SOME SUGGESTIONS. Most of us have been in the painful position of wanting to give something w a friend or relation, and being unable to chooss a suitable gift. With the I 6 season approaching, many people in Gnristchurch are confronted with this problem, which can so easily be avoided. Take a stroll down Cashel inspect some of Messr ß Witts, Ltd., special lines. A wide range of ladies' baqs in .the nowest and daintiest style will save the mere man a lot or thinking when he is considering something for the womenfolk. Juoror cushions of tasteful colouring and TwPir nr °i ere , ,n £ refl t profusion. Travelling bags, both small and large, can be found to suit evory requirement, the summer holidays approacni.ns this is a necessary possession, j special line of men's lettcr-cnses and wallets is ono which will appeal to thej ,° re ?lises he has carried his or +£« I°J° ln i }lls P op ket long enough, I TmH'l\ y it for him. „ ? ~! a T 6 just received a large: anr? / f Chri . st ™s greeting cards, I srnrW ndars ' with views, „„ r j ® overseas. Private greeting rt e " r t h,& e . in pl ™ ty - um i
Press, Issue 16678, 12 November 1919, Page 9
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