FLIGHT FROM AUSTRALIA TO XEW ZEALAND. 1 CONFIDENT AUSTRALIAN AERONAUT. (from orn own- correspondent.) SI DNEY, Norcmbor 5. Tho oossibilities of aeroplane flights between Australia and New Zealand were discussed with me yesterday bv Captain Roy King, D.5.0., D.F.C., of Sydney. Captain King is confident that flights to New Zealand arts quit,, practicable, anil says thai ho is pre. pared to demonstrate that they are by making the flight himself, boforo the end of the year, if suffi-iont inducement is offered. It could lx> done in 12 hours he snys, with a modern machine, such as Caj>tain Mathews is using (a Sopwith transport) on the flight from England to Australia.
lhero are, he states, a number of machines capable of non-stop flights of over 1000 miles, and they could be used for the transport of mails and tho carriage of from 8 to 10 passengers per trip. lliey could bo in wireless communication with both Australia or New Zealand the whole way across. If the New Zealand Govornment will only offer a substantial enough prize they will see me over there por aeroplane before the year is out," he declared
Captain King has a distinguished record us an aeronaut, lie was n flight commander in the Fourth Australian (Squadron, and, among other notable achievements, brought down 26 Ger man machines.
A WINGLESS MACHINE. (By Cable—Press Association—Copyright.) (United Scrvic?.) LONDON, November 8. The Paris correspondent of tho "Daily Mail" states that the French Govern- ! Mont has bought tho patents for a wingless, twin-engined, airplane designed by Professor Lecoin, nud an engineer named Danblnnc, who claim th»t it solves the difficulties of vertical ascension and slow flight, as well as ability to remain motionless in the air. The machino is provided with twin, four-bladod propellers, tho blades being built, of material resembling tho wings of tiio ordinary airplane, but much stronger. Each blaclo is capablo of being given a change of angle, thus regulating the machine's evolutions and speed. If tho engines fail the manipulation of tho propeller will enable tho machino to volplane normally to earth. POULET'S PROGRESS. (Received Novembor lltli. 7.40 p.m.) LONDON', November i.O. Poulet, en route from Bunder Abbas to Karachi, has passed Chahbar.
Press, Issue 16678, 12 November 1919, Page 8
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