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(Br "Lookeh-On.") There was some interesting work done at Riccarton yesterday morning. The trial grass was open and was used freely, while a number of horses were sprinted on the plough, and ono or two wero allowed to use the outside of tbo course proper. Those present had the pleasure of seeing the greatest mile gallop done at Riccarton for many years, if not since the course was constructed. Carrying B. Doeley, and on the outsido of the course proper, Gloaming, with shoes on, cantered round until nearing thi mile peg. Jumping off, he ran the first furlong in 11 3-5, two in 23 4-5, three in 35 4-5, and four in 48 4-5. Running on strongly against a north-east broeze, the Welkin gelding raced past the winning post in the phenomenal time of 1.39 2-5, having run the last hnlf-mile in 50 3-5. It is possiblo that Mr G. D. Greenwood's fine galloper could not nave gone any faster, but he was not ridden out as Deeley sat still on his mount- all the way. Winter Wind finished well clear of jMoorfoul at the end of three furlongjs in 36 on the plough. Link Up ran four furlongs on the same course in 50 2-5. Onslaught was going better than Nightraider at the finish of fivo furlongs on the plough in 1.2 4-5. Warlove and Wardanoer separately did half-pace work over two circuits. Starlike beat Grim Joke over hsjlf a mile in 50 3-o. Rose Wreath pleased by running a mile in 1.43 4-5 and finishing well. Both gallops wero on the plough Gay Lad, who was to havo sprinted five furlongs, took charge of his rider and galloped a strong mile, the last seven furlongs being run in 1.32 2-5. He was sore afterwards. Desert Gold sprinted on the trial grass, while Bon Spec did a round on the plough at a strong half-pace. Achillodes jumped two flights of hurdles splendidly, but Con the Shaughraun baulked several times, and was afterwards schooled over the pony fences where ho could not run off.
Braekonfield did steady pacing. St. Winnow ran the last five of a six-fur-long gallop in 1.4 on the plough.
' Tho before breakfast work was concluded with Maioha running four furlongs on the plough in a tick under 50-
(Br "Searchlight.") Acceptances for the second day of the Now Zealand Metropolitan T.C.'s Spring Meeting close at noon to-day. H. Frost, who rode Granger in the Empire Handicap at Addington yesterday, was called off for starting before his time, and was fined £10. Trix Pointer, winner of the New Zealand Trotting Cup J has Been a very consistent performer. Her winnings to date total £4368 15s, the result of ten firsts, eleven seconds, and seven thirds. She was imported to New Zealand by F. Holmes, who has been associated with the American-bred mare in all her engagements. The New Zealand Trotting Cup was the medium of spirited speculation, £16,147 10s being invested on the various competitors, this sum .being the largest vet invested on any one race in the Dominion. SOUTH CANTERBURY J.C.'S SPRING MEETING. (special to "the press.") TIMARU, November 11. The following nominations havo been received : — OTAIO HURDLES HANDICAP, of 135 rovs ; ono mile and a half—Jack Symons, Kimbolton, Prince Delaware, Sir Medallist, Sea. Blue, Onlooker, Leaping Bum, Bjorneborg, Achilledee, S*n Sebastian, Golden
Prince, Hylans, Gaylight, Master Hamilton, Barrister, Vociferate, Frog. ' SPRING STAKES, of 100 jovs; five furlongs—Bonny Mac, Dinah Bold, Master Dennis, Eight Bells, Footlights, Heath Lass, Smoke, Fernbric, Some Kid. Miss Camouflage, Foo Chow, Glenlake, Wanigtvn, Lady Winston, Balefire, Lari&sa, Belgian King, Sunlit. Light Lillie.
TESCHEMAKER MEMORIAL HANDICAP, of 330 sovs; one milo and a quarter— AU Ready. Spyslaes, 'Pacific Slope, Warlove, Macduff. Cave Rock. Mustard Pot, St. Winr.wv, I loyal Star, Kilmoon, Bonetter, John Barlcvcorn, Glcnshine, Larissa, Almoner. TYCHO HACK HANDICAP, of 110 eovs; six furlongs—Steepholm, Penola, Eight Bolls, Mandrake, Darky Sam, The Bv-&?, Sartomart, Silver Peak, Immense, Starlike, Grim Joke, Lady Superior, Irish Elcganco, High Heels, Stravfhot, .Te\v,'sh Mai;l, Revolution. PRESIDENT'S WELTER HANDICAP, of COO eovs: seven furlongs—Radial, All Ready, Pans Souci, Burrnngong, Indus, Link Up, Tremena, Borodino, Hioro, Golden Prince, Belishirc, Spectual. Revocation, Almoner, Bombproof !r\ibto:fuge.
