HI ih or uses grave and gay > ill H Itelln VoGUE Hats were especially ere- ?jj| 8 XI lllßlfe ated. Whether the need is for jj|| town or country wear, street 6r restaurant, || g|jg . a j|g Vogue Hats are unerring in quality and Si A tip sign. One is tempted, almost, to call it artistry, |j \jj( ;S so exquisitely fine is their hand'tailoring. ;|j rg: Unusual in every respect —conception, line, finish— :|a J|[> g1; Vogue Hats are engagingly varied in treatment. ;|jj n 11= The assortment is so vast and so admirable that your ]|jf n u 1|: personal preferences are sure to be fulfilled. Surprisingly j||| JL |||:' modest prices make Vogue Hats especially delightful. fjnll Hr ¥i • 1 ii Hi Exclusive to BEATHS iH 11 1'iti 1 "hmh i 1 Q7ew%rk "4 s
BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS. C. F. HULSTON' Has Opened a High class hairdressing saloon and TOBACCONIST'S, No. 76 Manchester street, Opp. People's Palace Hotel. Careful Shaving (by skilful tradesmen), Shampoos, Head and Faco Massage. Razor Setting a Speciality. Large Stock of Tobaccos, Cigarettes, and Choice Cigars. H5124 VISITORS TO CHRISTCHURCH . Will find Good.Accommodation at the CAFE, NEW 'BRIGHTON, Facing the Sea. Trams Km. 5 and 10 Stop .at Door. Moderate Tariff. 4. MRS A. JOHNSTON, J5119 Proprietress. C. E. GIBBONS AND CO.'S OHOICE BEDDING ' PLANTS, j FOR PRESENT PLANTING. j | Including Antirrhinums (Semi-Dwarf, in 1 separate colours), Lobe'ia Compacts, Petunia, j Phlox Drumrnohdii, Salpiglossis,' Ten-week 1 Stocks, Verbenas (choice mixed). ' C. E. GIBBONS and CO., j G4910-98 617 Colombo street. LATHYRUS SPLENDENS, THE PRIDE OF CALIFORNIA. fPHE LATHYRUS SPLENDENS. popu- I J- larly known na the PRIDE OF CALI- ; FORNLY, is a crimson flowefeU, Everlast- | iny Pea of great beauty. It is not a. novelty in horticulture, but is little known and seldom seen in gar- ( dons, the reason being that plants have not been procurable from the Nurserymen, as this plant is difficult of propagation, either from cuttings or seed—the seeds aro 6o often sterile. ' W«, havo been fortunate this 6eason in raising from 6ced no less than 500 plants, which are now ready for distribution. These plants are all POT-GROWN, and we quote them at 2s 6d EACH, or 27s 6d per doz. P.S.—Does beet in a warm situation. ORDER EARLY. NAIRN and SONS, Lincoln road, Christchurch. Telephone 241 N6547-4270 TJEAUTIFUL Gardens make Beautiful Homes. —Choir® Bedding Plants. Petunias (S. Fringed), Stocks (Ten-week Mixed), ABters (Ostrich Plume), Aquilegia (Long-spurred), Lobelia (Compacts), Gypsophila (Elegans and Paniculata), Iceland Poppy, Schizanthus, Nemesia (Stramorn) and ■blue Gem. Al?o. all the best varieties cf Tomato Plants. R. S. SHILLITO, 767 Colombo street (near Armagh street). 'Phone 2933. > SBSC3-4822 Lake Sydenham Lake 'I v, Vt'O lines of American Sydenham Lake Stnr.dr.rdiscd Boots Sydenham for Men. Sydenham Lake Sydonhaa la&a Strong Waxed Kip Sj-<3enham Lake Derbys, Screwed and Sydenham Lake Stitched to Hosl, very Sydenham L*ke wide, Full Tooa, 31s 6d. Sydenham Lake Syd enbam Lake Stout Gun Metal Calf Sydenham Lake Derbys, Screwed and Sydenham Lake Stitched 'o Heel, very Sydenham Lake wide, Full Toes, 31s 6d- Sydenham Ijtke Sydenham lake These Boots cost 6s per Sydenham Lake pair more to land in New Sydenham Lake Zealand than we are sell- Sydenham Lake ing thim. Sydenham Xfek* Sydenham PUBLIC NOTICE. J. A. MtCLINTOCK, FERN CYCLE WORKS, 26 VICTORIA STREET, Christchurch. ALL Classes of Repairs a Speciality. Now is the time to have your Macliine Overhauled, Re-enamei!cd, and Plated at Lowesi Prices. 'Phone '2439. McCGO7
Page 11 Advertisements Column 5
Press, Issue 16678, 12 November 1919, Page 11
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