, 205 High street. C:72"-213
HOSPITAL FETE. A SUCCESSFUL FUNCTION'. Although the afternoon was far from ideal for an open-air function, tlio fete held in the hospital grounds on Saturday was a thoroughly succcssful one, and it is estimated that when all expenses aro mot, nearly £590 wdl result. Tho fete was organised by Miss May Wilson and members of the Hospital Lady Visitors' Association, to raise funds for a nurses' convalescent cottage a; Sumner, and !t was so splendidly arranged that everything went elf perfeotiy, public, which attended in large numbers, tpent a thoroughly enjoyable alternoon.
Tl.t' pretty hospital grounds were dotted about with marquess and tents, erected to accommodate the * tails, and the stalls themselves, laden with useful and attractive gilts, were well patronised. 'lho lollow;ng ladies wcro in enarge : —Mosdamos Ilargreaves .Mid ilun.e (Christmas gifts): Misses lvir'.; (hags and aprons); Mrs Carey-Hill and .Sister McMurtrie (odds and ends); Mesdar.ies It. Anderson, Slee, S.iville, Kendall, Johnson, and liennett (cakes); Mtsdaines Bcauchamp Lane, Bristed, and Treleaven, and Miss Thompson (household goods); Mrs Kelly (wedding cako dip): hospital sisters (sweets); Mrs C ollins (flowers) ; Mrs Percy Overton produce); Mr; Blackbunie, Misses Cox, Todhunter, and Mating (varieties); Mrs J. Turnbull and Miss CowlUhaw (balloons) : Mrs Studholme and Mis* Overton (men's stall); Mrs Fdgar Turner (toys); Mrs Herbert (fairy well); Mrs Hunter and Mrs Baliin (soft drinks). The fortune-telling tents were in charge of Mrs Stanton, Mrs Surrirtge, and Madame Spenwza. while Mr L. Harper and Mr NVilliamsrn supplied tho side-shows. Delicious afternoon tea was obtainable on a sfcadv portion of the lawn, the Indies in charge here bein" Mesdames Hogg, Percv (ox, Sands ton" Pairmnn, Manning. A. Jameson, Duncan, Foster, Fox, A. Morton, Cotterill, Wynn-Williams, B vie, Algar Williams, Henry Wood, and Miss Ada Julius, Mrs Lee and Mi-s Pender (thivo two ladies representing P.edcliflfsi, Mrs Peppier, Mrs White, and Mrs .Stewart (New Brighton). Tho Tramway Band supplied bright music throughout the afternoon.
TO-DAY'S RECIPE. Potato S.ilad—T«o tf.blespoonfuls lioiled r.nd sieved potatoes, 3 tablrsp- onfuls silad oil. 1 taliie&poonfu! vinegar j peppor nnd salt, half .11< made I niu.stard. pinch of sugar. Potatoes for 1 a salad should ho rather waxy than mealy: ne-.v potatoos nre np?t. "Ciit in n«-at slws. {)eol and slice beetroot, arr.nn?c in alternate rows or c-ire'e r.iih potatoes. Sprinkle with fim iy-jhoppej ' parsley, and pour dressing over.
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Press, Volume LV, Issue 16694, 1 December 1919, Page 2
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2,137WOMEN'S CORNER. Press, Volume LV, Issue 16694, 1 December 1919, Page 2
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