MAIDEN PLATE, of 100 sova; five furlon cs —Ancer.ia, Sherlock, Eight- Bells. Footlights, Narova, Pembric, Immense, Glamis, Mi3s Camouflage, Lady Markhope, Sea'forth, Grim Joke, Makarcff —Sophistic geldias:, Golden Crozier, Vioo Komi, L::<iy Winston, North S;a, Cr.etelhn, Jewish Maid, Juliana, Larissa, Pas, Sport, Sunlit, Heath Lass. KERRYTOWN HACK WELTER HANDICAP, of I'2o eovs; teven furlongs—Cannio Jack, Consultation, Kimbnlton. Dinah Bold, Rapid River, Sartomart, Strathglnss, Somo Girl, Indus, Leaping Burn, Red Pool, Warlorm, St. Winnow, Starlike. Lady Superior, Barley Riss, Vice Regal, Mythology, All Serene, Barrage, Jack Symona, Belgian King, Bombproof.
FLYING HANDICAP, of 2CO fovb; six furlongs—Radiol. Thw-iue, Gamecock, Mandrake, Sans Souci. Braid. Link Up, Tremena, Bonetter, Melee, Mortham, Cerberus, Almoner. Moorabbo, Bon Spcc, Pyjama, Killowen. Robert Bell.
LEVELS HURDLE HANDICAP, of 125 6ovs; ono milo and a hull—Jack Symons, Rimbolton, Prinoo Delaware, Sir Medallist, Soa Blue, Onlooker. Leaping Burn, Bjornoborg, .Achilledes, San Sebaetian. Golden Prince, Hylans. Gaslight, Master Hamilton, Barrister, Vociferate, FTog. JUVENILE HANDICAP, of 100 fovs; five furlongs—Sherlock. Smoke, Somo Kid, Link Cp, Miss Camouflage, Foo Chow, Glenla'te, Wanigan, Castellan, Jowish Maid, Sunlit, Mantua, Light Lillie. SOUTH CANTERBURY HANDICAP, of 1250 eovs; one mile—All Ready, Pacific Slope, Macduff, Cave Rock, Muotard Pot, Burrangong, Braid. Spyglass, Warlove, St. Winnow, Tremena, Kilmoon, Bonetter, Melee, John Barleycorn, Glensliine, Cerberus, Almoner, Gamecock Bon Spec, Subterfuge. CLAREMONT HACK HANDICAP, of 110 eovs; eevon furlongs—Bonny Mac, Tlio Bogs, Dinah Bold, Rapid River, Sartomart, Penola, Eight BelLs, Mandrake, Silver Peak, Immense, Starlike, Grim Joke, Lady Superior, Barley Rigs, V ico Regal, Mythology, Irish Elegance, North Sea, Stiayahot, Warform, Belgian King, Bombproof, Footligbt, Revolution.
STEWARDS' WELTER HANDICAP, of 200 eovs; seven furlongs—All Ready, Steepholm, Cavo Rock, Eight Bells, Mustard Pot, Sans Souci, Indus, Tremena, Bonetter, Borodino, Hicro, Bellshire, Burrangong, Spcct-ual, Revocation, Almoner, Bombproof, Subterfuge. TRIAL PLATE of 100 eovs; six furlongs— Bonny Mac, Master Dennis, Daxky Sam, Footlights, Narova, Pembric, • Somo Kid, Glamis, Lady Markhope, Innisfallen, Grim Joke, Makaroff gelding, Golden Crozier, Vice Regal, Lady Winston, High Heels, North Sea, Balefield, Jewish. Maid, Juliana, Larissa, Eight Bell?, Pax, Sunlit, Sport, Heath Laso. KINGSDOWN HACK WELTER HANDICAP, of 125 bovs; one mile—Cannio Jack, Consultation, Dinah Bold, Sartomart, Strathglass, Penola, Footlights, Somo Girl, Immense, Braid, Leaping Burn, Red Pool, St. Winnow, Starlike, Golden Crozicr, Barky Rigs, Mythology, Lady Winston, All Serene, Barrage, Spyglass, Jock Symons, Pax, Belgian King. FAREWELL HANDICAP, of 175 eovs; six furlongs—Radial, Theslius, Gamecock, Mandrake, Moorabbe, Sans Souci, Indus, Braid, Link Up, Tremena,. Bonetter, Meleo, Borodino, Mortham, Spectual, Almoner, Bon Spec, Pyjama, Killowcn, Robert Bell, Revocation.
