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SITUATIONS VACANT. NELSON HOSPITAL AND CHARITABLE AID BOABD. Applications for the poaiJjon of resident SURGEON (no honorary ctaffi at the NELSON HOSPITAL will be received by the above Board until 4 o'clock pjn. on TUESDAY, 2nd December prox. SALARY, £iSO per annum, and Free Residence. Duties to commence about the mid3l© of December. Applications, 6tating age and qualifications (with testimonials encloeed) to bo addrceeed to the undersigned, end marked on tho outside "Application for Resident Surgeon." S. BLOMFIELD, Secretary. Nelson. November 7th, 1919. 4993 NELSON - COLLEGE ~FOR GIRLST TTTANTED, an ASSISTANT MISTRESS. I' Salary £200 per annum, with Board and Rceidenra. Ability to teach French to University Scholarship Standard required. The appointment will bo subject to three months notice of termination from either eide. Applications, stating qualifications and accompanied by certificates, testimonials, and | photographs, will bo received by tJ*e "under- r signed up to 22nd November. R. CATLEY, _ Secretary. College Office, Nelson, Bth November, 1919. 4990 SITUATIONS WANTED. CONTRACTORS WANT PLOUGHING. ENTIRE CROP. SETTING OR HAULAGE CONTRACTS. Six Weeks or Later. NOTHING TOO BIG. MACHINERY, EIMITED, "Preea" Office, 559 Christ church WANTED, Position as Single Shopherd, 4 years' exporionce, rough country; 3 dogs. STB YOUNG Man desiree work, Musrterer or . Shepherd; good references; dogs. 0.K., "Press" Office. 549 WANTED TO PURCHASE. WANTED TO PURCHASE, FOR CASH CLIENT, MODERN HOUSE 8 ROOMS, Good Locality, W. E. SIMES and CO., 3736 . 14C Hereford street. T/TT ANTED to Buy, Studebaker 3-scater VV Car. Must bo in good repair, and Electric Lamps and Self-starter. State price, and where can bo eoen, to Studebaker, Box 622, Christchurch. 5465-A2C73 OLD FALSE TEETH bought, sound rr broken. Beet possible prices in Now Zealand. Send any you have to J. DUNSTONE, Box HIS, Auckland. Est. 28 years. Cash by return post. H4996 TXTANTED to Buy, 5000 Hons. 9s to 10s, VV - Cockerels 103 to 12s, Ducks 9s to lis per pair. Also Turkeys, Pigeons, and Geese in'any quantity. 'Pnone 1191. D. Pounsford, 62 Jerrold street. P 6555 r TXT , ANT£D Buy, Tennis Net, also Wire : VV.: Netting.' Send full particulars to "Tennis," Box 603, Christchurch. 284 "j\TODERN HOUSE—WANTED, to PurIVX chase, in good locality, Residence, value about £2000. Enquirer not an : agent. Possession wanted in about three months. Reply promptly to Box 991, Christohurch. 690 r fX7iANTED for client, a 3-ton Lorry, in 'V V i good order. Applv tho City Market. 591 WANTED TO SELL. FOR SALE. FINE APPLE ORCHARD PROPERTY. AT RUBY BAY, NELSON. /"OVERLOOKING the harbour and in view vy of the French Pass. Within easy motor service of Nelson. Well Built Modern' Bungalow, 5 rooms, hot and cold water, bathroom, etc. Sleeping porch and commodious verandah. 