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j AUCTIONS. PYNE GOULD, GUINNESS, LTD. PYNE, GOULD, GUINNESS, T.TD.. have received instructions from MB R J, FLEMING TO OFFER FOR PRIVATE SALE, HIS WELL-KNOWN GRAZING PROPERTY AT PORT LEVY, Containing ABOUT 2QQQ ACRES, ; Principally bush country, heavily grassed, ' and subdivided into numerous paddocks. The Property is splendidly -watered bj natural streams and springs. HOMESTEAD consists of an up-to-date gentleman's residence of 1G looms, witi lawn 3 and flower be-do beautifully laid out, kitchen garden, and a magnificent orchard of about 5 acivs, workman's .-otiage of i rooms, connected with the homestead bj | telephone; also 6table, large woolshed. dairy, I etc. There is also a small homestead with a ■dwelling of 5 rooms, with concreted cow-byr< I fitt?d with milking machines. I'resont ownri runs here a dairy of about 60 cowa. The whole of this property is suitable foi dairying, as well as being first-class sheer country. It is noted tor the lambs an'. 6hoep it produces, as well as cattle. Is alst free from noxious weeds, and K-nds i(6elf ad mirably for subdivision, having a chain roac running through it. It is within two houre of Christchurch either by road or steamer. If. not sold privately the above property will be cut into Small Blocks and Sold b; Auction. For further particular® apply PYNE, GOULD, GUINNESS, LTD. 4816 FOR PRIVATE SALE~ "jl/TR ISAAC ANDREW, having bought 5 ItA larger property near Waimate, Soutl Canterbury, has instructed MESSRS PYNE GOULD, GUINNESS. LTD., to SELL PRI VATELY tho following F— — STUD FARM at ELLESVERE, 860 Acrei —Modern 10-roomed one-storey House, h. ant c. water, Quirk'a gas, stable, woolshed, im plcment ehed, men's wharo. ALSO 6-roome< House, stable, granary, cowshed, eheepdip One mile from Elleamero Railway Station. 35 Acres in wheat, 80 acres in oats, 8< acres for rape, 20 paddocks, 3 permanen streams. FIRST-CLASS LA-N'D; for the las 15 years has been used as a STUD FARM Perfect shelter for stock —losses practically nil. 400 ACRES LEASE, rent 10s, 21 years t< run; 4 miles from above property. 25 ocrcs oate, 40 acres grass and rape, 40 acres ii rapo, 50 acres for turnips, balance gross Good winter country, should go with abov< block. BURNHAM—SIS ACRES, 6-roomed house stablo, woolshed, implement shed, sheep yards, 18 paddocks well watered; 90 acrej oats and grass, 110 acres rape, 80 acres tui nips, balance grass. 814 ACRES, across road from above, 6 roomed house, stable, implement shed, gran ary, 9 paddocks, water-race; 60 acres rape 50 acres turnips, balance grass. Ono mill from school and railway. 63 ACRES, HALSWELL—Good dairy land, 4-roomed cottage, 6 paddock' well watered, all grass; 8 milee from Christ church. Further particulars, price, etc., apply 5027 PYNE, GOULD. GUINNESS, LTD. THE FREEHOLD FA"RM OF A Q ACRES AT PREBBLETON, the pre pcrty of tho TRUSTEES of the Int THOS. EARNisHAW, not having been dil posed of at Auction, IS NOW FOR PRIVATE SALE. PYNE, GOULD, GUINNESS, LTD.. 5026 Auctioneers. PASTORAL LEASE. 88,000 ■ ACRI3B . 21 years to run fror UtJiKSKJU lßt March, 1919, rent £20 v P*®' J. 800 acres freehold, first-clas alluvial soil, mostly in Englisi grass, small area in fallow. Countr lies well to the north, more winti than summer country—Eeparat blocks for ewes and wethers. Spier did up-to-date buildings and ire provements, gooc! store, house, an whare, shearers' Uit and woolshec stable, all neceisiry bui dings, paddocks, near wo>lshed, and all th flat land is fenced, and another bi block. Good communication dailj STOCK—About 10,500 to 11,00 . sheep, Quarterbred principallj but portion are Halfbreds. Abou 150 head well-bred "cattle. PRICE. £37,000, AS GOING CONCERN 4-77 South Canterbury—Higl • class Agricultural Stud ' Farra heavy tarry volcanic and limgstcn soil, noted for the heavy crops c K r *'Oi potatoes, root crops, grass clover seed which it produce! • Subdivided into 25 paddocks, we watered, 1 mile from Schoo Creamery, and Cheese Fac'orj Railway runs along tho boundarj Railway Sidin? within J-mi b c Homestead. Buildinre consist of large up l to-date Stone Homestea of 2 storeys, with state roof, if piedid shelter, surrounded by wel laid out grounds, garden, lenni l*wn, etc. Large stone draugh stable, hark stable, 2 kose-box'f gTanary and loft, smithy, carp©ter's shop, men's cottage," oxten c iv stone piggeries, cattle eheda, fitte with mod complete and up-<o-da. Milking Plant, oiltengine, mitabl for milking from (!5 cows upwards Motor garage, dairy, " shc-epyardt and dip. For price and further particulars apply PYNE, GOULD, GUINNFSS, LTD. 4 f 7Q ACRES, 6-roomed House, all outbuild I O ings; 30 acres oats, 100 ploughei for turnips, 90 ploughed for rape good cropping and fattening farm Half-mile from School, 4 from Rail way. PRICE £20. £1500 DOWN. SOUTH CANTERBURY. QQQ ACRES, 7-roomed Hnu«e, all con OUU vmiences, 8-fta!led stable, 4 loose boxes, woolshed, shed shecpyards, 22 paddocks, all wir / fences. Watered by runnin: streams. Carrying 1400 in eluding 1200 ewes, 45 hors-s, 1; cattle; 30 acres in wheat, 20 aero in oats, and 180 acres ploughed fo oats and rape. PRICE, £17. EASY TERMS. PYNE. GOULD, GUINNESS, LTD. P 6051*4803 WEIGHT, STEPHENSON AND CO. LTD. WRIGHT, STEPHENSON AND CO., LTD. CHRISTCHURCH. "| 9AA ACRES, River Flats; eplcndic -LOW 6hcep fattening property. Onlj 23 miles from Christchurch. PRICE £12 10s per acre. Very easy terms. Folio 102J 675 ACRES, MAKIKIHI-HUNTER DISTRICT. Rich heavy land. Splendid locality. Only £23 per acre. » Folio 103 C 60 ACRES DAIRY LAND, BALCAIRN DISTRICT. £35 per acre. Folio 102f WRIGHT, STEPHENSON and CO., LTD., W3629-4752 Christchurch.
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Press, Issue 16678, 12 November 1919, Page 14
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906Page 14 Advertisements Column 4 Press, Issue 16678, 12 November 1919, Page 14
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Page 14 Advertisements Column 4 Press, Issue 16678, 12 November 1919, Page 14
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