SALE of racehorses. Messrs Pyne, Gould, Guinness, Ltd., offered, on behalf o» Mr J. B. Reid, Elderelie, n, number of' thoroughbreds in training-, with their engagements, for ealo at the Choster street stables yesterday morning. Tho attendants© was largo, and bidding spirited, although one or two lots did not reach the reserves placed on them. tho list of 6aies is 'as follows: — Gns. B g Kilmoon, 4yrs, by Kilbroney (imp.) —St. Sophia.—Passed at .. .. 875 B pr Killowcn, 4yie,_ by Kilbroney— Honesty—J. Biggins, Mosgiel .. 800 B f Punka, 4yrs, by Cooltrim —Drowsy. —'W. H. Gaisford, Dumevirke .. 1225 Br f Kilalla, by Kilbroney—Arai-te-Uru.—Passed at .. 230 Br f Catulani, 4yrs, by Catmint—Symbolism (imp.)—J. Keovos, Wanganui 825 Ch f Sun Dance, 3yrs, by Sunny Lake — Showaxio—lt. W. Ellis, Sockburn .. 233 B f Sunlit, 3yrs, by Sunny Lake —St. Sophia.—R. Millar .. 100 Blk f Kilcalm, 3yrs, bv Kilbroney— Esther—G. Gould, Christchurch .. 325 B f Sunny Corner, -2yrß, by Sunny Lako —Angelina.—Passed at .. 300 Several other horses were offered on account of various owners, but Lovelock, a b f by Martian —Nones, who was purchased by Mr E. Brandon, of Hasting®, for 86 gn?, was the only one sold. THE MELBOURNE CUP. HOW THE RACE WAS RUN. Australian papers to hand by yesterday'q .mail bring details of the race for tho Melbourne Gup. Tho Sydney "Daily Telegraph'' 6ays:— A good deal of speculation on the principal event took placo before tho running of tho Hurdle Race. Nightwalcli had ft little better of tho call in tho betting, tho result, ill is said, of bookmakers covering doublo pos- 1 sibilities. Lucknow and Chrome followed! him closely, and others drifted out, in eomo eases to fairly long odds. Whilo tho horsed were emerging from the weighing" onclosurd tho crowd showed the greatest anxiety to secure good positions, and crowdcd on to. tho stands and blockcd the passage ways. Probably no such scene has previously been wit-, nessed at Flemington, Lucknow's rider de- , layed tho start through returning to have his gear further overhauled, and it was 3.4(1 p.m. boforo tho field lined up. The fancicd of tho spectators, and particularly tho local horses, were given ovations which, would havt) been generous enough if they had already" landed tho rich stake. Tho starter had little difficulty in despatching the field. Lan Or was the first to break the line, followed b>< Lucknow, Richmond Main, Two Blues, Toledo®, and Millie mo, tho remainder of tha field being bunched close up. At the junction of the courses Telecles led from Milliemo and Artiileryman.. As they swept past the stand Milliemo was taken to tho front, followed by British Arch, Telecles, Richmond Main, Kenilford, Lucknow, lan Or, ana! Clever Jim. With little variation, they raii to tho seven furlongs, whero tho pace wa£ ciapped on. Alilliemo etifl held the others off, but Dick Meagher moved up, and took a good position behind tho pacemaker, Bri* tisli Arch also making a forward move. Ia» Or improved his position, and Lucknow could bo notiocd a little farther back, -nt this parti Nightwatch seemed to be too far away t» havo a chance. Dick Meagher ran to thd front passing the eheds, and Chrome camo through tho field. Richmond Main and Artilleryman set out after "the leaders. Lewis got a remarkable opening on tho rails, and took Artilleryman to tho front. Teleclee challenged the colt, and for a time held hid own, but Artilleryman waa full of going, and! Lewis, shaking him up, left tho field, and, putting in a brilliant and sensational run, quickly put several lengths between himself* and his next nearest attendant. Killorn, on Richmond Main, called on tho Derby winner at the distance, but he could make little impression on Artilleryman, for Lewis placed the result beyond'all doubt by running homa an easy winner by six lengths, l'wo Blued was third, a half-length off. Lucknow wad fourth. Chrome, Snub, Menin, lan Or, Nightwatch, Kenilford, and Ard-na-rce sue-* ceeded, in that order. ®rinco Yiridis and Kunegstia whipped in. Tho time, 3m 24Js, is a coureo record.
Lewis and Artilleryman were {riven an ovation on roturning to the scale. Tho winner who is by Comedy King out of Ctofj? Batterv, ia raced by Mr A. V. Murphy anij Sir Samuel Hordcrn, and was bred by Its £!. Green. Tho owners were heartily congratulated ori tho eucccss of a good and gamo colt sucll ne Artilleryman -undoubtedly proved him-> self. Sir Samuel Hordcrn i 3 a. plucky buyer at tho ringside, and with the anticipation of winning the Melbourne Cup with Kenilford ho recently gave 35C0 guineas for th<* t>on of Kenil'Aorth. who failed, however, td run up to expectations. That ho had a much better candidate to carry hifl lias sjnoo been proved. Sir Samuel Hordern, 'viio 13 a member of the A.J.C. committee, \vu3 naturally elated at the eucceee of Artilleryman, who was selected by himself afl tho dispersal sale of the Shipley Stud in January, 1918. Laet year Nightwatch created a new record for the race, viz., 3min 2520 ec, but with thd achievement, of Artilleryman it did not re- 1 main lonfc unbroken. Tho following intermediate times recorded by Mr F. W. Heath are of interest.—First half-mile, 1918, So}6cc, 1919, s!isec; 6ocond half-milo, 1918, 53jBec, 1919, 52ieec; third half-milo, 1918. 52scc, 1919, Cljsec; fourth half-mile, 1918, 49i»ec, 1919, 49sec; laet six furlongs, 1018, lmin 15Jsec, 3919, lmin 14i«ec; concluding mile, 1918, lmin 41jsec, 1919, lmin 40Jscc; full journey, 191£U 1913. 3min
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Press, Issue 16678, 12 November 1919, Page 9
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2,016SPORTING. Press, Issue 16678, 12 November 1919, Page 9
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SPORTING. Press, Issue 16678, 12 November 1919, Page 9
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