21 ACRES. PLANTED in BEST COMMERCIAL VARIETIES SUITABLE for EXPORT, 10 acres eight-year-old, 6 acres three-year-old trees and fully planted. For further particulars apply to MR H. OWEN, Cook and Ross, Ltd., Chemists, C Christchurch. F O R . S A L E. CITY FREEHOLD, With an Old-established Manufacturing Confectionery Business, Situated on OXFORD TERRACE and TUAM STREET. PREMISES consist of Double-fronted Shop. X Dwelling-rooms, ■ Storeroom, and a Substantial Factory in Brick. Excellent prospects for enterprising man to work up a good wholesale 'and retail trado. Particulars on personal application at 56 OXFORD TERRACE W., CITY. C 2765 OVERSTOCKED. For sale, scotch whisky—d.c.l., Dewar's, Teacher's, £2 10s per gallon. Jars 3s 6d (delivered within Belts). French Brandy (Prunier's), £2 10s per gallon; Case Brandy (Boomerang). £4 per case 12 bottles. PROVINCIAL HOTEL. Telephone 1458. 14919. FOR PRIVATE SALE. /~1 OOD MIXED FARM, situated ASHU BURTON DISTRICT. Area about 1400 acres. Can be sold in two blocks if desired. Price £15 per acre. Easy terms. 7-roomed house, stables, shearing slieds ; and sheep-yards. Water and plantations m all paddocks. Everything attached to the farm in the very best condition. Owner retiring from farming. Apply ARTHUR WILSON and CO.. Cashel street. W8515-1098 HTTAJLSELEY-Siddeley, 16 h.p., boat-shaped , : VV 1 body, finished in a smart brown colour. Car is fully equipped with spare wheel. Tyres are in firet-class order. We are prepared to give' any * trial. Prioo for quick sale £350. Adams, Ltd., Tuam street. A 2673-4513 "TXTHAT Offero for Splendid Building SecVV tion, i-acre, Riccarton road, two chain, frontage, 2d section? Apply "Section," Bo* 850. 8* TI/fcINTYRE'S Extra Strong Regulating X>-L Pills, 5s 6d; the most reliable Pills on th<» Market- Chemist* and Storekeeper*. . . 06445 WANTED KNOWN. LADIES, make £1 weekly, own home, Bpare time. Booklet explaining, 3d postage. Torchon Co., 220 Collins street, Melbourne. 4580 . SEED PEAS AND BEANS.—We Supply . SEED PEAS (main crop, round and . wrinkled); also CANADIAN WONDER ( BEANS for growing on CONTRACT. J. MEAGHER and CO., 155 Cashel street. M 6467-361 ; McINTYRE'!? Extra Strong Regulating ! Pills, Ss 6d. As all Chemists and Storekeepers. Q6iio "I A 7 AN TED, Ladies to inspect our Special * V in Silk Jerseys, from 425. N. 6523-1200 "V\7 ANTED Known, thai Nicholson and Co. V» have just opened up Special Line Striped Crepe Blouats, »t 6s lid. N6523-1200 WANTED Known, at Nicholson and Co.'s, Special Value in Coloured Silk Blouses, »t 17s 6d. ; N6523-1200 j Wf ANTED, at Nicholson and Co.'s, Stylish , VV Read-to-Wear Hats, in ffcticy • straws, from 9s lid. N6523-1200 ( , V\ T ANTED, at Nicholson and Co.'s, eplen- 1 T V did assortment Children's Hats, in ail shapes and colours, from 2s lid. N6523-1200 . 1 "ITS/ ANTED, at Nicholson and Co.'s, ■ Boys' I 1V all-wool Jerseys, in grey and heather, I : all sixes, from 7s lid. N6523-I2QO I ; L~~ EFT-OFF Clothing—Mrs Robson, 303 High street (late of Ounedin), Cash Buyer oi Ladies', Gents', and Children's : Left-oS Clothing. Letters attended to. 'Phone 3628. 8502 | - , DAVIS and Daytonia Sewing Machines at Mmson's. Lifelong satisfaction. Cheap- I est proposition. - - - - M 6510
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Press, Issue 16678, 12 November 1919, Page 12
Word Count
946Page 12 Advertisements Column 4 Press, Issue 16678, 12 November 1919, Page 12
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Page 12 Advertisements Column 4 Press, Issue 16678, 12 November 1919, Page 12
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